Three nuns are walking home late one night when suddenly they are attacked by three men.
The men pull them into the bushes and begin to assault them.
The first nun, clutching her rosary beads says, "Forgive him Lord, he knows not what he does."
The second one closes her eyes and says, "Forgive him Lord, he knows not what he does."
The third nun says, "This one does."
The Supreme Man notified everyone that I had killed one more Alien. And not only that, he also lied that I would sexually assault the Alien King. Why did he do that?
[ Because I don't want Peace. I want my planet to become free of these Aliens. And now it had come to my Ego. ]
The Supreme Man explained to me.
'How did it come to your Ego? And why do I have to assault the Alien King because of that?'
[ Just like this planet has me, their God, the Aliens also have their God and he gave some special Aliens some superpowers too. Now we are competing to see whose powers are the best. Will the Aliens win or will my Heroes kill them first? Who will win between me and their God? That's all. ]
This old shit. He turned this into a game.
'What if the Heroes win? What will you get as a prize?' I asked.
[ One Litre Milk. ]
'The hell? For one litre milk you don't want peace on your own planet? And I am not going to sully myself with an alien for a litre of milk.'
[ The Aliens should go away. I want my slice of life planet back. Your job is to kill them. Do it. ]
'What about sexually assaulting their King? Answer that.'
[ You can decide that after meeting their King. Who knows, you might get down to do it in desperation. ]
I want to retort here saying I will never do their King but seeing how I haven't met any girls here yet, I might really become like my grandpa of this world.
'Wait. So if the Alien god decided to give the Aliens superpowers does this mean they also created someone overpowered just like you created me?'
[ Not yet. That God is still creating Skills. He will soon bestow them on the Alien King. But don't worry, no one will be able to defeat you. The most anyone can do is to be equal to you. ]
'Alright. Go now. I have to deal with this Alien first.'
[ Aight. ]
The Supreme Man went away and now I focused on the Alien just in front of me.
"You didn't answer me. Do you find Aliens hot?"
"Then why did you say you will assault our King?"
"The Supreme Man is lying. I never said anything like that."
The Alien squinted his eyes. "So you haven't killed more than one Alien till now?"
I sighed. I should just come clean.
"I have only killed two Awakened Aliens in my entire life. One by pushing and one by sneezing. They both died by mistake. The Supreme Man was only lying about the assaulting part."
"You killed two of our kin? You bastard!" The Alien went enraged and started attacking me with his scythes.
He forgot about using his super powers in his anger.
I felt nothing as the Alien collided his scythes all over my body.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"That's a normal name. I thought your name would also be some random words."
"That's my nickname."
Bob was attacking me but he was kind enough to keep talking.
"What's your full name then?" I asked and surprisingly, Bob stopped attacking me.
"Do you want to know?" He asked.
"Yes." I wanted to know.
"Okay. My name is.." Bob inhaled some oxygen and then said :
I stayed silent.
Bob stared at me.
I stared back.
This became a staring contest.
But why?
"You can tell your name now, you know." I reminded.
"I just did!" Bob shouted.
"What? That was your name? I thought you were clearing your tongue."
"That was my name."
"Who gave it to you? A fly?"
"How dare you joke about my name! I will kill you!"
"And if that was your name, how did your nickname become Bob? Your nickname should be the word which is in the middle of your name."
"You are dead, Human!"
Bob started attacking me again.
Use your Skills, dude. I don't want you touching me.
"Are you also a gangbang kid?" I asked.
"Yes. I am stronger than other Awakened Aliens because the Awakened ones themselves did gangbang to give birth to me."
Their culture is messed up. I have to see them doing th-Er, I mean, I have to prevent them from doing that. And the first step towards the prevention is to know what is being prevented and to know what is being prevented, I have to see that..
"Can you show me the por-"
"I am an another new Alien! Hahaha!"
One more Alien jumped in front of me, interrupting me to complete my sentence.
I feel like some outside force is stopping me from saying por- See? I can't say it. Por- por-, let me say it! Por- por-! Por- Fuck it.
Wow. I am allowed to say fuck but I am not allowed to say por-?
"I am a new Alien!"
"I heard you! And stop attacking, Bob. You have powers now. Use them for god sake!"
"Oh. Yes. Damn, I forgot."
Bob stopped his physical attacks and pointed his scythes at me again.
The other new Alien also did the same.
"I am kind of irritated right now. I might as well kill you two." I said.
"Haha. Keep dreaming, Human." The new Alien said.
Both of their scythes glowed red but I don't give a shit.
I spread my arms and used one of my skills.
I floated in the air, targeted every Alien roaming around the country, gathered some energy from nature and hollered my attack. I used the Almighty…
All the Aliens bursted themselves and like that, in just one second, I killed every Alien present inside K Cup country.
But after that I faced a huge problem.
The common people were shooting glares at me and as I descended back on the ground, they said…
What did they say?
Well, if you want to know… then keep scrolling!