Chereads / The Unusual at Trost Academy / Chapter 21 - Return [Bill]

Chapter 21 - Return [Bill]

Chasan sat in his chair, "Indeed. I felt his presence. I don't know how, but he managed to break his prison."

"But it was solid! There's no way he could've broken it!" Jamie yelled, "I mean," her voice lowered, "He definitely died, right?" I shook my head, "Apparently not. Chasan, my dad said he could help, would you let him?"

"ABSOLUTELY NOT! If the Demons are to leave Hell, there's no telling what chaos would ensue." I shook my head, "I've talked to him. He's ensured me that he won't attack any other being except Lucifer."

"You haven't see the Demons in combat. They- you live for combat. Doesn't matter what kind, mental, physical, idealogical, Demons exist to fight. Satan, your father, was the single most powerful Demon that was fighting. Calling him a butcher would be an understatement," Chasan paused, "He was a harbinger of death. I never met him in person, but the only Angel to ever survive a battle where he was was Lucifer, and still, no damage was done on either side."

"EXACTLY WHY WE NEED HIM! DO YOU REALLY THINK WE CAN TAKE HIM?!" Jamie crossed her arms, "He's unstable, mentally, anyway. My memory from when we talked is fuzzy, but I remember that he wasn't fit to do anything." Chasan nodded, "I see. I do not wish to cause panic, so I will leave him to his own devices, and hope that he's learned."

"ARE YOU INSANE?! THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN-" pain shot through my back, "We can't just let him live. We have to kill him while we have the chance." Jamie looked at the floor, "I'm not sure what I would do. If what I've learned is correct, there are three Angels left in existence. Killing one of them isn't in my best interests, but at the same time, if what he told me is true, then we can't let him live, because he'll kill everything. Is there any way we can restrain him?" Jamie and I looked at Chasan. "I'm afraid not. That would take the power of God, and even so, that proved to be useless in the end. We'd need-"

"The power of two Gods." Chasan nodded, "Indeed, but that's impossible. Both God and Dielzavod are dead. The closest things we have are the one we're trying to contain and the one I wish to keep contained." Chasan sighed, "We'll discuss this later. I need some time to think on this." I nodded, and Jamie and I left.

I sat on my bed. Jamie had already fallen back asleep. I looked around, expecting to find something. Was my dad really that bad? I laid down and tried to fall asleep. Almost immediately, I woke up in Hell. At this point, I was used to this. My dad was standing at the edge of a cliff. "Did you tell him?" I nodded. "And what did he say?"

"He said no. That you are too dangerous. That you all are. I don't know if it's post-traumatic-" Satan turned around, "I expected so," He walked toward me, "Have you seen any cities here?" I shook my head. "I swear I took you to Fdvshu. Well then, I guess I'll do that now." There was a sudden flash of light, and a seething pain.

My skin hurt. My hair hurt. My eyes hurt. I think even my jacket hurt. I barely managed to stand up, and looked around. There was a sprawling metropolis that looked to be at least three times the size of Eaststeel. "That is where I live," Satan motioned to a large building a few kilometers away, "This is the largest city in Hell, and definitely the most peaceful. Ever since we got trapped here we've had to deal with the limited resources, and I'd say, we've done pretty good." I walked over to one of the buildings. Looking closer at it, it was made of stone, similar to the rest of the place, but a lighter shade. There wasn't any glass, instead it was a gel that solidified when I touched it. "What the-"

"Try to keep up." I looked in front of me, and Satan was already 15 meters ahead. I ran and caught up to him. "Almost everyone is asleep right now, so try not to make too much noise." I nodded, and we kept walking.

The buildings didn't vary too much, mainly just small structures made of stone and gel. Occasionally, there would be a church-like building, or something that looked like a Starbucks, but for the most part, it was all the same. When we reached the building, it was certainly more impressive than the others. "This used to be Dielzavod's castle. Since his death, I've inherited it. As you can see," He opened the gate, "It's a little more, sophisticated than the other buildings." He wasn't wrong. The walls were made of a pinkish marble, there was actual glass, and there was metal coursing through the structure keeping it stable. "Come in," He opened the door, "We have much to discuss."

We sat down in a room that looked like a library. I wasn't sure, but it was safe to assume. I sat on a couch, right across from my father, who sat in an arm-chair, "So, about Lucifer. I'm the only one who can stop him. And he's the only one who can stop me. At the moment, we are the two most powerful beings in the Universe. When we die, if you and his offspring are still alive, you will be. This Universe's power works in a succession, I am a direct descendant of Dielzavod, you are a direct descendant of me, and your children, and so on. You might be able to put up a fight with his offspring, but there is no way any being can defeat him."

"What about if we work together?"


"Jamie doesn't want Lucifer free."

"Why wouldn't she? They're both Angels, and she's his daughter."

"Wait. When were you trapped in Hell?"

"30,000,000,000 years ago." I sat there. That's why. "Do know why exactly Lucifer was cut off from the Universe?" He shook his head, "Not exactly. All I know is that his power was sealed, in a similar vain to ours. Do you know?"

"He killed all but one of the Angels. God sealed him away as a final punishment, and now, that seal is broken."