Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 22 - The Siblings Part 1

Chapter 22 - The Siblings Part 1

Several Hundred Years Ago:

In a village across the world, A young girl and her little brother were playing outside with tree other children. The day swiftly turned to night and they looked at at eachother.

"The sun is going down. We should all go home." She told the others as she walked over to her brother. And held her hand out for him. He looks down and sighs. "Okay sister..." He took her hand and the walk home. The others looked at eachother but decided to keep playing.

"Why must we go home now...?" Her brother asks as he looks up to her.

"We don't want to worry Mother and Father, do we?" She stops and rubs his head softly. "Besides, when we get home, mother should have food ready for us." He stops and now looks excited.

"I am hungry... Let's hurry home sister!!" He smiles and begins to run home.

The sister giggles and runs after. Their hut was near the edge of the village, one of the closest ones to the wall surrounding the village. The brother runs up to the door and stops, smelling their mothers cooking. Behind him, his sister smiles as he rushes in. She walks in behind and is greeted by a strong man who picks her up.

"You two didn't play too hard did you?" She looks up seeing her father and hugs him.

"We left before the others. I didn't want to worry you or mother." He kisses her head and sets her down.

"Go get you and your brother cleaned up, your mother should be nearly finished with dinner." He smiles as she nods and runs off with her brother.

"Those two are getting big." He says softly as he walks over to his wife. And leans against the wall. She looks down slightly as she cooks.

"He's coming tonight, isn't he..."

The father looks up at the roof of the hut and closes his eyes. "Even if the village tries to fight him.... We won't live through the night..."

She walks over and hugs him crying. The two held eachother for a few moments. "What about the children..."

He gently caresses her head. "He promised the Chief he would take the children if they are under a certain age. Our children are safe...

"It'll be hard for them though... Do we tell them?"

"Mother! We're ready!" He looks down to her and shakes his head. "For now let them enjoy the rest of the night with us." The two rush into the room after washing up.

"I'll get them their bowls." He steps away as she wipes her eyes and steps over to the fire. He brings the bowls over to her as the start to hear screaming. He sets the bowls down for them and they begin to eat.

She sits down in front of them and watches them eat. "You know we love you two and you make us proud."

"We know mother." The sister stops eating and looks at her for a moment. Then to her father who is looking outside. Noticing something is wrong she looks to her brother then back to her mother who shakes her head. She starts to eat as she now hears the screaming.

"Love it's time..." The father looks over to is wife once more and she nods. "You two be good okay?"

The sister looks down and hugs her brother. "We will father." At that moment, the door is slammed open the mother and father were already kneeling in front of the door, ready for the moment. The sister closes her eyes and held her brother who is still eating. He stops and tries to eat but his eyes are covered by his sister's hands.

"It's okay just keep eating brother." She says softly, trying not to startle him as she tears up. She watches as a man in pale white armor walks over to the parents, sees the children. Half of his face was showing as she could see the man smirk before he unsheathes his sword and plunges it into their fathers chest and out through his back. Their mother tears up but keeps her eyes closed as she knew she was next. He pulls the blade out and walks over to the mother, doing the same thing, smiling as he kicks both of the bodies over to the ground. She watched as both parents were killed in front of her and trying to keep her brother from seeing it. The man stands there by the door and sheathes his sword on is side before a man in Crimson armor walks through.

"You couldn't have brought them outside first so the children wouldn't see this..."

"I'm sorry Sir. I just did what...." Before finishing his sentence, the man falls to the ground, blood pouring out from where his head used to be. "You are brave for keeping your brother from seeing this. I do apologize for what my man did." He walks over to the siblings and kneels down. "Grab your bowls, you may eat on the way." She was shaken but didn't hesitate and grabbed his bowl.

"What's going on sister?" The brother stopped eating and looked over at the three bodies on the ground. He sees the parents and his eyes widen. She rushed over, after setting the bowls down and covered his eyes.

"C-can we please leave? I don't want him to see any more." She looks up to the man.

"Of course. Take your brother outside. There you will see the other children."

She leans down and picks him up rushing him out the door as she struggles to carry him. Once outside the hut, she sees the other children they were playing with except a couple were missing. She sets him back down on his feet and rubs his head softly.

"You didn't see anything did you?" She asks, but sees the look on his face as if his heart had been ripped out. Tears still in her eyes, she wraps her arms around her brother who snapped out of it and hugged her tightly.