Fin stood across from Chaos who now wore a more physical form. Find nails dug into his palms, dripping blood from how tight his grip was. The stare down was feeling as if it had lasted a millennia but he knew it had only been a few minutes. The air was cold around the two as the tension continued. Dogma stood a distance away with Estrel, Chib, and Beril trying to keep them warm as Fin continues to freeze the air. She had tested it earlier that day, testing her new abilities but limiting what she could do since she had been in the tower, discovering she could increase the temperature like Fin previously had done.
"Are you afraid to attack me after initiating this fight?" Chaos asked, summoning one of his sword from the dark abyss.
"If I were afraid, you could've killed me many times over by now." Fin replied as he raises his right arm forward as if he too were summoning a weapon. "I don't won't this fight to last too long so I think I'll just use something familiar." Ice begins to form in his hand in the shape of chains, ones in which then didn't seem to end. "Gleipnir. The chains that once bound me from causing Ragnarok."
Chaos stared at the chains but he understood what he was thinking. "You think you're going to bind me?" The question had been asked but the o my one reacting was Estrel as if he knew something.
"I never said I was going to bind you." Fin says as the chain solidifies, then slowly begins to heat up in his hand. "I know what it's like to be bound by chains, whether they're physical or mental." He raises his arm as Gleipnir, the mystical chains, begins to float out of his hand and into the air. "Since Gleipnir in this timeline is slightly different, these are even stronger now."
The chains now float hundreds of feet up for a moment then reappear above Chaos, falling down around him in a circle. Chaos leaps up into the air and out of the way of the chains when his leg gets caught by the end. He glanced back and watches as Fin, who still stood facing where Chaos once was, snapped his fingers. At first nothing happened until Chaos realized what was about to happen. Within a matter of seconds, Chaos is slammed down into the ground with the chains curling around him.
"I suppose now is the best time to take out my anger." He didn't look, but with how calm he said it he could feel the Elders eyes looking at him with worry. Afraid to see the dark side of him. The Rage within him still has yet to show once more. Fin pulls the chains tight around Chaos, tightening them and tightening them as he pulls him toward himself.
While the chains of Gleipnir tighten around him, Chaos quietly thinks of a way to escape the painful imprisonment. His sword still floating where he stood but his hands were still under the chains.
"You destroyed the world that Obsidia…No. Dogma and I lived on." He lifts him up and slams him onto the ground again as if he were a feather. "You destroyed so many innocent lives…" A low growl forming in the back of his throat as he slams Chaos once more into the ground.
"That puny ball was bound to destroy itself. I just gave it a little push in the right direction." Fin could feel the anger build up inside him from Chaos's words, causing the air to go from cold to freezing. Snow slowly coming down for a moment before turning into a blizzard.
Dogma could see the weather getting worse and turned her heated area into a shield of warmth. "You wanted to test him… Here's your chance to see him unleash his anger. Be grateful it's not his Rage yet." She spoke softly as she knew if he were to Rage she would have to step in. She kept her eyes on the two while both Elders watched. Chib dealt Beril's fear as the large reptilian wolf cowers behind her.
While Fin continues to throw Chaos into the ground with the chains of Gleipnir, Chaos finally tries and to dissipate but failing because of the chains.
"I'm not going to let you leave these chains…" Fin's eyes were glowing a strong red. Not only is he able to change the weather but in the wrong hands, he still is a calamity.
Chaos closes his eyes, grunting each time he hits the ground. He keeps his eyes closed as he begins to focus and summons another sword but different from his main one. "I hate… to ruin the fun my friend." He opens his eyes again as hundreds of swords form from his purple hue and surround the two. Chaos had been lifted off the ground and was in mid air ready for the next slam when he brings the swords back into him. Piercing through the chains from every direction. "I don't think a physical form will do me justice in this fight."
Chaos' form dissipates as well as the swords, leaving just a loose husk in the chains. Fin sees what has happened and recalls the chains. "Thank you Gleipnir." He says as he watches the mystical chains disappear. He now stands alone in the valley as the blizzard takes over. He looks down at the palm of his hands we're the chains were, looking at where his nails had dug into as ice forms over it and slowly heals.
Think that he saw an opening, the Incarnation summons his swords again and throws them at Fin while he kept to the shadows. "I will have my way and I will have my fun." His voice echoed but he stopped when he feels a hand grip his form. He was confused as Fin was still standing so far away from him but yet someone had a grip. He then is pulled back toward Fin and held only feet away.
"How is it, Eaos and Nendrerth once had a problem fighting you…. But yet, you can't do anything to someone in his prime." Fins gaze was still facing away but Chaos could feel his eyes on him as if he had eyes everywhere. All he could feel was helplessness for once. Fear now spread deep through out Chaos.
"I know when my time is up… But I must say… You're being used." He smirked, death was only moments away for him. "Let me tell you something. Your so called Master that you gained power from…. Created me."