Alright, I was aware of many methods to defeat the Glint-Glint devil fruit thanked to the overwhelming numbers of energetic fans of the series on the Internet. Most of the methods, however, required some kind of super transparent glass or highly reflective mirrors.
Sure, creating something like that through my power was fairly easy. The problem was that I probably get one shot at using whichever method I decided to go with. No pressure.
Kizaru of the future, approximately 12 years from now, would be a nightmare to fight against, but this much younger version of the admiral did not have the same experiences and skills the older one would in time.
I was basing this off what had happened to Akainu, who status was confirmed to be alive. I supposed Akainu would live to fight me another day.
Hopefully that would be the last time.
To prepare for the upcoming battle, I inserted more metallic spheres into the world through my power as an Editor and allowed those spheres to circulate me in a random but protective pattern.
The randomness of their flightpaths was my attempt at negating the usage of Observation Haki. I knew from memory that Observation Haki allowed the user to feel or sense the intention of others. Basically, one could predict attacks and avoided them with the use of Observation Haki.
That said, you cannot predict something that was a result of randomness or pure chance. Even I didn't know the flightpath of each individual deadly sphere of metallic doom, capable of punching holes into solid concrete and flesh alike.
Therefore, unless your Observation Haki was so advance that you could practically see into the future, I doubted anyone could get pass through my magneto-like defense. Kizaru would not be an exception without resorting to his devil fruit power.
His fucking overpowered devil fruit power. Very overpowered, indeed.
To make sure of my survival, I added a few hundred more metallic spheres. There was no kill like an overkill, and if one gun was not enough, use a hundred more. Mwuahahahaha!
Ahem. Having more metallic spheres flying around did not tax me mentally, as I wasn't really in control of each one individually. They were being thrown around by a very powerful magnetic field that was constantly shifting and adjusting around me. All thanked to my mastery of electricity.
Rumble-Rumble devil fruit was as overpowered as the Glint-Glint devil fruit, especially in the hands of someone with any kind of scientific knowledge. Oh. I was not a scientist by any mean.
I just read a lot. Like a lot.
"Ohhh… how scary," commented the vice admiral in paled yellow-stripped suit. He wore pretty much the same thing that his older self would have worn. Even his slowed tone of voice was similar.
Strangely enough, he did not wear his trademark sunglasses, and I wonder why. Actually, I didn't really care whether he was wearing his glasses or not.
Alright. I might have cared a little since it was strange. I did wonder where he had stashed Akainu, for being able to save Akainu in a flash was quite impressive. Then again, Kizaru could move at the speed of light.
Speed of light. This was going to be a troublesome fight.
It might not have to become an actual fight though.
From my ability to read ahead into the storyline, I was aware that Kizaru was stalling for time until one or more true powerhouse could arrive. Admirals rank or higher. Yeah, okay. No problem.
I let out a yawn and took a sip from my cup of chocolate before matching the man's eyes rather lazily.
Kizaru was not a hothead like Akainu, who would run into think without a second thought. Kizaru likely understood I was way more dangerous than I appeared to be. Naked or not.
"Why don't you take a picture while you are at it?" I questioned, and to my surprise, there was a flash of sort. I guessed my bounty picture was going to raise a lot of eyebrows. Not a bad thing, to be honest.
"I have never seen a Mink like you before. How strange," Kizaru commented very slowly. For someone who could move at the speed of light, his speech was super slow.
It was one of those strange quirks he and pretty much all of the characters in One Piece had. Not that I was complaining since I was also stalling for time.
"That… is… because… I… am… not… a… Mink. I… am… a… Youkai. A… nine-tailed… demon… fox," I said in the slowest tone of voice possible, mimicking the vice admiral as much as possible. While I did that, I also checked up on Fisher Tiger.
The fisherman had been busy despite the town was ravaged by Yasaka. Not to mention it was also on fire. Like a huge bonfire.
Oh, speaking of Yasaka, I should stash her back into my Domain for safety. She wasn't exactly knocked out right now, but she was heavily injured thanked to Akainu. Getting drowned in lava would do that to anyone.
Alright, drowned in magma. Tsk. Fucking Oda.
I also checked up on Boa Hancock and her two sisters. They were no long in captivity. Good. I thought I would have to go and find them. I supposed I did not need to do that now.
"Why are you speaking so slowly?" Kizaru questioned.
"Because… your… slowness… is… contagious…"
I responded and took another sip from my cup.
"Oh? I did not know that." Kizaru responded, mildly interested. It was hard to tell from his expression, and I did not feel like checking the storyboard every time for every little thing. It also becoming a habit of sort, and kind of a deadly habit, especially in battle.
"So, are we going to fight or what?"
I asked in normal tone of voice since I was bored. To lure him into a fight, I sent a few spheres forwards to straight up murder a bunch of World Nobles.
Kizaru might not be a hothead like Akainu, but he could not simply stand by and allow me to practically slaughtering sheep. A light beam came from his kick, crashing into a wall made of glass. An explosion followed, and the glass shattered into a million pieces.
More light beams came, forcing me to evade.
I escaped down the road in a zigzagging motion, evading the deadly explosive laser. Glass wasn't able to stop the attacks, and I was fairly sure a mirror would not do any better.
This was all because his light beams had explosive property. Strong enough to shatter solid steel. That was a bit cheating, honestly.
Then again, who said a fight had to be fair?
I played cat and mouse with Kizaru for a bit before counterattacking with the metallic spheres.
Kizaru did not attempt to tank them like Akainu did previously, on the account that he wasn't suicidal idiot. And the metallic spheres that he wasn't able to evade, he shot them down with his light beam.
Seeing the metallic spheres exploded into pieces gave me an idea, and with my quick fingers, I begun setting up my trap. One that could render Kizaru out of commission.
I stopped when I reached the edge of the city and turned around to face the vice admiral. I believed I had lured him far away enough from the action. No one should interfere with what I had planned.
"Oh? I did not think you would give up so soon," Kizaru commented before noticing countless number of glitters surrounded him. They were in all directions, layers over layers. Thousands of times over.
"How interesting," Kizaru added, still not feeling the panic.
"I call this Kizaru Trap. Specifically made to trap a person name Kizaru," I said flatly.
"Scary. Very scary," Kizaru commented as he tapped the air with his fingers, finding that he was indeed surrounded by basically grain of Seastone. Each grain was infused with metal, allowing them to hover and float about in air.
They were basically swarming him right now, moving at incredible speed and only getting faster with every moment. His chance of escaping was dwindling.
Following the motto of bring bigger guns if not enough, this was an upgraded version of my defensive spheres. I wondered if I could make them smaller, microscopic level.
Going to put that on my list of things to learn.
"Yes, but not as scary as this," I said and pointed a finger at him. Channeling current around my finger into a loop, allowing me to form an electromagnetic barrel. The instant that it was charged, I fired and watched the vice admiral expressed shock.
There was no blood, but he was wounded. I did a few more times in rapid succession, forcing the vice admiral to the ground. Blood could be seen seeping out of numerous pin-size hole on his body.
"I actually had no intention of killing you, Kizaru," I said before smiling. "Had. Since you will become a major obstacle in the future, I should do something about that."
Killing Kizaru would only get someone to replace him. Someone more dangerous. Probably. There was also a nagging problem of his devil fruit power.
I blinked after I realized something. My smile broadened. It could worth a shot. A very good shot from what was shown in the series.
"It seemed that I did not need to steal the Yami Yami no Mi after all," I said moment before all manner of fruits appear in a basket next to me.