Chapter 28 - Balance And Khaos
-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo, Japan-
"Huh? Miu, what is it?" Kenichi asked upon seeing the blonde beauty's deep thinking.
Miu, snapping out of her thoughts, looked at her fellow disciple. "Just wondering where are Naruto and Rhea? They didn't show up for breakfast."
"Maybe they had an early start."
"Maybe…" A smile appeared on her face with big, wide eyes. "Or maybe they're finally doing it!"
"Doing what?" asked a confused Kenichi.
Miu looked at him with her present cute smile. "They're dating, silly!"
"But where would he take her, I wonder?" Miu put a finger to her chin, pondering.
"I don't know."
With that, the teens resumed practicing their katas as they always do. Practicing kata helps martial artists memorize the movement of a marital art to the point when they could fight unconsciously. It certainly helps when one is learning multiple styles of martial arts like Kenichi.
Sitting on the porch alongside his friend, Hayato slurped his tea as Kensei was reading his magazine. "Is it true?"
"Who knows?"
Kensei pouted a little at the Elder's cheeky tone. "Come on. Is it?"
"Like I said, who knows?" Kensei sighed since he knows he won't get any answer from him.
"Well, someone certainly doesn't like it." Hayato looked where Kensei was looking at and saw Medusa training with Shigure. In her hand was a boken; a wooden sword. Today's lesson was swordmanship and Medusa was learning the basic stance and strikes for it. "You could tell from her body language, but her eyes tells most of it. She's hurt."
Hayato gravely nodded. "The only ones who can resolve this are Naruto, Rhea and Medusa. All we can do is be there for them."
As she swung her bokken under Shigure's supervision in case of mistakes in her form, Medusa internally cursed herself. "Why? Why do they always break my heart?" Her eyes narrowed as her grip tightened on the bokken. "I won't give up. Rhea may have a head start, but I won't go down without a fight!"
"Right!" Medusa closed her eyes to calm her breathing, holding her bokken at the ready. In front of her was one of the trees the Elder takes care of with Tochimaru atop on one of the branches. Opening her eyes, she nodded at the mouse, which stomped on the branch with its paw, shaking loose several leafs. After carefully observing, she swung her wooden weapon downwards at her chosen leaf. "Kosaka Slash!"
Calming her breathing, Medusa heard the slow clapping from her master as she walked in front of her and picked up something from the ground. Turning around, Shigure stretched out her hand, showing the leaf that Medusa cut with the technique. The leaf was cut in half by the thin side, with its other half being a little translucent.
"Good… job." Shigure said with a ghost of a smile.
Medusa threw her arms up with a smile. "Yay!"
"Now… time for… more training for advanced… techniques."
And just like that, Medusa deflated as she fell to her knees with crocodile tears.
-Furinji Island, Sea of Japan-
Intense. That was the word Naruto could describe the feeling in his gut right now. Why wouldn't he be? Sitting around the circular table are the leaders of the Three Factions: Michael of the Angels; Sirzechs of the Devils; Azazel of the Fallen Angels; Genryusai Yamamoto of the Shinigami forces. And last but not least him-self as he is the one of the leaders of the Greek Faction due to his succession of Poseidon.
Five very powerful people in one room could make anyone keel over and die on the spot. Fortunately there are no said people.
"Now that we are here. I believe some explanations are in order." Azazel suddenly spoke, confusing his Angel and Devil counterparts. He looked at Naruto. "How is that a Human with abilities like yours managed to stay under the radar for so long and not to mention your succession of Poseidon's title and status?"
"I too would like to know about that as well." Sirzechs said, looking at the blonde as well. Standing behind him was his wife, Grayfia and standing behind her was Rias and her friends.
From what Naruto could describe from the looks of their faces, he assumed that they feel a little guilty of him being put on the spot. He sighed as it was only to be expected as a foreign being from another world and a leader of a faction. Hearing a small sigh behind him, he knows that Rhea is also expecting to know more about him as well.
When no answer came from him, Azazel was about to ask him again when Naruto finally spoke, "What I'm about to say is strictly between everyone is this room. No one is to repeat anything to anyone. Head Captain Yamamoto and the Captains of the Gotei 13 are already informed of my origins."
"Hold on a moment there, Naruto." Michael interjected as he looked at Sirzechs and Azazel. "Why must he explain his origins now? If he does not wish to speak of it, then we shouldn't intrude at all."
"Coming from the boy scout. How typical." Rias and her Peerage couldn't suppress their shock at Azazel's blatant dismissal at Michael. "I simply wanted to know more about our fellow leader."
Yamamoto then spoke afterwards to support. "Be as it may, I concur with Michael with his statement. You do not have the right to ask a leader's past." His Spiritual Pressure started to rise a bit, but he quickly calmed him-self and suppressed it with ease.
"Naruto." Rhea stared at his back where his sword hanged there proudly.
Finally Azazel sighed despondently as he rubbed his cheek. "Oh forget it. Let's just sign the treaty and be done with it."
"For a leader, you're pretty the much laidback kind of guy, huh?" Naruto mentioned in a bored tone.
"Hah? I could say the same thing about you."
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
The representatives looked at the origin, which happens to be Yamamoto. "If we may attend to other pressing matters."
"Of course." Sirzechs answered, entering a business-like mode as did Michael and in a lesser degree Azazel. "As we are entering an alliance between our factions, you of the Shinigami should know about the Khaos Brigade."
"The Khaos Brigade?" Naruto and Yamamoto repeated with the former thinking hard.
"I've heard about this Khaos Brigade not long ago. From a Nekomata… Kuroka." He noticed Koneko tense up after mentioning the name. He explained to everyone about his battle against Triton and Kuroka as well as Aphrodite's failed plan to fuel her powers. "I think Triton mentioned a name... Ophis. I think that is their leader."
"Ophis!" Michael, Sirzechs and his family's shock grew ten times than before. They couldn't believe that he faced off against Triton, a minor god and the apparently deceased immortal son of Poseidon, and Kuroka, one of the most wanted criminals in the Underworld. Even a skilled warrior of any kind would have trouble against them and he defeated them.
Now the Dragon God AKA the Ourborous Dragon has set eyes on him as well.
But no one was more shocked than Koneko her-self. She knows that her race, the Nekoshou, are powerful in their own right due to their mastery over Senjutsu and Youjutsu and her sister was among the most powerful practitioners in history. And Naruto keep her at bay?
"Just how powerful is Naruto, really?" Yuuto had to ask as he is still processing this new information. "Defeating a minor god while keeping a SS-class criminal at bay is nothing short of… well…"
"God-like," was the word Rias could only say at the moment.
Naruto's ears perked as a small strained smile tugged his lips. "Thanks to a certain sea god, I am becoming a god. I'll make sure he'll live to regret it." He chuckled with a slight menacing grin.
-(Meanwhile)-Poseidon's Palace, Atlantis-Pacific Ocean-
Sitting on his personalized chair, the third youngest Olympian was doing paperwork on his green desk regarding the patrol routes inside the kingdom and the outer patrol. From the looks of his joyous face, he looked to be very happy, so happy that he's about to pass out.
Until he suddenly felt a chill in his spine, snapping him out of his dazed state.
"Honey?" Poseidon looked down as his wife's head popped out from underneath the desk. "Is something wrong?"
"No honey." He answered after a moment before gently pushing his wife's head back under the desk. "Everything is fine."
Oh how wrong was he?
-Furinji Island-
The peace talks continued with Michael reporting about an incident that involving members from the realm of Heaven, the Underworld and the Fallen Angel organization, the Grigori, their official government/military.
The incident that was originally and exclusively known to the Three Factions as the Excalibur Incident.
"After defeating the rogue Church associates with the help of Rias and her friends, the Excalibur fragments are safe in Heaven for the time being." Michael reported with a small smile.
"That is fortunate news. Especially my sister helped after all." Sirzechs toothly smiled at an exasperated Rias who simply face-palmed while Grayfia shook her head.
Sharing chuckles with Rhea, Naruto then ask a question that no one sans Yamamoto thought he would ask. "What is Excalibur by the way?"
Gasps came from the religious affiliated races even Grayfia as they blankly stare at him except Yamamoto.
"What?" asked a confused Naruto. It was none other than Michael who informed him about Excalibur, from origins being created by the Biblical and legacy of leading Arthur Pendragon being the king of Camelot and its title as 'The Sword of Power' to its eventual destruction into its several fragments known as the Excalibur fragments: seven different Excaliburs possessing one special ability. "Ohhhhh. Then that's good the fragments are out of reach from that Freed and Archbishop guy."
Azazel let out a relieved sigh. "He understands."
"I never thought in our lifespan we meet someone who actually didn't know anything about Excalibur." Sirzechs teased, getting a tick-mark off Naruto.
"Give me a break!" Naruto grumbled with folded arms, pouting. "I just finished reading all about Shinto mythology not too long ago."
The beings in Naruto's age group sweat-dropped at the blonde leader.
Putting that aside, Michael, with a wave of his hand, materialized a long blank white sheet in front of him before handing it over to Sirzechs who at first was hesitant. Anything made with Heaven's light or the Angels are bound to hurt them. Lightly touching it, he didn't feel any pain before grabbing it while he looked at Michael.
"What is this for?"
"It's so we could start the draft for the treaty. Each of us should give terms and policies that are fair for all our factions." Michael answered. "It might take us all day, but it'll be worth at the end."
A lone sweat-drop slid down Naruto's head upon hearing that, panicking. "Crap! My plans with Rhea tonight are ruined!" He looked over his shoulder to see Rhea and gave a look that said 'I'm sorry'.
She mouthed to him. "Tomorrow." Rhea ended with a small wink that sent chills to the Shinobi.
"She's so sweet!" Naruto thought with joyous crocodile-tears streaming from his eyes. Turning his head back, he found the draft had already in front of him. He read the ideas and policies proposed by the three leaders before looking back at them.
Apparently they were waiting for his input and he gave it to them.
"With all due respect to the three of you," To everyone's surprise including Yamamoto, Naruto channeled his wind chakra through the draft, shredding it into irreversible strips. "This is no good at all."
"And why is that?"
"For three reasons." Naruto answered. "One is that problems will occur when those who read the treaty will protest against it, maybe even rebel against your leadership. Two is something that bothers me regarding the whole Excalibur incident: how did these Fallen Angels know about the whereabouts of each fragment? Wouldn't you or anyone of equal rank or status move them to a new secure location after an Angel falls?"
"Yes we've done that." Michael replied, still not understanding what he was getting at. "What are you suggesting?"
"From what we know of the Khaos Brigade, they recruit beings whether they're Humans, Devils, Fallen Angels or…" He looked at the Archangel. "Angels."
Michael's eyes widen as did everyone sans Vali and Azazel realized what the blonde Human's referring to: traitors in the realm of Heaven. Normally when an Angel is about to fall, the system that God placed prevents that from happening by forming a barrier sphere with Enochian—the apparent language of the Angels—letters/symbols/runes around the Angel.
"Assuming that they recruit any being, it's possible that there are spies within Heaven, feeding intel to the Khaos Brigade. That's the only explanation I can think of for the moment."
Sirzechs, seeing a subtle despondent Michael, interjected. "But it's ultimately a theory."
"A theory we should take into account." Yamamoto answered back, showing his support of Naruto's theory. "It's not uncommon for one side to have informants within the opposing side." Azazel gave a lazy nod while Naruto gave a curt nod. "It is just a possibility."
Letting out a soft sigh, Michael gave a small nod. He didn't want to register the idea that among his brethren were traitors. His species are already small enough as it is compared to the peaceful times before the Great War. Unfortunately things can happen anytime in the reality called life.
"And thirdly…" Naruto glanced between Issei and Vali before speaking again, "What's the deal with Issei and the other guy? I sense two distinctive but powerful auras within them. Are they hosts or something?"
With looks of contemplation as the three leaders discussed with each other before explaining to Naruto, Rhea and Yamamoto about Issei and Vali. They explained that the boys are the current hosts of the two Heavenly Dragons; Issei was the host of the Welsh Dragon known as Draidg therefore he was known as the Red Dragon Emperor while Vali was the host of the Divining Dragon known as Albion and currently known as the White Dragon Emperor.
Time went on as Michael further explained the two dragons' rivalries that traces beyond the Great War. But it was during the Great War that marked the only time the Three Factions united and fought together… until now. He delved further about the dragons losing their bodies and being sealed in Longinus-type Sacred Gears which possess the power to kill gods or equal beings when mastered: the Welsh Dragon in the Boosted Gear and the Divining Dragon in the Divided Gear.
Lastly he finished with the history of the Boosted and Dividing Gears' history of their hosts battling each other over the centuries.
Looking at both Issei and Vali, Naruto exhaled as he rubbed his head. "Man, that sucks for you guys." He commented sincerely. "Sounds familiar, Ashura?"
"Unfortunately yes."
Naruto inwardly chuckled upon hearing his ancestor's despondent sigh over his and his brother's century-old feud long ago. "Although it looks like they don't know about you, Kurama."
Why did he say that?
"While we're on that subject," Vali interjected, drawing everyone's eyes on him while he was staring at Naruto. "What about you? My partner senses something in you too. A dark power."
"Damn it, Naruto! You had to say it!" Kurama scolded at his Jinchuriki at being discovered.
Sirzechs was about to ask the blonde ninja, but Yamamoto stopped him there. "As I stated before, Naruto does not have to explain his origins or anything about himself unless he's agreed to it."
"Then what is the point of this alliance if we're not in agreement?" Sirzechs asked with a contemptatively look.
The representatives stayed quiet soon after hearing those words, leaving the fate of the peace talks at risk.
-(Meanwhile)-Hueco Mundo-
"My lady Katerea."
The voluptuous and pink-haired woman in a rather skimpy and revealing clothing looked at her subordinate who wore intricate black armor as did the rest of her forces. "What is it?"
"Everyone is ready for the assault. Our scout returned with intel that all targets are present on the island." He saw a small wicked grin on his leader's face before taking his leave.
The woman walked through the halls of the palace before the realm's sun shined on her, grimacing a little with a snarl. Whether natural or artificial like this one, she hated the overgrown light bulb, as the sun was historically known as the eternal light of mankind.
As she reached the edge of the palace's entrance, the woman looked down with a smile as she stared at three but very large columns of her brethren, close to over a hundred strong, all armed and ready for battle.
In this case, it's the slaughter of the leaders at the peace talks and their planned totalitarian rule of the world as it should be to her race.
It's what her ancestor would've wanted it.
-Furinji Island-
"This is bad."
"What is? The fact that the peace talks might end with no alliance or I've been found out?"
"You could lie."
A small sweatdrop slid down on Naruto's head. "That's not a good way to start an alliance."
"If I may," Rhea politely spoke in a gentle tone. "There's been something that troubles me for quite some time."
"I'm saved!" Naruto internally thanked the Titaness.
Rhea, looking at Michael, asked the question that's been on her mind since the mention of the peace talks long ago. "If you're the leader, then where is God because I've heard some disturbing rumors about Him. Was there something wrong before 300 years ago?"
A sad look dawned on Michael's face as he, Sirzechs, and Azazel sat on their seat in silence with everyone else joining in the uncomfortable gesture. As for Issei, his partner engaged him in one of their telepathic talks.
"Something big is about to happen, partner."
Issei became more confused than before. "What do you mean, Ddraig? What's about to happen?" He was met with silence instead. "Ddraig?"
His attention was directed to Rias when he felt his arm grabbed by her hand, seeing the look of intense disbelief on her face. And it wasn't just her. He looked at his friends and Naruto and Rhea who had the exact look of disbelief on their faces while Michael looked more downtrodden than before.
"What? What did you just say?" Naruto asked with a tremble in his voice.
Seeing Michael shudder slightly, Azazel interjected and repeated the words that shocked them. "The original Four Satans died in the Great War, but God was extremely exhausted after the ordeal."
"Not after the creation of the universe." Michael mused afterwards.
His eyes widening, Issei felt his body lose their shudder greatly upon hearing that. "No way… God was exhausted? Wait can He even get exhausted? No way!"
Michael explained that after Heaven's forces, the forces of the Fallen Angels and the Underworld retreated to their realms, he and the rest of the Seraphs—guardians of the Throne of Heaven—brought Their Father back to the Throne so He may rest to recuperate. Afterwards he and the Seraphim worked to keep the system's functionality God created since the beginning of time and they did… with Michael at the center of it like His Father before him.
Until 300 years ago where God recovered His strength and continued His benevolent rule on Heaven and the Sacred Gear system. Michael also finished explaining that His Father appointed him to handle all problems that would threaten His creations. However, only if and if the situation is overwhelmingly dire, then He shall intervene with all His wonders.
That includes the peace talks right now also.
"H-how could you guys keep something as big as this a secret for so long?" Rhea asked, still greatly shocked.
Whether they would be mortal or immortal, gods or heroes, news of prominent figures in mythologies doesn't go unnoticed, so almost every supernatural creature in the world would know almost immediately.
Sirzechs answered this time. "After their deaths and with God's exhaustion, we three with our other high-ranking members had decided to keep the news classified from everyone. We didn't want to wreak more havoc upon the humans anymore. If the news ever leaked out-"
"It would cause global pandemic. A power vacuum." Yamamoto stated gruffly.
"What does that mean?" Naruto asked curiously. His answer came from Rhea.
"It means that Christianity and Islam, two of the largest religions on the globe, will cease to exist. All the believers will panic, deny and lose faith altogether."
Naruto gave a small nod. "Naruto?" He sat there in silence with closed eyes, ignoring his ancestor's voiced concern as he's still attempting to process this news. He didn't finish reading the Bible, but he always felt something within him whenever he did. He could almost never describe the enigmatic feeling, but he felt he was back home at Konoha; in peace, calm, and guided.
"Naruto? Naruto."
The Shinobi looked up to see everyone's eyes on him. Taking a deep breath before exhaling it, he spoke with his eyes on Michael, "I am very sorry, Michael. How is Your Father?"
"He is fine, Naruto. Father is being taken care of by my sister, Gabriel. Thank you for asking."
"You're welcome." Naruto nodded before speaking again. "So shall we go over the treaty?"
Yamamoto grunted and lightly stomped his staff, showing his slight annoyance. "That is why we're here, aren't we?"
The sense of accomplishment washed over the room's occupants as they're finally taking further steps towards peace between their factions.
-Karakura Town-
Ichigo looked at Orihime and Chad before looking around the training ground. What was once a nice yet barren rocky landscape is now turned into the uninhabitable kind of barren wasteland that life cannot be supported by any possible method. There were multiple fifteen-foot craters—courtesy of Chad's Nemean Cestus gauntlets—engulfed into the ground, not to mention the three long trenches by Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho.
"Come on guys. We're not done yet!"
Chad curtly nodded as he stumbled to stand up. "Of course."
"R-right!" Orihime switched from the common Horse stance to the advanced Snake stance, her arms in front of her like a snake preparing to attack its prey. She calmed herself when Ichigo disappeared from her sight, sensing for his Spiritual Pressure. Her eyes unusually narrowed as she pivoted on her heel and blocked a vertical slash with her Golden Fleece, the ground slightly cracking under the pressure.
She took a glance and saw that a white mask with ten black stripes on the left side was on the face of her boyfriend, also noticing his Spiritual Pressure's sudden increase. "This is Ichigo's… Hollow mask. Hollowfication." She cringed as the sword grinded against her only defense, so she's left with one option.
As Ichigo was about to unleash a Getsuga Tensho, his whole world was in sudden and extreme pain. He looked down to see Orihime's foot connected to his family jewels where the unbearable pain came from while dropping his Zanpakuto.
Retracting her leg, a sheepish Orihime could only watch as a now mask-less Ichigo fell on the ground, covering his privates. "I'm sorry, but it's kinda your fault."
"How is it my fault?" Ichigo whimpered.
"You used your Hollow mask." Orihime complained. "You're not supposed to use your Hollow mask after last time."
"Oh right." The last time he used the Hollow power, a big city news coverage about a entire city block's buildings going under due to missing supports beams that were mysterious cut like butter went to national news across Japan. "My bad."
"I think that's enough for today." Chad lightly tapped his gauntlets against each other, transforming them back into their dormant forms.
The couple nodded as Orihime sealed away the Fleece while Ichigo entered his body. They decided to head to the kitchen for some lunch, only to find a familiar guest sitting in the living room. "Naruto?!"
"Hey guys."
With swift speed, a tick-marked Ichigo grabbed the Shinobi by his jacket's collar. "Where have you been, you bastard?!" He shouted, shaking him like a bobble-head. "I've been training solo for the past month without your assistance! What's the point of offering training if you're not here!?"
"I'm… still… not… here!" The blonde responded incoherently between shakes.
"Huh?!" The trio spoke as Ichigo let go of him.
"You're a clone?" Orihime asked curiously despite seeing her blonde friend's jutsu.
"Yep. The boss is really busy right now with the meeting and all."
"What meeting?" asked Chad.
"The meeting with old man Yamamoto, and the leaders of the Three Factions of Judeo-Christian religion."
3… 2… 1
"Huh? I didn't mention it to you?"
"No you didn't!" Ichigo barked at his fellow fighter.
"Oops. My bad... or his bad I think?" Clone Naruto sheepishly rubbed his cheek. "Anyway he sent me here to check up on your training."
"I think I should be asking you that question. It must be very rigorous for you to not even send a clone to train me." A devious Ichigo chimed with a devious smile.
Instead of starting one of their mini-fights, the clone fell to his knees with a cloud above him. "You have no idea at all, Ichigo."
Snapping out of his stupor, a cheeky Naruto boasted, "Especially since I'm learning the secret Animal Trine Techniques of the Furinji Style!" He finished with a loud laughter.
"Animal Trine Techniques?" asked Chad.
"Sounds lame." Ichigo nonchalantly said with a bored look.
Ignoring that and suppressing the angry vein from protruding further, Naruto explained to them about how the Animal Trine Techniques are based from the animals in the Zodiac and how there were two scrolls; each one containing six techniques. He also told them about the enemy from his world, Kabuto, and his apprenticeship to the one of the dark martial arts masters of Yami.
"This Kabuto guy… What's he like?"
"A sick bastard who vies for vengeance by any means necessary including mutations on him-self." Naruto responded with a growl. "Just like his former master."
"Yami? I thought it was just a scary story for all aspiring martial arts masters." Ichigo remarked off-handedly. "Guess pops was telling the truth."
"Naruto, would you mind telling us about meeting the leaders of the Judeo-Christian religion?" Chad asked. "You said the original you is meeting them? But who is them? And is he… you… meeting well… Him?" He pointed at the ceiling referring to The Lord Himself.
"No clue. And the boss is meeting with Michael the Archangel, Sirzechs from the Underworld and Azazel of the Grigori Fallen Angel organization."
"You've met Michael?!"
"Grigori organization?" asked Orihime with a tilt of her cute head.
"Fallen Angels?" Ichigo responded skeptically. "Yeah right. Like they exist."
Naruto, Chad and even Orihime looked at him with deadpanned faces as if saying 'Are you serious?' "Dude, you're a Human with Shinigami powers. Your friends are said Shinigami and Chad, Orihime and Uryu have special powers. Not to mention you've met Poseidon, one of the Twelve Olympians, himself. And let's not forget me of course."
"… Right." Ichigo muttered after being made a fool. Naruto and Orihime laughed at him while Chad simply nodded. "Whatever."
"Hehehe." The clone taunted the orange-haired teen by pulling his right lower eyelid. "Loser."
"Why you!"
-(Afternoon)-Furinji Island-
Half the day had passed with time to spare, much to Naruto's inner joy. He and Rhea could finally go on their date tonight and he has plans to take her to one of Tokyo's entertainment wards. On other news, the peace talks went without a hitch after severe discretion that anything that was said in this room will not be repeated from outside.
That includes Heaven's close guarded secret of The Lord.
"I think that's everything." Michael stated after signing the treaty, followed by Azazel and Sirzechs who in turn passed the document to Naruto.
Seeing a majestic blue and ruby-colored fountain pen floating in front of him, Naruto grabbed it before looking at the document in front of him. At the top of the document read the words 'The Furinji Treaty', named after the island and Naruto's martial arts master. This brought a small chuckle as he continued reading with his eyes scrolling down to make sure that all terms set between the Factions are clear.
Especially the first four terms that everyone negotiated.
The first term was that each the Factions' species members would cease fighting each other anywhere across the Earth. However if there are altercations provoked by one Angel to a Fallen Angel vice versa, then those individuals will be punished by the higher ranks of the Factions such as the Seraphs, the Satans or the Grigori leaders.
The second term was coexistence. To alleviate the future and/or hidden tensions between the Three Factions as well as the existence of the Shinigami Faction now becoming public knowledge, there will be cities throughout Earth where one member from Heaven, Underworld, the Grigori, and the Shinigami will live together as squads from now on. This way the four members will learn to accept one another, work together and become eventual friends while also taking care of problems that occur in the cities.
These squads would be known as 'Myrmidons' after the hardened Greek warriors who were lead by the legendary and greatest warrior of all time, Achilles.
The third term was counterterrorism. In the events of individuals or organizations like the Khaos Brigade, the Four Factions including the Shinigami Faction will organize a counterterrorist team to restrain or annihilate terrorist members who threatens the balance and peace of the world. The counterterrorist team will consist of seven squads that contain several members from each faction. Each squad will coordinate with the Myrmidon squad to neutralize the threat in whatever city that's under attack or in danger.
Last but not least: protection and security. Lately there were reports of missing powerful artifacts and weapons from different mythologies around the world such as Athena's Aegis shield, the Eye of Shangri-La, and Mars's sword. This also includes artifacts and weapons associated with malevolent beings and creatures like Polypherion, the Cyclops son of Poseidon who battled Odysseus and his crew in ancient times.
With permission from the leaders of other mythologies, Myrmidon squads will be posted near the locations of each weapons and artifacts to avoid any losses. Protection also extends to VIPs such as Gods and immortals. Not that they would need it, but to be on the safe side as it is common knowledge that Gods are much weaker than their prime centuries ago in ancient civilizations such as Greece, Rome and Norway.
"Michael, in regards to the weapons, does that also include weapons belonging to the Titans?" He got a 'yes' from the Seraph. "And?"
It was only a moment, but Michael called the weapon that he assume Naruto's worry of. "Kronos's Scythe is one of the missing weapons."
Taking a glance at Rhea, Naruto noticed a small trace of great worry in her eyes when Michael announced that a few more Titan weapons went missing two months ago. Could he blame her? The bastard, Kronos, forced himself on her six times which each encounter led to the birth of her Olympian children. Well he'll just have to keep the silent promise to protect her at all cost, even his own life when necessary.
Pushing that aside for a moment with a nod, Naruto signed his name in kanji like Yamamoto as opposed to the English writing that Michael, Azazel and Sirzechs utilized. The treaty shined briefly before it and the pen floated back to Michael who placed them both in his robes.
Peace was now among them and together are they no longer foes in the case of the Three Factions, but now allies until the end of time.
"Now that's over with, I sugge-" Azazel didn't get to finish as Naruto suddenly stood from his seat.
"We got trouble!" He spoke, catching everyone off-guard and putting them in alarm. His statement was supported by the sounds of several explosions hitting against the barriers. "Enemies outside."
Everyone sans Vali who leaned against the wall went to the window to see a mass number of enemies namely Demons with their bat-like wings spread out as they floated outside the blue/green barriers, summoning and launching barrages of lightning spells in hopes of penetrating the surprisingly strong barriers.
How did they find out the island's location? Did they know the leaders were meeting today? So many questions flooded everyone's minds.
One thing is clear though. The island is under attack.
-The Sky Above the Island-
"Destroy those barriers!"
The descendant of the first Leviathan commanded as their brethren summoning more lightning spells and other elemental attacks against the barrier surrounding the island. She grew more and more irritated as the barrier's surface rippled in several spots where the attacks failed to penetrate it and still there's no sign of any weak points.
"What kind of barrier is this?" She gritted at the spinning blue-white inverted spiral crest that was present on the barrier. It was as if telling her to just try to break it. "Don't let up!"
Multiple soldiers summoned more lightning spells along with fire spells to try to amplify their penetrating powers. A combination of torrents of fire and lightning bolts shot across the air and connected with the barrier, a bright flash of yellow and red as the aftermath. But like before, the barrier stood strong against the collective attack.
She was so focused on the barrier's destruction that she didn't notice the sea's surface below swirling into a huge maelstrom before a large torrent of seawater shot out of the eye, the thousand gallons of pure brute force and pressure intending to crush her.
"My lady!" A lone soldier pushed the woman out of the way and took the brunt of the attack, the jet-like spray careening him up to the atmosphere. The other demons stared into the sky to search for any sign of their comrade but with no luck. Their attention was drawn to the sea by a loud horse-like screech.
Katerea looked down as well and was shocked to find a very big creature composed of water and green scales with spider-like appendages, a serpentine tail. The most distinctive characteristic was the horse-like head with yellow eyes, completely made of water.
"A Hippocampus! Here?!" A lone Demon exclaimed in surprise.
The creature of Poseidon, despite of his hulking mass and stature, swiftly spun while releasing a strong torrent of water from its mouth. The multiple torrents/whips of water combined with the spinning made the Hippocampus look like a sprinkler on hyper mode. The demons were too surprised or stunned to anything as they were all hit by the multi-layered attack while some of the others managed to dodge it.
"This can't be…" A demon stuttered before looking at his mistress. "Lady Katerea. What should we do?"
"W-what?" He gasped when the Leviathan member teleported with her family's Magic Circle. Seeing that the Hippocampus is the main obstacle in front of their objective, the entirety of Katerea's forces put their focus on the creature, bombarding it with lightning, ice and fire spells.
They were so focused that they didn't notice nor flinch when there was an explosion on the island… inside of the barrier.
-With Naruto-
The Ryozanpaku cabin: two-story with great water pressure, made with teak, the claimed strongest wood. The front and back doors were made of Oak, the most recognized and used wood in the world. Despite of its small exterior, the interior was surprisingly large as it would about 50 people in the living room alone. The custom/self-made wooden house by Miu and the masters of Ryozanpaku was considered to be one of their accomplishments that was totally unrelated to fighting in any way.
Now said cabin stood destroyed, splinters of broken wood and damaged pipes, burned dressers and clothing were out in the open. In the left side where the peace talks were taking place now stood the delegates of the Three Factions, the Shinigami Faction and the Greek Faction. And one of them was not happy.
"THAT LADY DESTROYED THE CABIN!" Before he could do anything, Naruto was restrained by Issei and Yuto albeit barely. "LET ME AT HER! SHE'S GOTTA PAY!"
"She must've used a technique that allowed her to bypass your barriers not unlike Obito." Kurama remarked, chastising internally about Barrier Ninjutsu's weakness against Space-Time Ninjutsu or similar techniques.
Standing across from them was the woman, smirking vulgarly as her eyes took on something like a predator would when it found its prey. She stared at the barrier that was protected them from her attack. "Well, well, look at that. The factions all working together. How cute." Katerea said with a hint of disgust.
"Who is she?" Rhea asked while putting a hand on Naruto, instantly calming him down.
Sirzechs was the one who answered. "She's Katerea Leviathan, descendant of the first Leviathan. She along with the descendants of the original Kings believes they should be in power after their deaths and continue the Great War, so they formed the Old Satan Faction. However there were many others in the Underworld who believe the survival of our race was more important as did the Angels and Fallen Angels. This faction was called the New Satan Faction. After the civil war, our faction and the people chose four other Devils should inherit the Four Satans names names due to their tremendous powers. Myself, Serafall, Ajuka are those chosen."
"Which one are you?" asked Naruto curiously.
"Enough!" Katerea spoke, cutting off the conversation as she noticed the three newcomers. "So the Shinigami really do exist. Although you don't look intimidating."
Panic struck Naruto and his internal partners. "Did she really just say that?!" He said inwardly as he looked at Yamamoto whose back was facing him. At first, he thought he looked calm but he then noticed the Shinigami's tightening grip on his wooden cane. "He's pissed!"
"We're all alone now." Azazel remarked casually. Naruto and company looked at him where he's staring up the sky to find a shocking upset. The armed forces of Heaven, Underworld and the Grigori were being decimated by Vali, clad in white dragon armor with blue wings protruding from his back, whom looked bored.
"What the hell?" asked Naruto as the remaining armed forces be it Angel, Devil or Fallen Angel faced towards the smirking Vali, summoning light spears and multitude of spells. However they didn't get the chance to use them as Vali appeared behind them, destroying them in a bright ray of power. "He works fast."
Katerea watched Vali descend next to her, his wings still flared out. "Well done. Now we get to the main course."
Taking that as his cue, Azazel was about to step forward when instead both Yamamoto and surprisingly Issei stepped front of the group, close enough to the shield.
"Issei?" Rias asked in concern like her servants/friends.
Chuckling lightly, Naruto surprised everyone when he sat down. "You go get them, Yamamoto and Issei."
"N-Naruto. This is serious here!" Rias complained slightly.
"I know, but I want to see how Issei handles him-self in a fight in case I want to fight him plus I have a feeling he and Vali aren't going to let this chance slip by." Whether they admit it or not, Naruto was right about Issei and Vali's new rivalry. "There's also the fact that the old man's pissed."
"How correct you are, Naruto." The Shingiami growled in a low tone, his robes fluttering as he and Issei stepped out of the shield through the hole the leaders made. Without looking back to see the closed hole, Yamamoto lifted up his cane, drawing everyone's san Naruto attention. "Young man." He called the boy next to him.
"Hai." Issei timidly responded under the intimidating pressure oozing from the man.
"You best get serious now." His eyes widen when the cane 'unwrapped' to reveal a sheathed sword. "After hearing about your Red Dragon Emperor status, I would like to know about your combat prowess to see if I made the correct choice of the alliance."
"Cool. Now that that's done and over," Naruto looked at a still surprised Rhea as Issei summoned his Boosted Gear's Balance Breaker, Scale Mail: the red version of the Dragon Armor with some differences. "Where do you want to go tonight?"
Suppressing down a snarl, Katerea instead scoffed. "Do you really believe this will be over instantly? How arrogant you are, Poseidon."
"Hmm, you seem to acknowledge me of my title. That's a surprise and yes I do believe this will be over because none of you have ever seen the power of a Shinigami." That's when everyone started to feel the heat. "And that includes the Head Captain."
"Burn All Living Creation… Ryuujin Jakka!"