Chapter 24 - All It Takes Is One Step...
At the Ryozanpaku Dojo, there are the masters of different martial arts who have seen and dealt with things that normal people wouldn't comprehend or get used to it for the rest of their life. However even they can be surprised or impressed by the skill or talent of a person.
"This is something you don't see every day." Akisame stated, impressed by the sight in front of him.
And that sight was Naruto sitting on a board that is perfectly balanced atop a high thin wooden post in the middle of the training grounds.
Kensei, who was sitting next to him with a cup of freshly brewed tea, nodded in agreement. "His balance is at the top level since the birds landed on his shoulders, but there was no sign of disruption. He will become a strong master in the future. Although I'm little sad that we didn't get to know Naruto's secret."
The proposal was that if one of them landed the most attacks on the Furinji Style disciple, that person will be told of the latter's secrets. However all of the Ryozanpaku masters landed equal amount of hits on the boy, so they were given the right to know of Naruto's secrets.
But the ninja cunningly mentioned that it was his secret to tell and so he chose not to tell them, much to their chagrin. However they were clearly reassured by Naruto that when the time is right, he will tell them everything.
"I agree, but there is something that bugging me right now." Kensei looked up at the Jujitsu master who stood next to him. Akisame then looked at him with his dull eyes. "Why aren't you chasing after Medusa or Rhea?"
The Chinese Kenpo master stuttered and stammered before a lewd look took over his face and before Akisame knew it, he was already gone with a camera in his hands that he pulled out from his sleeves, probably because by now the two girls are in the bath right now.
"Too easy," Akisame remarked as he left the porch in favor of resting inside the dojo building where Kenichi is training with Shigure despite of the latter's pleas of 'Save me'.
"It was good to see her again." Naruto thought inwardly with his closed eyes. It's been three days since he talked with Saeko, but it made him happy nonetheless. He remembered Saeko's face when he told her of his meeting with Poseidon; his apparent succession of the Sea God's name and Olympian status and everything else supernatural related like the Shinigami, his recent battle with Medusa and finally Rhea. "I wonder when the Elder gets back. From what Miu told me, it'll be quite a while until he comes back and I was just itching for him to teach the next techniques."
"The look on his face makes it like they're special. Perhaps one of them is another technique from the 108 techniques?" Ashura interjected.
The ninja gave a small shrug as Kurama then put in his two cents. "Hopefully one of them can injure your opponents to the brink of death, but given how that old man is, that's not going to be it."
"His style's techniques can hurt other people if it is used for the wrong reasons just like all martial arts." Opening his eyes, Naruto then stood up without disturbing his balance, taking a short breath. "However I doubt he would create techniques that can seriously harm enemies."
"Naruto!" A familiar voice called out his name.
The said ninja turned around while looking down to find Medusa waving her hand in 'Get down here' gesture. "Medusa!" He jumped off the board and landed on the ground before holding up his hand, casually catching the falling object as he set it down. "Good morning to you. How are you?"
"I'm fine." Medusa replied brightly with a smile. "I want to thank you for giving me a home."
Naruto gave her a smile. "It was nothing." He got close to her, much to her surprise and whispered, "You didn't tell anyone about your real past, right? Remember these people are masters and they're very cunning about getting information from someone, especially Akisame."
The day when Naruto finished his conversation with Saeko, he was summoned by Hayato and the masters to explain about the mysterious but beautiful woman. So he made up a cover story that had some truth in it like Medusa was from Greece and traveled to Japan to find the person who wronged her and took everything from her.
It wasn't long when a master meaning Kensei voted to give the woman a home along with Apachai and a teary Miu wanting another girl in the dojo. But after the meeting, Naruto pulled aside Hayato and told him of Medusa's real background as well of his earlier battle against her, much to his surprise. However Hayato is a compassionate man and allowed Medusa to stay as long as she wants in exchange for Naruto's training being doubled the normal amount in the next session.
"Man, the training session that day was even more brutal than usual." Naruto shuddered as he loosened his arms and legs, indicating he's going for his daily jog around the city. "Well, I'll see you guys later."
Waving 'goodbye' at Naruto who jumped over the dojo wall, Medusa turned around to see Rhea standing there, scaring her slightly. "L-lady Rhea." She squeaked nervously. When she found out she was going to live with the former Titan Queen herself under the same, Medusa apologized vehemently for her initial attitude on the day of her arrival. "Is there something you need?"
"Where did Naruto ran off to?" Rhea asked all motherly, surprising the younger immortal. "I hope he doesn't run into trouble again and please don't call me lady; it's not like the ancient times." She looked at Medusa with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry for hurting you that day and I'm sorry for what my son did to you that day."
"It's all right, my lady. I've finally forgiven your son for his act against me and it was all thanks to him." Medusa looked the spot where Naruto jumped over the wall. "He will make a fine Poseidon." She turned her eyes back to the Titaness. "If it's all right with you, I insist to become your servant to make up for my actions that day."
Rhea, on the other hand, shook her head as she placed her hands on Medusa's shoulders. "No, I cannot allow that." Medusa frowned upon hearing that. "But… I wouldn't mind having another sister." She smiled at the girl's surprised look. "How does that sound?"
"She wants me to be her sister?" She recalled about the terrible war of the Bible's Three Factions that each side recruited three races of the Greek Pantheon to fight with them: the Gigantes, the Titans and the Olympians with only four of the last faction being the only survivors. "I-I don't know what to say." Medusa finally said after clearing the dryness in her throat.
"You can say yes, dear sister." Rhea smiled brightly that reminded Medusa of the sun itself.
-(Meanwhile)-With Naruto-
Somewhere in the busy streets of the metropolitan city, the Furinji Style disciple found a very nice route that had less population and machinations that is daily needed by the people today.
"Something is troubling you, Naruto."
Kurama snorted through the link. "Oh no, he is fine. He can never be better than he is now." The fox said sarcastically, getting an annoyed look from Ashura. "What do you think? He's upset about what happened to his friends back in Karakura Town. He just didn't show it until recently because he was focused on his training."
"You better watch it, Kurama." Ashura said with steel, getting a chuckle from the fox instead of surprise. "If you keep it up, I don't know what I might do to you." He cryptically hinted of not holding back his power.
"Want to try?" Kurama asked with clear excitement.
"Want to start something?"
"Sometimes I wonder how I end up being the mature one of the three of us." He sighed inwardly as he ignored the battle cries of his occupants and the sounds of fighting. "I wonder what the Elder is doing right now." Naruto muttered to him-self as he jogged on the river-walk in a fast pace, seemingly ignoring his occupants' conversation. "I sure hope he isn't fooling around or buying something expensive." He soon turned to his thoughts. "I do wonder which technique he'll teach me; is it powerful?"
He pulled out a recently bought newspaper from the inside of his dougi and flipped through the pages until he saw one particular article. It was the one about Medusa's stone victims and how they were miraculously 'destonified' and the police detectives commented that it was the crime lab scientists who managed to free the now alive victims.
He was so into his thoughts that he didn't feel someone crash into him until he heard that person's cry. "Ouch!"
"Huh?" Naruto stopped after hearing the cry and looked down to see the person whom he unintentionally slammed into. "Oops, sorry about that, man. I wasn't paying attention where I was going." He rolled up the newspaper and put it in his dougi for safekeeping and future reading.
The person was a boy who was around the same age as him, but shorter in height. He has shaggy black hair, tanned skin and green-yellowish eyes while sporting a blue and white warm up clothes with white tennis shoes.
After regaining his bearings, the boy looked at Naruto and caught him off-guard by bowing in front of him. "I'm sorry!"
"What?" A surprised Naruto was taken aback by the shorter boy's action. "Dude, I'm the one who slammed into you, not the other way around." He grabbed his shoulders and hoisted him to his feet. "Again, sorry about that..."
When he heard the blonde's sentence trail off, that's when he realized he was asking for his name. "Oh my name is Ippo Makunouchi." He politely greeted with a small bow. "Please to meet you…"
"Naruto Uzumaki." He greeted back with a stretched hand that was taken by Ippo's hand. "Nice grip. Are you a fighter or something?"
Ippo nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. I was doing my roadwork when I- you slammed into me."
"Roadwork?" A confused Naruto tilted his head since he's never heard that term before.
"It's a term for running routes that boxers do to keep in shape." Ippo explained politely.
"You're a boxer?" Like Kenichi, Ippo doesn't look like a fighter but there is a way to find out. "Do you have a master or a gym?" Naruto asked, but he already knows the answer.
The shorter boxer pointed at the direction of his training grounds. "The gym is not too far from here. Do you want to check it out?" Being an experienced fighter, Ippo already saw the signs of a strong fighter in Naruto.
"Sure, I got nothing else to do today." Naruto replied honestly. He had gone over and repeated the Furinji Style techniques he's learned so far earlier in the morning and he was meditating as a cool-off exercise.
With that, the boxer and the Furinji Style martial artist jogged at leisure pace to the place where Ippo does his boxing training.
Hayato sneezed loudly in the small restaurant he's sitting in, drawing the attention of the other customers. "Sorry about that, everyone. Please don't stop on my account."
He chose this nice establishment to rest a little from his latest endeavor that included rescuing slave children from child abductors, beating the said abductors and returning the children to the Interpol agency so they could be reunited with their families.
As Hayato picked up his tea and drank from it, he wasn't surprised or caught off guard unlike the surprised customers when a man was sitting on a chair on the opposite side of his table. "Either you are arrogant or gutsy for showing your face after what you did long ago." He stated with steel in his tone.
The man has long purple hair with a muscular build that was topped by a long coat and a brown belt around his waist that carried a small pouch to the side. His arms are covered with bandages.
"Is that any way to greet your old disciple?"
Hayato stared at him with a light sneer. "You were never a disciple of mine."
"Right because teaching me one of your techniques doesn't make your disciple… unlike that blonde kid you're training. He has great potential for the Martial Arts." A small frown marred the younger master's face. "It's a shame that he's learning an undermining fighting style such as yours."
Hayato let out a deep growl as he flexed his hand, accidentally breaking his teacup by his strength. The action drew everyone in the restaurant to him. "My apologies. I'll pay that." He said to the waitress that was serving him and watched her leave before directing his attention to the man in front of him. "You're very fortunate that I'm a very patient man and dislike unnecessary violence that will endanger innocent people."
"*Chuckle* That's the downside of you Katsujinken followers; you never go full strength and beyond just to avoid inflicting pain to the people. That's why the Satsujinken will be on top of the world."
"Not as long as there are those who will follow the way of the Katsujinken and fight to protect the world from your kind of people."
"Perhaps, but I assume you're saying that not just because of your granddaughter and Kenichi. No…" Ogata gave the towering master Martial Artist a menacing smirk. "… You're only saying that because of your disciple's special skills. Ninja special skills."
He didn't show it, but Hayato was very surprised when the man in front of him mentioned about Naruto's ninja skills. Choosing to stray the topic from being true, the elderly man spoke in a hearty tone although it wasn't genuine. "My student is not a ninja. I would never train someone who uses a styleless style such as Ninjutsu."
But he did train Naruto not because of his skills, but of his heart and kindness. Plus his people's version of Ninjutsu is in a whole another dimension than his world's version of Ninjutsu. Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu and Rasengan are incredible examples of that Ninjutsu: a style that uses one's Chakra at such a high manipulation than most Martial Arts masters in his world could achieve.
Only the most physically powerful fighters such as himself or anyone in the master's level class have a chance against the Shinobi or if someone from Naruto's world somehow can cross over to his world and find and fight him. But the chances of that happening are really low.
However Hayato looked back and remembered what Ogata said about Naruto's ninja skills. "How did he know Naruto's Shinobi skills? Even if Yami kept surveillance on them, they wouldn't be able to find them in the Dark Valley at all during our training sessions. So how?"
"Don't make me a fool, Elder." Ogata remarked with a steel tone despite of the man sitting in front of him. He then stood up, his cloak slightly fluttering by the small breeze. "I know of your disciple's special skills because my new disciple is the same as him and told me quite a bit about him." He inwardly enjoyed the surprised look on the Elder's face when he said that. "I do sincerely hope you're at least taught your disciple those techniques."
Hayato narrowed his eyes as his entire body tensed up and Ogata noticed it, laughing a bit as he stepped back into the middle of the street with ongoing traffic and disappeared when a car passed in front of him. However his voice echoed like he was still there.
"That's unfortunate since my disciple has learned my version of your techniques. I do look forward to the match between our disciples, old man."
It felt like hours passed for the legendary master Martial Artist as he sat in his seat, completely stunned with his gaze staring out at the street.
Things just got more difficult for the Ryozanpaku leader and his allies, but that doesn't mean his faith in his friends and disciples wavers. In fact, it is stronger with the knowledge that as long as someone follows the Katsujinken and fights to protect others no matter what.
-With Naruto and Ippo-Tokyo-Japan-
"Kamogawa Boxing Gym…" The ninja read the sign atop the door of the place where Ippo does his training. "It looks so… simple like the place that I train at."
Ippo nodded as he and his guest/new friend stared at the construction in front of them. It was a two-story building with a large white horizontal sign that reads 'Kamogawa Boxing Gym' and two-way windows that would allow passing people to see the gym members either training or talking to each other and a single slide door.
"Wait, you train?" Ippo asked after hearing him. "Do you box?"
Naruto shook his head as he and Ippo entered the building. "Nah! I'm a-"
The ninja wasn't surprised when a wooden cane slammed on Ippo's head, hurting the boy greatly as he rubbed it. When he looked, he found the owner to be an old man with countless wrinkles, small curly tuft of gray hair near his temple, and a small amount of hair around the sides and back of his head. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a white T-shirt that made him looked like ready to fight.
The old man then noticed Naruto when he clicked his teeth. "Who are you kid?"
Instead of Naruto, it was Ippo who answered him.
"This is Naruto, coach. We met while I was on my roadwork and he wanted to see where I train." Ippo looked at Naruto who simply nodded as the coach inspected the blonde.
"I can see he has a strong body, but for entirely something else." The elderly man then introduced him-self. "The name's Kamogawa, kid and if you're not enjoying the gym, then you get the hell out!" He sternly commanded as he turned around and started walking to the ring until he got inside into the middle of it. "Kid! Get here now! Time for training!"
Ippo nodded with a serious look. "Yes sir!" He left to fetch his boxing gloves, unintentionally leaving behind a grumbling Naruto who muttered 'I don't hit old people' many times to calm his nerves.
After calming him-self, Naruto watched Ippo commence his training with Kamogawa who had red mitts near his body. As he observed Ippo punching the mitts that changed each position at the spots where fighters would choose to land a hit, the ninja noticed the coach being pushed slightly back as well the power behind each punch.
"Nice power. If he were to train in other Martial Arts styles other than Boxing, there's no doubt in my mind that Ippo would've been a hell of master in the future, but he loves boxing and I respect that."
The two of them clearly walk two different paths in the world: Naruto in the world of Martial Arts where the sacred fighting styles are respected and not used for entertainment; Ippo in the world of boxing where men grow stronger and fight other boxers to attain titles of their countries and the world titles that declare the boxers champions.
"Don't take it personally, kid. He was like that when I brought Ippo in." A deep voice emerged behind him as Naruto found a foreign hand around his shoulders before flipping the person over him, slamming onto the ground. "Ouch!"
The person was a man with a fit physique, bulging arms and black hair that is curled like a soft cone and three scars on his left shoulder. He was wearing a sleeveless gray shirt with black-reddish sweatpants.
The members including Kamogawa and Ippo were shocked to see the strongest man in their gym on the ground, his swirling eyes being the sign of unconsciousness.
"Holy crap! He flipped Takamura like he was nothing!" A tanned man with a built physique that is meager compared to the Takamura guy, a large nose, a prominent hairline and dark brown eyes. "Kimura!"
"Don't shout, Aoki, you idiot!" Kimura responded with a tap to the tanned man known as Aoki's head. "I saw it." He was a pale man with black hair, thin eyebrows and big black eyes, wearing a green jumpsuit. "I never thought I'd see Takamura on the ground as long as I live. Who are you, kid?"
Before Naruto could answer, a very pissed Takamaru with angry veins lifted him off his feet. "You little brat! How dare you do that to me?! You have a dying wish 'cause I can fulfill it for you!"
"Calm down, Takamura!" Aoki shouted in fear, sweating profusely.
"He's dead." Kimura said casually yet fearfully, sweating just like his old friend.
"KNOCK IT OFF!" Kamogawa shouted in the gym, stopping Takamura from putting his fist into a nonchalant and calm Naruto. "You know how we settle things here in Kamogawa Gym… In the ring!"
The smirk on Takamura's face was sadistic as he let go of Naruto's dougi and stepped into the ring with Ippo reluctantly giving his gloves to him. The taller man looked over his left shoulder, staring at Naruto. "Get in here so I can beat you up."
"… Okay then." Naruto casually stepped inside the ring with Aoki giving him a pair of old boxing gloves as well. As he was told to stand by one of the corners of the ring, he found Takamura standing next to the opposite corner with a sadistic grin. His attention was soon directed behind him and below when he felt a tug on his leg, finding Ippo there. "So is this a spar?"
"Yes, but-"
*Ding* *Ding*
Naruto turned his head away from Ippo and casually dodged a straight punch that connected to his corner instead of his head. He was surprised when the rope and all four corners shook slightly from the power as he back-stepped to get away from the vicious Takamura.
"Come here!" Takamura let loose a flurry of punches that never connected to his opponent who easily dodged them all. "This kid…"
The spectators especially Ippo, Aoki, Kimura and Kamogawa are surprised as they watched Takamura trying to land a hit on a obvious experienced fighter who had no guard up at all yet able to dodge his punches in a not-so-boxing way.
However Kamogawa also noticed something about the boy. "The way he moves is not a boxer's stepping method, but something else entirely and familiar too. Where did I see this?"
"Damn it! Why can't I hit him?" Takamura then switched to throwing left but swift straight punches that forced Naruto to back-step each one, but he showed no sign of panic, only calmness. "Is he like me?"
"Time to end this." Naruto suddenly stepped forward as his right foot stepped forward near Takamura's left foot, convincing the latter to throw a left punch as he put weight on his left foot, which is what Naruto was waiting for all along. He suddenly pivoted on his right foot, dodging the attack in the last second. "Kouho Haiho." He whispered to him-self, but loud enough for Takamura to hear it.
Suddenly Takamura felt the ground hit his back.
"W-what?" He was bewildered when he looked at Naruto, his right arm stretched out. "Did he just clothesline me?"
"Hey! What the hell was that, blondie!?" Kamogawa stepped inside the ring and struck Naruto in the head, only for the ninja to easily dodge while being genuinely confused. "That's not boxing!"
"Huh?" Naruto said as he looked at Takamaru, then Kamogawa, and finally Ippo whom he talked to. "Ippo, didn't you say it was a spar?"
Ippo responded with a surprised tone. "Yes, but a boxing spar!"
"Ooohhhh…" He said as he finally understood his mistake. Naruto looked at the coach and Takamura before a sheepish look etched on his face. "My bad. I thought it was an inter-style sparring match." Naruto started to make his way for the door after giving his borrowed gloves back to Ippo, but stopped when he heard Kamogawa ask him a question.
"Kid, are you by any chance a Martial Artist?" A nod was his answer, prompting the old man to ask the question he wants to answer to. "Who is your master?"
Naruto raised a curious eyebrow before he answered him. "I doubt you've heard of him, but my master is Hayato Furinji."
As soon as he said those words, time seem to be frozen as Kamogawa's stern face turned to shock and then horror, which surprised his students especially Ippo and Takamura since they've never seen him like this.
"H-Hayato F-Furinji?" Kamogawa whispered before suddenly shouting, surprising everyone in the gym. "You mean to tell me that you're a disciple of 'The Invincible Superman'?!"
"Eh?" Naruto managed to say before his watch alarm started beeping, telling him that time is up as he ran out of the gym while saying, "Sorry, but I have to go somewhere to do something important! Good luck on your upcoming match, Ippo! I'll be rooting ya!"
When he left, Ippo looked at the shocked Kamogawa before asking him the obvious question. "Chief, who's Hayato Furinji?" He and the other boxers stood in their spots as they watched their leader slowly walk back to his office, but not before he said something that really piqued Takamura's interest.
"He's literally the strongest man in the world." Kamogawa nervously replied, his body trembling a bit before he stepped inside the office.
Aoki, Kimura, and Ippo looked at each other until the latter spoke. "Whoever this Hayato Furinji is, he must've been someone really strong to put fear into a guy like the Chief."
"All right! I've made my decision." The three boxers looked at Takamura who had a very smug grin plastered on his face. "I'm gonna fight this man and take the title of 'The Invincible Superman' for myself. AHAHAHAHA!"
Kimura blinked before he spoke in a deadpan tone. "You do realize that blonde kid is the guy's disciple and he left just now, right?"
"The same kid who knocked you on your ass in the ring with one move." Aoki interjected nonchalantly.
Soon enough, a deadpan Ippo watched a tick-marked Takamura beating up the two friends mercilessly like it was a normal thing, which it is in fact ever since he joined the gym. As he turned to the window, one thought came across Ippo's mind.
"I wonder how strong Naruto really is."
-(Later That Day)-With Naruto-Tokyo-
"Man! That buffet was good!"
A clearly happy Naruto exited out of a restaurant, a sign on top of it that celebrates the establishment's 50th anniversary and it was having a huge buffet to its customers. He discovered this place in an ad he found sometime ago and set his watch to alarm him of the buffet's time and such.
"Hey, you!" The ninja didn't turn around since he knew it was the owner of the restaurant. "Get back here! You didn't pay your bill!"
Cue running from the extremely fast Naruto who left a long trail of dust in his wake and a gasping owner who fell on the street for trying to catch him.
"That's my Jinchuriki!" Kurama cackled gleefully, clearly pleased with his partner's action.
Ashura on the other hand wasn't pleased at all. "You're a disgrace to my father's lineage." The ethereal being remarked, receiving a nonchalant shrug from his descendant.
After a few minutes, the ninja stopped running and chose walking since he lost the owner already. As he casually walked along with everyone, Naruto pondered about a few things namely two very important things regarding Saeko.
"What should Saeko and I name them?" The names of his on the way twin children. That was the last thing Naruto and Saeko talked about before the technique ended and it was going to be the first thing the expecting parents will discuss when they talk next time. "Kurama. Ashura. Any ideas?"
"You know I'm not into this kind of stuff."
"Not even for your godchildren?" Ashura said flabbergasted at the fox's attitude. "You should feel honored that Naruto chose you to be his children's godfather! Show some pride!"
Naruto sighed as the sounds of fighting commenced once again inside his mind as he continued his stroll on the street until he noticed something on the opposite side of the street; a wide array of stone steps leading up to a hill, obscured by the dense trees surrounding the top.
"I wonder what's up there?" The curious ninja asked him-self as he changed his course and crossed the street, walking up the large, wide stairs that leads to somewhere. It wasn't long until he made it to the top and found a shrine building with a wooden gate that served as the entrance. As Naruto passed under the wooden structure and stopped in the center on the stone path, looking around the sacred property and noticed something amiss. "Where are the people?"
In Japan, there are many shrines that is looked after and taken care of by its priests and priestesses. Strangely this shrine has no signs of someone at all. No candles lit. Nothing.
"Naruto!/Naruto!" Both Kurama and Ashura cried out.
Naruto nodded as he slipped into his Furinji Style's basic stance, ready for a fight. "Whoever you are, show yourselves." He stated calmly yet firmly.
As soon as the last word came out, several blinding lights appeared atop the property. The lights soon dimmed, slowly revealing humans with what appears to be pair of feathered wings and a glowing circle on top of their heads, wearing some sort of white priestly clothing.
"Angels." Naruto tightened his fists and stance as the Angels descended on the ground, surrounding him in a circle formation as they created swords made out of pure light. "That's new. Okay, I'm letting you all know that I have nothing against all of you, but I won't hold back against those who wants to fight me!"
The winged Angels raised their weapons in response, but another light appeared behind the weary Naruto, prompting them to dispel their swords as just their leader appeared. When Naruto turned around, he saw a young man with similar blonde hair and wore the same clothing except with a sort of armor protecting his shoulders.
"Something tells me this guy's their leader." Naruto thought obviously to him-self.
The leader gave a small smile to the blonde ninja. "Greetings, Naruto Uzumaki. I've wanted to meet you for quite a while now."
Getting out of his fighting stance, Naruto bowed slightly but remained weary. "How do you know my name?" He asked after straightening him-self out of the bow. "What's yours?"
"You caught our attention during the Wager of the Gods not long ago." The Angel responded before addressing the second question. "Pardon my manners. I am Michael; leader of the Angels."
"Oh." Naruto muttered before a smile came alive. "Pleasure to meet you despite your men surrounding me like I'm an enemy." He then asked a question. "How long have you been watching me?"
"I apologize for that, but you must understand that you are not an ordinary Human so they're weary and cautious for my protection. And we've known about your whereabouts here in Tokyo since you left Karakura Town." Michael explained before he gave a nod to his fellow brethren. He and Naruto watched the Angels disappeared into bright lights, leaving them alone in the shrine property. "Let us talk."
Seeing he has nothing else to do, Naruto gave a simple shrug. "Why not? I've always wanted to talk to an Angel. And an Arch-Angel to point out."
Michael gently nodded as he entered the shrine building, followed by Naruto who closed the door behind them. When Naruto sat down on his knees and stared at him like he was waiting for him to do the same, Michael politely said, "I'll stand since this won't take too long. However this matter is extremely important regarding all the Factions."
"All the Factions?" The ninja repeated inwardly before speaking aloud, "And that matter is…?"
"There will be a meeting between the Factions' leaders to write a treaty to end hostility between our kind." Michael elaborated with a firm look, surprising Naruto of this news.
"A peace treaty between the Three Factions? That will be great for everyone especially Rias and her friends."
"Unfortunately small scale conflicts still arise between our races since the Great War, which I assume you know given your position." Michael pointed out, referring to Naruto's title of Poseidon.
Naruto gave a nod to confirm his statement. "Most of it I heard from Poseidon, but I fail to see how any of this concerns me, Michael."
"I'd like to have you present at the meeting." Michael stated, getting wide eyes from the ninja.
"But you said this is between all the Factions' leaders; you and the Angels, the Fallen Angels, and the Devils." Naruto pointed out, thinking it's only between the Three Factions. Until he played back what Michael said all the factions and that's when he realized it. "You mean me too?"
Michael nodded firmly, getting a face-palmed Naruto in response. "You are the current Poseidon thus you're one of the leaders of the Greek Pantheon Faction along with the successors of Zeus and Hades."
Naruto face-faulted on the floor. "Seriously?! Those two?!" Images of Kariya and Kabuto brandishing their Godly weapons played through his mind. "I doubt that one of them will be okay with this. And I gotta pay Poseidon a visit about my apparent leadership status of the Greek Pantheon faction." Naruto then spoke aloud after standing up. "I didn't know about being one of the leaders."
"Oh?" Michael was surprised to hear this. He was sure that Poseidon told him about everything regarding his succession and that includes as one of the leaders. Apparently he didn't tell him about that particular fact. "I hope you're not overwhelmed by this news."
"N-not at all." Naruto replied, his smile strained and eyebrow twitching slightly. "So you want me at the meeting as the representative of the Greek faction." A nod from the Angel was his answer. "Why?"
"You are an interesting Human; there are many of your species who have special attributes, but you and Hades' successor are nothing like we've ever seen before." Michael stated honestly. Out of every Human he's seen from the Church and all of their special attributes, he's never seen someone like Naruto and Hades' successor. "Quite frankly, I have high hopes that you would be a friend instead an enemy."
Now that caught Naruto off guard. As far as he's concerned, the Angels haven't done anything to him or his friends and he hasn't done anything to bring them worry or anything.
After moments of silence, Naruto stepped closer to Michael and offered his hand, surprising the Archangel. "You have nothing to worry about me, Michael. I'm not the type of guy who goes looking for trouble or chaos to anyone… except to those who bring harm to the innocents or my friends."
"This boy…" Michael stood there for a moment before a soft smile graced his face, lifting his hand to shake Naruto's stretched hand. "But what is this hidden power inside him?" He sensed a huge amount of dark power inside him as he shook his hand before letting it go. "The meeting will be held in the second week of the upcoming month, November, but the meeting's location is still up for debate."
"Hm." Naruto tapped his chin with his finger as he pondered about it. "But you will let me know about it once you agree upon it."
The Archangel nodded as he began to glow brightly, his golden wings flared out of his back. "I will do so, Naruto Poseidon Uzumaki." His eyebrows slightly rose up, indicating there is something else in his mind. "There is another thing I almost forgot to mention and I must request of you. It's something else related to the meeting."
"What's that?" Naruto asked in turn as Michael told him of his request.
As soon he finished telling him of his request, the leader of the Angels disappeared in a bright light, leaving behind a shocked and slack-jawed Naruto behind.
-(A Week Later)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-
It was another day at the dojo, however things are a little different since all three disciples, Naruto, Kenichi, Miu, Rhea and Medusa were summoned to the dojo building where all the masters are gathered, all of them bearing serious expressions.
After taking their seats across from the masters, Naruto whispered to Miu and Kenichi. "Do you guys have any idea what this is about?" Simultaneous shakes of the heads from the duo was his answer and he turned to Medusa and Rhea, both of them sitting on his right. "Do you girls know anything?"
"Nope/ Not a clue." Rhea and Medusa replied simultaneously, which the two girls looked at each other before they giggled, which brought a smile from Naruto.
"They're getting along just fine." Naruto looked at the masters, specifically the towering one that is his master. "So what's going on here, master? You looked so serious last night when you came back from your travels. Are you constipated?"
Ignoring the snorts and giggles from Sakaki and Kensei, Hayato spoke with the same seriousness last time. "They know about you, Naruto." When his disciple tilted his head all confused, the Martial Arts master elaborated his statement. "Yami knows about you being Ryozanpaku's disciple. My disciple."
"Eh?!" Naruto, Miu and Kenichi cried out in shock while Rhea was surprised. Medusa on the other hand was confused since she moved in a week ago, so there's a lot she doesn't know about.
"How do they know about him?" Kensei asked with a stroke of his mustache. "How do you know they know about him?"
Hayato closed his eyes briefly before opening them again. "He told me; Ogata Ishissanai."
As soon as that name came out, intense pressure came from the five masters, surprising the disciples and the two immortals of this action. "What is this?" asked the Titaness as she tries to identify the power inside of them and she did. "Is this the life force that is inside all of mortals? I'm impressed they're reached the level of manipulating it."
"The air is so tense in here." Medusa thought as she found it a little hard to breathe right now. "Is this really coming from them? They could be scarier than all the creatures from the old times."
"Hey, knock it off! Kenichi here is going to pass out if you keep it up-Oh, he's already out." Naruto sullenly looked at his fellow disciple sibling who was being shaken by a crying Miu who kept repeating her mantra, 'Stay alive, Kenichi! Stay alive, Kenich!' "Master…" He said with Hayato setting his eyes on him. "Who is this Ogata?"
It was Akisame who answered but with a clear hint of anger in his tone, that surprised Naruto. "He was going to be Ryozanpaku's first disciple long before Kenichi." Naruto and Rhea looked at the now conscious Kenichi who had a serious look as well. "However he had a hidden dark side that myself and Kensei didn't see, but the Elder did and refused to train him. Later on, he was banished from Ryozanpaku."
"But how did they-?"
Hayato held up his hand, stopping his disciple from speaking further. "Sometime in the last month, Ogata came across a person in one of his travels, searching for more potential disciples to take under his wing." He saw his disciple staring at him intensely. "This person muttered something about getting much stronger than a certain someone and wanted more power to destroy him. It wasn't long when Ogata offered his tutelage to this man and he accepted it. When he asked his disciple the name of the person he wanted to beat, the man said to keep an eye out for a headband wearing blonde kid with whisker marks on his cheeks."
Naruto's eyes widen in surprise, which was caught by everyone in the room. "One of my old enemies? But I faced a lot of people in this world, but…" He reeled back his memories for all the enemies he's encountered in his world and so far, there's only two, excluding Aizen and his Arrancar goons, who would match what the Elder said. "It's got to be him."
"Naruto?" Rhea asked as she looked at him, concerned about the ninja.
"You know who Ogata's new disciple is, kid?" Sakaki grunted before downing a beer can, only to get another one from the bag next to him.
Kenichi, Miu, Rhea and Medusa looked at Naruto as he nodded. "I have a theory who it might be, but there's something else on your mind, master."
"…I think it is time to take your training to the next level." Cue the surprised looks from everyone except Naruto had a horrified look. "I will teach the last twelve of my Legendary 108 techniques: the Animal Trine techniques."
"EH?!" was all the masters and Miu cried out at the older master. "Hayato?!" asked the once calmly Akisame, now fully scared.
"Old man, you can't be serious!"
"The legends among the Legendary 108 techniques?!" Kensei shouted at the unfazed Elder, worried and flabbergasted like the other masters. "The kid will certainly die if you teach him those techniques!"
Shigure said nothing, but even she couldn't hide the sweat dripping from her head as Apachai was crying for Naruto's survival of the supposed more brutal training as did Miu.
Overcoming his surprise reaction, Kenichi looked at the Elder and asked the obvious for a still horrified Naruto. "What are the Animal Trine techniques?"
"They're the legends of my Legendary 108 techniques. I created and modeled them from one of two very ancient scrolls that was thought to be pure myth." That's when Naruto snapped out of his stupor plus a little slap to the head by Rhea as Hayato continued explaining his techniques. "The scroll I found during one of my travels contained six techniques modeled after certain animals. These animals are also in the Chinese Zodaic."
After reeling in everything the Elder said, Naruto pondered about these legendary techniques that are even considered legendary among his Furinji Style's Legendary Techniques. However that's when he realized since Ogata created his own Animal Trine techniques, then he must've found the second scroll that contained the last six animal techniques.
"These techniques reflect on each of the animals' natures. Are you ready for the training?"
After a few but intense moments of silence, Naruto gulped nervously. "To be honest, I need a little time to think about this, master. This feels… rushed and so sudden." Nods came from the younger masters. "Can I be excused?" He asked as he stood up, receiving a nod from his master and left the room to think things through.
"Grandpa…" Hayato gazed on his granddaughter who had a look of worry. "Are you sure you want to teach Naruto those techniques? The only person you'd ever taught those techniques to was-"
"I know, Miu and I wouldn't give Naruto the opportunity to learn these techniques if I didn't think he was ready." Hayato replied, his head lowered so his eyes weren't visible. This didn't go unnoticed by Akisame and the other masters and Kenichi.
Akisame looked at Kensei who got the silent message as he looked at the three girls and their mutual disciple. "Kids, please leave the room. There is a private matter between us masters only."
"Hai, master." Kenichi said as he left the room, followed by the girls.
As the masters waited to make sure there are no eavesdroppers, Akisame was the first to break the silence. "Hayato…" The towering blonde master looked at him, making sure that he has his attention. "What is the real reason for teaching Naruto the Animal Trine techniques? You your-self declared that you will never teach another soul of those twelve techniques… not since Saiga."
Saiga Furinji. The son of Hayato Furinji and Miu's father as well as the last master to ever leave the Ryozanpaku Dojo under suspicious circumstances. He was also the only one rumored to learn the Animal Trine techniques from 'The Invincible Superman' him-self.
"…" The Furinji Style master sat in his seat for what felt like ages until he spoke. "Ogata has created his own Animal Trine techniques." Cue shocked looks from the masters except Sakaki who spat out the swig of his beer. "And he has taught them to his new disciple. The one who has a grudge against Naruto."
Apachai interjected with a serious look instead of his innocent look, showing he's serious about this. "But Naruto is your disciple too! He should be fine against the Animal Trine techniques! Apapapa!"
"Apachai, you know as well as everyone here and in the Martial Arts world that the Animal Trine techniques are extremely powerful and dangerous." Akisame spoke so analyzing as usual. "As far as anyone knows, only Hayato has been credited of creating the techniques, but if someone else of the Satsujinken were to somehow create their own techniques, then…"
Sakaki continued the Jujitsu master's thoughts. "Then every power hungry Martial Artist will come running to that person to learn at least one of those techniques." The Karate master put away his beer can, showing that he's serious as well. "And if a disciple of the Sasujinken learns those techniques as well…"
"Then the strongest masters will be Satsujinken." Kensei finished Sakaki's sentence, stroking his mustache. "So teaching Naruto the Animal Trine techniques will give the followers of the Katsujinken a light to follow too."
Hayato agreed with a grim nod. "I know Naruto is strong and skilled with my martial art style, but even for him being taught by someone like me, the only way he has a chance against those who know the Animal techniques is if he learns them as well."
"But the big question is-" Akisame started speaking.
Sakaki interjected after taking a swig of his beer again. "-If Naruto will-"
"-Accept the training?" Kensei, Apachai and Shigure said simultaneously.
Hayato chuckled as he crossed his arms, a knowing smile on his face. "I'm pretty confident we all know the answer to that question."
-With Naruto-
"The Animal Trine techniques…" Naruto repeated to him-self for the hundredth time in his walk. "Hm. They sound cool. What do you guys think?" He asked, referring to his partners/friends.
"If they're based on the Chinese Zodiac animals, then each technique is powerful in its own right." Ashura pointed out. "What do you think, Kurama?"
Kurama grunted lowly as if he was awaken from one of his constant naps, which he did. "Ugh. Are you guys still talking about that Martial Arts crap?" Flat stares came from both Shinobi, both deceased and living. "Fine. There are certain traits of the Chinese Zodiac animals that can be used as Martial Arts techniques. For example…"
As time passed by, the Jinchuriki and Ashura waited for the Tailed Beast to give his example as the former continued walking along the sidewalks. However Naruto realized something that he never thought possible. "You don't have a clue at all, do you?"
"… Shut up."
Naruto snorted as he entered the neighborhood park, enjoying the scenery. The abundant field of grass circulated by multiple streams of water connected to one main body that was easily the center in the park. There are many happy parents walking with their children, couples on their dates and kids playing with each other in a game of 'Tag'.
"Peaceful. Just the way I like it. No battling enemies. No worries. I wish it was like this everyday." Naruto said solemnly with an equal solemn face. But then it switched to a serious expression when a presence made itself known behind him. "It's been a while."
"About a month or so."
The blonde Jinchuriki turned around to see the familiar face that belonged to one Kabuto. "You've changed back." The former apprentice of Orochimaru no longer looked like the snake/man hybrid he faced during the Wager of the Gods and looked like what he did before back in their world. "Did you have plastic surgery or something? Don't you know beauty comes from inside, not-. Never mind that, you're ugly both inside and out." Naruto teased without humor at all.
"Hm. Still the jokester I see." Kabuto smirked after adjusting his new glasses. He was wearing a pale red leather jacket over a white double-breasted shirt with black jeans, tightened by a belt around the waist. "You haven't changed at all either." He observed Naruto's dougi and noticed his arms were defined than before. "I take that back. You've changed… slightly."
He wasn't the only one when he noticed the glasses-wearing Shinobi's shoulders and upper body is bigger than the last time he saw him. Naruto scoffed as he placed his hands in his pockets. "Same goes for you. I take it you've been training since you lost in the Wager. Well you didn't really lose at the end… Hades."
"*chuckle* So you knew about that… Poseidon."
Both Shinobi's eyes narrowed, showing each other that they're ready to throw down and it didn't go unnoticed by the civilians. The intensity between and around them was so high the people around started to leave the park out of fear, leaving behind the two powerful warriors alone in the ghost town of a park.
"How's that master treating you? What's his name? Ogat-ta-Shitty or something?" Naruto asked, his feet subtly shifting into his Furinji Style stance. "Do you know who he's aligned with or what he did to his disciple?"
While the blonde ninja was speaking, Kabuto also subtly shifted his feet into his master's personal style's battle stance when he saw Naruto shifted into his stance as well. "Isshinai Ogata. My master and creator of the Ogata Style of Ancient Martial Arts."
"Ogata Style? Son of a bitch, that guy created his own personal fighting style like the Elder created his Furinji Style. And he taught it to one of the worst people I know who has a grudge against me." Naruto thought inwardly before he realized the next topic he mentioned. "Ancient Martial Arts? What does that mean? Could it be that he knows ancient techniques that were lost in time?"
"I hope…" Kabuto paused, catching Naruto's attention with his words. "That you won't disappoint me in our upcoming battle. Of course that won't be possible given that you're you and trained by 'The Invincible Superman'; a legend in the Martial Arts world." His eyes then took a hard glare, prompting his blonde counterpart Shinobi to be on edge. "However I will crush you and the Furinji Style with my Ogata Style."
Moments of intense silence brew between the two fighters as the wind blew around them, signifying how alone they really are in the park.
After another moment of silence, Kabuto turned around and left the park, leaving behind Naruto with four clear words. "I'll see you there, Poseidon."
When he saw the figure of his enemy get further and further until he was completely out of his eyes sight, Naruto clenched his trembling fists. "The Desperate of Disciples Tournament, huh?" His hands crept into fists, creaking under his strength. "Sure, Hades, I'll see you there."
-(The Next Day)-1st Division Barracks-Soul Society-
"What did you say?"
The black-clad ninja lowered his head further in his kneeling position as he repeated his message. "Naruto Uzumaki is coming here to relay an urgent message for you, Head Captain. Apparently it regards the entire Gotei 13 and Soul Society itself."
Yamamoto sighed as he stood up from his seat and walked to the ledge that gave him the panoramic view of the Seireitei and Soul Society in general. It had been a while since he saw the Shinobi and the last time was when they made an alliance to stop Aizen and his rogue Shinigami allies and ever growing Arrancar army.
"Summon the captains. We will gather in the hall in 15 minutes. Grant Naruto Uzumaki passage through the Seireitei." He didn't turn to see the ninja disappear, choosing to keep his eyes at the view before him. "Something is coming our way right now. I hope it's nothing that could potentially threaten Soul Society besides the Aizen threat."
-(A Few Minutes Later)-With Naruto-1st Division-
"Did you really have escort me? I remember the layout of this place the last time I've been here."
Cue blank stare from his Shinigami escort.
"Well sort of." Naruto looked away while taking in the sights of the place around him. It was still amazing although last time he arrived and helped Ichigo rescue his friend from being executed. "So what's been going on with you, Rukia?"
The 10th Division Lieutenant smirked to herself as her hand lightly grasped her Zanpakuto's hilt. "I've learned a few new tricks from that power you gave me." A curious raised eyebrow from Naruto meant she has his interest. "Perhaps after your meeting with the captains, we can spar a little so I can show you."
Putting his hands at the back of his head as he walked, Naruto chuckled at his Shingiami friend. "While I like the idea of helping a friend to improve his/her skill, in a spar no less, I think it's better you use those skills on an enemy specifically our Arrancar enemies."
"I know, I know but you can't blame me for being one of the people who wants to fight you." Rukia responded casually with a pout.
"Huh? One of the people?" Naruto repeated, curious by what she meant by that. "There are people who wants to fight me? Here in Soul Society?" He gulped nervously as he looked at his surroundings, getting a smirking Rukia. "Like who?"
"Oh you know; Captains Kenpachi, Hitsuguya, Soi-Fon, Ukitake. Even the Head Captain wants a rematch from last time since he considered it a draw." Getting a panicked 'Eh?' from him, Rukia drove in the proverbial nervous blade further. "And some of the Lieutenants I know who clearly wants a piece of you too. Like Renji."
Naruto let out a nervous chuckle escape his lips. "No thanks." He and Rukia stopped in front of the familiar doors that led to the hall. "Are they already here?" As soon as he said that, the doors opened afterwards, revealing the captains present and waiting for him. He looked at Rukia and smiled at her. "Thanks a bunch, Rukia. I'll see you after the meeting?"
Rukia gave him a cheeky smirk. "Along with the others."
"Hahaha. Very funny." Naruto faced forward before entering the hall and stopped at the end of the Captains' row, hearing nothing but the doors closing behind him. "Hello, everyone! How's everything going for you guys?"
It was Yamamoto who answered him. "Things are… usual except for the threat of Aizen."
"Well there's that, but we'll be ready for him and his Arrancar goons." Naruto confidently remarked with a fist into his palm. "However that's not why I'm here." Yamamoto gestured him to start talking. "I'm here to propose an alliance."
That got confused expressions from the Shinigami, even Yamamoto whose half-lid eyes opened slightly more.
"I don't understand, Uzumaki." Hitsugaya interjected, speaking for everyone in the room. "If this is about our alliance-"
With a shake of his head, Naruto elaborated his statement. "I'm here as a mediator to propose of an potential alliance between Soul Society and the Three Factions." This got widen eyes from Unohana, Ukitake, Shunsui and Yamamoto while the other captains were confused. "The leader of the Angels, Michael, had told me about a meeting between him and the leaders of the Fallen Angels and the Devils to discuss peace talks between them. And he asked me to invite you as the representative of Shinigami to the meeting."
"How is this possible?" Yamamoto asked seriously, clearly displeased about this. "How do they know about our existence?"
"… They've kept an eye on me and soon enough they discovered my friendship with Ichigo. Sometime later, they eventually learned about his Shinigami powers back when the Arrancars attacked Karakura Town the first time and they connected the dots about your existence. Apparently you guys are-were considered myths to every supernatural beings out there."
"For a good reason." Yamamoto remarked as he sighed, getting a confused Naruto. "But that will be another discussion for another time."
Naruto deeply sighed as he crossed his arms. "If you feel unease about this, I won't force you to do it but just to let you know, I will be attending the meeting as well… as a representative of the Greek Pantheon Faction."
"Hm?" A curious Ukitake muttered before speaking to the blonde Human. "I thought you said the meeting was between the leaders of the Three Factions and Soul Society." A nervous cough and sheepish look from the boy was his answer. "No, you mean-"
"As it apparently turns out that since I'm the new Poseidon, that makes me one of the leaders of the Pantheon." Cue slacked jaws from the Shinigami. Naruto let out another deep sigh. "This is too much, I know. I'm still processing it as we speak."
"Hhmm." Yamamoto let out, catching everyone's attention. "Uzumaki, I will need time to think about this if it is beneficial to us and the safety of Soul Society."
"Of course."
"If that is all, this meeting is adjourned!" Yamamoto lightly slammed his cane on the ground, signifying the end of the meeting.
As the occupants left the now opened hall, one of them meaning Naruto found him-self surrounding by the Shinigami excluding Yamamoto. "Uh, what's this about?" The ninja nervously asked with an audible gulp in his throat.
"Surely you know by now…" Kenpachi stood behind the nervous Shinobi, slowly drawing his blade before slashing at him. "We want to fight you!"
However his excitement ended when 'Naruto' turned into smoke, surprising everyone in the area.
"Oh…" Everyone gave their attention to the person behind, which was Rukia. "That was a Shadow Clone, which means the real one is still in the World of the Living."
Cue frustrated yelling and a huge amount of yellow Spirit Energy from one crazy eye-patched captain cursing out a certain Shinobi's name.
-Ryozanpaku Dojo-Tokyo-
Naruto shuddered, dropping a ball of rice from his chopsticks after receiving his clone's recent memories. "I knew it was a good idea to send a clone there."
"What was that?" Rhea asked, sitting next to him during their breakfast. The two of them slept in, so everyone else already ate with Miu saving the leftovers for them to enjoy. Alone. "Something about a clone?"
The ninja sheepishly chuckled at the Titaness. "Just something related to my duty as Poseidon of sorts."
"Yeah." Speaking of Poseidon. "Rhea, did you know?" He got a tilted head of the Titaness, so he elaborated his question. "Did you know about me being a leader of the Greek Pantheon since I became Poseidon." What he got was Rhea turning her head away from him, unknowingly giving her answer. "You knew. Why didn't you tell me? Was this the thing that you mentioned about mortals being overwhelmed back at Karakura Town?"
"That's only part of it." Rhea thought to herself before looking back at an upset Naruto. "I assumed that my son already told you when he made you his successor, but I was wrong."
"Yes, you were." Naruto responded sternly, but his tone went to normal when he looked at Rhea's eyes.
He didn't know how long it's been, but Naruto felt lost in time as he stared into Rhea's beautiful green eyes. The same goes for her as she also got lost staring into his cerulean blue eyes.
"Man, she's so beautiful. I can never be or stay angry at her."
"His eyes are so calm like the ocean's smooth surface."
"Her black silk hair."
"Those arms."
"Her gorgeous lips."
"What I-"
"Would do-"
"To him/her."
All of sudden a familiar voice spoke out. "What are you two doing?" It was Medusa and she clearly didn't like what's she see in front of her. "Aren't you little closer to each other?"
Truth as it is told by the former preistess, Naruto's and Rhea's faces were close to each other, so close their lips were inches away from touching each other and sail off to smooch city.
Cue blushing faces from the nervous and bashful beings.
Unbeknownst to them, a small smile crept on Medusa's lips when Naruto and Rhea scooted away from each other with blushes still present on their faces. When Naruto looked at her, the smile was gone but a grin stayed. "Oh, Medusa. I've been meaning to talk to you." The ninja said as he stood up.
"Oh?" Medusa soon blushed when Naruto walked to her. "W-What is it?"
"Follow me."
Both females looked at each other before following Naruto outside to the dojo training grounds where they found the masters circled around Kenichi, observing him as he transitioned from one of their fighting style's stance to the next that he learned like switching from Apachai's Muay Thai to Kensei's Chinese Kenpo until he reached Sakaki's Karate stance.
"Wait. Where's Shigure?" Medusa pointed out, curious since the weapons master usually trains Kenichi even though it's little.
A devious smirk appeared on Naruto's face. "Look out." He said simply.
A shadow appeared behind Medusa, forcing her to duck under a blade that existed out of nowhere and roll away to get safe distance. When she got up, shock was present as she found the one who attacked her to be none other than Shigure, brandishing her nodata sword with a gleam in her eyes. "What are you doing?!"
Shigure's action and Medusa's cry, the male masters and Kenichi stopped their training session before they walked to Naruto and Rhea, standing behind them with smiles present on all of them even the normally stoic Shigure had a small smile.
Just as she was about to ask her previous question again, it was Hayato who answered her.
"Why it's the first day of your training, Medusa." The beautiful former priestess gawked at him. "Back at our discussion to allow sanctuary, my disciple mentioned your skills with a bow." Medusa gave Naruto a pouting glare. "And Shigure was… well… excited to hear that."
Medusa swallowed an audible gulp as Shigure swung her sword in front of her, warming up for her real training session with a real disciple. She looked at her savior. "Naruto, why?" She whined to him.
"Because it would be funny." Naruto joked before speaking seriously a second later. "Medusa, this will be good for you. You showed skill with a bow when you fought me and I know you'll become stronger. Think about it: you being able to defend yourself against people who want to hurt you or anyone you care about with weapons under Shigure's tutelage."
"I-I…" Medusa couldn't find the words as she looked into Naruto's eyes and saw that he has faith in her. Complete faith that she will become stronger than she ever thought possible. Her expression soon turned into determination, bringing a smile from Naruto in which gave her a reason to smile as well. "I'll do it." She then turned to her thoughts. "I won't let Rhea get her hands on you. Not while I'm here."
"That a girl." Naruto beamed a smile at the blonde-orange haired beauty.
Shigure stepped forward, her sword drawn back in one hand and shuriken in the other hand. "Your first lesson… is to dodge."
"Eh?" Was all Medusa could say before forcefully dodging swings and deadly projectiles from her new master who had a small smile.
Rhea sighed deeply as she played with her hair. "Poor Medusa."
"Yeah. Poor Medusa." Naruto turned to his right, facing his master who clearly was waiting for him. "Elder… I'm ready."
Hayato nodded as he walked to the farther end of the training ground, his disciple in tow. As he stopped and turned around, all he was greeted with was a very determined Naruto, ready to learn everything from him. "You truly are ready."
When he first offered his tutelage to the Shinobi, it wasn't because of his strength and abilities. It was because of his heart and innate kindness towards others and when he heard from Naruto that he wanted to get stronger to protect his friends and loved one from those who mean harm, he was truly impressed.
"Remember this particular training will be even tougher than your regular one, which we will keep doing on the side as we progress." Hayato slipped in an unknown stance before gesturing his disciple to do the same, which he did with a little difficulty. "Your Animal Trine training begins now!"
"Hai!" Naruto shouted with determination and confidence.
However all of their excitement disappeared when one Miu Furinji halted the training. "WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" She boomed with a pointed finger at them, scaring the crap out of the two blonde martial arts master and ninja/disciple. "You know the rules: no training here at the dojo."
"But Miu~" Both Naruto and the Elder whined as they went on their knees in front of the girl. "Please let us train here again! We'll be good this time! Honest!" The ninja pleaded, clearly not wanting to go back to the Dark Valley for his daily training. "I'll… I'll give you the Elder's hidden stash of expensive scrolls."
"What scrolls?" Hayato gaped like a child caught taking a cookie out of the cookie jar as Miu's deathly glare burned into him. "Grandpa?"
The entire Ryozanpaku residents including Medusa knows how vulnerable and scared the Furinji Style master/creator is of his granddaughter in regards to the financial status of the dojo.
"… Well, you see… I…" Before any of them knew it, Hayato disappeared by skyrocketing to the skies, disappearing like he wasn't there. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, NARUTO!"
As they watched the skies for a few moments, Naruto shrugged his shoulders before slipping into a handstand with almost perfect balance, surprising everyone of the display. "What?"
"How far along is this kid?" Sakaki thought to him-self, impressed by the boy's latest progress. He glanced at his fellow masters who had the same look and apparently the same idea like him. "Kenichi. Miu."
"Yes, master/Yeah."
Akisame then spoke for Sakaki. "You two will spar with Naruto."
"Um, are you sure you guys want to do that?" Cue glowing glares from the Ryozanpaku's masters except Shigure who briefly paused her training and moved Medusa to the farther end of the dojo grounds before resuming. "Right. You are sure about this."
"But masters!" Kenichi cried out in fear. The last time he sparred with Naruto, he woke up with his head buried in the dojo's stonewall. Flinching under the intense gazes of his masters and seeing Miu in her Hybrid Martial Arts stance with her arms and one leg lifted up, Kenichi raised his arms above him that's close to a cross-guard. "Please go easy on us." He whined lowly.
"Sure." To everyone's surprise especially Miu and a freaked-out Kenichi, there were several copies of Naruto surrounding his fellow disciple siblings. "If you can land a hit on me!" Naruto taunted among his clones.
Before they knew it, Naruto was sent flying and crashing into the dojo's stonewall. The clones surrounding Miu and Kenichi flickered a couple times before completely disappearing, confusing the two. When they looked to see who it was that attacked Naruto, they were surprised when it was Rhea.
"Gah!" The Jinchuriki clearly didn't like being the one sent flying and was embarrassed when he saw it was Rhea. "That was you, Rhea. Man that was such a sneak attack." Naruto then gave her a grin. "Guessing about your clothes, you want a rematch from last time."
Unlike her casual clothes, Rhea was wearing a sleeveless dark blue dougi with the chest area opened slightly, showing a small amount of her cleavage. "Of course. Plus I want to show you a few new tricks I've learned during our stay."
"Oh really?" Naruto stood up and walked towards the trio, stopping a short distance from them as he put up his Seikuken. "Go ahead, my lady."
Rhea giggled behind her hand before addressing Kenichi and Miu. "You two help me out here. Let's make him sweat."
"Um, okay?"
Feeling like they have nothing else to do, the male masters walked to the porch of the dojo building and sat next to each other as they spend half the time watching Shigure training her new disciple and Naruto sparring with Rhea, Miu and Kenichi although the latter aren't faring well.
"I didn't even know Rhea knew Martial Arts." Kensei remarked, closely observing Rhea's movements as she landed a kick that never reached Naruto due to his Seikuken. "She knows Chinese Kenpo."
Sakaki simply grunted at the shorter man's assumption. "What makes you-"
"You were saying?" Kensei cheekily asked, getting an animated scowl from the Karate master. "I wonder if by new tricks, she meant-"
"She learned new techniques." Akisame interjected, smirking at his fellow doctor's pouting to be cut off. "But how you ask? Most likely she was paying attention to Kensei's sessions and she practiced whenever she's alone, probably by nighttime. I'm curious to see both Naruto's and Rhea's current level."
"It's highly likely that those two are above Kenich's and Miu's level… physically of course."
With that the masters watched as Kenichi was sent flying across the yard while Miu dodged a kick from Naruto before being knocked out by an swift chop to the head. As Naruto saved Miu from falling to the ground and put her down safely next to Apachai, he turned around to see his real sparring partner and smiled at her.
"I'm a lucky guy." Naruto thought inwardly before charging at her, pulling back his fist for a punch.
Smiling at the boy and at how much fun she's having, Rhea also charged at her sparring partner with one thought in her mind. "I also want to get stronger for you too."
As the two combatants got close to each other, Rhea spun around, surprising Naruto at the action before he chose to go along with it and released a strong swift punch. Just as he did so, Rhea swiftly turned around back to him to strike him with her lightning fast palms.
"Bagua Tashin Kaei!"
"Furinji Tekken!"