"Before you three leave… There's something I need to tell you and Dogma… But this must stay between us four…" Fin looked down and steps away from the old gods and Dogma.
She looks up toward Fin as the three gods do the same. "What's wrong Fin?" After hearing the death of Tiamat, a being who once helped the two care for Nieo, she was worried there was more bad news to come.
"My boy… As we have said before. We will help you if you need it." Zeus walked over to him. "Tell us, what is troubling you."
Fin turns back to face them once again. His eyes were filled with an emotion that filled each corner of his face. One in which none of them had seen. "Chaos was created by our Master."
With his words, Dogma started thinking back to the conversation she had with Estrel and Chib. Could it be their master had planned this for eons. A plan that had been put in place for an unknown reason. "You don't think our Master has a plan put in place do you?"
Odin looks down at his the freshly created grass and dirt. The rocks sticking through here and there. "The God of Creation and the Dragon of Destruction fought Chaos so long ago. Yet he returned and destroyed Midgard… Or Earth if you will."
Fin walks away rubbing his head as he tries to think. Dogma shook her head, waiting for him to be out of range of the ear. "Chaos doesn't exist anymore."
Hearing this, Odin glances over to Fin then back to Dogma. "Did he…." Before he could finish his sentence Dogma was already nodding.
"He felt a small bit of Fin's wrath." She walks toward the ocean and glances out at it. Before she could ask a question, Fin turns back around shifting into his true form. At first he starts off as a wolf but his size gradually increases to the size of a mountain. His eyes flickered above the clouds and his fur as white as snow.
"I'm going to take a walk…" He says as he begins to walk. Now that his part was done for now, all he wanted was to think. The only thing he knew was Chaos told him this for a reason and he wanted to think why.
As Fin departs to walk the new lands they've created, Dogma and the three Gods continued their talk. Fin walked for several hours, walking around the single continent knowing it would split eventually. His mind was still focused on what Chaos had told him. He wanted to know the truth but what would happen if he did. He continues to walk through the vast tree line, standing tall enough to see over the massive trees.
Meanwhile in The Tower Dara and Domnus were at the top of the tower waiting for their master. In the distance they can hear him speaking.
"I sense a change in young Fin." The two elders kneel as the masters beastial form appears before the two, towering over them as if the tower were nothing. "Where for the good or the worst, Fin is changing faster than I anticipated. His true test shall begin soon."
"Master… It is too soon for him. He hasn't lived for as long as we have… His powers may be growing rapidly but he still hasn't learned to use them properly." Domnus looked up at the master and stands up.
"You are right. Which is why we shall test him soon." He looks out toward the sky, watching as several other tower dwellers fly high in the sky like whales in an ocean. "I am going to need both of you for this Domnus. You and Dara were my first Children."
Domnus closes his eyes and sighs heavily. "Father… I shall not argue with you any longer. I will help you."
Dara closes her eyes, understanding what their father meant. "As will I. I will help you father." She stands up and looks into their fathers eyes before the two say in unison.
"What must we do?"
While they discuss their next steps, deep inside the the tower, Nieo, Nendrerth, and Eaos all wait for the new world to be created. The three on a sofa together relaxing. Nendrerth had learned about her father and brothers death, still hesitant about meeting her mother about them. Nieo ended up dozing off in her mother's arms and all Eaos could do was enjoy the moment.
"Have you spoken to your mother yet?" He asked her only to be answered by silence. "You need to see her. As long as you're alive…" Before he could finish his sentence, Nendrerth smacks the back of his head with her her tail she has just formed.
"I will… She terrifies me more than father did but I know I need to see her." Speaking softly as she ran her hand through her daughters hair, Nendrerth felt as if her mother already knew. "I'll leave tomorrow. She no longer lives in the tower but she still lives in this realm."
"I'll take her tomorrow to check on the others." He stands up and and walks over to the window, glancing down outside. Even though the window was on the inside of the tower, the world they had a view of was a lively oceanic floor. Creatures of the unknown tower swam throughout as well several aquatic elders. "If you do need me… If she tries anything… Summon me. We've been away for too long I want to be able to help you."
She looks down and smiles. "I promise I will." She held Nieo and closes her eyes. Leaving Eaos to himself.
"Eaos…" He hears a voice in his head. Someone was using telepathy? "It's me… Fin… Can we talk?"
"I was planning on bringing Nieo with me to check on you two. Is everything Okay?" Eaos was worried. Fenrir… No, Fin wouldn't contact him unless it was something serious.
"No. There's something we need to talk about in private. I'm using Telepathy for a reason."
Eaos glares out the window emotionless. "I'm with Nendrerth and Nieo but they're asleep now. Go on a head and speak my friend." He tried to keep his voice down but tenses as Fin tells him what he learned.
"We can talk more tomorrow. I'll cast barrier around us when we arrive…" Eaos clenched his fists tight.