Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 27 - A Man Or Something else...?

Chapter 27 - A Man Or Something else...?

Chapter 26 - A Man Or Something Else...?

"I see."

"I hope you understand about this. I feel like this is a good solution for all of us."

Clone Naruto gulped nervously as he looked between his creator's master and the Archangel, feeling the subtle tension permeating from the two of them. It wasn't coated with malice. The Elder's room was filled with gentle but powerful aura emitted from both experienced warriors.

Hayato crossed his arms as he closed his eyes, buried in deep thinking after everything he's been told. Why wouldn't he after hearing his disciple is the successor of an Olympian God plus one of the new leaders of the Greek Faction. Now one of Christianity's most important and prominent religious figures is sitting in his room, asking for permission to hold their Factions peace talks at his favorite vacation spot.

Now he has to decide whether to say yes or no.

"Elder Furinji, if you require more time to think about this, I understand completely." Michael assured the Human, hoping if his answer will be the one he expects. If that doesn't work out, then there is the alternative location Sirzechs had in mind about his sister's school.

"Well, I do require some time to ponder about this. I thank you for asking my permission."

The Archangel nodded before he chuckled, getting raised eyebrows from his two hosts. "To be honest, I'm quite pleased to have finally meet you, Hayato Furinji."


"We in Heaven have watched you since your childhood and we were in awe of all your accomplishments." Michael praised, getting a prideful snort from the martial arts master.

Clone Naruto sighed and spoke right before the Elder's upcoming boasting. "Michael, are you currently aware of what's happening around the world?"

"Yes. And if you're wondering, I know you're a clone while the original Naruto is at Las Vegas."

"Eh?!" The clone stiffened at being figured out. "How'd you know?"

A small smile tugged Michael's mouth. "You just did." He joked.


"I'm joking. I received intel from one of Heaven's scouts and I knew that you, Rhea and Medusa are handling it."

Eyes widening, a surprised Clone Naruto pointed at the Angel. "How do you know about Rhea and Medusa?!"


"Exactly how long have you-" Clone Naruto and Hayato covered their eyes when Michael suddenly glowed brightly. A moment later, they looked to see both Michael and the light are gone. "He bailed!" The Shadow Clone said exasperated.


The exasperated clone looked at the Elder. "What's so funny?!"


"OI!" The clone said as he watched his master leave the room. "Better transmit this to the Boss." He disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving no trace of his existence anywhere.

Unfortunately he didn't take the time to notice that a lone and surprised blue eye had watched him disappear. "N-Naruto?"

-Gladiatorial Coliseum-Aphrodite's Dimension-

Another tremor shook the ground as Naruto and Triton clashed with another stalemate of the Rasengan and Triton's blade, which he named Neptune's Wrath after his father's Roman counterpart nature.

"Usually normal weapons wouldn't withstand against the Rasengan, but Triton's sword…" He gazed upon the glimmer of the blade when the light shined on it. "It's forged from the ancient Olympian metal Adamantine, which means it's going take a lot more power to break it. Poseidon also said that the Trident is made of Adamantine as well, so that's good to know."


Gritting his teeth, Naruto bent his body backwards to avoid a sharp thrust from Triton's sword. He then transitioned to a handstand, spun around and disarmed the minor god with a kick to the wrist while knocking him away with another one to the face, much to his surprise.

"How'd you like that?!"

"Why you!"

The prince of Atlantis regained his footing and doubled his pace, throwing sharp thrusts for the head, torso and lower body, all of which were swiftly dodged with Naruto turning his body and sidesteps. After another thrust, Triton swung his shield with its edge in lead, intending to decapitate the blonde Shinobi.

Pivoting around the shield, Naruto landed a hard punch at Triton's temple followed by a sudden Giant Rasengan directly into the face. The ground beneath their feet shook and a big amount of dirt chucked up a dust cloud as the body of minor god flew across the arena and crashed into the wall.

"My daily training plus the Furinji Style makes this possible." Naruto said as he briefly made a fist until he sensed a familiar feeling coming from behind him. "Could that feeling be… No…"

His answer was rapid whitish flame bullets that attacked him from the other side, forcing him to sidestep each one with little difficulty. He then jumped over another one and that jump went into a roll to avoid a stream of flames that threatened to cut him in half as it did carve into the wall behind him.

"Darn. I missed… somehow." Naruto looked at the one responsible whom it was none other than a slightly pouting Kuroka but still had a hint of seduction. "Why don't you stop resisting and come with us? I'll reward you with…" He gesture her hands to her body. "All of this."

"Tempting… Very tempting… But my heart belongs to someone else."

"Well that's a pity."

Eyes widening, Naruto summoned a sphere of wind around himself to block another rush of flames. Each one that slammed against his sphere slowly pushed him back after each time. "Enough of this." He dropped the air sphere and Shunshined just in time to avoid another one.

"Fast." Kuroka said before raising her arm to block a drop kick. She lashed out with a fast punch that missed when Naruto jumped off her arm and summoned another wave of flames at her blonde opponent who disappeared into the wind inside a swirl of leafs. "Again with that. Now where did you go?"

Her answer was a pair of hands that grabbed tightly onto her ankles.

Now she was dug into the ground with her head in full view and a crouching Naruto staring at her. "I have one question and I need you to be honest with me."

Kuroka noticed something at the corner of her eye. Something moving underneath the rubble behind Naruto and she could guess who is it.

"Sure. It's not like I'm going anywhere."

"What are you exactly?"

-(Meanwhile)-Karakura Town, Japan-


"What is it, Chad?" Ichigo asked as he and his girlfriend, Orihime, looked at their taller friend staring at the sky.

The Mexican descendant answered after a moment or two, eyes still staring at the sky. "I have this… feeling that… Naruto is in trouble."

"Do you think he needs our help?" Orihime asked with evident concern in her tone.

Ichigo simply shrugged his shoulders before the trio continued their way on the route to Urahara's shop, their unofficial base/training grounds. "I'm sure that Naruto can take care of him-self."

"But even he has limits, doesn't he?"

"None that I know of." Ichigo answered Orihime who soon hooked her left arm with his right arm. The small gesture brought small smiles from both teenagers.

As they made a turn through a familiar alleyway and saw the familiar wooden small shop, Chad asked Ichigo, "How are you doing with your powers? Are you getting better control?"

"Compared to having no control whatsoever before… I'm making progress."


"Shut it, you homicidal maniac! Zangetsu!"

"Right…" Zangetsu replied in his usual calm but serious tone.

Sending a 'thank you' to his Zanpakuto spirit, Ichigo, Orihime and Chad entered the shop, not breaking their stride as they made their way to the underground training grounds.

However there was no sign of the clone of their blonde friend this time.

"He's not here… again." An angry, mouth-twitching Ichigo stood there before Orihime calmed him down. He soon took out his badge and entered his Shinigami form before walking away from Orihime and Chad. He took a few more steps until he turned around and drew his sword, holding it in a basic two-handed grip. "Oh well. I guess this means more practice for you guys."

By the time he finished his sentence, Chad had already summoned his Nemean Cestus gauntlets and Orihime already slipped into an advanced Karate stance that Ichigo taught her and the Golden Fleece worn on her left arm. However it was a sleek and tight hugging sleeve with a matching fingerless glove instead of the three-piece armlet Naruto utilized beforehand.

"Ready you two?" Receiving nods from his friends, Ichigo released Spirit Energy with his left hand on his right arm, Zanpakuto pointing at Orihime and Chad. "Bankai!"

"Uh, Ichigo? Isn't that a little excessive to use your Bankai right now?" Orihime asked nervously as the smoke cloud revealed her boyfriend in his Bankai cloak.

"Not really." Ichigo responded with no hesitation.

The entire training session went on as usual as the trio battled to help one another: Ichigo to get stronger so he can use his Hollow mask; Chad to properly wield and battle with the Nemean Cestus; lastly Orihime to learn a martial art to protect herself and also to increase her average physical prowess.

-Gladiatorial Arena-Naruto vs. Kuroka and Triton-

"If I may ask before Mr. Jealous/Power Hungry comes back, what are you?" He couldn't help but ask as her appearance struck up his curiosity the moment he laid eyes on her.

The pout on Kuroka's face was instantly replaced with a smile as she answered. "Why I'm a Nekomata yokai!"

"A Nekomata?"

"I'm a cat spirit."

"I know what a Nekomata is. I'm not an idiot," Naruto deadpanned.

"Yes you are." Kurama stated bluntly, getting a ticked mark response from his Jinchuriki.

"Anyway, what's with this Khaos Brigade business?"

Instead of an answer, a smile crept on the Nekomata's face, telling him something else. That something else is coming from behind him about now. Naruto quickly spun around while in his crouching position and lunged forward with his arms extended, plowing into the surprised Triton's stomach in point-blank range.

"Furinji Chigigurma!"


But Naruto wasn't done as he landed another attack, this time with his familiar and signature attack slammed straight to the face.


The dual combos sent the minor god flying through the wall and into another room. Landing after his attack, Naruto performed a cartwheel to the side to dodge another barrage of white flames that dug several holes in the spot he was standing moments prior.

The Nekomata scowled a little when the Human dodged her attack yet again, although something is on her mind. It was the last attack that her blonde opponent used on her future 'mate' before disposing him like he was nothing. The power the technique gave was very familiar but much more powerful than she encountered.

"Could you be using Chakra by any chance?"

"…" Naruto stared at her in complete silence as he assumed his Frog Kata stance, but inwardly he was freaking out. "How the hell did she know?! There's no one else in this world that can Chakra except that snake Kabuto and I!"

Moments passed by as the two warriors stared at each other in silence with the wind gently breezing against their fluttering clothing, just waiting for one another to make the first move.

Although it was obvious who is the one, making that first move.

Kuroka crossed her arms just as Naruto appeared in front of her via Shunshin with a front kick aimed at her torso, wincing upon the impact and the strength by it. "Strong for a Human." She pushed back the limb and lashed out with a high kick, which Naruto bent his body backwards, giving him a view of her long leg.

Reaching out to grab the outstretched limp before she could pull it back, Naruto tightened his grip as he spun around rapidly with Kuroka in tow, causing the air to spin around his body. After a few moments, Naruto let go of the limb, sending her flying toward the pavilion, but she regained her composure and landed on the wall instead.

However she couldn't get a moment's rest as she jumped off to dodge another Rasengan that was clearly aimed at her. Jumping a safe distance, Kuroka watched the pavilion crumbled into rubble by the technique's power just as a dust cloud covered the site and her opponent.

"That is Chakra you're using. I never thought a Human could use it let alone manipulate it in the way you do." Kuroka said, not pleased at all as she dropped her playful attitude. "This will actually be troublesome."

"From the way you're speaking, I take you also use Chakra as well." Naruto replied back as he casually strode out of the dust cloud, looking ready as usual. "If she's a Nekomata and the way she was talking about Chakra, her race must also be able to manipulate it too. I'm surprised that another being let alone a different race can use Chakra."


The hole in the wall exploded nearby them, sending debris across the entire diameter of the arena, which the Shinobi and the Nekomata dodged vehemently to avoid having holes burrowed into their bodies.

"What now?"

His answer was a walking figure that emerged out of the smoke and that figure is Triton; a very angry Triton who was glowing in his power aura. He dropped his sword and shield and assumed into a fighting stance that is surprisingly familiar to Naruto.

"I've seen that stance before but where?"

-(Flashback Begins)-Kamogawa Gym-

Leaning against the wall while staying out of the members' way, Naruto watched the four prominent members train their boxing skills with their utmost best. After training for several hours with the Elder, the Shinobi was allowed to get two hours of rest.

The sounds of fists hitting multiple sandbags and chains resonated inside the gym. However, only two members were putting much effort than the others.

Ippo and Takamura.

"Those two are really talented and hard working." Naruto muses with his eyes focused on his slightly shorter boxing friend. Actually, he was focusing on his fighting stance to be more precise.

Ippo had his body hunched forward, his center of gravity lowered and his elbows guarding his stomach with his fists close to the chin. His upper body was slightly bobbing and weaving as if he was preparing to dodge an attack before it happens.

The entire stance made it look like he was playing that child's game, 'Peek-A-Boo.'

"What kind of stance is that?"

One of the boxers, Kimura they called him, approached blonde after finishing his three minutes of sandbag hitting. "Kind of weird to you, huh?" He asked his own question before answering Naruto. "That boxing was developed by world-renowned trainer Dumurata who taught it to Heavyweight World Champion, Mike Tyson. It's called the Peek-A-Boo Style."

"I thought it looked like he was playing that game."

"It suits Ippo since he's an In-Fighter, so he needs a tight defense while overpowering his opponents." Kimura stated.

"So the Peek-A-Boo Style allows Ippo a strong defense while he can throw punches without sacrificing any power?" Naruto was intrigued by the style's nature as he watched Ippo throw a sharp uppercut at the mitt Kamogawa was wearing. "That sounds cool. Although I have one question."

"What is it?"

"Who's Mike Tyson?"

The next thing he knew was that many of the gym members including Ippo and Kamogawa started hounding him for his lacking knowledge of one of the prominent Heavyweight Champions in the world.

-(Flashback Ends)-

"Does he know boxing?"

He got his answer when Triton commenced his attack, throwing punches and kicks all over. Naruto dodged them easily but he was surprised by the accuracy and speed of the attacks. They aren't like the wild punches in brawling, but they're also not as composed as well.

After dodging another punch, Naruto threw one of his own, only to be countered when Triton grabbed his arm, slipped backwards onto the ground while placing his leg on his body before extending it, kicking him away to a pillar.

However Naruto spun in mid-air and regained his composure and landed on the pillar's side with his chakra-coated feet. "That was a roundhouse throw." Senses going haywire, he jumped off the pillar in time when a volley of white flames pummeled it to rubble. Naruto landed and noticed that Kuroka and Triton charged at him in a pincer formation. "Okay then. Bring it!"

And it did go as he expected.

The trio entered an exchange of offensive and defensive skills; Kuroka and Triton on the offensive; Naruto on the defensive. After directing Kuroka's latest attack, Naruto pushed her with a thrust and swept her off her feet with a low leg sweep before delivering a sharp uppercut to Triton's chin.

Recoiling from the attack, Triton stood strong and grabbed Naruto in a bear hug before arching his back and slamming his head and shoulders hard into the ground. He then let go before he leapt high into the air and rubbed his hands together, slowly opening them to reveal a small electrical current and water swirling around each other.

"Take this and die!" Triton screamed as he launched his attack, a wide stream of electricity and water that meant to kill on impact.

Naruto gasped before kicking up to his feet and thrust his arms into the air, releasing a vortex-like blast of wind as a counter. "Wind Style: Divine Down Current!"

Another shockwave tore through the air after the two attacks clashed against each other as the three combatants entered inside the newly created dust cloud that enveloped the arena once more.

-(Meanwhile)-With Rhea and Medusa-


"Yes, Rhea?"

"I completely regret leaving Naruto back there."

"You too, huh?"

After finally reaching Aphrodite, the two females found them-selves surrounded by hordes of Cyclops and Centaurs. Cyclops are giant humanoid beings with large muscular builds and their most distinctive trait is their sole eye while Centaurs are beings with a upper Human body and the lower body of adult horse.

As for Aphrodite herself, she was sitting on a pink marble throne with stone-engraved images of doves and dragons, her sacred animal and her former lover Ares' sacred animal respectively. She had a smug grin plastered on her face as she stretched out her hand and gave a thumbs-down.

The universal sign to kill in gladiatorial combat.

The creatures nodded and charged at Rhea and Medusa who shot four arrows in rapid succession that dug into the hearts of centaurs. Rhea kicked away a Cyclops' blade and used the spinning momentum to deliver a roundhouse kick at the head, knocking it unconscious as it fell backwards on the ground.

A centaur roared as it galloped its strong hooves on the ground with a drawn sword.

Its target? Medusa.

However the Kosaka Style disciple sensed it coming and swiftly turned around and caught the blade with the bow's string. Pivoting on her toes, she used the centaur's charging moment to flip it over while disarming of its weapon at the same time. Medusa then jumped on top of the fallen centaur's body and stabbed an arrow into its eye, killing it.

"Medusa!" Rhea suddenly cried out.

"I know!"

Medusa pulled out the bloodied arrow from the skull before grabbing two more arrows from the quiver. She jumped off the centaur while turning around and pulled back the three arrows before releasing them into the eyes of the towering three Cyclops that were gunning for her.

"Hmph… Cyclops…" Medusa scoffed as the ground quaked from the now fallen bodies.

The frequent sounds of bodies continued to rise as Medusa and Rhea continued to dwindle their numbers with arrows and the slashing motions of Steel Fans enhanced by her Titan energy. There was no stopping the skilled female warriors as they finished off the last Cyclops with an arrow that shot through the head and its body bisected by Rhea's thrown Steel Fan.

"Good job, Medusa." Rhea praised her adopted sister after catching her Steel Fan.

The former priestess nodded with a smile. "Thank you, but we're not done yet."

"No… not yet at least."

Strutting slowly towards them, the Love Goddess, Aphrodite, summoned dual pink whips with red leather handles and small trident-like blades at the end.

"Are you ready?"

Rhea answered that question by charging forward with her yellow aura-covered Steel Fans. And so, Aphrodite responded by charging as well with her pink-aura covered whips.

The room shook violently by the clash of the intense powers between two immortals: one a Titaness and the other a goddess.

Medusa, with her arm on her forehead to protect her eyes, watched two auras clashing together again and again across the room in different places, the structure shaking from the immense power.

"I wish Naruto was here to see this." The Kosaka Style disciple thought to herself until she felt another tremor rumble through the room, although it was from Rhea's and Aphrodite's repeated clashes. "It came from outside? I hope Naruto is all right."

-Gladiatorial Coliseum-Naruto vs. Kuroka and Triton-

"Gah!" was all what Triton could say after his body slammed against the wall, courtesy of a roundhouse kick from his blonde opponent.

Meanwhile Naruto swiftly dodged Kuroka's attacks, which are enhanced with Senjutsu. At first he was surprised when the familiar energy was coated around the Nekomata, but now he realizes that compared to his Sage Mode and skills with Senjutsu, her skills are a bit crude and had negative emotions with it.

After a back-flip with grace to dodge his kick, Kuroka looked around the arena after Naruto disappeared via another Body Flicker Technique. "For you to dodge my attacks even with Senjutsu, that's pretty impressive for a Human."

"Thank you. I try my best." Naruto reappeared behind with a readied Rasengan, which he slammed into Kuroka. His eyes widened slightly when 'Kuroka' flickered briefly before disappearing in a white light. "Damn! An illusion?" He said before briefly retreating to his mind. "Genjutsu?"

"Right again!" Multiple Kurokas appeared as they surrounded the blonde Shinobi with multiple flames on top of their heads.

"Hey, I'm the only one who can do that!" Naruto whined before tilting his head to the left, dodging a punch. "You again?" He didn't need to see it was Triton who pulled back his arm for another attack. Naruto spun around to dodge the attack and slammed his left elbow to the god's left cheek, followed by a knee to the stomach.

The minor god doubled over from the latest attack. "How?" He was sent flying again when Naruto used a Wind Style Jutsu while also destroying Kuroka's illusion clones. "How can he-"

Naruto cringed a little when his godly opponent's head dug deep into the wall exactly like Pain during their battle. "That's gotta hurt."

As if he can hear it, Triton put his hands on the wall and pried his head out, landing on the ground on all fours while his eyes rested on Naruto.

There was nothing but fury and anger in them.

"Not as much as this will be for you!" Triton screamed out as his entire body glowed purplish-green with his godly power.

A moment later, Naruto's eyes widen in surprise when the god suddenly disappeared without a trace. It wasn't long until he felt his body being tightly constricted by something heavy.

And that something was a glowing and angry Triton who had a smug grin on his face.

"You're pathetic, mortal!" The minor god smugly commented before tightening his arms and legs around the Shinobi's torso. "As expected for my father's poor decision. This goes to show that you aren't fit to wield his Trident and title of Poseidon! THOSE BELONG TO ME!"

No answer came from Naruto, increasing his ego.

"You're speechless, aren't you? Or perhaps you can't speak at all because my hold has cracked your chest area."

No answer from the Shinobi again.

"That is the power of Pankration." Triton smugly stated. "My bastard half-brother Theseus and cousin Hercules created this fighting style centuries."


Now feelings of uneasiness penetrated Triton like an arrow as he recalled a lesson from his younger days with his father. If your opponents show no signs of panic or desperation even if that opponent has no chance to win at all, that's when you start to worry.

"Is that so?" Triton's eyes widen when Naruto slightly turned his head to show a small grin, no sign of worry or panic at all. "Then let me show what I'm capable of." He remarked just as an angry Triton pulled his four limbs closer to his body, crushing his torso and spine with a loud 'crack.'

Victory plus his father's title and weapon was in his grasp.

At least that's what Triton thought until 'Naruto' turned into a solidified mass of wind, resembling his body's outline before it shrunk into the size of a marble. Before its target could do anything, the marble exploded and released thousands of wind blades the size of forearms in an omni-directional pattern, slamming Triton with multiple attacks that drew golden liquor instead of red blood from his body.

Ichor: the blood of the Olympian Gods and their children/descendants.


That was the cry Kuroka heard from Triton as she swiftly and narrowly dodged all of the wind blades that burrowed into the walls. By the time the technique stopped, the walls, stands and the pavilion where Aphrodite sat before her escape were battered with multiple narrow holes like the Human weapons that utilizes a bullet.

As Triton stumbled backwards and coughing ichor from his lips, his eyes widen upon seeing Naruto in front of him before he delivered a high kick to the chin, sending him high to the air. Appearing above the airborne minor god, Naruto formed a Rasengan that has four white blade-protrusions in his right hand.


Naruto swiftly thrust his attack into the god's back. "Wind Style: Rasengan!"

Excruciating pain rang through Triton's body as the attack seem to dig deeper and deeper into his body to point that it felt like it will pierce through his body at any moment. After all the technique is basically Chakra itself enhanced with wind.

Seeing that it's enough, Naruto decided that it was time to let go of his wind-infused Rasengan. "Now for the best part." He whispered to him-self with a smile.

Upon release, the completed Rasengan rapidly morphed into a powerful twister-shaped blast of wind that pummeled Triton straight to the arena, causing a huge shockwave and a small earthquake as it upturned the ground in large heaps of rocks and dust clouds.

"What power!" Kuroka thought with a slight tremble in her voice as she covered her face with one arm while using the other to hold onto her yukata that threatened to expose her body by the powerful wind.

As the wind shockwave ceased, the stands started to crumble and fall from the weaken support pillars below from the combined after effects of Naruto's two previous attacks.

"This is no ordinary Human. Not even the members of the Hero Faction possess this kind of power except maybe Cao Cao! The kind of power to do battle with a god, even a minor one such as Triton."

"You know…" The nekomata turned around with widen eyes to see an amused Naruto behind her, prompting her to take a few steps back. "If we weren't enemies, you and I probably would've been friends by now or in the future."

"So fast! Even with my Senjutsu, I-"


Both Kuroka and Naruto looked at the edge of the very deep crater where a heavily bruised and bleeding Triton was crawling towards them, his cracked armor falling to the ground piece by piece. The look in his eyes was nothing but rage and vengeance that was the sign of someone not giving up until he or she gets what that person wants.

"He's moving after taking that attack?" Kuroka asked her-self while Naruto didn't look interested at all.

Stopping after his body gave out on him from the damage, Triton barely managed to lift his head at. "It's n-not over… You may have beaten me… but my plan is already in effect."

"A plan?" Naruto asked as he adopted a thinking pose. "What sort of plan? Oh you mean the plan to overthrow your parents and your council to usurp the throne of Atlantis?"

Triton's eyes widen in shock when he heard his enemy discuss the detailed nature of his plan.

"Yeah… that grand plan of yours…" Naruto said solemnly.

-(Flashback Begins)-Earlier-Poseidon's Palace, Atlantis-


"Naruto please-"


"I know I did." Poseidon stated firmly as he released some of his godly power, ending his successor's tantrum. "And while I tolerate your attitude, you will show me respect as your predecessor."

Naruto growled deeply in his throat as he looked away. "Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?"

"No. There is one more thing if you would listen."





"…Fine. What is it?"

"Triton is preparing to overthrow me and my wife." Naruto's eyes widen in surprise as all but a little anger ceased from his mind while Poseidon continued his news. "For a while now, Triton's activities were becoming increasingly suspicious so I had my most trusted agent to spy on him. Just yesterday, he disappeared after Amphitrite told him of the pregnancy."

"When is he going to do it?"

"Sometime in the next three days."

"So what are you going to do? Do you have any plans?" A nod came from the Greek god. "Mind telling me what they are?"

Poseidon chuckled a little. "None but one has you in it."

"And that is…"

"There are two parts to the plan. The first one: find my son and beat him to a pulp if you do."

Naruto smiled as he cracked his knuckles. "I've been looking for an excuse to beat him up since the last time I was here. And the second part?"

"… The second part is…"

-(Flashback Ends)-

"And the second part is…" Naruto pulled out the special conch from his ninja pouch. It was the gift he received from Poseidon on his first time in Atlantis. "You're going to lose the one thing you treasure most."

"What do you mean by that?!"

Before a response could come, a bright flash of blue light emerged from the conch and remained stationary to Naruto. It was a portal connected to the throne room of Atlantis.

By that time, Kuroka bailed out of there with one of her strange techniques, which Naruto received belittlement from his Tailed Beast partner for letting her make her escape, but he chose to ignore it.

The blue light dimmed slowly and slowly until it was Poseidon him-self in his battle armor with a dark blue double-edged sword with a green hilt and a sapphire jewel inside the pommel. Near the guard was an engraved trident that glowed light blue in contrast to the rest of the weapon.

Fear surged through Triton's body as his father's blade began to glow reddish-green before several tendrils snapped out of it and wrapped themselves around the minor god's arms and legs.


"That's right, Triton. The thing you treasure most…"

Triton screamed in agony as he felt his godly power being absorbed little by little via the tendrils and began thrashing around in pain. The pain amplified when Poseidon stabbed his blade through his son's immortal heart.

"Is your immortality and power," Naruto finished as the screams and thrashing ceased. He knew that only meant one thing and so did Poseidon.

Triton was no more in this world or any world for that matter.

"It is done." Poseidon sheathed his sword just as Naruto put away the conch. He turned around to face his blonde successor. "Thank you for your help, Naruto."

"No problem." Naruto said solemnly when he saw sadness in Poseidon's eyes. "That couldn't have been easy for you; killing your son."

"No, but it was necessary."

Naruto shook his head, showing his disapproval. "It is never a necessity to kill one's child despite of the choices that child made."

"…" Poseidon started to make his way to the portal while carrying his dead son's body. When he was about to enter it, he stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you. I needed to hear that."


The Olympian God looked at his successor and found the same disapproving eyes he encountered before back at Atlantis. "You're still upset."

"I asked you that day and you lied straight to my face. How else am I supposed to react to this kind of news?"

"You wanted to know and now you do. So deal with it, Naruto. The process is halfway complete. It won't be long now."

"I never wanted it, Poseidon. I clearly remember telling you that the day of the Contest of the Gods."

"And that is why I've done it. A man who doesn't want anything but has the will to fight in order to protect your loved ones and the people around you. That kind of man can't be bought, bribed or corrupted with money, power or otherwise."


"You should feel honored by this, Naruto. There have been few mortals who ascended to the kind of being before you. Take my nephew, Hercules, for example."


Ultimately Poseidon sighed as he ran a hand over his head. "Sooner or later, you'll have to accept it. I'm pretty sure your fox friend will tell you the same thing."

"He's right, you know. I would and will tell you the same thing."

"Shut up!"

"I'd best be going. I have to inform my wife of the unfortunate death of our son."

The blonde Shinobi nodded at him. "You know… your mother and Medusa are here. Do you want to wait for them?" A shake of the head was his answer. "Some other time then."

"Some other time." Poseidon said before entering the portal.

After the portal closed, Naruto stood in the arena in silence, contemplating about the truth his predecessor told him back in Atlantis.


The Jinchuriki snapped out of his fog before responding. "Ashura? Something on your mind?"

"That technique you used on Triton earlier?"

"Which one?" Naruto asked since he used only two of his Ninjutsu in the battle.

Ashura sighed through the link before specifying the technique he was asking about. "The Ninjutsu that released those small wind blades and pummeled Triton. Was that the Shadow Clone Jutsu?"

"Yeah." Naruto couldn't help but smile at his latest accomplishment. "A clone technique that follows the two steps of the Rasengan and releases many wind blades once the clone disperses either by my hand or my enemy's hand. The Wind Style: Shadow Clone Jutsu."

"An impressive technique if I say so."

"Although I wasn't expecting the damage output to total the coliseum." Naruto thought sheepishly. "I got to be careful with that from now on."

However that didn't last long when an explosion shook the coliseum somewhere else.

"That was probably Rhea or Medusa."

With that note, Naruto ran through the tunnel that Rhea and Medusa took earlier to chase after Aphrodite.

Hopefully he didn't miss the good parts.

-Rhea and Medusa vs. Aphrodite-

Rhea dodged one of the whips while releasing another one of her power-enhanced slash at her, which Aphrodite dodged with a nimble side-step. Medusa on the other hand fired another volley of arrows that swatted away like flies by the secondary whip.

The love goddess chuckled as she retracted her dual whips. "Don't tell that's all you two got." She watched Rhea and Medusa got into their respective martial art stances. "With my Whips of Love, you can't possibly defeat me."



Both Medusa and Rhea stared at her with deadpan faces, then looked at each other before looking back at Medusa.

"W-what?" A sweat-dropped Aphrodite couldn't help but ask.


"Whips of Love?"

Aphrodite stuttered with an embarrassed blush. "I-it was the best I could come up with."

"That wasn't good at all."

"I've heard better names in my entire lifetime." Rhea pointed out with Medusa nodding her head as she agreed. "Aphrodite…" The said goddess perked her head slightly, getting her attention. "Are you sure you want to keep doing this?"

Aphrodite simply scoffed at her words and started the motion of her whips with a single flick of her wrist. "Why? You afraid of losing?"

"No…" Aphrodite's eyes widen when Rhea seemed to disappear into the air before she felt something metal pointing at the base of her neck. When she looked over her shoulder, she found Rhea holding one of her Steel Fans. "I'm afraid that I'll lose another sister."

"H-How did you-"

Rhea narrowed her green eyes at her. "Don't forget, Aphrodite, that you yourself are a goddess, not a Titan like my-self. Although back then, you and my children were stronger than us, over the past centuries, I've trained myself to become stronger while you-" She pushed her fan slightly, getting a flinch from Aprhodite upon her skin about to be sliced, "-laid on your back with millions of men to satisfy your desire for lust. Therefore I'm the one stronger than you now."

Aphrodite scowled as her older sister continued speaking. "I've always been stronger than you, but I realized that until I met him." She didn't see the small blushes on Rhea's cheeks, but when she looked back at her, there were no sign of them at all. "You have two choices: Surrender or lose the one thing most immortals fear of losing."

"I'd think twice before making your decision…" Naruto appeared in front of the females via a swirl of leafs around him. "Judging by your position, I'd choose the first choice… while you still can."

"…" Aphrodite stayed silent for a moment before it became minutes. Finally she relented by dropping her weapons and a sigh. "Damn you." Her eyes rolled back after she felt a hard object on her neck and it was lights out for her.

A wide-eyed Naruto and Medusa stared at the fallen goddess before looking up at Rhea who clapped her hands to rid of the dirt after putting away her weapons. "What?" She asked innocently.

"What was that?!" Naruto and Medusa shouted at the same time.

"Well… I've always wanted to do that ever since she started causing trouble from her youth."


"Now…" Rhea spoke as the room started to morph into the penthouse suite of the Julius Caesar, a clear sign that they're back on Earth. "Shall we go home?"

-Somewhere in Brazil, South America-With Kuroka-

"So that's what happened?"



The two-tailed Nekomata averted her eyes upon the person in front of her. It was a young girl in a Gothic Lolita dress with glossy long black hair that reached her hips and eyes. A thick forest that seemed to stretch out for miles surrounded the two females. The trees are so high that their leaf-covered branches barely let any sunlight reach the cold and muddy ground.

"The Human… he was stronger than Triton and I imagined." Kuroka responded without her usual flirty persona. "He even uses Chakra, a power that I thought only my kind could use."

"Oh…" The young girl sounded intrigued, despite the blank expression on her face. "Is there something else?"

"Somehow his Chakra is much more potent than anyone of my kind, even my own. Also his skill with Chakra is on par if not superior to my own skills."

The little girl chuckled at the Nekomata's admiration yet envy and got up from her makeshift black chair as she walked towards the edge of a cliff. She never liked this world as it was always loud and noisy unlike her home; the Dimensional Gap. It was always silent there and she loved it.

Until Great Red, the Dragon of Dragons, stole it from her.

"Hey, hey, Ophis, you're scaring the animals including me."

The girl, Ophis, looked at her feet and saw that the cliff was reduced to more than its original size. It now resembled a crooked crescent moon with the outer edges looking like evil arms from a bedtime story.

Kuroka, casually sitting atop on a branch that was a bit far but within earshot, wagged her tails before jumping off after Orphis gave her the sign that it's safe. "You were thinking about him, right?"



Ophis turned around and casually strutted back. That's when she noticed something in Kuroka's gold-colored eyes. "I see now."

"You see what?"

"You're interested in him. The Human." The Dragon God saw Kuroka fidget a little upon saying that. "To be honest, you choosing Triton was a mistake since he's a minor god. From you told me about their battle plus all the stories and rumors in the Underworld as of late, his power and skills are superior than most Humans, even those in the Hero Faction."


"Also there's something else that bothers me."

"Something bothers you?" Kuroka feigned surprise with an exaggerated look. "Do tell."

Ophis looked at her Nekomata colleague with her usual blank face. "You mentioned that the Human, Naruto Uzumaki, possesses the Trident of Poseidon, correct?"


"And he didn't use it at all during the battle."

Kuroka's eyes narrowed as she answered 'yes' once more. "What are you thinking? That something else is at play here."

"… Hmph." Ophis casually waved her petite hand and opened a large gray magic circle that had an intricate dragon's head in the middle; the Dragon Gate. "I believe things are about to change for us gods."

"What do you mean by that?"

No answer came as the Dragon God left via her Dragon Gate, leaving behind a pouting Kuroka.

"I don't like when she's holding something back." The Nekomata looked at the sky and a small smile adorned her lips. "Perhaps a visit at my little sister will cheer me up. Or maybe I should visit that Human." She giggled behind the back of her hand. "Since he uses Chakra, it should be a lot easier to track him down."

With that, the Nekomata opened a purple portal before entering it and afterwards it closed.

-(Two Days Later)-Somewhere in the Sea of Japan-



"Where are we going?"

"If I tell you, it won't be a secret." Hayato simply responded cheekily, getting an irritated sigh from his disciple.

It wasn't long since Naruto, Rhea and Medusa returned to Ryozanpaku after their skirmish with Triton and Aprhodite. As for the latter, she has a nice spot in an Adamantine-constructed cell near the corner of Tartarus and Chaos; the realms that are even deeper than the Underworld. No being short of a god can enter those realms and the Olympian Gods themselves dread those realms.

Also the world is back to normal… somewhat. The cities that were quarantined by Aphrodite's Lust Clouds are free and clear, although their residents/citizens were less optimistic about realizing that they slept with complete strangers. There were reports of marriages being dissolved and the divorce rates skyrocketed. On the other hand, the incident did lead to some marriages, so that's good… in a way.

Naruto looked out at the open sea aboard the helm of the wooden ship that the Ryozanpaku residents had handmade themselves to conserve money. It was a simple ship with a second floor that housed the helm to steer the ship and a short mast that held a flag with the ship's name, the 'Saratoga II'. When he asked what happened to the first ship, but all he got was a deathly glare stare from his master.

Plus it was handy of them to use their martial arts skills for something other than fighting.

So the master and his student stood in silent, taking in the beauty the Earth has to offer for her inhabitants. The shining light of the sun glistened off the surface of the ocean as a pod of dolphins diving in and out of the sea on the port and starboard sides of the ship.

A few minutes later, the object of their location soon appeared over the horizon, becoming bigger and bigger in size and range as they approached the obvious landmass.

A secret island located somewhere on the coast of Japan that is apparently known to the Ryozanpaku masters and residents.

"Naruto… Welcome to Furinji Island."


After docking the boat at a handmade pier, the two warriors took a stroll through the natural thick blanket of trees that hugged the island. As they walked at a leisurely pace, the Shinobi took in the natural energy that is unusually more abundant than the rest of the world.

"This island… it's beautiful and calm." Naruto simply stated, getting a knowing nod from the Elder. "When did you find it?"

"I discovered this island a few months after the end of World War II." A small smile etched on Hayato's mouth that didn't go unnoticed by the younger blonde. That's when they approached a clearing in the forest and found a house in the middle of it. From the looks of the wooden architecture, it looks handmade as well. "This here was the spot where I proposed to my wife, may God rest her soul."

The Shinobi simply smiled. "So this island is special to you, huh?"

"Not just me, but to everyone at Ryozanpaku. Including you." Hayato mentioned before turning around to face his younger blonde counterpart. "Never I thought this vacation spot of mine would be the location for the peace talks of the Three Factions."

The surprised look on his face must've been priceless as the Furinji Style master chuckled a bit. "Y-you mean…? Are you sure, master? I think you need more time to think about this. You said it yourself that this place is special for everyone at Ryozanpaku."

"And I meant it."


"You fear for our safety." Hayato said wisely, already figured out his disciple's fear and worry of his fellow martial artists and dear friends. A nod was his answer. "A man who only cares for him-self can only grow stronger and that kind of mindset hinders his abilities. However a man who cares about everyone in his life and tries to protect them with the best of his abilities, his strength will continue to grow to limitless levels."


Hayato looked at his disciple and saw a contemplated look on his face. "Naruto? Is there something else bothering you?"

"… And what if that man is no longer a man?" Naruto answered cryptically. "That he's… becoming something else. Something that he'd never wanted to be in the first place."

"Such as?"


"Naruto? If there's really something really troubling you, you can always talk to me about it." Hayato assured his disciple, only to get a small shake of his head.

"It's… I… I never wanted it." Naruto gritted his teeth as his fists trembled with anger. "He already told me, but just… why me?"

"Naruto, I can't help you if you don't tell me. What is it?"

After a few but intense moments, Naruto finally answered with a shudder in his voice. "I'm becoming like him."



Naruto looked at the towering man's eyes with a solemn look. A gentle breeze of wind passed through the residential area, making Hayato's robe flutter slightly as a lone cloud passed over them, briefly blocking out the sun. Soon the sun was free to shine its life-giving rays once again as the Shinobi told his martial arts master the knowledge that will change his old life forever.

-(Three Hours Later)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-

Life is normal for the Titaness, Rhea, as she just folded the last clean clothing and placed atop of her basket. As she carried it and made her way to the main building of the dojo, she saw Kenichi again on the floor, his swirly eyes showing his unconscious again.

"Poor Kenichi." Rhea averted her gaze to the other side of the dojo grounds where Medusa was frantically dodging… CDs? "Poor Medusa. These two are going at it."

"Master no more!"

"No… break."

Rhea chuckled as Medusa's cries for help commenced, only to be left unanswered. As she entered the room and sat on her knees, she started to separate the clothing into separate groups that belonged to a Ryozanpaku resident like Sakaki's beer-stained boxers that still won't come off and Miu's bras and matching panties.

After a minute or two, the Titaness finished her chore and was about to call the masters when she felt a familiar presence behind her. "Miu…" She turned around to see the Ryozanpaku princess with a frown instead of her perky smile. "Miu? Is something wrong?"


"Miu?" Rhea stood up and was taken aback when tears started flowing out of Miu's eyes.

"Who are you?"


Miu gulped before she repeated her question. "Who are you really? And Medusa, who is she? Who is Naruto?"

"I don't understand." Rhea said as she really doesn't know nor what happened.

"A couple of days ago, we had a visitor who claimed to be a friend of Naruto. His name was Michael."

Rhea's eyes widen briefly before they returned to their normal expression. "Michael… as in Michael the Archangel of the Christianity religion? Now I think about it, Naruto did mention him a few times on our way back."

"I gave them tea and was about to leave, but…" Her lips curled as she struggled with the words. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I was curious."

"Oh no."

"I heard them talking and the next thing I knew, Michael disappeared in a bright light and soon after Naruto also disappeared although it was in a smoke cloud. And I heard something Naruto being a clone."

"She saw Naruto's Shadow Clone disperse? Okay, this is not good." Rhea then spoke in turn. "Miu, I'm pretty that Naruto and Michael's disappearing acts… are magic."

Just like that, the crying and sad Miu turned into a happy little girl with sparkling eyes who was at the circus.

"Magic?!" The cheerful Miu repeated.

"Yeah…" Rhea paused a minute. "Michael is a former magician who taught Naruto a couple tricks like the disappearing-in-a-smoke-trick and Medusa and I were the assistants at the time. He knew you were there, so he thought it would be a good idea to prank you."

"Oh really?" A sweatdrop slid down on Rhea's head as a proverbial dark cloud appeared above an innocently smiling Miu. "Then I guess he wouldn't mind having no ramen tonight."


"Hello, everyone."

Speak of the ninja.

Naruto entered the room after bidding a goodbye to the Elder who made his way to his room. It was their day-off from training and Naruto understood the reason as he him-self is still processing it. "I still can't believe it." He soon found himself staring at a very angry Miu with folded arms. "Ah, Miu. Is something wrong?"

A moment later, the Elder heard loud commotions from his granddaughter and his ninja disciple outside of his closed room. He chuckled as he sat in a meditative position-the same position that Naruto uses for meditation-right in the center of his room. Closing his eyes, Hayato thought about the words Naruto told him. The words that would in fact change his old life forever.

'I'm becoming a god.'