Here came the last day of setting up the house to make it livable.
In the last day of this everyone chose their rooms and set them up so finally they didn't have to lay clothes down on the floor to sleep on! while Ny-Teil studied and disturbed the sleeping persons (the kids nt Ur-kil she only disturbed the kids) to not DISTURB HER! well she said it in hisses of whispers while Ki-rio and Ak-Tirl were on their phones waking the night.
Anyways Ki-rio and Na-ri finally did something which was setting up their rooms.
So everybody took baths and went RIGHT to their rooms to bed! Except Ny-Teil who went RIGHT to study!
The next day came and everybody slept in except Ny-Teil and Ur-kil who went to their college and work place. Ak-Tirl and Ki-rio were using their phones all night like EVERY night and our trio was tired so they slept for longer.
So waking up at noon so they cleaned up a little, took a bath and made made their breakfast and also brushed their teeth and changed their clothes too.
Ak-Tirl and Ki-rio were still asleep so the trio went to the storenear roon to sleep.
Mit-lark: (Anxiously) We really need a seperate room... I really wanna decorate! Mum won't like it...
Dain: The instore stuff well can maybe? be adjusted in the outstore?
Seij: 'And' the drawing room. So mum have went weird like about five times now?
Dain : More than usual before she had like two of these 'episodes' a month if thats what we're calling them?
Mit-lark : (Annoyed a bit) I don't understand her and i don't just get her at all! Uhhh... I wish she would understand or i could or maybe i am being too negative or anxious or over thinking or answerless i just don't understand... (Happier smiles) But i have you two... Yes! I don't have to over think i have you two! YaY!
Dain and Seij smiled with Mit-lark too so to Dain amd Mit-lark and Seij smiled together! YaY!
Seij: (Gasps in excitement) Yes! We can do it tonight!
Dain: (Excitedly) YaY! It's been a looong week!
Mit-lark: (Happy) Tonight then! Happy Cheer!
Dain/Mit-lark/Seij: (Happily Excited) YaY!
Their Happy Cheer is them saying YaY! and they woke up late so they will be extra active at night then!
Then they baked and night fell made dinner aaand went to bed.
Everyone sleeping except Ny-Teil who's studying the trios not sleeping so Ur-kil is the only one sleeping cause Ak-Tirl and Ki-rio are on their phones so the trios in the living room making their way to the garden while giggling and trying to suppress their giggles as well.
Mit-lark: (Excitedly giggling) It's already exciting!
Seij: (Excited) We're finally doing it!
Dain: (Excitedly) ShshHSHshHSHh?!??!!?!??!
Mit-lark: Sorry!
Seij: (Excitedly) I forgot!
Then they started giggling and Seij got her hands closer together to make a pink orb appear which started as a pink light and grew into an orb while taking a spherical shape. It wasn't so big able to fit in their hands. The orb shot out a pink light upwards which spread out into a pink shield which started to surround them as the shield moved like waves constantly as the pink shield completed surrounding them it became see through then she let the orb go as stay in it's place floating while all that was happening Dain and Mit-lark shifted their eyes from Seij to the door of the private room constantly.
Dain: (Panicked) We would've been spotted!
Seij: (Relaxed) Nooooo just be happy.
Mit-lark: (Anxiously) Not risk it.
Seij: (Angrily) I'm sorry i am not the anxious one!
Mit-lark felt hurt and Dain felt a bit shocked.
Seij saw their faces and felt sad and sorry and guilty.
Seij: (Quickly) I am sorry! I just can say anything here you know so i just (slowing) talk too much and i know you're anxious and it's totally fine for someone to feel that way so (breaths) i am sorry. I don't hate you.
Dain: (Happy and Smiling) Yes we know! We forgive you!
Mit-lark: (Happily) YaY! Yes but not being anxious is not a bad thing! You just have to not worry so much and slowly work up your way so the things that worry you won't anymore.
Dain: (Sweetly) And Yes! You don't or won't hate us and we are great friends who know to say sorry! And here we can say anything and easily cause moments aren't awkward! YaY!
Seij: (Calm) Yes and i have to work on being not so impulsive.
Then they heard a creak from Ny-Teil's room which was her chair which creaked as she slid on the floor when she got up..
They got stressed as Ny-Teil came out and started to walk towards the shield! Then she felt uncomforted and stopped and went around the shield (not a coincidence there's a reason). She walked towards the hallway then she stopped and just... started going back?
Ny-Teil: (Angrily) I have got FOOD with me already!
In the K .S room it's opened slowly. So Ki-rio was lying on their bed towards the door side so she saw the door opening. She felt creeped and took out her headphones looking at the door.
Ny-Teil touched the door shook to the room as Ny-Teil did a screamy noise. Ki-rio got curious and went ahead slowly. Mit-lark backed up a bit as the orb expanded a bit while growing brighter with it's pink and white it divided into many waves of the light as it disappeared while this happened the shield started waving again and started to disappear as it appeared to surround them.
Seij tried to make another orb. The light appeared Ki-rio saw it. Dain stopped her by getting her hand down. The light disappeared as Mit-lark looked, just as stressed as the one's else.
Ny-Teil: (Angrily hisses in whispers) Go to your rooms!?!??!?!!
Then the trio just ran off to their places this time closing the doors. Seij's door just opened because Mit-lark's thing or maybe it's Mit-lark's thing? Anyways Dain and Mit-lark had left their room's door open which they didn't realize and Ny-Teil didn't realize either.
Seij went inside seeing Ki-rio awake of course but not on the phone but sitting on the floor of happiness and smiling at her.
Seij: (Sad) Hello...:{I wanted to just play! finally...}
Ki-rio: (Happily jumps jumps on the bed as she sits and does a jump ahead in absolute excitement while she screamed) (After 'that' she says) Whats the light!
Seij: (Confused, Stressed) Whataat?
Then she say Seij happy lauched her hands up in shock. Then she got them down sadly.
Seij: (Sad) Fiiiiineeee i would tell you...
But loonking up at the sweetly smiling Ki-rio she now realized that she was happy! which made her happy too!
Seij: (Giggling jumps up to the bed) Lets tell you everything!
Meanwhile Dain and Mit-lark laying down on their beds looked at each other and quietly started to cry because of this overwhelming stress.
Then they crieeeed to sleep. When our duo woke up nearer to the end of the morning Ur-kil was still there.
Mit-lark: It's 12.
They were at the corner of the room whispering.
Dain: (Worried)
Dain: (Worried) Maybe she had another nightmare.
Mit-lark: (Worryfilled) Ny-Teil probably handled her... We didn't wake up.
Dain: (Smiles) Don't be guilty, it's okay!
Mit-lark : (Sadly) Ughhh...
Dain: (Sad) If only her words made sense...
Mit-lark: (A little angry) We were sad enough the night before! Lets stay happy! Yes?!
Dain: (Happier) Yes! YaY!
Mit-lark: (Happy) YaY!
Then they giggled silently. Also they whispered in all their talk.
Then they went to brush their teeth and wash their face and feet and deciding to bath later as thats when they normally bath which is night in winter or noon or morning in summer usually.
They then decided to make breakfast as they talked and spent time together. After some time in the kitchen Dain noticed a note and picked it up and opened it.
Before reading they pointed about how the paper was crumbled like as if someone had crushed it up and reopened it again and put it back after folding it.
I have put Aktirl's money here on the paper so he won't take it all those two were babbling all night so they aren't gonna be awake so only you two are left so mum is sleeping and do't cook anything i have put you two's and their's part of the money where you were did your sneaking last night so take it feed yourselfves and get something for mun too! -Ny-Teil
Dain: (Sad) After we had washed the dishes and vegetables and were going to make breakfast...
Mit-lark: (Sad) And Seij was having fun all night...
Dain: (Sadly annoyed) Also had planned what to make for breakfast...
Mit-lark: (Annoyed) She put the hyphen(-) with her name. (Realizing they're complaining) We shouldn't be complaining!
Dain: (Alertly anxious) Yes! We should be thankful!
Then they just started giggling.
What this was is that Mit-lark and Dain think that they should be thankful and not complain because from what they observed if they complain they just start wanting more! It's totally okay to be complaining but when they realize it they have to try to stop it because if they try to be thankful they can be more positive and calm and which is also going to let them be optimistic so it was and is a YaY! For Them!
Dain: (Happily laughing) Why are we laughing!
Mit-lark: (Happily laughing too) Maybe because we gave the same reaction maybe!
Dain: (Happier) Yes! Also the way Ny-Teil wrote there are a bit of mistakes maybe she was in a bit of a hurry?
Mit-lark: This probably got her late for college though.
Dain: And she probably gave us her personal money too.
Mit-lark: (Sad a bit) Yes... (Feeling better) Lets be thankful.
Dain: Yes. Also the page was crumbled? Maybe Ak-Tirl did it?
Mit-lark: Yes? But that means he woke up early.
Dain: Yes! And some of those extra dishes were definitely not from last night maybe he tried to make something.
Mit-lark: But what?... Maybe for mum?
Dain: Maybe. (Going out of hte kitchen) Lets go to find our money and get some food! I am hungry.
Mit-lark: Wait we've to put back these dishes! And vegetables too!
Dain: (coming back) (Says unthusiastically) Oh yes.
And then they were done and finally ready to go and leave for the money and food!
Dain: (Finally running out happy) Let's go!
Mit-lark: (Runnning after, happy) Yes!
Dain: (In the living room) So here we are in the living room.
Mit-lark: (Looking at the crumbled note paper, confused) Um what to do?
Dain: (Going to see the paper as Mit-lark shared the paper with him) Umm so the 'Babbling's' underlined and we're in the living room which comes from last night!
Mit-lark: (Still Confused) Ummm.
Dain: Well ummm!
Mit-lark: Lets just cook! We annoyingly put back the dishes!
Dain: Ahhhh... (Smiling up) I wanted to mention that i remembered when Ak-Tirl put all those stickers on the fridge and mum got angry.
Mit-lark: (Smiling too) Ohhhh if we would've put the whiteboard there! It was a great idea!
Dain and Mit-lark and Seij had actually decided to put a whiteboard on the fridge to hide all the stickers and label the contents of the fridge on the whiteboard too! But Ur-kil would have been angry so they didn't do it and all this happened in their previous house which was rented although they probably wouldn't have been able to keep track of the food on the whiteboard caue everyone wouldn't have cooperated.
Dain: (Excitedly) Yes! The 'Babbling' sticker!
There was a sticker on the fridge where babbling was written.
Mit-lark: (Excited) Yes! Lets find it!
They found the money at the back of the fridge.
Dain/Mit-lark: (Happily) YaY!
Mit-lark: (Happily going out through the hallway) Lets go!
Dain followed but it felt like he heard a click he turned back as the instore's light was off now an unnaturally large amount of fear flooded in as he ran ahead to Mit-lark being so very uncomforted he was gonna tell Mit-lark but... he was happy! He couldn't... it was too hard...
Mit-lark: Wait! (He stopped) Lets divide the money!
He was Smiling, Happy Dain felt excited!
Dain: No! (He said happily) We can jut whatever we and divide that later!
Mit-lark: Yes! (Dain ran ahead smiling back) Wait! I forgot to put it in my pocket... Go! YaY!
Dain: (Happily) YaY!
Dain had forgotten and they were already outsiiiideeeee... It was so very dirty. There were wrappers everywhere in the garden with a chair in it!
Dain: (Stressed) We had just tilled the soil! for the seeds!
Mit-lark: (Sadly) Uhhh... Ak-Tirl did this?
Dain: Ummm... (Getting an idea, gasps) (Running to the drawing room door from the garage) Air!
Mit-lark: (Realizing what he said and meant) Yes!
Dain got his hands together with Mit-lark at the door and started to create a white orb which slowly expanded bigger and he gave to Mit-lark then he made on for himself to use.
Then together they used the air to pick up all the wrappers from the garden threw them at the dust bin which was outside! then they all flew everywhere...
Dain: (Disappointed) Awww!
Then Dain and Mit-lark gave each other a disappointed look.
Then they used their trash picker to get the trash in the bin but that DIDN'T. work! so they had to do it with hands anyways and had to wash them again!
After that they Finally! went and got Ur-kil's and their food and ate then they wrote some of their story and met up with Seij when she woke and gave her her and Ki-rio's part of the money then they baked together.
Dain secretly got the courage to turn on the light of the instore's but there was still nothing so he considered it a random thing but he still felt really afraid about it but not nearly as much as before which he couldn't explain like that unnatural amount of fear he felt there. What was it? He decided to let it go and might as well mention it to the others later on in the night when they were gonna have their first play night in the new house!
Later at night now Dain and Mit-lark were already outside in front of the hallway's door waiting for Seij then she came! with Ki-rio...
Dain: (Angry) What?!
Seij: (Feeling anxious) I- she saw it!
Ki-rio: ('Exploding' in excitement) Wow! I mean-
Mit-lark: (Angry) 'YOU'! told her!
Ki-rio felt hurt.
Seij: (Complaining) {Much anger} Ummm just listen...
And their she went to explain to the angry faces of Dain and Mit-lark. So to the last night of Seij and Ki-rio's talking!
Seij: (Trying to be serious) We've got like these superpowers which we call Emoriums (Creating a pink orb) Orb let us use Emoriums which take time to be made and they disappear after sometime and they let others use our Emoriums too and they get smaller and smaller when used so one doesn't work forever even if used. Emoriums are like exercise so we tired as they're used even if we're sitting. Emoriums don't work without orbs too.
Then they burst out laughing as Seij couldn't hold it in anymore.
Seij: (Laughing) Okay! Shhhhh! Ny-Teil would come! So my Emorium is Hiding and (Creating the shield with the orb she had already made) this is the Hider's Shield. To someone outside the shield it's normal and no inside sound goes out and the living persons or hield aren't visible either. If someone walks close they feel discomforted it's crossable the shield isn't solid it just gives a dissconfort.
Seij: Dain has the Elements Emorium! He has eight Elements and a different colour for each Elements too and we know that cause each Element has a different orb! (Seij get' a colourfilled paper which a lot of marker writing on it) This I wrote Dain's Emorium's on!
Ice. (Cyan) Water. (Dark Blue) Fire. (Red) Plasma. (Coral Red) Flora. (Green) Sound. (Grey) Earth. (Brown)
Where Plasma is meant to be Lightning and Flora is meant to be plant powers and Earth only works on rocks in like bending their shape and stuff and ice has snow too!
Ki-rio: You had practiced that! Right? That's why you shhhhhhed me so much!
Seij: Yes planned to tell you any ways let's end this! (Saying quickly) Now! So Mit-lark has a sort of 'thing' which he calls a thing too basically when he feels heightened emotions sometimes weird thing happen like him jumping to high air rushing thing dropping or doors or windows starting to open and close on their own from what we know he couldn't control it and we witnessed it enough many times to say it's linked to him!
Seij: Also I asked mum about Mit-lark and she told me that Mit-lark was little he was kinda really emotionless but he became normal with Dain and then started talking to everyone she was a bit weied at the end but i didn't ask why?
Seij: I know what you're thinking they don't remember the first couple of years of their life either and we've had Emoriums for about half an year now. And... I've been worried about the dream too.
Ki-rio: Run me through it again.
Seij: I went through Hallway. Running as i stopped and waved at a person who i thought of as my father also happily and maybe i think they were happy too!
Ki-rio: Oh! We don't remember! Emoriums! Mum's weirdness! and Mit-lark's thing! and your dream! This is too much Mystery... Yes! Lets sleep through the negativity as we watch a series!
Then they jumped down to their bed and soon to sleep laughing.
Mit-lark: I feel horrified because of that father thing!
Dain: (Trying to join the conversation) A father... (Stressed) {Maybe I should tell them...}
Ki-rio: Okay enough talk. Let's play too! Change the mood!
Dain: (Angrily) {Ki-rio...} (Happier) Yes! Let's play!
Seij didn't tell them about the thing with what Ur-kil told her.
Seij: (Back inside in her room with Ki-rio after playing) I didn't feel like they should know about that espeacially when we don't remember all that so i didn't want to tell them now.
Ki-rio: Why did you tell them about the dream then?
Seij: I guess i wanted to tell them at least that much and it was about their father too so, I! didn't expect that reaction!
Ki-rio: Thanks i had fun!
Seij: (Happily) Thanks! {You changed you think but it's just that natural you!}
Dain: (Looks at the sleeping Mit-lark) I wonder if felt that father person in the fear...
He curled up collecting himself and went RiGHt to sleep!
Then in the coming week they kept playing and Ki-rio became very friends like with Dain and Mit-lark too! Then at the end of the week... There was a flash! A flash of pink! Ki-rio had an Emorium! The Emorium of Shielding!
Also Dain and Mit-lark covered up their plants with a bit of flora so they won't get hurt and they didn't either so YaY!
Also Seij kept extra orbs for the Hiders Shield but they kept on disappearing and one night Dain got close to one of the orbs which weren't where Seij put them then he went to pick it up and he felt... THAT. level if fear again. He instinctively looked over as there was a cloaked person right there standing.
He went to afraid walking backward as his chest pounded with horrifery filled emotions. It spoke...
Cloaked Fiqure: Remember your lady?
Dain: (Horrified screams) FEAR IS THE CLOAK LADY?!
-End "The Lady"-