"Good job," someone spoke up the moment that I returned to the outside world.
I blinked and recognized the voice immediately. I turned towards the person, frowningly. There, it was the guy back in the bar. Or more correctly to say, the club owner. Probably.
"Not really a club owner. Just a Guildmaster or GM for short," the Guildmaster corrected, showing off that he could somehow read my mind. Or had the same power as me.
It would not be a surprise, given that I was granted the power by him.
"Heh. Nope. That power is kind of unique to you, at least that version," the Guildmaster revealed and shrugged almost dismissively. "Anyway, you might be wondering why I am here. Aside from giving you my congratulation, of course."
"Not really," I snorted. Alright. Maybe a little. I did wonder when someone with some kind of authority might show up to give me some sort of guidance, pointers or just tell me off. Meh. Whatever. "Alright, maybe a little, and assuming that you are not here to stop me from doing what the fuck I want, I liked to be returned to the real world, thanks. I have shits I needed to do."
The Guildmaster eyed me, seemingly surprised. "Eh? Really? I thought you would love to remain here in this world due to what you did to Yasaka and maybe to her daughter in the near future?"
That statement kind of ticked me off.
"Dude... if you know anything about me, you should know that I am not some kind of pedophile. I can be a monster. A vile monster, but raping little girls? Nah, fuck that shit. There is a limit, thank you very much."
I let out a sigh before continuing.
"Now, can I go back to the real world or do I have to keep entertain you fuckers some more?"
"Booboobooboobs. Ah, don't be like that, buddy. It is not really a game. Think of it like an audition, as there are those who wanted to see which side you would be. Either is good, and in my opinion, it is a good choice."
"It is? That is kind of fuck up."
I responded. I knew what I was, and I was not going to deny it. There was a great darkness dwelling in me, and without anyone stopping me, I would probably burn the world to the ground and laugh while doing it.
"Not as fuck up as some of things that I have seen or did myself. It is more or less balancing the natural order of things. Too many good guys running around, not enough guys like you, and to your question, yes, you can go back to the real world, but there are some catches, you see. I could tell you what those catches are, but it is probably more entertaining to see you figure them out yourself."
Great. Wait. Not great! I was still some sort of entertainment.
The Guildmaster shrugged. "We are all some sort of entertainment to some one else. In any case, I am here to see how our newest member is doing. You managed to troll, trick, screw Yasaka, and also stole the most precious thing in her life. In what, less than a day. I am inclined to see what you can do in a month or so."
I glared at him. Fuck off. I was not going to be stuck in this place for a whole month. Not simply because I did not enjoy it. It was because it wasn't by my choice. No body was going to tell me what to do.
Besides, the main character of this reality was not me, and there were great benefits of being the main character. I assumed so, as the universe seemed to work on stupid logic.
"Calm down there, buddy. Relax and you live longer," the Guildmaster lectured in a rather patronizing tone of voice. "Just because I am inclined to does not mean I will go out of my way and lock you in this place. I rather spend my time doing other things, you know. But of course, that is just me. The goody two-shoes are another matter, so I am here to give you a basic run down."
He let out a sigh before smiling once more.
"From your actions, you are what we called an Agent of Chaos. The more chaos you created, the more attention you will drawl to yourself. The kind of attention that nobody really wants, even me, and I do like a lot of attention."
That was something new, and it was some what interesting.
"Okay, so you want me to stop or else?"
I questioned.
"Do I look like your dad or mum or whoever your parental guardian is right now. Oh, how old are you by the way? Never mind. Do what you want, buddy. I am just making sure you don't bitch to me when you wind up dead or worse. It is annoying."
The Guildmaster rolled his eyes, as if he had dealt with those kinds of situation before. Probably.
"Anyway, you already understand the basic gist of having a Domain. Leveling it up will help you utilize more of your… unique power. Inside the Domain, you are practically God, so here is an advice, if there is someone you cannot beat outside, drag them inside where you have an advantage. Moreover…"
He then paused and arched his brow. "Oh, why the fuck am I wasting time explaining this to you when I could just dump all the information into your noggin."
"I was thinking exactly the same thing," I retorted before getting a migraine. A lot of information had just been dumped into my brain. Information related to the Domain.
"You should really pay attention to the System. It is there to support you. I know you think you are in some sort of a game because of its existence, but I can assure you, the System is not a game."
The Guildmaster pointed out.
"Yeah, whatever. Can I go now? I have something I needed to do."
I responded. It was still fucking weird, and I wasn't comfortable with it. This might all be some sort of lucid dream. Even if it was, I would still enjoy the hell out of it.
The Guildmaster stared at me for a moment before shrugging. "Okay, I did my job, now the other will stop bothering about being lazy. Anyway, here is a technique. It is called Soul Touch. More or less does the same thing as Soul Trap. The same restriction applies. Harem Palace can only capture certain souls and make use of it."
I noticed a notification: "New Ability: Soul Touch"
"Thanks, I guess, but I would rather have the technique called Unlimited Harem Works," I responded after mentally going through all the possible techniques available. Not really, I just looked up the most popular one.
"Booboobooboobs. Nah. You have to earn that."
The Guildmaster chuckled.
"Okay, who do I have to kill, murder or rape to get that ability?"
I questioned. It seemed to be worth it. Unlimited Harem Works was more or less what its title implied, and having it in arsenal, I could basically spam – you know – girls. All variations of them, and there was like a lot. The multiverse was infinite, after all.
"Not really who, but what. Hmmm… alright. I will tell you what. Since you have a Domination Domain, go and dominate Fate Grand Order. If you do, I will bestow you that technique along with another one that is not available on the list."
"Fate Grand Order… fuck, that will take forever."
I growled. Fate Grand Order was an online game based within Nasuverse, where there were just tons and tons of masters and servants, all I have to defeat just for one technique. Two. Yeah. Fuck that shit.
"Exactly. No pain no gain."
"Don't you mean hard work pays off?"
"What did I say? My mind is elsewhere at the moment. It is kind of hard to focus when you are basically everywhere at once. Well, in multiple reality at once."
The Guildmaster responded, seemingly telling the truth.
"Never mind. Thanks for the congratulation and warning, but can I go now?"
I questioned before the Guildmaster just vanished. I just shrugged after that and then took notice of the time. It had only been like a few minutes since I imprisoned Yasaka in my Domain, so time flowed differently in another interdimensional space.
That was a good thing, and I further confirmed when I returned to the real world. Hardly any time had passed, and for a second, I thought I had dreamt everything if it wasn't for the Black Soul Gem within my hand.
[Warning: Soul Destroyed (Black Soul Gem).]