Chapter 23 - Old Faces From The Past...
It was a quiet morning for the residents of a certain martial arts dojo as another day shines brightly for everyone to enjoy life as it is.
Almost everyone.
"Come on, Kenichi. Another thirty minutes of squatting and keep your upper body straight!"
Squatting with every inch of his body screaming and burning with pain, the disciple of Ryozanapku whimpered with tears as his stretched out arms shivered. His upper torso was being squeezed by a black, heavy statue as well as two smaller ones hug his two legs while two steaming cups stood atop of his head, threatening to burn him if he loses even the slightest of balance.
In front of him was Akisame, the Jujitsu master, who always find new ways to make each training session worse and harsher than the previous.
"Help me!" Kenichi cried out in vain since no one came to help him. Not Miu, Rhea, Naruto or any of his other masters.
Speaking of his other masters, they were sitting on the outside porch of the dojo building as each of them wait for their turn to train their number one disciple.
"Man… I hate waiting for my turn." Sakaki grunted as he took a swig from his beer.
Kensei gave a blank look at the Karate master. "Your turn will start in a few minutes. I have to wait for my turn for another hour and a half from now."
"No fair for Apachai! I have to wait for two hours, Apa." The Muay Thai giant stated with a depressed cloud over his head with Shigure sitting next to him, trying to cheer him up with no success.
"At least one of us is having fun… training a disciple." Shigure said in her usual tone of voice and the others caught on who it was the Weapons master referred just as Miu and Rhea arrived with baskets of freshly clean clothing in their arms.
After putting the basket aside and taking a seat with Miu, Rhea then stated, "The Elder and Naruto, right? Those two can take training way too seriously." She saw Miu flinch with a disapproving look. "Are you sure you weren't too harsh on them about what happened?"
The masters including Akisame, Miu and even Kenichi shuddered as the thought of the Elder and Naruto's last training session.
"Of course not!" Mui responded proudly with a huff. "Those two went too crazy and nearly destroyed the dojo while setting the house on fire."
"But… telling them to do their technique training and sparring sessions somewhere else…" Rhea mentioned, attempting to persuade Miu to see the error of her punishment.
"-Is completely acceptable!"
Rhea sighed before she chuckled at the memory of Miu scolding Naruto and the Elder for the damages they'd done to Ryozanpaku residence: one of them being an accidental setting the main building on fire. "He's getting stronger after each session." She blushed slightly when she remembered Naruto's not-so-private promise to protect her at all times.
"But it does beg the question…" Everyone looked at Akisame with his foot on the tired Kenichi's back. "Where does the Elder take Naruto for their training sessions since they banned from here?"
That question remained in their minds as the day goes by.
-(Noon)-Dark Valley-Heart of Japan-
In the dense blanket of strong, tall and varying kinds of trees that stretched across the land for miles with surrounding mountain formations, the disciple of 'The Invincible Superman' would've considered it to be a vacation spot or even live in such a place with no one around for miles.
Instead, it was another training ground for his Furinji Style training.
The Elder caught the incoming fist of his young disciple with his palm. "Nice thrust, Naruto."
"I'm not done yet!" Naruto eagerly said as he pulled back his fist before flipping backwards. He used a tree to propel himself high in the air and swiftly brought down his fists in a figure eight formation as he crashes down. "Furinji Tenkou Ryuujin!"
The attack didn't land since the Elder became transparent, instead the ground was the unlucky recipient as it became obscured and specks of dirt were upchucked from the power of the technique.
As the Furinji Style disciple/ninja stood up in his small crater, he found him-self surrounded by multiple Elders in the Furinji Style's basic battle stance, prompting Naruto to prepare for another battle while recognizing the technique.
"The Bushin technique, huh?" Naruto remarked, amused at his master's attempt to copy him as he too slipped in the Furinji Style basic stance; his left arm is paralleled with the backhand turned around and fingers pointed upwards while his right arm is aligned with his shoulder and the hand pointed upwards with the palm present. "Are you trying to copy me?"
The odds are now even as equal numbers of Naruto clones appeared in a circle as well, each of them facing each of the Elder clones before they all engaged in a flurry of punches and kicks. Imagine the Jinchuriki's surprise when he found out this world has its own version of the basic Clone technique that is similar to his world's versions.
After the master and disciple respective clones phased out, the surrounding trees rustled their hanging leafs due to an unwanted presence belonging to one familiar blonde Shinobi.
"However this world's version of the Clone technique is considered to be an ancient technique rather than a basic one back home. The technique can be performed if the user moves his/her body with great speed in a special way instead of using Chakra to perform it. Pretty convenient." Naruto thought before feeling a huge yet familiar presence behind him, forcing him to jump off to avoid being sliced in half.
Unfortunately that wouldn't go the same for the branch he refuged on as it was chopped in half by a large arm.
"Cutting it a little there, my disciple." The presence jumped high in the sky where the sun revealed it to be none other than the Elder with a big grin and glowing eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be a ninja?"
"Hey!" A tic-marked Naruto cried out with a clenched fist, shaking it at his airborne master. "I am a ninja! I sensed you coming from miles away, didn't I!?" He jumped high enough to reach the top of the tree behind him before pulling back far enough for it to hurtle him-self through the air as his body rotated like a missile with his outstretched arms. "Musou Chigiguruma!"
"Furinji Oshi Itte!" The excited Elder cried out after thrusting his right palm forward, sending a shockwave that broke his disciple's technique while flattening him against the ground in the middle of a huge hand print mark. Feeling overexcited, the Elder swiftly descended with his arms in a figure eight formation like the one Naruto used earlier. "Furinji Tenkou Ryuujin!"
Before the attack could hit its mark, Naruto barely escaped with a quick roll followed by a back handstand and a swift back flip as the spot he was laying turned into a bomb site when his master landed. "Now's my chance!" He leaped forward with a drawn punch and launched it when he was in range of the Elder, only to realize the one technique he has. "Oh crap!"
"Seikuken!" The elderly Furinji member cried out as he deflected his disciple's punch before sending a swift punch of his own, only for it to be deflected by him. "Hmm… Impressive, Naruto. Your Seikuken has improved even further, thanks to me."
Naruto dryly laughed as he and the Elder entered a series of punches that were deflected and blocked due to being in each other's Seikuken radius. Minutes passed by and neither of the males gave an inch to each other while having determination on their face. Each time their fists clashed against each other, small shockwaves sent small bursts of wind with no intervals in between them at all.
An hour later passed and that's when the Elder ended their Seikuken stalemate with a swift low kick that knocked Naruto off his feet and onto the ground.
The blonde ninja was about to get up when he found him-self staring a foreign knife-hand with the fingers close to his face. "Well, are you going to surrender or keep fighting?"
A grin came to life on Naruto's lips. "What do you think?" The Elder didn't flinch when 'Naruto' turned into smoke.
"I see…" Hayato's eyes glowed brightly as an energized grin came to life. "So you're doing it after all. Bring it on!"
Naruto's voice echoed across the dense forest like they were in a closed stadium or cave. "Furinji Ni Hito Shuriken!"
Sensing the attack from behind, the Elder didn't turn around to see two spinning human-sized objects rapidly approaching him until he spun around with lashing arms that caught the objects. The objects turned out to be clones of the blonde ninja.
Solid clones.
"The Shadow Clone technique I presume?" He asked the two slightly nervous clones who nodded in his giant hands.
It was not long ago when he asked Naruto about the clone ability he used against the Arrancar, to which the latter mentioned in detail. But to actually see and feel the real thing is something else entirely.
"It's an incredible technique that is obviously superior than the original. You must one day teach me. Also you added another technique to my martial art. I'm pleased to see that." Hayato let go of the clones before their leg attacks could hit him and sent them flying to a tree with another swift open palm thrust. "Furinji Oshi Itte!"
The two clones disappeared in separate puffs of smoke after crashing and knocking over trees, leaving the Elder alone as he patiently waits for his disciple to make his next move.
And he did by suddenly bursting out of the ground in front of the Furinji Style master with a right uppercut, which was blocked at the end. As soon Naruto regained his footing, both he and the Elder started another barrage of punches that never reached each other because of their active Seikukens.
As the stalemate continues and producing small shockwaves from the tremendous forces, Naruto changes the pattern by dodging a sharp left punch that barely grazed his cheek and pivoted his right leg to deliver a strong left roundhouse kick to the Elder's stomach. The attack produced a shockwave that slightly upturned the ground around the two combatants.
The smirk on the boy's lips disappeared when he saw his master's right arm had crossed his chest and blocked the impact of his kick. However horror came to life when he saw him grabbed his connected leg with both hands. "Oh crap." He said before being lifted off the ground and smashed into the ground like an action figure into the ground several times, leaving body-sized indentations as a result.
After ten minutes, Hayato dropped the boy on the ground with the latter panting heavily from the loss of the air and injuries. "Now are you done?"
His answer was Naruto jumping back on his feet and thrusting his right hand, holding a sphere of blue Ki that suddenly came out of nowhere. The Elder sensed the power inside the technique and countered by spinning around the boy and delivered a swift chop to the neck that caused a small shockwave.
As a result of losing consciousness, the ninja stumbled forward before falling face first with the sphere still active in his hand. Hayato crossed his arms when the ki sphere upturned dirt when it touched the ground.
"What an incredible Ki technique!" Hayato commented with crossed arms, seeing a crater next to Naruto and below his right hand. "If such a technique ever get into the hands of those who follow the Satsujinken, things will never be same for the Katsujinken followers."
"I lost again?" He pouted as he crossed his arms after turning to rest on his back.
"Yes, you did. For the seventeenth time if I must say," The Elder cheekily said to his disciple who had a tick mark on his forehead when he heard that as he sat in a cross-legged position. "But you've improved greatly from when you began your training. In fact your progress as it is now will definitely lead you on the path of becoming a master, Naruto."
Naruto knew his rapid progress is mainly due to his Shadow Clone technique and its unique effect with clones transmitting everything they learn back to him, including martial arts technique training. He'd practiced a new technique every night with three to five clones to help him understand and use the technique correctly before learning the next one whenever the Elder feels he is ready.
"However you must not rely on the techniques so much. Use all of your skills."
"Yes master." Naruto nodded as he looked at his master who sat in the same position he was before a grin churned his lips. "I have come a long way. To be honest…" He paused briefly to make sure he has his master's attention, "I thought the Furinji Style or any type of martial arts would interfere the way I fight, but I was wrong. My Taijutsu got better and more organized than before."
From the Elder had told him earlier before the training session started, the Furinji Style is actually a Hybrid Martial Arts fighting style. Similar to the Mixed Martial Arts that takes and combines multiple Martial Arts styles like Kenichi does with the Ryozanpaku masters' styles, Hybrid Martial Arts actually mixes various disciplines and techniques into a more powerful and useful technique than the original version.
Just as Kenichi is classified as a Mixed Martial Artist in the Martial Arts world, Naruto is classified as a Hybrid Martial Artist along with Miu and the Elder. There was proof of that status due to him using the Shadow Clone Technique and the Furinji Hito Shuriken at the same time to make a stronger variant of the technique: Furinji Ni Hito Shuriken.
"That's good to hear, my boy. However…" He paused before a gleam in his eyes appeared with a smug grin. "You're still unable to land a hit on me."
"That's because you said I could only use two of Ninjutsu techniques during our sparring session this time! And I distinctly remember telling you I want to see how I fare in a fight without using them from the beginning of my training!" Naruto comically retorted with a balled fist as his master heartily laughed at him, somehow calming him while turning his head with a pout. "You insisted I use them this time. And those techniques are my bread and butter and I still couldn't hit you! Just you wait, old man. One of these days…"
"Someday, Naruto. Someday you will with more training and experience." Hayato stated with an assuring smile as his disciple gave a nod. "Tell me, son, what was that last technique you used against me? Is it a Ki technique and if it is, it's probably the most powerful one I've ever seen."
Feeling his bruises gone due to his accelerated healing, Naruto answered simply. "That was the Rasengan. My dad created it after three years. Although it may look like a Ki technique, it's actually Chakra… my Chakra. And for the record, Chakra is similar to Ki but different at the same time."
The master and disciple also explained to each other about the similarities of Ki and Chakra but also their differences on the first week of Naruto's training.
"The technique itself is actually pure Chakra and everyone can see it?" Seeing him shrugged, Hayato nodded with a stroke of his beard. "Incredible. Truly an incredible technique you possess, Naruto. Your father must've been a genius to create a powerful as powerful like the Rasengan."
"Thanks!" Naruto then snickered, catching Hayato's curiosity with a tilt of his head. "But it was an incomplete technique at the time, so I managed to complete it with some help."
That caught Hayato by surprise. "Is that so? Now that's really impressive. Perhaps you can show me the completed version?"
"Nope… at least not until I fight someone else."
Pouting slightly, Hayato shrugged his shoulders. "Fair enough, Naruto." He stood up, prompting Naruto to do the same as both of them faced the east. "Are you ready to go back?"
"Now?" Normally they train all day until the sun goes down. The dirty and sweating Shinobi then nodded before he felt a hand on his shoulder, prompting him to look at the older man. "Master, what is it?"
"Is there something wrong?"
"…Perhaps we can return home by using one of your Ninjutsu techniques?" asked a curious Elder, surprising Naruto of this request. "Surely you must have a technique that allows you to move at high speed."
The Furinji Style disciple then raised a brow. "Yeah… why?"
"Because I am your master and disciples do what they're told by their masters." Hayato stated with a grin, only to get a blank stare from the younger male.
"You just want to see another one of my Ninjutsu techniques." Seeing the towering man on his knees and pleading in front of him brought a sweat-drop from Naruto who sighed before putting a hand on his huge shoulder. "Better hold on tight."
A lone leaf slowly descended to the ground by gravity as it passed the two Martial Artists and by the time it landed, the two beings were gone with the only evidence being a brief flash of yellow light.
-Ryozanpaku Dojo-
"Come on, master. You're known as 'The Invincible Superman' to every Martial Artists in the world and you're complaining of a technique like that?" Naruto walked alongside his suddenly sicken-struck master after leaving his room. "Although I've gotten used to the feeling and eventually overcame it due to constant training, I forgot about other people will feel the same effects in their first time. Also the fact the Flying Raijin Jutsu is an S-Rank technique too."
Hayato groaned and held back the urge to vomit as they went outside to the dojo training grounds. "Never again, Naruto."
"Hey, you insisted and I listened to you. Remember what you said, 'Because I am your master and disciples do what they're told by their masters'." He said in a near perfect imitation of the Elder's voice and even ended his sentence with the latter's hearty laugh.
Hayato suppressed the urge to smack his disciple's head with a tick mark on his forehead. "Don't push it."
When the blonde master and student reached the dojo building, they weren't surprised to see Kenichi on the ground with a lifeless look in his eyes and a bawling Apachai on his knees near the boy.
"He just got 'Apachai-ed' again." Naruto said casually as Hayato nodded with a stroke of his beard. "Miu!"
Soon enough Miu arrived with a bucket of water in her hand, although she was surprised to see them. "Naruto? Grandpa? You are early today." She stated after dumping the water on Kenichi who instantly woke up from the cold water.
"Tell me about it." He looked down at the coughing brown-haired disciple sibling. "Training hard as usual, Kenichi?"
"Yeah…" Kenichi whimpered.
As he stared at the coy Strongest Disciple, Naruto didn't flinch when Apachai approached him with his eyes glowing of excitement. "No, Apachai, I'm not training with you for the hundredth time." He placed a gentle hand on the crouching, depressed Muay Thai giant who was circling the dirt with his bulky fingers. "Sorry, bud."
"…Apa… Apachai want to train Naruto in Muay Thai 'cause he don't die from training sessions like Kenichi, Apapapa." Apachai complained in the process of depressing Kenichi who was rocking back and forth. "Elder's training is tougher than all masters and still Naruto stays alive."
Naruto sheepishly chuckled with a pouty Kenichi glaring through him. "But Kenichi here is really tough, Apachai. If he weren't tough at the start, he would've left after the first day. Heck he might've left before the training even started. That says something about Kenichi" He sweat-dropped when said boy grabbed his legs with tears in his eyes. "Dude, get a grip."
"But you're so nice to me, Naruto! I don't want to let go!" Kenichi appraised with his previous attitude gone.
"I won't be if you don't let go of my leg this instance." Naruto grumbled and Kenichi complied before he could get knocked out like last time. "Thank you." He turned his gaze on the new arrivals that are the rest of Ryozanpaku's masters and Rhea and greeted them with a smile. "Hey guys!"
Akisame was the first to return Naruto's greeting. "Welcome back, but you two are back earlier than usual." The other masters agreed to this as they observed the blonde boy's state of attire. "I never thought there was another person who could actually endure and handle the Elder's training this long. In fact it's been three weeks since he and Rhea arrived at Ryozanpaku."
Naruto looked at Rhea who looked dazzling in her green blouse and skirt under the sunlight. "Yeah?"
"… You always stink after your training sessions." She nasally reprimanded with her fingers closing her nose, prompting the ninja to smell his dougi and recoil in disgust. "What is it with you men not caring about being smelly?!"
"It's a sign of hard work!" Naruto retorted, getting nods from the male masters.
"I don't care! Go take a bath now!"
"You're not the boss of me!"
After watching the two guests chew each other out about hygiene, the masters entered the dojo building and closed the door, but not before Sakaki gave Kenichi instructions to practice his Karate katas to warm up for his Karate session.
"I wonder why the masters are having a private meeting?" Kenichi wondered while his arms are alternating punches like a pulley. He received a shrug from Miu. "Okay then. I hope it's not something serious."
"Ouch!" The cry drew Kenichi and Miu's eyes to see Naruto on the ground, nursing a bump on the head as a grumbling Rhea angrily strode back to the main house. "Wait! Rhea, I didn't mean it like that! Come back!" Naruto shouted as he went after her while thinking back about Kenichi's words. "Could the meeting be about the recent attacks on Kenichi and Miu lately?"
-Dojo Building-
"Yami has already begun their war on us."
The masters agreed as they stare at the Elder who was serious this time. Whenever it is something serious or dangerous like the Yami organization, he switches from the kind old man to the serious and ferocious warrior the Martial Arts world knows of for decades.
"Yeah. The attacks over the past weeks are clear proof of that declaration. The Russian kid and his pals clearly had been through intense training. His fight with Kenichi is proof of that" Akisame stated analytical. "However neither he or any of Yami's allies don't seem to know anything about you having your own disciple, Elder."
Sakaki picked his ear and flicked a small wax ball at the ground. "Have you told the kid anything about Yami?" He asked before taking a swig of his beer.
Instead of the Elder answering, it was Kensei. "It's clear he hasn't, although I don't know why."
"Why… haven't you told him?" Shigure asked with her pet mouse, Tochumaru, positioned between her breasts, much to Kensei's jealousy.
Apachai was the next one to push the topic. "Why haven't you told Naruto? He'd be able to knock people out in one shot! Kenichi has been the proof of that!" He referred to the time when Naruto and Kenichi sparred each other, the blonde martial artist knocked out him with a punch to the stomach.
"He has other things that require his full attention." Hayato cryptically stated with a sigh. He couldn't tell his fellow masters the truth about his disciple unless he allowed it. "He doesn't need to be involved in this."
Akisame interjected. "Both of you are hiding something. In fact the two of you have been hiding something since you brought him here to the dojo."
"Old man?" Sakaki asked for confirmation to Akisame's words as he and the others looked at the strongest among them.
Staring at his old Jujitsu friend, Hayato sighed before crossing his arms. "That is something between my disciple and I only. However, only Naruto will decide whether to tell you all about him-self. Until then I have nothing more to say about the matter."
When Akisame didn't take the answer and was to about to push the topic, they heard the slide door open slightly and popped the head of Naruto. "Sorry for interrupting, but I'm gonna go for a run around the city for a while. See ya at dinner!" He pulled his head from the door before poking it in the room again. "Oh and master Furinji, you can tell them about me. I don't want to cause mistrust between everyone here. You guys are too cool for that. Laters!"
After a moment of silence when the boy closed the door, Sakaki grinned with a smug look. "He called me cool."
"He called all of us cool, Sakaki." Kensei pointed, feeling a bit egotistical as well.
It wasn't long when the masters looked at the Elder to start explaining about the circumstances around Naruto. However it began with an unexpected sentence.
"I have a proposition for you all that you will not pass up."
-With Naruto-Docks of Tokyo-
Jumping from the rooftop of one building to the one in front of him, Naruto pondered with a solemn look on his face. "Akisame had suspicions about me since I arrived at Ryozanpaku?" He thought as he stopped on top of a cargo container with his ninja stealth in play. He 'accidentally' rested near the dojo door after a failed attempt to apologize of Rhea and heard almost everything. "I haven't done anything to make him suspicious of me. Have I?"
He was still in his training dougi since he was going out for a run. It didn't make sense to change into casual clothes after workout, only to run around the city and get all sweaty again.
"So the Yami character doesn't come to mind at all?"
"I wonder who are they?" Ashura put in his two cents. "From the tone of the Elder's voice, it sounds like they're very dangerous."
"Which brings Sakaki's question in mind: why didn't the Elder tell me about Yami or the recent attacks on Kenichi, Miu and the dojo?" Naruto pondered while the memories of the past three weeks came to mind.
Whenever he was resting from a session, the Elder would tell him to run around town with a large clay statue Akisame sculpted or run an errand that would be outside of town for no reason and when he returns after completing either tasks, he'd see signs of struggle and damage in and around the dojo. If that wasn't suspicious enough, there were separate days when Kenichi and Miu would return to the dojo with bruises and signs from fighting, mostly on the latter.
"I wonder…" He paused when the docks workers suddenly dropped whatever task they were doing before running to the main office. "What the heck's going on?" Naruto jumped off the container he was on and landed with silent feet while turning invisible with the Transparency Jutsu.
As the invisible ninja walked to the overcrowded office, he looked over one of the men's shoulder and saw television broadcasting an urgent news report with a woman in a business suit standing in front of a hospital.
We bring to you live news from one of the local hospitals in Tokyo where multiple victims have apparently been turned into stone. All of the victims are all male from different classes.
"That's a bit odd." Naruto thought as images of the stoned victims on gurneys were rushed through the entrance of the hospital. "This must be supernatural-related from the look of things."
From one of the inspectors working on this mysterious case, he commented about the details of the statues' clothing: that neither of the victims have any connections with each other at all. All of the attacks occurred in the general area of Northern Tokyo's outskirts.
"All right then." Naruto accidentally said aloud before Shunshining out of the docks, drawing the attention of one of the workers.
The worker looked to his right where a colleague was standing. "You say something?"
-Dojo Building-Ryozanpaku Dojo-
"Elder… are you serious about this?"
Hayato nodded seriously at Akisame as he told his fellow and younger masters with all of them expressing surprise looks, even the composed Shigure with her hand twitching at the hilt.
"No kidding, right?" Sakaki asked to verify what the old man just said, a hint of excitement.
A nod was his answer.
"My, my. I didn't expect something like this to come so soon." Kensei remarked as he looked at Apachai who has such a serious look with a gleam in his eyes, only matched by Shigure and her pet, Tochumaru, rubbing its paws together with a mischievous grin.
Outside of the dojo, Rhea, Miu and Kenichi had horrified expressions while they looked at each other. A moment later they all got down on their knees with their hands clamped together with their prayer mantra.
"Please let him live. Please let him live. Please let him live."
-With Naruto-Northern Tokyo-
About thirty minutes of discreet rooftop hopping, the Jinchuriki made it to the location of the last victim.
"They preserved the crime scenes so well that the latest victim was easy to locate."
Ducking under the crime scene tape, Naruto walked to the body-outline where the 10th and final victim was found when the police arrived just the like the previous victims in the other crime scenes. He crouched to examine any signs of disturbances in the area that might've been overlooked.
"Hm? What's this?" Naruto discovered a small pile of specks near the back of a dumpster. He dipped his index and middle fingers in it. "It feels like ash..." He raised his ash-covered fingers slightly before rubbing them together. "and rough yet soft at the same time. How could the police miss something like this?"
That's when Kurama spoke through the link. "Naruto, look at your left. There is a small trail leading away from the scene."
The ninja did find a small trail of the ashy specks leading away from the crime scene and followed it with no idea of what might be waiting for him ahead.
-(Minutes Later)-The Forest-
Somewhere in the forest and mountains that serves as Tokyo's nature backyard was the vast trail of the ashy specks that stopped behind a figure wrapped by a black, tattered cloak who was standing in front of a cave. The only distinctive factor the mysterious figure displays is the long and thick tail laying out of the cloak.
Turning its head slightly over its shoulder, the figure chuckled before it faced forward while entering the cave with the ashes beginning its trail again.
"Soon… Soon I will have you all to my-self… my dear Poseidon…"
Minutes passed by until Naruto landed in front of the cave after tree-hopping among the branches. His eyes narrowed as he stopped just front of the cave where only darkness awaits him.
"Something is in there. I can sense it."
"This will be a good test to see your Martial Arts skills. I can't wait for you to fail." Guess he's still not over about Naruto's Furinji Style training. "Don't hesitate to use my power when your Martial Arts isn't working out for you."
Naruto grumbled as he entered the cave, allowing the darkness to cover him. With each step he took, Naruto could see the light from outside grow dimmer and dimmer until it was finally gone. However despite of the darkness, he continued walking as if he was taking a stroll through the park.
"With my ninja training combined with Furinji Style training, my senses are sharper as ever." Naruto thought, strolling through the cave while avoiding sharp rocks that threaten to slip his balance. He continued his stroll until he stopped when a faint sound echoed in the cave. "Someone's here."
As if that someone was confirming it presence, Naruto heard the sound of something being pulled back.
Naruto caught the projectile object and judging by its weight and size, it was an arrow. "You must be confident and skilled to fire arrows in the dark like this." He said aloud before going back to his thoughts. "Whoever this person is, it's clear the arrow was aimed for my head."
"*chuckle* I didn't expect you to catch the arrow with your hand…" From what Naruto is hearing from the echoing voice, it belonged to a woman. "But that's to be expected for you… my dear Poseidon." The boy was surprised when the woman figured out his title, but that's when he realized something else.
"From her tone, it sounded like she knew me or better yet… Poseidon him-self." Naruto then spoke in a firm but casual tone after ending his thoughts. "Listen to me… I don't know if you've heard but-" The ninja sidestepped and slid backwards to dodge an invisible barrage of arrows that sunk into the wall behind him. Then he leaped away to dodge a falling ceiling spike from hammering him to the ground like a nail. "Fast!"
Naruto dodged another volley of arrows with a series of back handsprings that dug into the floor after failing to hit him. As he landed back on his feet, he felt a presence behind as a pair of yellow snake-like eyes glowed and seem to pierce the back of his head.
"You're quite agile. I wonder how agile you are in bed?" The figure asked amusedly before seemingly disappearing into the cavern walls to dodge Naruto's fist that sunk into the wall with spider-cracks. "And strong too."
Unfazed by his fist in the wall, Naruto pulled it out before forming a Rasengan that was bigger than his standard one and this has four protrusion-like blades as well. The ninja chuckled as he suddenly leapt forward at the opponent who was somehow on ceiling of the cave. "Let there be light! Wind Style: Giant Rasengan!"
The cavern tunnel was suddenly brightened when the attack connected to the spot where the figure was before it dodged, surprised as she raised her arms in a defensive posture when an explosion blew her back with a shockwave.
-(Meanwhile)-Ryozanpaku Dojo-
"Ha!" Kenichi cried out as he launched a thrust attack from his Karate stance as he trains with his Karate master for the afternoon.
"You're still too slow!"
Sitting on the porch of the dojo building, the rest of the Ryozanpaku residents observed Kenichi landing on the ground hard after being kicked by Sakaki. Excluding the Elder who was enjoying the freshly brewed tea by Miu, the masters looked… impatient.
Especially Sakaki and Kenichi noticed it.
"Master Sakaki? Is there something the matter?" Kenichi asked while putting his arms in Karate motion.
That's when Kenichi realized something when he noticed the other masters directed the same look like Sakaki's at the wooden gates as if they're expecting someone. "They're waiting for Naruto to return."
"Who told you to stop?!" Sakaki threw a punch at Kenichi, knocking him out cleanly once again. "Dang it."
Hayato chuckled as Miu ran to drop the bucket of water on Kenichi while looking at the younger masters who's waiting so anxiously for his disciple to return from his jog around the city. However he's a little worried since he didn't come back after an hour had passed.
"Could Naruto be handling something supernatural-related?" Hayato pondered after remembering of his student's real world.
Rhea on the other hand was helping Miu with the laundry being the last thing to do for the day before cooking dinner. As she properly hanged a blanket sheet along the clothesline, the Titaness wondered about several things regarding Naruto. "Who was that man?" She thought to herself, referring to the one called Ashura. "Both Naruto and this Kurama person referred that man as his ancestor. I should ask him when he gets back…"
Rhea looked at her shadow to judge the current time. It was a trick she learned from her brother and Titan of the Sun, Helios after Kronos overthrew their father, Ouranos.
"1:15." She muttered aloud, catching Miu's attention as she looked the blonde girl. "He's been gone for three hours."
Miu nodded as she too wondered about the whereabouts of her fellow blonde. "What could be keeping him on his jog? He's usually back around this time or earlier." She stayed silent for a moment before a giggle escaped from her mouth. "I have to admit that Naruto is really amazing."
"I know…" Rhea trailed off with a small blush as she looked afar at the blue sky that was once the domain of her father. "I hope you're all right… Naruto."
-With Naruto-Forest-
Part of the mountains exploded from the inside, shaking the earth and scaring the wildlife nearby with many species of birds flying away with fear. Smoking from the origin of the explosion was a big crater, bringing the sunlight counteract the darkness within the cave and in the center was the one responsible for the unnatural occurrence.
"Ah-choo!" Naruto sniffed, flexing his right fist as it was briefly singed from the attack. "Someone must be talking about me." He waited a moment for his eyes to adjust the light in the cave. "I think I overdid it a little."
The woman's voice reverberated around him after a chuckle. "My, my. You're still a show-off after all these years… but I don't blame you. After all, we did have our sweet time together."
Before he could make a move, Naruto felt something wrap around his body, constricting his arms and legs together to prevent him from using them. "Damn it!" He cursed him-self for letting his guard down for a split second. As he took a look at what has him trapped, his eyes widen in surprise. "What the hell?"
What he discovered was the lower body of a snake with the upper body still behind him, preventing him from seeing what it is entirely. However he got his answer from the woman… who was behind him.
"Oh~" The snake-like woman complained disappointedly, "You're not as muscular as I remember you were. Did you lose all of the muscles after centuries of sleeping with other women?"
Naruto's eyes widen as his Greek mythology knowledge kicked in. "Her personal familiarity with Poseidon, the snake-like body and her proficiency with arrows... She's got to be…" He closed his eyes by instincts just as the hooded woman circled in front of him.
"You closed your eyes? You don't want to see my beauty or is it because you don't remember who I am?" The woman pulled back her hood to reveal her face, but she was surprised when her captive turned into a puff of smoke. "What?!"
Hiding nearby on the ceiling where the dark is still his ally with the Transparency Jutsu active, Naruto shuddered as he gets a clear view of the woman who's trying to kill him. She has near perfect skin with no wrinkles and an upper body with large breasts being held back by a bikini top. However her arms and hands are covered with scales and her hair is nest of snakes that hissed as they observed the cave as if they were searching for him.
"The woman transformed into a monster after unjustly suffering Athena's wrath… the former priestess of Athena's temple… and just a one direct glare from her will turn anyone into stone… Medusa." Naruto frowned before silently landing back on the ground.
"Whatever you're about to do, don't do it!" Kurama protested, having already figured out his Jinchuriki's current plan.
However Naruto didn't listen and spoke aloud. "Medusa?" The woman's head snapped at his direction with the tiny snakes hissing as well. He took a step back after remembering the deadly ability the snake woman possesses. "Crap! I forgot that!"
"Really? You forgot about me so much that you don't remember the fun fact about immortals including gods aren't affected by my stare?" Medusa asked with a disapprovingly look.
After picking both of his ears and flicking the waxes on his fingers somewhere, Naruto repeated his earlier request. "Relax… I just want to talk." His casual expression then turned into a surprised one after realizing what Medusa just said. "What was that last thing you said?"
"Don't flatter your-self, Naruto. She must be talking about the Trident. After all it's imbued with Poseidon's power and it's very powerful. So it's logical to think the Trident will protect you from Medusa's stone stare."
The Shinobi gave a small nod. "That's got to be it! The Trident is one of the most powerful and oldest weapons in the world." He ended the brief conversation with Kurama in time to hear the former priestess's rant.
"Talk?" Medusa angrily repeated after ignoring Naruto's last question. "Did you 'talk' to me before you forced your-self on me centuries ago at Athena's temple? Did you 'talk' to Athena about lifting my curse after centuries? No, you did not!"
Naruto took a short breath with a solemn look. "Medusa-" He easily caught an arrow that was aiming for his head before tossing it aside. "Medusa, please let me-"
"Enough talk!" Medusa cried out as she released another arrow that missed her target once again. "We'll talk… after I bring you down!"
"Very well." Naruto suddenly crouches on his knees before springing forward in a spiral motion with his arms out in front, surprising Medusa with the sudden and fast attack as his arms smashed against her stomach. "Furinji Chigiguruma!"
The attack sent Medusa flying across the chamber and causing her to lose her bow as she crashed against the wall with the wind knocked out of her, sliding down after a moment. As she shook her head to regain her bearings, the ground erupted around her as it tightened her movements to prevent her from escaping. "The ground?"
Naruto, after landing from his latest attack, calmly walked toward the imprisoned Medusa who was now glaring straight through him. "Now can we talk?" He leaned his head slightly to avoid a ball of saliva before putting it back in place. "Now we got that out of the way, let me introduce my-self. I am Naruto Uzumaki; successor to the title of Poseidon and the status of Olympian after the Sea God him-self."
The shocked immortal snake archer stared at the boy in front of her before her cheeks puffed out and laughter blurted out of her mouth. "AHAHAHAHAHA! That's a good joke right there!"
"But I have the Trident right here." Naruto stated after summoning the Trident, which glowed in his dominant hand. "I wouldn't joked about something like this… well I might if it wasn't true."
Medusa scoffed as she turned her head away with her snake hair hissing at the boy. "If you're really the next Poseidon, then all of his mistakes have been passed down to you now."
"I figured as much." Naruto pointed his Trident at his female captive. "I should start by fixing one of my predecessor's mistakes and that is he should've lifted the curse from you him-self! What happened to you at that temple was not your fault and yet only you suffered Athena's wrath!"
Medusa was taken aback as she stared at the one in front of her, completely surprised. "I expected him to defend Poseidon like a loyal successor would to a predecessor." She shook off her surprised look as she still looked away from him. "You talk big. I doubt someone like you can lift the curse since you're mortal."
"*Chuckle* I won't know until I try, right?" The Trident glowed slightly brighter in his hand as the energy bolts surrounded the three tips, surprising Medusa once again. "Medusa of Athena's temple, I hereby release you from your curse!" The energy bolts blasted from the Trident's tips and hit their mark, engulfing the woman in a bright light that resulted with a scream and a small explosion.
After the small dust cloud cleared and lowering his left arm from his face, Naruto stared shockingly as he didn't expect the outcome at all. Standing in front of him was no longer the creature that tried to kill him, but a very beautiful woman with a face of undeniable beauty like a supermodel with deep purple eyes, a curvaceous body with large breasts and flowing blonde hair with orange streaks. Overall her beauty rivals that of Rhea's own beauty.
"W-Wow." Naruto muttered with a nosebleed as he sealed away his Trident before pulling out a scroll and summoned a pair of women's clothing. "Good thing I packed this for an occasion like this." After wiping the nosebleed, he picked up the clothing and walked in front of the dazed woman before snapping his fingers, taking her out of it. "Welcome back, priestess." He looked at the Trident. "I can't believe that actually worked even though it's my first time!"
The now beautiful woman blinked as she looked down and was shocked to see her old body. "I-I… my body is…"
"Yeah…" Naruto muttered before he received a huge slap that knocked him on his butt. "What was that for?!"
"Pervert!" Medusa cried out, sinking to her knees with her arms-covered breasts. "I didn't think you'd actually lift the curse but…" She then let out a surprised yelp when the earth surrounded her in a circle, obscuring her view all around. "Why did you-."
"-It's so you can get dressed without me seeing you." Naruto clarified on the other side of the mud wall, blushing deep red. "When you're ready, let me know." He sat cross-leg with the Trident laid across on his knees before taking a deep breath and began meditating.
It wasn't long when a knock brought him out of meditation, his eyes on the wall. "I-I'm ready." Naruto nodded before bringing down the wall, his blush growing deeper as he unintentionally stares at her. "Please stop staring at me like that."
Medusa was sporting a tight blue shirt that hugged her bosom, leaving her navel exposed as black skinny jeans that really drew attention to her hourglass figure with open sandals covered her legs. Her long blonde-orange hair was separated and tied into twin ponytails.
"S-sorry. It's just that… I can clearly see why so many men including Poseidon would desire you." When a scared Medusa covered her torso, Naruto quickly went to revise his sentence to avoid misunderstanding. "Don't worry about me; I won't do what my predecessor did."
"Thank you." A soft blush appeared on her cheeks. "Perhaps I can repay you for lifting the curse."
Not catching her drift, Naruto put a finger to his chin as he thought about it after sealing away the Trident. "Actually you can." He placed a hand on her shoulder, eliciting a gasp from her. "You do any housework?"
"What?" Medusa asked before she and Naruto disappeared in a yellow flash.
-Naruto's Room-Ryozanpaku Dojo-
The two people appeared before one of them fell back on an empty bottle, causing Medusa to fall as well since Naruto still had his hand on her shoulder.
"Ouch… Medusa, are you al-" The Shinobi stopped when he found the woman on top of him, his left hand cupping her right breast. When she realized it, Naruto quickly retracted his hand from her bosom with a small nosebleed. "Sorry about that!"
The blushing Medusa assured him. "It's fine. I know it wasn't on purpose."
Before the two of them could detach themselves, the sound of rapid footsteps and the door sliding open caught their attention. When they looked to see a girl with black hair standing there, both of them had different expressions: Naruto's being fear and Medusa's being one of curiousness.
"N-Naruto…" Rhea said, her smile strained with a twitching brow. "Who is this woman?"
Before he could answer, he and Rhea were caught off-guard when Medusa stood up from Naruto and walked to her with an annoyed look. "Who are you, girlie?" She asked with disdain.
"She has no idea who that girl is… does she?" Naruto watched with a sweat-drop.
"None whatsoever."
"She is- How you say- digging her own grave?"
"You can say that again, Ashura." Naruto replied. As soon he remembered about Ashura's aloofness, he interjected through the link. "And I don't mean it literally!" He heard 'okay' from his ancestor before he noticed something else in the air.
It suddenly got quiet.
"Naruto…" The said Furinji Style disciple sweated bullets as a glowing and pouty Rhea stood in front of him, glaring at him while holding a unconscious Medusa who had a bump on her head. "Would you mind telling me what you were doing with this snake?"
"Well I-" Naruto couldn't get a word out as Rhea grabbed his arm in a vice grip. Before he knew it, both he and Medusa were dragged out of the apartment complex. His obstacle didn't end until Rhea released him from her grip and landed on the ground with a loud 'thud.' "Ouch. Okay, what was that… all… about…" He trailed off when he looked what was in front of him.
It was the glowing eyes of the Elder and the other masters staring right through him like they were piercing his soul.
"NARUTO!" The Elder suddenly shouted, fazing his student with the outburst. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! YOU DARE TO DEFILE MY DOJO WITH DEBAUCHERY?! AND WORST OF ALL, YOU NEGLECTED YOUR DAILY JOG!" Apparently he thinks his student blew his training after seeing the unknown and unconscious woman near Rhea's feet.
Feeling his cheeks slighting heated, Naruto defensively waved his hands in attempt to fix the misunderstanding. "W-wait master! This is really not what it looks like! I can explain!"
That got Naruto's attention. "Proposal? What proposal?! What's he talking about?!" He thought before he sweat-dropped from seeing the excited eyes of the other masters glow brighter than before. "For some reason, I have an uneasy feeling that somehow it includes them."
"MASTERS!" The Elder cried out to his younger fellow masters of martial arts. "WHOEVER LANDS THE MOST HITS ON MY DISCIPLE WILL BE TOLD OF HIS SECRETS!"
"WHAT?!" Naruto cried out with a horrified face, tears streaming out of his eyes. He already has a hard time keeping up with the Elder's training. "Master, why?!"
A panicking Naruto barely rolled out of Apachai's power punch that threatened to crush his body into the ground. Getting up, he quickly found him-self surrounded by the five masters in their respective martial arts fighting stances.
"WHY ME!?" He shouted before putting up his Seikuken, forcing the masters to shuffle back a little to get out of the range. "I guess I have no choice." Naruto whined with a sniffle.
From that moment on, the day went forward with the symphony of crashes, screams and cries of different martial art styles techniques.
-(The Next Morning)-Naruto's Room-
"*pant*…*pant*…*pant*… those monsters…"
Laying down on the floor in the center of his room, a heavily bruised and cut up Naruto whimpered after the hell trail he just went through all night. Apparently his master, the Elder, gave the other masters the idea of sparring with him in order to know about his secret despite Naruto giving him permission to do so earlier the day.
"The Elder must have another reason for doing this." Naruto said after inhaling a deep breath. "Although I think it's quite clear about the second reason." He then sat up before pulling out a large sheet of paper that was the width of his room and wrote blood-imprinted fuinjutsu symbols on it. After forming the specific hand-signs for whatever he's about to do, he sighed deeply. "I can't take long, but it will be good to see her again."
Slamming his hand on the center symbol, Naruto watched the paper glow briefly as a ethereal screen made of pure Chakra ascended from it, the inside of it glowing like the bridge between the worlds. As the screen turned from black to the inside of a familiar room and inside the room was a familiar teenaged girl who doesn't seem to notice his presence at all.
"My god… she's still beautiful after this time." Naruto whispered before speaking aloud to girl. "Saeko… turn around. It's me."
When the girl heard his voice, Saeko turned around and revealed a swollen stomach behind her loose shirt that was too large for her. Her purple hair was braided with small yellow flowers over her left shoulder. "N-Naruto? Is that really you?" She asked with tears threatening to come out.
"It is." Tears threatened to escape from his eyes as well. "It's so good to see you. How are you and the others?"
Saeko took a seat on her bed slowly with her hand on stomach, cradling it. "A lot's changed since you left. The island's population grew five times as much, but the zombie threat still exists." A frown appeared on Naruto's face and Saeko saw it. "Don't worry so much. We have an huge weapons armory after Takashi and Rei led a rescue mission in Kyoto. Also Alex and Shizuka opened a clinic with a doctor they found in Osaka."
"Kyoto and Osaka? Those two cities are pretty deep in northern and western Japan, especially Osaka." Naruto pointed. His knowledge of Japan's geography was drilled into his brain so he would meet the Elder at the Dark Valley for his training sessions in the morning. The first time he went alone to rendezvous with his master, he ended up in Southern Japan instead of the heart and doing twice the amount of training, which went on for two straight days.
Saeko nodded with her eyes set on her belly as did Naruto's eyes. "They're twins in case you're wondering."
"What?" He asked surprised before joy swelled up inside. "Twins as in two? We're having… two kids?" He received a nod from his smiling inter-dimensional lover before he smiled back at her, tears threatening to escape his blue eyes. "That's great! How long until you…?"
"In six months."
"Six months…" So three months passed in her world after his departure. "I really wish I could be there for the three of you." He pointed out dishearteningly.
"Is there a way for you to get back here without the Trans-dimensional technique?" Naruto shook his head with a frown. "What about this technique you're using to communicate with me? Can you somehow… modify it?" Saeko asked hopefully.
The ninja assumed a thinking pose with his hand under his chin. "Good question. Although it might take longer since this technique is originally supposed to be for communication." His eyes widen as he looked at his watch, but relief washed over him since he still has five minutes. When Naruto looked up to find Saeko's bewildered face, he explained his action. "There's a time limit to this technique so..."
"I see…" Saeko said after a moment of silence. It wasn't long until she broke it with an unexpected question. "So who is she?"
A curious Naruto simply tilted his head. "She?"
"Who do you think? I'm talking about the girl you're smitten with in the world you're." Saeko said, getting a stuttering Naruto in response. "I know because I know you. So tell me about her and whatever's happened since you arrived in that world."
Giving up, Naruto relented with a smile. "Boy, do I have a lot to tell you."
"Do tell."