Chapter 27 - Preparations, Babysitting And Developments...
Several days passed after the event that shook the world's cities, but life at Ryozanpaku Dojo was as usual.
The cries of pain and helplessness of its disciples could be heard for miles around the neighborhood because of their intensive training designed by their insane masters.
In this case, it's disciple against disciple and disciple.
Naruto chuckled as he directed Kenichi's punch away from him with his activated Seikuken and shoved him with a thrust to the back. Then he caught a drop kick from Miu before spinning around once and let go of her, which she regained her composure and landed next to a panting Kenichi on the ground.
"Come on, guys. I feel like you haven't improved at all." Naruto pouted at his younger disciple siblings, deactivating his Seikuken. "Let's take a break."
Kenichi was the first to protest. "No! We can keep going."
Seeing a nod from Miu and the determination from both of their eyes, Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Okay then."
On the outside of the dojo building sat the masters sans Shigure who was training her own disciple as they watched their aspiring martial artists spar with each other or in this case, training.
"Good idea for Kenichi and Miu sparring with Naruto." Kensei remarked with his eyes on his adult magazine. "With his physical abilities being that of a master, he's sure to push them to their limits already."
Akisame chuckled after making his move in the Shogi match against the Elder. "I know. I'm just that smart." He saw the look in the Elder's eyes: the look that something bothers him greatly like the movements of Yami against them recently. "Hayato?"
"Is something the matter?"
Hayato felt the other masters' eyes on him, but he can't say anything about Naruto's ascending to godhood. Not even they would believe much less accept it. His own disciple is still processing it, but little by little he starts to accept the fact that he will become a god in the world of the supernatural.
Speaking of supernatural.
"Naruto…" The ninja looked at him while holding Kenichi and Miu at arms-length with his hands on their heads. "Don't you have that thing to go to… like right now?"
It took a moment for him to realize the thing he was talking about and he nodded. "Oh yeah. It's time for that."
"Time for what?" asked Kenichi after he and Miu were freed from Naruto's hand.
"To pick up tickets for a boxing match tonight. My friend Ippo is fighting for the belt tonight."
"A title match?" Akisame asked as a battered Medusa crawled to their location before passing out. Her master, Shigure, arrived at a leisurely pace before sitting next to the Jujitsu master.
"Yeah. The champion he's facing is Takeshi Sendo and apparently the two have similar fighting styles. They also fought each other in the past with Ippo declared as the winner." Naruto started his cool-down stretches before heading for the gates. He didn't work hard at all during the sparring, so he doesn't need a shower.
Until she appeared a moment later.
"Where do you think you're going?" Naruto froze mid-step as Rhea gleamed at him with a disapproving look. "You know what you have to do, Naruto. Take a shower, please."
The Shinobi groaned loudly before turning around to face her. "But I didn't sweat at all. Come on, Rhea!" A tick mark appeared on his head when chuckles came from the masters, Medusa, Kenichi and Miu. "Knock it off!"
"Not even for me?" asked a feigned sad Rhea.
Lips curling into a pout, her pupils dilating into large ones, the ultimate weapon that Rhea or any girl can pull him and his gender. "No. No. NO! Not the puppy-dog pout!" Naruto gasped as he covered his face with his hands.
"Pretty please~"
"I'll make you a extra batch of ramen tonight… with extra pork." She saw his ears perk up and she knew she got him. Now to push it further. "I'll even add barbeque pork ribs as a side dish just for you~"
"…" Naruto slightly opened his fingers and got caught by Rhea's pout and green eyes; her mesmerizing, beautiful green eyes. "Oh! All right! I'll do it… for you." He muttered the last words. She must've heard him because a smile that resembled the sun itself adorned her lips, making his knees feel a weak for a moment.
Sakaki whispered to the passing ninja when he headed the main building. "Whipped."
"Shut it, Sakaki." Naruto barked back before he entered the main building, ignoring the calls from the other masters.
-(Half An Hour Later)-Kamogawa Gym-
Things have been intense for the members of the Kamogawa gym, specifically its prominent and rising star/member; Ippo Makunoichi. Why shouldn't he? It's his second chance to become the boxing champion of Japan since his first loss against the Champion before Sendo: Eiji Date.
The upcoming title match between two of the most upcoming and strongest boxers in Japan is said to be one of-if not-the most intense title matches in history of the Featherweight Class.
"Come on, kid! One more!"
"Hai!" Ippo then delivered a powerful left hook that shot the mitt upwards, Kamogawa flinching in pain upon contact.
"Nice punch." Kamogawa and Ippo looked at the door and saw Naruto, in his casual clothes along with his headband as usual, leaning against the wall next to it. "Did you gain more muscle since the last time I was here?"
"Naruto!" Ippo got out of the ring and greeted his friend with a handshake… a glove-shake to be precise. "Oh right, you're here for your tickets." He ran to his backpack, pulled out a few small tickets and placed them into the expectant hand that belongs to Naruto. "I hope you'll make it in time."
Naruto smirked as he gave a thumbs-up with his free hand. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." He put the tickets in his pockets and bid Ippo a 'farewell' as he's about to take his leave until something triggered his memory. "Oh yeah!" He turned around with a pleading look. "Can I borrow some money?"
"GET OUT OF HERE!" Kamogawa shouted as he swung his cane at the blonde who casually dodged it and ran out of the gym.
After making a turn at the closest alley and making sure there wasn't anyone coming by, Naruto jumped high into the air, higher than the surrounding buildings before disappearing in a yellow flash to his next location.
-Furinji Island-Sea of Japan-
After appearing and recognizing the land of his master, Naruto looked around the clearing where the house is before sitting down on the ground.
"Not this again."
"Is he still down about it?" He heard a snort from the fox and nodded. "It's already happening, so…"
"So what, Ashura?" Naruto replied with grit in his tone. "You think I wanted this to begin with? I-I… I still can't believe it."
"Well, what can you do?" Kurama asked.
"Not a damn thing," He replied with a groan as he looked up and inhaled deeply, so deep that his chest started to swell up. A moment later, his chest deflated to its original state as he shouted at the sky above. "MICHAEL! MICHAEL! ARE YOU GOING TO CHECK OUT THE ISLAND OR NOT?"
Just like that, a familiar golden light shined brightly even under the sun's rays and a familiar figure appeared once more. As the light disappeared as fast as it appeared, Michael was standing there with a smile as he stared at his Human/pseudo God ally. "Naruto. It's good to see you again."
Naruto nodded with a smile of his own. "It's good to see you too." He gestured the surroundings with open arms. "What do you think?" He stood there while folding his arms as his supernatural guest surveyed the clearing and the cabin that will serve as their meeting ground.
"This is fantastic, Naruto. I'm deeply glad that Elder Furinji agreed to this."
"So am I, Michael."
The Archangel had a small smile as he looked up to the sky where his home is located. "I thank you for this, Naruto. I will head back to Heaven, but there is something else I must attend at a local shrine. I will see you later tonight."
"Wait a minute. That's it?" A confused Naruto asked.
"That's it."
"Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa…whoa!" Michael stopped from leaving as he waited. "What time does the meeting start and how long will it take?" Naruto asked tentatively, hoping the duration doesn't coincide with Ippo's match.
"This is a peace treaty between the Three Factions. It will quite take a bit of time."
Pouting slightly, Naruto slightly slouched his shoulder. "Oh wait a second. Did you know, Michael?"
"Hm? Know about what, Naruto?" Michael asked curiously, but Naruto didn't buy it.
"Did you know that Poseidon was going to make me a god?"
"Would you repeat that?"
Eye twitching in response, Naruto grudgingly repeated, "Did you about Poseidon turning me into a god?"
"Oh…" Michael stood there, speechless of the twice-repeated question. "You're becoming a god?" That's when he made a serious realization. "That must have been the true reason why he chose you as his successor."
"What real reason? Oh right about me being an incorruptible Human who never wanted immortality much less godhood. You know…" Naruto chuckled despondently. "There was a man I knew… an really sick bastard who wanted nothing but power, immortality and my friend's unique ability. And now… I have… what he wanted all along."
Michael frowned as he could see the conflict in his eyes, "Naruto."
"The funny thing is… humanity had always wanted immortality, but they-we-don't realize that we already had achieved immortality in a way." Seeing he has intrigued Michael with his words, Naruto elaborated, "Humanity's source of immortality is the cycle of life: the next generation. Humanity has been living for centuries with each generation."
"Hm… Interesting point of view, Naruto." Michael was impressed by the wisdom in his words, but he also can see him still struggling to accept his ascension.
The Shinobi grunted as he popped his knuckles. "So how does it work? The ascension-to-godhood process thing?"
"Usually the god or goddess performs the ascension process by physical contact or a receiver of sorts."
"A receiver? Like what exactly?" Naruto asked with a skeptical raised brow.
"I don't know for sure, but it could be something that's personal, something that Poseidon kept with him all the time." Michael explained, soon getting surprised eyes from the Human. "I think you know what it is."
He grunted as he summoned the Trident, extending it to its true form. "He gave me his weapon and the times I used or wield it, I felt a surge of power but I didn't think of it until now." Naruto sealed away the golden weapon as Michael began to glow, signaling his leaving.
"Naruto, I can only say that I hope you will accept it as it is because I see no Human worthier of godhood than you." Michael said with a smile. "Good bye and see you tonight."
"Well good bye." He watched the Archangel return to Heaven in a flash of gold light. Just as he was about to take his leave, wooden sliding doors appeared in front of him, catching him by surprise. "What the?"
The doors opened, revealing a vast completely white dimension with nothing in sight… at least for the first few seconds. Naruto took a step back as two figures slowly appeared from the dimension and stepped out of it just before the doors vanished without a trace.
"You guys…"
"Hey, man."
"It's been a while, Naruto."
Standing before him are his two Shinigami friends from Soul Society, Renji Abarai and Rukia Kukichi. And from the grave expressions on their faces, they mean serious business.
"We have news for you. It's about the meeting," Rukia stated calmly.
Naruto nodded as he gestured his arm at the cabin. "Come inside and tell me about it." Rukia and Renji complied as they followed him inside the cabin for what it may mean for the meeting.
-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo, Japan-
The Elder, sitting on the side of the dojo building, watched his granddaughter and the dojo's multi-styled successor spar against each other. How fun and encouraging for himself to know that the Katsujinken plus his dojo's styles will live through them once he and the masters pass on to the next life.
He's extremely pleased to know that his other student inherited his style as well and will use that style to fight for peace; both natural and the supernatural worlds.
His thought process was interrupted when he felt a pair of eyes staring at him on his left. "Rhea dear." He noticed a hint of sadness in her green eyes. "Is there something wrong?" He gestured his arm for her to take a seat next to him, which she did. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Does it have to do with Naruto?" He got his answer when Rhea slightly turned her head away. "I see. What did he do?"
The memory of Naruto and Medusa kissing inflicted pain in her heart. "It's… complicated." Rhea reluctantly answered.
"I can do complicated." The Elder cheekily answered back with a smirk.
The Elder, after taking a lick, noticed the subtle gestures the girl was portraying. Her cheeks were adorned with light red marks, her fingers fidgeting like they were trying to fit but couldn't and a lone small sweat slid down her temple. He recognized this particular habit as the dojo's resident disciple exhibited these traits whenever he's around his granddaughter.
"I see now."
"You like him." Hayato stated casually, grinning at the girl's comedic shocked face. "I actually knew about you two the moment we came back Ryozanpaku. He likes you too, you know? So what's troubling you?"
Instead of answering right away, Rhea sat there while thinking about the kiss and after that about him who caused her so much pain long ago. She clasped her left arm with her right hand, showing her uneasiness as her body started to tremble in place. Hayato placed his hands on her shoulders to stop the trembling and calm her down.
Eventually she did as she gave a small nod to Hayato pull back his hands. "I had a very bad relationship long ago with… you know."
"No I don't actually." Hayato answered honestly, surprising her. "Your past is your past. Naruto understands that and believes that no one can talk about other people's pasts but themselves. It is okay to tell me, but if you choose not to, then I completely understand, Rhea. However I will give you this advice if you will accept it."
Rhea thought about it for a moment before she nodded.
"Don't let your past control your present. If you do, then you will miss something so great that you will regret it for the rest of your life."
With that, the Elder stood up before heading for the main building for a snack.
Thinking about what he just said, Rhea thought about the memories of her horrible relationship with her paranoid late husband. Then she thought about the times she spent with Naruto and that's when she realized something. "I'm happy when he's around." She whispered to her-self. The Titaness stood up with determination present on her face. "I know what I have to do." She said with a small blush on her cheeks.
With that said, Rhea retreated to the back woods of the dojo to relax her nerves in the hidden bath/spa that Apachai created long ago.
-Occult Research Club Building, Kuoh Academy, Japan-
"An island somewhere in Japan?" asked Rias with folded arms, sitting on the couch next to Issei.
After the Arrancar incident a month ago or so, Sirzechs ordered her sister to leave Karakura Town and return to Kuoh and remain there until the Three Factions meeting. Since then Rias and her Peerage continued their daily school life while they trained to better themselves after seeing the battle between Ichigo and the opposite of the Shinigami called the Arrancar.
Plus there was the fact that they were outdone by a ridiculously strong old man who disposed three Arrancar like they're children. So that was another incentive for training.
Grayfia, her sister-in-law and the maid of the Gremory Clan, nodded as she relayed the recent information to Rias and her Peerage concerning the peace talks between the Three Factions. "Apparently the island belongs to Naruto's martial arts master and he had given permission to Michael not long ago." She stated professionally.
"Any news on Naruto?" Issei asked, both concerned and curious. That was on everyone's minds after his departure from Karakura Town over a month ago.
The 'Strongest Queen' looked at the younger man as he held hands with Rias, much to the latter's joy. "It appears that Michael asked him to attend the peace talks as a representative of another faction."
This new information received surprised looks from everyone in the room.
"Which faction?" Akeno asked the question that everyone had in his or her collective minds. "Is it the Shinigami faction?" Grayfia shook her head, confusing her and everyone else. "Then which one?"
"From what Michael informed Sirzerchs and Azazel, Mr. Uzumaki is the representative of the Greek Faction." Widen eyes and slightly slacked jaws were visible as Grayfia continued speaking, "Apparently he's filling in for Poseidon, the Olympian God of the Sea."
"Seriously?" Issei asked, getting a nod from the beautiful maid. "How did that happen?"
Grayfia explained more as Akeno was handing her famous brew of tea to Rias, her friends and her. A minute later after finishing, she stood behind the sitting Rias. "He was Poseidon's Champion during the Wager of the Gods. The wager was between Poseidon and his two brothers; Zeus and Hades. For winning the Wager, Poseidon gave Naruto several rewards: the Trident, the Title of Poseidon and the status of an Olympian."
"WHAT?!" A shocked Issei cried out along with everyone else.
"Is Naruto really that skillful to be a Champion for a God?" Yuuto asked in wonder while the others were all thinking the same thing.
"Just who is this guy?!" They all thought at the same time.
"As for the Shinigami Faction, there has been no answer from their leader yet."
"That sucks." Issei pointed out. "I was kinda hoping to see more Shinigami like Ichigo."
Yuuto spoke again. "But we confirmed the existence of a mythical faction that eludes researchers for centuries. That's really something." Everyone nodded, even Grayfia also agreed as well.
"Your Knight is correct, Lady Rias." Grayfia added just before the Gremory Clan's magic circle shined deep red near the room's doors, surprising everyone.
What surprised them even more was the person arriving… Sirzechs: Rias' older brother and one of the four kings of the Underworld.
However instead of the powerful and confident leader, what they see is a teary-eye and nostrils flaring Sirzechs who was seconds away from crying a river or filling the room with his tears.
"G-Grayfia!" He shouted as he jumped at her before wrapping his arms around her knees. "Please don't kill me! I didn't mean to lose him! I only turned my head for a second!"
"Lord Sirzechs, please!" The maid pinched her husband's cheek, stopping him plus forcing him to let go of her. She lifted him with her fingers still digging into his skin. "What are you talking about?" He gestured her to come closer and so she did as he whispered in her ear.
The next thing everyone knew was that they were shocked in comedic fashion especially Rias as they blankly stared at a frozen horrified Sirzechs ice cube, sitting next to a grumbling yet worried Grayfia.
"Scary!" The children thought at the same time.
-With Naruto-Furinji Island-
The Shinobi simply drank his cup of water in front of his slacked jaws Shinigami friends as he finished speaking about his latest… obstacle. "So Yamamoto will attend the peace talks? That's good to hear. Although it's a bit last minute don't you think?"
"…" Rukia and Renji blinked owlishly.
"Does… he know what time the peace talks start?"
More blinking.
"In case he doesn't, it will be tonight and he can bring bodyguards since he's the leader." Naruto said nonchalantly as he filled his cup with a bubbly beverage called 'Sprite' that was brought by his dispersed clone a moment ago. As he drank the tasty beverage, the surprised eyes of his guests still drilled into him.
More silence and rapid owl-blinkings.
A tick mark appeared on Naruto's head as he had it with the stares by slamming his poor cup on the table, breaking it in the process. "Quit staring at me like that!" He shouted comically with blank eyes. "It's not that big of a news!"
That snapped them out of it as the dual tick-marked Rukia and Renji pitted their heads against Naruto, both sides pushing each other. "Not that big of a news?" Rukia repeated. "NOT THAT BIG OF A NEWS!"
Rolling his eyes, Naruto thought to himself, "Perhaps telling them about that wasn't one of my good ideas."
"You think?/Is that right?" Ashura and Kurama said sarcastically, irritating the Jinchuriki.
By the time he ended the link, Renji and Rukia were already sitting on their seats, having calmed down… somewhat. "I can't believe this." Rukia muttered with a scowl. Renji voiced his agreement with a stern nod.
"I don't understand you two." Naruto sighed as he took a breath to calm down before speaking again in a calm voice, "This reflect on you at all since I'm the one going through the process of becoming a god." Dual sighs came from the Shinigami as they looked at each other, causing Naruto to raise a curious brow. "Guys?"
"It's just…"
"Well…" Renji tried to help Rukia, but couldn't find the words as well.
"What is it?"
"We had a bet."
A blank look from the blonde drilled into their eyes.
"Say what?" Naruto asked with a dark aura, innocently smiling with a twitch. The Lieutenants of Divisions Five and 11 hesitated to answer under the surprisingly oppressive aura, but felt like they didn't have a choice. Rukia was about to spill the beans about the bet until they were saved when an immense Spiritual Pressure shook their senses.
"We're saved!" Rukia and Renji cried with joy as they and Naruto went outside. When he looked back at them in curiosity, there were no traces of the tears at all.
Their savior… A very tall Shinigami wearing a Captain's cloak and light brown gauntlets around his arms with matching shoulder guards and a katana on the left side of his waist. The only physical aspect that separated from the other Shinigami was the fox-like head that had brown fur, yellow eyes and six whiskers.
"Captain Komamura…"
The tall Captain nodded at the two Lieutenants before fixing his gaze on the Human standing before him, his eyes also gazing him as well. Other than the meetings in the Soul Society, this is the first time that Komamura personally met the Human who's been the talk around the Seiretei and he could see why by judging his Spiritual Pressure.
Just when Komamura started to feel uneasy by the blonde's staring, Naruto suddenly beamed with a smile. "Hey! How's it going?" Both Rukia and Renji blew sighs of relief, causing a curious brow from them.
"Naruto Uzumaki, it's a pleasure to be here in the World of the Living." Komamura bowed as Naruto politely bowed as well. Both males stood out of the bow after a brief second. "The Head Captain had asked me come here to assist you in any way possible for the peace talks."
The Shinobi perked up before shrugging his shoulders. "Um… I'm not sure if there's anything for you to do here since I only need to put barriers around the island before tonight. But…" He said after slight disappointment in the Captain's eyes. "I could give you a tour around town until the peace talks later on."
"Very well." The Shinigami Captain said after a nod. "I haven't been to the World of the Living for a long time." That got a tilt of Naruto's head and confusion.
"Why's that?"
His answer came from Renji who coughed to get his attention.
"There was never a reason to send a Captain until recently."
"Like Aizen and his Arrancar goons?" Now that he mentioned it. "Any update on his activities?" A shake from Rukia's small head answered that question. "It's scary. It's like… he's waiting for something to happen."
Rukia asked the obvious question. "Like what?"
That's the problem: he nor anyone knows what Aizen is planning until it's set in motion and it will already be too late by then.
-Las Noches, Huceo Mundo-
The former 5th Division Captain stared at the three weapons in front of him as they each glowed a ghastly color that paled the throne room. The ever-present smile stayed as his plan is almost at its pinnacle.
"Lord Aizen…" He barely looked up from the weapons to see his colleague, Tosen, outside of the room. "Kokabiel is here."
"Very well. Send him in."
As Tosen left to retrieve their Fallen Angel ally, Aizen's hand glowed for a brief moment before the room shook a bit. Then the area the weapons' pedestal began to descend to the lower levels of the Las Noches tower with several panels closing up the hole and the room was spotless.
And in good time too as the wicked grinning Kokabiel casually strutted inside the throne room, Tosen following him with his hand on his sword's hilt. "Aizen."
"That's Lord Aizen to you, Lord Kokabiel." Tosen said harshly before seeing a raised hand from his colleague.
Lowering his hand, Aizen placed his arms behind his back, interlacing them. "Kokabiel, is there something of grave importance that you come here yourself?"
"Yes. From my various contacts, I've recently discovered there's to be peace talks between the Three Factions!" A snarl escaped from his lip as his anger began to take over. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" His power expelled from his body by wave after wave, forcing Tosen to step back while Aizen remained unfazed. "ARE THEY SERIOUS WITH THIS?! WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN, AIZEN! WE MUST INTERVENE!"
No sort of response came from the former Shinigami Captain. Mainly because of the Fallen Angel's continuous anger ranting that went for almost an hour.
No answer again came from the calm and stoic Shinigami and that only seemed to anger Kokabiel more.
Finally he answered. "Yes. I have." Aizen looked at his Fallen Angel ally before giving his true answer. "No."
"What?!" Kokabiel growled out with clenched fists.
"From what you've told me is of no concern to me nor my plans. I didn't come to you for help. You came to me." He responded politely, but there were clear traces of killing intent in his tone. "I will not endanger my plans over a petty payback against the other Factions. Plus your additional failure of obtaining the coveted Excalibur fragments from the Church tarnishes your abilities even further."
Excalibur. The legendary Holy Sword of King Arthur of Camelot and created by the Biblical God along with three Holy Swords next to it. When Kokabiel mentioned the blade and its unfortunate demise that led to the creation of the seven Excalibur fragments and his plan to steal them to start a war between the Three Factions, Aizen instead persuaded him to retrieve them for a far more wrenching plan than starting a squabble.
So when the news of Kokabiel's formerly Church-associated minions being defeated by Sirzechs' sister and her Peerage and detained by Heaven's forces in Kuoh and all of the Excalibur fragments are safely hidden above said home of the Angels, Aizen was not disappointed. Not entirely, but disappointed.
"Be gone."
Snarling through his bare jaw-like teeth, Kokabiel swiftly turned around and left the room while grumbling curses.
"Lord Aizen?" Tosen spoke after making sure he's not around. "Not that I'm questioning your decisions, but you are aware the Soul Society are attending the peace talks. Yamamoto will most likely attend it."
Silence engulfed the throne room except the stone rumbling and grinding against each other as the three weapons pedestals platform arose from the bottom level.
"I know according to my sources, but regardless of their little alliance, they will be too late to do anything about it."
-(Later Afternoon)-With Naruto-Tokyo, Japan-
After setting up several barriers around the island and a short trip via the Flying Raijin Jutsu to one of his marks somewhere in the city plus a short tour around the parts he knows about, Naruto merrily walked along the streets of the metropolitan city. Behind him were his tourists…very pale green tourists with bloated cheeks every ten seconds.
He always forgets about the nasty side effect the Flying Raijin Jutsu has on other people.
"Uzumaki…" Komamura covered his mouth to hold back puking on him or the ground. He was inside his Gigai; a man with brown hair and thin beard that matched his fur. He wears a khaki pants with a yellow vest over a white collared sleeveless shirt. "Please refrain from using that technique."
Groggy noises from Rukia and Renji kinda sounded like an agreement there as they too were inside their Gigai as well. Unlike Komamura, they were wearing casual clothing: Rukia wearing a light blue sundress with purple flowers; Renji wearing a yellow T-shirt with a light reed vest and blue jeans.
"My bad." Naruto chuckled as he turned around the corner.
That was when something bumped into him. "Ouch!"
Naruto and the Shinigami looked down to see a young boy with short crimson-red hair and purple eyes. He was wearing an red formal attire. "Naruto, you idiot." Rukia slapped the blonde in the back of the head.
"Not my fault." He hissed before helping the boy stand on his feet. "Sorry about that kid."
The child rubbed his bottom before looking up at his helper and his eyes widen in surprise and awe. "It's you."
"Eh?" The blonde simply shrugged and walked around the boy just as women and young teenage girls started flocking around the young boy, the Shinigami also following him. "See you around, kid. If that ever happens." Naruto muttered the part as he and his party entered a restaurant to fill their empty stomachs.
They soon took their seats at a half-circle table against the corner next to the window: Rukia with Renji and Naruto with Komamora. "I'm starving after that tour and puking! I'm ready to eat!" Renji said excitedly as he grabbed a menu.
"Good 'cause you're paying." Naruto responded bluntly, getting a 'gawk' response from the stunned red-haired Shinigami. "I don't have any money and when someone says not it- Not it!"
Rukia and Komamura quickly said, "Not it!"
"You too, Captain?!" Renji asked startled by the older Shinigami's knowledge of the Human game.
"The last time I was here, I spent almost my entire savings to pay the Captains' tab."
"Lesson learned, right?" Naruto raised his fist that was reluctantly bumped by Komamura's own. "Now what to eat? There are so many good choices." Renji groaned through his teeth. "As I was saying: the last person to say it has pay. Sorry but you lost, Renji."
Renji growled before he pulled his wallet and cried a little by the amount he has on him. "Jerk."
Naruto and Rukia laughed at Renji's misfortune while Komamura chuckled a little. A little over three minutes, they were ready to call the waitress to take their order when the boy they met outside was there… standing right next to the oblivious Shinobi with admiration in his eyes.
The group sans Komamura freaked out upon seeing the boy, catching everyone's attention to them. "S-sorry, everybody." Naruto apologized as the consumers returned to their meal before he looked at the boy. "Where's your mom, kid? She's probably looking for you."
"Yeah, my dad and I are probably going to be in trouble for this." The boy sheepishly rubbed his head. "But I had to meet you!"
Raised eyebrows came from the taller adults as they stared at him. Naruto then spoke, "Do I know you, kid?"
The boy answered honestly. "No."
"Why do you ask?" Renji asked.
A small smirk etched Rukia's lips. "It's probably his kid."
"Why would you say that?!" Naruto replied anxiously as he looked at her. Rukia giggled behind her hand while Renji chuckled with a smug grin. Looking back at the boy, he sighed, "It's probably the hair. I've seen only one person with hair like yours, kid, but who?"
The boy beamed with a huge smile as he nods, showing that he knows whom he is talking about. "You met my sister long ago. Well, she's actually my cousin."
"Your cousin?" Naruto repeated before hearing exasperated sighs from inside his head. "What?"
"You really haven't realize it by now?" The Jinchuriki could hear the disappointed sigh, confusing him further. "A certain girl and her friends arrived in Karakura Town long ago, looking for you."
Ashura gave his input. "The night the Arrancar came back a second time or maybe this will refresh your memory: your battle against Rhea." A grunt came from Kurama's mouth. "Oh is it my turn? Hmph…" After a moment, the ethereal Shinobi made his… turn? "And I win. Checkmate."
"What?! NOOOO!" Kurama cried out before roaring in the link.
Flinching a bit from the screaming, Naruto rubbed his ears until he felt everyone's gaze drilled into him. He coughed and gestured the young boy a seat next to Renji who scooted to make room. The young boy took his seat as Naruto called for the waitress and the residents placed their orders.
A few minutes later, Naruto, Renji, Rukia, Komamura and the boy stared at their respective orders as the waitress placed them on the table and left just before the chow down began. As he took another bite of his delicious steak, Naruto looked at the boy and asked the obvious question he should've asked firsthand.
"What's your name by the way?" Naruto asked after finishing the last of his steak.
After cleaning his mouth with the napkin like a gentleman, the boy answered politely. "I'm Milicas Gremory."
Everyone in the restaurant looked at the origin that is the newcomers' table where Naruto's left hand was hanging in the air as he sat stunned. "Did you just say Gremory?" A hesitant nod came from Milicas as the curious eyes from the unknown Shinigami were set on him. "Oh boy." Naruto muttered after realizing by what the young boy meant about trouble earlier.
Naruto waved over the waitress before looking at his menu. "I would like to place another order."
"Okay then. What would you like?"
Opening the entire menu entirely, Naruto pointed at everything. "All of this."
"EHHHH?!" Everyone in the restaurant chimed in shock.
-Basement-Las Noches, Hueco Mundo-
"It's almost time." Aizen commented as the three weapons in front of him glowed more harshly.
After weeks and the 'voluntary' sacrifices of his select few Arrancar and Hollows across Hueco Mundo, the spirits within the three weapons are close to awakening. And they need just a little more and there's one being who can give that extra push.
Speaking of the said being as he entered the room with his black wings flared out.
"Have you finally come to your senses, Aizen?" Kokabiel smugly grinning before he noticed the three weapons on their pedestal. The smug grin then turned into shock. "Where did you find those weapons?"
"Research." Aizen answered with a condescending tone. "Lots and lots of research. I assume you know of them."
"Of course I know. Every faction in the world knows of these weapons."
Turning to face him, Aizen interjected. "Then I assume you know of their owners. Their spirits are within the weapons and now they are close to awaken."
"Really?" An evil and smugly grin etched on his lips that was so wide, it was close to reaching his pointy ears. "This will be great for us. With them, we can easily overthrow Azazel and his followers, those pesky Angels and the Church, lastly those demons themselves. We will be the superior race!"
As he finished his ranting, he found himself alone with the three weapons. Hearing the doors grinding against the floor, Kokabiel turned around to Aizen smiling at him. "Yes, but unfortunately you won't be there. And one last thing…" He paused just before the doors closed with a loud 'thud'. "You're the last course."
Streams of dark lights belonging to the weapons and one brighter light from Kokabiel shined through the cracks of the doors. The building shook several times from the tremors of an apparent battle inside if the cursing screams of the Fallen Angel were any indicator.
After leaving the room and heading to his throne room since the 'feeding' might take a while, Aizen found his other ally waiting for him.
His female ally.
A smirking smile etched on the face of his ally that mirrored his own just before the throne doors slammed shut behind Aizen, leaving them to their own devices with several bat-winged people standing guard.
-(Nighttime)-Tokyo, Japan-
Cupping his hands around his mouth, Naruto shouted amidst the loud cheering around him. "Come on Ippo! Hit him back!"
"This is so intense." Millicas said in awe before taking a bite out of his chocolate bar, courtesy of Rukia. Anxiety and excitement swelled up within him as he and his supernatural friends watched the boxing match.
However it wasn't just any boxing match.
It was the Japanese Featherweight Title Match between the current Champion, Takeshi Sendo and Ippo Makunouichi; Naruto's friend. When Millicas found out about the match earlier, he revealed that he was a big fan of Ippo since he watched his match against Alexi Volg.
Imagine his surprise when Naruto also informed him about knowing the boxer and having the tickets for tonight's match.
Needless to say, he is happy to be watching his idol fighting for the belt.
Millicas glanced at the seating arrangement between him and his friends. Naruto was sitting on his right and Rukia was sitting on his left while Komamura was sitting on Naruto's right with Renji sitting on the taller Shinigami's right as well. Moreover, he surveyed the sight around where it looked like thousands of Humans sat in seats that were arranged like a square.
In the center of the building with white spotlights shoned upon was the boxing ring where Ippo Makunoichi and Send Takeshi are settling their rivalry once and for all.
"Man this is gruesome." Renji flinched when Ippo delivered a devastating right hook that knocked back opponent, which was paid back with an uppercut to the chin. "These two are just wailing into each other."
Rukia nodded while Komamura gave his input about the two boxers. "They're of the same type of boxers: similar strengths, speed, and durability. This match… is one to remember."
"Yeah." Naruto agreed with a smile as his friend and his opponent sat on their opposite corners to recuperate for the next round.
-With Ippo-
Pain. Exhaustion. Anxiety. Fear.
Those emotions keep hitting him like a train as he heavily breathed in and out to recover from the damage as much as he could for the final round. However he like Sendo chose not to sit down for the next round for if one of them does, he won't be able to get up anymore and he will forfeit the match on the spot.
"The next round is it and I know Sendo is thinking the same thing." Ippo echoed in his tired mind as he stared at his rival with one good eye as his swollen right eye is slowly closing every second.
Sendo clenched his gloves-covered fists. "Make no mistake where you are."
"I'm not going to able to knock him out with one-shot punches." Ippo internally voiced with clenched fists.
"I'll give him my specialty: the Smash!"
"I'm down to a single weapon now: the Dempsey Roll."
The bell rang, signaling the upcoming and final round of the match as Ippo and Sendo emerged from their corners. As the smaller Featherweight assumed his signature Peek-A-Boo stance, he along with everyone outside the ring was surprised by this event and the announcer… well announced it.
Sendo had his arms crossed in what looks more like the 'plus' sign. The Cross-Arm Block is one of the tighter blocks in the boxing world and Sendo is infamously known for his strong offense with little to no defense at all.
Overall this is unexpected.
Seeing him slowly approaching in a cautious way, Ippo also stepped back with his tight guard being tighter than a second ago as he prepared for an attack from his opponent until he felt the elastic ropes touch his back.
"I'm cornered."
"Don't rush it. Wait for the right moment." Sendo told him-self as he waits for the perfect opportunity.
Breathing in a heavy sigh, Ippo stepped forward a little. "I can't rush but…"
"Any minute now."
"This is all I got!"
"He should start any-"
Aggressively weaving his upper body in a figure eight, Ippo commences one of his signature boxing moves as the announcer entertained the crowd.
-The Upper Stands-
"The Dempsey Roll?" Naruto repeated with a curious brow. He got his answer from Millicas while staring at the startup motion of his friend's technique.
"It's a boxing move that was developed by Jack Dempsey, the Heavyweight Word Champion from America in the 1920s." Millicas stated factly, getting strange looks from his older supervisors. He nervously chuckled as he fiddled with his fingers. "I started researching Ippo's boxing moves after the Volg match."
A chuckle escaped from Naruto's lips as he ruffled the boy's hair. "That's fine, man. You're a fan. It happens."
With that, they turned their gaze back to the boxing ring just Ippo's Dempsey Roll was broken by Sendo using his shoulder to stop the technique's starting motion.
"Oh no."
-The Boxing Ring-
Sendo smirked as he launched his signature Smash technique-a long uppercut-straight to Ippo's face, sending his head to recoil back from the attack.
Victory was his now.
That is until he felt a sharp pain in his ribcage.
A body blow from Ippo connected with Sendo in the same moment the Smash connected the former. Simultaneous blows.
Sendo gasped as air abruptly escaped from his lungs while Ippo recovered enough to deliver a strong right hook at Sendo's face, knocking his head and forcing him to lose balance.
"This is it! He's got nowhere. This is my last chance!" Ippo charged for the opportunity and prepared to throw a left hook when he noticed something about Sendo's eyes. He gasped. "His eyes. They're still alive."
Fixing his footing while preparing his southpaw version of the Smash, Sendo glided across the tarmac as his right hook grew closer and closer to Ippo partially guarded face.
"Victory is mine, Makunoichi!" He fully extended his punch, expecting strong contact with his opponent's face.
Except there was no contact at all.
Looking down, he saw that Ippo actually managed to dodge the punch and glared at him with his glazing good eye. "Makunoichi."
"Sendo." Ippo pivoted his feet with his body as he delivered a specific body blow aimed for the liver. Then he bent down with his left arm at a 90-degree angle before jumping lightly to deliver a strong uppercut that knocked back Sendo's face upwards. Lastly he commenced the last and final part of his combo by aggressively weaving his upper body in a familiar figure-eight motion before delivering a barrage of power blows in the form of hooks from both sides.
It was over for Sendo as he is inevitably caught by the incredible fast barrage with each punch connecting cleanly with his face.
This match started with a punch and it will end with one.
Pushing him-self further than before, Ippo launched one last hook that sent Sendo falling hard on his back against the tarmac with a loud 'thud'. After being told by the referee to move to one of the neutral corners, he leaned against it as he thought about the true meaning of strength and if he's found the answer or not.
It felt like time was slow until he heard the announcer spoke the words that he wanted to hear since his first title match.
A wave of loud cheers erupted and echoed in the hall as the fans and spectators acknowledged his tremendous efforts. And for a moment, he thought he heard his blonde friend say something despite of the cheers.
-(Sometime Later)-
Exiting out of the building after saying congrats to the new Japanese Featherweight Champion, Naruto led his company through a shortcut that leads to a nearby park. He threw his hands in the air while joyously shouting, "That fight was awesome!"
"Especially that last combo Ippo used to win the match." Naruto emphasized this by repeating the combo: a left attack to the body; a lowered transitioned jump with a left uppercut and lastly weaving his upper body while throwing hooks from both sides. "I think he called it the Dempsey Combo or something like that."
Komamura 'hmmed' slightly before giving his input, "Boxing is a rather crude but interesting Human sport. I admit I was very surprised when your friend got up from such a heavy punch by Sendo." Rukia and Renji nodded as they followed the leading Naruto and Millicas.
"Did you call your parents already?" Naruto asked for the fifteenth time.
The young Gremory nodded sheepishly. "Yes, but my grandmother answered my call and she did not sound happy at all. She's on her way right now."
"*Scoff* Could you blame her? After all you ran away from home." Renji answered bluntly before receiving an elbow to the ribs by Rukia for his insensitivity. "Ouch." Rukia went to Milicas and placed her hand on his shoulder.
She then said, "From what Naruto told us about your family being one of the 72 Pillars of Pure-Bloods, you leaving your home can cause worry in… the Underworld. I understand that since my brother is from one of the noble families in the Soul Society."
When the Shinigami Captain and Lieutenants realized the boy was an inhabitant of the Underworld, they were… shocked to say the least. They'd heard several nasty rumors about the Underworld and expected its inhabitants to be deformed, deceitful and most of all, evil. However seeing and talking with the polite Milicas plus the additional information about his cousin and her Peerage from Naruto completely changed their views on them.
"Tomorrow will be the peace talks." Komamura informed the others while exiting out of his Gigai to his Shinigami spirit form after finding a secluded, empty park. Milicas watched in awe as Rukia and Renji followed suit, their Gigais turning into what looks like gumballs.
Watching the trio putting away the gumballs in their clothing, Naruto and Milicas's attention were drawn to the sudden appearance of a spinning and glowing crimson-red Magic Circle and a stylized rose in the center of it.
He heard a nervous gulp from the young boy and put his hand on his shoulder. "Just relax, Milicas. Accept responsibility for what you did and learn from it." Naruto calmly reassured, getting a nod from Milicas as they watched his grandmother's arrival and he was surprised.
Very surprised.
"Rias?" Naruto stared at her in complete surprise. Milicas's grandmother looked exactly like Rias except she has short brown hair and wears a white/light brown dress instead of the school uniform. "Your grandmother looks like Rias." He whispered to the boy, getting a nervous nod from the latter.
"Millicas!" The young Gremory flinched under his grandmother's tone. " Do you have any idea of the trouble you caused our family?" Venelana admonished as she walked towards her grandson while taking note of the Shinigami. "They really do exist. Incredible." Her gaze went onto Naruto standing next to Milicas. "Naruto Uzumaki… He's powerful, not to mention handsome now that I see him up close."
Meanwhile the Shinigami had their own thoughts as they watched the woman stop in front of a nervous Millicas, but one thing is certain that they can agree on.
"She's powerful." Rukia, Renji and Komamura stated at the same time.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Venelana greeted everyone while gesturing Millicas to her side, which he complied. "I apologize if my grandson caused you any trouble."
"Not at all, Mrs. Gremory?" He asked, getting a confirmed nod from her. "In fact we took the little guy around Tokyo for a tour and even a festival earlier. We had fun." Naruto beamed with Renji and Rukia agreeing. Komamura simply nodded.
The Lady of the Gremory Household looked at her nervous grandson. "Is that true? Did you have fun with Mr. Uzumaki and the Shinigami?" She got a nod from Milicas. "Well… as long you're safe and had fun."
"Really?" asked a surprised Millicas as Venelana smiled at him while giving a kiss to his forehead. He then looked at Naruto with hope. "Naruto?"
"Can you… show it?" The heads of the Shinobi and the Shinigami tilted to the side in confusion. Millicas asked specifically this time. "Your technique. The one you used in the Wager of the Gods against those other two. The spinning energy ball you form in your hand."
"Rasengan?" Naruto thought in his mind before answering, "Why?"
Millicas sheepishly answered. "I was kinda hoping to… learn it." There was a hint of hope in his tone.
"Um, well Millicas, that's a bit of problem. It's sort of a family technique." Naruto informed the young Gremory, bringing his hopes down as he and Venelana were atop of a glowing Magic Circle. "Sorry, kid." He apologized as the two members of the Gremory Household teleported back to the Underworld.
Not long after that, the Shinigami trio also left their good-byes and left for the Soul Society. Naruto waved at them as the Senaki closed, leaving him by his lonesome before retreating to the dojo for shuteye via a flash of yellow light.
-(The Next Day)-Ryozanpaku Dojo, Tokyo, Japan-
Today was the day.
As Naruto equipped Tenkaichi on his back, the sound of his door opening turned his gaze to find Rhea standing in the doorway. "Rhea? What is it?" He asked after seeing a strange look on her face.
"Rhea?" He walked to her and became confused when she turned her head away from him. "Rhea, what's wrong?"
The Titaness looked at her friend with a sad smile. "Why did you choose me to accompany you for the talks?"
"Why not?" Naruto simply answered. "Besides I thought it'd be good to show the others that a member of the Titan race is also good with the alliance. Plus…" Rhea looked at him curiously as he grasped her hand, blushes present on both their faces. "I'm really nervous about this, but being near you really calms me down."
"Oh. Really?" Rhea nervously brushed her hair with her free hand.
The two looked at each other's eyes like they're in a daze. That is until Rhea asked a question that relates to his higher calling. "How are you holding up about becoming a god?" Naruto's face softened upon hearing that. "S-sorry. Forget I mentioned it, now that I realize you're probably mad at me."
Naruto raised an brow as his grasp grew tighter on her delicate, soft hands. "Mad at you? I could never be mad at you and even if I could, I wouldn't stay mad at you for a while." He let out a small sigh. "I admit I was a little upset and I'm still conflicted about it, but if there's a positive thing about being a immortal god…" He smiled brightly at the blushing Rhea. "It would be I get to spend a lot more time with you."
A small gasp escaped her lips before she suddenly turned around in her spot, cupping her suddenly warmed face while Naruto chuckled at her. After a moment of calm breathing, Rhea turned around once more and faced Naruto before taking a deep breath. "T-that's nice to know, but…"
"What about Medusa?" Rhea averted her eyes with a small sad smile. "You know she likes you and she did kiss you back in the coliseum." Naruto's eyes widen in surprise as she continued, "And at the time, I was upset for some reason. I don't know why, but I just knew that it hurt." She felt a finger touch close to her left eye, flinching slightly as Naruto pulled back his small limber to show it was a little wet; a tear.
Watching Rhea wipe her watery eyes, Naruto again lightly grasped her hands with his own, embracing the warmth in them. He could tell she liked it too as she blushed once more as he is as well. "I had a feeling that you might've felt this way. I planned to talk to you about it, but everything was so busy lately, so here it goes."
"What?" Rhea had to ask.
"Will you go out with me, Rhea?" Her eyes widen while her blush grew hotter as she struggled to find the words. "Guess you aren't ready. I'm sorry." Naruto was about to leave with Flying Raijin Jutsu, but he felt his hands still held by the Titaness. His eyes met with her green eyes before they went up and down. "Is that a yes?"
Rhea nodded again with a big smile. "Yes. Yes." Before she knew it, Naruto had hoisted her up, bringing her to laugh at this. After being set down, she offered her hand that was once again held by his larger hand via in a much tighter grip. "So when we will go?"
"Hopefully tonight after the peace talks." Naruto smiled, bringing Rhea to smile back at him. "I know this great ramen place. Afterwards I'll talk to Medusa. Okay?" A moment and roll of the eyes later, the two vanished in the yellow flash of light courtesy of the Flying Raijin Jutsu.
However they failed to notice or sense a certain orangish-red haired girl was standing outside of the room, her hands curled into trembling fists.
-Kuoh, Japan-
"Is everyone ready?" Seeing the faces of readiness, Rias looked at her sister-in-law so they can leave but she instead saw concern and slight hint of anger. "Wait a minute. We'll leave in a moment." She walked to Grayfia who hide her previous emotion with her usual stoic face. "Is something the matter, Grayfia?"
"None, Lady Rias."
"How's Millicas doing?" The room temperature slightly got chilly as small shards of ice started to form around the maid. "That bad?" She tremblingly asked with a sweat-drop. Everyone else was shaking in place from the cold temperature while Akeno slightly blushed.
"My son did something I'd told him not to do."
"And what's that?" Rias and everyone grew stiff when Grayfia stared with a stern and agonizing glare.
"You've met Naruto Uzumaki once. Is that right?"
Issei was the one who answered her. "Yeah, but he doesn't look nor act someone of bad influence. He's a cool guy."
"Although to be honest, we don't really know him personally."
Nodding at her knight, Rias noticed Grayfia's opening and closing fists, causing worry in her. "Grayfia?"
Grayfia let out a deep sigh. "My son… he told me and his father of something we would never hear in a million years." She thought back to the time when she froze her husband for his grief mistake of losing their son. She may be stern at times, but she will always love them. "That Naruto… he must've done something."
"Like what?"
Just like that, everyone freaked out in a comedic way as a snowstorm emanated from the Strongest Queen, snow rapidly filling up the room therefore muffling their cries for help.
-Furinji Island-Sea of Japan-
"Take this!"
The blonde Shinobi muttered as he barely blocked a high kick and a short uppercut. Jumping back to get space between them, Naruto and Rhea sized each other up in their brief sparring match before they commenced another round. Firmly stepping in with her left foot, Rhea launched dual blows that aimed for the head and stomach simultaneously.
However they didn't land as Naruto caught them with his hands before pulling on them, bringing Rhea very close to them. And she didn't mind it as she snaked her arms around his waist while Naruto did the same. They stared into each other's eyes like they didn't have any worry in the world; it was just the two of them and the island.
Eventually Rhea broke the silence, but Naruto didn't mind as he continued to stare in her eyes. "This island is beautiful."
"It sure is." Naruto responded as he's still staring at her. Rhea on the other hand knows he was talking about her as her blush turned deeper red. "So where do you want to go?"
Rhea simply shrugged her shoulders. "Any idea? As long as it is in Japan, I really like this country." She slowly laid her head on his chest and slightly hummed when she heard his heartbeat. "Somehow this just feels right." She then felt his hands move from her waist to her head before she felt them stroking her black hair.
"Yeah." He couldn't agree more. After minutes of stroking her silky black hair, Naruto remembered something about Rhea's fighting style. "Rhea?"
"What was that last technique you tried to use on me? That wasn't Chinese Kenpo."
"Nope. It was Karate. Yamazaki."
"Karate huh?" Naruto raised an amused brow. "You're learning from Sakaki now?" He saw her shake her head. "No?"
"Not directly. I watch their sessions and practice the motions at night."
"Smart. I like that in a girl."
Rhea couldn't help but smile as she looked up to see his eyes still on her. Like they were synchronized, their lips etched closer and closer and this time no one would interrupt them this time.
Well they were so wrong on that.
Several bright lights appeared above them, outshining the sun's own rays of lights thus stopping them inches away from doing what they wanted to do since they met each other.
"Talk about bad timing." Naruto grumbled while Rhea got out of his arms, but stood next to him. Straightening him-self out, Naruto extended his hand as his divine blonde counterpart descended from the sky. "Michael."
"Naruto." The Archangel greeted back before noticing Rhea. "And who are you?" Rhea exchanged a worried glance at Naruto who simply took her hand and nodded at her. "Interesting."
"My name is Rhea the Titaness." Rhea introduced resolutely.
"I know. You've been living with Naruto for the past month." He extended his hand. "I am Michael, leader of the Angels."
Naruto, after noting the other Angels landing behind their leader, walked towards the two. "This is off to a good start. Now, Michael if you would wait inside the main room of the cabin." Instead of a 'yes', he got a shake of the head. "No?"
"I very much would like to wait for Sirzechs and Azazel until they arrive." Michael insisted politely, getting an understanding nod from Naruto.
However they didn't have to wait for long as the Gremory Clan Magic Circle appeared on one side of the clearing while a brownish-green Magic Circle appeared on the other side and emerged from them are the supposedly leaders of the Three Factions and they brought company.
Multiple members of Sirzechs's Faction and Azazel appeared via Magic Circles above their leaders. It wasn't long until the three forces have their weapons at the ready in case of an attack from either side.
Talk about tension at its high-most level.
"Sirzechs. Azazel." Michael greeted the two leaders after they walked towards his location.
Judging from the familiar crimson-red hair that the man in the grayish shoulder armor, Naruto can safely assume that he is Rias's older brother therefore the man who's been searching for him since the Wager of the Gods. Briefly noticing Rias and her Peerage and the odd look the maid was giving him, he shifted his gaze to the other guy with the black hair that has green tinge, he doesn't look like a leader but his power says otherwise.
Last but not least, the teenage boy that's behind Azazel and he's… odd.
And he's not the only one thinking the same thought.
Michael stayed silent. "His power is that of Naruto's. There is something else, but what?"
Before he could say anything, Naruto found him-self staring at a depressed Sirzechs with dark clouds above him… right close to his face. "AAAAHHHH!" Everyone sans the silver-haired boy was stunned when the horrified Shinobi appeared several yards away in a burst of speed. "DON'T EVER GET THAT CLOSE TO ME, YOU HEAR ME?!"
"Oh~" Sirzechs slumped his shoulders with a pout.
Azazel chuckled behind his hand while his protégé Vali was in the middle of a discussion with his partner. "You sense it too, Albion?"
"Yes. He holds a dark power within him. You could say it rivals my and Ddraig's power and that's saying something." Albion answered with an edge in his tone. "Be wary of him, Vali."
"Sure. Sure." Vali responded with a roll of his eyes, but still couldn't stop thinking of a battle against the blonde.
Calming down a bit, a still wary Naruto Shunshined back to his original spot. "S-Sorry, but you startled me a minute there." He tried soothing him, but to no avail. So he decided to attend other matters. "So everyone's here?" Naruto asked to be sure.
"Are the Shinigami coming?"
"Yeah." Naruto answered before regrettably letting go of Rhea's hand. "But I wonder what's keeping them."
Just like that, the familiar Senkai opened above them at a higher height in the air, startling the armed forces to point their weapons at it. They only laid down their weapons when their leaders told them to so only to put up their weapons again when they felt the atmosphere suddenly getting denser and tighter than ever.
The three armed forces buckled under the pressure while the leaders sans Naruto and Rhea felt a chill sweat through their spines. Emerging from the Senkai was the leader of the Shinigami Faction: an old man in the same black kimono attire with a wooden cane and an x-shaped scar on his forehead.
"I am Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto of the Soul Society." He stated firmly as he descended to their level like he was walking down stairs. "Naruto." He greeted his blonde ally.
"Head Captain." He gestured his arm at the leaders behind him. "They are the leaders of the Three Factions: Michael of Heaven-" The Archangel gave a small bow. "-Sirzechs of the Underworld-" He simply smiled but confident. "-and Azazel of the Fallen Angels." The Fallen Angel gave a peace sign with a smile.
The oldest Shinigami gave a small nod. "I see. So then, shall we get started?"
The leaders converged together while the three armed forces ascended to the skies with their weapons at the ready. Meanwhile Rias and everyone were thinking about how they're lucky to be part of what's to be the greatest moment in history for their three races.
"Before we go inside…" Naruto performed a series of hand-signs that caught everyone's sans Yamamoto attention. As he finished with clapped hands, a large and blue translucent barrier pulsed around the island before becoming like the sky. "There we go. Hopefully we don't have any interruptions."
With that agreed notion, the leaders and everyone else nodded as they walked towards the cabin. Being the last one to enter the room after letting Rhea enter the cabin before him, Naruto turned around and lightly shut the door closed. In his mind, he hopes things will work out for everyone.