Chapter 19 - A Day And Night To Remember...
Dawn. The signal of the beginning of a new day where all beings, living or dead, can continue their lives with new activities or people.
Unfortunately that also applies to the invisible and carnivorous Hollows who enter the World of the Living to eat the Human souls to nourish them-selves and their eternal life-spans.
"*yawn* Man, why do Hollows attack early in the morning? We'd be better off if they ate each other." It was another day of Hollow hunting for the Substitute Shinigami, Ichigo Kurosaki, who was finishing his last round of patrolling his hometown. He heard a roar that sounded close by his location. "Please let this one be the last today… for now at least." Ichigo mumbled with Zangetsu in hand as he Shunpoed from the building he was on to a couple of buildings until he got to the last building at the corner. "Yes! Only one this time."
The Hollow he was referring was big and armadillo-like with white bones covering its entire back and its snout looked like a ant-eater. And it was chasing a spirit. The spirit was a young boy with brown hair, sporting red shorts and a blue T-shirts with a broken chain in the upper torso.
Ichigo narrowed his eyes before he Shunpoed above the Hollow and slashed it with Zangetsu, bringing its existence to an end as it disappeared in black particles. When he landed, Ichigo turned around to see the spirit staring at him with relief and awe. "You all right, kid?" The boy nodded before he took a couple of steps back when Ichigo walked towards him, "It's all right. I'm one of the good guys and I'm here to send you to the Soul Society."
"Soul Society? What's that?"
"A better place than here. It is a sanctuary for lost souls like your-self and you'll be protected from the Hollows like the one that just attacked you." Ichigo then took a couple more steps and was grateful when the kid didn't move away this time. He then put the butt of Zangetsu's hilt inches away from the boy's forehead before gently tapping it. "You're now free."
The last thing Ichigo saw of the boy was a grateful smile before the young spirit turned into a flash of bright light and shot up into the sky.
After several minutes of staring at the sky, the Shinigami placed his sword on his back before Shunpoing from the ground and across the sky to his home. While he was on his way, Ichigo kept thinking about his Inner Hollow getting out of control and Naruto's status as a Jinchuriki. "The guy must've gone through the same thing I'm going through. I should ask him for help, although…" The Shinigami shook his head as he closes in the area where the house is generally located. "I have a feeling that I might regret this."
When he found the house that is stationed between two buildings, Ichigo landed in front of the door before opening it. Instead of the expected teasing comment from Yoruichi or a jolly greeting from Urahara, the boy was met with silence until his ears picked sounds. It was the sounds of grunting or straining sound of someone struggling to lift something.
"Where is everyone?" Ichigo asked him-self as he walked inside to find where the sounds were coming from and eventually found it coming from the living room. When he opened the door, he found Naruto, Yoruichi, Tessai and Urahara sticking their hands into the middle of a large coffin that sat in the room, trying to pry it open as evidenced by the bloodshot eyes and veiny marks in their necks. "What are you guys doing?"
Everyone looked at Ichigo before looking at each together and again at him while releasing their grips on the coffin. "Nothing." They all echoed their answer.
"Really?" Ichigo deadpanned with his right eye twitching, "It looks to me you're trying to open that coffin or something. Where did that thing come from?"
"After my stay at Poseidon's domain." Naruto said as he popped his fingers to relieve them of the built-up tension from prying the coffin. "I just got back 10 minutes ago." After his return from Atlantis, the Shinobi had spent his time to pry open the coffin with no success. "Urahara, Yoruichi and Tessai tried to help me open this thing, but the damn thing still won't open."
Ichigo raised a brow and became curious to Naruto's statement, "Domain? What domain?"
"Never mind that," Choosing to ignore the 'Tell me' remark from the orange haired boy, Naruto then reached out for something by his right side only to feel nothing, "Huh?" He looked before his eyes widen in shock and fear as he looked behind his back and left side, "IT'S GONE!" The ninja screamed out, scaring the present Shinigami.
"What's gone?"
"The Trident!"
"WHAT?!" Everyone else screamed out before they frantically helped a freaking out Naruto searched the shop for the mighty weapon.
After several minutes of turning over tables and knocking down shelves and candy, the gang still couldn't find the golden spear. "How did you lose a powerful weapon like the Trident?" Yoruichi retorted before she put up a shelf to its proper position, "Poseidon is going to kill you if he finds out."
"Don't you think I know that?!" Yoruichi and the male Shinigami flinched from Naruto's outburst before the latter took a deep breath to calm him-self down, "Where could the Trident be? I can't believe I let it out of my sight!" Naruto said to him-self as he looked at Ichigo, Yoruichi, Kisuke, Tessai until he didn't see the two little people. "Where are Jinta and Ururu?"
The adults and Ichigo looked around the room before looking back at Naruto with a look of realization plastered on their faces, "You don't think…" Ichigo trailed off since he didn't want to say it.
"Where are they?"
"The training ground!" Tessai cried out as he and the others ran to the stairs and down to the vast desert-like underground land.
Naruto and the others followed where Yoruichi was pointing and saw Jinta and Ururu standing nearby the waterfall/pool with the boy holding the Trident… over his head as if he was about to strike the ground. "Crap!" The Shinobi said before he Shunshined behind Jinta and swiftly took the spear out of the boy's hand. "What do you think you're doing with this?"
"It was her idea!" Jinta said with his finger pointing at Ururu, who was surprised and hurt. "I tried to stop her, but-" He was cut off by a not-so-gentle tap from the Trident's end on his head, "OW!"
"You should be ashamed of framing Ururu for an idea that was clearly your own," Naruto remarked with a condescending tone as he shook the Trident back into its dormant form before sealing it away. He paused when Ichigo and the adults arrived via Shunpo and spoke to a miffed Jinta, "Another thing, Jinta, is that the Trident is not something you should be playing with. It is a very powerful weapon that imbued Poseidon the 'might of a hurricane' or so the books said."
"And yet a little boy managed to take it away from you." Yoruichi teased while Urahara and Tessai snickered behind their fingers. Naruto grumbled under his breath before leaving the training ground to go to his room. Ichigo soon followed suit and left the shop since he forgot what he was going to ask the blonde Shinobi.
When he made it to his room, Naruto took off a sheathed Tenkaichi with his free hand before placing it on his bed. He then sealed the Trident back into his wrist seal before taking a shower. After a 10-minute shower, Naruto got into a new pair of clothes before leaving the shop for a nice stroll in the town without his sword since he wasn't going to need it.
Who gets jumped during a stroll? Not this guy, that's for sure.
-Elsewhere in Karakura Town-
"What do you think of these, Akeno?" Asia asked with her hands holding two bags of potato chips as she and her friend stood in the aisle, "Will they be fine for the party?"
Since Rias invited the brooding teenager Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends to her house for a party, the gang decided to make their home as comfortable as possible. So Asia offered to go grocery shopping with Akeno and Koneko while Issei and Yuto stayed in the house to help Rias clean and decorate the house for the party.
"Of course they're fine." Akeno replied with a giggle before she walked to the produce sector in the store with Asia following her. She stopped in front of the melons section and picked up two large melons. "Do you think they're firm?"
"Yes they are," said an unknown voice.
The girls looked at the vendor who was staring at the melons… Akeno's large melons. Akeno giggled at the man who now turned around to help someone else to save what's left of his dignity. "I'll take them then. You got everything else?" asked the black-haired girl as she and Asia walked to the cashier with the latter nodding. "Where is Koneko?"
"Right here." The girls turned around to Koneko behind with a large bag of groceries; mainly candy. "We're all set."
After paying for the groceries, the trio then left the grocery store and started to make their way back home to cook the dinner. They enjoyed the comfortable conversation between them although most of it was about Issei's perverted yet kind nature.
Until Koneko suddenly said, "I want to pound this Naruto character." Hearing a gasp from Asia and a giggle from Akeno, the short silver-haired girl continued to speak, "Whoever this guy is… he must be incredibly special or incredibly powerful to catch the attention of someone like Rias's brother."
"Is he a good guy?" asked a nervous Asia. "I really hope he is one. Maybe he can be our friend."
Akeno cut in for Koneko who pulled out another candy before eating it. "We don't know, but I too hope he can be our friend. How this Naruto person sounds so mysterious… I just might to punish him for keeping us in the dark." She said with a small blush adorning her cheeks while Asia sweat-dropped at the girl's luscious attitude.
"Akeno… Koneko…" Asia paused to see if she had her friends' attentions before continuing. "I understand about the supernatural world like Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils being real, but I always wondered about this…" She trailed off as she struggled with the words.
"About what, Asia?"
The young blonde girl looked at Akeno. "Do other mythological creatures and deities exist like the Olympian Gods from Greece or the Viking Gods from Asgard?" She waited for a response, which was a nod. "Oh, wow. Are they powerful like the stories say?"
"Well they're not as powerful as they were centuries ago, but they can still put up a fight against the best and powerful fighters of the Three Factions." Then a sudden dark cloud appeared over Akeno's head as her right hand shook in anger, "Although two of them are closet perverts even I can't tolerate."
"Really?" Another sweat-drop slid down on Asia's head. Usually the black haired girl has no problem with men being perverts like Issei, but for two people to make Akeno angry must be something else.
However when they passed by an alley, they stopped when voices called out to them… "Well, well, look what we have here boys…" Three men came out of the dark alley and surrounded the girls in a circle. "Three hot girls who are ripe for the picking."
A gasp came from Asia when she felt the malicious intent from the man's words. The fear inside her grew when the three men came closer to her before she looked at Akeno and Koneko who simply stood there calmly as if nothing is happening right now. Until she noticed a small spark of electricity dancing around the smiling Akeno's left hand.
When the ringleader reached for Akeno's dress, a strange voice reached his ears.
"What do you guys think you're doing to those girls?" Everyone looked down the road to see a teenager with blonde hair, whisker marks on his cheeks, blue eyes in an orange shirt and dark blue pants with a black metal-plated headband on his forehead. "Leave them alone," said the boy in a bored tone.
"Ha! Why don't you make us? Come on boys. Let's teach this kid some manners."
"They have no idea what they got them-selves into. Naruto, do you really want to waste your time with these clowns?"
"No… but I'm not one to let others suffer from people like these guys."
"So this doesn't have anything to do with the girl who has the large boobs, right?"
"I see."
Naruto watched the men walking towards with one of them pulling out a pocket-knife. "Ohhh, I'm scared." He said in a mock scared voice, infuriating the men before they charged at him. One of the men threw a strong but punch, which the boy caught by the wrist before kneeing the guy in the stomach. The man gasped for air as his eyes rolled back from the impact before his body fell on the ground.
"That's it! Now you'll die."
The ninja sighed as the men threw punches simultaneously like they're trying to bring to his defense down. Too bad for them and their inexperience since the men saw the boy easily ducked under their attacks and were helpless to the teenager's double uppercuts that connected to their chins and sent them arching in mid-air.
Asia flinched from the loud thuds while Koneko and Akeno stared at the bodies before they looked at the blonde boy in interest. It wasn't until a few minutes had passed that the boy noticed the girls staring at him and did nothing but smile at them.
"Are you girls all right?" asked Naruto with genuine concern as if nothing happened just now.
"We're fine, thanks to you." Akeno replied with a smile, causing Naruto to smile back at the beauty before him. "Are you a resident here in Karakura Town?"
Naruto nodded at her. "I've lived here for a couple of months now, but this town's cool." The boy smiled at the girl before putting his arms around his head, "But it's even better with you here." A giggle came from Akeno who covered her mouth. "I'm sorry. I don't even know your names."
"That's fine. This is Asia Argento," Asia nervously waved at the taller blonde who waved back before Akeno continued the introductions, "This is Koneko Toujou." The shorter girl looked away from her candy to give a nod at the boy before finishing her treat, "And I am Akeno Himejima." She finished introducing her-self and waited for the boy to give is name.
Instead she got something else.
"You're beautiful," said Naruto suddenly. He received a gasp from Asia and surprised looks from both Koneko and Akeno, "Sorry. I didn't mean to say that in public."
"Oh? So I'm not beautiful?" Akeno asked, feigning depression. "He doesn't think I'm beautiful." She feigned pouting as she waited for the expected response from the boy.
Naruto was quick to react as he waved his arms in front of him. "No- I mean yes! Uh, I mean you're very beautiful and… I should stop talking right now." He heard a giggle escape from the black-haired beauty and that tells him something else. So he does something he only did once before… or not. "Would you… like to go out on a date with me?" He asked before saying something else, "I understand this is very sudden and we've only just met, but I would really like to get to know you."
Akeno giggled again with a smile as she looked at the boy, staring at his blue eyes. She was about to answer 'yes' until she remembered about the party. "I'm sorry, but I'm not available today. You see my friends and I are having a party tomorrow." She saw the boy slouched his shoulders with a depressed cloud over his head, which made her feel bad for no reason. Then an idea popped into her head, "Why don't you come to the party instead? That way we'll get to see each other and you can meet the others as well."
"A party?" A nod came from the black-haired beauty. "With you?" Another nod came from the girl. "Tomorrow?" Naruto pondered about this for a moment, making sure that there is nothing he's forgetting. "Sure! Sounds like a plan."
"Well here's the address." Akeno wrote the address on a small note and gave it to the blonde teenager, "See you then."
Naruto smiled as he took the girl's hand and kissed it before leaving them, causing Akeno to flush red in her cheeks. "Until then, Akeno. See you two later, Asia and Koneko. It was nice to meet you two." He said before leaving the trio of girls.
The girls watched the retreating figure of the boy get farther and farther until it was gone. Then they continued their route back to their house with Akeno humming and smiling along the way while Asia and Koneko whispered between them-selves about one thing the boy forgot to do. "He didn't tell us his name. Should Akeno know about this?" Koneko looked at the humming girl before looking back direction where the boy left and shook her head. "Maybe he'll tell his name when he arrives at the party."
The young blonde girl sighed as she and her friends continued their path with the image of the unknown boy who saved their lives.
Meanwhile Naruto whistled a jaunty tune while walking through the one of the busiest areas of Karakura Town with the image of the three girls he met, especially the one he just got a date with. "Man, I'm good."
"So you're doing what Saeko told you before we left, huh?" Kurama asked with a knowing smirk while Ashura was confused.
"What are you talking about, Kurama?" Ashura asked his roommate who didn't answer back. "Naruto, what is Kurama talking about? And who is Saeko?" Again he didn't receive an answer and was utterly ignored by the conversing Jinchuriki and Tailed Beast. "Don't ignore me!"
"Huh?"/"Huh?" Naruto and Kurama replied before they spoke at the exact same time, "How long have you been listening?"/"How long have you been listening?" Both beings raised eyebrows when Ashura told them to forget it before going silent.
"What's his problem?"
"No clue. Well, good luck on the date kid…"
"What is it?" Naruto asked after hearing the fox trail off and the tone in his voice.
Kurama sighed heavily, which only raised the boy's confusion. "You do realize those girls you met have the demonic Spiritual Pressures you sensed back at the school, right?" A tilt of the confused boy's head was his answer. "Of course you would forget. You were too busy playing hero and flirting with the girl to even notice their power signatures." The fox sighed while preparing for a nap, but not before saying, "Why me?"
The ninja simply shrugged his shoulders with his hands in his pockets as he continued his random stroll in the peaceful town despite the constant Hollow appearing at times. During the stroll, Naruto had something bugging him since his dream fight against Oceanus. "How physically strong am I?" The boy mused about this for a while before stopping at a street light that had the red light on and waited for the traffic to pass.
It's true that his Ninjutsu prowess and Chakra control have grown tremendously from the Sage's tutelage, but what about his physical parameters? He knows he's fast with the Body Flicker Technique and his strength increases tremendously while in Sage Mode. His natural durability is already accounted from his battle against Zabuza in the previous dimension, but how are his natural strength and speed? Have they increased at all from the training? He'll have to check them out when he gets back from his stroll.
His thoughts were interrupted when a large presence was behind him, causing him to glance over his shoulder to see the person. It was a tall muscular man with long blonde hair and matching beard and moustache in a green robe and a smile on his face.
"Where did I see that man? He looks so familiar but from where?" The ninja pondered about it for a few moments. His answer came from the man him-self.
The man chuckled heartily before looking at the boy. "You know who I am, young one. After all you were following me after that battle with those men in white. Well one of you…" He smirked at Naruto who gulped and cursed him-self for being revealed. "Now, now. I won't tell anyone about your talents, but I would like to speak with you."
"…Okay?" Naruto replied while sensing the man's emotions, but found no negative aspects. He noticed the light turned green, so he and the man started walking side by side. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki." He offered his hand to the man who shook it in a firm grip.
"Please to meet you, Naruto. My name is Hayato Furinji and I have something to discuss with you."
-Los Noches-Hueco Mundo-
Sitting in his throne as the proclaimed king of the home of the Hollows, Aizen calmly reads the scouting report given to him by Fallen Angels. The smile on his face grew slightly like he was content by what he read as he set down the report. "Tosen…"
The dark-skinned Shinigami appeared next to him with his hands behind his back. "Lord Aizen, you called?"
"Yes. Given the details by the Fallen Angels scouting report, our target is staying Karakura Town," Aizen chuckled briefly before leaning against his arm that rested on the throne's left arm. "She believes she'll be safe there."
"Who is this woman, Lord Aizen?" asked Tosen curiously since the man was vague about the mysterious female. Normally he doesn't judge what Aizen says or do, but since the first time he heard about the woman from the weekly meeting Kokabiel, it bugged him a bit.
"Let's just say she is someone of great importance." The rogue Shinigami pulled out his Hogyoku from his pocket and revealed its colors to be dimmed instead of the shining appearance before. "Her powers will certainly act as a surrogate for my Hogyoku since I don't have Urahara's, so that my plans can proceed more smoothly."
Since the interference of the Ryoka known as Naruto Uzumaki kept him from getting Urahara's Hogyoku, Aizen had to look for other sources to keep his plans going and he was not one to give up. He was one with extreme back up plans and he found a back up from the ancient books from Greek Mythology, so he had both his and Kokabiel's scouts to search for the one he believes to be the key to his domination over Soul Society and the World of the Living.
The sound of footsteps reached his ears as it did Tosen since both Shinigami looked at the door to see a lone figure entering the room.
The person who entered the throne room was a tall muscular man with light blue spiky hair and light blue eyes with green lines below them. The attire he's wearing consists of a white hakama, a black sash and a ragged white jacket with an upturned collar and black inner lining. The jacket's sleeves are rolled up and left open to expose his chest and a hole on his abdomen. Lastly a broken jawbone is on his right side of his mouth and his Zanpakuto with a hexagonal-tsuba is attached to his sash.
"Grimmjow…" The man now known as Grimmjow snorted to him-self as he put his hands in his pockets while looking bored. "I have an assignment for you, which includes a trip to the World of the Living." A look of excitement briefly flashed in the Arrancar's eyes. "I see you're enthusiastic about this. Your mission is capture a woman in Karakura Town and bring her to me alive without a scratch."
"Hell yeah! I'm itching to decimate Humans with Spiritual Pressures, including-"
"However…" Aizen interrupted Grimmjow's ranting, "You will follow the assignment's parameters to the exact detail. That means you will not go after Humans who are spiritually aware or have Spiritual Pressures. I need them all to execute my plans."
"No buts!" Aizen said firmly that silenced whatever words that Grimmjow was about to say. "Is this understood?"
"… Yeah." Grimmjow replied angrily before asking, "What this woman look like?" Something came at him, forcing him to catch it with his hand. When he looked at what it was. It was a necklace with a small head with horns on it. "What the heck is this?"
"That necklace will help you find the woman as you get close, the necklace will burn in her presence. That's how you'll find her."
Grimmjow snorted before stuffing the necklace in his pocket. "And what about the Ryoka? Could we handle them if they interfere." He said instead of asking like he's hoping the Ryoka will interfere with the mission.
"… If they should interfere, deal with them lightly." Aizen replied with the tone saying 'Break them, but don't break them to the point that they're not fixable.'
"Yes sir." Grimmjow said with a mock salute before leaving the throne room.
"Are you sure he's the proper choice to the World of the Living? You know how he acts when he's battling someone." Tosen said with disdain. He never likes those who disrespected Aizen and believe they can do whatever they want. Grimmjow fits in both of those qualities, which means if the Arrancar doesn't watch his actions later on, Tosen could get rid of him for good.
"Now, now, I understand your dislike of Grimmjow but I believe he will succeed in both missions." Feeling the confused vibe from his colleague, Aizen explained it. "The second mission is a certain Ryoka."
Tosen nodded as he quickly understood what Aizen meant by that. The second mission will be to push Ichigo Kurosaki's current limits of his Shinigami powers and find the extent of the one called Naruto Uzumaki.
-With Naruto and the Elder-
"This is awkward." Naruto thought to him-self with his legs dangling from the roof's edge. On his right side was the tall man known Hayato Furinji also sitting on the edge as well. Between the two was a large bag of food from a local restaurant on behalf of the elderly man who told the boy that their conversation will be a long one, much to Naruto's ire.
After a few moments of silence and nothingness, Hayato chuckled as he reached inside the bag and pulled out one of the condiments before eating it. Soon Naruto followed suit by pulling out a loaf of garlic bread and a drink. "You must be wondering why I'm keeping your powers a secret from others."
"Yeah actually. We don't even know each other, Mr. Furinji." Naruto paused to take another bite of his bread. "So why?"
"I don't know." Hayato said like he doesn't actually know why. "Perhaps I can extort you for money to pay my debts for the dojo." He chuckled heartily before that chuckle turned into a full-blown laughter.
A sweat-drop slid down on the ninja's head as Naruto looked at the man with a deadpan expression. "You're just joking, right?" A nonchalant shrug and nod was the man's answer. "Come on, old man. Why?" He deadpanned with his patience starting to thin a little.
"Tell me something, Naruto. Have you ever expressed any interest in Martial Arts?"
"Martial Arts?" The ninja put away his beverages as he pondered about it. "Is it some kind of Taijutsu?"
"'Taijutsu?' Is that a form of marital art or a fighting style?" The Elder thought before answering the question, "Martial Arts is a general term for all the different fighting styles in the world."
That brought a raised eyebrow from Naruto as he tilted his head, "Wait, so there are different fighting styles of Martial Arts in the world? Like what?"
"Well there are many types, but my friends have studied Martial Arts and they are Martial Arts Masters like my-self. I'm actually considered a legend in the world of Martial Arts." He boasted proudly with a smirk.
"Really?" Naruto asked so surprised. "What style did you learn?"
The old man laughed briefly with his eyes starting to glow a little. "I created my own personal fighting style," Hayato said with pride. He smirked when Naruto stared at him with great interest. "It is called the Furinji Style."
"You named it after your last name?" deadpanned Naruto with an incredulous look.
"Of course! I created it after my years of fighting."
That brought a question from the younger blonde teenager. "How old are you anyway?" asked Naruto bluntly. The man looked no older than his late forties but his voice tells him otherwise.
Hayato chuckled briefly to him-self. "It's rude to ask someone for their age, young one. Didn't your parents teach you that?"
Naruto flinched for two reasons. One was that he was taught to always respect the elderly for their experiences, wisdom and opinions by the Sage and the other was the mention of his parents. "I'm sorry for my disrespect, Mr. Furinji. I didn't mean to do so and as for my parents… they weren't around when I grew up." He bowed to show how sorry he was.
"By the tone in his voice when I mentioned his parents…" Hayato mused to him-self while stroking his long beard, but that will be for another time at a different time. "That's all right."
Bringing his head up, Naruto spoke again, "It is pretty cool to create your own fighting style, but why are you telling me about all of this Mr. Furinji?"
"Please call me Elder." The elderly man insisted before he put down his food and looked at Naruto with a gentle expression. "I would like to teach you as a disciple."
"Eh?" The boy blinked a few times while processing what he was just told. "Why?" Why would the man teach him his fighting style? They just met!
"Why not?" The Elder asked back with a joyful tone like a child would say to a parent.
"I'm flattered and all, but like I said earlier, we barely know each other." Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "And there are a few things you don't know about me."
"It is because of your heart." Hayato said cryptically before picking up his meal and continued eating. Looking at the corner of his eye, the Elder saw Naruto wave his hand as if to explain what he just said. "That battle against those men in white: when your tall friend was hurt, you briefly showed anger before you controlled it and calmed your-self instead of charging in unlike your other friend in the black robe. That is the way of the Katsujinken."
"Katsu-what? Is that some sort of religion?"
Hayato nodded. "In a way. Katsujinken is a belief among Martial Artists. It states that life is sacred and one man cannot take another's life even if his or her life is at risk, so he or she never fight to kill and always find ways to end fights with those involved alive. I myself am a follower of the Katsujinken and have been for many years."
"Really?" muttered Naruto with a tinge of awe and conflict. His mind traveled back to the memories of him killing Mizuki and Zabuza.
"Really." Naruto watched the man stand up to his towering height and stretched his muscled body. "Now I'll ask you, Naruto: will you take on my teachings and be my disciple?" asked the Elder with a smile.
The ninja looked at the man briefly before staring out at the multiple buildings of his temporary home. After a few minutes of waiting, Hayato saw the boy stand up and believed that the boy will agree, but instead he got a different answer. "I'm sorry, but I respectfully decline your offer, Mr. Furinji." The man frowned a little as Naruto explained, "I-I don't think I'm worthy to be your disciple. You see… after what I just learned now about the Katsujinken and your offer… I'm feeling a little conflicted right now. I-"
"I see." Hayato said stroking his long beard as he figured it out. "You've taken the life of another." Naruto's eyes widen as the Elder continued speaking, "I understand that, but you are not alone. A good friend of mine blames him-self for the death of a fellow Martial Artist in a fight even though he didn't strike him, but he took in his daughter and raised her afterwards."
"… Does killing someone violate the principles of the Katsujinken even if it was to protect others you care about? I know that killing someone isn't a good thing and I understand if you are disappointed in me." He turned around and was preparing him-self to leave with the Body Flicker.
However Hayato stopped him by placing his hand on his shoulder. "I admit I'm a little disappointed, Naruto, but that does not mean you are a killer. I can see it in your eyes. They are the eyes of a protector of those who cannot defend for them-selves." He turned the boy around so the latter would be facing him, "So promise me this: follow the principles of the Katsujinken for the rest of your life after your training of course."
"Eh?!" Naruto stammered a few times. "But-but-but-"
"I'm not taking no for an answer, Naruto." He took out a small piece of paper from his right sleeve and gave it to the still stammering boy. "Meet me at this location in three days or…" His eyes started to shine brightly, "I'll pick you up my-self against your will."
Soon Naruto snapped out of his stupor in time to see the Elder blast off into the sky like a rocket. "He's probably the definition of the term 'superhuman' besides me." He gawked in his place for a few minutes before stuffing the paper he got from the old man in his pant pocket and sat back down on the ledge and eating the rest of his food. He soon paused eating as he thought to him-self, "The Furinji Style..."
That got him thinking a lot, which was too much for him as Kurama mentioned before. How much stronger will he become if he were to go with the Elder and learn all of his teachings? This could also be his chance to find out where his natural physical parameters stand.
"I guess I have my-self a new teacher." Naruto said before sighing heavy when he remembered his first training exercise with Jiraiya before the Chunin Exams. "A crazy one at that."
-(Evening)-Kurosaki Home/Clinic-
"So what?" Ichigo asked before he fixed his collar to get ready for his date with Orihime. He was dressed in a long-sleeved white shirt with a dark purple blazer over it and matching pants. Attached to his pocket was his Substitute Badge in case if a Hollow appears although Ichigo wishes that won't be the case for the night.
"Are you really going dressed like that?" asked his sister who was sitting on her older brother's bed. She has large dark grey eyes and straight black hair cropped and hanging over her eyes and just above her shoulders. She's wearing an alternative blue shirt with green shorts that gives her appearance of a tomboy.
Ichigo looked down at his choice of clothing and nodded at his sister who shook her head. "What's the big deal, Karin? I wasn't expecting you to judge me and my clothing. That's Yuzu's job."
Karin sighed as she rubbed her head before looking at her brother. "Because this is your actual first date with a girl in your life. And Yuzu is helping dad with a patient right now." She then noticed the pendant hanging from Ichigo's pocket, which reminded her of something that she wanted to ask her brother but she couldn't at the times before. "Ichigo… Are you a-"
"Ichigo!" The sound of a door opening drew the siblings' attention to find Yuzu at the door. Yuzu has dark brown eyes and short light brown hair with short bangs hanging over the right side of her forehead and a red clip on the left side of her head. She dresses in a red shirt that reaches her knees and a light green hooded sweater that was covered by an apron. "Are you ready?" She asked all cheery as she entered the room.
Ichigo fixed his collar. "Yep." The three siblings then walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen to eat lunch together before Ichigo leaves to pick up Orihime for their date. However that didn't go well when a blur appeared sent Ichigo flying down the hall and slammed against the wall.
The blur turned out to be a tall man with brown eyes and spiky black hair with matching thin facial hair around his mouth and on his cheeks. He wears a white doctor's coat over a casual shirt and trousers and black formal shoes.
This man is Isshin Kurosaki: father of the Kurosaki siblings.
"Dad!" cried out Yuzu while Karin face-palmed her forehead while shaking it in annoyance.
"Come on, kid." Isshin said, speaking to Ichigo and ignoring his daughter's cries, "This isn't what I taught you. You must always be ready anything, no matter wh-"
Yuzu cried out again when Ichigo comically kicked their father in the face and before she knew it, her older brother and father entered a comedic fight in a cloud of smoke covering their attacks.
"Don't bother, Yuzu." Karin said casually as she took her seat while ignoring the fight.
Yuzu sighed heavily before she went into the kitchen and started making lunch. A few minutes later, Yuzu came out of the kitchen with a tray full of sandwiches while calling out to her fighting family members for lunchtime.
And just like that, the duo stopped their little scuffle and sat down to eat their lunch so casually. A few minutes of talking later, Ichigo stood up from his seat and excused him-self before leaving the house as he fixed his clothing that got messed up during his fight with his father. Up ahead he noticed a familiar person walking in the direction he was going. "Hey, Chad!"
"Ichigo." The taller black-haired teenager was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt with black pants that has red lines etched into them. He waited for his friend to catch up to him. "How are you?"
"I should be asking you that. How's the arm?"
Chad grabbed his right arm briefly. "It's fine now. Thanks for asking, Ichigo."
"No problem." Ichigo said so casually.
"… So what are you dressed for?"
Ichigo responded back. "I was about to ask you the same thing." The duo started walking together in the direction to Orihime's house. "Well, to answer your question, I'm going on a date with-"
"Orihime." Chad said bluntly as a stumped Ichigo could say more. "I knew eventually you two would go out together. It was only a matter of time. Plus Naruto told me earlier on his way back to Urahara's."
"Naruto…" Ichigo growled out as his hands shook with fury. He quickly calmed down and said, "Thanks Chad, but what about you? Why are you dressed up?" He watched Chad pull an envelope out of his pocket. It was the same envelope that he and Orihime found on the girl's door. " Where did you get this?" He asked suspiciously.
Chad shrugged his shoulders as he put the envelope back in his pocket. "Why? Did you get an invite like this one?"
"Orihime and I found it when I walked her home last night and it was taped on her door." Ichgio rubbed his chin as he thinks about it. "I don't think it's a coincidence that we were all invited to the same party."
"Do you think it was those new transfer students?" Chad asked. "Should we turn back and not go?"
"It's probably them and no. Orihime is looking forward to this and I don't want to hurt her feelings." Ichigo sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Man, this is troublesome. "We'll just keep our guard up until the party's over or if they pull something."
"Should we at least tell Naruto about this?"
Ichigo shook his head. "Nah. Let him do his own thing. He already has too much on his plate considering his home dimension." A nod came from the giant teenager as they continued walking.
After a few minutes later, they reached their friend's house. Ichigo knocked on the door two times and a moment later, the door opened to reveal the girl he's going out with. "Wow," was all Ichigo could say.
Orihime's cheeks turned red as she shyly played with her clothing of the evening. She was wearing the Golden Fleece jacket over a dark red blouse and skirt with red high-heels and her hair is pulled back a sky blue scrunchie and her hair-pins still pulled back her bangs. Overall she looks more beautiful than before.
"D-do I look okay?"
"You look amazing." Chad replied instead of Ichigo, surprising Orihime of her taller friend's presence. "Apparently I've been invited to the same party you and Ichigo are going."
"Yay!" cried Orihime with her bubbly traits kicking in, bringing smiles from the two boys.
"Come on. Let's get going." Ichigo offered his arm to Orihime who gladly laced it with hers after locking the door. Chad nodded and chuckled at the smiling couple before the three of them began their way to the party.
-Gremory House-
"Almost there and bingo!" Issei cried out happily as he finished the last of the decorations atop of the balcony that overviewed the backyard. It's a little over the top, but Rias insisted on it with the hope of gaining the trust of Naruto's friends. He then cried out to his blonde friend. "Hey Yuto! How are things on your end?"
Across the large pool and standing on the grass that covered almost half of the backyard was Yuto. He was staring at a few tall and untrimmed hedges planted in the grass before summoning a long and elegant sword in his hands. It wasn't long until the blonde boy slashed at the hedges and it didn't take him long to be finished and he was impressed with his artwork.
Before him were the hedges trimmed in each different shapes and sizes. The one on the far was a large lion that looked like it was ready to pounce a prey with its jaws open and its claws out. The second hedge on the right of the lion was an eagle with its wings spread open to show its majestic size and wingspan. The third hedge was a replica of the Statue of Liberty with every detail exactly the same as the original. The last hedge was shaped as a horse standing on its hind legs with the front legs up in the sky.
"I should be a botanist." Yuto said to him-self just when Issei walked to him and whistled at his work. "Is the food ready?"
"The girls should be done by now." Issei pouted when a growl escaped his stomach. "How much longer are they going to take?"
Yuto shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." With that, the male duo went inside the house to get ready for the party despite of having a few guests as opposed of having a lot of them.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Akeno, Asia, Koneko and Rias were wearing aprons over their casual clothing as they prepared the last of snacks and food for the party and their guests.
"Everything is all set, Rias." Asia meekly said after wiping a sweat from her forehead, although she sounded unsure. "I hope this party will get that Ichigo guy and his friends to trust us. We're not bad people."
Rias put her hand on the small blonde girl's shoulder. "It will work Asia, because we are good people. They just need help to see that and this party will do the trick." She said reassuringly as she smiled at Asia, bringing a smile of the girl. The red haired beauty then shifted her attention to her best friend who seemed to be spaced out since she kept cutting nothing in front of her. "Akeno… Akeno!"
Snapping out of her stupor and realizing the knife in her hand, Akeno set the blade down and smiled sheepishly at a suspicious Rias. "Yes?"
"Is there something you like to tell me?" asked Rias with a cute suspicious look. She noticed Akeno was acting a little different since she and the other girls returned from their grocery shopping. The way she walked, talked and hummed to her-self was different like something or someone changed her day.
Akeno shook her head with the smile still present. "No! Everything's fine." She answered before she started to move the food outside with Koneko's help while she hummed happily to her-self.
Rias pouted briefly before looking at Asia. "What happened earlier?"
"Ah… well… you see…"
Both Rias and Asia gasped when they heard the doorbell. That means their guests are here and they're not in their dresses. "Issei! Yuto!" She heard feet scrambling and sounds of a body rolling down the stairs before Issei entered the kitchen in his formal attire which was a blue collared shirt with light green pants. "Answer the door and keep them occupied while I and the girls get ready."
Images of Rias dressing took over Issei as a nose-bleed leaked out of his nose until he covered it to avoid messing up his clothes. "Of course!" He said as he walked to the door before opening it, expecting to meet the orange-haired punk who dissed Rias at school the day before.
Instead the person at the door was a blonde guy in a black leather jacket over a collared red shirt and black pants. The most interesting features are the headband wrapped his forehead and the whisker marks on his cheeks that make him look like a fox.
"Uh… are you lost?" asked Issei with a raised brow.
Naruto tilted his head in confusion. "Uh, no. I was invited to your party by Akeno." He pulled out a slip of paper and gave it to Issei who read the contents. "She gave the address earlier."
"How do you know Akeno?" asked Issei suspiciously and a little jealous.
"I met her while she was shopping and I sort… of asked her out on the spot." Naruto sheepishly chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask her out. At first she wanted to, but she remembered about the party and so she invited me here to have our date."
"Oh really?" Issei grumbled while crumbling the paper in his hand. This action didn't go unnoticed by the boy.
"Is he jealous? I haven't even gone out with Akeno and he's giving me the stink eye. What is he, her brother?" Naruto thought to him-self before saying, "Everything cool…"
"The name's Issei Hyoduo." The boy replied after getting over his jealousy and offered his hand, which Naruto took as he shook it before letting go. He then let Naruto inside and closed the door before leading the taller boy into the living room where the latter took a seat. "Cool jacket. Where can I get one?"
"At a store obviously." Naruto lied clearly since telling someone that the jacket came from the pelt of a mythological creature doesn't seem to be the right answer. He was about to say something else until he heard his partner talk through the telepathy link.
"I sense a great power inside the boy." Kurama growled out after sensing the power signature. It awoke him from his nap. "I never felt anything like this before."
"So what is it?"
"I don't know, but it does feel ancient and powerful."
"Could it rival a Tailed Beast or is it stronger?"
"Be wary of him, Naruto. He's not powerful like you. He's actually very weak, but he certainly has the potential."
Meanwhile his sealed partner, Ddraig, alerted Issei. "What is it, partner?" Fortunately he and the beast have a telepathy link to speak to each other.
"There's something inside the blonde kid. It feels ancient like me, but different."
"Could it be a dragon or a creature sealed in a Sacred Gear like you?" Issei asked curiously.
The boy knows the brief story of two dragons batting each other on Earth long ago. However that battle was during the war between the Three Factions and it caused a major disruption in the battle, so the Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils worked together to slay the dragons. Afterwards, God sealed the two dragon's spirits into two Sacred Gears and one of the Dragons was Ddraig.
"Perhaps or perhaps not."
"Which is it?" Issei deadpanned while sounds of heels clicking on the ground reached his ears.
"Just be ready for a fight in case it comes to it. However…"
"There's something else?"
"The boy him-self. I don't understand why but he's giving off the presence of-"
"It's you!" Both boys looked at the door to find Akeno standing there with a genuine smile. She was wearing a dark purple kimono with a orange sash wrapped around her waist and her hair tied up in a formal way. "You made it!" She said to Naruto who gawking at the beauty who was addressing him.
The ninja stood up from the couch and walked to Akeno. "You look amazing, Akeno." He received a giggle from the girl, which brought out a smile from him. "I hope what I'm wearing is fine."
Akeno inspected her date's clothing and nodded her approval. "You are handsome even with that headband. If you do things right tonight, you might be rewarded tonight." She then leaned closely to the now nervous boy's ear and whispered, "On my bed of course."
Cue a nosebleed from Naruto who quickly covered it as a giggling Akeno stepped away from him with a small blush on her cheeks.
"Akeno! Who's here?" Naruto and Akeno, joined by Issei, looked back at the stairs where Rias, Asia, Koneko, and Yuto were walking down. Rias, Asia and Koneko were wearing evening gowns that reveal their shoulders, each of them were red, yellow and silver-white respectively while Yuto wore a blue blazer over a shirt and green pants. "Oh… who are you?" asked Rias since she didn't expect a blonde male to the party.
"Well, I uh-"
"He's my guest, Rias. I invited him to our party." Akeno replied happily, ignoring the glare from her best friend. " What's wrong?"
"This was supposed to be a private party for-"
"I'm sorry… Rias, right?" The crimson haired girl nodded, giving Naruto relief that he didn't mess up. He explained about the men ganging up on the girls before he rescued them and his asking Akeno to a date earlier. "Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience."
"So that's why Akeno was so chippy all evening. She was going on a date with this boy." Rias thought before a smile came to life. "That's fine with me. I assume you already know Asia and Koneko." Naruto nodded as he waved at the two girls who waved back. Well one of them did at least. "You already met Issei." Another nod came from the boy before Rias gestured to Yuto besides him. "This is Yuto Kiba."
"Yo." Naruto greeted his fellow blonde with a salute.
Yuto saluted back. "Pleasure to meet you."
Once that's been done, Rias asked her blonde guest, "What is your name?" Everyone looked at him with expected looks of getting someone's name. However Fate seems to like Naruto for some reason when a familiar sound came to life.
"I got it!" Issei said as he walked to the door while popping his knuckles.
Naruto sighed in relief until anxiety took over when he felt familiar presences outside of the door. "Don't tell me it's them!"
"Yay! This is the place!"
"Yes we are."
"Nice place."
"It is them!" Naruto slowly turned around to see Ichigo, Orihime, and Chad in different clothing than their casual. When their eyes fell on him, the ninja sheepishly waved at them. "Hey guys." He greeted meekly, confusing Akeno and their friends.
"NARUTO?!" cried out Ichigo, Orihime and Chad before the former ran towards the whiskered teenager and held him by the jacket's collar and started shaking him back and forth..
"What?! He's Naruto?!" A nervous Asia pointed at the boy being held by Ichigo.
Rias got over her shock before a victorious smile crept on his face, "Naruto Uzumaki… we finally found you." That got the duo's attention since Ichigo stopped shaking Naruto and let go of his collar. She waited for Akeno and Issei to walk over to her before she spoke again, "Let's have a talk."
"About what exactly?" asked Naruto with Ichigo besides him and Orihime and Chad standing behind the pair. He could feel his friends' anxiety, not to mention the tension between them and the girl's group. "What do you want with me?"
"It's not what I want. It's what my brother wants with you." That brought a fighting stance from Ichigo and Chad while Orihime touched her hair-pins for some reason.
"Your brother?" asked Naruto with a raised brow. "Who's your brother and what does he want with me?" He then remembered about the group's Spiritual Pressures and his conversation with Poseidon long ago about other supernatural beings in the world. He quickly asked another question before Rias could answer, "What are you guys actually?"
That caught Rias and her group off guard while it confused Ichigo, Orihime and Chad and got them thinking, "What's he talking about?"
"Well…" Naruto's group looked at Rias who cleared her throat. "Since you suspect we are… different, I guess there's no point to hide from you." Naruto and his friends were shocked when pairs of black bat-like wings sprang out of Rias and her friends' backs. "I am Rias Gremory of the Gremory Clan and we are Devils."
"DEVILS?!" Ichigo, Orihime and Chad cried out in surprise while Naruto stood silent as he crossed his arms. "Naruto, we have to kill them!" Ichigo declared as he grabbed his Badge and Chad putting his wrists together to summon his gauntlets.
Issei and Yuto growled when they heard that. It was their duty to protect Rias since she is their leader and they will fight others who mean to bring her harm. When they were about to summon their Sacred Gears to suppress them before they could react, both boys stopped when they heard both Rias and Naruto.
"Enough/Relax!" Rias and Naruto said respectively, calming both of their groups before a fight ensues. Both sides reluctantly relaxed, but remained wary of each other in case one of them tries something.
Asia let out a relieved sigh since the tension was rough on her. "Thank goodness." She looked to her right to see a frowning Akeno and followed her gaze to set on Naruto. "Poor Akeno." She can feel sadness emitting from her older sister-figure and she cant feel but helpless.
"Devils, huh?" Naruto said before a content grin crept on his face. "It's a pleasure to meet one of the species of the Three Factions!"
"Eh?!" cried out everyone, both his friends and the Devils' group.
"I have to admit that I was expecting to meet an Angel or Fallen Angel, but I'm not complaining!" Naruto laughed before he saw relief engulf the Devils. "What? Did you guys think we were going to fight you because of your Faction?"
Issei shrugged his shoulders as a answer. "Well, yes. Our Faction has not been historically viewed as good." His friends nodded with solemn looks since it was true.
"Oh. Well from my experience, it's not the Faction that makes a person who he or she is indefinitely. I can see in your eyes that you are good people." Naruto smiled at the group until he felt a hand on his shoulder before being turned around and faced with a irritated Ichigo. "What?" asked the ninja.
"What did you mean by the Three Factions? What are you talking about?" By the tone of his voice, Ichigo sounded really irritated of being left out of whatever knowledge Naruto has.
The whiskered Shinobi was about to answer until a loud ripping sound pierced his and everyone's ear-drums, forcing them run outside of the mansion. When they made it outside, everyone were surprised when they saw a giant ripped hole in the night-time sky. "What the heck is going on here?" asked Issei worried.
"Look up there!" Asia pointed at the hole. Her friends looked closer at the hole where a group of unknown figures came out of it and stood on the air like it was the ground it-self.
On the right side of the group is a man with a long face and braided black hair hanging over his shoulder. A mask of sorts lays on the top of his head with a portion dropping down to cover the upper-left half of his face and a long spike that points to his right. He also wears a closed white jacket with a black sash and a katana held to it.
On the opposite side of the group was another man who is larger than the others with long red hair and half of it is shaved and black. On his nose rested what seemed to be eye-holes of a mask rested on his nose, giving him the appearance of him wearing unusually glasses. Like his fellow colleague, he too wears a white jacket and hakama with a black sash, but the jacket is left open to show the same hole on his chest. Another thing is the katana that held against by the sash: it has a hexagonal-shaped guard and a slightly longer hilt.
Standing besides the larger man is a large, fat Arrancar in a hunched position with his hands behind his back and a round and wide face. He has small, brown eyes and dark brown hair in a bowl hairstyle. He wears the standard Arrancar uniform like his comrades with his Zanpakuto lead in his waist and his Hollow masks covers the exact half of his face.
Behind the heavy Arrancar is an Arrancar with long blonde hair and the remnants of his Hollow mask sits atop of his head, giving the appearance of a broken helmet and wears the standard Arrancar uniform like the others. His Zanpakuto is strapped behind his back and over his right shoulder with the only difference than the others is that its guard is diamond-shaped.
On the right side of the blonde Arrancar was another male with a bulky helmet that's covered in bandages and obscured his right eye. Like the others, he wears the Arrancar uniform but he carries his Zanpakuto in his hands instead of carrying it by his sash.
And in the front of the group was the Arranca with blue hair and a jawbone on the right side of his mouth. "Well, well." Grimmjow repeated when he looked down to find the two Ryoka that he frantically wanted to meet.
"What are they?" asked Yuto worried after sensing the immense power from the group. "Their power is unreal!"
"Are they Angels?" Asia didn't want to believe that the figures are Angels or that would mess her beliefs severely.
Rias shook her head. "No they're not, but who or what are they?" She received her answer from a battle-ready Ichigo.
"Arrancars?" asked Koneko since she never heard of that species before. In fact none of them have ever heard of Arrancar.
Naruto, Ichigo and Chad assumed battle stances while Orihime stood behind with a look of determination. "You guys better get ready 'cause you're in for a fight." The ninja insisted the Devils since most likely the Arrancars will attack when they're not prepared. Luckily they listened to him. He was surprised when Yuto summoned a sword out of thin air and held with two hands while a red gauntlet appeared in a bright light on Issei's left arm. "Eh, I'll ask later."
"Which one of you is Ichigo Kurosaki?" asked Grimmjow. He got his answer when the orange haired boy stepped forward from the others. "You're him?" The boy nodded firmly. "Come on then. I want to see how you fight, Shinigami!"
"Shinigami?" asked Rias with confusion and awe as she looked at Ichigo. She saw him pull the badge that hanged on his belt and before she knew it, Ichigo was wearing a black robe with a oversized sword on his back after he pressed the badge on his chest. "No way."
"Impossible!" Akeno threw in her two cents since she's never seen a Shinigami before.
Ignoring the girls, Ichigo looked over his shoulder to look at his date. "Sorry Orihime, but I have to deal with this. Take care of my body for me." Orihime nodded as she dragged the body to a safe place. After making sure his date and body are safe, Ichigo returned his gaze at the Arrancar who called him out. "Naruto…"
"You and Chad will help Rias and the others to deal with the other Arrancar. I'll deal with their leader."
"Sure Ichi-" Before he could say anymore, Naruto was caught off-guard when a fierce bright light engulfed his entire body before he felt him-self being lifted off the ground and shot through the air, leaving behind his friends and the Devils in the dust.
After moments of awkward silence, Chad said three words. "This is bad."
-Harbor-Karakura Town-
Above the docks of Karakura Town was a bright light crossing the sky like a shooting star until it nose-dived to the ground, roughly planting its passenger into the concrete.
"Ouch!" Naruto grunted through his mouth as he quickly sprang to his feet and slipped into his Frog Kata stance. "All right! Who's there?!" Dead silence was his answer. "Don't bother hiding since I know you're here!"
He knows that for sure since the presence he's feeling is around in the area. Not only that, Naruto also notice that the presence feels similar to Poseidon's presence when he first met the Olympian, but the difference is that it feels more ancient and powerful than him.
Instincts flaring throughout his body, Naruto jumped forward to dodge a blur smashing through the spot he was standing. As he landed on the ground and pivoted to see who attacked and probably summoned him, Naruto was displeased when the figure was wearing a cloak to protect its identity.
"Damn…" He said after seeing the crater the assailant made from it first attack as the cloaked figure casually walked out of it. "Something tells me you're not here to play nice." Naruto commented before he dual-wielded two Hirashin Kunai in reverse grips. "Who are you?" He channeled his Chakra and summoned a sudden strong gust of wind at the assailant who couldn't react in time to stop the hood falling off its head.
Boy was Naruto surprised.
The assailant turned to be a girl. A very beautiful girl who looked to be the same age like him. She has long black hair with silver tips, gorgeous fair skin and brilliant green eyes that resembled the sea in a way. The cloak was still covering the girl's entire body despite of the wind's cutting power, but her face was all he needed to know who his opponent is.
However Kurama beat him to the punch. "Naruto! Draw out the Trident quickly!" The outburst from fox surprised his Jinchuriki, but he complied by putting his kunai back into his pouch and rolled his right sleeve before unsealing the Trident in its dormant form.
The girl narrowed her eyes when she saw the boy shook the object that extended to a three-pronged golden spear. "That weapon… so you must be him." She said before revealing two objects in her hands. "I must see if you really are worthy."
"Worthy of what?" asked Naruto cautiously as he held the Trident firmly in his right hand. He assumed a battle stance when the girl opened the weapons in her hands and was surprised when the two weapons turned out to be blue bladed steel fan-like weapons. "Huh… that's new. May I ask kindly ask for the name of the one who attacked me?"
"Since you asked so nicely…" the girl said before announcing her name. "I was the Titan Queen of Mount Ohtrys and I am the mother of the six Elder Olympians. I am Rhea; the Titaness of Motherhood." She leapt at her blonde opponent with her bladed fans at the ready.
After hearing that, Naruto had one thing to say as he readied his Trident. "… Shit."