Chereads / Power Fantasy / Chapter 17 - One Piece (5)

Chapter 17 - One Piece (5)

Before I could stop messing around and headshot Kizaru, the man had practically suicided, becoming something out of a B-rated horror movie.

Pretty bloody. Like really bloody. Jesus.

That was crazy!

Well, I was sure that Kizaru did not intended to get shredded by all the hypersonic shrapnel when he had tried to shoot his way out of the trap with his exploding lasers, but sure, whatever.

The end result was the same to me, only in my version, it would have been a lot less painful as well as gruesome since the resulting explosions by his laser beams had transformed the trap into something like a metallic cloud of doom.

I left the magnetic field active, allowing the cloud of shrapnel to nicely mince what was left to the poor vice admiral. Kizaru did not deserve such a fate, but what else was I going to do with him.

Or his corpse. Actually, I could resurrect him if his corpse was still intact. Relatively intact. Kind of late for that now he was nothing more than a paste. Damn.

Sure, I could let him live, but I would have to fight him again and again and again. It would be way too annoying. Better to just kill him off now.

Maybe it was better to just kill off anyone who likely give me trouble in the future. You know, nipping the bud before they bloom into a crappy flower. That sort of thing. Sounded kind of evil.

Oh wait. I was evil!



I checked the fruits basket that I had summoned, examining to see if any of the fruit had transformed into something weird and swirly. I remember that when a devil fruit user died, their power would be absorbed into a nearby fruit, transforming that fruit into a devil fruit.

In other word, I was looking for the Glint-Glint devil fruit, and it did not take me long to find it, bringing a smile to my face.

This method seemed to be a lot easier than trying to figure out how the Yami Yami no Mi (Dark-Dark Fruit) worked in the first place.

I was still planning to steal the Yami Yami no Mi though. Having the power to generate and manipulate darkness was cool, and I would deny someone the chance of becoming a future problem.

Actually, I should get rid of that problem when the time come. Or maybe not. Well, I would make that decision when the time comes.

While I bounced the swirly devil fruit triumphantly in my palm, thinking of cold-blooded murder, pillars of ice erupted at the center of the still burning city.

It looked like Kuzan had arrived, and he was engaging Fisher Tiger. Probably icing half the city in return just to put out the flames, given his ice-ice devil fruit power.

Kuzan could create and manipulate ice, and honestly, if he really wanted to, he could freeze the whole ocean. Good thing that he was way too lazy to do that.

Seriously though, how the fuck did Fisher Tiger managed to escape from not just one, but three logia-class devil fruit users? These were not your average devil fruit users. They were the marine monstrous trios. Well two now, but that was not the point.

Fisher Tiger should have been dead. Like way dead. Deader than dead, and this was me not mentioning the Admirals, whom I assumed would be Sengoku. Definitely Sengoku.

I would not want to face Sengoku right now. He was in a league of Vice Admiral Garp. Those two were like badass grandpas.

Another thing that puzzled me was how did a bunch of slaves managed to escape the Holy Land. There really was no way to get down from the Red Line without the marine knowing. This was the goddamn headquarter of the World Government.

That asides, the Red Line was standing at like 10km above sea level. Building a huge city on it was like already insane. Climbing it with nothing but bare hands and sheer wills was unthinkable but escaping it would be quite impossible.

Logically speaking anyway.

I should just throw logic out the windows when dealing with whatever happened in One Piece. I should have done that like a long time ago. Well, better late than never, I guessed.

Since I had accomplished my goals, I left Fisher Tiger to his fate. He would probably escape somehow, and how was not my problem. Sure, I could use the current distraction to find Akainu and kill him for his devil fruit, but he might be surrounded by capable people.

Fighting pointless battle was pointless, and I could always find another chance. One when Akainu was alone and vulnerable. Either in this universe or any other universe of One Piece.

Yup. There were plenty of options. Like a lot.

And besides, I had acquired my unexpected prize. Now I just needed to find someone to eat it and me eat her in return. Not literal, of course. Maybe down there. Ahem.

It did not need to be anyone from One Piece as proven by Yasaka when she was forced to eat the Goro Goro no Mi. As long as the universe was a crossover or multi-crossover, it would work. To what extent, I wasn't too sure, but it was good enough.

But since I was already in One Piece, I probably just choose someone I liked to bang here, and before anyone entered my mind, I noticed a bunch of slaves running off into the distance.

While no one was stopping them at the moment, they probably would not make it very far. I had half a mind to help them escape, but I decided to scare them shitless instead.

Quickly donning a uniform, I teleport in front of them, stopping them dead in their trap.

"And where do you slaves think you are going?" I questioned grimly. My marine overcoat flustered in the wind as tears escape their eyes. They did not expect a vice admiral to stop them.

No. They did not, and I did not expect them to shoot me.

I narrowed my eyes at the man after the hole in my body shrank and vanished. I had him electrocuted just for that. He was a smoking piece of meat when I was done, and the rest were practically groveling on the ground. Some were crying.

"I'm very sorry. I will be good. I will be good. I won't try to escape anymore, so please don't kill me."

One of the slaves muttered, forcing me to arch my brow. Oh. I totally forgot about her. She was a slave here, and she was freed at the same time as Boa Hancock.

Koala was her name. She was also pretty hot when she all grown up, not to mention that she was quite dedicated.

That was good enough for me. I also needed an obedience cleaning girl. All sort of cleaning.

"You all can go, except for her," I told them, but they did not believe me. Whatever. I hovered forwards and grabbed Koala. "I will not kill you if you do what I want. Now eat this."

I practically shoved the devil fruit into her mouth. She swallowed the whole thing, almost a comical as Luffy when he did. Or would do.

Once I was sure that the devil fruit power had manifested in her body, I accessed my Domain and then tapped into its power to dominate her and capture her soul.

It did not take much effort, considering that Koala practically was mind broken.

"Stop! Please stop! Stop!"

The black-haired girl pleaded tearfully as her two younger sisters were electrocuted. She tried to stop me with her devil fruit, but it was fairly easy to dodge.

Since I did not want to injure my plaything, I ignored her and continued to torture her two sisters just to make a point.

The three of them managed to steal a boat, and now, they were drifting at seas. They would eventually run into someone they knew or made their way back to their island. How they managed to steal a ship in the first place? I sort of had an idea.

Boa Hancock had the power to turn anyone infatuated with her into stone, but since she had not really mastered her devil fruit power, her attacks were childish. Slow too. Like super slow.

And by the time that I released her two sisters, Sandersonia and Marigold, Boa Hancock was sobbing on the ground. Her two sisters should be fine since they had eaten a Zoan-type devil fruit.

Zoan-type devil fruit made their user inhuman. In other words, they gained some impressive physical abilities, including faster healing and enhanced strength.

"I can't go back. No. I cannot go back. Not there. Not there."

Boa Hancock uttered frightfully. She assumed that I was here to take her back since I was still wearing the uniform of a vice admiral. It felt sort of nice. Maybe I should enlist.

That way, I had a legal license to rape and murder.


"We… rather… die… than go… back there."

One of the sisters muttered. Still conscious.

I sent her into the dreamworld along with the other sister just to make sure no one interrupted. I then crouched down to Boa Hancock's level and lifted her face with a finger upon her chin.

I admitted that Boa Hancock was quite beautiful, but she was not the most beautiful yet.

She would be. In a decade or so. Or in a minute if I skipped ahead.

"You do not want to go back?"

Boa Hancock shook her head weakly. The fear in her eyes was evident. Whatever happened to her in the Holy Land under the Celestial Dragons was quite horrifying.

Surely, she would never forget it for as long as she lived, and certainly, she would never want to be in such a situation ever again. Her experience shaped her future, and she would be quite a cold ruthless leader.

"I will let you go if you give me what I wanted," I told her with a smile.

"W-what do you want?"

Boa Hancock uttered. Still tearfully.

She had just managed to escape from hell, and she did not except someone like to descent down onto her boat in a beam of light, threatening to take her back to that hell. It was understandable.

"I wanted to be balls deep in the most beautiful woman in the world every night for the rest of my days. Can you make that happen?"