Seij: (In her room before playing) Hey! You've been on your tablet all day!
Ki-rio: (Excitedly) I'm loving this series! Maybe tomorrow.
Seij: Eh.
Ki-rio: Just go. I will come later you know (Taking of her headphones) i don't hate playing i just need time off...
She looked and Seij was already gone.
Ki-rio: AAAAHAHA! (She screamed in anger!)
Then after that overreaction she just went back to her series again like nothing had happened.
Seij on her way heard Ki-rio scream then she went back feeling a bit bad.
Seij: (Half in her room hanging from the door) Hey...
Ki-rio didn't give a reaction.
Seij: (Concerned) Ki-rio are you okay?
Ki-rio still didn't give a reaction.
Then Seij stormed off in anger. Ki-rio felt bad... Seij got to Dain and Mit-lark and went explaining trying not to think about Ki-rio.
Seij: (Outside with Dain and Mit-lark) She had been watching her new series all day and still wanted to.
Mit-lark: She traded us for a series! Well i suppose she traded play?
Dain: (Excited) It's fine. Let's go!
Then they started playing...
That lady's hand gave off a smoke as Mit-lark fell down less conscious.
Seij went for Mit-lark not having noticed the lady there Dain couldn't move his eyes much out of fear he looked back away, seen Mit-lark he got up as he had let himself fallen and sprinted to Mit-lark he looked as the lady had been disappearing Seij and Mit-lark noticed as she went into nothing. Mit-lark... had an emotionless expression on his face. He was blank.
All the Emorium work began to disappear as the stress made them want to run away...
Ki-rio was just lying there a she jumped around on her bed excited from the scene of the show she's been watching she even had took of the headphones of the phone and her ears to 'Actually' listen to the scene which made it even more exciting this time, she wasn't exaggerating.
She had never felt this excited when watching an exciting scene she felt amazing rather when before he jut felt numb all the time at her phone.
She waved around as she took the orb she had just made and made a shield to put her orb on then she remembered how Seij and Ki-rio had been to each other a her excitement flooded down a bit but she put away the thought and went back to waving around in happy.
After a bit the orb did a thing she decided to ignore then the orb lit out and poofed away in pinky smoke as the shield sort downed a bit sorta crumbling on itself then it disappeared into glow of pink as her phone headed down and fell down with it and turned off her 'Episode Playing Phone.'
She tried to make another orb it didn't work, again but no! She rushed finally forgetting and not caring for her as she made her way out the door to the hallway's door.
Seij and Dain holding Mit-lark's hand entered with Mit-lark looking blank with his expression.
Ki-rio reached them, stressed she said..
Ki-rio: What Happened?!!??!???!!
Dain: (Hardly talking) Someone came...
Ki-rio just stood as she looked at Seij and they still felt weird because of little fight. Then Seij just took her hand and left for their room as Dain went to their room teary eyed.
Ki-rio and Seij were peeking out of their door because Ny-Teil had picked up the habit walk round and round in circles on the roof and study still in circles. Actually our little's have had some time to go and look at her on the roof while giggling a little to loud which Ny-Teil totally noticed but didn't do anything cause she wanted to study while actually she was having fun seeing them sneak up on her.
Then Seij closed the door and sat down leaning on the door. She put her head to her knees far too stressed.
Seij: I am sorry... (Tearing up) I shouldn't have left you that way nor should i have ignored them to take you with me...
She had actually just been thinking about what she did instead of focusing on Ny-Teil coming or not.
Ki-rio: I am sorry... when you came back it 'was' a big enough thing... I shouldn't have ignored you... too. (Tearing up) Lets just sleep.
Seij: (Ki-rio was taking her to their bed) Not like i will be able to...
Ki-rio: (Smiles with teary eyes) Lets try... With each other.
Dain was silently crying on bed while Mit-lark was asleep. He looked at him... He was just asleep so Dain curled up to his knees and went...asleep. ...
Morning came as everyone made their way to the drawing room to talk.
Seij: (Whispering in the hallway) I think i am pretty sure about the source of our pow- Emoriums! thing. I mean he went 'Emotionless' again.
She tried to ignore the bit of bitterness in her voice that had slipped. She was trying to SHOVE away what she was feeling but it still wasn't working!
Ki-rio: So if that what that lady wanted to do and take our Emoriums away... he probably had been watching for alot then...
Then they silently made their way to the drawing room where Dain and Mit-lark were sitting on the couch with Mit-lark still looking 'Blank' that way while he constantly kept holding Dain's hand and not responding to whatever they tried to do to him except moving away or keep on staring at nothing.
Then Seij finally snapped.
Seij: (Pulling away Dain making them lose hands from each other and pushing back Ki-rio) You know you're useless you know? Just doing nothing and sitting and took our powers away!
No one said anything as he had shouted very loud the last part.
Mit-lark pulled his head to his knees as he mumbled.
Mit-lark: (Angrily) Die away...
A bright pink light shined as a flash in the back wall of the room.
Mit-lark looked up. Guilty his face had guilt.
As it opened in to a sort of pink crack like narrow hole of sorts which had alot of pink in it ALOT of it. Alot of wind started to get sucked in as Seij held Dain and Ki-rio and pushed them aside. Dain got away but Ki-rio and Seij went pulling in while Mit-lark saw unmoving.
Ki-rio went in first her with her head entering the portal thing first. She started to slow down and go... unconscious. Seij was less affected by the wind now as the wind has slowed abit as Ki-rio entered in. Seij then pushed her out but she was sucked in herself while the same thing happened to her. During this after being pulled out of the portal Ki-rio had gotten woken as she realized what she had seen in there. Then she realized SEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIJ?!?!?!?!??
She took hold on her leg but she started to feel that dizziness too with the slowed wind.
In the meantime Dain went to Mit-lark to shake him around.
Dain: (Stressed) Mit-lark! Help me! Us!
The only response was Mit-lark looking at him.
Dain: (Voice sadder and lower) We have loads to write...
Mit-lark looked ahead and saw what had just happened while they talked.
Mit-lark: {I HAVE to do something! I couldn't let the numbness consume me!} (He thought then looking at Dain, Smiles) I can be aloud with you... and you too with me.
Dain: (Calm smiles) And i and you too with each other.
Mit-lark: (Louder says excitedly) Then together this too!
He held Dain's hand and ran forward with him.
Dian: (Happily) Of course!
Then there was pink shines in their touching hands as two trials of pink light spread out and made their way to the wall surrounding the portal as they also pushed out Seij and Ki-rio and the lights vanished.
Mit-lark: (Smiling calmly as they stopped after the light began) You... think?
Dain: (Smiling calmly too) That we would...
They looked at each other and finished in unison.
Dain\Mit-lark: 've exactly imagined that.
Then after crying together cause they hadn't cried last night, everyone just explained their part of the story with Mit-lark more normal of course. Then Ki-rio said...
Ki-rio: (Shocked and overwhelmed a bit) I saw someone on there... A child.
Mit-lark: (Stressed) What?
Seij: (Carefilled) Are you okay?
Dain: You seem tired?
Ki-rio: I am maybe from shock... I might aswell sleep then.
Mit-lark: I feel tired too i don wanna but i might aswell too then.
Then Seij and Dain led them to bed. Then they met up at the roof to talk. Dain spotted Seij then he smiled at her.
Dain: (Surprised) They actually went back to sleep!
Seij: (Excited for no reason) Yes! I am surprised too? And also! Ny-Teil's home for once! Mum said that she was sick so she stayed!
Dain: (Going to the free room) Wow i don't think we've ever had her sick or not going to school now college? (Realizing he's kind of making fun of her being sick)Well I suppose we shouldn't make fun of her for being sick?
Seij: (They sat don't together) Don't worry so much. (Excitedly says standing up and spinning) But can't say this isn't magical!
Then they both giggled together as Seij remembered the lady her smile vanished.
Dain: (Giggling) What? (He said cause he thought it was a joke)
Then he realized what she was thinking. Then they both ran down afraid from the night's event.
Seij: (Mumble's) Let's just cook now...
Dain: Yes...
Then they went normal while cooking forgetting the memory well before that more accurately because they had to wash the dishes too before cooking.
Then after a while at cooking cause they weren't great chefs so everything took alot of time to get ready well anyway Ki-rio appeared awake.
Dain: Didn't sleep long? How are you now?
Ki-rio: Fiiiiiiiine.
Seij: Really?
Ki-rio: (Smiles) Yes really. Also i wa thinking about... Should we tell Ny-Teil?
Dain: 'What?'
Seij: (After a rare time of her thinking she said) I mean the situation 'HAS' gone too far soooo... What else could we do then?
Dain: I suppose but "Ny-Teil"?
Seij: Yes she's our only option plus she's home.
Ki-rio: Yes... I didn't know that. (Surprisingly she didn't feel surprised) {Maybe i just need to freshen up?} Okay let's not tell her EVERything.
Seij: Yes and Mit-lark too...
Dain: Yes! We would tell him!
Seij: (Mumble's) I still have to say sorry...
Dain: Heyyyyyyy! He's forgotten? And he's not angry ei-
Seij: I know! I just need to relax about it.
Ki-rio was kind of confused about what she has said but she feel to didn't ask.
Dain: I get it.
Ki-rio frowned as she announced.
Ki-rio: I need to freshen up so gonna me splash my face!
Seij: Okay!
Then Mit-lark woke too after a while and now ki-rio was fresher too.
Mt-lark: (Kind of confused) Okayyyyyyyyy?
Was his response.
Then they hid some hidden's and Dain was chasing them this round. Ki-rio came out of the instore looking for the hidden' aswell.
Then she noticed Ny-Teil happily at her door just looking around as she noticed Ki-rio standing there shocked abit who Ki-rio here had remembered that she and they had to tell Ny-Teil... which would be a hard conversation.
Then Ny-Teil frowned looking at her.
Then Dain bumped into Ki-rio scaring her as Seij and Mit-lark came out of the storenear room. Seeing Ny-Teil Mit-lark remenmbered the lady thing as fear overcame his expression as Seij and Dain felt the same they all noticed a once in a life time fear expression on Ny-Teil's face.
Ny-Teil: (Concered) Can we talk?
-End "The Loss"-