Oh, fucking great! Just fucking great!
This was one of those catches that I had been just warned about.
It was also the same reason to why I could not learn magic of Skyrim despite the lore specifically stated that it was learnable by anyone.
"Great! Just fucking great. How do I break it to Yasaka that I accidentally destroyed her daughter's soul – she is going to kill me. Oh wait, why do I need to tell her anything?"
I questioned myself and then realized something when I looked at the computer screen before me. It was still on the fanfiction page with the story: Force without Balance by Sir Lucifer Morning Star.
That was the universe that I had just visited due to involuntary activation of my power.
Now that universe was now missing two inhabitants.
One Yasaka and one Kunou.
Actually, that universe was missing a lot more inhabitants since I did kill a bunch of Youkai and sort of resurrect them for my benefits. Oh well.
I wasn't going to lose sleep over this, given that it was just a fictional universe for my perspective, but I did notice that the story had changed, at least from what I could tell when I was inside that place.
Scanning quickly through the new storyline while making sure I was not going to transfer myself there again, I understood what had happened after my little stunt.
The West Youkai Faction tried to find Yasaka after she had gone missing. They failed, obviously since I could not be found regardless of whether they had enlisted help from other factions or not. Something about me being an extra dimensional being.
And with somewhat brain-dead Kunou on the throne, their city was in peril.
Without a suitable nine-tails fox to maintain the magical ley lines under the city, the whole dimension that their city was situated in became unstable. It eventually merged with the outer Kyoto – the human side of thing – and shit just hit the fan from there. Lots of people die. Lots of brainwashing. The world there was never the same again.
Humans started to fight against supernatural creatures. I meant the general population, and that just caused more mess considering how deeply rooted the devils and angels were in society back there.
Woops. My action kind of fuck up that universe royally, so should I go back and fix it?
With my power, I could theoretically enter any point in time of the storyline and then alter the course of event for the better. I apparently unable to jump to the point before that I had left because of some sort of fiction causality, but that was just a minor inconvenience.
Oh. Why the hell am I even debating this? It was not my problem, for the multiverse was infinite. There were more versions of Highschool DxD universe than there were stars in the sky.
This was not counting all the crossovers.
What if one universe had gone to shit? It would have gone to shit with that Skyrim guy doing what the hell he wanted. My action had contributed very little.
Still. A lot of people died. Most of them were sort of innocents. Fictional innocents. Meh.
It was better not to think about it.
Now, let us move onto another pressing matter.
I had a look at the Black Soul Gem in my hand once more. It wasn't that anymore. It was now a perfect replica and no more than that. This was what happened to item foreign to this universe.
Magic did not exist here, thus magical artefact would be altered or destroyed outright.
And when Black Soul Gem became just a replica, the soul within were destroyed. A bit of guilt was felt inside me, but it was a bit. No used crying over spilt milk unless I was out of money.
Speaking of money, I should have stashed like a gold bar in my pocket back in the fictional universe. It would have been awesome. Okay, next time then.
I tested the power that I had acquired from Yasaka, and I found I was unable to summon super strength or fox fire or anything really.
The effect seemed to extend to supernatural abilities and phenomenon as well.
While I do still feel the powers were still there, accessing to it was impossible simply due to the natural law of this universe did not allow such manifestation to come into existence.
Well, to some extent.
I was still a nine-tailed fox, so it seemed that appearance was allowed. Even my nine tails were working as they should. Of course, to prevent myself from getting strapped to a table somewhere down along the line by a bunch of government scientist, I decided to return to being just a normal ordinary human.
Now that was out of the way, I sat back down at the desk and continued to work. It was highly illogical for me to resume my job after what I had been through but working placed my mind at ease.
More so with how the world was going to crap.
The Covid-19 situation was spirally out of control, and I pondered when I could finally stop working at home. Maybe when there was a new president in the Whitehouse – or maybe not.
Whatever. Biden or Trump, it did not matter.
One idiot was the same as another. Fuck the pointless election. Put them both in a cage and the winner shall have my vote.
My alarm clock woke me up, and I realized I must had fallen asleep during the night.
It was not the first time that happened, and it was surely not the last. Surely, I could change all of that with my power, but I was somewhat lazy at the moment.
Life was simple with working, eating, pleasuring and shitting. I preferred to keep it that way.
I checked what I completed before heading out the room for breakfast and coffee. Having cereal every single day kind of pissed me off, but hey, cooking was not my forte.
Wish my roommate was still around.
Oh, an idea popped into my mind, and a golden hair woman popped into my kitchen.
Yasaka was still naked as ever – covered in spunk. My spunk, to be exact.
No time had passed for her back in the Domain, apparently. Which was kind of weird. How could I use that? But first. I think a shower was in order.
For me, I meant.
"Ah! Master… not so rough. Ah! Ah! Ah!"
Yasaka was pressed against the glass as I speared her cunt from behind.
Warm water cascading down from above onto both of our form and despite being physically outside the Harem Palace, its influence was still active, gripping her soul.
There was hatred in her eyes for what I had done, but that hatred dissipated every time pleasure shot through her body, spreading her apart from below.
"Fuck! I'm going to cum!"
I called out and blew my first and only load for the day. It seemed my stamina were back to normal. It was just normal human level now. Since Yasaka was as well, it sorted of balance thing out.
"What the hell do you mean that you don't know how to cook?"
I questioned before realizing the reason. The obvious reason.
Fucking privilege.
Everything was given to her from a young age, and being a nine-tails, she was naturally a future leader despite not having a good leadership skill to match.
"I can, but do you really want to try?" Yasaka retorted. A hint of ill intention in her eyes.
Even with her own freewill at the moment, Yasaka could not harm me in any form. That did not mean she would not try, especially when she could be creative at her revenge. She had real world logic now, so… fuck!
"Try something, and I will pay back a thousand folds on your daughter."
That destroyed any defiance in her eyes. At least for now.
Good thing that Yasaka did not know that her daughter was long gone. Well, her version anyway.
There were like plenty of Kunou out there for me to kidnap when I felt like Yasaka deserved to see her daughter again. I might be evil bastard, but I was not a heartless one.
Speaking of being an evil bastard, should I go and try to grab more sex slaves from yet another version of Highschool DxD?
It would not be difficult since all the supernatural powers would be working again when I was in that universe. Yasaka might not be the most powerful being on the scale of things, but she was still pretty powerful.
At least, I could beat the shit out of Rias and gang at the start of the story. Murdering Issei before he could become any sort of threat, and there was some stupid bimbo that acted all high and mighty.
"I feel like buttfucking an angel."
I decided to leave Highschool DxD for another break.
It was not really the universe of my choice for a grand adventure, and besides, I did say that I wanted to be a Logia, and I just had the one in mind.
Good thing too since I knew exactly where I could acquire that power.