Fenrir looked over to Obsidia whose flames now have white in them. Behind her lay spike of ash and bone from what was left of Cinder. He sighs softly then looks back toward the Brute as he charged Fenrir. Fenrir leaps to the side to dodge the Brute but is greeted by the other, more agile reptilian, it reaches forward slicing Fenrir's cheek and causing him to jump back as well. Hati watches over Nieo with his pack and Zero rushes over to his sister, helping her back over to the others.
With her two minions fighting Fenrir, Drache shifts back to her human form and watches the fight. At one point she summons her Pet from the main battle by the castle. A large reptilian with massive horns slowly exits the forest.
"That woman... Reminds me of the Godess' kin."
Zero and Obsidia walk over to Hati, Obsidia looks over to Drache and shakes her head.
"Her and Cinder were two of the children from our village 200 years ago. Archangel...."
Zero shakes his head and she relaxes for a moment, leaning against the large stump.
"He took them in and used my powers in a way that my father nor myself would've imagined."
Hati glances back at Nieo for a moment then back to the battle.
"I see. He used your powers to inject these four with a power of some sort."
Nieo nods and stands up, walking over to Obsidia to check on her. Nieo's hand begins to glow for a moment as she presses it against Obsidia's arm, steam slowly surrounds her hand and she pulls back.
Meanwhile Fenrir switches his sizes and now bounces between the Brute and the smaller one. Watching her minions fight Fenrir, Drache smiles as a thought comes across her mind. She speaks a different language and the beast beside her grumbles and stands up, crawling toward Fenrir. Zero looks up and sees this and leaps forward in front of the beast. The two reptiles Fenrir was fighting with stood in front of him as he began to plan out his next strategy but seeing Zero face off against this new reptilian beast worries him.
"I've gotta finish this now..."
Fenrir begins to growl, mist and fog begins to surround him and his foes, forcing their visibility to decline within moments. His eyes flicker to his red glow, allowing him to see through and circle around the two beasts. Finally, he leaps forward from behind the thin one and bites its head, ripping it off in seconds. The moment he lands across the Brute, the mist and fog clears, revealing the body of the other one on the ground. The Brute stood there unfazed for a moment then charges in once more only to realize its leg was frozen to the ground and slowly began to spread up its leg.
"You really don't pay attention to the little things do you."
Fenrir glances behind the Brute and watches as Zero tries to keep the monster busy. Shaking his head so he could focus, Fenrir looks back up at the Brute and takes a deep breath, inhaling enough air in time for him to breathe his ice breathe to increase the us every buildup on the Brute until the head got covered. Fenrir leaps past the brute one last time and lands beside Zero as the ice shatters into pieces.
"Sorry that took so long. It took me a moment to figure out that one."
Zero chuckled and shook his head.
"No worry, this woman thought she could be a sneaky one though."
"I don't know about you but I want to end this fast.
Zero nods, and jumps back quickly and stands beside his sister. Fenrir, who now felt smaller to this monster, growls as he increases his size. In the attempt to intimidate this monster, it stood in front of him and glanced up, now feeling inferior as it cowers back to its master.
"It is not often I see someone intimidate my beasts."
He continued to growl knowing it wasn't working on her.
"I really do care for my beasts and you did just kill two in mere moments."
She spoke softly but her rage began to build up, her eyes flicker to a bright red, horns began to sprout from her head. Seeing this, Hati's suspicions were definitely raised. He jumps out past his pack and rushes over to Fenrir.
"I must know this, Dragoness, did he use one of Tiamat's Kin for your powers?"
As her shape changed from her human form to her dragon, she looked down at Hati and chuckled.
"I may have lived in that village with the others, but that man did not imbue any powers into my body. I was born with these abilities. Two hundred years of honing my powers and taming those beasts. I am one of Tiamat's kin."
Hati looks away and began to process what he just learned. Zero and Obsidia looked at eachother as both had no idea.
"I assume she found out when you fought her the other day."
Fenrir knew his comment would've gotten a reply but she didn't respond or react. Her dragon form was now the size of Fenrir, who wasn't in his true form yet. The two now began to stare each other down but before the could fight, Fenrir heard the flapping of wings in the distance.
"I don't think your fight will be with me yet."
She looked at Fenrir, then began to look around. Once she looks back to Fenrir, he was already walking back to the others as he changes his shape once more.
"How dare you...."
Drache was stopped in the middle of her sentence when a large Dragon lands in between them, creating a crater around them.
"No... How did you...?"
The dragon stands up, revealing herself to be Tiamat. Her wings fold back behind her as she stood up.
"I shall take care of my own kin. You and the others have a quest you must complete."
She stood there facing down Drache. Fenrir knew what he had to do. Obsidia and Zero were already ready and waiting. Nieo rushes over to Fenrir and slides onto his back. Hati takes off running for the north followed by the four and his pack.
"Be careful Tiamat."
Nieo said softly but Tiamat clearly heard her and nodded, watching as the group disappears in the woods once again.