Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 24 - "This is Not Going to End Well..."; Shhuusshuru Arrival

Chapter 24 - "This is Not Going to End Well..."; Shhuusshuru Arrival

"Have you found it, Katrina?", asks FireStone, rummaging through the ancient library.

"Not yet, FireStone.", replies Katrina, looking through a different section. "Does it have a certain look to it or...?"

"Almost all the books here have the same look or feel. Being that as it may, we might be here for hours on end-."

"Found it!"

"Are your sure?"

"I study my sanscript everyday, so I'm never rusty." She opens the book to the index.

FireStone walks up to her.

"Alright. Let's see... Da, da, da, da, da, da, daaaa. Ah! Here we go! 'How to Achieve or Reachieve Telekinesis. Pages 345-367.'" She quickly turns the book to those pages.

"Let us hope we can fix Tatsumaki."

"You're only saying that because you're scared of my Trainer."

"Lie! I am not scared of Mancer! I respect his strength."

"You're just beating around the bush of fear, FireStone."

"Just shut up and read."

"Okay..." Being the speed reader she is, she quickly finds the pages they need. "Ah! Here! 'In order to reobtain telekinesis, one must obey these rules in order to bring the powers of the mind back. Rule 1: One must be in a state of relaxation.' Yeah, right. Tatsumaki's always pissed. 'Rule 2: Bring yourself back to when you first learned about telekinetics.' For her, that was 7 years ago on the Hero Earth time scale. 'Rule 3: ...' Oh, dear God..." She drops the book, backing up until she sits.

"What is wrong, grandmother? What troubles you?"

"The third rule... Mancer won't allow that."

FireStone picks up the book. Upon seeing the sanscript, he notices the words changing to English. "*The Anscestors... They must be allowing me to read sanscript.*" He gasps, reading the final rule to help regain Tatsumakis telekinetics. "*She is right. This is a horrid rule in order to bring back lost telekinetics.*"

As the smoke settles, it shows Fang rising from the ground. He sees Minerva and BiFrost, growling at them both. He rushes at them, but is suddenly stopped by the chains that hold him. "What is the meaning of this?! Release me, at once!"

Minerva laughs at Fang. "You old fool! Do you really think I could not find a way to keep you at bay once you were revived? I was the one that sought you out. I was the one that revived you. And now, I will have my life back."

"What are talking about, witch?! I have done nothing to you!"

"Bullshit, you haven't! You were the one that set that cursed book out in the Limp Woods for me to find! You knew my curiousity would get the better of me! This is what I have become! It is all your fault, Fang! My true powers will finally return, and I can, once again, return to my home on Lankurt."

"What are you blathering about, witch?! I have never-!" Fang pauses, remembering what Minerva was talking about. He chuckles, slowly going a loud guffaw.

"You dare laugh at me?"

"So, this is how you've turned out? I cannot say that I am surprised. The experiment worked well, BiFrost. Well done."

She aggresively turns to BiFrost. "It was you?! You were the one that did this to me?!"

"I didn't do shit to you!", replies BiFrost, raising his hands. "I didn't even know you, back then! Fang never told the truth about his plans! He always left an empty void for me to discover later on!"

"You still should've asked!"

"And have my head taken off?! Are you fucking insane?!"

Fang guffaws at the two. "Like clockwork, all things lead to destruction."

"Only if you're in the middle of it, Fang."

"Of course. I am at the center of all destruction and pain. I am the only true Corrupted left in existence. You two are mere pawns in this game of chess."

Minerva begins the spell to steal Fangs powers. "No more talk from you, Fang! I will have my life back! Even if I have to kill you to get it!"

Fang screams in pain as his powers leave his body. "!uruhssuuhhS htiw etelpmoc eb lliw snalp yM !nruter lliw I taht lleps tneinca eht ekovni I" His screams grow in bass before his body explodes.

Minerva pants as she now has all of Fangs power to reverse the effects of the spell.

"What the hell was that...?", asks BiFrost, clearly shaken by what Fang said before he exploded.

"Does it matter? I finally have Fangs power to release from this pain. All I need is the potion that I made so long ago." She walks into the other room.

"Wait, you made a potion to help reverse the effects?"

"I made many enemies, as per the potions I made to help those who would not be able to help themselves."

"Well, you better have a poison to stop what's coming."

"What are you so worried about?"

"Did you not hear what Fang said before he died?!"

"It sounded like gibberish to me. I couldn't make out what he said."

"He called upon his Ancient Beast, Sshuushuru."

"Why are you so worried it?"

"That beast is 3 times larger than alpha Houndzard. Even though it has half the power of Fang ultimate form, it can still do alot of damage because it can only be seen other Pokémon or those it wishes to be seen by."

"Are you sure?"

"I was Fangs right-hand man. I know all these things, Minerva. And you just killed the only chance we have at controlling Shhuusshuru. Fang is the only one who can control it."

"No... God help us all..."

Mancer paces in front of Tatsumaki, Fubuki, and Mangle. "*What is takin' them so long?*"

"Mancer, can you stop pacing?", asks Tatsumaki. "You're making me nervous."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that my pacin' is makin' you nervous. Honestly, sis, who gives a shit?"

"Babe, you're scaring the kids.", replies Mangle. "Just go cool down somewhere else. I'm sure FireStone and Katrina are on their way back."

Mancer scoffs, leaving the area.

Mangle heavily sighs, hunching back in her chair. "This is not going ro end well..."

Bang sighs as he sees Mancer walk off, making his way to Xof and Zohr. "I hear you've learned my Martial Art, Xof."

"More or less.", replies Xof.

"How much have you learned?"

"As much as Mancer knows."

"Well, that would be the full technique. Mancer is a 4th degree black belt in Fist of Flowing Water-Crushing Rock. Much like most of my students before the incident with Garou."

"I heard about that from Atomic Samurai.", replies Zohr. "Is it really true about what Garou did to your students?"

"Of course. Garou knew he couldn't beat me in a fight, so he waited until I took my annual fast so he can exact his true plans."

"Tch! Monster wannabe bastard.", replies Xof, crossing his arms. "He's gonna get what's coming to him, one of these days."

"He almost did. Myself and my older brother, Bomb, started our hunt for Garou. It took us quite some time before we found him. When we did, he was fighting Genos."


"He means Demon Cyborg.", replies Zohr. "Class S, Rank 14."

"Hm. You seem very in tune with the Rankings of the Heroes, Zohr.", replies Bang.

"Mostly Class S. That's the Class my Trainer belongs to."