Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 36 - The Beginning of the End Part 1

Chapter 36 - The Beginning of the End Part 1

Nieo looks into Fenrir's broke eyes. His voice sincere and filled with determination.

"They're alive…"

Within her dome, purple and black smoke begins form around him as he starts to grip the ground. She steps back and watches as he tries to fight back again.

"It really is a shame… I was really hoping to destroy everything those two loved…"

The smoke began to form a black silhouette that now stood in front of Fenrir, who sat slumped over the ground. He was still trying to fight it.

"Nieo…. Get back…. It…. It's Chaos.."

He didn't realize but she already came to that conclusion. It's glowing eyes, staring deep into her soul, her body began to shiver as it started to float toward her. Fenrir stands up and rushes over to her and pushes her out of her own dome of light.

"Hmmm. You still have some fight in you, Fenrir."

Fenrir stood between Chaos and the others as the dome slowly begins to fade away for them to watch while Fenrir's body begins to changed to his human form.

"I have my own reasons to keep loving…"

As he began to regain his senses, pain began to spread throughout his body.


Fenrir looks toward Chaos, a white smile forming through its Smokey face.

"Ahhh. The others must be pleased that I have returned. Are they not, Eaos?"

"I wish I could say they are. I sense the council is watching as we speak"

Nieo stood beside Nendrerth once again in the back to try and heal her wounds. Her mind began to wander as she realized the three beings before her knew something else.

"There are more than just you and father, aren't there?"

Nendrerth sat there wincing from the pain Fenrir caused her with Chaos.

"Yes… He may have mentioned it before to Fenrir, but the council is known as The Universe… But why am I explaining this when The Council is watching."

Fenrir knelt down, the pain began to set in from his fight with Nendreth. He looks up at Chaos. It began to take its form.

"I do appreciate you lower beings for releasing me, although my body will take some time."

Eaos walks over to Fenrir and places his hand on his shoulder.

"Perhaps we have gone too soft on you for Fenrir's sake."

As Chaos' form began to take shape, Eaos himself began to transform as he began to step toward the old enemy. His aura began to glow bright white while six wings sprout from his back. Fenrir was forced to cover his eyes as he was begging blinded. He looks back and sees the others cover their eyes except for Nendrerth.

"Hah. You're finally showing it, old friend."

The light dims finally revealing his form. Fenrir was the first to see him hovering in front of him. At that moment he knew he needed to get up, but due to the extra fatigue he was feeling from the battle, his body wouldn't move an inch.

"Fenrir.." He hears a voice approach and looks back, feeling Nendrerth help him to his feet. "This is a fight you can no longer participate in."

"Chaos isn't even at his full strength… I could feel it…" He spoke softly as she began to help him over.

Eaos and Chaos stood across from eachother almost as if any moment one would attack the other.

"I may be limited to my power since the council had been established, but you have it regained your power either…"

Chaos smirks and sternly looks at his old nemesis. "That is where we are different. I do not have others controlling my power like you two."

Fenrir looks up at Nendrerth who nods slightly. "He is correct. Even I have my limitations…" They reach they others and gently lean him against Zero with Nieo rushing over to him.

Eaos, could hear Nieo as she began to take a look at Fenrir.

"Shall we end this?" Chaos' form shifts one last time, allowing him to stand before Eaos as a man. His lower half still covered in his dark and ominous smoke and flames.

"If I could, I would have asked that this encounter not take place on my world…" He sighs for a moment then looks back at Chaos, lifting his hand a glowing sword forms. Similar to Valoels sword but larger.

"Hah. I see." In front of Chaos, a massive Greatsword forms from his smoke. The blade was pitch black, but once he touched the handle the edges began to tremble with a bright red and blue hue.

"And I see your taste in weapons still have not changed either." Eaos spoke as he readied himself. Both hands on his sword while he faced Chaos.

The ground began to rumble, shaking beneath everyone's feet. Eaos looks back and summons a shield around Fenrir and the others. "This is not a fight I wish you to see, Nieo…"

She rushes to the wall of the shield. "Father??" Her shouts were slightly muffled but as the ground shook, they vanished from the world.

"Now I can concentrate on you, Chaos." He looks back in time to guard his attack. With force of the clash, shockwaves were sent throughout the world. The mountain beside the two bursts upward, molten lava spewing from the tip as it sends boulders down the side.

"How does it feel to see the world you so chose to create, slowly be destroyed between the two of us?"

Eaos backs away, trying to clear distance from the newly erupted volcano.

"I wish I was there to have been able to devour your precious cities like Atlantis or Pompeii…"

Hearing these words, he turned back around in mid air to Chaos and sliced through the air sending lines of light toward his opponent.

"So many lives were taken that I should have known they were your doing."

Chaos smirks, his form still shifting back and forth. As the two celestial beings clashed. "Once I am done with you, I'll go after those who are precious to you. Perhaps Nendrerth first."

The fight continued for what felt like days to Eaos. The world has crumbled beneath the two as they fought but the surface, all of the humans who lived in this era as well as the creatures, all dying within moments from the cataclysms being caused. Eaos was wearing out, blood and sweat dripped from him and each wound he now owned. Several stung from the Chaos flames that were left on his wounds.

"Your time as well as this world, Eaos, is hanging by a thread."