Chereads / The Shells Ancestry- Questions Pile / Chapter 4 - Chapter 03 The Sound

Chapter 4 - Chapter 03 The Sound

Seij, Dain and Mit-lark ran to the inside with at the night the lady had appeared. Ny-Teil was upstairs close to the free room moving and walking around with her book at hand and studying. She... suddenly felt a fear sort of tingle through her as she stared at the shadow beneath the grape tree feeling a presence there... she suddenly felt a pressure in her chest as it came exploding out in violent coughs. She sat down on the free room as she coughed the painfilled coughs having forgotten the presence. A jagged dome of pinkk light formed around her as the objects in it floated, crushed, expanded, randomely moving around while so many panicked voices filled her head... One was familiar... far too familiar, she thought as her coughing ended and the domelike shield disappeared. She could finally get up.

She barely got up to her room and fell onto her the memories of which were just a blur more like knowledge rather the the visual. Just the script none of the video. She remembered the next part of her waking better.

Ur-kil: (Ny-Teil wakes as Ur-kil sweetly says) Yes! Now gobble up this soup. I dunno (Quickly adds) don't think you know that you're sick you 've a fever a high one.

Ur-kil was the sort of person to worry too much as well and try so much to make things perfect but that was also the reason she was always so tired too.

Well any how Ny-Teil got up to reply but her throat was too dry to speak.

Ur-kil: (Noticing) Oh here you go (Filling up water from the jug into a glass already on her table) drink slowly too okay.

Ny-Teil finally drunk and felt better .

Ny-Teil: (Whispers) Thanks...

Ur-kil's smile widened. She would always wash her glass and jug and fill up her jug with water before going which was really nice.

Ur-kil: (Putting the soup besides her on the table) Well gotta go but have and sleep too okay?

Ny-Teil just then noticed that Ur-kil was wearing her workbag as she got up still smiling Ny-Teil mumbled 'Don't go...' but she couldn't make herself say it loud enough on time... Then she returned.

Ur-kil: (Smiling happily) Also love you and bye Nel-tel.

Which was Ur-kil's private nickname for Ny-Teil but... her hope had just disappeared as she was still lonely here... Then she felt that

Ny-Teil: {She felt more relaxed now too...}

She felt happy about that about her (Ur-kil here) whic gave her a slight smile as she started on here soup which was quite fine and to be honest.

Ny-Teil: {GOOD!}

Given Ur-kil's cooking skills being not the best.

Then the thought sunk in vanishing the excitement she had been feeling for a little while...

Ny-Teil: {This probably took alot of money and mum probably spent carelessly...}

Then she just got through her soup trying t get the excitement back but didn't work...

She slept through the day after that even when the others woke at noon she still slept through and then finally she woke near evening too then she just started to study and actually she got through it in a breeze somehow it was crazy she was just done so quickly too.

Then she just proudly stood besides the door confident about having her work done so quickly as Dain passed besides her then Seij and Dain then Ki-rio caught by Mit-lark and then she finally realized... she was hearing voices. She was hearing thoughts.

'THE' unbelievable amount of excitement rushed into her as she closed her door and hugged her book throwing it up above when it floated Ny-Teil gasped in awe and excitement and joy and pleasure and comfort and calm all the mixture of the goodies of the emotions!

Ny-Teil accidently bent a page and controlled her book down with her mind but it kept on spinning into the wrong direction. Pointing he rhand at it made it a little better but it still was annoying too. 

She tried to use the power to fix the page but the force power wa sn't quite in her control. Then she finally just let it go and do it with her own hand but it still felt so exciting too! Then she went outside as she faced the kids infront of her.

Ny-Teil: {Lady? Power? Loss? Fear? Tell 'me' something?} Can we talk?

Everyone were inside of her room looking around cause they had never been inside of it.

Ny-Teil: Well... (She got her head down in thought) {Think! An excuse... Oh! They won't catch anything?} So what did you want to talk about? I could tell you wanted to.

Dain: (Dain shifted in his place) {Were we 'this' obvious?}

Seij looked at Ki-rio.

Seij: (Whisper's) It was 'your' idea so start? 

Ny-Teil didn't realize the thought but she heard the whisper as she said.

Ny-Teil: Go on?

Ki-rio: (Say's fidgeting) Well...

Then they all joined slowly joined in, on the telling and spilled EVERYTHING.

Dain: (Sadly says while trying to make an orb of flora) We could do orbs...

Then... an orb appeared! They could do it! They ALL could do it!

Then Ny-Teil began...

Ny-Teil: (Stressed and concered) So just don't think about the lady and stay out of trouble and stay safe. Okay? I will come up with a plan...

Then she led them out not quite able to process the stress from the news which were definetly true as she saw with her ability.

Ny-Teil fell on her bed stress filling her mind with all those images which she couldn't stop her mind from seeing which was HORRIBLE that she couldn't control her 'amazingly' 'lovely' ability!

She just couldn't focus through everything she would felt... Then she started to study like the first thing to do would be to sleep but no for her-

Oh... Studying actually was working the unnaturally sudden amount of focus actually let her forget the worrysome things!

Then after a couple hours she went to sleep easily and far earlier than normal too.

Our kids went to the K.S room to play around but... it was stressful after that interaction.

Then Seij and Ki-rio went to get some food microwaved if needed and Dain and Mit-lark were in the room setting up some board games.

Dain: Hey...

He told about that fear thing happening to him.

Mit-lark: (Smiles and calmly says) Hey. You can just say anything okay and not have to keep it on you. You have free will and you 'Have' to do it like once and twice and you would remember to do it whenever you would just have to think first okay?

Dain: (Smiles) Yes. 

Mit-lark: K... How many cards?

Dain: (Happily says) You just replaced Seij's and Ki-rio's good cards!

Mit-lark: (Happily giggling) I just did it! Now i have to UNdo it!

Now Seij and Ki-rio were in the kitchen getting their food done trusting Dain and Mit-lark to doing the board games.

Ki-rio: Hey... you didn't tell about Mit-lark's powers still?

Seij: (Anxious a bit) Yes i didn't want to touch that topic still...

Ki-rio: Well... It would be hard to tell too. (Excited) Anyways the pasta's done cooking!

They took it out the oven and enjoyed it first together as they laughed together!

Then they all ate and played and laughed and giggled together the whole night!

Then they all slept...

Dain woke up slightly hearing some sort of sound. He got up more and realized it was rain. Dain decided to go outside to even though he felt quite scared because of the darkness but the sounds of the rain still felt chilly and calming.

The roof door was closed and the room was dark... Then... Dain got a mini "HEART ATTACK" as his brain shouted "THE LADY" but calming the horror was Mit-lark there to let him relax himself and he helped the relaxing part ALOT now that he wasn't alone in the dark.

Dain: (Dain whispered smiling not being able to repress the happiness that had rushed into him) Yes!

Mit-lark was smiling so much it made his heart melt!

Mit-lark: (Excitedly whispers!) Dain! Ya Allah! I just got me such a good idea!

Dain lit up.

Dain: What?

Mit-lark: (Whispers) We can go watch the rain!

Dain: (Scared) But...

Mit-lark: The lady won't come! Let's go!

Then he took Dain to the hallway's door they opened it and stayed under the part of the ceiling extending outward to protect themselves from the rain.

Mit-lark: (Whispers) Let's go!

He took Dain tgo the wet alley to look at the rain...

Dain: (Peacefully) It's not so bad. (Breath's deeply)

Mit-lark: (Smiles)... (Tenses up) It's tingly they are stronger now.

Dain: Yes...

He wanted to ask Mit-lark if they should go but he didn't want to hurt him... but Mit-lark also told him to tell them anything!

Dain: {So I should just trust Allah and ask him about it... Yes! cause I can trust Allah and he will do everything for the better!}

Dain: (Reluctant) So... (Mit-lark turned to him smiling) {Yes! Trust Allah!} Should we go?

Mit-lark: Yes, I was gonna ask i suppose we can though however amazing it's here we need to get back too... So let's go.

Dain: Can't we stay a second long it would just be a bit?

Mit-lark: Ofcourse! We can stay and have more peace...

Dain was peaceful and also feeling gooder now.

Dain: {Thank you Allah... For the rain and the talk...}

A bit later Mit-lark tapped Dain when Dain looked Mit-lark pointed to the bit of the roof they could see.

Dain backed away taking Mit-lark's arm but... Ohhhhhhh, It wasn't the LADY!

It was Ny-Teil with an umbrella in her hand and a book in another. She had put her finger in the book as a bookmark and she had her arms crossed on the roof and her head on them. Then she started coughing which confused them then she went back.

Mit-lark and Dain glanced at each looking worrying about Ny-Teil. Then there was the pink sphere they got a glance at while looking up. They could barely notice her coughing as the sound got drowned by the rain.

Mit-lark: Wait- should we look?

Dain: Yes! The pink! That's the Emorium's colour!

He went on to make a water orb.

Dain: We can use the water trick we once did to know!

Mit-lark: Wait the Emoriums are back!

Mit-lark said that a bit too loud.

Dain gasped as he realized and let the orb go of the orb as they celebrated the orb slid down into the rain when Dain and Mit-lark noticed the change in the sound they looked as the rain water had made a layer above the water it was like the rain drops drops were hovering just above it and not touching it as they spilled to the side.

Dain: Wow...!

Mit-lark excitedly went to retreat it and reluctantly pushed his arm through the layer of water as the rain got his arm wet slowly, he had flinched when the irst couple of cold drops dropped down on his arm and Dain went towards the rain too to make them even.

The layer of water felt vibratory as he touched it but it didn't hurt it seemed to bother but they were able get and retrieve the orb.

Mit-lark: (Happily) We didn't even know they reacted to their elements!

Dain: (Gigglely says) How!

Mit-lark: But Allah made it the perfect time...

Dain: Thank you Allah!

Mit-lark: Oh yes! Thank you Allah!

The trick was to make a thin wall of water so the bottom part of the wall could show you what the top part is reflecting! Though they would want to avoid making it obvious which was kind of impossible but they could trust Allah to let the rain hide away the water.

Also for some reason they could only do the trick together but that made it better and more interesting! A gift.

So they did do it the wall of water formed as the rain's water droplets came together and the reflection appeared.

But... It was the lady several orbs of pink just like their Emoriums floated around her as they formed together into a sphere of black. It slowly lowered-

But they could only think to take each other's hands drop the orb and RUN inside! 

In the about middle of teh hallway they were met with a sound...

It felt like it some sound was travleing through something narrow like a flute but without the music... It wasn't creepy but the fear which was unbearable.

Mit-lark barely managed to whisper 'Allah...' as they had stopped.

THEN... Seij and Ki-rio came out of their rooms looking scared.

They came together and hid in the KS room.

Basically everyone was hyperventilating at this point and then Ki-rio went outside to see the source... The sound seemed to eb coming from ahead the hallway... She took a step 'Allah' she whispered.

Seij came out.

Seij: I sat them down... Ya Allah... (Taking Ki-rio's hand) ...Not alone...

They were gonna take a step but looked then front then back then 'Allah' and then... the sound stopped... Something moved really quickly and the duo couldn't help but go and run back!

They went back to their rooms... Ur-kill woke up crying panting-

Ur-kil: E-urn!

Then she went blank and to sleep...

-End "The Sound"-