Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 26 - The Beginning of Hell

Chapter 26 - The Beginning of Hell

Tiamat stood before Drache, a dragoness who was slightly smaller than herself. While she kept Drache from following the group, she knew this was going to be tough after their previous encounter.


"Should we have just left her like that?"

Obsidia asked while she traveled on her brothers back. Fenrir shakes his head slightly.

"Even if I were to fight her while she was like that, I probably would've had a tough time. Tiamat knows what she's doing. I have faith."

Nieo could sense how worried he was but knew he was being serious.

"I too believe she will be fine. I have known her since before the time of man."

Fenrir chuckles softly.

"I see more you've gained more memories."

Nieo shook her head softly.

"No, it was one memory that I never lost."

The group continued to travel for several more hours, trying to make some distance between them and Drache, even though her roars could be heard from so far. The sun was midway but for some reason the sky turned to a blood red with dark clouds. The group stops and looks toward the sky as it changes, Fenrir looks over to Zero and Obsidia then back to the sky as he hears a voice in his head.

"You must hurry... There's not much time left... You must find Rahmiel..."

"Dammit... Nieo are you able to sense Rahmiel's aura?"

"I can try... It might be like Valoel's but pure."

She jumps off of Fenrir's back and closes her eyes. Slowly, she begins to lift off the ground with her aura glowing, surrounding her for a moment. She begins to focus, trying to sense Rahmiel's aura through the dense forest until a large ball of light forms in front of her and circles above her. Fenrir watches the ball, waiting for it to react when it shoots off toward the direction they were running in. He could hear the two fighting and still couldn't believe that immortals like them were capable of giving God and Goddesses a challenge like this.

"In half a day, there should be a town up ahead."

Hati slows down, his pack several feet behind him.

"Unfortunately this is as far as my pack goes. There are humans in that town that may be of help to you."

Obsidia and Nieo walk over to thank him. Fenrir steps towards a tree and looks toward the town. It seemed almost too quiet.

"What's wrong Fenrir?"

He relaxes for a moment then turns to Zero.

"It may just be me being too cautious, but this town is too quiet. Can you keep an eye on Nieo, I'm going to go down there and take a look."

The Direwolf stares down into the town for a moment.

"You may not need to worry. I can hear humans talking from here…."

He goes to finish his sentence but hears someone in the town spoke directly to him. The voice was feminine but sounded older and wiser than most.

"I know you are traveling with Fenrir. I have foreseen his arrival in search for Rahmiel…"

Fenrir noticed something was wrong but waited to see what was going on. After a moment passed, Zero looks over to Fenrir with a stern look.

"We need to get moving now. There's someone you need to meet."

Obsidia and Nieo walk back over to the pair, both were curious as to what is going on.

"We're leaving already aren't we?"

Nieo walks over to Fenrir, he sighs softly and nods.

"Nieo, get on. Zero, lead the way. I want to see who this person is."

Nieo and Obsidia were still confused as to what happened but didn't argue. Once they were ready, Zero starts ahead with Fenrir following behind.

They ran for an hour before coming across a cave.

"I think this is the place."

"Can you two please tell us why we're are here in front of a cave?"

Obsidia steps down from her brothers back so he could stand up.

"I had a voice from someone in that town back there speak directly to me. I don't know who she was but she knows we are looking for Rahmiel. Specifically naming Fenrir who was looking for Rahmiel."

Fenrir looks at the cave and starts forward.

"What if it's a trap? You could get stuck if you change."

"I can't sense any hostile aura's down there. In fact it feels like her Father's."

Nieo jolts forward as she too felt the mysterious aura.

"No. It feels like Rahmiel's."

She runs past Fenrir and heads into the cave entrance. He catches up and steps in front of her.

Let me go first in case this is a trap.

She nods and leans against him. Behind the two, Zero and Obsidia walk side by side. In her hand she ignites a white flame to light up the path. The group goes further in and sees a light down the caves hall. The walls slowly turned from a dark stone to a dark stone brick and the ground turned to stairs. As they approach the fire, Fenrir begins to hear a woman humming.

"It appears you have brought my God's Daughter as well."

Fenrir glances over to Nieo who didn't seem to react to the comment. They four walk down and are greeted by a large room with an older looking woman sitting in the middle. She looked to be in her early thirties but Fenrir knew she was older than himself. Her hair was long but kept in a braid along her shoulder. He could tell she was always prepared for a fight as she wore men's attire.

"Who are you?"

Nieo steps closer to the fire. This woman knew who she was as to no one but the old gods.

"Rahmiel told me that one day the end of the world would occur, the old gods would be destroyed, man would be enslaved, and a Wolf would come looking for the missing Angel."

"Do you know where she is?"

Fenrir steps beside Nieo once more as the woman looks up from the fire.

"I have been sitting here for thousands of years, adapting to the times in wait for you. In this room behind me there is a door. Through said door will lead you to an arch. Rahmiel gave me the power to activate it with one certain condition."

She spoke as she stood up and took a step toward them.

"That condition, requires a drop of blood from a Celestial being. Just a drop, she said. If you accept, it'll lead you to Rahmiel. If the blood was not right, then it would fail."

Nieo was hesitant at first, but nods.

"I accept. I know I'm the only one in this room who is a Celestial being. Please. We need Rahmiel's help."

The woman stands there for a moment and looks into Nieo's eyes. Her determination to meet an old friend once more was clearly shown. The woman smiles softly and turns to the door, opening it to show another room with a large arch in the far back of it.

"Follow me. I shall lead you to her."