Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 23 - The Siblings Part 2

Chapter 23 - The Siblings Part 2

The girl wakes up in a dark and cold room. The walls were made of natural stone and in front of her was a bolted wooden door. It took time before her eyes were finally able to adjust to the dark room allowing her to stand up and look around. She then realized she wasn't wearing the same clothes as the previous day but is now wearing a gown as if she was behind held for a crime. She looks at the walls to see if there was a crack or a way out, but after what felt like an eternity of looking, she leans against the wall and slides down to the floor and pulls her knees to her chest. Hoping her brother was okay, she started to see the image of her dead parents before her for a moment and shook her head trying not to dwell on it for too long.

"I see the girl is awake. How is her brother?"

She hears the man's voice and recognizes it as the man who took them.

"The experiment you conducted seemed to have no effect as of yet, Master. Other than that, he is resting for now."

"Good. Watch over the boy and make sure he stays well fed. These two just lost their parents so they might not cooperate with us."

She couldn't tell what he was going to next but then he begins unlock her door. She sat the watching as there sounded like there were four locks. For a moment it went silent, but the door opens and the man steps through.

"I apologize for having to put you in this situation."

She looks away, closing her eyes.

"You had him kill our parents... Didn't you...?"

He stopped for a moment then walked to the wall as he placed his hand against the stone.

"I did. You and your brother have survived so far along in my plans."

She looks down and begins to cry.

"Every parent in your village accepted their fates to save each and every one of you."

The man starts to turn around, then feels the room grow hot. He looks back and sees a faint black fire surrounding the girl.

"It has already begun. Your powers are manifesting earlier than I anticipated."

She looks up and sees the fire faint fire and reaches forward. It felt warm but didn't burn, she now looks up at him.

"Is this why you wanted us?"

"Seeing how you are the second one able to control fire, I think I can answer your questions. For now rest. I'm going to check on your brother again."

She watches as he leaves and shuts her door, then goes back to feeling the fire.

After leaving the girls room, he walks down the hall to another and opens the door. The brother no longer seemed like himself as he was chained up. Seeing the man step in he stands up, hair covering his body and his face now turned into a canines. His fingers grew long and had sharp nails.

"Hmm. It seems the transformation is going to take some time."

He stands there as the feral beast Alice's the air in front of him.

"Or perhaps seeing your dead parents triggered this rage?"

The beast stops and looks down, whimpering softly as if he were crying.

"Fear not boy. You and your sister are under my care now. It will take some time, but you are near perfection."

He walks over and gently places his hand on his head.

"Soon the pain will be over and you and your sister can enjoy better rooms and better food."

The boy looks up then rubs his head against the man's hand, with a whimper.

"Now rest. Tomorrow we will try again and hopefully we will succeed."

The boy nods and walks over to the corner of the room and curls up. Then the man walks out of the room and locks it behind him.

"Keep an eye on the boy. His transformation may take some time."

The man tells a guard who was standing by the door.

"This yields some promising underlings. If only he understood his own daughters power."

Another man in armor walks down the stairs.

"Master, I just took Nieo back to her chamber. Is there anything you wish of me?"

"You have done well Alister. The siblings survived my tests and a couple of the children you brought have as well. Find Wraith, soon I'm going to have the two do you train this batch."

Alister nods, then bows before his master and heads back up stairs. The man follows behind Alister thinking of his next plan.

Back in the locked room, the girl sits with her dark fire, unsure of what to think. While staring deep into one of the flames hat sat on her palm, an image flickered inside of it, revealing a massive fog covered mountain region and a crimson red eye staring out at her. She closed her hand, extinguishing the flame as she now knows what she must do.

Years now pass by and the two learned to control their powers. The sister learned quickly to control her flames unlike her counter part who had the strongest fire of the two. The brother, who went from a young boy to a feral beast, struggled for months to complete his transformation, now was complete. His wolf form was larger than most wolves, deeming him a Dire Wolf. They now sat in a room with the others that survived each horror the man called training.

"Each and everyone of you have been chosen for a purpose. In time, my plan will go in effect and we will gain power's beyond the capabilities of the Old Gods."

He paced through the massive room, passing each and every one of the remaining six.

"To begin with, each one of you shall go through a Naming. Starting with the Siblings I have chosen."

The brother looks over to his sister, who glances back to him then their Master.

"The two of you exceeded my expectations, and for that I shall name you two first."

He beacons for them to come to him so she along with her brother both stand up. Placing her hand on his back, they both walk over to him.

"Obsidia and Zero..."

He places his hands on their shoulders.

"Welcome to your new family..."