Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 26 - Lust And Chaos...

Chapter 26 - Lust And Chaos...

Chapter 25 - Lust and Chaos...



Heeding the stern command of his master, Naruto moved his arms in the motion of a kata but couldn't complete doing so as he dropped to the ground, completely exhausted. That's what happens when you train for eight days straight without rest.

"T-this is beyond insane! I never thought it would be this demanding!"

"That'll be it for today."

"H-Hai." The ninja said weakly since he couldn't move his head as he laid on the ground. However he didn't need to see his master enter the main house. He soon felt him-self being lifted up by a pair of huge arms, courtesy of Apachai who's clearly worried of his wellbeing from the training. "Thanks, Apachai."

The Muay Thai giant gave a sad nod as they entered the secondary building and jumped up to the second level. The reason being was that the drunken Sakaki and Kensei destroyed the flight of stairs plus Akisame thought it to be better for Kenichi's training to build up upper body strength with a rope to climb up to the second level.

After finding and entering Naruto's guest room, Apachai gently placed the exhausted blonde disciple on the futon, worry present on his face.

Naruto chuckled weakly. "Don't worry, Apachai You know how fast I heal. Just give me… a… coup…le…" The next sound that came out of his lips was the sound of snoring, the sign of someone in a deep sleep and exhaustion.

Carefully shutting the door, Apachai took no more than five steps as he stopped in front of an open room with one Shio Sakaki eating candy. "Sakaki…" The scar-faced man looked at him. "I don't… think Naruto will survive the training."

"He's a tough kid. Very tough." Sakaki emphasized one of Naruto's strong points. "It's like the old man said; he wouldn't train the kid if he didn't think he was ready. But…"


"You have the right to be concerned. His progress is somewhat slow since it took a little over a week to learn two techniques compared to his daily training back then." Sakaki narrowed his eyes before closing his room's door and started walking outside the building with Apachai in tow. "But I'm sure he will succeed."




"Oi! Did you hear what I-" Sakaki turned around to find the innocent Muay Thai master gawking at something with a pointed index finger. "What is it?" He followed the extended limb to where it was pointing and expected to find something impressive or cool. But it turned out to be a couple of birds were cuddling together with a chick on their nest, located on the branch of one of the Elder's trees. "Man, they're just a bunch of birds."

Yet he never left his friend behind as he too watched the parent birds nuzzle their infant because to them, they were the sign of a peaceful family much like theirs, only they're a bit erratic.

-(Five Hours Later)-

Rhea was humming to her-self in the secondary building as she jumped onto the second level, a tray of food in her hands. "I hope Naruto is up so he could eat the food I made for him. He'll need it for the next session." She turned to her left with a deadpan look. "And why are you here?"

"What? I can't give Naruto some food to eat?" Medusa remarked innocently with an innocent look as she too carries a tray with food.

The Titaness and the Kosaka disciple glared at each other as they continued walking before their pace quickened, soon turning into a foot race to the blonde's room. The race ended with a draw as they placed their hands on the door, opening it at the same time.

"Naruto! Food's ready!" The two immortal females shouted, showing their trays with their heads down. When they lifted their head to him, they dropped the food before entering the room as Naruto wasn't inside it. "Where is he?! Where's Naruto?!" Medusa panicked before a hand covered it, glaring at Rhea.

Retracting her hand, Rhea walked to the bookshelf where a note was pinned against it by a tack. She pulled the note free as she read it, her eyes gazing from left to right as she did so.


"Oh?" Medusa repeated, confused and worried. "What do you mean 'oh'? Where is he?" She watched Rhea cleaning up the mess the two of them made from their previous reaction.

Rhea stopped and looked at her briefly before continuing her labor. "He's paying his predecessor a visit."

"…Oh." Medusa muttered with widened eyes as she soon helped Rhea after a sudden desire to clean the mess struck her.

-Poseidon's Palace-Atlantis-Pacific Ocean-

Being the king has its perks such as royalty power, the command to lead armies and practically do whatever he wants. However the king must retain vigilance for the safety of his kingdom and his people and that includes the immortal Gods such as Poseidon.

Sitting atop of his throne, bored out of his mind from the weekly status meeting, Poseidon had his chin atop of his palm as he leaned on his arm that was supported by the throne's arm while listening to his court's updates regarding Atlantis and the ocean itself. His wife, Amphitrite, was also present as she too was sitting on her throne next to him.

However the boredom ended when a soldier entered the throne room, interrupting the court meeting as he bowed before his king and queen. "Lord Poseidon. Lady Amphitrite. I have news." The two gods looked at the soldier before Amphitrite gestured him to speak. "Your Highnesses, Lord Naruto Uzumaki has arrived in Atlantis. He's requested to have an audience with you."

"Naruto's here?" Poseidon asked before a grin appeared on his face. "Why send him in!" The soldier gave a bow to both him and his wife before leaving the chambers. The king then looked at his court members. "We are dismissed."

Amphitrite quickly interjected before they could leave. "For now." Poseidon groaned as the court members left the room, leaving them alone for the time being. "Dear, what do you think he's here for?"

"Does he need a reason?"

"No, but I have a feeling something is… wrong."

Before Poseidon could ask her what it is, footsteps sounds echoed from the hallways, drawing their attention to see Naruto in his casual attire: the Nemean leather jacket over a deep orange shirt and dark blue jeans with his ninja sandal and the Trident on his back. "Hello, Lord Poseidon. Lady Amphitrite." He bowed to the gods before speaking again. "It's been a while. How are things in Atlantis?"

"Pretty much the same as always." Poseidon answered as Amphitrite cleared her throat, reminding him of something important. "Well, there is one new thing and it's very important and great."

"What is it?" That's when Naruto noticed the goddess rubbing her slightly swollen stomach, surprising him greatly. "Are you…"

A smiling Amphitrite nodded as Poseidon took her hand. "Yes, I'm with child."

Feeling nothing but happiness for them, Naruto congratulated them. "That's great news! I'm very happy for you two. Does Triton and your other children know?" Nods came from the happy couple. "That's good." He took a moment as he breathed deeply. "Lord Poseidon, there's something that caught my attention recently. It's about me being your successor."

"Really?" Poseidon looked at his wife who nodded as she got up from her throne and left the throne room after giving Naruto a hug. "What is it? Has something happened at the surface?"

"Oh nothing. I met your mother who tried to kill me because of a lie, then two weeks ago I met your rap- ex-lover who also tried to kill me. But other than that, I'm swell." Naruto responded sarcastically.

Poseidon's eyes were the size of saucers as he stared at his successor. "Say what?!"

"You heard me."

"S-so you didn't… you know-" Poseidon traced his thumb across his throat, the sign of killing someone. "Do that to them."

Shaking his head rapidly, Naruto quickly responded with a hint of hurt. "No, I didn't kill them! What's wrong with you?!" A sheepish looking Poseidon was his answer yet again. "But I am living with them right now."

"Say what?!" Poseidon's eyes grew a size larger as he was even more shocked. "But Medusa is-"

"No longer cursed." Naruto interrupted him from finishing that statement. "I lifted the curse with the Trident, so now she's back in her human form." His head suddenly heated up as he suppressed the blood from escaping his nose. "And I clearly saw why you… took her back then, but that doesn't justify what you did."

"I know." Poseidon responded sadly before a slight perverse look took over as he was reminded of Medusa's elegant figure and looks and this didn't go unnoticed by an annoyed Naruto.

"Don't even think about it."


"You know what."

"… Fine."

"Come on! Were you really thinking about cheating on your pregnant wife for a woman whom you'd wronged centuries ago?"

"No~" Poseidon whined with a pout, getting a face-palm from Naruto who asked the question he wants the answer to before getting side-tracked of Rhea and Medusa.

"Why didn't you tell me that I would be a leader of the Greek Pantheon?" Poseidon's mouth formed a 'O' like a fish's mouth, confirming Naruto's suspicion of him knowing about it. "Don't you think that's something you tell a mortal if you make that said mortal your successor?"

"W-well, I-I-"

Crossing his arms, Naruto sternly looked his predecessor, basically telling him that he's been caught. "Well? Is there some big reason why you haven't told me in my first visit back then. That I had to know about it from an Angel."

It felt like time was frozen between the Olympian and Shinobi as the latter stared at the former who looked like he was thinking very deeply. After what felt like minutes passed, Naruto scoffed before he turned around and was about to swim out of the room when Poseidon finally spoke.

"Wait." The Sea God said, persuading Naruto to turn back around to face him. He let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes before opening them again. "I'll tell you. I originally planned to tell you of this until you were ready, but that plan is ruined now."


Poseidon sighed again. "Naruto, for what I'm about to tell you is something most mortals will find to be overwhelming to understand."

"Where did I hear that before?"

-(Evening)-Las Vegas-Nevada-United States of America-

A black limousine parked in front of one of the most pristine hotels in the city: the Julius Caesar Hotel. An 11-storied wide building that housed several restaurants and three swimming pools and one of the largest magnets for tourists staying overnight or longer.

The driver quickly got out of the driver's seat and ran to the right rear door, opening it like a gentleman with a intense blush on his face. Who could blame him?

His passenger elegantly got out of the vehicle, revealing to be a stunning beautiful woman with purplish-violet hair and deep red eyes. She wore a Chinese dress that hugged her outstanding womanly figure and exposed the sides of her long, cream-colored legs and parts of the chest area, revealing a large amount of her large breasts that looked to be unrivaled to anyone around her.

"Thank you, young man."

"Sure." The driver lewdly responded, slighting drooling out of his mouth as he watched his passenger enter the hotel until he was snapped out it by a symphony of horns honking at him.

It didn't take long for the woman to find the receptionist and asked her for her room key. As she waited, the woman also noticed the numerous looks from everyone around her: lewd and crazed looks from single and married men as well envy and jealousy from the women including the receptionist who's helping her.

Speaking of said receptionist.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am but your name nor your reservation is not in the computer." The black-haired receptionist informed her with a sad smile, although the woman knows it wasn't genuine.

"I do believe I have a reservation in this hotel. Specifically the penthouse." The woman smugly smirked as she placed her hands on her hips. Her attitude was met when the receptionist gestured the security guards who stood behind her on both sides, looking very… intimidated with blushes?

"These men will escort you out." The receptionist puffed out her chest like she won the battle.

However the still smirking woman didn't look like she was going anywhere as a thin purple cloud suddenly dispersed from her necklace, filling up the room and causing the residents, staff members and tourists to cough vehemently. Minutes later, the sounds of clothes hitting the floor reached her ears as the manager escorted her via horse-ride.

"The penthouse please."

"Yes, my lady."

The woman smirked again as she cackled behind her hand while leaving behind everyone engaging in sexual activity including the receptionist who was being pleasured by the two security guards.

-With Naruto-

Near one of the shores, a familiar figure emerged out of the water as thought if that person was riding a jet-ski across the ocean.

And that jet-ski was a Hippocampus.

Naruto's Hippocampus, Sui for a fact.

It's been a while since he saw Sui, so he thought it was good to take her out for his visit to Atlantis and back to Tokyo. How he'd summoned her faster out of nowhere was that before his departure to Ryozanpaku, Naruto had Sui form a Summoning contract so he can summon her much faster than what Poseidon or the other gods do to summon their scared animals.

Fortunately for Naruto, Sui was the size of a horse instead of her much larger form when he first met her.

As they get closer to the bay area, the blonde Shinobi had a deep thoughtful expression as he replay the real reason Poseidon told him. Needless to say, it really shocked and angered him at the same time.

"Why?" Naruto asked him-self with a conflicted expression.

Sui seemed to understand her master's conflicted feelings as she huffed sadly, getting a pat on the head from him.

"Don't worry about me, Sui." Naruto put on a smile, but a sad one as he sealed away the Trident. "I… I just need to process this. That's all." Sui gave a small nod before she started to slow down as they entered the bay and managed to avoid the freighters' crews and security. After finding a secure spot and sending Sui back to Urahara's shop in a puff of smoke, Naruto started walking to exist the docks. "A lot of time to process this."

Before he took another, a loud sound breached his ears, drawing his attention to the streets and found something very disturbing. "What."



The Shinobi and his two occupants stared in total shock with widen eyes at what's happening in front of them: a large orgy.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!"

"Suck on this!"

"I'm not stopping until every last drop is in you!"

"More! More!"

Naruto cringed when a policeman shot his load into a female bank accountant's face before he resumed thrashing her mouth with force. Feeling disgusted, he quickly found him-self surrounded by several white liquid-covered older women and girls that were his age. "Not happening ladies." He jumped over them and ran through the streets, not bothering to look behind as he was focused on getting out of there. "What the hell is going on here?"

"This is very perplexing. These people should have more dignity than this." Naruto heard his ancestor as he Shunshined to a building's roof, choosing to get a bird's eye view for the city. He formed his signature cross-sign seal, forming multiple clones before sending them away with a command. "A scouting mission?"

"You think what happened on that street is happening around the city." Kurama commented casually after overcoming his previous shock. "I bet this isn't time to tell you about that strange energy I sense in the middle of Tokyo."

But surprisingly to him, Naruto gave him a nod as he sat down on the roof with crossed arms, waiting for his clones' memories to return at any time. "Yeah, I know. I sensed it a little after you did plus you have a tell of knowing something."


"Really." Ashura gave three firm nods to emphasize his answer, causing the embarrassed fox to stay silent before doing the same thing him-self.

After waiting for what felt like hours, Naruto finally received all of his clones' memories with a bit of a headache to go along with it. What he learned to great surprise was that the entire city's citizens and the tourists from other countries are engaging in sexual activities everywhere: in cars, buses, offices, etc.

"Obviously this is a supernatural event." He then pondered about the strange energy signature that Kurama mentioned and its familiarity. Godly familiarity. "But which god or goddess could cause something like this?"

-Ryozanpaku Dojo-

Running out of his room after a Hirashin, Naruto made his way to the main building, hoping that his friends and master didn't fall victim to the 'Lust cloud', as Kurama called it, around the city.

When he entered through the door and reached the living room, relief coursed through him as he saw everyone going about their business, which is eating dinner.

"Naruto!" The said ninja/disciple cringed when Miu shouted at him after seeing him in the doorway, glaring at him. "Where have you been?! You should be resting from grandpa's training, not going anywhere else! You made all of us worry!"

"S-sorry." Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of his head before he looked at Hayato who already seem to sense his distress. "Master, may I speak with you for a moment?"

As the two blondes left the room and walked across the training grounds from the main building to the dojo building as they have their talk. "What troubles you?" asked Hayato as his disciple took a deep breath.

By the time they reached the dojo building, Naruto had explained to his master of everything about the mysterious lust cloud that overwhelms the citizens in the city. Shock couldn't even begin to describe what Hayato is feeling right now.

"And… you think a god or goddess is doing this?"

"The feeling is generally the same as Poseidon's presence, but I may have a hunch on who it might be. Plus Kurama already found the location of the origin." Naruto paused before he jumped into the air and took a glance around the dojo property in a 360 spin before landing in front of his master. "The cloud is just outside of the dojo walls, but it's not entering for some reason. Why?"

Hayato stroked his beard as he too pondered with his disciple of this development, but it wasn't long until he came with an answer. "It's because of us, Naruto."

"I know, I know. You guys are the awesomest masters in the Martial Arts world." Naruto responded, clearly irritated by his master's constant boasts about being the strongest across the lands.

"No, Naruto. It's because of we masters unconsciously release massive amounts of Ki." Hayato replied as a matter of fact.

"Really? I mean I already knew you and the others release your Ki unintentionally, but could all of your Ki together really hold back a… supernatural cloud?"

"Anything is possible. Also I figured this is something you need to know about as well." Hayato handed him the freshly printed newspaper. "It appears Tokyo is not the city affected by this lust cloud as you called it."

Naruto flipped through the pages until he found the article he wanted and it was on the front page with bold headlines.

Strange and Sudden Sexual Activities Increased in Major Cities Across World:

1. Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

2. Tokyo, Japan

3. London, England

4. Manhattan, New York, United States

5. Hong Kong, China

6. Vancouver, Canada

His eyes widened as they descended down to the bottom of the list where the author wrote them.

Strange events occurred in each of the listed cities as their civilians are suddenly struck with lust and their hidden desires. The perpetrator of this unexpected and out-of-character behavior appears to come from the strange purplish mist cloud that surrounds the streets of each listed cities.

"Yeah I saw that on my way here. Not a sight to look at all." Naruto muttered as he continued to read the article while his master stood there, licking a lollipop as he did.

However, according to government officials from each country, the six cities are not as catastrophic as Las Vegas. The Sin City is considered to be 'ground zero' as the sexual activities are exponentially higher than the other cities plus the cloud is much more potent.

"Las Vegas? Figures."

"I know, right."

Fortunately the clouds in each city does not go beyond the boundaries, meaning that surrounding cities, states and countries are safe for the time being. However the governments of each country have issued a quarantine zone alert and advised all to stay away from these cities until the threat is over and they are consider to be safe.


"Naruto." Hayato said, recognizing the look in his disciple's eyes. The look to help others and protect them from whatever's doing them harm.

Naruto sighed as he rubbed his eyes. "You do know I have to check it out, right?" He received an understanding 'Hmph' from him before he started walking back to the secondary building. "I'll put up a barrier around the property just to be safe." He spoke after a moment, not turning around to look at him. "Can you make sure the others don't go outside the property?"

"Of course."

"Thank you master. I'll bring you a souvenir when I'm done."

Hayato watched his disciple closed the door before looking up to the skies that hovers above him and his kind. He closed his eyes just before a brief flash of yellow light lit up the roof of the secondary building. However he appeared to not have noticed the two figures that were hiding behind the main building's door before said figures went back inside the building.



The Archangel looked up from what he was doing to find his sister standing in front of his desk with a pout and her hands on her hips. "What is it, Gabriel?" asked Michael, although he already knows what she was talking about.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to meet that Human?"

"Which one?"

Gabriel's pout turned cute as she elaborated which human. "The one who's the center of attention for all the Three Factions. Poseidon's successor! Naruto!" She whined a little as she crossed her arms with her head turned away. "You know I've always wanted to meet him for some time now."

"It's… complicated, but you'll get a chance to meet him some other time." Michael responded after a sigh as he relaxed a bit on his chair, taking a break from his duties even it's a little bit. "I guarantee you that, Gabriel."

"But I wanted to see him." Gabriel pouted until her face brightened up and her wings expanded out, somewhat concerning Michael. "Wait, I can meet him wherever he is right now!" She closed her eyes for several moments before opening them again with a victory smile. "I found him!"

However before she could leave, Michael quickly stopped her with a surprised look. "Gabriel, no! Naruto is busy at the moment!" He sighed in relief when she listened to him and explained why. "He's… dealing with something in North America. Las Vegas, actually."

"Is it related to the other cities with those mysterious clouds that induces lust and lewd acts upon the population?"

Michael nodded before he gestured a now serious Gabriel to take a seat. He could always count on her to be serious and helpful with situations like this. "Our scout's intel informs that this is the work of a God from one of the other factions, particularly a deity whose domain is love."

"So this has nothing to do with the meeting? Speaking of which. "Have you, Sirzechs and Azazel agree on where the meeting will take place?"

"Yes we have, but…"


"We'd have ask him for permission to use it."

Gabriel tilted her head, confusion present on her face. "Who?"

"The man whom Naruto fears right now."

-(The Next Morning)-Outside of the Julius Caesar Hotel-Las Vegas-

Standing behind the billboard situated on the high building he took cover for scouting ahead and away from the lust cloud, Naruto was in his casual attire with the Nemean jacket covering his torso. He pulled out a pair of binoculars from his scroll and looked through them to scout for any security. Surprisingly there were several surrounding the hotel despite of several gangbangs on multiple women on both ends of the main street.

It took him and Sui five hours to reach the West Coast of the United States. After that it took three hours for him to run across California and the southern part of Nevada to reach the city and the 30 minutes to slide past the U.S. Army's perimeter without being detected at all.

Naruto stifled a yawn with his hand before looking through his binoculars again. "After this, I'm going to take a long nap. No training for a week."

"Whoever's doing this must be quite powerful to influence an entire city like this. So which deity is responsible for this, Naruto?" Ashura asked, ignoring his descendant's afterward plans.

The Shinobi shrugged his shoulders, his fingers twisting the knob on the binoculars to zoom in on the building. "There are several gods and goddesses who are capable of inducing lust, but one goddess does come in to mind… After all she was the main instigator of the Troy incident."

"Ah… that goddess."

It took Ashura a second until he realized who it was the duo was talking about. "You mean her?"

"Well… I could be wrong."

"That's true."

"You are simple-minded at times. Most of the time actually."

"Jerks." A tick-marked Naruto grumbled through his gnashing teeth.

While looking through the binoculars, two presences made their way towards him from behind, but Naruto already knew about them. When they got close enough, Naruto turned around and threw several shurikens at them, however they didn't reach their targets as they were blocked from a familiar steel fan.

"Naruto, really?" Naruto was clearly surprised when Rhea closed her fan. She was wearing a dark blue kimono top with a long matching skirt that hid her legs, sleek arm gauntlets that protected her forearms and her hair done in a high ponytail with a orange ribbon.

Medusa soon appeared from behind her with a quiver of arrows strapped to her back and a wooden bow in her left hand. She was dressed differently from Rhea and more closely like her master, Shigure. She wore a small short-sleeved red kimono and matching long stockings with black high heel boots.

"W-what are you girls doing here?" Naruto stuttered with a pointed finger.

Medusa gave him a cute grin as she answered. "We're here to help you. You can't handle this on your own."


"No buts." Rhea told him sternly as she walked up to him, Medusa in tow. Seeing that neither of them will listen to him, Naruto simply groaned while Kurama mentally called him 'weakling' over and over. "Fine. So I'm guessing you overheard everything with my talk to the Elder."

"Yep!" Medusa chirped happily while Rhea nodded with a smile.

"You do know that was a private conversation."


"Whatever." Naruto then realized something else. The looks on the girl's faces looked like they've been waiting for a while. "Have you been here the whole time?"

Medusa replied with a knowing smirk. "Yep. We've been here for a long time, waiting for you."

"What?!" He covered his mouth to avoid drawing attention to their location, so he whispered to them. "How did you girls get here before me?"

"With my chariot." Rhea replied nonchalantly, smiling when Naruto's head slowly turned to her like a robot. "It's much faster than riding a Hippocampus. Although I'm surprised my son didn't give you his chariot or built one for you. We actually passed by you in the Pacific Ocean."

The Shinobi thought back and remembered about a shooting star that looked like it was heading the same direction that he was going, but he didn't think of it as something important.

"That was you two?" Nods came from the immortal beauties, prompting their male companion to curse him-self for not asking his predecessor for a chariot. He eventually cooled down and looked at Medusa. "How's your training with Shigure coming along?"

What he got was the girl started to shiver in place as she spoke in a trembling voice. "T-that woman is a-a monster." Both Naruto and Rhea looked at her in pity. "I thought all monsters are evil until I met master Shigure."

"All the masters are true monsters." Naruto rebutted before a gasp came from Rhea, drawing his and Medusa's attention to her. "What is it, Rhea?"

"This presence… it can't be. I thought she died with the others."

The silence from the Titaness only raised concern for Naruto and Medusa until the latter shook her on the shoulders, snapping her out of it. "Rhea, sweetie, what's wrong?" Medusa asked, concerned about her new sister.

"I-I… I think I know who's causing this all of this."

-Penthouse-Julius Caesar Hotel-

The mysterious and beautiful woman only took a sip from her wine glass when she sensed three presences outside of the hotel, one of which is very familiar.

"Come in, sister dear. And bring your friends for some fun~"

It's been a very long time since she last saw her, so she's going to make this night to remember for everyone present and that includes everyone.

She soon lay down on her bed after finishing her wine and snapped her fingers. The doors burst opened and rushed in were several nude men, all with lewd looks and harden members as they watched the one who called for them undress her-self, revealing her perfect body and assets.

"Why is that seaweed pathetic of a god here as well? I thought he became a stay home dad with that tramp of a sea goddess in his underwater palace." The woman pondered to her-self as she stroked two of the men's members in a vigorous pace. "Oh well, this just means more fun for me."

If only she knew whom it really was.

"Ma'am, prepare for the greatest night of your life." One of the men smirked as he hovered above her, his harden member close to her lips.

The beauty below him smiled at him seductively. "I should be saying that." She kissed the tip and licked it a little before speaking again. "And please call me-"


-(A Few Minutes Earlier)-With Naruto, Rhea and Medusa-


Rhea nodded, answering Medusa's as she continued staring at the hotel where her supposedly dead immortal and sister is located. It wasn't long until Naruto asked his question that brought up an interest in the two immortals.

"But if she's been alive all this time, why hasn't she made her-self known after the war? Why now? And why is she inducing this lust cloud here and the other cities? What's her purpose for doing this?"

Medusa simply crossed her arms under her bosom, smirking at him. "Why don't we go and ask her ourselves?" She pointed at the main entrance below where it is heavily guarded by security armed with weapons.

"Or…" Medusa and Naruto looked at Rhea who then pointed at the top level. "We could avoid the guards and just head straight for the penthouse."

Naruto pouted with slumped shoulders as did Medusa, not liking the idea of avoiding the security. "Why? We would cause a ruckus for Aphrodite and her accomplices if she has any."

"Because she already knows we're here." Rhea responded seriously, getting a sigh from Naruto who rubbed his eyes and a 'party pooper' from a pouting Medusa. "So any ideas to get to the penthouse?"

"I have one." Naruto snaked his arms around Rhea's and Medusa's waists, not noticing the small blushes the two of them has. "Good thing I learned it too."

The girls raised curious eyebrows as they felt a sensation they never felt before and they found them-selves in one of the rooms.

The penthouse specifically and they know they're in the right room because their eyes are drawn on a naked woman surrounded by several naked men which are clearly angry for being disturbed from having their way with her.

"Oh, you're here already." Aphrodite grumbled with a disappointed look as she shooed the men away from her, angering them even more. She gave an once-over to Rhea, "By the gods, you still got it." Then her gaze slipped to Medusa, which surprised her. "She's still alive? And the curse has been lifted?" She'll have more time to think about as her gaze rested on the lone man of the trio. "… He's cute, but not worth my time. Wait." After a few moments of staring, her eyes widen more. "He's… but why would he have the same signature as Poseidon? Unless…"

"Aphrodite I presume." Naruto stated with a small blush as his eyes involuntarily inspected the naked woman. At least until his cheeks were pulled by delicate hands of the annoyed Rhea and Medusa. "Please dress your-self. We got to talk." He mumbled with his pulled cheeks until the girls let him go, rubbing them afterwards. "That hurts~"

"Oh shush." Rhea chided at him before she looked at the love goddess. "Aphrodite… it's been a long time."

"Rhea." Aphrodite answered back, but there was no sense of familiarity in her tone. "Why do I have the feeling you're not here to enjoy the fun with me and these men?" She received blank and serious stares from her guests before gesturing to her men. She smirked when they surrounded the trio before dressing herself in a white robe. "Get rid of them."

"Hai!" The men charged at the trio, having no idea about the can of ass kicking they're about to experience. Before any of them knew what happened, they dropped to the floor like a puppet whose strings were cut and in front of the stunned Aphrodite was Naruto.

After moments of awed silence, Naruto pulled back his outstretched knife-hand as Rhea and Medusa came up behind him, making sure the love goddess doesn't do anything like make her escape. "All right, Aphrodite. I got some questions for you if you don't mind answering."


"Okay," Naruto continued speaking, ignoring the goddess's attitude. "Why didn't you return to the Olympian Council after the Three Factions War?"

"Why would I go back to Zeus and the others; the ones who made the decision to get us all killed to fight with another faction? No thank you." She huffed as she turned her head away from them, hiding a frown on her lips. "So I stayed away and kept my-self hidden for all these centuries while basking in my powers."

Rhea was the next to ask her sister a question. "Speaking of powers, what is the meaning of the… lust cloud you have here in Las Vegas and other cities around the globe? Is it for entertainment?" A scoff came from the goddess. "There's a purpose to them?"

"Aren't you a smart one, Rhea?" Aphrodite sarcastically commented with a roll of her eyes. "Although it is embarrassing but… I've started to lose my powers recently." Surprised looks came from the trio as the goddess continued speaking, "I know because one time I wanted to sleep with this movie star and-"

"Please don't." Rhea clamped her hands over her ears, not wanting to hear Aphrodite's explanation of when she noticed her powers disappearing.

The Love Goddess smirked cheekily at the Titaness. "Oh, Rhea. You've still haven't done it after all this time." The black-silver haired beauty's face turned slightly red upon hearing that. "Is there a reason or…" Her eyes briefly rested on Naruto before returning to Rhea. "A certain someone, but you don't have the courage to do it. Pity."

"Enough!" Naruto interrupted with a serious face. "You were saying that you began losing your powers a while ago. How does that relate to the lust cloud?"

Instead of Aphrodite, it was Medusa who raised her hand like a student in class as if she figured it out. "It gives her powers sustenance!" Aphrodite angrily pouted at her, which she ignored completely. "Like Ares who draws his power from violence and bloody wars, Aphrodite draws on the love or in this case lust in order to keep her powers."

"Really?" Naruto crossed his arms as he pondered something. "But what about Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, and Hestia? If the same concept goes for them, shouldn't they draw on something that gives them their power?"

"Don't forget they're my children and the Elder Olympians." Rhea answered her blonde friend. "That means they're stronger than Aphrodite, so they don't need… this method Aphrodite is using now." She looked at her with disgust, which the goddess ignored by doing her make-up. "The same goes for me in case you're wondering."

Medusa then interjected. "So now we know why she's doing this…" She looked at Aphrodite who just started brushing her hair with a brush. "Can you stop the lust clouds around the cities?"


"Eh?" The trio responded just as Aphrodite raised her arms and summoned the familiar purplish cloud, threatening to expose them to its lust-inducing effects. "That won't work on us!" Naruto coated him-self with wind chakra and spun around rapidly, creating a sphere of wind around him and the girls. "Wind Style: Sphere of Protection!"

The technique also had the added effect of pushing the cloud away from them as well as shattering the glass windows. After the sphere disappeared, the trio were surprised to see that they're no longer in the penthouse suite anymore and in a different environment.

"What the hell?" asked Medusa as she readied her bow with an arrow drawn to be fired at any given moment.

They found them-selves under spotlights and in a coliseum of sorts, similar to the legendary Coliseum in Ancient Rome. There are about 50 rows of seats that are as wide as a freighter's landing bay and sitting in them were countless men and women dressed in Greek clothing like in the ancient times.

On the stone villa where the ancient royalties often watched the games was Aphrodite who her-self was also wearing a white Greek dress with a small silver crown on her head and golden necklace with a shining ruby. She was sitting on a marble throne while her handmaidens who served her several fruits: bananas, strawberries, apples and grapes.

"Ladies and gentlemen…" Aphrodite spoke into a microphone that she conjured out of nowhere, silencing the cheers of her audience. "Tonight we have three very special volunteers for tonight's fight." She pointed at the trio. "Starring in her first debut after centuries of isolation, the former Titan Queen herself, Rhea!"

Rhea suppressed the urge to attack Aphrodite and chose to ignore the catcalls from the men in the seats until the said calls ceased all of the sudden and she knew why. She looked at Naruto who was glaring at the men like he was piercing their souls just by staring at them. "Thank you." The Titaness whispered to him in gratitude.

"No problem." Naruto responded with a small smile as Aphrodite continued with her introduction.

"Next we have the successor of Poseidon who…" She gave an once-over look at the blonde mortal. "Doesn't look impressive at all." Medusa stifled a giggle while Naruto gritted his teeth of her words. "And lastly we have the former Gorgon and returned to her beautiful mortal form… Medusa!"

Thunderous cheers erupted once more as catcalls and wolf-whistles echoed around the coliseum, making both Medusa and Rhea feel a little edgy and… hot?

"You mentioned 'fight' earlier," Naruto addressed the goddess. "Are we fighting someone?"

Aphrodite had an evil smirk as she laughed. "The three of you of course." Naruto felt a pair of arms around his neck and another pair wrap around his waist, surprising him greatly as he looked to see a red-hot blushing Rhea and Medusa behind him, breathing heavily. "Of course, in my domain, fight means… pleasure activity."


-(Meanwhile)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo-Japan-


"Come on, Kenichi. Again!"

"Can't you give me a break?"

"Hey, you're the one who asked me to teach you this technique."


The ninja stood with crossed arms in front of a heavy-breathing Kenichi who looked like he was about to pass out any moment. His eyes wandered down to the boy's ankles where black two thick ankles weights were attached to each of them. Most likely it's part of the technique that Naruto is currently teaching him right now from their little sparring session three days ago.

"Come on. Three more sets."

The training was simple: run 50 sets of 40-yards sprints from the west wall of the training area to the east wall with 20 pounds ankle weights. Of course Naruto didn't do this type of training with the Elder since he already possesses the necessary speed to use it. But Kenichi is a different story compared to him.

"Ready…" Kenichi crouched down with his body close to the ground and his butt slightly in the air, a sprinter's stance. "GO!" His eyes watched the younger boy sprint at full force with great difficulty due to the ankle weights. "And remember not to stop until you get back here!"


It wasn't a moment later when Miu arrived to see how Kenichi's training for a new technique is going along. "So how's he doing?" She received a 'more or less' hand gesture from the taller blonde male. "Do you think he'll be able to learn it in time for the… you know?"

Of course he knew what she was talking about since he told her and the others. The Desperate of Disciples Tournament held by Yami and they were invited to the tournament by the form that is the disciple of Ogata: Kabuto, one of Naruto's enemies. When Naruto mentioned to the masters of Kabuto's claim to destroy the Furinji Style with the Ogata Style, Hayato was less than pleased and declared that it will be his style that will emerge victorious.

"Perhaps, but remember this is an ancient technique he's trying to learn. I know he can do it, but for him to completely master, it might take years for him." Naruto sent a knowing look. "After all he made a promise to protect you, didn't he?"

The slightly younger and fellow Furinji Style disciple gawked with a small blush as she turned her head away from him. "How did you know about that?"

"It's not some big secret, you know. Plus the masters are terrible at keeping secrets even if there isn't one and the way Kenichi stares at you is another giveaway." Clone Naruto commented, getting a nonchalant nod from Miu as the clearly and completely exhausted Kenichi collapsed in front of them after finishing his last set.

After calming down his heavy breathing, Kenichi slowly raised his head with a small smile. "I-I'm done." He wheezed out as he went into sleep mode. However it didn't last even a minute when he got a kick to his side and woke up. "Huh?"

"You do know you have your Jujitsu training next, right?" The clone grinned evilly when the boy shuddered in fear at the mention of his next martial arts training. "But I managed to convince Akisame to give an hour of rest before." He got a wheezy 'thanks' from him before looking at Miu who was giving him a tentative look. "What?"

A giggle escaped from Miu's lip as she smiled at the older blonde. "It just that I really can't believe you made this far with my grandfather. The only people with the tenacity are Kenichi, me and… my father" She whispered, but the clone heard it from his acute hearing.

"Your father?" That brought something he and his creator didn't realize until now. He's never seen nor met Miu's parents and it doesn't look like they live here at all. "Where… where are your father and your mother?" He asked politely, being careful to not hit any emotional buttons the girl might have.

The flinch of Miu's face was his answer and he regretted asking her that moment and apologized for his intrusion. Naruto then grabbed the sleeping Kenichi and hoisted him over his shoulders before leaving the girl in her place. He only took three steps when Miu spoke in a choked voice.

"They're…gone." She stopped when a hand landed on her shoulder, causing her to look at a solemn Naruto who gestured to the dojo building. After walking to the building and setting Kenichi down for him to rest, both Miu and her older blonde counterpart sat on the outside porch, wallowing in the silence between them. "I don't know what happened, but my mother died when I was very young."

"I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine."

"No, it's not. If you feel uncomfortable telling me, then you don't have to do it at all." The clone resolutely told her.

Miu stared at him for a moment before a small smile adorned her lips. "It's fine. Besides I think that you should know since my grandfather obviously didn't tell you."

"I repeat again; this is your family matter and I didn't mean to intrude."

"And like I said, it's fine." She got a sigh from him, the sign of Naruto relenting to her decision. "As for my father, I have no idea where he is or if he's even alive." A frown dawned on her as a lone tear escaped from her left eye. "Overall I never knew my parents at all and I was raised by my grandfather."

Naruto looked at her solemnly before redirecting his gaze up to the skies as he spoke. "I know what you went through." He felt Miu's eyes staring at him curiously as he continued speaking. "When I was born, my parents died later that night." Miu's eyes widen in shock. "I grew up with the people in my village treat me like an outcast, but a few didn't treat me that way and saw me as a person."

"As a person?" Miu repeated inwardly. "What does he mean by that?"

"But later on after two intense fights against a fellow disciple and my angry friend-" Kurama growled a bit for that reference, even though there is truth in what he said. "-I've learned that my parents loved me with all their hearts and they put their total faith in me. That's what made me strong and happy." Naruto smiled at the memory of meeting both his parents before looking at the girl next to him. "And I'm sure your mother and father loved you with all their hearts."

As they sat there, Miu stared directly into Naruto's eyes before her eyes got watery, causing the clone to wonder if he shouldn't said anything at all. Before he knew it, the blonde girl hugged him in a tight hug.

Or so she thought.


The girl opened her eyes and saw that she was hugging a drooling and happy Kenichi whose head rested on her bosom. She sat there in a curious daze and looked around to find Naruto, but he was nowhere in sight. "What speed!"

"I…" Miu looked at the still sleeping boy on her bosom. "I promise… I will… protect you… even… if I… have to… die…"

When she heard that, her heart starts to beat faster for some reason. This happened a few times like when Kenichi refused to leave the dojo and the time when he fought Boris to defend her. It's certainly different than the one in the past when Renka, Kensei's teenage daughter, arrived at Ryozanpaku to take her father back to China and she also wanted to take Kenichi there too.

Atop on the roof of the main building, the clone smiled when a happy Miu hugged Kenichi tighter with a bright smile. He looked ahead to see the strange lust cloud being unintentionally held at bay by the Ryozanpaku's masters' Ki and his creator's barrier.

"I wonder how the boss is doing? Perhaps he's finally getting some action."

-Aphrodite's Dimension-

"Gah!" Naruto cried out after Medusa slammed him onto the ground with surprising strength, although he didn't anticipate this at all from either of them. Standing in front of them, Rhea was standing nearby with heavy breathing and deep blushes. "Girls, what are you doing?!"

"We-we don't-" Medusa breathed heavily as she unbuttoned her shirt and shook it off her shoulders, leaving her torso bare for all to see. "I- I can't resist!" Her lips pursed while leaning her head forward, intending to get the first kiss and she did.

Naruto's eyes widen in shock as he registered Medusa's lips attached to his. His eyes soon saw the familiar purple cloud around them and realized that they've become infected by it. He couldn't believe it. Two immortals and a Shinobi are being reduced to love-making puppets in front of a goddess and a coliseum full of people.

"Wait." The blonde Shinobi muttered against Medusa's lips while his hands unintentionally caressed the woman's hips before grabbing it. "No." Naruto struggled to remove his right hand away from the girl's ass and formed a one hand-sign, causing the fuinjutsu tattoo on his wrist to glow brightly.

Above on her villa, Aphrodite's eyes went from amused to horror when a familiar gold three-pronged spear appeared out of Naruto's wrist, glowing brightly as it landed in his firm grip. Her horrified feeling got deeper when the Trident released a wave of power that blew away the lust cloud. "No!"

On the battle arena, Naruto felt the weight that was on top of him and his lips detach it-self from him, bringing him relief. He sat up as he craned his head upward, looking at a very blushing Medusa who had took a few steps away from him. It wasn't from lust, but embarrassment. Embarrassed for what she did with their lips.

That's when he realized he was still blushing as well.

He then looked at Rhea who was looking away from them and the aura she was giving is unfamiliar to him. The aura was of an angry and hurt woman. "Uh, Rhea? Are you ok-"

"NO!" Everyone including the people in the stands directed their eyes on the podium and they saw a very pissed-off Aphrodite who squashed a banana in her hand. "This is unacceptable! The three of you should be ravaging each other. Your lust would've increased my powers tenfold! That's why I brought you here!"

"You've got to kidding me." Medusa muttered under her breath, her blush still present.

Snarling behind his gritted teeth, Naruto spun the Trident a few times just as Rhea brought out her Steel Fans and Medusa readied an arrow that pointed straight at Aphrodite. "Ladies, I think we should teach her a lesson about this, don't you agree?" Firm nods are his answer when he sent them a glance. "This won't take long."

"Don't be so sure." Aphrodite said under her breath before she snapped her fingers.

The West and East gates underneath the stands creaked at the pressure of being opened upon her command, clanking against the walls when they did. The trio stood guard when they felt the ground shaking and the symphony of multiple footsteps got closer and closer to the gates. Out came were two individuals who meant business.

The first individual was a young but beautiful woman. She had a voluptuous figure similar to Rhea's and Medusa's figures. Her hair was long and black like Rhea's, but with split bangs as well. Her eyes were colored hazel with cat-like pupils along with black cat ears and two black tails.

"Whoa!/Whoa!/Whoa!" Naruto, Ashura and Kurama said respectively upon seeing her when they saw her attire.

Her choice of attire was a black/red kimono that is open at the shoulders, showing her large breasts. Her kimono was decorated with a yellow obi attached to a set of golden beads and an ornately detailed headband.

"You like what you see?" The woman teased seductively, smiling when she got a dumbfounded nod from Naruto. "I could show you a lot more~" She blinked at him with a lick of her lips.

"Oh please." The familiar man walked a bit more, staggering a bit. "Curse these walking toothpicks!" He smirked at the surprised looks of Naruto and Rhea. "Hello you two. It's been a long time."

"Triton?" Naruto said in disbelief as he noticed Rhea's figure shaking a bit. "You're helping Aphrodite? Why? Why are you doing this? And who is she?" He pointed at the woman in the black kimono who feigned mock-hurt expression.

The merman chuckled, although there was anger present. "Why you ask? It's quite simple actually." A hardened look marred his face and it was directed at Naruto who went on edge. "I want what's mine." He pointed at him, specifically at the Trident in his hand. "I want the Trident!"

"That's what this is about?!" Naruto angrily answered back, the Trident glowing blue in response. "I told you that I am not taking your father's place as king of Atlantis! That is your birthright! Not mine!"

Triton cackled a bit as he summoned a green double-bladed sword into his right hand and a dark purple shield in his left. "You don't get it, do you?" He remarked before his anger exploded. "THE TRIDENT IS THE PURE SYMBOL OF ROYALTY IN ATLANTIS, NOT TO MENTION IT IS ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPONS IN THE WORLD!"

"Power? That's all that matters to you? What would your father-" Naruto was cut off by Rhea's brief explosion of her aura. "Rhea?"


Naruto raised a confused eyebrow while Triton nonchalantly crossed his arms. "What?"

"Why did you lie to me?" Rhea shot an angry glare at her nonchalant grandson, a tinge of golden-yellow aura surrounding her body. "Why did you tell me a lie about Naruto?"

Eyes widening, Naruto recalled the moment Rhea mentioned about someone told her a lie after their battle. "Rhea… Is he-"

"You wanted me to think that he was like your grandfather and he would find me, all so you can claim the Trident once he's dead." Rhea's eyes started to get wet as she struggled to hold back her tears. "What's happened to you?"

Triton scoffed, moving his sword in a low sweeping gesture. "I don't have explain myself to you, wrench. Your time is over, but unfortunately the leader of the Khaos Brigade has grown an interest in you both." He pointed his head to the woman next to him. "She's Kuroka; a member of said organization. So you'll have to come with us and -"

A strong surge of power cut off the god as it surprised him and everyone present in the Coliseum. Rhea and Medusa directed their surprised eyes at a clearly angry Naruto covered in a blue aura with the Trident glowing the same color, only brighter than before.

"I won't forgive you." Naruto stated, struggling to tame his anger as he stared at Triton who began to sweat slightly under the pressure of his power. "I won't forgive you for using Rhea like she was a tool! You should know better than that! I don't care if I get in trouble with your father, I'm gonna pummel you until nobody can't recognize you anymore!"

The Shinobi channeled more power into the Trident, causing it glow even brighter. Then he began to furiously spin it around him. The Coliseum began to darken under the cover of the dark gray clouds that somehow appeared out of nowhere and the wind started to pick up the pace, becoming stronger by the second.

The wind was becoming so strong that the bystanders in the stands were being lifted up from their seats and smashed against the walls behind them.

Medusa flinched at seeing them hit the walls, but soon saw that they disappeared into a pale white mist. "They're ghosts." She muttered before speaking aloud to Rhea and hopefully Naruto. "The people are ghosts!" That's when she realized something else around them.

They were inside of a huge hurricane.

-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo-

"It's been awfully quiet for some time now."

"What do you mean?"

The Jujitsu master looked at the Chinese Kenpo master after finishing the stroke of his latest calligraphy work/masterpiece. "You know…"

"Ah! I see." Kensei replied after a moment. "Naruto and the Elder haven't done another training session for a while now. It isn't strange to take a break from training, especially if that training is for the Animal Trine techniques."

"But still…"

"I know, I know." A cough snatched his attention, reminding Kensei of his current labor. "Oh, Kenichi, I'm sorry. This remedy will help your muscles recover faster, but you still need to rest." He informed his disciple as he put dual green liquid-covered towels over the boy's legs.

"T-Thank you."

The masters chuckled when the boy fell asleep again after another grueling training session with Naruto. Normally they wake him up with their usual but eccentric methos, but they let it slip since Naruto's method of training is somewhat on their level.

"I admit I was surprised when Naruto can use the Bushin technique. There aren't many martial artists that can use it these days."

"What's more surprising, Akisame, is the boy's incredible stamina. It's almost… superhuman or beyond."

"That too."

A minute later, the familiar blonde disciple entered the room along with Miu who was carrying a tray of lunch. "How is he?"

"He's sleeping again, but he should be ready for our training in a few hours."

"Cool." Clone Naruto responded as he sat down next to Miu after she set the tray next to Kenichi. "I gotta admit something about Kenichi. He's tenacious."

Akisame nodded with a stroke of his mustache. "He's not the only one."


Sitting next to him, Miu giggled before she lightly tapped her friend's head. "He means you, silly."

"Oh, right."

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock coming from the wooden gates, alerting them of someone wanting to enter their dojo, which confused all of them. Usually they don't get visitors unless they're friends with one of them or if they want to join their dojo. The latter choice is highly unlikely.

Before either one of them could get up, they heard the familiar voice that belongs to the giant Apachai.

"Apachai got it!" The residents continued their daily duties, which is nothing really except for Miu. "Hello! Who are you?" The clone, Miu, the two masters listened in when they heard his voice that was laced with intrigue. "Oh, you're looking for Naruto, Apa? I take you to him!" It wasn't long when the Muay Thai master opened the sliding door, letting the breeze inside the room as he entered. "Naruto, you have a guest, Apapapa."

The clone raised an eyebrow. "Who?" When Apachai moved aside, his eyes widen as he recognized the guest clearly. "What? What is he doing here?"

One of the guests was none other than Michael, the leader of the Angels. However he wasn't in his usual attire. Instead the Archangel was wearing a very clean and superb white suit with a blue dress shirt underneath and a yellow tie. He waved at the clone and everyone present.

"Greetings, everyone. My name is Michael, a friend of Naruto's." Michael introduced him-self while thinking to him-self. "I thought he was at Las Vegas. Perhaps he can split his essence into a clone of sorts?"

"Pleasure. I am Akisame Koetsuji, one of the residents here." The Jujitsu master greeted as he stood up and shook hands with the blonde man. After releasing their hands, Akisame gestured to his fellow residents, starting with the Chinese Kenpo master. "This is Kensei Ma-" His hand then swept to the smiling Miu. "And this is Miu, our dojo elder's granddaughter."

"It's nice to meet you."

Soon enough, Sakaki, Shigure and the Elder arrived and greeted their new guest after getting supplies for their disciples' next torture sessions.

One that will push beyond their physical limits so said the Elder.

"So what brings you here to our dojo, young Michael?" asked Hayato. He was sitting along with the other masters in the straight line with Akisame on his left and Shigure on his right. As for Naruto and Miu, they were off to the side to tend to Kenichi who was now awake and briefed about their guest.

"I've heard about my friend living here, so I thought I'd pay him a visit while I'm in town." Michael politely replied while sitting across from the masters before he took a sip of his tea that Miu served him and the others beforehand.

Sakaki raised a curious brow as he crossed his arms. "You're a foreigner?"

"I come from a place that is called Paradise by many." Michael answered, referring to his home.

"The Bahamas then?"

"No, that's not it, Kensei." Michael turned his head to Clone Naruto who just looked at his way. "If I may, I would like to speak with Naruto and his master please. It is a matter of the utmost importance."

The group especially Naruto and Hayato were taken aback with surprise, but the duo nodded and left the room for the Elder's private quarters.

As they watched the empty door for a few moments, Kensei blinked a few times like an owl as he finally remembered something or someone. "Where are Rhea and Medusa? I haven't seen them since yesterday."

"Oh, Naruto said something about Rhea going to visit a relative in America. She took Medusa with her since she's never been to the country before." Miu responded cheerfully before leaving for dishwashing.

"Hmm, America." Sakaki said lowly as he thought about his time in the F.B.I in his younger days. "I bet they're having fun over there."

-Makeshift Coliseum-Aphrodite's Dimension-

Outside of the raging hurricane in front of them, both Triton and Kuroka protected their faces with crossed arms, the former of whom sported a menacing look. "Does he thinks he can intimidate me with this? What a joke."

"I happen to think it's overwhelming~"

"Sure you would." Triton remarked when he looked at her and spotted something very interesting. Kuroka's kimono fluttered furiously, threatening to leave her and expose her bare body for everyone to see. "Which reminds me of our deal."

Kuroka licked her right hand like a cat before answering him. "Of course. I look forward to guarding you… Well your body specifically~"

"So am I." Triton couldn't help but smile as he gave a once over look at the woman next to him, thinking about how he'll be rough with her in bed once they complete their mission.

The winds soon started to slow down as the hurricane began to vacuum inside of itself from the top like it's being sucked by something. The hurricane's size dwindled moment by moment until three familiar figures are seen from the inside and finally it disappeared.

"Good. Now I can take what is rightfully mine."

Naruto narrowed his eyes as he reverted the Trident into its dormant form before putting his arms behind him and sealing it away. Afterwards, he showed his hands completely free of the weapon, surprising both Kuroka and Triton. "You want it? Come and get it, but there's no way in hell I'm ever going to let your hands on it." He then addressed his female companions. "Girls, you go get Aphrodite while I'll handle these two."

"Say what now?" Medusa managed to respond before Rhea grabbed her by the collar and left the arena. "Rhea, what are you doing?!"

Rhea didn't respond as she sprinted to the wall and jumped over it when she got close enough. She didn't stop after she landed and entered the stone hallway that leads inside the building.

The Shinobi didn't look back, his eyes fixated on his two opponents but he knew the girls are gone. "So, are you ready to get started?" He asked as a Rasengan burst to life in his dominant hand.

"What do you think?"

The two males began to glow slightly with their aura of power: Naruto blue and Triton being purple. Not a moment later, Naruto and Trion charged at each other with great speed and collided with their attacks that generated enough force to kick up the dirt around them, creating a dust cloud that enshrouded the circular arena.

-With Rhea and Medusa-

The duo lost their balance and fell on the ground when the hallway shook violently. The stone shook some loose rubble and dirt from the ceiling that fell to the stone path.

As Rhea regained her feet, a pair of hands grabbed her on her shoulders before turned around to face Medusa who did not look pleased at all. "Why did we leave Naruto back there?"

"He could handle those two." Rhea responded as if it was the obvious thing.


"Have faith in him. After all, he fought the two of us and won, right?"

Reluctantly nodding, Medusa gripped her bow. "But still…"

"What?" Rhea asked with intrigue.

Medusa's eyes cried animated tears as she cutely whined with equal cute pout. "I wanted to show Naruto my progress in the Kosaka Style!"

"Oh dear." Rhea exasperated with a sweat-drop before running down the hall. Medusa soon followed after she ceased her waterworks. "We must hurry to capture Aphrodite."


"Most likely she's the one who can get us out of this dimension."

"Oh. Wait a minute. Can't you take us out of here with your powers?"

Rhea let out a deep sigh before she answered, "I hate to admit it, but Aphrodite is more powerful than me at the moment." A gasp came from Medusa. "However if we fight or weaken her, my powers will overcome hers and I will get us out of here."

"All right. Let's go!"

The Titaness nodded at her sister as they continued their chase for the love goddess who retreated further into the maze of darkness.