Twenty years have passed since the Naming and now there are 4 of the six remaining from the tests. During the Naming, each one had been given immortality. Obsidia and Zero stayed together no matter where they were sent. Cinder and Drache went their separate ways from the others.
"Obsidia... Why must we be the ones to watch over these villages?"
Obsidia walks through with Zero by her side. Even she couldn't answer the question.
"I quit asking questions. You know this Zero."
She places her hand on his shoulder. As they walk. The villagers knew who they were and paid no attention. There was no tension in the air and they were all relaxed. Children were outside playing while the farmers worked.
"The village does remind me of when we were children though."
Zero gently bumps into her.
"Don't start thinking about it now. It's been a long time, sister."
Obsidia sighs and stops, giving her brother a hug.
"Let's go find the Chief of the village."
The two begin to walk toward the villages center where the Chief normally was. They turn the corner and see him sitting in a chair outside his hut. He was an older man with grey hair and a thick grey beard and was covered with a sheet from the neck down. As they begin to walk over, Zero stops as he could hear a scream in the distance.
"Go tell the Chief something is wrong."
He turns and takes off running toward the scream. She rushes over to tell the Chief, who sees the worried look on her face and stands up. This older man had been a hunter, his arms the size of branches.
"Is your brother heading toward the direction of the scream?"
The Chief asks as he reaches into his hut and retrieves a large sword, clutching it in one hand.
"Y-yes. All he told me was to tell you something was wrong."
The two head in the direction Zero ran off to when what the Chief had said finally clicked.
"Sir may I ask you something?"
As the two are running, the Chief carried the sword over his shoulder.
"Is it how I knew there was a scream?"
She goes to ask her question but is stopped.
"Y-yeah. How did you know it was a scream?"
"Child... I am an old Hunter who watches over this village. I grew up in the forest since I was knee high."
The Chief smiles softly recalling his younger years.
"For now let us focus on finding your brother."
Obsidia nods and continues to run through the village with the Chief. The closer the two got the more the villagers they ran into. Finally they come to a crowd of villagers and see Zero standing between a young child and a group of bandits.
"Interesting. A Direwolf, an interesting girl, and an old man with an over grown knife. What will the gods being me next?"
The leader of the bandits steps through, he wore a sleeveless top and held a sword. Obsidia and the Chief walk over to Zero.
"Chief... Let us handle this okay?"
The Chief looks over to Obsidia and smirks. Then steps back a bit.
"You two were sent to this village for a reason. Show me what you can do child."
Obsidia's hands begin to catch fire, black flames forming as she steps forward. The leader is taken back by the scene but holds his ground.
"Go for the girl and her wolf first."
"I'm not her wolf... I'm her brother."
Zero leaps forward, taking on the left side of the bandits. Obsidia sighs then surrounds the right side in flames. The leader watches as his men are being burnt to a crisp.
"You.... I've heard stories of a girl who could summon black fire.... I will make you pay."
The leader starts to charge at her but is stopped when he sees Zero slowly walk himself over to his sister. The leader sees him, blood dripping from his mouth and fangs as he bared his teeth.
"My brother and I are here to watch over this Village. You either join your men or one of us will kill you."
The leader gripped his sword tightly and looks at it.
"I either die with my companions or flee like a coward..."
He charges at her with his sword, ready to kill. Obsidia reaches forward and snaps, engulfing the man in her black flames. Obsidia closes her eyes and sighs softly. Zero looks over to the Chief, who now had the whole village gathered behind him, smiled.
"You two are definitely an interesting pair."
He walked over to the two, but could tell something was off for a moment.
"I do not wish to sound like a monster, but I would not step any closer to my sister if I were you."
The Chief looks at Zero then back to Obsidia. Her hair flowing like fire and the leaves near her feet being to blow away.
"Once she get heated up like this, it normally takes some time to cool down."
Zero looks at the Chief, his eyes filled with worry as he had seen this dozens of times.
"I understand child. I shall have everyone return to what they were doing."
Zero nods softly and watches as the Chief dispersed his villagers from the scene. Then turning to his sister, and sits down beside her.
"I don't want to kill anyone any more, Zero...."
He looks over to her, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"I know... But because we are immortals, we are to watch over this village."
An hour had passed, allowing Obsidia to cool off and lean against her brother.
"You know he will try to do the same to this village... Just like he did to ours."
Her voice almost trembling as she remembered that fateful day.
"He will... And we'll be a part of it unfortunately..."
The two look up to the night sky. Obsidia rests against Zero's soft fur causing her to slowly drift off to sleep.
"And I'm the younger brother..."
Zero says to himself softly and curls up with her against him.