They looked around FEAR too much...
Deep. Breaths. ... fear...
Ki-rio pointed to out the door. It was the source... outside... .FEAR.
eij ran out of the kitchen... Fear!
Ki-rio: Ya Allah...
She stepped ahead and... stopped.
Seij needed to be away from Ur-kil-
The hallway's door swung back and hit her...
Ki-rio couldn't... Didn't-
Mit-lark and Dain came holding hands saying something maybe reciting...
OKAY!... OKAY WITH Ya Allah...
They went to the garden looking around constantly though Dain remembered the lady and held Mit-lark tight. Ki-rio found the source in one of the flower beds and dug around the soft moist soil.
The lady came out of Ak-Tirl's room and hovered a hand over Seij's face... Black smoke clouded around her.
A Shell.
Ki-rio just touched it... She realized she had when the sound disappeared... and 'GET IT AWAY?!' her mind shouted but she didn't want to admit she overreacted alittle about it.
Mit-lark: It wasn't there...
Dain: Someone put it there...
Seij stood up nauseous and stumbled outside.
They met up at roof and Seij... was just weird.
They talked... kinda. They weren't comfortable so their talk was just more like an 'act'.
Meanwhile- the black door shook on it's own as suddenly moving wind shook the grape tree.
Meanwhile Seij just stayed weird in everything and didn't look up. She just stayed and looked at the ground looking angry annoyed frustrated for some reason and the details did seem to leave a little effect but again 'weird'.
Then they went down and made their prayers to Allah...
Seij had already fallen asleep early and Ki-rio was left turning and tossing around her bed, it felt like she would fall asleep then wake late but then Seij seemed to wake up... Ki-rio heard a sound three times and tossing around after that while she lipped something then Ki-rio got it she had a nightmare and is following the Sunnah! SHE HERSELF WAS WORKING?!?!?
Ki-rio hadn't realized she would been smiling till Seij looked up at her from her bed.
Seij: (Tired voice) Hello...
Ki-rio: How are you feeling?
Seij: I am better... The Shell.
She sat up looking at Ki-rio and moving to her bed.
Ki-rio: Yes Dain hid it in the meantime i gave it to him and we still have to decide where to put it.
Seij: Who would've put it there?...
Ki-rio wanted to respond but tears spilled out instead and she cried with Seij to sleep...
Morning came and they met up at the roof again to discuss and eat in the free room after they got a 'I am fine' or 'Better' from Seij again.
Seij: Yes... Ya Allah... about that...
Seij turned to enter the kitchen excitedly and grabbed a glass filling it with water as the sound came... Seij hesitantly walked... Outside? 'Mystery...' Seij thought as she walked ahead.
Ur-kil suddenly came running infront of her her face lit with joy and excitement.
Ur-kil: I remember! Wyd and Towrv-li and... (Her face fell) E-Urn... I shouldn't have brought the void orb...
Then Ur-kil went weird and walked ahead into the kitchen when Seij ran she hit the door and fell down...
It was noon and Ny-Teil had just returned from her college early while suppressing a cough she just made it to her room as her ability did it's thing floating crushing moving things and filling her head with random things...
She calmed down but this time the dome disappeared but the voices didn't... the images didn't.
She saw it there was something... pink? It just felt weird but there was also something more clearer... A child... a flash. Also pink. Someone... someone else... 'Familiar...' Ny-Teil thought totally absorbed in the visions but then they changed as everything... It felt like she had been inside... no deeper... but now the surface level and deeper parts were shifting... They were the same. No pink. It was... voice... then something... vision... no... It was... someone... HER!
Ny-Teil took a deep breath waking to the reality as she realize Ur-kil stood in front of her and not at work.
Ur-kil: (Quickly says while getting her up to bed) I didn't go to work today if thats what you're worried about. (She helped her sit and lay down and adjust her pillows) You were just... (Getting a plate of something she didn't realize was there) well you felt unconscious and had yourself tilted at your bed... Were you fine? (She made Ny-Teil drink the soup which was in the tray in a bowl)
Well about Ur-kil's question she wasn't okay and everyone just kept on saying that their house is really bad and something happened years ago and it had been abandoned for six years and that something was wrong with her for living there apparently there were a couple who sold pottery but she hadn't been able to find a connection between the couple and their house so well YA ALLAH! Why couldn't she remember the early years of her life! At all!
Ur-kil: (while feeding Ny-Teila spoonful of soup) Bismillah...
Ur-kil didn't ask about the crease and what she was thinking. For now...
Another 'Bismillah' from Ur-kil woke Ny-Teil up.
Ny-Teil: (Very tired voice) No mum i would eat you can have fun... (Catching her breath) with your day...
Ur-kil: (Showing Ny-Teil the bowl of soup clearer) It' almost done!
Ny-Teil hadn't realized that she had been thinking so much that so much time had passed that so much of the bowl had emptied and she was sure that Ur-kil would've filled it and she was almost full but she still wanted to eat more... She also didn't want to admit that being fed by her mother brought a sense of calm and peace and safety to her... but if she told Ur-kil that she would definitely be so much happy on hearing that but it would be 'SOOOOOOOO' embarrassing for her and Ur-kil would probably start feeding her at every meal!
Ur-kil: Do you want more?
Ur-kil asked because Ny-Teil had been thinking again with another crease and Ur-kil ddin't ask about it again and Ny-Teil had unknowing opened her mouth again after the last bit of soup finished though Ur-kil would normally have instantly gotten more soup she hadn't been expecting her to drink the whole thing so she had just made the bowl's worth of soup so now she was hoping that Ny-Teil was full!
Ny-Teil: No i am full.
YaY! And didn't notice the other things either so another YaY!
Ny-Teil layed down and Ur-kil 'Good sleep' ed her and went outside.
Apparently the others had decided to talk to Ny-Teil about what to do but Ur-kil said she was sick! so...
Seij: (After Ur-kil had left) We're stuck!
-End 'The Shell'-