Skipping forwards in time was relatively simple. I just needed to exit the world of One Piece, returning back to the real world, and then, reenter the world of One Piece further down the storyline.
The only problem was, it was pretty hard to get the exact location in time correctly. This was because the storyline mainly focused on the main characters, which was Luffy and his gang.
Everyone else were secondary, and it was those characters that I was interested in at the moment.
Damn it.
Since that was the case, I had to do some mental calculations before trying to skip forwards. I only had one chance at it since I could not skip backwards once I jumped forwards.
There was no changing the past or history, apparently. Shitty restriction.
Anyway, let me see.
Thanked to crosschecking with Wiki, I was aware that Boa Hancock was roughly 16 years of age when Fisher Tiger decided to climb the Red Line and attack the Holy Land Mary Geoise, inevitability freeing her and her two sisters from captivity.
Since Boa Hancock was roughly 29 when she met Luffy, who was 17, they were 12 years apart. Strange that she would fall for someone that much younger than her. Fucking logic.
Anyway, Luffy was 5 or so right now, that placed Boa Hancock at 17. Or maybe 16.
Eh? She was still in captivity though, so the only explanation was Fisher Tiger was on his way. I noticed that I should have just check where Fisher Tiger was instead, saving all of this trouble. Oh well.
I checked on him since it was better late than never, and I found that he was heading towards the Red Line. Pretty sure he was heading there to fuck shit up. He would be there soon.
Oh goody. Time to join in the murdering and pillaging. Did I say that out loud?
Getting to the Red Line was pretty easy when you can travel at the impressive speed of lightning. I was there in no time at all. Still a lot slower than simply teleport there directly. Could have done that from the beginning. My bad.
No one noticed my arrival at the Holy Land despite it was the capital of the World Government. World Nobles, also known as heads in fishbowl lived here with their family and absurd number of slaves, who were mostly sold against their will.
If I were a hero, I would go and try and save them. Too bad, I was the villain, so I would only save them if it benefited me. Since Boa Hancock would grant me the ability to use Conqueror Haki, I would try to save her. I probably save her sisters as a bonus. Probably.
I would think about it when the time was right.
As for the reason no one noticed my arrival was because all the heavy hitters, like the Admirals were elsewhere at the moment. That explained why Fisher Tiger could torch a good section of the Holy Land and get away without being instantly slaughter. He was strong, but he wasn't that strong.
The Admirals were overpowered, and the current admirals were not the one that Luffy would have to face. Those dudes were simply Vice Admirals right now, and they were at the Holy Land.
Oh. This could be a problem. Or not.
Fuck it, if I was not somewhat suicidal, I would still be back in universe full of angels, devils and a bunch of boobs for brain.
And honestly, if Fisher Tiger could fight them and get away without fatal injuries, I should be able to.
While I had not awakened my devil fruit power, I was still fairly proficient at using it, and by awakened, I meant Yasaka. It was her devil fruit power after all. I could use it due to the very special nature of our bond, and thanked to being imprisoned within my Domain, she could have all the time she wanted to master the fruit.
Still, Yasaka had not managed to awaken it. She would eventually.
For now, perfect mastery was good enough. I could do shit that the idiot with god complex had never imagined. How could such a devil fruit be wasted on someone like him, but then again, if he was smart, Luffy would have been killed when they fought.
Anyway, I should prepare for the battle just in case.
"Hello there," I greeted the fishman – literally hairier version of mermaid with balls – after seeing him finally pulled himself up the ledge.
"Hello…?" Fisher Tiger blinked. Somewhat confused. He clearly wasn't expecting me. Me, as in a nine-tailed fox. I decided to go with the transformation as a disguise.
"Why is there a Mink here?" Fisher Tiger muttered to himself, making me blinked this time. "You don't look like a slave. Are you a helper of the Celestial Dragons?"
Celestial Dragons were just another name for the World Nobles. They were not dragons by any mean, and they were going to find that out the only effective way I know of.
"I am not a Mink. I am a Youkai. Or close to one." I responded before pausing. While I did know every little thing there was to know about Fisher Tiger, I should probably get acquaintance to him.
Or not.
Seemed too much trouble, honestly. Plus, did I mention I was lazy as fuck? Also, I was only interested in learning about people who I had interested in. Did that make sense?
"Alright, I know why you are here, Fisher Tiger, and I liked to help you make the world a better place, but then I realized that would be against my belief, so she will do it in my stead."
I said and pointed at Yasaka, who materialized out of thin air, making Fisher Tiger blinked again.
It was then Yasaka turn to blink before a staring contest begun.
Yasaka was not happy. She had not been happy for a long time. It had been years from her perspective, considering that I could accelerate time within my interdimensional space, where she was imprisoned.
Despite her unhappiness, she had no choice but to do what I had asked.
The only thing that kept her sane right now was the promise of seeing her beloved daughter again.
"If I do this, will you allow me to see my daughter, Master?"
Yasaka questioned as she watched the city burned with impassiveness. Fisher Tiger had already gone ahead, breaking into homes and killing people before freeing the slaves.
"Maybe," I responded before sighing. Her daughter was dead, but she did not know that, and I wasn't going to tell her. That would be stupid. "Look, Yasaka, you are testing my limits. If you had not proven to be useful to me, I would have gotten rid of you already. Do what you are told, and I might find it in my capacity to let you be united with your daughter."
Yasaka nodded in understand. The defiance in her eyes were no longer there. It had not been seen for a while. She probably accepted her fate, being my slave for all eternity.
Somehow, seeing her like that pulled my heartstring. I was a monster by all definition of the word, but I was not a heartless monster. There was no need to mistreat a good plaything. Perhaps, I should make a trip to another version of Highschool DxD to kidnap Kunou just to cheer Yasaka up a bit.
"If it makes you feel any better, these Celestial Dragons have done things that I could not even imagine until seeing it for myself, and the Minks are somewhat similar to the Youkais. Think of them like your own people. If you don't believe me, you can try and sense it for yourself."
Yasaka took a moment before she did. I might have nudged thing along mentally, persuading her into using Senjutsu. Unlike Naruto's version, Highschool DxD's Senjutsu was a double edge sword.
And suddenly there was a giant nine-tailed fox turning section after section of the city into cinder, all while I watched in amusement at the chaos.
Honestly, who wouldn't, especially at the sound of explosive infernos and panicking shouts?
"I sure hope that someone important would come soon, or there won't be much of a city left," I might have spoken too soon when a dozen magma fists descended from the sky and slamming into Yasaka.