"Aster, are you excited to meet the Lady of the Western temple? I hear she's quite beautiful and friendly." Aster stopped dead in his tracks, "D-did you say Temple in the West?" Amber smiled and nodded, but was confused by Aster's behavior. "Ugh what bad bad...BAD luck! They really are unexpected guests. Why can't I hold more power and separate myself from her!?"."
Amber continued walking towards the stairs that led outer halls of the temple while Aster slowly sauntered on behind her, mumbling under his breath. "What bad luck," Amber rolled her eyes at Aster's comments. They made it up the stairs and were walking through the outer hallway that led to the main entrance of the temple. "Aster, please quicken your pace. We really need to inform-" "My dear Aster! Oh how I have missed you!" A tall, rather busty lady was quickly approaching Aster with her arms out, her elaborate shall moving gently with the breeze that her steps caused. The pair could hear the mild *tink, clink* from the many gold and silver bracelets.
Aster cringed then turned to run away but when he did he ran face first into a broad chest of someone he assumed was her body guard. 'Ugh why now,' Aster thought to himself as he held his nose, "Lady of the West, I'm flattered by your attention, but this is rather inappropriate, we have an important matter we need to discuss with The Elders!" Aster moved his hand and mustered up his courage, speaking in a loud and commanding voice. Amber, who moved to stand next to him was nodding her head up and down in agreeance. During this time, the body guard Aster ran into, moved over to his Boss's side.
The Lady of the Western temple stopped just about a meter, or about 3 feet, away from Aster and Amber, then folded her arms across her chest while causing her exposed cleavage to become more apparent, while also making a pouting face. "At least greet me properly My Dear Aster. I only want what is expected from a typical formal greeting between neighboring territories. Is that too much to ask?" She grinned deviously and put her hand out towards Aster, expecting a kiss, but her efforts were wasted when suddenly there was a loud scream followed by the sound of something hitting the floor with incredible force causing the ground beneath their feet slightly tremble. "Enough wasting our time. We need to hurry!" Aster and the others ran towards the sound, while the Lady of the Western Territory and her guards followed closely, all unaware of the horrors they were about to face.
*The atmosphere felt heavy, making it hard for Wren to breath. 'Where...where am I?' Wren cautiously tried to open her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She tried to turn her head to the side but she felt as if her head was secured in place but she couldn't tell what or why. Wren tried to to calm her racing heart and heavy breathing but to no avail. The area surrounding Wren seemed to be somewhat illuminated, but she still was unable to move properly. She tried to move her arms and legs but soon found out that they also felt restrained. "Where am I? Who are you!? What do you want from me!?" Wren was yelling into the darkness hoping to get some sort of response.
"My Wrenny Bear? Where did you and your brother run off too?" Wren was shocked, she knew this couldn't really be her mother but it couldn't stop her heart from wishing it was. She could hear slow and light footsteps approaching. She tried to open her mouth to speak but before she could she heard a gun shot, followed by the sound of a dull thud. BANG! She could smell the gunpowder followed by a metallic sort of smell. Wren wasn't sure who it was, but she knew someone had just been shot. "Uh Darling, did you just kill the kid? I thought you said to keep him alive." Wren's mothers voice seemed to chance from the normal cheerful tone she remembered to someone that almost sounded like a different person.
"Eh give it a rest will ya Sharron? It's not like the wee lad will be missed, aye? I know you and that Gilbert didn't give a damn about 'em. It's a wonder that young lass of yours hasn't-" SLAP! "Conner, you can talk how you wish about my worthless husband, that so called son of ours, but you ab-so-lutely can't talk about my Wren like that. Do you understand?!" 'Mom...' Wren could feel the tears welling up in her eyes as she listened to her mom and the man named Conner speak so badly about the family she loved. 'What did dad ever do to deserve this?'
The man chuckled slightly. "You've grown braver aye? Tryin' to knock 'ole Conner of his game? Well let me tell ya something Darling. So long as we're an item, you can do as ya please as long as we keep to the main goal. We clear? I won't change tha plan just because the Lass doesn't like to listen." Wren could hear her mom sigh, "Yes, I am well aware of that Conner. Just let me get my daughter to Julianna safely, then we can cover up what happened here, find Takeda, and continue with the plan. After that, I'm all yours Darling. We will have everything we've been after for years."
Wren could feel her warm tears trailing down her cheeks. "MOM! How could you! Dad trusted you, D-Diego," Wren began sobbing, unable to finish yelling at her mother. MWAH! Wren could hear a loud sound of a kiss followed by slightly labored breathing. She was disgusted and disappointed by her moms actions. She wished desperately to be away from this place and try to get more answers. Because of the feelings she was having, and the way her senses were on high alert, she knew that this was a part of her memories. 'Why, why can't I remember this? When did this even-" Wren gasped deeply as she felt her body and mind violently forced through another memory.*