Chereads / The Shells Ancestry- Questions Pile / Chapter 5 - Chapter 04 The Shells House

Chapter 5 - Chapter 04 The Shells House

Well a late morning came as the four of them got together in the KS room.

By the way they mostly cook at noon and don't cook breakfast much cause the dinner mainly gets them through breakfast so they only have to cook once mostly and Ur-kil handle the rest of the needed cooking.


Seij: (Realizing) My orbs!

Dain: (Realizing too) Ohhhh! That makes sense she took the orbs probably when they kept on going missing.

Ki-rio: But how to keep them from disappearing then?

Mit-lark: You know it doesn't feel that scary now she's not doing much creepy but the scaryness is still there...

That was unsettling as Mit-lark felt like he ruined the mood.

Well the silence was broken by-

Dain: Mum said something cleared last night U-Uurner?

Seij: Another nightmare?

Ki-rio: Ummm... What about the noise?

Dain: Don't scare me again.

Mit-lark: But what made it to be honest it might've been a cat they have been coming here haven't they? And it was raining too.

Seij: In this house? A coincidence? And when won't we be able to see the treces the animal left? And why did the sound disappear.

Dain frowned but didn't say anything.

Mit-lark: (Jumps in with good news) But it couldn't have been the lady? She was up and we were down and there wasn't any trace of her and she should've been soaked!

Ki-rio: What about black magic then?

Dain: We found nothing in the soil and no other object and nothing really feels like an influence and doesn't seem to be any trace of Jinn nor did the Ruqyah water react with anything nor are there any weird things and there aren't any dreams for now nor conflicts and if we saw that lady i would say if she came here despite the Ruqyah she probably isn't using black magic but we have Emoriums so who knows what to do...

Mit-lark and Dain had sprayed Ruqyah water everywhere when they moved in and a few days ago too.

Seij: Well the unclear signs are just overthinking to be honest i accept it and what else do we have...

Ki-rio: We could do the Ruqyah with you?

Dain and Mit-lark brightened up.

Mit-lark: Yes! And i suppose all the drinking water has already Ruqyah done on it so we could try to water the plants when we have done Ruqyah and spray the water everywhere daily more thoroughly too.

Dain: So we need to know the lady's and Ny-Teil's connection with shield and the sphere thing? And investigate the sound and the noise and why it stopped and triggered in the first place and why we heard it and what're Emoriums and what're Mi-

Ki-rio put a hand on her to stop her from spilling the secret she kept about Mit-lark. For now.

Mit-lark: (Nervously) Ummm... 

Dain: And we will keep up up the Wazifa and Ruqyah and Dua and try on Salat Inshallah and we can also do extra Nafl too and Istikhara aswell because Allah is always with us!

That made everyone feel better and smilier.

Another silence followed.

Also! About Ur-kil she has nightmares and says things being stressed but then she goes weird and sleeps again like as if the source of the stress vanished. They think that Ur-kil forgets her dreams though she might have talked to Ny-Teil to about it though they couldn't ask.

Mit-lark: (Hesitantly asks) Cann we eat out?

Seij: (Excitedly launching up) YES!

Ki-rio seemed all happy by the idea too so Dain and Mit-lark went to grab their share of the money. Then they left...

Seij rushed to grab her part of the money excitedly- "Oh! Ki-rio's too!" 

Ki-rio: It's not like they're gonna steal it you don't have to hide if they fiqure out you do this they're gonna have a hurt heart to be honest.

Seij felt angry.

Ki-rio: (Trying to annoy her further and definitely not being kind with the conversation) Delusions. If you quite trying to be some awesome show character you 'Will' be happier and if you remind yourself to think that would help too.

Seij threw Ki-rio little bit pf money at her.

Ki-rio: (Runs to collect it scattered around) Hey! I just recently started saving up!

Seij huffed at her then sank down feeling a bit guilty.

Seij: {Sorry Allah...}

But her pride won't let her say sorry nor did she try much but atleast she said this right:

Seij: I will try okay... {I am sorry Allah I will try and youu have already made me the best way i can be so thank you.}

Then she started counting her money and after Ki-rio had collected her money and looked around a thousand times to believe she had more money and she missed some she went to flinging Seij's smaller shawl at her face to get her frustration out and get her own Dupatta and it over her head.

Seij: (Apologetically says) I don wanna wear this one.

Ki-rio: (Talking nicer) Hey i wasn't angry about that still?

Seij: I know I just hadn't forgotten yet...

Dain: (Surprised) Mom?

Dain was surprised by Ur-kil being home. And she was just staring at some papers... 

Dain: (Asks Ur-kil) Aren't those the papers for the house?

She didn't respond and Dain looked around and finally found after the stress where he was looking. It said "The Shells House" and in person writing not the machine's.

Dain: Mom?

She didn't respond.

Ur-kil: {So familiar... Did we live here? Why? I am missing something. Something?...}

Dain: (Hesitantly whispers) You're half an hour late to work...

Ur-kil: {Maybe if they stop interrupting... Oh it was it work...}

Ur-kil hastily got up getting her bag and left...

Mit-lark: (Forcing annoyance as he folded the papers Dain was looking at) She's the creepiest.

Dain: Why?

Mit-lark: I dunno.

Dain: Just try to explore your feelings i suppose? Maybe? You should try to know why she annoys you.

Mit-lark: I don wanna talk about it. We were supposed to be having a good moment.

Then they went out and got food and met in the drawing room!

Ki-rio: By the way did you know tomorrow i saw that there were two Angels 'Harut and Marut' who taught the people of... Uhh i don remember, magic and i suppose that's where Sihr started. Also don't believe me so it's in Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 102? And yes i remember that it is 102!

Mit-lark: (Excitedly) That is SO interesting!

Dain: Yes! Did you get any much more about them? We can research together!

Seij: Also let's search the kitchen as well?

Ki-rio: You do, I am continuing my story!

Seij: Uh! Excuse!!!!!

Then everyone left and Dain stayed behind secretly to get something for Ak-Tirl to eat.

The others were in the kitchen searching and thankfully they were searching behind the kitchen door and Ki-rio was outside telling her story as Dain shushed her and put the bag of food on Ak-Tirl's desk and the door was a little creaked open.

Ak-Tirl got really surprised and jumped to take the bag and Dain had already gone into the kitchen to help with the searching so only noticed Ki-rio as she went inside while voicing her story so Ak-Tirl thought she passed him the food secretly.

Ak-Tirl excitedly jumped back to hi bed with the food.

Ak-Tirl: YES!

He was gonna grab the phone but...

Ak-Tirl: I am a good kid! So let's not do the screen while eating this time. (He went to eat but stopped seeing the messed room) But...

Then Ak-Tirl went to work on getting the room set up and it took a while but he got the work done and then started to eat but hen he awarded himself with phone while eating cause he got his room good which usually Ur-kil did.

Ak-Tirl: I am being good today... YaY! Allah!

Dain: {Thank you Allah that went amazingly...}

When everyone was done with the search in the kitchen they went bach to their food in the drawing room though sadly they didn't find anything... Well the space where they kept their whole wheat flour was quite moved so that had to have been an animal but the they settled it on that not thinking that there wasn't anyother trace of an animal. 


Seij: (Running out) I need water!

Seij left but... The sound came.

A fear ran... too much.

-End 'The Shells House'-