Alister stood face to face as Wraith watched from the distance. The sword still in Fenrir's hand but has yet to draw blood. His eyes were filled with hatred and sorrow. With all of the anger he was releasing, his aura now was clearly visible to the duo, the two who had lived and experienced the powerful aura of their master's were now feeling an even stronger presence.
Wraith began to recall the first time Fenrir he'd seen Fenrir turn into a Lycan before him but seeing this he knew there was no escape for Alister.
While he held onto Alister's sword, he grabs the armored immortal by his throat and pulls him in closer. Cold mist still bursts from the sides of Fenrir's mouth as Alister looks into the eyes of death. Fenrir opens his mouth as wide as he can and prepares to surround his head but pulls away. While he was distracted with his new enemy, Wraith had torn his back at some point. He began to growl then tosses Alister back into the destroyed mountain.
"I'm sorry Fenrir. I can not allow you to kill my companion like that."
Wraith had his two scythes ready in his hands waiting for his next move. The ground begins to rumble around Fenrir, cracks forming their way around him. Wraith was fully prepared to take on Fenrir once more. The beast makes his first move, disappearing within a blink of an eye and leaving only a trail of dust from where he once stood. The fog that once surrounded Alister now began to form and surround the area once more. Wraith had to rely on sound but even then he knew it was going to be a difficult task against Fenrir.
Fenrir's movements were unknown even to himself. Part of him felt like he was in control, but he knew he wasn't. He felt like a much smaller version of his true form and younger self at the same time but this hatred was even stronger now that he knew who was behind their deaths. He himself could not see Wraith, but his body could clearly sense him as he charges then leaps into the air. Fenrir's claw reaches for Wraith but is blocked by one of his two scythes. Fenrir growls and backs off for a moment back into the fog. He was still able to sense Wraith so he could tell where he was but once Alister recovered and was capable of hiding his presence, he made his way back into the thick fog.
With the Fenrir fighting Wraith and Alister, Rahmiel was still trying to hold back her old ally. Their swords clashing in the air with each attack. Rahmiel knew his moves and the same went for Valoel, being the one who had trained her but deep down she knew that Chaos had already consumed part of his soul. Rahmiel backs away as she could tell he was getting irritated and began to use his tendril's that protrude from where his wings once were. Flailing in the air and swiping at the Archangel herself yet she remained calm. As Valoel floats before her, she could see clear as day the aura of Chaos surrounding him now.
"If this battle goes on too long, Valoel, not only your soul but your body with all be consumed by Chaos."
He laughs and tosses his helmet aside reveal his face. He had long white hair, similar to his castle interiors. His face was slick and ended in a point. His eyes were no longer golden due to the chaos that flowed within him as they were now a purple tint.
"It is too late for that, Rahmiel. Can't you feel the awakening? This world and every realm is soon to reach their end."
She readied her sword again, holding it out toward him.
"I hate to ruin your plans but The Demon of Destruction has awakened. Chaos will never return."
His smile faded as he could sense she was serious. Deep down inside he began to panic.
Out of the corner of Rahmiel's eye, she sees what looked like a demon stalking in the tee line behind Valoel. As it got closer, it's face was now under the light and she could see it was a terrifying Lycan. Crimson and black blood dripping from its mouth. As soon as Valoel recovered his thoughts he looks over to Rahmiel, seeing her pale look as she lowered her sword. Behind him he could now sense a dangerous foe. One he was expecting but not on this scale.
"This pressure…. It reminds me of Eaos and Nendrerth…"
Rahmiel thought about it for a second, Fenrir's aura now felt like the two strongest beings in this war but she could also tell that he wasn't fully in control of this power and began to wonder how much damage he could do in his true form with this power.
"Fenrir… We must stop Valoel right here and now…."
She spoke but her words seemed to have no effect. Fenrir was here for one thing and one thing only now. His growling grew louder now as he began to move toward the Archangel, Valoel.
"I assume you have also killed Alister and Wraith, judging by the blood that is in you."
Valoel now lowers himself to the ground and stands between Rahmiel, who is now on the ground as well, and Fenrir. Rahmiel watches as the trees behind Fenrir, shatter from the mention of Wraith and Alister as if an invisible force broke them. She was now certain of one thing. Valoel will not stand a chance as Fenrir was no longer their equals and all she needed was for her old friend to make the wrong move.
Valoel stood staring down Fenrir, his focus now was this monster before him. Fenrir began to pace, blood still trailing from his mouth.
Rahmiel couldn't move, she was frozen from fear. Seeing Fenrir on this rampage, she knew this was just the beginning.