Ummmm, sooooooo a very old abandoned house...well not that old but 07 persons enTERED IT?!?!?!?!?! So well ThiS is a complicated family with a mother at first then a sister then a boy and a sister then a girl then a brother and then another brother so in total 07.
Two of the brothers (the forth and fifth) started to walk towards the garden from the garage when everyone's staring around.
Dain: (Look at the waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy too dead grass) Ummm... Mit-lark: (Stressfilled) Um...
These were the 10 year old Dain and the 12 years old Mit-lark.
Ak-Tirl: (Rudely smiling uncomfortably) Two simple idiots.
This was the 13 years old Ak-Tirl a jerky boy or thought to be one by most.
Ny-Teil: (Angrily, Bossily)(Angrily in like as if someone has a grude with you here the brother) Idiot...
This is the eldest of the siblings the 16 years old Ny-Teil of the family.
Ny-Teil and Ak-Tirl 'especially' hate each other the reason of which is still left to be unexplained. That meant everyone hates him but she "ESPECIALLY" hates him. Also our mother doesn't hate him which probably another unexplained thing though... Drama level Mysterious.
Ki-rio: (Proudly says while going into the hallway) Idiots.
Said another jerk of the family, a 13 years old jerky girl and she's also the jerky twin to the jerky Ak-Tirl.
Also Seij, Mit-lark and Dain consider Ak-Tirl and Na-ri 02 jerks of the family while Ny-Teil was considered half a jerk to the family usually when she was angry and bossy which she was most of the times and also when she was randomly giving cryptic life advices with no or enough explanation which they already know of.
Also everyone hated Na-ri expect this time Seij was the one who loved her.
Such a "BiG" confusing family this is.
Ur-kill : (Angrily shouts) Ki-rio!
Said the 32 years old mother of theirs.
A thought ran through Seij's mind '{Regret naming her that?}' (Talking about Ur-kill while saying that). By the way the thought to 'Taunt' her mother like that ran through her mind then she said it into words in her mind.
Seij went on to open the outstore's closed door as she went on to witness the dusty webful furniture inside placed at random positions. As excitement ran through her she said.
Seij : (Excitedly SCREAMS in her overly forced annoyingly excited state) There's furniture here!
Said the 12 years old sister Seij to calm the anger.
Ny-Teil : (Curious) Interesting...
Ur-kill was just ... weirder?
You "Would" get to know more about that later.
Then they both went into the hallway.
Seij went to Dain and Mit-lark in the garden.
Seij : (Happily) Well (Shooting her hair in one direction like a cool amazing girl from the internet as she continued) how was that?!
Dain : (Being Dain) Not trying to be unthankful but... well mum?
Mit-lark : (Unsettled) She's the creepiest.
Ur-kill welllll they don't know whats going on with her but she's weird.
Dain : (Unhappy) Try to understand her.
Mit-lark : (Uncomforted) I couldn't.
Dain : You discourage yourself like that ... Far too much!
Mit-lark : (Upset) What do you mean discouRaGe! I understand she's my mother but i don't wanna be reminded like that! (Realizing how unkind and rude that was and saying that about Ur-kill too) (Says saddened) I am sorry I didn't think at all that was cruel to say about that. (Smiling now) Now pat on the back for swallowing my pride! YaY!
Dain : (Happy) Sorry you're amazing! YaY too!
Seij : Lets see Dain gets impatient too quickly saying his opinions outloud and Mit-lark forces himself not to think having to be sorry later.
Dain : Mit-lark is probably the first to accept things as his wrongs or not while Seij I feel like doesn't accept what she did wrong so she has a hard time accepting something except her the way she sees it.
Mit-lark : I suppose Dain is the last to say something aloud so he has to realize that it's us he's talking to when he is talking to us so he can safely say things aloud.
Dain : (Shyly embarrassed) Well thats why I don't want awkward memories cause it's you two here and you're important to me.
Mit-lark : Oh I didn't know that. (Happily Smiling) Sweet.
Dain got happy and smiled too.
Seij : Me!
Mit-lark : (Calmly) Yes I remember! Sorry for the late anyways Seij I feel like Seij says things she would want herself to or appear like that when she actually doesn't actually feel that way so she's probably ignoring her true self alot.
Seij : (Unexcited) Ummmm. (Excitedly gasps) Lets do our thing!
Dain : It's the middle of the day and we had just stopped with our traveling!
Mit-lark : Yes! The new house got me excited so I didn't feel car sickly.
Seij : To be honest probably everyone felt that way. No it were just you two Ki-rio and Ak-Tirl were in their phones and Ny-Teil and mum were just tired. And I was bored. Sad... (Remembering the thing she talked about) But still!
Mit-lark : But we're still moving! It might be weeks till we play!
Seij : (Angrily) Mit-lark vdsgasdijgaj "YOU" have a thing!
Dain : You are... I dunno! Annoying!
Mit-lark : (Stressed) Dain! And we're figuring it out!
Seij : (Looking down) Sorry...
A couple random pieces of dead grass popped out of the ground on their own making a well heard noise.
Everyone looked at it.
Mit-lark : (Confused and stressed looking at the others) Sorry?
Seij : We have no lead on our things I wish it won't be a life long mystery.
Dain started to go to the Hallway.
Dain: Lets go the rest of the house's to explore! Lets do the outside later.
Seij : (Going inside) Lets say something about ourselves now before departing to the inside like something wo wanna improve on. So I would like to improve on putting others opinions into the light aswell rather than ignoring them.
Mit-lark : Well then I suppose I get fixated on something too much so the thought of a change is coming or if the fixation of mine is okay too or not.
Dain : Ummm then I would like to be able to say sorry or let the other know of my thought easier.
Seij : (Happily) YaY! The trend was followed.
Mit-lark : (Happy) Such a pleasant memory! Isn't it? YaY!
Dain : (Happily Giggling) Lets go then!
In they went to the hallway...
Let's give you more context now.
They came to this house because they didn't have enough money to live in their lat rented house because they were 07 and didn't have a parent whose memory no one has who is a father here.
Also Ur-kil just found the keys to this old abandoned house and they just moved in.
Ur-kil has a job. She's working the same one after moving and it doesn't pay much. They still didn't have enough money to go to school so Ny-Teil was the only one going to college while also wanting to.
Ak-Tirl and Ki-rio did nothing.
By the way all of them still knew how to read and write.
Seij loves to draw and is good at it. Ki-rio likes it but she isn't that great at it not bad but because of that she doesn't really do it.
Sometimes she does it sneakily maybe even from Seij but if she's caught she's going to 'force' herself to feel a sort of embarrassment cause she's not actually feeling it.
Aside from that Seij asks Dain and Mit-lark about their stories and the scenes or characters of the stories with them as they like to draw aswell. This helps Dain and Mit-lark to have an actual idea of how the character and the place looks so it helps in imagining them better.
Dain and Mit-lark don't like not real realistic stuff so they draw and imagine stuff more cartoonish.
Dain and Mit-lark have also card games and board games with their stories. Some of their stories were from their games.
Everyone except Ny-Teil had to stop 'Studying' but they weren't having great experiences at school anyways so it was a win for them.
Dain, Mit-lark and Seij also liked baking so they gave their baked stuff to Ur-kill and Ny-Teil who went and sold it.
Again Ki-rio liked to bake but he felt 'Embarrassed' so she sometimes baked.
Our bakers didn't keep their baked tuff intentionally for Ak-Tirl cause he would take it anyways and also the stuff they sent to get sold had stuff like mug cakes and stuff so small amount stuff for selling.
Also the kids didn't ask Ur-kil about their part of the money from the baked stuff sometimes she gave it to them sometimes not cause he had to spend it so they don't ask cause they know that it is hard for Ur-kil too.
They divide the money with Ny-Teil as per their deal with her when they started this so they do a 50/50 between them.
The others get their allowance but except Ki-rio and Ak-Tirl the others deny as they already get money so Ur-kil doesn't ask sometimes when she doesn't have money. Thats why Ki-rio and Ak-Tirl sometimes couldn't get their allowance too.
Now Ak-Tirl. Weeeeeeeeeell he was angry because in the last place they lived he had supposed friends who really JUST used him and his 'Departure' from them made him angry which was really just forced anger which he had also forced over his head.
He was especially angry with Ur-kil as she was the one who randomly found the keys to the house and also the reason they moved and of the 'Departure' aswell.
Change especially bothered Dain and Mit-lark so the manys of houses they had to move because of rent problems was really stressFILLED. But knowing they had a permanenter house well it was just happening!
It still took a week in getting the house set up with the shifting and stuff so not having a bit of fun put everyone in a annoyed sort of state so change specifically didn't bother much right now.
Before Ur-kil just sold some stuff again and again to make rent happen but now she didn't have to and they were getting free furniture aswell!
Ur-kil had borrowed money from a coworker which she gave to the kids to buy food whatever they wanted cause they were still shifting and couldn't cook with the kitchen being messy and dirty at the moment.
Also Ur-kil didn't have time and she didn't really know how to cook so the kids were the ones cooking all the time and also this let them try new recipes secretly or not too!
Also the cook kids are our baking team so Dain, Mit-lark and Seij were the ones cooking and Ki-rio but the way she does it.
Ny-Teil still went to college in this week and Ur-kil went to work too.
The roof was cleaned first so Ak-Tirl and Ki-rio remained on the roof most of the week glued to their phones while they didn't acknowledge each others existence still starring into their phones which they collected up money for and collected in the sense they collected and wasted it.
The one rare time probably when they acknowledged each others existence was when they begged Ur-kil to get them a phone cause they 'spent' their money and when Ur-kil did get them the phones they were second hand which they don't know to this day.
Also Ur-kil has a computer to study and Ki-rio has a tablet cause she wanted a bigger screen and Ak-Tirl has a phone cause he didn't want something so big and Dain and Mit-lark have a laptop which Ny-Teil had but she got a computer so she gave it to them so YaY! Also Seij uses the laptop with them too cause she's with them most of the day and with Ki-rio at night so she uses the tablet with her watching stuff and ahving fun all night not like it's a good habit it is a bad one but they'll improve on it.
When Ur-kil returned from work she would talk about how the house looking but the kids didn't really listen cause it was already done and the house was big.
The worst part was when they had to clean the spider webs and dust flew everywhere and there were rotting things around and also disappointing when something broke. The old fridge in the house was ruined and T.V too and some other electronics had to get fixed from among the already there furniture so Ur-kil had to borrow more money for it.
Ny-Teil is the more logical bossy one who actually thinks but she neglects her emotions which means she annoyed all the time. Also she's one to make decisions after thinking properly so she doesn't really make wrong choices cause she has to do what she has to.
Ak-Tirl is more anxious to share his true self neglecting his real feelings cause 'cool people are meant to be that way' which puts him in guilt of hurting others while he doesn't realize it. He's also the one to know how to cheer someone up after crying or motivating himself or fixing mistakes!
Ki-rio is the same but she's less caring and a bit more harsh and she does the cool people aren't caring about the world sort of act adn doing nothing cause why do it cause thats what she put together from the internet. Also she knows to get what she needs and how not necessarily a bad thing.
Seij is more like always energetic and happy and excited but she ignores her emotions more wanting to be happier like Ki-rio but her way sometimes makes her tired cause it sometimes has to be like an act and is also why she has trouble controlling her anger.
Mit-lark is more imaginative and is quicker to sadness and losing hope but he is more trusting to the ones he's close to so he says things easier to them so he usually isn't going to anger cause he had already said things before and he's probably the last to getting angry but the distress are still there.
Dain is has difficulty saying things right away but cause of Mit-lark and Seij being not so critical he can say it but it's still hard to say quicker or right away or quickly enough and if he couldn't say it, it leaves him distressed. That also means he has more meltdowns and says too much in anger aloud. He's also imaginative like Mit-lark so they have alot of fun playing together.
Ur-kil is more confusing a she doesn't really know what's with her you would get to know more later. She isn't the best mother being mentally overloaded often. I don't wanna reveal much about her now but she has alot of unprocessed emotion in her and she isn't happy at all to be honest. Also she has a hard time in changing her belief about something too. She is a bit less caring and a little more selfish which can let her ignore others many times too.
So, this was... ' The Ark-Tiks Family. '
- End "The Prologue" -