Akainu – or was Sakazuki – had arrived, and the collateral damages that he was causing far exceeded that of Yasaka despite the latter was a fucking giant nine-tailed fox with inhuman supernatural powers and strengths.
The collateral damage was unavoidable, considering that his devil fruit (Magu Magu no Mi) had pretty much allowed him to generate and control limitless amount of magma, quite literally. He was a magma human, more or less.
Now, I was not entirely sure whether Oda, the author of One Piece, had flunked school or not. Leaning towards probably simply because magma was not the correct term to describe what I was seeing.
Lava should be the more correct term instead of magma. Just saying.
Also, in this universe, somehow magma was hotter than fire. Right.
That was kind of bullshit since magma was between 700 to 1300 Celsius while fire itself did not really have an upper limit. Fire could get as hot as it fucking wanted.
Maybe Oda was referring to the flames of red color, which burned about 600 to 800 Celsius? That was way too technical. Meh.
You might notice that I was using metric term (Celsius) instead of imperial (Fahrenheit). This was due to me liking metric better, so there was no need to think much more on that. Not that because I really believed America should grow up and get along with the rest of the world.
Anyway, this had just proved that the power of a devil fruit was not limitless. Still, wielding a devil fruit was going to put the wielder in the 'do not fuck with me' category in One Piece.
In other word, no one in the right mind would want to mess with Akainu, whether he was of an admiral rank or not. Admirals were feared in One Piece. A sudden appearance of an admiral usually had more than a few pirates shitting their pants.
That was their reputation.
Yasaka roared in pain as she took the devastating blows. The heat generated was hot enough to wound her despite her natural racial fire immunity. More like resistance. Nevertheless, it had proven the fact that magma in this universe was hotter than fire.
Or at least, it could overwhelm fire.
Fucking logic.
This was the same reason to why rubber did not instantly vaporize when being bombarded with bolts of lightnings. A lightning strike in real life would have generated an insane amount of heat, especially when striking against an insulator.
I was talking about temperature as hot as the surface of the sun.
Therefore, rubber should not have triumphed over electricity. It was probably the worst possible thing to match up against electricity. A semiconductor would do significant better. A superconductor would have been the best to channel or dissipate all that electrical voltages and currents.
Once more, I seriously questioned whether Oda had passed Highschool or not.
In any case, the law of each universe was different, and that was why one cannot really use powers or abilities from another universe in One Piece. Unless it was a crossover, of course.
Multi crossover was the best. Maybe I should tackle such a universe.
But then again, too many things could go wrong in such universe. Also, keeping track of everything in such a place was a pain. On the other hand, all of my stolen powers would work.
I needed to think a bit more on that.
Back to using real world physic or logic, I should stop dissecting it. This was essential a fantasy setting, so I probably should do what the roman do when in Rome.
That was to say, stop wearing pants.
A human-size bullet crashed through several buildings nearby, snapping me out of my thought.
I turned towards the rubble and examined a rather battered person, and I couldn't help but expressed a smirk.
It seemed that even with armament Haki, physic was still a bitch in this universe. Getting bitch slapped was still going to feel like getting bitch slapped no matter what, and Akainu deserved it. Like he really deserved it.
Hang on a fucking second, why was he even wounded? Wasn't he a logia-type devil fruit user? As one, Yasaka should not have been able to strike his body physically.
All logia could turn intangible, making themselves pretty much impervious to physical damage. There were exceptions, of course, and I wasn't going to bother mention who the exception was. In any case, he might had not reacted fast enough.
Or maybe it was something else.
The ground beneath me trembled as Yasaka roared – or howled. The expanding soundwaves shattered glass and concrete alike. Shit, she was not holding back at all, and she actually felt a lot more powerful than before.
As a matter of fact, Yasaka did not appear to be thinking at all. She was reacting purely on instinct and attacking anything in sight. Double shit!
This might be due to Senjutsu, also known as Sage Arts. It was not really the same as the one in Naruto, at least from what I could understand. Senjutsu that Yasaka was wielding allowed one to gather their lifeforce energy and used that to attack the opponent.
Oh. I got it. Yasaka could strike Akainu directly thanked to Senjutsu.
As for why Senjutsu was a double edge sword, it also drawled in the malice and ill-will from the world if it was not utilized correctly. Yasaka was not an amateur user, but apparently her state of mind was not the best.
Yasaka swung a couple of her tails, and buildings crumpled into dust. The surrounding anguished cries stopped for a second before resuming with greater intensity. With the inferno raging across the whole city, it was literally hell.
Now I was more concern about collateral damage, only because someone important might died in the fallout. Someone that I needed to keep alive.
Before Akainu could recover, I decided to try and make myself scarce.
There was really no need for me to fight him yet, especially when I had better things to do. Of course, that was assuming Akainu allowed me to pass. He obviously did not when a jet of magma flew passed me with all the intention of reducing me to ash.
"Hey, that was not cool," I told the rather angry looking marine once I turned around to face him. He had his fists clenched tightly. Magma could be seen dripping from them onto the ground, melting the rocks.
"You are with that thing up there," Akainu accused.
"How you figure that out? Was it because I am not wearing pants?" I questioned and then took a sip from my cup. "I just love the smell of chocolate in the middle of a burning city."
Akainu twitched his eyebrow and tried to keep his eyes above the waistline. He really wanted to ask the question but decided to attack me instead. Well, he tried anyway. His path was blocked by a huge tail, which proceeded to sweep him away with several buildings.
"Well, that was anticlimactic," I muttered before taking another sip. When I was about to head off in search for Boa Hancock, literally a volcano erupted, shooting magma into the sky. The magma followed an unnatural path before slamming into Yasaka and knocking her over.
Yasaka was now momentary stunned, allowing Akainu to engage me once more. Seemed like he had figure out I was the mastermind. Or more correctly to say, guessed that I was.
It was hard not to notice someone odd about a naked nine-tailed humanoid wandering about the city with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand.
Unlike Yasaka, I was not a giant target, and evading his attacks was pretty easy with my supernatural speeds. Dozens or so magma fists flew past me, burning the surrounding and probably trying to limit my space.
He was really trying to kill me. Well, I supposed I should return the favor.
One of my tails picked up a large rock and spun it at the man. It punched a hole through him and then through a glass bowl before spraying brain matter across the road.
That stopped him from attacking me, momentarily.
"Stop! How could you aim for the Celestial Dragons!?"
Akainu roared angrily.
"It was pretty easy. Like this," I told him before launching several more pebbles at incredible speed. I scored several more kills, making Akainu burned with rage. Well, he was burning with something other than rage.
"How dare you! How dare you lay a hand on the Celestial Dragons. I will kill you!"
Akainu launched at me while growing in size, trying to prevent from killing any more Celestial Dragons that were escaping the inferno.
"Idiot," I murmured before launching more pebbles. Several punched right through Akainu, but unlike before, when they passed through harmlessly, blood erupted from the wound.
Akainu collapsed onto the ground, dripping magma as well as blood. "What?"
The pebbles murdered several more people before surging upwards and returning to my side before encircling me. It was then that Akainu realized they weren't exactly rocks. They were solid steel balls coated with Seastone, the material that practically depowered all devil fruits.
Or in this case, seriously injure a Logia.
"I was debating whether I should kick cannon in the balls and kill you or not. Since I was kind of messing up several major things, cannon might have been fucked already."
I murmured before punching several more holes through Akainu at blinding speed. I had only stopped when I realized he was gone in a blinding flash of light.
"Damn. Should have gone for the head."