Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 49 - Old Lies

Chapter 49 - Old Lies

"I see you have returned home…." The mother spoke then began to climb up out of the hole that sat in the ground. Nendrerth walks into the room as the ground shakes either ash movement. "That bastard created that parasite… And what do I get in return…." Once she was out of the hole, she turns to Nendrerth and lays down. "Your brother and father's deaths are on his hands."

It took her a moment then looks up to her mother. "Are you talking about Chaos?" The question seemed to sink in deep.

"I am. Your so-called master created him and set him after you two… I've seen everything that has occurred and foreseen most except their deaths." She lifts her head and looks up to the rocky ceiling. "He did not create anything… Only took what was not his…"

Nendrerth was trying to process what her mother just said to her. "Hold on mother… You mean the others weren't created by him?"

"I mean nobody was created by him… His powers are his and he can gift who he pleases with power like your two friends… But he cannot create power." The giant drake looks down toward her daughter. "Take my children as an example, you included. I birthed each and everyone of you." She slowly lifts her claw up and holds her hand out, watching as a Screecher, a small dragon with a bladed head and large mouth, lands in her palm and whimpers. "He takes beings from worlds all around and wipes their minds completely."

Nendrerth placed her hand across her mouth and was thinking to herself.

"Your wolf friend has learned the truth about this." She says softly gripping a boulder and holding it in her other hand, and the screecher flies off.

"Mother. I know I just returned to be by your side… But I must leave and tell them this…" she steps over and wraps her arms around her as much as she could get.

"You and your brother were my most dearest. Please be safe… I can not lose you either…" The mother gently reaches down and rubs her massive index finger against Nendrerth.

"Mother… Fin and Eaos are the strongest two I know. Even Dogma is on par with myself now…" She tells her mother softly trying to ease her mind.

"Now that I know you are still alive… My thoughts have been put to rest but my heart still hurts." With that being said, hundreds of screechers fly down from the ceiling of the cave and land on their mother hugging her to comfort her.

"He has angered me beyond the point of return… Tell your friend if he plans anything, I will help him." She nudges her small daughter then pulls back. "Now go… I must rest for some time."

"Thank you mother. I shall return with a plan." She turns around and runs for the gate. She could feel her mother moving around and crawling back down the huge pit. All of the children had finally relaxed and went back to flying around or patrolling the mountains in ease. Nendrerth came back to the massive serpent and looks up at him. "You should be faster than my other form. Can you carry me to the tower to the south?" While she asked the serpent sibling, her hand was gently pressed against its side again allowing him to relax once more. He lowers his head for her to step up and helps her with a wing.

Now that Nendrerth was on her siblings head, he begins to slither along the ground for a moment gaining speed then raises his wings, flapping slowly but gaining altitude quickly.

Meanwhile back on Earth, a gate forms before Fin, who was in his dire wolf form, and Dogma as well as the three old gods. Nieo runs out of the neon portal and hugs Dogma who gave her a hug back. Then Eaos walks out of the gate and sees the three behind Fin. "It has been a long time my old friends." Odin nods, he had his arms crossed but didn't move. Zeus knelt beside the other two.

"It truly has lord Eaos…" The old god spoke. His eyes were old and weary and his beard was white as snow.

Ra had let his age get to him as he could not kneel or bow. "Forgive this old bird as I cannot kneel." He looked down, then feels a warm hand gently pressed against his shoulder.

"None of you need to bow or anything. It is I who should be kneeling. I've left each and every one of you to your own for so long." Eaos tells the three feeling guilt build up for not visiting in the past. "But I fear now is not the time for this. Is it Fin?"

"You're right." Fin replies. He waits for Zeus to stand up. "I originally asked for these three for help on this project…. But with my encounter with Chaos after Dogma and I gained our powers… Chaos told me something that I now fear may be true." He turns around to the four. Dogma sets Nieo down.

Dogma chimes in real fast. "I'm going to take Nieo on a walk." Fin didn't reply but he knew it would be trouble if she found out as well.

"Wait. Why? We've been through enough because of Chaos. At least let me help you again." Nieo held Dogmas hand tightly. "I may still be a kid but I am still older than any of you. So please let me help."

Fin could feel Dogma look over towards his direction. "Dammit… I didn't want to involve anyone else in this but fine. You can stay Nieo, but be ready because what I'm about to tell you two is serious." Fin gives off a heavy sigh for a moment. His fur glimmering under the light of the ancient sun. His eyes glowing even under his eyelids. He then opens his eyes and looks at everyone and begins to speak. "Chaos told me.." but instead is cut off when the gates form behind him and opens up to reveal a massive serpent head. Fin felt no fear as he could sense another strong presence behind him but the others jump back slightly. Eaos summons his sword ready for a fight as well as Odin. Zeus has readied himself, standing in a stance with lightning surrounding himself while Ra stood in the back with his staff.

The serpent slithers it's way through the gate and wraps itself around the group. Fin manages to say "Relax guys." With those words Eaos quickly felt the familiar presence as well. The serpent slows down until it reaches a stop. It's wings wings fold back like a hood of a cobra and lowers its head to reveal Nendrerth who slowly and carefully slides off of its back and lands on the ground.

"I'm sorry I startled everyone." She said then turns to Fin. "You already know don't you?" She asked as she stares Fin down.

"I do. I was just about to tell Eaos and your daughter." As Nendrerth gives him a glare, he couldn't help but chuckle. "She insisted to join us on this."

"I was going to go on a walk with her, Nendrerth, but she did insist." Dogma looks down only to hear a sigh from Nendrerth.

"What the hell is going on? Everyone knows except myself and Nieo." Eaos was the only one confused.

Fin looks over to Dogma then back to Eaos. "Chaos was created by the Master."

"And you were not created by him Eaos. None of you Elders were." Nendrerth spoke up and stood next to Fin. "He takes everyone with the powers he looks for and wipes their minds." She turns to Fin "My mother has known but kept his secret until the deaths of my father and brother. She is willing to work with you if you have a plan."

Fin looks to the sky for a moment. "We cannot move right away. He might suspect something. For now, until we have finished our mission, we must wait and build up our forces. Dogma and I will see if we can add on to the list of Gods to aid us."

Nieo reaches up and holds her fathers hand. "What should the three of us do?"

"Nendrerth? Can I ask you to ask your mother if she can build up her force as well? I'm sure she probably doesn't have much does she?" Fin looks over at her. He knew if they went at him now, the other Elders would fight by the Masters side.

"I can ask her. As of now she only as screechers, Sky Serpents, and Drakes." Nendrerth replies and runs her right hand through her hair.

Fin looks toward the three gods. "Alright. Zeus, Ra, and Odin. I know you three are getting old of this but can you help with the creation of new gods?"

The look at eachother silently before Zeus speaks. "We are still allies but more importantly we can help."

Fin leans forward, nodding his head. "Thank you guys. This is going to be a while.