Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 28 - Welcome to Hell?

Chapter 28 - Welcome to Hell?

As he walks alone out of the Archangel's Castle, Fenrir slowly transforms into his true form in order to clear distance.

"Fuck… I told her I had an idea… I don't even know what beings she has in this fucking realm."

Fenrir sighs softly then shakes his head and continues to walk, keeping his eyes on the rocky surface beneath him.

"Judging from the way she designed this realm, it almost reminds me of the Underworld, but more chaotic."

As walks for miles his mind now began to wonder about the realm they have entered and what he could possibly face, then his mind went back to his siblings.

"Fuck. I can't be thinking about them right now…"

As time flies, Fenrir closes in on his destination. A black fortress now stood in front of him, dwarfed in comparison to his current size.

"That woman has brought a Giant Wolf to fight us?!?! Is this a joke??"

Among the walls of the fortress, he could see the silhouettes of hundreds of demonic looking beings. Each one with their own unique look and armors.

"Master Jerraroth could easily defeat that thing."

*I highly doubt these idiots are what are causing Rahmiel so many problems.*

Fenrir thought to himself as he stands there as if these demons forgot he was here. He yawns for a moment and shakes it off.

*Maybe I should startle them just a little.*

After he thought that, his eyes begin to glow a bright red, he increases the strength of his ice veil for a moment, allowing it to surround himself and began to growl, a growl that almost echoed through the hellscaped valley.

"I-I think it heard you…"

One of the demons spoke to the other but kept his eyes on Fenrir, feeling a cold sweat drip down his spine.

"You little bastards are causing a lot of trouble for the wrong person. Now bring me those who lead this pathetic army."

Two demons walk out of the fortress and onto the wall with the guards. One was tall, muscular male demon while the other was a female that looked human at first glance.

"My name is Gal'gath and this here is my General Meruduth. I am the Lord of this fortress and I would like to ask you to lower your aura."

Fenrir raises a brow realizing the two who just arrived seemed powerful.

"May I ask as to why? Perhaps I wish to annihilate this fortress and move on to the next."

The lord jumps and begins to hover above the wall, none of the others seems fazed so they all were aware of his abilities.

"There is ancient dragon that lives nearby, if she awakens, she may be the death of this whole realm. Lady Rahmiel may survive but You and I as well as every demon here would die."

Fenrir sighs softly and nods, condensing his ice veil slightly. Little did he know, the longer he traveled with Nieo, the more his body was able to produce an aura.

"I do apologize, to be honest I wanted to scare your army in order to see who was charge of this fortress. Seeing how I won't be able to go all out and make this quick."

Fenrir was partially confused as to why Rahmiel was dealing with these Demons.

*I think I know how I can deal with these Demons now.*

Fenrir steps slightly closer to the fortress and stands over them.

"I won't destroy you, but there is a war going on in a different Realm and I need Rahmiel's help. If you can lead me to your King.."

The demons all look at eachother for a moment. He sees their reactions and shakes his head softly, knowing this was probably a bad idea.

"I'm sorry but our King has been silent for several moons. All of our Fortresses have been struggling to survive since his disappearance, fighting Lady Rahmiel's army and the creatures that roam this land."

Fenrir asks the demons where the castle was only to find that it was in the opposite direction of Rahmiel's castle.

Meanwhile in Rahmiel's Castle:

Zero was fast asleep on the floor with Obsidia laying against him. Nieo and Rahmiel sat across from each other at a table so the two could rest and discuss the events that had occurred since their departure.

"So it is true. I foresaw Fenrir's arrival when I first created the Arch but I never would have thought he would betray your father like this. Please forgive me, young Lady Nieo…"

"Rahmiel, it is I who should be asking for your forgiveness. After we had our argument and I stayed with him…. If I chose to go with you who knows what he could have done."

Nieo looked outside the giant window as she could sense Fenrir's faint aura. And began to wonder what their next plan was once they got Rahmiel to help.

"If you are wondering what the next step was, do not fret. Once Fenrir returns, then we will discuss this."

Nieo looks down with a heavy sigh and tries to relax in her chair. Rahmiel smiles as she began to think of the times they had.

"You really have not changed since the last time we met…"

Nieo curls up in her chair, lost in thought.

"I often question myself, knowing father could be listening, as to why I have been cursed with this "gift" if you will…"

Rahmiel stands up and walks over to the window.

"Your father was… No… Your father is definitely a mysterious one. Everything he does has a purpose, meaning we both have a purpose. Even your "gift" is a purpose."

She sees Nieo's reflection through the window as she looks over to her.

"Take your friends there for an example. I don't know them as well as you have but I can already sense your power flowing through them. Even if you had not told me I could still sense it."

Nieo glances over to Zero and Obsidia, even though they had spent time together, she was unaware her power still lingered on the siblings.

"Two hundred years… And I still had not noticed.."

Nieo was cut off by a massive roar. A roar so loud that woke the resting siblings and shattered the glass in front of Rahmiel.

"Why did he have to piss her off?"

Zero jumps to his feet and rush over to Rahmiel's side. Obsidia rushes over to Nieo to check on her, then stares over in Rahmiel's direction.

"Who are you talking about?"

"The one being in my realm I never thought would be awakened this soon… The Demon Dragon of the west, Nendrerth."

The moment Rahmiel spoke the name, a thunderous earthquake shook the castle of the Archangel. The siblings look at eachother then back out the shattered window. In the distance, Zero could see several mountains begin to shake.

"Why do you have a creature that size in your realm??"

"I didn't create her… If that is what you ask."