Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 23 - Training Starts Now...

Chapter 23 - Training Starts Now...

Chapter 22 - Training Starts Now...

"This is unbelievable."

Urahara solemnly nodded as he and his long time friend, Yoruichi, stared at the unconscious bodies of Ichigo, Orihime and Chad including their associates, Rias and her friends. All of them were bandaged in several parts of their bodies, but the one who was covered the most was Ichigo being the powerhouse that he is.

The two Shinigami stared at the unconscious bodies of their much younger friends until they turned their attention to the only one who's awake and the only one who can tell them what happened.

The blonde healer from Rias's group: Asia Argento.

"Asia…" Yoruichi said soothingly, trying to avoid provoking or hurting the girl's feelings. "Can you tell us what happened to all of you?"

Instead of an immediate answer, she got the girl hugging her knees close to her chest with wide eyes and a terrified expression while rocking her body forward and backward. The poor girl is clearly traumatized from the ordeal.

Going to a different approach, Yoruichi wrapped her arms around the shaking girl and pulled her in close to her body to calm her down. It wasn't long until the shaking subsided. "… Asia…" The girl looked at the smiling Yoriuchi as she felt his arms tightened around her. "Sweetie… can you tell us what happened to you and the others?" asked Yoruichi in a soothing tone.

"O-okay," said a very traumatized Asia. "Well… it all started… when Ichigo transformed into his Bankai thingie."

(Flashback Begins)

"Getsuga Tensho!" The Bankai-clad Ichigo shouted as he swung his sword, releasing the distinctive black wave that forced the group of Shinobi away from his scared friends.

The crazed Hidan, after dodging the attack, cried out as he charged at the Shinigami with his readied scythe. However Ichigo saw the attack ahead and blocked it in time to push Hidan away before jumping back to dodge a lightning bolt that cut through the building behind him into two halves.

Ichigo grunted as he landed on top of a car just as Kakuzu, Hidan and the Kuniochi spread out in a semi-circle formation with their hands formed in different signs. "So… who wants to get hurt first?" asked a serious Ichigo clad with black aura emitting from his body.

"The only one who's going to get hurt here is you!" Shizuka cried out before she charged at him with her fists covered in wind chakra. "Nadeshiko Style: Gale Force!"

Ichigo intended to block the incoming attack, but he quickly jumped off the car as Shizuka's fist collided against it. As he was in mid-air, Ichigo's eyes widen when the car was smashed from the clearly destructive power behind the attack. "She's a Wind Style user just like Naruto, only less powerful."

He knows firsthand about the strength behind Naruto's Wind Style Ninjutsu during their spars, so comparing the girl's elemental Ninjutsu to Naruto's… there is no competition in his opinion.

"Less powerful you say?" Shizuka asked after hearing Ichigo's words. She rapidly formed series of hand-seals before sharply spinning her wind chakra-coated arms in a counter-clockwise motion. "Wind Style: Heaven Twin Dragons!"

Before he knew it, Ichigo was being pushed by a dual dragon-shaped tornado with his blade holding it back, although he feels him-self being pushed back. After digging his feet into the concrete street for more friction, Ichigo was about to release another Getsuga Tensho when he saw the other Shinobi lined next to Shizuka, all with their hands formed in a sign except Hidan.

"Crap!" Ichigo shouted with disdain.

"Lightning Style: False Darkness!"

"Lightning Style: Stream!"

Streams of lightning shot out of the hands of the three Shinobi after they thrust their arms, engulfing the dragon-shaped tornado and increasing its destructive power.

As much as he held on and resisted the attack with his blade, Ichigo's footing lost the stable friction and was being violently pushed back across the street before he crashed against a large red semi-truck. The impact plus the elemental attacks ignited the gas inside the truck, causing a big explosion followed by equal-sized smoke cloud.

"Ha! This guy is nothing compared to us!" Hidan bragged as the crackle of the flames roared from their fiery origin. When he saw the others staring at the fire, Hidan gripped his scythe as the flames were beginning to swirl around the destroyed truck. "What's going on now?"

A very strong burst of wind was his silent answer as it blew out the flames, revealing a very alive and not roasted Ichigo with the black aura streaming from his shoulders. His coat, however, was not spared as the upper left torso and arm sleeve were gone and the ragged ends are even more ragged than before.

"He's strong." Karui commented as she gripped her sword before Shunshining behind Ichigo and swung her weapon, only to hit nothing but air. "And fast." When the sky went dark for a brief moment, Karui looked up to see the large black wave from before crashing down on her, which didn't hit her after she Shunshined back to her fellow Shinobi.

The blast crashed on the spot where the Kuniochi was standing, completely obliterating the burning truck and the surrounding cars while also leaving a huge crater in its place.

Kakuzu annoyingly rolled his eyes at the Kunoichi. "Idiot."

"Hey! Who are you calling an idiot?!" A pissed off Karui remarked back with a tick mark on her forehead.

"Precisely my point." The immortal Shinobi didn't bother to look at the angry Karui who was being held back by Shinzuka while cursing words. "Besides I believe our… friend has a different side to him."

Before any of them could ask their question to what he just said, a loud and tremendous force landed on the concrete before them and it was the Shinigami who was on one knee while his body was shaking and his head was lowered, so they couldn't see his face.

"N-no… Not-Not this… time. No!" Those were the last words out of Ichigo before a maniacal laugh escaped from his lips. "Oh Ichigo…" That put the group of ninja even Kakuzu on guard when they heard the clearly different voice. "Just like in Soul Society, I have to be the one to show these clowns how to really fight! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Samui shuddered a little. "What's with that creepy voi-" She was caught off-guard as a black blade pierced through her torso, specifically between the valley of her cleavage, soaked in her blood. As the light begin to dim in her eyes, all she saw were her fellow Shinobi expressing surprise before she heard were two familiar yet dangerously words from behind her.

"Getsuga Tensho."

(Flashback Ends)

"He was so scary. And so ruthless." Asia began to tear up before being cuddled by Yoruichi again to calm down. "It was like he was a completely different person."

Leaning against the wall, Urahara let out a deep sigh with his crossed arms. "The Hollow did in fact took control over Ichigo earlier. Traces of the dark Spiritual Pressure were everywhere. The carnage itself was… horrific." He exited his thoughts before speaking to the girl. "Asia… what else happened?"

"Kisuke!" The said man flinched at Yoruichi's threatening glare. "I believe Asia is done for now. She needs rest."

Sighing at himself, Urahara nodded his agreement. "Of course." He got on to one knee after getting close to Asia and Yoruichi. "Sorry, Asia. Sometimes I can be a little unconcerned about other people's well-being."

Yoruichi scoffed as she raised an angry eyebrow. "A little?"

"What? I'm just a handsome shopkeeper with employees and a hot female friend." Ignoring the female Shinigami's rants about him being an annoying idiot, he chose to ask Asia once again, but this time in a soothing voice. "Asia, can you tell us what happened next after Ichigo's… unfortunate takeover?"

After wiping away her tears and breathing deeply to calm herself, Asia nodded before drawing her face away from the comfort of Yoruichi's chest. "Well…"

(Flashback Begins)

Asia, Orihime and the others watched in horror when one of the Kuniochi was completely vaporized by the Hollow-possessed Ichigo's enhanced Getsuga Tensho.

"Samuii!" Karui shouted in despair and shock before anger took over her. She drew her lightning-covered white katana before charging at the deranged Shinigami. "You bastard!"

"Wait, Karui! He's drawing you in!"

Shizuka's words fell on deaf ears as Karui swung her blade at the maniacal Ichigo when he was in range. However the sword's blade snapped into two despite of the lightning chakra's increased sharpness after Ichigo simply blocked it with a downward parry and punched Karui in the stomach.

The last thing Shizuka saw of Karui was the latter being launched across the street, crashing through a row of buildings until finally stopping at a burger joint that blew up upon impact.

"*Whistle* That was gnarly and cruel." Hidan commented with his hand on his forehead, trying to see how far the distance the girl was sent flying. He then looked at the grinning Hollow Ichigo before an equally maniacal grin slowly spread across his lips. "I like this side of you! I'm going to enjoy sacrificing you to Jashin."

"Screw you and your Jashin!"

Hidan's world seemed to freeze in place as his head tilted to the side. "What was that?" The response he got was the Shinigami raise a fist and flipped him off with the bird in the middle. "I didn't hear that last statement."

"Screw. You. And. Your. Jashin." Hollow Ichigo drawled out, speaking in a way an adult would to a child. "Did you hear that, you sorry excuse of a killer?"

As he expected, the bloodthirsty Shinobi charged at the Shinigami and delivered a strike with his scythe, which was blocked by the crazed Hollow's blade, leading into a clash of sword and scythe. After realizing they reached a stalemate, Hidan shifted his the scythe to the right, leaving the possessed Ichigo vulnerable to a swift kick to the stomach.

Seeing his opponent crash against the wall, seemingly dazed, Hidan looked back at his colleagues for support, only to find Shizuka being the one present. "Hey! Where the hell is Kakuzu?!" Shizuka gave a shrug of the shoulders. "Ah! Forget that bastard! I'll handle this guy myself!"

"Realy? How do you plan to do that…" Hidan's eyes widen when he felt a hand on his head before tasting the concrete ground against his will. "…When you leave yourself wide open!" The mask-clad Ichigo chuckled menacingly as he lifted Hidan up with his occupied arm and slashed his chest with a powerful swing before kicking him away through another building that collapsed from the tremendous force. "Pathetic."

As soon as he said those words, a big splatter of blood sprayed from his body. Instead of reacting in a shock expression, the Hollow-possessed Ichigo simply touched his chest with his hand as he brought it to his face before licking the blood off of his fingertips, bringing a sickening smile on his lips.

"Gross." Shizuka commented as she was above the deranged Ichigo while bringing down a wind chakra-coated axe kick.

As expected, the Hollow-possessed Ichigo blocked the attack with his blade, causing the ground beneath to crack from the impact of the colliding forces.

But there weren't any signs of cracks or breaking on the blade.

With another swift kick to the stomach, Hollow Ichigo sent the shocked Kuniochi involuntarily smash her body against a brown van, greatly indenting the side door. Before Shizuka could regain her footing or her bearings, Hollow Ichigo Shunpoed in front of her and swiftly delivered a thrust through her chest.

Eyes widen in pain and shock, Shizuka spat out a small of blood. "Gah!"

"Hmph." The possessed Shinigami actually sounded disappointed from his tone. "Somehow I missed your heart and lungs." He withdrew his sword out of the woman's chest, eliciting a pained groan before gently placing the tip of the blade against her forehead. "I won't miss this time."

As he was about to make the attack, his arm suddenly went limp after a thin spray of blood splattered from his shoulder. To his rarely surprised and confusion expression to what just happened, his answer came from behind him in the voice of a barking Shinobi.

"Feeling a bit numb there?" Hollow-possessed Ichigo turned around to see the annoying Hidan alive and well with a retractable small spear dug into his left shoulder.

However there are two very distinctive factors surrounding him.

The first was his skin being black with white markings all over him, giving him the appearance of a skeleton. The second was that he was standing in the center of an insignia drawn with blood. "Curse Jutsu: Dead Possesion Blood."

Instead of panicking, the Hollow mask-clad Ichigo asked him in an amused tone. "Really? That sounds like sort of intimidating."

"'Sort of'?" Hidan repeated with a tick mark. "With this technique, I can inflict any injury to my body I want and that same injury is transferred onto you." He demonstrated by pulling out the spear from his shoulder and made a long cut on his right forearm, causing Hollow Ichigo to look at his left forearm and see the same wound on it as well.

Before long, he felt pain course through his body as blood splattered from different parts of his body after the repeated stabbings done by one crazed Hidan.

"There is no escaping from me once this jutsu is activated. You're at my mercy."

With his head lowered enough to prevent the others seeing his face, Hollow Ichigo started to chuckle. That chuckle grew to slow laughter and soon that slow laugher exploded into the familiar maniacal laughter that the Hollow is known for.

"Oh, that's rich right there! Me at your mercy!" The possessed Shinigami laughed more until he finally calmed him-self with a knowing smirk. "However I do see the weakness in your jutsu."

"Oh and what's that?" Hidan asked mockingly as Hollow Ichigo held his sword's blade pointing the ground.

A maniacal grin appeared on his face. "You need to be inside that circle of yours!" He stabbed his blade into the ground and unleashing a powerful Getsuga Tensho across the concrete ground in every direction including Hidan's location.

"No!" Hidan cried out before looking at the spear dripping with his opponent's blood. He then prepared to stab him-self in the chest where the heart would be. "Die bastard! Your attack won't reach my circle before I-"

"-Before you what?" The possessed Shinigami taunted behind Hidan after a Shunpo with his free arm holding Hidan's occupied arm. "Before you lose?" He looked down to the circle, prompting the Shinobi to look down as well.

Horror grew inside him when he saw the foot of his opponent having smudged the circle, breaking the technique evidenced by his skin returning to its original color. The horror inside Hidan grew when mask-clad Ichigo stabbed him repeatedly in the back before holding him in place as one of the Getsuga Tensho blasts engulfed them while destroying the streets even more than before.

After the smoke cleared from the other blasts, Hollow Ichigo was completely fine despite of the torn Bankai robe and burn marks on his torso.

However that didn't go the same way for his opponent.

Still being held in his hand, a very pissed off Hidan whose body was badly burned while missing a leg and arm, both of which the ligaments are bleeding profusely from their sockets. "Damn you!" He spat out blood while trying escape from his grip and when that didn't work, he tried to take off his head, which was blocked by Hollow Ichigo's sword.

"Good bye!" The mask-clad Shinigami stabbed Hidan in the back once again, this time right where the heart was located. "GESTUGA TENSHO!" He shouted as another powerful burst of his signature attack engulfed his immortal opponent, but there was something different about the latest Getsuga.

The blast was white with a light red outline and it completely devastated the entire block as the neighboring buildings were now rubble. Gallons of water spread upward from the broken pipes like a fountain in a park. Countless wires swayed with sparks of electricity crackled in the sound barrier.

Lowering his left arm that once held his opponent, Hollow Ichigo looked at his left side where he found Shizuka sitting against a car that somehow managed to remain undamaged with the look of horror and fear evident in her eyes.

"Since he's gone, that leaves you and me all alone." He teased with a menacing look as he started to walk towards the petrified Kunoichi, only to stop on his third step. "How long are the two of you are going to wait there?" Dismissing the confused Shizuka, Hollow Ichigo turned around to see that Kakuzu guy who left early in the battle and Karui, the Lightning Kunoichi he launched through a series of buildings, evident of her tattered clothing and bleeding cheeks.

"Tell us of Uzumaki's whereabouts and we will let your friends live…" Kakuzu and Karui snapped their fingers. A puff of smoke appeared behind them before being cleared by a gust of wind to reveal Chad, Orihime, Rias and her friends all covered with deep gashes all over their bodies and black bruises all of their faces. "…For now, that is."

Instead of pleading or demanding their release, the possessed Shinigami simply laughed at them before saying, "Kill them for all I care."

"I-Ichigo?" Orihime whimpered as tears build up in her eyes while Chad and the demon teenagers were in shock.

Karui was also surprised before her anger took over her surprise and pointed her blade at Orihime's throat, much to the chargin of the teenage girl and her friends. "Tell us where Uzumaki and we will kill them all, starting with her."

"And like I said before: kill them for all I care. I-" He stopped with a loud grunt as his body started shaking while gripping his face with his free hand. "No! What are you doing?!" His sword-occupied arm started flailing around as he staggered on the pavement. "You don't need them! You don't need her! No! NOOOOOO!"

Everyone watched when the Shinigami gripped the mask before yanking it off his face with a loud agonized scream for the possessor. Moments passed until the orange-haired Shinigami raised his head and showed the familiar face Orihime and Chad clearly recognized.

"Ichigo!" Orihime contently cried out as her crush is free from whatever possessed him.

"O-Orhime… C-Chad… I'm sorry." With those words, Ichigo fell on the ground with a loud thud and blood slowly escaped from the wounds Hidan inflicted on him with his Curse Jutsu.

A slightly angry Kakuzu sighed at this. "Great. Now we don't know where our target is and the only one who does know just died on us."

"What should we do then?" asked Shizuka as she limped her way until she stood next to Kakuzu while staring at the hostages. "I vote we kill them and send a message to Uzumaki."

Before any of her colleagues could agree or disagree in any way, the black portal of the Shinju's design opened behind them, surprising them all. "What's happening? Why is the portal open? Did one of you open it?" asked Karui with her blade still pointed at a scared Orihime.

"No." The immortal Shinobi responded before he went silent. The Kunoichi watched him as he gave nods every five seconds like he's in a conversation with someone. After a final nod, Kakuzu looked at the female ninja. "It's time to go."

"What?! Why?!" asked both furious Kunoichi.

"Because the Shinju declares it." And with that statement, the Kunoichi reluctantly walked into the portal with frustrated and angry looks directed at the hostages. As he was about to follow them inside, Kakuzu turned around and delivered a message to them. "Tell Uzumaki that we will return for his head and for you all. You may not know when, but rest assured that we will return to this world."

With that said and done, Kakuzu stepped inside the black portal, leaving behind the now unconscious teenagers who passed out from the blood and a barely conscious Asia who was slowly crawling to the seemingly dead and no longer possessed Ichigo.

"D-don't die on us, Ichigo." The former nun weakly said before a bright light emitted from her silver ring and engulfed Ichigo with it. As seconds passed, the severe wounds and blood started to disappear from his body. However using whatever she had left made Asia suddenly dropped on the floor next to Ichigo.

(Flashback Ends)

"Soon after they left, the portal closed. That was when you and Yoruichi found us and brought us back here."

The two elderly Shinigami nodded with their serious yet worried gazes on each other. After a moment, Yoruichi stood up with Asia still in her arms and left the room while saying, "Let's get some hot chocolate in you, Asia."


After a moment of silence, Kisuke looked back at the unconscious bodies of the teenagers with a grave look on his face. "Things are about to get worse from here on out." He then looked at the window where the moon is perfectly present in it. "Perhaps it's time we all move past our differences."

-(Three Days Later)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-

Opening his eyes and expecting a good morning after a good night's sleep, Naruto sat up from his previous position and stretched his back to rid of the stiffness that accumulated overnight.

"All right then!" The Shinobi stood up to pop out the stiffness from his body. "My Furinji Style training starts today."

Originally the Elder was going to train him the day after their arrival, but he was suddenly called upon an important matter that required his full attention by a messenger bird. Fortunately for the Elder and especially Naruto, the matter was located at the outskirts of Tokyo so the Elder estimated the matter wouldn't take no more than three days.

Those three days has passed now.

"You're excited, I see." Ashura commented while Kurama snorted as Naruto sheepishly rubbed his head from his brief excitement. "That's nothing to be ashamed of, Naruto. I remember my days training in Ninshu by my father: I was always excited to learn new techniques and the philosophy behind it."

"I distinctly remember you being overshadowed by your genius brother, Indra, every step of the way over the years." Both Kurama and Naruto chuckled when Ashura grumbled about his older brother taking the spotlight during their childhood. "Still have a grudge?" asked a smirking Kurama with a fanged grin.

"But if I remember correctly, while Ashura struggled during his whole life, he made friends who helped him and had loyal followers by the time he awakened his own power by working hard."

"That reminds me of you too." Kurama chuckled as he yawned loudly enough to annoy his roommate. "You really are Ashura's reincarnation after all."

"I guess so." He then heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

The wooden sliding door opened to reveal Mui in the same outfit he met her yesterday. "Good morning, Naruto!"

"Good morning to you too, Mui!" Naruto grinned at the girl who returned a smile. "Did you just wake up?"

Mui shook her head with the smile still present. "Nope! I've been up since four in the morning."

"Since four?" Naruto looked at his watch that read eight-fifteen in the morning. "You usually get up at that time?"

"Yep! Kenichi gets up at that time as well for training." Mui stated as her fellow blonde tied his headband around his forehead since he took it off in order to sleep peacefully.

Naruto was surprised to hear about the scrawny and cowardly guy training early. "Really? How long has he been training in the dojo?"

"About three months today, actually. Let's walk to the main house." Naruto shrugged his shoulders as he closed the door and walked with Mui out of the building. As they made it to the outside training grounds, Mui took a glance at her blonde counterpart before asking him, "So how long you've studied Martial Arts?"

"Uh…" Naruto said as he tried to think of an excuse, but couldn't find any. So he told the truth. "I'm pretty good at hand-to-hand combat, but this is actually my first time in formal martial arts training."

"Really?" Mui was taken aback as she stared at the sheepish blonde. "Either you're very skilled in hand-to-hand combat or have great potential to convince my grandfather to train you. He doesn't teach just anyone… except me since I'm his granddaughter. Then there was Kenichi when he was defeated by his old friend, Ryuto, so my grandfather took him to the woods for special training."

"No kidding? You gotta tell me more about Kenichi. I didn't really take him as a fighter. Did he get into a lot of fights and did he win all of them?" Naruto asked curiously since the brown-haired boy didn't really look like a fighter at first glance.

The female blonde chuckled a little. "Yeah. And although he won most of them, he really doesn't fight unless he doesn't have a choice or if someone he cares about is in danger."

"Sounds like he and I are from same cloth." The blonde duo then walked in comfortable silence until Naruto realized he forgot something or… someone for that matter. "Oh man! We forgot to wake up Rhea."

Mui waved her hand, calming the boy. "She woke up half-an-hour before you, so she's been helping me cook breakfast, which is where we are going now." She knows that because Rhea has been sharing Mui's room for the duration of Naruto's training.

"Sweet! I'm starving!" Mui giggled from Naruto's burst of excitement. "Your food is one the best I've ever eaten… except ramen of course."

After getting over the shock on the night of Naruto's and Rhea's arrival, the entire Ryozanpaku family greeted their new guests with delicious food cooked by Mui, but sadly no ramen.

"Boys." Mui muttered under her breath.

He also recalled the masters introducing themselves and their mastery of different Martial Art styles, but their personalities are very different from one another. The only thing they have in common is their eccentric behavior and their passion for 'training' Kenichi.

As they stepped inside the main house after placing their footwear outside the building, Naruto was lead by Mui to the living room where the masters, Kenichi, and Rhea were apparently waiting for them since Apachai's head was on the food-covered table, all dazed out from starvation.

"Have you guys been waiting for us this whole time?" Naruto asked before receiving a nod from the Elder, sheepishly rubbing his head. "Sorry about that."

Instead of reprimanding his new disciple, the Elder chuckled as he gestured Naruto and Mui to take their places so they can all eat, which they happily complied. "That's fine. Everyone makes mistakes all the time. What matters is that we learn from those mistakes and become stronger than before." He then chuckled just as Naruto was about to eat his breakfast. "However you better not make any mistakes during your training or it will be 100 times harder than it originally is."

"S-sure." The boy nervously gulped before he took his first bite along with everyone else… except Kenichi.

Why? Because his food is currently being devoured by the three of the male masters, causing the boy to become depressed while trying to fend them off.

On his right, Rhea giggled as the commotion continued. "This is quite a lively home if this happens everyday."

"Yeah." Naruto took a glance at each of the masters, starting with the towering and tanned man. "Apachai Hopachi, the 'Death God of Muay Thai' and the Muay Thai master." His gaze shifted to the leather jacket wearing man. "Shio Sakaki, master of all Karate styles and nicknamed 'The 100th Degree Street Fighter'. Is that some sort of rank in this 'street fighting' or something?"

"You got a problem or something?"

Apparently Naruto got caught staring at him.

"None at all." The blonde ninja waved his hands defensively to calm the brute Karate master, which worked as the latter resumed eating out of Kenichi's plate of food. "Drunken bum." He muttered under his breath.


"Shut it, fox!" His gaze shifted again to the shorter man. "Kensei Ma, master of all Chinese Martial Arts and this world's version of Pervy Sage. Do the other worlds have their own versions of Pervy Sage?" Then he looked at the hakama-adorned man who stared at him. "Akisame, master of all forms of Jujitsu and known as the 'Philosophical Jujitsu Master." Then his eyes finally rested on the last master of the dojo. "Shigure Kosaka, master of all weapons and nicknamed the 'Mistress of Weaponry'."

However his train of thoughts was over when he felt a presence near him or his food? Naruto suddenly lashed with the chopsticks in his left hand to stop a foreign, bandaged hand from reaching his meal. "Hey! The kid got skills." Sakaki gruffly commented before retracting his hand away from the glaring younger blonde.

"That's amazing! Perhaps he will train with Apachai in Muay Thai?" From the sound of it, Naruto assumes the giant of a man wants to train him as well, but sadly for him, the Elder already claimed him as his disciple.

Before he knew it, Naruto found him-self defending his breakfast from the ravenous vultures that were Sakaki, Apachai and Kensei with success, much to the masters' surprise except the Elder who already knew his disciple's capabilities.

"He's starting to fit in already." The Elder chuckled as Mui smiled at him. "I have a distinct feeling this dojo will get livelier than before."

Mui giggled before she looked at Rhea, catching her staring at Naruto for a moment before looking away just as Naruto stared at her for a moment as well. A sly look took over her face as Mui watched Naruto and Rhea play a game of cat-and-mouse version of looking at each other. "Livelier indeed."

As he enjoys chewing on the breakfast Mui cooked for him and everyone else, Naruto had a far away look. "I wonder how are Ichigo and the others doing back in Karakura Town. I hope my clone finds everything okay."

-Urahara's Shop-Karakura Town-

"Seriously? And all that happened four days ago?" The clone asked Ichigo who was standing in front of him.

The orange haired Shinigami gave a firm nod. "Yes."

When the clone arrived via Flying Raijin Jutsu in the living quarters of the shop, he was shocked to see everyone still unconscious with bandages covering parts of their bodies and demanded to know what happened after his boss's departure from the town.

Instead of Kisuke and Yoruichi being the narrators, it was Ichigo and Asia who told him about the events that transpired after the original Naruto's departure for his formal martial arts training.

"Damn it. The boss will most likely be pissed once he finds out about this."

Asia raised a curious eyebrow. "At us?"

"No. He'll be pissed at him-self for not being here to help you guys out with Kakuzu and the others." The clone noticed Ichigo staring at him with determination, bringing a smirk. "Oh, I'm liking that look you have right now. Are you ready?"

Ichigo gave a firm nod. "More than ready."

"Good. We begin in 30 minutes." Clone-Naruto then looked at the timid Asia who still had a bandage wrapped around her forehead. Given how low her Spirit Energy, Asia must be conserving her strength for a later time. "Asia…" The little girl looked at him. "Give Rias and the others my condolences."


-(Half-An-Hour Later)-

The thirty minutes went by with the clone and Ichigo about to start the latter's second day of Hollow control training.

"So what do we do now? I don't want to go through that meditation crap again." Ichigo stated firmly with clenched fists. "Is there an alternative?"

The clone sighed deeply as he crossed his arms. "Yes. There is an alternative."

"What is it?"

"Well it includes… direct contact with your Inner Hollow." Ichigo was about to protest, but the clone put up his hand to refrain him from doing so. "Before you complain like the girl you are, you should know the difference about using another being's power." The arched brow from Ichigo was a sign of having his attention. "Tell me Ichigo; from what Urahara and Yoruichi told me, you and the Shinigami can communicate with your Zanpakuto spirits in your mindscape, correct?"

"Yeah." Ichigo replied as he recalled the first time he met Zangetsu; it was the time to regain his Shinigami powers that were actually his own and hidden deep within his soul.

"Was there ever a time you met or spoke with your Inner Hollow? Remember this is important so I know where you stand in your training."

Ichigo thought about it for a good five minutes until he remembered. "Oh! I remember meeting it during my fight with Kenpachi in Soul Society." He said casually before feeling chills throughout his body. "That man was insane! I never want to fight him again."

"The dude sounds like quite a guy." The clone remarked dryly before getting back to business. "So you already had contact with both your Zanpakuto spirit and your Inner Hollow. That's good. I think you can control your Hollow powers, but it won't be easy."

Ichigo snorted as he leaned on Zangetsu. "With our lifestyle, things are never easy."

"True." Clone Naruto shrugged as he sat down with his legs crossed, pointing at a spot in front of him. "Sit."


"Don't argue with me! Just do it already!"

"Tcch." Ichigo placed Zangetsu before sitting in front of the clone with a fist in front of him. "What?" Clone-Naruto shook his fist, telling him to pump it with his fist. "Why would I do that?"

"Would you stop asking questions and just do what I say?!"

"Hey! If you went through Urahara's training like I did, then you would understand why I'm cautious!"

Being a clone and having the original Naruto's memories, the clone recalled a conversation with Ichigo's training to regain his Shinigami powers. The said training involved the orange haired boy getting beat by Ururu, then his Soul Chain severed by Tessai and spending almost two days in a deep hole to prevent from becoming a Hollow him-self. It was only when he met Zangetsu, his Zanpakuto spirit, that he finally gained his powers back.

"… I see your point." The clone shook his head as he kept his raised arm up. "But trust me on this; I wouldn't do this if I knew it wasn't going to work." He stayed seated on the ground as he waited for his friend to do the same. It wasn't long until Ichigo sat in front of him and reluctantly raised his fist before bumping against his fist. "Okay. Now just close your eyes and meditate to enter your mindscape."

Ichigo sat there as he saw the clone close his eyes before doing so him-self. When he opened his eyes again, he found him-self laying down on the side of a glass, tall building that appeared to reach the blue sky. In fact limitless, tall skyscrapers under the blue sky surrounded him. As he sat up, he saw a familiar blonde figure running to him despite the building's current position.

"It actually worked?" A surprised Ichigo asked. "You're here?"

"I know, huh? I can't believe it actually worked myself." Ignoring his friend's surprised look, Clone Naruto looked at the surroundings. "Why are there so many buildings in your mind?" He was then surprised when he was grabbed by the arms and being shook around like a doll by Ichigo.

"You couldn't believe it worked yourself?!" Ichgio repeated with irritation in his voice. "That means you didn't expect this to work at all!"

Before the clone could retort or punch him, a different voice caught their attention. "Who is this, Ichigo?" Ichigo looked behind Clone Naruto while the latter looked over his shoulder to see a tall man with long black hair, high cheekbones and shaved beard with a mustache. He was dressed in a black cloak with tattered ends and a pair of cool looking shades.

"Zangetsu…" Ichigo said before letting go of the clone.

"I felt a disturbance in your mind and came to investigate it." The tall imposing spirit looked at the blonde boy standing behind his partner. "I assume he's the disturbance."

"Sorry about intruding, but I'm training Ichigo to control the Hollow in him for our next battle against the Arrancars." The grinning clone remarked as he gave a peace sign. "The name's Naruto Uzumaki. It's a pleasure to meet you, Zangetsu."

"I wish I could say the same thing." Clone Naruto's grin strained a little as the spirit looked at his surprised master. "We could do just fine on our own."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed a bit at his spirit. "Zangetsu… Naruto here knows the situation I'm going through. In fact he has a being inside of him and they work together like you and I do."


The air suddenly got heavy as the ground shook from an unknown force. Looking to the east side of the building, Clone Naruto, Ichigo and Zangetsu saw an exact clone of Ichigo except his eyes are yellow, his hair and body is pale white along with his Shinigami robes that are also white as opposed to Ichigo's black ropes. Lastly a psychotic grin was plastered on his face unlike Ichigo's calm expression.

"I assume he's the Hollow. Man! He's ugly!"

Before Ichigo could retort, the Hollow cackled loudly to gain their attention. "I want to fight you again, Ichigo~" Ichigo and his two companions watched him as he raised his right opened hand in the air. Spirit Energy started to accumulate in his hands before it glowed brightly and revealed to be an exact replica of Ichigo's Zanpakuto; the only difference like the others was the blade is white with a black edge and the handle was wrapped with black wrappings.

"Whatever. It's three against one so this will be easy." When he looked back, Ichigo was shocked to see both his Zanpakuto spirit and partner-in-training standing on the rooftop of a building far away from his location. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING THERE?!"

Clone-Naruto cupped his mouth before speaking. "WE'RE SUPPORTING YOU FROM HERE, ICHIGO! WAY, WAY OUT HERE!"

"Why that blondie…" Ichigo muttered before he quickly raised his sword to block an incoming slash from the Inner Hollow. "Hey! I wasn't ready!"

"Do I look like I give a damn? HAHAHAHAHA"


-(Noon)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo-

"Master… I just want you to know… that I deeply regret this right now." Naruto nervously stated as he tugged on his Konoha headband before he looked at his training attire the Elder let him borrowed for the training. He was wearing a white dougi uniform just like the one Kenichi wears during his training sessions with the other masters.

"Come now, my disciple. Don't be like that."

The Jinchuriki nervously gulped as he watched his new Martial Arts master swing dual thick wood logs with handmade handles several times as if he was warming up. On the side of the dojo sat the Ryozanpaku masters who still couldn't get over the fact that the Elder had taken on another disciple after training Kenichi in the Dark Valley in all the years they've known him, especially the hakama-adorned man. Rhea was also present as she sat next to the tall giant, Apachai.

Now they don't want to miss what training methods the Elder uses when torturi-training disciples.

The only ones who weren't present was Kenichi and Mui who left after breakfast to attend a local high school in the area since it is Friday.


"Whoa!" Naruto cried out as he ducked under one post before jumping back to dodge the other one.

The Elder swung his 'batons' around before pointing one of them at Naruto. "Listen up, Naruto. I will now start teaching you one of my style's techniques." A cry of 'Wahoo!' reached his ears. "But you must train ten times as hard in order to learn the next technique." Unlike the joyful cry before, he got a groan of 'Ah, man.' "Now listen here; the technique I'm about to teach you is also one of my Legendary 108 Techniques."

"Legendary 108 Techniques?" Naruto repeated with awe. "So what purpose does this technique have? Am I going to learn all of them?"

Choosing to respond the first question and ignoring the last one, the Elder said, "It's quite simple actually." The Elder attacked his disciple with his wooden stump/batons, who dodged the several times, but not the way the elderly man was expecting. "Just stay calm, Naruto."

Deadpanning at his master after landing from doing a backflip, Naruto spoke as he pointed a finger at him, "Kind of hard to do with those weapons of mass destruction in your hands."

"This is to help you learn this technique." The blonde teenager raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms, causing the elderly man to sigh. "Perhaps you'd like a demonstration?" Getting a nod from his young disciple, the Elder chuckled as he placed the stumps down next to him. "All right then. I want you to attack me."

When he heard that, Naruto just stood there with owlishly blinking eyes before a grin came alive. "If you say so." He slipped into a fighting stance that was unknown and interesting to the masters. Leaving the Elder no chance to put up his guard, Naruto charged at him with great speed. "Here I come!"

Just as he got in the Elder's range, Naruto launched a punch that was aimed at his face, only to feel his hand deflected to the side… hard. In fact, it was so hard that the force messed up his footing, forcing him to use a single handstand to balance him-self before he pushed him-self back to a safe distance from the Elder.

"Impressive speed and he managed to regain his footing quickly against someone like the Elder." Akisame commented as he placed his hand under his chin, a tick that usually shows that something interesting caught his attention.

Kensei, sitting next to Akisame's left side, nodded in agreement. "He has great potential. Do you really think he can survive the Elder's training?"

"The old man wouldn't train him if he didn't see what he's capable of." Sakaki pointed out before taking a jug from his beer. "So… how long until he quits?"

"Aren't you enthusiastic." Kensei remarked sarcastically before a smirk came to life. "I give him a week."

"After today's training session."

The Jujitsu master sighed at the grinning Karate and Chinese Kenpo masters as he watched Naruto initiate a barrage of strong punches and kicks, all of which were blocked and deflected by the Elder's powerful-looking arms. This went on for an hour, much to the Jinchuriki's frustration and surprise.

"I haven't landed a hit at all." Naruto leaped back to put distance between him and the Elder who was still moving his arms in an optimal motion around him. "It's like he's- No way." The Elder must've realized his expression as he nodded to confirm his sudden realization. "You're controlling the radius around you by using your arms."

"Bravo, Naruto. Well done." The Elder continued moving his arms while also revealing the shield around him, much to Naruto's awe. "To be able to detect and deflect anything in your territory, that is known as Seikuken."

"Seikuken?" repeated Naruto with a hint of awe as he now sees the invisible shield surrounding his Martial Arts master.

"It is an absolute defense technique. However there are two drawbacks to it."

"Like what, master?"

"The first is that you must remain calm to perform this technique. Jumping around to dodge an opponent's attack is certainly not calm." Blinking owlishly, Naruto chuckled sheepishly after realizing the Elder's earlier instruction. "The second is that only a sufficient amount of force can penetrate it."

Now understanding the mechanics of the technique, Naruto nodded to assure his master that he has a grasp on it.

"Good. Now perform the technique."

"Huh?!" Seeing the Elder cross his arms with an expecting expression, Naruto decided not to argue and proceed with the lesson. "Okay. I have to control the radius around me while remaining calm." He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he started to move his arms in the same manner like the Elder did while channeling his chakra in his hands.

Before they knew it, the masters including the Elder, and Rhea saw a perfectly and clearly visible Seikuken shield around Naruto who is as calm as he usually is when he gathers Natural Energy for Sage Mode. Not only that, the power of his Seikuken was potent as the spherical shield actually dug into the ground, matching the space of the boy's controlled radius.

"Incredible. An hour into his training and he already has one of the Legendary 108 techniques down." Kensei commented as he smirked with a glint in his eyes. "Perhaps I-"

"Kensei." Akisame cut his shorter friend off sharply. "You know as well as I do that the Elder made it clear that Naruto is his disciple during his stay in the dojo."

"I know~" Kensei pouted with drawled lips as the Elder flexed his hands open and closed before he grabbed his dual wooden weapons, catching everyone's attention including a now nervous Naruto.

"Poor Naruto." Rhea muttered as she observed the boy's shaking but lean, muscled body. "What I would do to- No! Stop it! Why would I think like that?"

A sweating Naruto gulped at the sight before him. "Master? What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to test the strength of your Seikuken, of course!" The Elder replied as if it was obvious.

With a answer like that from one of the most insane and physically powerful people he's ever met so far, Naruto only said one word that described what he's currently feeling.


-(Late Afternoon)-Urahara's Shop-Karakura Town

"Well that was quite something, wasn't it?" asked a grinning Clone Naruto to a bashed and clearly wounded Ichigo sitting in front of him.

A pissed Ichigo let out a seething growl as he's being tended and bandaged by another Naruto clone. "Screw you."

"You're welcome." The doppelganger chuckled before he picked a towel that was laying next to him and threw it at Ichigo who swiftly caught it despite of his injuries. "Well at least you showed your inner Hollow who's the boss."

After three hours of battling his Inner Hollow, Ichigo defeated him by letting the psycho stab him in the waist and grabbed his blade before sticking it into the white Ichigo clone.

Clone Naruto crossed his arms with a thoughtful look. "But still…"

A curious Ichigo raised an eyebrow as he wiped the blood from the wound above his eye. "Still what?"

"I don't think you can use the Hollow's full power this way." This elicited a surprised look from Ichigo who was about to complain, but the clone uncrossed his arms to lift one of them in the universal 'calm down' gesture, which did calm the former even if it was for a moment. "You subjugated him in order to control his power, but you and him are not cooperating with each other. The two of you are not working together like a team."

"A team?! As in me and that Hollow being partners?!" Ichigo stated in disbelief. "Yeah right. Like that's going to happen."

The blonde clone ninja sighed after crossing his arms again. "Listen to me, Strawberry and listen well: You won't reach your maximum potential with the Hollow's power through subjugation. You're doing the same the Boss did with Kurama back then."

Giving a 'Thank you' nod to the clone who had tended to his wounds, the now bandaged Ichigo asked the obvious question. "Who the heck is Kurama?" He asked while picking at the bandages wrapped around his torso and waist.

"He's the creature inside the Boss; his partner." The clone responded nonchalantly. "Long ago during a huge battle in our home world, the Boss decided to embrace his identity as the Nine Tails' Jinchuriki, which the fox was commonly known for centuries. He fought and beat the beast in an epic showdown, subjugating him and taking control of his power. Initially he could use the beast's power, but there were risks using that power that would've lead to death if the Boss went beyond a time limit."

Ichigo slightly nodded as he understands the new information. "So what happened after?"

"During in one of the most intense and brutal battles the Boss ever fought, he learned from one of the Nine-Tails' brethren, Son Goku, that the fox's true name is Kurama. However despite of him knowing his name, Kurama wouldn't help the Boss unless he keeps his promises through his actions and he did. Afterwards, Kurama offered his chakra to the Boss who happily accepted while releasing him from cage inside the seal and acknowledging him as the partner of a Konoha Shinobi. Then they became the ultimate tag team."

"Wow…" Ichigo muttered in surprise before speaking in his normal tone. "So you- I mean the real Naruto and Kurama are partners and best friends."

The clone rubbed the back of his head. "Well they bicker sometimes and get on each other's nerves, but that's how partners are sometimes." Soon a serious expression came on the blonde ninja clone, replacing the initial nonchalant look. "If I were to use Kurama's power against your Hollow power as the way it is now… you might be able to land a clean hit on me and the Boss."

"So… I have to be friendly with the Hollow inside him. How the hell am I supposed to do that?" asked a not-so-pleased Ichigo as the clone shrugged his shoulders before disappearing in a puff of smoke while saying his last sentence.

"Heck if I know."

Hearing that, Ichigo let out a long sigh as he contemplated the words of Naruto's clone about being partners. After minutes of thinking, the Shinigami slowly walked out of the training room with a small limp in his stride until he reached the room where his friends are recuperating, only to find Orihime and Chad sitting and drinking tea.

However Rias and her group were not present anywhere in the room.

"If you're wondering where Rias and her friends are…" Ichigo slowly turned around to Urahara and Yoruichi standing in the doorway. "After regaining consciousness and healed by the cute Asia, they left while you and Naruto's clone were doing… whatever you two were doing."

"Did they say where they were going?" A shake from the older Shingami was his answer. "Great." He said before he felt arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. "Hey! Who-"

"Ichigo!" Recognizing the voice, the bandaged orange-haired teenager turned around in the arms and looked to see a happy and teary-eyed Orihime while Chad gave a thumbs up. "I'm so glad you're safe."

Smiling slightly at her, Ichigo responded by his arms around Orihime's waist, much to the girl's embarrassment, Kisuke's jealous chargin and Yoruichi's amusment.

"Me too, Orihime. Me too."

-(Late Evening)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo-



"God," said both Kenichi and Mui simultaneous after they opened the wooden doors to see several small craters with spider web-like cracks at the edges all over the dojo's compound.

They had just returned from school with a few groceries bags carried by Mui and the rest of them inside the oversized, heavy looking bag carried by Kenichi.


Kenichi and Mui looked frantically for the source of the scream until they turned their heads up to the sky, only to see a body slam on the ground hard enough for them to hear a loud thud. Both teenagers winced when they heard that until they are surprised when the body turned out to be Naruto whose eyes were swirling and mumbling, "Mommy, the unicorns…"

"Geez! Naruto, are you all right?" Kenichi asked as he and Mui ran to the blonde who quickly regained consciousness. "What happened here?"

After rubbing his head, Naruto pointed at the sky where a familiar figure was seen before he landed on the ground before them. "He's what happened. That monster of a grandfather of yours, Mui." He saw the girl chuckle nervously while Kenichi had a deadpan look.

"Oh~" The Elder remarked childishly. "That's hurtful, Naruto." Naruto then stood up on his feet with some help from Kenichi. "Pushing that aside, your Seikuken technique is strong for someone who's receiving formal marital art training for the first time. Color me impressed."

Both Mui and Kenichi were surprised when they heard the Elder's words. "Really? That's great! Good job, Naruto!"

"Thanks, Mui."

The blonde beauty nodded as she walked to the main house. "I better get started cooking dinner. Come on, Kenichi."


Naruto chuckled at Kenichi who ran after her like a dog would chase a mailman. "Someone's got a crush on someone." As soon as he said that, a sudden intense pressure crashed his senses, causing him to see the Elder with an almost menacing look. "W-Was it something I said?" asked a nervous and sweating Naruto.

As Kenichi and Mui entered the main house, a symphony of loud crashes and screams outside pierced their eardrums, but they continued walking to the kitchen like it was a normal thing for them. When they entered the kitchen, they saw another familiar person cooking food.

"Rhea?" asked a surprised Kenichi.

Rhea, the second and female guest of the dojo, was cooking strange food unknown to them. When she heard her name and saw them, the black-haired beauty smiled at them before putting a vegetable inside the boiling pot that contained other ingredients. "Hello, Kenichi. Mui. How was school?"

"It was fun as usual." Mui happily commented while Kenichi replied 'For you it was'. Hearing Naruto spouting curse words outside, Mui asked Rhea the obvious question. "Have they been training since we left for school?"

Rhea nodded as she lowered the heat on the stove. "Not counting the two breaks they had, those two had been training for nine hours straight."

"Wow." Kenichi said in awe while Mui has the same expression. "I didn't think anyone other than me could survive training with the Elder without bruises or broken bones."

Mui looked at Kenichi curiously. "Sounds like you want to train with my grandfather again, Kenichi."

A petrified Kenichi shook his head so fast that it looked like his head was about to come off. "No way! From what happened last time in the Dark Valley and the looks of what we just saw outside, I'm glad to be training with the other masters instead of the Elder again."

"Speaking of which…"

The disciple of Ryozanpaku stood stiff when a strong hand grabbed the back of his shirt. He didn't need to look since he already knows who it was: Akisame Koesuji, his strictest master of all the Ryozanpaku masters and the one he fears the most.

"It's time for your training. I believe it's my turn." Akisame stated with bright glowing eyes.

"NNNNOOO!" Kenichi cried out in horror before his master dragged him out of the kitchen.

Both Rhea and Mui stared at the doorway for a moment before they giggled at the boy's misfortune. They resumed cooking in comfortable silence while ignoring the screams outside.

As Rhea picked up a nearby water bottle and stated drinking it, Mui suddenly asked, "How long have you and Naruto been a couple?" Rhea nearly choked on the water in her throat before she spat it out, confusing the blonde girl. "Was it something I said?"

Clearing her throat to rid of remaining water, Rhea looked at much younger girl. "No, Naruto and I are not a couple. We're just friends."

"Oh really." A sly-looking Mui chuckled at Rhea who now was confused. "From the looks you and him secretly gave each other in breakfast earlier, I thought you two were together."

"What looks?" Rhea asked nervously.

"Yeah! What looks?"

The duo were surprised and looked at the doorway where a bruised and confused Naruto was standing under with a not-so-bruised and curious Elder behind him.

Guess they're finished with training for the day.

"Looks like… dinner is ready!" Rhea quickly replied as she showed the readied food. "I'll go set up the table."

Naruto stepped forward and grabbed the food. "Let me help you with that." Receiving a nod from the girl, Naruto followed Rhea to the dining room with his arms full of steaming and delicious smelling food.

As soon they left the kitchen, Mui looked at her grandfather who was now licking a green lollipop. "How did he fare, grandpa?"

"He fared quite well, Mui." The Elder replied. "Although he needs a bit more instruction on staying calm in order to perform the Seikuken. But other than that, I think I may actually have to work harder to train him."

"Really?" Asked a surprised Mui. "He's more skilled than me?"

"Yes and no. His fighting style is more of a freestyle fighting form, but he has a lot of heart and the determination to finish things to the end." The Elder chuckled as he and a smiling Mui walked to the dining room where all the masters, Naruto, Rhea and Kenichi were present with the latter defending his food from the vultures including Naruto. "He will take it to new heights."

Mui was confused when she heard him say that. "What do you mean by that?"

"There are… special circumstances surrounding Naruto."

"Like what?"

"Secret." The Elder heartily chuckled as he took his seat on the floor near the table, leaving a pouting Mui behind before she joined the rest of her family for supper. He then looked at his whiskered disciple who just took a fish from the depressed Kenichi's plate. "The world you're in, Naruto, I have no doubt you will take the Furinji Style to its maximum potential than myself or Mui ever could. Do me proud... my disciple."

The powerful Furinji Style master chuckled again when Naruto's and Rhea's hands briefly touched each other, causing small blushes on their cheeks and pulling in their respective limbs to their bodies before resuming feasting on their dinner.

"Young love these days."

-(Later That Night)-Mui's Room-

"*sigh* What a day." Rhea said, putting on a purple paws imprinted pajama that Mui lent her during her stay. The blonde girl was in the first floor of the main house, doing a late night reviewing of Ryozanpaku's expenses for the month, so the Titaness thought to hit the bed early. "It's quite rare to see a family so diverse like them. Reminds me of my children during their crazy parties."

She was about to rest on her futon for beauty rest when something stopped her from doing so.

It was a soft noise and it came from outside.

"What on earth is out there?" The Titaness walked to the room window and opened before poking her head out of it, searching for the origin of the sound. She looked to her right and there was nothing. When she looked at her left, there was nothing as well. When she looked down, she saw Naruto practicing movements and strikes near the building under her window. "He doesn't know when to quit…"

She then heard something from him that she didn't expect to hear from him at all.

"I will protect them all." Rhea blinked as she watched Naruto perform a back flip in the air before he landed. "I will do everything I can to master the Furinji Style." Silence took over. "I will use my Ninjutsu and all my skills to protect them, especially her." Brief silence took over again. "So what? Her body doesn't have anything to do with it." Silence again took over. "Okay, partially." Naruto stopped practicing the motions as he looked at the moon, completely unaware of the pair of eyes watching behind him. "I don't care about that, Kurama."

Rhea raised a curious brow. "Who's Kurama?"

"All I care about is the safety of my friends in Karakura Town… Saeko and our child…." Naruto resolutely said, greatly shocking Rhea before a frown marred her delicate face. She was about to close the window when she heard the boy's last words. "And Rhea…" She stopped her current action as she was even more shocked than before.

"He has a woman and child waiting for him, but he also cares about me." Rhea thought as Naruto again practice the motions needed for the absolute defense technique in his arsenal while in a calm state. "Why?"

Naruto sighed as he relaxed his arms, releasing the Seikuken. "Rhea… she's so beautiful and gorgeous in every way than I thought possible." A slightly embarrassed Rhea felt her heart beat a little fast than normal. "Who am I kidding? She's a Titaness. An immortal. There's no way she could be with a mortal who can die at any time. And there's no way she would join a harem. She's not that kind of person."

"Why does he assume that? He should at least ask if-" A blinking Rhea stopped her thoughts as she tapped her head to see if there's something wrong. "What am I thinking? There's no way I could join a harem! Can I though? No-wait I shou-No."

"Don't doubt yourself, Naruto." Ashura said as his white translucent figure emerged from Naruto, causing Rhea to suppress a gasp in this shocking development. "After all, you were trained by my father who is considered a god in our world."

The Jinchuriki shook his head. "That has nothing with this, Ashura. I shouldn't bring pain to Rhea's heart if I won't be there for her. You know as well as I do that I have to leave this world when the justu's time limit is over."

"Jutsu? Time limit? And you're leaving this world? Now you're talking to two voices in your head. What is going on with you, Naruto?"

"Kurama filled me on what happened in the last world before taking a nap just now: you helped and protected Saeko, her friends and a group of survivors from flesh-eating zombies and an old enemy from your past. Afterwards you and Saeko fell in love and now you two are expecting a child. So what's really different with Rhea if you have feelings for her?"

"Like I said, Ashura: she's immortal and I'm not. I don't want to cause her pain like… like…"

"Kronos?" Ashura guessed correctly. When he got a nod from his descendant, the translucent Shinobi placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You are nothing like the Titan of Time. You're vastly different from him." Ashura's body started to fade as his time limit peaked already. "Don't ever think like that, Naruto."

Standing there under the moonlight, Naruto clenched his hands into fists with determination plastered on his face. "He's right. What am I thinking; comparing me to that bastard? I'm nothing like that guy. I'm making a promise to her even though she doesn't know it: I'll always be there to protect her from those who mean to harm her in any way. That's a promise and my nindo!"

Watching the blonde mortal from her window, Rhea silently thought to her-self. "I was so wrong about him. He really… is a… one-of-a-kind mortal."

The teary-eyed Titaness watched Naruto practice the stances, movements and strikes of the Furinji Style that he also was taught by the Elder today along with the Seikuken technique for a few more minutes before closing her window and laid down on her futon. After wiping the small tears of joy, Rhea closed her eyes with a small smile and a tinge of redness on her cheeks.