No biggie. There was always a next time, and I was sure that I had fucked Akainu up badly enough that he might just drop dead any time soon from the blood loss or trauma, but then again, this was fucking One Piece, and I had seen these crazy fuckers survived the most insane situations.
Okay, most of my knowledge was just Luffy, but still, it was pretty insane.
Plot armor for the win.
Yes, plot armor was real enough to be considered a unique ability bestowed upon all main characters.
Therefore, if I did try to kill Luffy, I was sure he was going to survive somehow. The odd seemed to be in his favor regardless of how much powers I wielded. That did not mean I could not kill him.
It would just be annoying.
Now that I think about it, I seriously doubted Akainu would be out of commission for long. A week top, probably. Damn. Should have aimed for the head like a certain purple space pumpkin advising a one-eye fish out of the water.
By which I meant the Mad Titan and Thor Odinson.
Going to put the Marvel Cinematic Universe on my list of universes to visit soon. Aside from showing off and stealing all the technology there, I would love to see the faces of the Avenger when… actually, I was no longer restricted to a single universe.
Thank you very much, Guildmaster.
"I told you… you'd die for that."
Thor Odinson said darkly while glaring at the purple Mad Titan kneeing before him in pain. His newest weapon, Stormbreaker was halfway inside the man.
After that declaration, the one-eyed King of Asgard and God of Thunder grabbed the hammer portion of the weapon and thrusted the axe-end deeper into the Mad Titan, causing him to yell out in anguish pain.
Yet, despite that, the Mad Titan Thanos started to speak.
"You… you… should have…"
"What should I have done creature?"
Thor questioned with barely a restrained of hate.
Thanos took a few deep breaths before looking up at the Asgardian with a dark look on his face. "You should have gone for the – ugh!
An axe split his head from behind, cutting him off mid-sentence and shocking the God of Thunder. The said God of Thunder immediately dropped the Mad Titan, who collapsed onto the ground, unmoving.
Thanos was dead – unless he could survive an axe to the brain. Not just any axe. A Stormbreaker.
"That's the expression that I wanted to see," I called out. "You're welcome, by the way. Save a whole movie."
I then cursed myself for not bringing a camera or something of the sort. Oh well. There was always a next time.
Actually, this was like the ninth or so times that I had tried to kill Thanos. Most of the previous attempts ended in failure due to me being too hasty or had waited for too long.
The first few attempts were due to me not equipped with a weapon that could actually kill Thanos in the first place. He just had a really hard head.
Since I knew Stormbreaker could kill Thanos, I went on a smash and grab mission of sort in an alternate universe of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). It was exactly after Groot, that talking tree, stopped being a sideline character and helped in crafting the said weapon. I did… not take a photo of Thor then either.
Fuck! Oh well. There was always a next time. Having more than one Stormbreaker could come in handy in the future. Maybe I could sell a few back in the real world. Food for thought.
"What-what sort of manner of creature are you, naked beast?"
Thor Odinson asked me when he finally snapped out of his stupor. It did not take long.
"I am you, in like a few hundred years," I responded and pulled out my Stormbreaker from the corpse before examining my handy work. Sparks of electricity wrapped around my form for effect. I was right, a multi crossover allowed me to use the devil fruit power freely.
"I see. The years must have been treating me well, for I am younger with both of my eyes, and I have more limbs," Thor replied without a sense of suspicion. "May I ask. How are our people in the future?"
I blinked at the backfired troll before stabbing Stormbreaker into the ground and using it as a leaning stand. I took a sip from my cup of chocolate. "They are being well taken care of by my Queen Valkyrie."
"Queen Valkyrie?"
Thor questioned with a hint of surprise.
"Yes, she is Queen and I am King. We made a lot of Asgardian babies together. It was quite joyful, and it was a good example for the rest of our people. Repopulate and what is not."
I told Thor, basically playing matchmaker. I sure hoped that Valkyrie would not castrate him for trying to hook up with her after this.
As long as they did not try to fight aliens in the future, they would make a nice couple. I took another sip off my cup while thinking about that.
"Anyway, I will be taking this as trophy," I said and chopped off Thanos' left arm. The one that had the Infinity Gauntlet. "See you in another life."
I returned to the real world after that and dumped the Stormbreaker onto the ground since it was like fucking a ton. I had a look at the gauntlet, finding that all five infinity gems becoming inert. They would return to their original state when I enter a reality that had anything to do with the MCU.
While looking at that, I dumped a lot of purple blood on me. Sure, I should have tried to take just the gauntlet, but the damn purple pumpkin had it in a fist. It was just easier to chop off his hand.
Plus, it was kind of badass.
I decided to have a shower afterwards. This was like the seventh times I took a shower due to mishaps in the other attempts. Good thing I did not get myself killed somehow.
With Stormbreaker and the Infinity Gauntlet stashed in a cupboard, I resumed working for the rest of the morning. It was not until lunch time that I decided to take a break and went to look for something to eat.
The apartment was cleaner than usual, but that was because I had help in the form of a slave. Honestly, for all of the entitlements growing up, Yasaka did learn to clean up after herself. Or maybe she had to learn due to her daughter.
And since she had done a good job at causing chaos back in One Piece, I was more inclined to poach a Kunou from one of the universes as a reward. Which universe though?
Maybe one that she had already died somehow, thus Kunou would be missing her mother.
No. That was not good. Any discrepancy in the timeline would break the lies. It had to be from a similar universe that Yasaka came from. That was not going to be a problem. Not really.
After finishing my lunch, I decided to have some more fun in a bun with my only plaything for now.
I would have Boa Hancock soon, assuming that everything went as planned in One Piece. Maybe a few more girls together as well.
One step at a time. One step at a time.
I summoned Yasaka from my Domain just like I had done so previously. She did not appear. That was strange. I looked inside and found that her presence was not there. She was gone.
Did she escape? No. That was impossible. Did I leave her somewhere?
"Ah fuck, I left her back in One Piece."
So, there was that, I could theoretically lose my toys if I was not too careful. They could be left behind or get stuck in another universe? Damn. Good thing that I learned of this sooner than later.
I was about to return to that particular universe of One Piece, but I recalled that I would have to fight Kizaru, the wielder of Glint-Glint Fruit. He could generate and manipulate light. He could also travel at the speed of light. Mostly in straight line.
Still, speed of light was faster than speed of lightning. Like a lot faster. Moreover, his attacks basically explosive in nature, so that made him already more overpowered than he was already is.
I supposed that was why he was so relaxed all the time. Nothing could truly match him in a fight. Not really. To be honest, it was smarter to just skip past him rather than confronting him, but Yasaka was left behind.
It might actually be better to leave Yasaka to her fate for a while. She would likely be sent to prison, a place called Impel Down. Or maybe not.
Her power wasn't from kind of devil fruit. I kind of doubt the World Government could keep her locked up for very long. They might have to sedated her forever. Or just execute her. I took offense to that!
No one was allowed to kill my things without my permission!
But I could just go and fight Kizaru without a plan. Well, I did have a plan. Several actually. Just in case I had to fight any of the powerhouses of One Piece.
"Having more backup plans is always a good thing," I told myself and hit the Internet for some research and porn.