Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 21 - Wrath Of The Titaness...

Chapter 21 - Wrath Of The Titaness...

Chapter 20 - Wrath Of The Titaness...

"What did I do to deserve this?!" Naruto cried out as he parried Rhea's dual bladed fans with his Trident before pushing her back. "Rhea-Lady Rhea! Why are you doing this?!" This clearly wasn't how he imagined meeting her, especially he didn't imagine fighting her.

But one thing is for sure: Rhea is quite the fighter and strong as well.

No answer came from the Titaness who continued her assaults for unknown reasons. Her attacks pressed Naruto into the defensive, forcing him to parry and block her attacks with surprisingly no openings anywhere at all.

After a few minutes of defense, Naruto blocked one of the fans with the Trident's middle blade before twisting it around and knocked out of Rhea's right hand. He spun around while swinging the spear around him as he moved forward, hitting Rhea in her stomach with the spear's end. The force behind the attack forced her to skid back a yards away from him.

"Not bad." Rhea praised slightly with the look of determination. "But you will need to do a lot more than that to convince me… boy." From the tone and the way she said that, it sounded like she's forced to do something that she doesn't like to do.

A confused Naruto tilted his head while twirling the Trident in his right hand. "Convince you? Why do you say that?" Rhea didn't answer him again as she called the fan that was on the ground back to her hand before dashing at him for another barrage of attacks. "Fine then. I guess I'll find out the other way. The hard way." He said as he jumped while channeling his wind chakra into the three blades of the Trident before he slashed it.

"Tri-Blade Slicer!"

Like in his dream about his imaginary battle Oceanus, three thin crescent wind blades emerged from the blades and shot across towards Rhea while tearing up the ground from the immense power within them, leaving behind three thin trench marks. The condensed blades hit smack on their target, causing a huge debris cloud from the impact and Naruto to cover his face with his arms out of instinct.

When the dust cloud dissipated, Naruto lowered his arms but still kept them on guard in case of an attack. He expected Rhea to be standing where his new technique hit her without a scratch, but she wasn't. In fact he can't seem to find her anywhere at all as he frantically looked his surroundings.

"CRAP!" Naruto screamed in panic. "Did I just kill Poseidon's mom with a technique?! Oh man, I'm dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!"

Kurama on the other hand thought otherwise. He felt a strange pull on him-self and his Jinchuriki so he woke up in time to see what was going on including Naruto's new technique with the Trident that supposedly hit the immortal Titaness. "I highly doubt that technique could obliterate an immortal without any lingering traces of his opponent, especially an immortal."

"I concur with you, Kurama." Ashura said casually.

"Why do you two say that so casually?! Poseidon is going to kill me if he finds out I killed his mom! His mother!" Naruto retorted back to his two teammates who both gave unseen shrugs. "What do you think I should do?!"

"You could write an apology letter to Poseidon." The ethereal being saw Kurama's expression that says 'What the hell?! Are you serious?!' "What?"

"Kurama?" The ninja asked his giant partner, hoping the Tailed Beast can give him advice to properly handle the situation.

"You could fake your death and be someone with a different name." Kurama smirked when his Jinchuriki stuttered to retort his disagreement. "Of course you might shave your hair and change your appearance to an old man or so." The sound of shuffling cards was heard afterwards. "Got any 3s?"



The boy stood there with a slacked jaw and a look of disbelief. "Is the best you two could do? Really?! The son of the Sage of the Six Paths and the strongest Tailed Beast couldn't give me better advice! And you're playing 'Goldfish' at this time?! Unbeliev-" He stopped his rant when his instincts flared big time and side-stepped just when Rhea suddenly appeared with her fans before he jumped backwards and landed on the roof of a nearby building. "Whew! She's not dead. Thank goodness." Naruto said with relief.

"Why would you feel good seeing me okay? I am your enemy." Rhea said while assuming an unknown stance with her bladed fans ready.

"Well. You see-" He stopped speaking for two reasons. One was when he noticed blood dripping from Rhea's fans and the other was when he felt pain coursing from his right leg. Naruto looked down to see a tear in his pants where the pain was before it subsided due to his and Kurama's healing powers. "How did she? When did she-"

"Surprised?" The ninja looked at Rhea nonchalantly shook her fans to get the blood off. "You shouldn't be since I have deem you unworthy and will take your life." She channeled his godly energy into her fans, which started to glow bright yellowish-red like the sun. "It's not personal."

Silence came from Naruto with his head slightly lowered and his eyes were shadowed. "… Bullshit." The ninja raised his head that showed the look of seriousness. The Trident responded to its owner's feelings and glowed bright blue with the three blades glowing more pronounced. "Your son already see me as worthy. There's another reason why you're doing this, but I intend to find out." He lifted his left hand and formed a Rasengan with four protrusion blades, but there is something different about it.

The chakra sphere was glowing the same bright blue like the Trident. It was as if it was influenced by it as well, but Naruto didn't pay much attention. He's in a fight right now.

"Ladies first."

"What a gentleman."

The two combatants stood in their spots with the sounds of the sharp wind-influenced Rasengan until Rhea made the first move with her fans drawn back. Naruto met her charge and thrust his Rasengan as Rhea swung her right fan in a downward slash, resulting in a loud bang and bright light that briefly covered the combatants.

-(Meanwhile)-Gremory House-

"Well, isn't this something?" Grimmjow had a malicious grin as he stares at the pathetic group at the ground, specifically the orange haired Shinigami. "This should be fun."

Ichigo narrowed his eyes as his grip on Zangetsu's hilt tightened. "Chad, are you ready?"

"Yes." Chad nodded while clanking the Gauntlets together to confirm his verbal answer. It's time for payback for what one of their own did to him and Orihime.

When Ichigo looked at Rias and her group, he found them staring right at him like they've seen a ghost. He felt uncomfortable by this. "Why are you guys staring at me? I'm not something amazing."

"Actually you are, Ichigo." Rias replied with awe in her tone.


Akeno answered him instead of Rias. "For centuries, the Shinigami are considered a myth even among our kind. Members of different species, including the Three Factions, searched for evidence or proof that they even exist."

"But there were many failures." Yuto interceded as he summoned a sword out of thin air. "Until now we met you."

Issei gulped as he stares at Ichigo before shifting his attention at the strange people floating above them. "Ddraig, do you know what these guys are?"

"Yeah, I do. Those pests are Arrancars; evil opposites of the Shinigami." Ddraig grumbled a few unnecessary words, which Issei chose to ignore. "I haven't seen a Shinigami for a long time, not since I faced that Shinigami with the flame-clad sword. He was tough. Real tough."

"Really?! You fought a Shinigami before?!" Issei asked so surprised. What or who else he fought that could be so powerful? "Was he really strong?"

"He was strong for a pest, but he's one of the few to earn my respect unlike you...yet."


After calming down, the young man turned his attention back to the situation, which was getting more intense by the second.

"So you're the Shinigami around here?" Grimmjow asked, catching the group's attention before Ichigo firmly nodded with a serious look. "Unleash your Bankai!"

"What?" Ichigo asked confused. Why does he want him to unleash his Bankai? Is he confident that he'll beat him? "Seriously?"

Sending a sick grin at his opponent, Grimmjow clarified his reason. "Yeah, I'm serious! I want to fight you at your full strength. Those pathetic people next to you are weak and nowhere near your level." Rias and her Peerage sent hard glares at being called 'weak' while Ichigo narrowed his eyes. "Come on now. I'm waiting."

"Issei?" Said boy looked to his right where Asia was and found her clinging onto his arm. "What's a Bankai?"

"I don't know, but I have the distinct feeling we're going to find out now." Issei replied grimly as he readied his Sacred Gear.

"Get ready, everyone." Issei and everyone looked at Rias who was staring at Ichigo as the latter channeled his Spirit Energy. "We're about to see a Shinigami fight in combat."

"BANKAI!" A large smoke cloud emerged and the Shinigami boy, causing everyone to cover their eyes with their arms except Grimmjow who had an insane grin. It wasn't long until the cloud was blown away by a gentle breeze, revealing Ichigo in his black coat and the black daito in his right hand instead of the oversized sword. "Tensa Zangetsu."


"It's so heavy!" Yuto said through grit teeth as he struggled to stay standing like the rest of his friends, except Chad who was slightly fazed but otherwise fine. "Is he used to this?"

"Finally!" Ichigo readied Tensa Zangetsu as Grimmjow dashed through the air before meeting him mid-way and swung his sword when he got close enough. To his surprise, Grimmjow caught the blade with his bare hand and grinned at Ichigo before kicking him in the stomach. Spittle came out of his mouth before a punch connected to his face and Ichigo soon felt him-self flying through the air.

The Devils, Chad and Orihime stared in shock when Ichigo was sent flying through several buildings away from their location. Their attention was caught by Grimmjow's maniacal laugh as the latter looked at his Fraccion. "Kill these fools. I'm going to take my time with the Shinigmai." Grimmjow said before he flew through the air with a sonic boom, breaking the sound barrier.

A whimper came out of a scared Asia as the others readied themselves when the Arrancars looked at them with excitement on their faces. "Well you heard our leader; time to kill these Humans."

"All right!" said Di Roy as he prepared him-self to take the puny and weak Humans as his fellow Arrancar did the same.

Before they could make any moves, a loud boom ranged in their ears before a blur smashed into the ground in front of them, frightening the teenagers. The only thing the Arrancars could make of from inside the dust cloud was a pair of glowing eyes and a large towering silhouette.

"Can I join this fight?"

-Naruto vs. Rhea-Harbor-

Another bright light briefly blanketed the buildings followed by a loud bang that shook the ground and caused small waves to rock the nearby shipping boats. Multiple explosions shook the ground from the mighty battle between

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

Unfazed by the dragon-shaped water attack, Rhea simply swung her right fan and a shockwave dispelled the dragon before it could reach its intended target. She then sidestepped a thrust that was aimed at her navel and intertwined her right fan between one of the Trident's blades, holding it and Naruto in place.

"Hmph… Like my son, Poseidon, you too use water to do your will and attack your enemies." Rhea scowled as she commenced another barrage of slashes and swipes with her fans.

After parrying another fan slash, Naruto Shunshined behind Rhea and hit her with a double kick to the back before inhaling a deep breath. He mixed chakra in his mouth and exhaled a large stream of strong air. "Storm God's Roar!"

The concrete ground and the windows of nearby buildings were destroyed and shattered by the concussive force of the original technique.

The Shinobi jumped back to put some distance and waited for the debris cloud that covered his opponent to disappear since he knows the battle is nowhere done. "What should I do? Can Sage Mode help me at all against a Titan? My Ninjutsu seems to work against her, so that's something."

"*scoff* Kid, what are the words the Old Man Six Paths always told you?"

Naruto exhaled a breath before reciting the words. "'No matter how bad things are, whether you are fighting a strong opponent or in a tough situation, you can always look back to your training. Trust in your training.'" The boy smirked as the cloud started to dissipate enough to allow him to see a lone silhouette. "Thanks Kurama." A grunt came from the fox before snoring quickly took over. "As usual; always sleeping on the job."

"Please tell me you just sneezed and that was not an attack." The final parts of the debris cloud were blown away by the wind to show an unamused Rhea unscathed and in her strange fighting stance. "That was child's play."

"Guess I'll have to step it up then." Naruto remarked before he closed his eyes briefly, confusing the Titaness. What kind of person closes their eyes in the middle of a fight? She got her answer when she saw orange pigmentation appear around the boy's eyes before he opened them to reveal yellow toad-like eyes instead of his blue eyes before. "Sage Mode activated… Now then…"

Rhea's eyes widen when the boy suddenly appeared in front and slashed at her. She managed to dodge it by spinning around the thrust attack and stopped behind Naruto before slashing at him with her fans. Naruto quickly moved the spear's end near his head and blocked the dual fans' attack. The ground cracked under his feet from the strength of the clash.

That was when the ninja realized something else. A small opening in her guard.

"Now!" Quickly taking his left hand off the Trident, Naruto formed a Rasengan before slamming it into Rhea's stomach. "Rasengan!" He watched his opponent spiraling backwards violently and crashed through the wall of a nearby building. "I wonder if that even made a scratch on someone like her."

It's understandable since he's fighting an immortal being, but the Rasengan is no pushover too. It's a powerful technique that compresses pure Chakra itself into a sphere; the spinning nature of the Rasengan grinds into whatever it touches, inflicting major damage no matter and is regarded as the highest level of Shape Transformation. It's also a one way ticket to pain when it's influenced by Senjutsu or Kurama's Chakra, increasing its power to higher levels of destructiveness.

A loud crashing sound was Naruto's answer as he watched Rhea nonchalantly walked out of the building although the small spiral mark on her stomach tells a different story. "Guess Senjutsu really is the only option against someone like her." He then saw Rhea close her fans and put them away underneath her cloak. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're about to-" Naruto was caught off-guard when Rhea took off her cloak, revealing the surprise underneath. "Hot damn woman!"

Rhea glared at the boy when she heard that. Could she blame him though? She has a voluptuous and curvaceous figure with well-endowed breasts. She was wearing a black skin-tight latex short-sleeve shirt with an open area that showed her ample cleavage and odd-looking shoes that looked like they were made for something specific. Her two fans are held in black holsters that wrapped around her thighs.

"D-don't get excited, boy!" She said, failing to stop the small blushes appearing on her cheeks. She shook her head before assuming an odd fighting stance; her arms were bent forward with her palms and fingers facing down while her legs were at shoulder-width. Naruto stood in the spot he was in as Rhea dashed forward with surprisingly new speed that she didn't show before with her right hand ready to strike.

"Fast!" Naruto shouted as he blocked the strike with his free hand, which turned out to be an open palm attack. He was about to counter-attack with the Trident when Rhea suddenly slammed her left open palm on her right blocked palm, knocking Naruto off his feet with a sudden shockwave and causing him to roll backwards uncontrollably. After stopping him-self going any further by friction, Naruto looked at Rhea who assumed her fighting stance again. "What was that?" He asked as he slowly crouched on his toes.



Rhea scoffed at the boy. "It is a technique from the one of the styles of the martial art, Chinese Kenpo. I'm somewhat surprised you're not coughing blood right now."

"Chinese Kenpo? That must be one of the styles of Martial Arts the Elder mentioned." Naruto winced slightly when he stood up, causing him to use the Trident to help him stand. He clutched his chest where he felt the pain coming from. "When I blocked her first attack, she quickly used her other hand to overcome my defense and stop me from counter-attacking in time. Not to mention the force behind the attack… was it the force of the technique or was it her own strength?"

"Are you just going to keep groveling there or are you going to fight?" Rhea asked as Naruto transformed the Trident into its dormant form before putting it inside his leather jacket instead of sealing it away. She then received her answer when Naruto slipped into an unknown fighting stance with his hands out in front of him. "So we're down to hand-to-hand combat? I'm fine with that as long as I destroy you."

The two supernatural warriors face off in a stare-down in their respective stances before they dashed at each other with Rhea unleashing barrages of punches that got blocked by Naruto who was clearly on the defensive. After unrelenting attacks, Rhea then went for simultaneous attacks that aimed for the face and stomach, which was dodged when Naruto who jumped and landed behind her before hitting her with a Senjutsu-enhanced open-palm attack in the back.

"Frog Strike!"

Rhea gasped when she felt strange energy pierced from her back to her chest before being sent flying and crashing against a nearby truck, creating a body-imprint in the cargo. It wasn't long until she managed to free her-self and looked over her shoulder at Naruto who was sprinting at her. "Now we're getting somewhere." The Titaness said before grabbing hold of the truck with its cargo and lifting over her head like it was nothing.

"Whoa!" Naruto shouted before stopping completely, not liking the excited look on Rhea's face when she turned around. "Hold up." When she didn't listen, he tried to move out of the way, but his legs didn't respond. In fact his arms suddenly wouldn't respond either. Naruto then looked down to see his feet and arms covered by some sort of black writing that appears to be Ancient Greek. "When did she do this?"

"Looks like you're done, boy." Rhea said before a deep scowl took over as she prepared the truck by lifting it over her head. That's when Naruto realized she was going to smash him like the game 'Whack-A-Mole.'

Naruto paled at the sigh in front of him. "Wait a minute now." Rhea didn't listen as she swung the truck in motion. "You better not hit me with that truck!" He said before being smashed into the ground by the truck… repeatedly.

The ground shook and the seawater rippled each time the Titaness smashed her oversized weapon into the Shinobi, showing no signs of mercy whatsoever.

-(Meanwhile)-Gremory House-

Issei endured many obstacles after he was reincarnated into a Devil; he battled Fallen Angels including Raynare, the one who killed him in the first place. He defeated Riser, the Pure-Blooded Devil who was engaged to Rias in order to keep the bloodline pure and in turn saved Rias from a forced marriage. He even sacrificed his own arm to save her and in turn she fell completely in love with him as he did with her.

Now there's a towering old man with blonde hair, beard and moustache in a long green robe standing before front of them. What he didn't see was the man's shining and glowing eyes.

"Who is this?" asked a nervous Asia hiding behind a protective Issei.

"I don't know, but he emits a powerful aura." Rias said before thinking to her-self. "Too powerful. I didn't get the chance to sense the strength of Naruto's aura, but this man is emitting an aura that is stronger than my-self and anyone in my peerage."

While Rias was thinking to her-self, Akeno, Koneko and Yuto moved in front of her for protection in case the new stranger makes an attempt to attack them. However their worries was for naught.

"Now, now. I'm not your enemy, young ones." The old man said in a wise yet energetic tone as he glanced over his shoulder to look at them. "After all, my disciple is your companion."

"Disciple?" asked Akeno in a confused tone. It wasn't long until she realized who it is. "You mean Naruto Uzumaki? He's your disciple?" A nod came from the man. "You trained him and his abilities?"

"No, I haven't trained him yet. I took him on as a disciple earlier today and he was excited!" More like he threatened Naruto if he didn't come to the location. "His abilities are a different matter I'm afraid." He gave a smile at the children. "This won't take long." The Elder said as he turned his head to look at the Arrancars.

"Did he just say that?" The Arrancar with the hammerhead scowled at the older man. "Oh he's dead meat!"

Shawlong sighed at his fellow Arrancar's impulsive attitude. " Di Roy, why do you insist to fight with such eagerness? You've been like this ever since Grimmjow defeated all those years ago." The said Arrancar turned his head with a deep glare, which he shrugged off like nothing. "Why me? Very well, you may dispose the old-"


The group of Devils readied them-selves while the Elder stood in his spot with a smirk. Di Roy thought the Human was crazy for not guarding him-self from an attack, but he didn't care. He was about to draw his sword when he got close enough until he felt a fist connected to his stomach.

"You let your guard down because of your anger, young one." The Elder said to his opponent as he lifted him higher in the air with his embedded fist. "Let's try this again." He set the pain-inflicted Arrancar on ground who was barely standing due to his trembling legs. "His skin felt like an iron wall completely. I admit this is surprising."

The shaking Arrancar clutched his stomach while glaring at the innocent old man. "I shouldn't felt that at all! My Hierro is like armor and he managed to inflict pain! To me!"

For the Arrancars, their skin is made up of Reishi and condensed to super-hard armor that normal physical attacks wouldn't work at all; only Spirit Energy-infused attacks can damage the Heirro technique.

"Hm?" The Elder raised a curious eyebrow. Di Roy drew his sword and dropped his sheath before he slashed multiple times, which the old man dodged each strike easily until he caught the last strike with two fingers. "Your form is shoddy and full of openings. I know a certain master who will be very disappointed in your use of the sword."

"Shut up!"

Before he could even pull back his sword, the Elder quickly released the weapon and slammed his Ki-infused palms against Arrancar's temples. "Shockwave of Forgetfulness!"

Everyone including the rest of the Arrancars was surprised when they felt a shockwave emerged from the man's hands. They were even more surprised when Di Roy fell to the floor, unconscious and drooling from the attack.

"What the heck? How did he do that?"

"I don't know, but that was awesome!"

The Elder turned around to the kids and gave the peace sign to them. "Perhaps that was a bit too much. After it is one of my special techniques." He then turned his attention back to the Arrancars with his eyes starting to glow. "Are you really going to make an old man like me waiting? Youngsters these days are so rude."

"Ha! I like this Human. He's different and strong."

"What a pain."

Neekum stayed silent since he was a man of few words while Shawlong didn't bother to say anything although he pondered about something. How strong is this old man? A better question would be where do Humans like those Ryoka Kurosaki and Uzumaki and the old man came from? Where did they get their strength?

On the ground below them, the Elder grinned madly as his eyes seem to glow brighter than before. "Well?"

"Has this old man gone senile?! There's no way he can take on all four of them!" Issei shouted, getting nods from his friends.

Ears prickling from that comment, the Elder chuckled half-heartily before saying. "Young man, I was once took 500 Shaolin monks in my youth. These guys are nothing compared to that number" Cue slacked jaws from the teenagers including the normally quiet Chad. "Now then…"

"*sigh* If the geezer wishes to die, then we shall grant him that." The rest of the Arrancars smirked as they charged their Spirit Energy before charging towards the Elder.

The participants in the area were so focused in the upcoming that they almost didn't notice the actions that the elderly Martial Artist was doing. Almost everyone.

"What is he doing?" asked Rias out loud for everyone.

Akeno looked at her best friend confused. "What are you talking about, Rias?"

"Look at his arms; he's doing something with them."

Everyone including the Arrancars looked at the aged man as he subtly placed his arms in an optimal position away from his body to either attack or defend with them, controlling the radius/distance around him while forming some sort of defensive shell.

"Seikuken." The Elder whispered as he subtly released his Ki, making the Seikuken pronounced and actually visible to the naked eye, surprising both kids and the Arrancars.


"… That should be it for today." Rhea said before letting go of the now damaged truck. It shook the ground as it hit the ground while scattering all of whatever's left of the window glass. She stepped into the new crater nonchalantly until she reached the center where Naruto's body lay still before putting her right foot on his chest. "Never." She applied pressure into her foot, causing his body sink into the crater deeper. "Never again." She observed the condition of the boy's body.

The boy's face was slightly bruised from her attacks and his hands were bleeding from the repeated impacts of the truck.

To her surprise, Naruto coughed in response to her foot on his chest. "What?" He muttered out loud enough for her to hear him. "What are you talking about? What do you mean by 'never again'? Did something bad happen to you?" What is she talking about exactly? How come women are never clear about things? Naruto grunted softly when Rhea grabbed the collar of his jacket and lifted him off the ground.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Before Naruto could answer, Rhea punched him in the stomach to silence him. Seeing him double over from the punch, the Titaness let go of his collar before striking him with fast punches that connected in every part of his body before stepping forward with her left foot and slammed two open-palmed attacks to his stomach.



Before he knew it, Naruto was sent flying against the crater and bounced against the edge before landing hard on the ground. He managed to get up in time to barely block Rhea's fast strikes that were pushing him back and not giving him any chance to counter-attack.

Feeling confident that he's weakened, Rhea unleashed another technique. This time it's a secret technique. "Bagua 72 Antei!" She commenced a series of powerful kicks at the Shinobi with shockwaves emitted from each blow.

Something was different with this technique. The last technique felt less powerful than the double palm attacks, which were much stronger. It's like they belong to different styles of Martial Arts depending on the power, movement and form. Was she using two different styles? The better question would be is how many does she know?

"ENOUGH!" Naruto shouted as he stopped the last kick of the technique with his leg, surprising Rhea. "I really don't know what you're talking about and I'm sorry for whatever happened to you, but I'm not the bad guy and I never will be. I have more important things than this and my friends need my help." Rhea was taken aback by the determined look of his. "Sage Art: Water Style: Liquid Bullet!"


Rhea gasped in pain when a strong water-shaped bullet hit her stomach and sent her flying away and bounced hard across the ground, leaving uneven and rough small holes in her wake before crashing into a building on the other side. After walking out of the building with the hole in the wall she just made, Rhea panted slightly. "He can control both water and wind?"

"That's not all!" Hearing his voice was behind her, Rhea spun around to punch Naruto who also was aiming to punch although there was something different with his right arm. It was black. "Earth Style: Iron Skin!" She flinched from the pain when the punches clashed and Naruto saw it. He kicked her right leg, knocking her off her feet and throwing off her balance. This gave him the perfect opportunity for his original technique. "Sage Art: Storm God's Roar!"

The large tornado-like attack engulfed a shocked Rhea as it traveled across the ground while destroying a series of buildings with its tremendous cutting power until it reached the ocean. Naruto heavily panted as his arm returned to normal before he walked toward to Rhea who was struggling to stand up, her body covered with cuts and gashes. Her clothing was ripped to shreds, but there was enough to cover her modesty and her private areas.

"I'm not finished yet!" Rhea screamed out as she dashed at Naruto with her greater speed, giving him no time to react or block the Sotenso technique or she thought.

With swift movement of his hands, Naruto caught her outstretched wrists before they could hit his stomach. The force of the technique caused him to dig his feet in the ground to prevent him from skidding back, although he did slide backwards a foot away.

He looked at the surprised Rhea and smirked at her.

"My turn." Naruto said before giving a nasty head-butt on Rhea's forehead, causing her to sway in place since her hands was gripped his own before he let go of her wrists. Not one to let his opponent to rest a moment, Naruto channeled wind chakra in his right hand, which glowed slightly blue, and slammed his open palm on Rhea's chest. "Wind Style: Frog Strike!"

The Senjutsu-enhanced strength combined with the brute force of the Wind Chakra propelled the Titaness through the air and crashed through a series of warehouses in the area. It was not long until the warehouses collapsed on them-selves, most likely the support beams were knocked out by a flying immortal.

After crashing through the last warehouse, Rhea rolled across the ground until she stopped her-self before clutching her stomach. She crouched a little to take a better look and saw a slight hand print stinging on her skin. A growl echoed in her throat before she stood up while ignoring the pain and prepared to make her next attack.

However that didn't happen at all when Naruto appeared before her in a Shunshine and slammed his left hand on the ground.

"Uzumaki Style: Five-Point Barrier!"

"What?!" Rhea cried out when a translucent barrier surrounded her and prevented her from escaping. She was about to make a move when her legs suddenly weakened, causing her to fall on her butt while she looked confused disoriented. "Why am I…" She started to panic inward since this is exactly happened last time long ago.

Did that head-butt do more damage than she anticipated? Plus what was with the strange energy that flows around Naruto's body and the strange eyes of his?

Naruto raised a confused eyebrow when Rhea started to hyperventilate. "Calm down, Rhea." He said as the orange pigmentations of Sage Mode disappeared from his eyes.

"Calm?!" Rhea screamed. "How can I be calm when I know where this is going?!" A really confused Naruto could only shook his head as his answer. "Don't pretend you're innocent! You're going to take me against my will without considering my feelings!" She shouted before sobbing. "Just like he did all those centuries ago."

"'He'?" The Shinobi whispered to him-self. His mind went back to the Greek mythology regarding about Rhea and the Golden Age. Eventually he realized about whom she is talking about; the Titan King. "Kronos?" He quickly regretted saying that name when he saw Rhea visibly cringed. "You're saying Kronos-"

"-Raped me? Of course he did." It wasn't long when Rhea started crying again as the painful memories of the encounters flashed through her eyes. Her visage of the warrior was replaced by the visage of a victim. "When Kronos overthrew our father, Ouranos, he became our king. He grew bloodthirsty with power and domination over the mortals."

Naruto frowned as he nodded. "I remember that being in the books. Your dad was a jerk to you guys, especially to the Elder Cyclops and Hundred-Handed Hands."

"*Scoff* But the worst of it was when he set his attention on me. Obviously I'm the most beautiful of all my sisters. When our other brothers and sisters got married and had families, Kronos grew lonely since none of them visited him. He though that I could improve his personality. So he flirted with me, but I refused many of his advances." Tears streamed from her eyes as Rhea remembered the first time it happened. "One night… while I was taking a bath in my temple, Kronos snuck in and he pounced on me and…"

The Titaness' voice stopped when the barrier that surrounded her disappeared as Naruto walked toward her with his hair shadowed his eyes. Her heart started to beat furiously to the point it felt like it was going to burst out of her body. Rhea didn't stop crying when Naruto stepped down to one knee and stretched his hand to her, only she knew what that gesture meant. She closed her eyes to anticipate the upcoming assault that she faced six times before.

Only to feel something draped over her shoulders. Opening her eyes, Rhea found the leather jacket covered her upper body and it felt warm for some reason. She looked up to see Naruto sealing the dormant Trident, which he pulled out of the jacket before giving it to her, away in a puff of smoke on his wrist.

"I'm sorry about what's happened to you, Rhea, but I am not the type of man who will take a woman against her own will. I am not Kronos." Naruto said determined before he gave a solemn smile at Rhea. "Besides I always ask a girl out first."

Rhea blinked several times as she stared into the blue eyes of the mortal in front of him. They showed kindness and empathy unlike the eyes of her dead husband/brother that had nothing but cruelty and rage.

"You-you are not what he said you would be." This confused Naruto who tilted his head.

"Who said that?" Naruto asked. If someone told Rhea a lie about him, he's got to know who it is so he can straighten that person out with words or fists. "Lady Rhea, I-" He stopped speaking when a familiar and strong Spiritual Pressure emanated from somewhere in the city and it was coming from… "Ichigo… that damn fool…"

Apparently Rhea sensed it too since she was looking at the same direction like Naruto. She then shifted her gaze on the blonde mortal standing in front of her while the latter was staring at the distance. "He's strong and kind. After living for so many centuries, I've never met a mortal like him. It's a shame that a person like him only comes once in a lifetime." Rhea stood up, catching Naruto's attention as he turned his head to her. "Is someone you know in danger?"

"… Yeah… a few of my friends." Naruto reluctantly replied. Why is she being nice all of the sudden? Although he can't be mad or confused for long since he feels a strange calm aura emanating from Rhea. "I'm about to head out to help them. Why?"

Catching the suspicious tone from the boy, Rhea quickly said, "I want to make amends for attacking you. I though you'd be like Kronos once I heard you were becoming an-" Rhea gawked when she saw Naruto leaving her behind via Shunshin. "Hey! Don't leave me behind!" She comically waved her arms before following the blonde via rooftops with great speed while slipping on the jacket correctly.

-Gremory House-

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Naruto cried out as his jaw went slack when he arrived at the mansion compound or what it used to be. "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?!"

"Oh my…" The Titaness stared in awe when she landed beside the Shinobi.

The once proud and beautiful mansion of his associates, the Devils, was longer no standing tall; the roof was gone with several rows of tiles chipped off, the windows were shattered with several holes in different sections of the walls. Water sprouted from the broken pipes, overflowing the ground and driveway with the wet substance and the occasional sparks of electrical wires going haywire.

"Chad! Orihime!" Naruto then jumped on the debris to climb and landed on the remains of a chimney. When Rhea followed him and landed next to him on a broken pipe, both of them were surprised, especially Naruto who gaped in shock, when a large and familiar blonde-haired man was fighting the now-battered Arrancars and he was winning. "Elder?!"

"Hm? Oh hello there, my disciple!" The Elder greeted cheerily while holding Nakeem by the latter's arm. "Give me one moment." He then grabbed him by the collar and threw him like a shuriken. "Furinji Hito Shuriken!"

The screaming Nakeem tears coming out as he spun uncontrollably through the air before crashing into Edrad, causing them both to hit on the ground and land on the unconscious body of Di-Roy. The Elder easily sidestepped a sword thrust from Yylfordt before landing a Ki-enhanced roundhouse kick in the man's stomach.

"How can this human be so strong?! And he's an old man for crying out loud!" Yylfordt thought to him-self as he landed next to the groaning Edrad and Nakeem. Since the battle began, they were stumped when the old man was able to hold them off the entire and he showed tremendous fighting prowess with an unusual fighting style and possessed massive amount of Spirit Energy, although it was a little lower than standard Shinigami or Arrancar.

"It's been a long time since the warrior inside me had awaken." In the distance, Naruto and Rhea sweat-dropped when the Elder's eyes glowed for some reason. "I shall thank you for that with this!" The Elder leapt into the air and descended quickly while throwing two swift punches in a figure eight motion on the pile of Arrancars. "Furinji Tenko Ryujin!"

The technique kicked up a lot of dirt, concrete and grass, causing a large dust cloud that covered the entire compound. However, it wasn't long until Naruto blew the cloud away from a Wind Jutsu and he was surprised along Rhea when they saw the after-effects of the attack: a very large crater that reached both ends of the walls surrounding the compound.

In the center was stood the Elder with the severely beaten and bloodied Arrancars who were barely conscious from the last attack, much to Naruto's surprise. "He doesn't have abilities like me, Ichigo and the Shingami yet he beat them with nothing but his fighting style and his bare hands? Just how strong is the Elder? He doesn't even have a scratch on him!"

"I see that you're surprised, Naruto." The Elder commented as Naruto jumped from the chimney and landed at the edge of the crater. "These men were strong although they lack experience against someone like me." The man's eyes started to glow again, earning another sweat-drop from his future disciple.

The blonde Shinobi looked all over the destroyed building and compound with the signs of a heavy battle. "The Arrancars did this?"

"Nope, it was me!" The Elder replied proudly while stroking his beard.

"EH?!" Naruto cried out while pointing at the destruction, "You mean all this was you?! Don't you know the term of holding back?!"

The Elder chuckled at his peeved disciple. "I do have a tendency to go a little overboard."

"Little?! You destroyed someone's house!" Naruto waved his arms comically before calming down by taking a deep breath. "What are you doing here anyway? I though you left town after our talk." A sheepish chuckle came from the future teacher of his, causing Naruto to speak again. "You were showing off back then, weren't you?" The boy deadpanned. "You never left town at all!"

"Aha! you figured it out! As expected of my disciple!" The Elder grabbed the boy in a headlock before giving him a noogie on the head. With surprisingly difficultly, Naruto managed to free him-self by pulling his head out with all the strength he had. "Not bad. Your strength is good, but it will rise to new heights after your training."

"But I didn't even say 'yes' at the time! You forced me to be your disciple!"

Meanwhile Rhea climbed down from the destroyed building and watched the two mortals talking to each other as she walked towards them. She never thought that ordinary mortals like the old man or Naruto could achieve such strength or powers possesses besides the demigod children of the Olympians. What is this world coming to?

"That mortal…" Rhea thought as she gazed on the arguing Naruto. "He is worthy. Among all of us, he will be a great-" Groaning sounds disrupted her train of thoughts, causing her to look at the east side of the compound and found several unconscious teenagers lying on the ground with swirls as their eyes; three boys and five girls.

"Hello there, young lady!" The Elder greeted Rhea as he walked towards her with a grumbling Naruto behind him, catching her aback. "And who might you be; Naruto's girlfriend?" That caused both Naruto and Rhea to blush deep red in their cheeks.

"She's not my girlfriend!/I'm not his girlfriend!" The two teenagers cried out at the same time although the blushes were still present on their cheeks.

The Elder gave a hearty laugh as he stopped in front of the girl. "What is your name, young lady?" The blush on the girl's cheeks vanished as she responded to the question.

"My name is Rhea."

"Oh! You're named after the mother of the Olympians gods. Quite an uncommon name, but it suits you." The Elder gave an once-over of Rhea's body, especially the torn and ripped attire with a leather jacket covering her upper body. "All of you apparently." The second youngest Titaness squealed in embarrassment as she fell to her knees, trying to cover her legs.

In response to this, Naruto groaned as he face-palmed his forehead, leaving a red handprint as a result while the Elder laughed heartily. However their brief time of peace was shattered when a bright light engulfed the pile of Arrancars, surprising everyone except Naruto who already seen it before at Soul Society. The Shinobi also noticed the same light somewhere else in the city and figured that was the Arrancar who was fighting Ichigo.

All they could do was watch the pile ascend to the black hole in the sky before disappearing and returning the night sky to its original and undisturbed form.

"Elder…" Naruto said clearly, catching the Martial Artist's attention. "We need to have a talk."

-(The Next Day)-Urahara's Shop-

The next morning was full with 'joy' as Urahara would call it when a certain Substitute Shinigami woke up from his nap. "SAY WHAT?! NARUTO LEFT TO TRAIN?!" Ichigo shouted before trying to get out of bed, only to stop when his body hurt as he did. He open the cover to see bandages thickly covered his upper torso along with.

"That's what I just said, Ichigo." Yoruichi deadpanned as she casually eat her breakfast with Ururu and Jinta.

His right eye twitching, Ichigo huffed before memories of his fight with the Arrancar known as Grimmjow flashed through his eyes. The fight was completely on-sided for Ichigo, even with him using his Bankai and Grimmjow dominated every single second of it until he unleashed a powerful Getsuga Tensho, but that only landed a scar on the Arrancar. But the worst parts were that he didn't even use his Zanpakuto at any point in the fight and that his inner Hollow taunted him to let him free.

"I need to get stronger." Ichigo said in a determined tone as he tightened his hands. Yoruichi, Urahara and the kids heard him with the former two had smirks on their faces. "I need to control the Hollow in me before it controls me. But for that to happen, I need the one person who knows what I'm going through and he's not here!"

"On the contrary…" Urahara giggled behind his fan, which caught Ichigo's attention. "He is technically here."

"What do you mean?" asked Ichigo before he heard the sound of the sliding door.

"So you're finally awake, huh?" Naruto said as he walked inside the room and leaned against the wall. "Good because I was getting bored to point that I dispelled my-self." A tick mark appeared on his head when he heard snickering from everyone. "I don't mean it like that! I meant by dispelling in a puff of smoke!"

That caught Ichigo's attention. "You're a clone?" Clone-Naruto nodded to confirm it. "No offense, but I'd rather learn from the original who knows what he's doing." It wasn't long until he felt a punch in his cheek and sent crashing against the wooden wall. "OW! What was that for?!" Ichigo grabbed his nose to stop the bleeding.

"But you felt that, didn't you?" Clone-Naruto smirked when realization set upon his orange-haired friend. "Boss knows what you're going through and so do I since I'm a Shadow Clone." He sent a toothy grin with a thumbs-up. "You can count on me!"

Knowing that this is the best for now, Ichigo sighed before a grateful smile took over. "Thanks for helping me. Now what happened with the Devils?" Clone-Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Where are they? Are they asleep or somewhere?"

"Somewhere." Clone-Naruto responded, getting a irritated growl from Ichigo. "After the Arrancars left the city in a Garganta, Boss and the other two took them here to be treated for wounds. Fortunately neither of them received any wounds from the battle. They just left an hour ago with Rias saying something about training from her brother and his wife or something."

"Okay…" Ichigo tilted his head in confusion as he registered something else. "You said 'others'. Who are the others? How many of them are there? What are their names?"

The clone decided to ignore the last question and left the room, but not before saying, "Your training begins in two hours. You should rest as much as you can because it will be brutal." Ichigo snorted when the door closed before smirking to him-self.

"I wonder how strong I will become under his tutelage?" Ichigo asked before looking at Urahara, still hiding his face behind his fan. "You know who he is talking about right?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Urahara answered feigning innocence. Until he saw Ichigo preparing a punch that meant future pain, causing him to sigh. "From what Naruto had told me, there are two very interesting people in his life and I happened to know of them; one of them is Hayato Furinji the 'Invincible Superman'."

Ichigo's eyes widen when he heard the name. "The Invincible Superman?!" The sudden outburst surprised Jinta and Ururu, but the two elder Shinigami remained unfazed.

"You heard of him as well?"

The Substitute Shinigami nodded as he remembered back when he was taking lessons at the Martial Arts dojo during his childhood, he heard his sensei mention of the man called 'Invincible Superman' one time and how the man was considered to be a legend, even invincible, in the world of Martial Arts. Although he forgot about that person after the death of his mother and he hadn't thought about it since then. Until now that is.

"Then I suppose you've heard about the other one as well? No, you'd probably learned about her in school instead." Seeing the confused look of Ichigo's, Urahara explained further. "Here's a hint: What is the name of the woman who lived in the far West and gave birth to a certain god and his siblings so long ago? Remember you met her son not too long ago."

Seeing Ichigo assumed a thinking pose, Urahara left the room with Yoruichi and the kids, after they were done eating breakfast, to tend to the shop and resumed their normal, daily lives. Although, it wasn't long as that normal atmosphere was shattered by a shocked and booming voice coming from the living room.


Urahara chuckled as he moved his fan up and down to cool his face. "Sounds like he figured it out. That Naruto… he's really quite a character to attract the attention of the Titan Queen and the Invincible Superman."

-Outskirts of Karakura Town-

After three hours worth of sleep and making sure Orihime and Chad were safely back at their homes with a few barriers here and there, Naruto yawned as he walked up the large grass hill where the top serves as the meeting point for him and the Elder.

"Man I'm beat and my body still hurts from last night." Naruto rubbed his stomach as he looked over his shoulder and pouted at the person behind him. "No thanks to you." He observed the new attire the person behind was wearing. "But man she looks so gorgeous!"

That person was none other than Rhea who simply giggled at him, which for some reason calmed his anger. Instead of the ripped and torn tight-fit battle gear she wore last night, she was wearing a green blouse with a matching skirt, knee-socks and tennis shoes and her long silver-tipped black hair is tied in a ponytail. Now with the sunlight shining on her green eyes, her slightly tanned face and her silver-tipped black hair, Rhea looked more beautiful and gorgeous than any woman he met in his life.

"Well, you were caught off-guard so that's actually your fault." Rhea replied back as she tugged on her new clothes she got from the mortal girl Orihime before they left the town.

Naruto scoffed as he faced forward. "Well I have a question for you: Why are you following me? This has nothing to do with you and as far as I'm concerned, we're not enemies anymore. We are not enemies, right?" He nervously asked for confirmation, which was a nod from the Titaness. "That's a relief."

"I meant what I said last night: I want to make amends for attacking you last night because of my rage." Rhea said firmly as she observed the mortal's new clothing after he changed out of the ones he wore in their battle this morning.

Naruto was wearing his leather jacket over a new short sleeve dark blue dri-fit T-shirt with a pair of black jeans with a pouch on his lower back. The headband still remains on his forehead and a black daito katana is slung over his shoulder, connected to a thick rope. "Next time you should just talk to a person before you attack 'em for no reason." He said before a smirk came to life. "Although I've always wanted to meet the most beautiful Titaness, and you're here now, so I can't complain!"

"F-flattery won't get you anywhere!" Rhea retorted, suppressing the redness in her cheeks.

Naruto chuckled at her before his eyes set on a lone tree rooted on the top of hill. "We're here." When they made it to the tree, Naruto sat down and leaned against the tree under the protective roof of shade. "Want to sit?" He patted the ground next to him for Rhea, who shook her head. "Okay then." He put his hands behind his head and relaxed his body to take a nap. "Can you please wake me up when the Elder gets here?"

His eyes were closing every second until Rhea spoke, interrupting him. "There is something you must know, Naruto. Something that will change your life forever." She saw the boy open his eyes and sit up properly, giving her his full attention. "I must warn you, though, this is something all mortals would struggle to comprehend including someone like you. I was surprised when Poseidon told me and I couldn't believe it at the time."

"What is it?" asked a curious Naruto.

Just as Rhea was about to speak, a loud voice boomed from the skies like it was an announcer.

"HELLO MY DISCIPLE!" Dropping down like a bomb, the Elder landed harshly in front of the two teenagers, scaring both Naruto and Rhea out of their minds despite being a veteran warrior and a centuries-old immortal respectively. "Are you ready for the training of a lifetime?"

Naruto, who clutched the tree like a squirrel when the Elder arrived, slid down the tall object. "What the heck was that, Elder?! Do you have to show-off every chance you get?!" A silence came from his future master. "Don't innocently point at your-self! Yes, I'm talking about you!"

"Now then…" The Elder said, ignoring his blonde student's rant. "Shall we get going?" He then noticed Rhea leaning against the tree. "Are you coming along, young Rhea?" A nod came from the girl. "Very well then."

"How are we going to get there, master?" asked Naruto after calming down, missing the smirk the Elder had at being called 'master'. "Are we going by place or train?"

"None of those!"

"Eh?" Naruto tilted his head as the Elder stretched his legs. "So we're going to walk then?"

"Nope." The Elder pointed at the right side of him where East is. "We're going to run there." Seeing Naruto was about to argue or question him, the Elder spoke again, "This is so I can see how strong and well-conditioned your body is, Naruto."

"Oh." Naruto blinked several times as Rhea silently face-palmed her forehead, muttering 'dense boy'. "Well, that won't be a problem since I'm a monster in the stamina department. How far is it?"

The Elder assumed a thinking pose before answering his new student. "About a day or two. We might even make it this evening if we run at full speed."

"All right then!" Naruto said excitedly as he slammed his fist into his open palm. "Let's get moving." The Elder nodded as Naruto looked at his female immortal companion. "Can you keep up with us?"

Rhea gave the 'Are you seriously asking me that?' look at the blonde Shinobi as she crossed her arms. "What are you trying to say? That I can't keep up with you and the old man 'cause I seem to recall that you were losing ground in our-" A panicked Naruto put his hands over her lips to keep her quiet while muttering 'Shush-Shush' multiple times.

"What was that?"

"Nothing! Nothing!" Naruto took his hands off a smirking Rhea before waving them in a dismissal gesture to the Elder. "Come on, let's get going!" He emphasized his last sentence by his feet bouncing slightly off the ground.

The Elder chuckled at the boy's bright enthusiasm. "Very well then." He walked to a spot on the hill that pointed East and stopped before gesturing Naruto and Rhea to come to the same spot, which they complied. After seeing the teenagers in a running pose, Hayato said, "Try to go easy on me. I'm an old man after all."

"A very strong old man with the tendency to show-off his skills." Both Naruto and Rhea sweat-dropped at the Elder's innocence.

The trio stood in their starting poses until a leaf softly landed on the ground and they disappeared with great speed. All that's left of their existence were the three long and never-ending lanes of dust clouds heading into the forest.

Skillfully navigating the woods with his master and former enemy/new colleague, Naruto realized something that he forgot to ask earlier. "Elder?" He saw the man turn his head to him while going around a tree. "Where are we going exactly?"

"We are going to the dojo, which I'm the master of; a place where the strongest Martial Artists gather." The Elder replied with a serious expression, which surprised Naruto and Rhea of the sudden attitude. "A place where we masters gives the Martial Arts the respect they demand for centuries."

"What's it called?" asked both Naruto and Rhea with curious tones and expressions. The Elder then responded their same question with great pride evident in his tone.
