Chapter 39 - Ashamed

"You are playing with fire," he said in his husky voice.

She rose to her tiptoes and kissed him on his lips lightly and stood in her place. "We have to mix up with everyone, if not they will be worried," Lenora said as she walked out of the conspicuous corner and walked in light in a way that everyone could watch her. Maximus grunted and walked behind her.

Lenora walked back to the place where Adira and Zaros were there. She saw Adira was walking away coldly leaving him alone. She knew what he has in his mind. After all, she grew up with him.

Lenora felt she needed to do something for their relationship. If this goes on this won't be any good.

"Even though you hate me, first listen to me. To acquire the werewolf race and rule them is not easy. And even if you want to achieve something that kind there is no need to hurt an innocent lady like this who was protected all her life. Once you get married to her…. You will not be able to break free from grievance if she died in your hands or in front of your eyes," Lenora said appearing in front of him at a vampire speed.

"You don't …" before he could finish his words.

"Werewolves can give birth, unlike Vampires. Keep it in mind. If luck is in your hands…. You might have a direct descendant than a some turned human as your descendant. If you can't love her, respect her give them everything she deserves," Lenora said with a stern face. This was the only way she can stop him. If it was two years ago… he would have listened to her. But it's not the same now. She has to tempt him to make him fall for his future wife.

Zaros couldn't help but agree with his sister's words. The love he has for her as her sibling couldn't be hidden in his heart. A part of him yearned to listen to the words she said two years ago personally. He still believed that she did nothing but in the face of evidence, she broke his heart. As the evidence was placed in front of him, he has no choice but to believe them and release a verdict stating she was guilty. Many times he doubted if it was someone's plot to trap her in this. But he never made an effort whether to know it's true or not. He was holed up with the evidence.

"Did you really kill her?" Zaros asked suddenly disregarding the fact that it might not be the safe place or time or situation to ask.

Lenora was silent for some time. She would have been happy if he has asked her two years ago. She wanted to tell him this many times. She went to his chambers and banged his doors till her hands were bleeding. Even though she healed fast, she started bleeding in pain. She loved him absolutely, but she no longer has the same affections as before.

"I didn't. And I found clues to find the killer," Lenora said with an indifferent look and started taking the steps to walk away from him.

"What happened that night?" he asked again, stopping her. Lenora faced him as she concentrated her indifferent look on his eyes, making him feel guilty of his deeds and actions towards her from two years ago.

"I remember nothing. All I remember was… when I got my consciousness back… I saw Emperor Azezal Laroch and the Princess's lifeless body drained from blood," Lenora said and walked away from him.

She doesn't want to tell him more details. She hoped he forget that matter and let her solve it. And also hoped he treats Adira well. She was a great woman. And if nurtured well she could become a great asset in the future.

Lenora quickly joined the group leaving Zaros alone to fend for his thoughts. Her words only made Zaros feel further ashamed. Maybe he was impulsive. With Emperor Azezal Laroch in the picture, anything can be possible. Maybe he shall investigate this thing personally in secret.

Zaros when he came out of his thoughts decided to rest his thoughts and join the group to reach the Great Witch's tower.

Soon, everyone reaches the gates of the Great Witch's tower. It was dark and giving off a murderous aura scaring people away.