Fenrir laid down in the room he was given. The three words his siblings spoke earlier still echoed in his thoughts.
For Her Sake
He sat up and turned, staring out the window beside him.
For Her Sake
The words echoed again.
"I know what I have to do dammit…"
He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them, seeing his younger sister once again before him.
"Hel…. Why are you…."
Her form was like a cloud of smoke that was stuck in place.
"That girl needs your help… She is about to lose your father and her mother… A mother she didn't even know she had."
He stood up and walked over to her. He wanted to hug her but he knew the truth.
"I've been thinking about it… And with you and our brothers constantly on my mind I'm torn… What if I am given a chance to being you three back?"
His sister smiled briefly before shaking her head.
"There's always a second chance at life for us. She needs you more than we do, we have discussed this."
He felt as if his heart was being torn apart. His hand gently placed over his his heart then feels the warmth of her ghostly hand.
"We are not truly with the dead yet brother…. As I have told you many times, we are still with you."
He looks back up at her, seeing her smile one last time before her form dispersed.
"Thank you for that, sister…"
He looks out the window one more time then lays back on the bed to get some rest.
The next morning came, Nieo, Obsidia, and Zero had been escorted to a room while they waited for Fenrir. As they wait, Obsidia noticed something about the stone room nobody normally would have noticed.
"This room… It feels strange…"
Nieo sat in the corner curled up in her seat. She didn't say a word but she heard Obsidia's. Zero looks at his sister then begins to sniff around.
"It's nothing like that, Brother…. It feels more like we're being watched."
The door soon opens up, allowing Fenrir to step through.
"We're being watched…"
She looked over to Fenrir.
"You feel it too?"
He nods as he leans up against a wall. Nieo and Zero couldn't feel it which he could only assume one being was watching them.
"I don't feel the presence, but I guarantee it is the creator the spoke of. I know this is more of a waiting room but still…"
Zero lays down beside Nieo, allowing her to stroke the back of his head. Obsidia stands up and walks over to him, standing out of ears reach of Nieo.
"I wanted to talk to you about something Fenrir…"
Standing against the wall with his arms still crossed, he looks up to her.
"I think I know what you were planning…. Honestly I was hoping it would just be me… This timeline isn't mine so I am an occurrence as is…."
She looks down. She herself felt like a burden to him.
"But this may also be a chance to redeem ourselves and bring back my siblings…"
Hearing his words, she looked up into his eyes. They looked into eachothers eyes for a moment then look over to Zero and Nieo. Nieo had leaned against him and closed her eyes. The door finally opens, both Elder Domnus and Elder Dara.
"Are you four ready?"
Elder Dara asked as Domnus waited by the door.
Fenrir and Obsidia walk over to the two Elders while Zero woke Nieo up. Dara looked at the two for a moment then reached over wnd placed her hand on Fenrir's shoulder.
"Are you two certain you want to go through with this?"
There was no hesitation when Fenrir nodded, but Obsidia looked back to Nieo, feeling the pain from her heart.
"We must."
Domnus waited but clearly was impatient.
"We must leave now. We do not want to keep the master waiting."
Domnus glides over to a gate down the hall leaving Elder Dara with them.
"Then follow me."
She began to walk away toward Domnus. Fenrir and Obsidia helped Nieo on to Zero's back so the four could follow behind. Both Elders place a hand on the gate and open it allowing the four to head through.
Once they were through, they now stood on top the massive tower greeted by the blue sky and a slight breeze.
Domnus and Dara both enter and shut the Gate behind them.
"As you can see, we are now on top the tower. When we are summoned, either us Elders or all of us here gather around the top of the tower."
A bright light in the blue sky catches Nieo's eye as an orb slowly begins to grow closer and closer. Elder Domnus kneels down and looks toward the light.
"Kneel before our master."
The four look at each other. Nieo and Zero need first, followed by Obsidia. After dealing with gods for so long, Fenrir was hesitant about kneeling until an ominous amount of pressure slowly came into reach.
"Feel the power of our creator, young wolf?"
Elder Dara walked past the struggling Fenrir and kneels beside Domnus. It wasn't the fact that he was struggling to move that confused him. The fact that a being as powerful as she was was still capable of movement even before this power.
"When I stood before Eaos… I thought he was the strongest being…"
He finally caved in, kneeling down behind Elder Dara. The light shinned brighter as it drew closer and closer.
"Young Fenrir… You do not need to kneel…"
The thunderous voice echoed through the land.
Elder Domnus glanced back at the young wolf who now felt free of this pressure, stood back up. He looks up toward the light that now stopped and hovered in front of the tower that they stood on. A blinding bright light began to shine for a moment then disappeared to reveal the massive being.
"I have been waiting for this moment for so long, young wolf."