I often wonder what hentai writers go through. They create characters who get fucked for about 20 minutes before they get scrapped.
Must get harder every time.
Forgetting that, I asked Erect to show me the Hentai.
The Hentaiger Continent must be producing some good stuff. I would like to see that.
Por- is banned in this world so I might as well just see Hentai. Hentai is not por-. I mean, it's an artistic expression. It's unfair to call it por-. And I don't know why I am still not able to say por-.
Anyway, I am sure Hentai is not banned here. Otherwise, why would there be a publishing industry and a printing press in the Hentaiger Continent. That continent was still under the control of the original residents of this world. They must be producing doujinshis or comics.
"Are you sure you want to see those, my lord?" Erect asked.
"Yes. Do you have them with you?"
"I have, yes. Let me bring them."
Erect stood up and went to one of the rooms.
In a minute, he came back with two thick books.
I wondered why the books were thick. Probably a compilation type thing.
Erect put the books on the table and I picked one of them.
It had a black cover and no title was written.
Nevertheless, I opened the first page and read the content.
'Spirituality is often considered difficult but when you believe in God, everything is easy.'
Sorry, what?
I turned pages.
'Why God is important?'
'You must be willing to die for your love.'
'There should be no difference between people.'
'Kill your lust.'
What the hell is this?
I jerked my head at Erect.
"What kind of hentai is this?"
Erect frowned. "I am not sure what other kind you mean, my lord. It was like this forever."
I kept the book back at the table.
It is no use.
Hentai here is the complete opposite of what I imagined.
Waste of time.
"So only books like this get published here?" I asked.
"Yes. To teach people about life, ethics, principles. But no one reads them."
I don't doubt that.
Now I just want to sleep. All of this is a waste of time.
"Dinner is ready!" Sophia shouted from the kitchen.
"Let's go, my lord." Erect stood up.
I followed him and now I was at the dinner table wondering whose hairs and semen I would get to eat now.
Only three chairs were placed around the table and Sophia was sitting just beside me.
She was my sister now so she sitting close to me meant nothing.
"What did you make? Tell me everything with their ingredients." I ordered.
"There is Rhino's fried skin, then crocodile's fried tail, then giraffe's testic-"
"That's enough." I stopped Sophia from speaking further.
Just frying something doesn't make it food. And don't get me started on the things that have been fried and placed in front of me.
"Do you have anything normal? Like rice, grains, oats, anything?" I asked.
"We have rice pudding and porridge." Sophia replied.
I sighed in relief and only indulged myself in those two.
"I will eat these while you two can have everything else."
They obliged and I happily consumed the two things.
They were really normal like back on Earth.
And to make them more tasty I used one of my skills as well.
[ Mmmm ]
That was the name. What it does is, it makes anything taste better.
After finishing the dinner, Erect and I left the table.
"I want to sleep. Where is the bed room?"
"You have to sleep with me, my lord."
"Nope. I will sleep on the sofa then. And tomorrow morning, I will go to my castle. You have done enough hospitality for me."
Any further of his hospitality would send me to a hospital.
"No. I can't allow that. I will sleep on the sofa if that's the case." Erect suggested.
"Sure." I gave the permission. Sleeping on the sofa isn't so bad.
After that, I went to sleep on the bed and Erect went to sleep on the sofa.
There was one more bedroom but that was for Sophia.
Being a good brother, Erect didn't offer me that bed and I also didn't ask for it. I am over her now. I never had a sister so this is also a new experience for me.
I will stay at my castle from the next day. I can atleast make my own food there.
I will also call my family so I don't feel lonely.
I should also open some kind of business here as well. This world is lacking many things.
I would make some good money.
Talking about money, the currency of this world is called Morals.
The common people earn money here by doing services or selling things.
The Heroes and the soldiers get their monthly wages from the financial department which is in each five continents.
And the Hero King, well, he is the one who rules over all the financial departments of all five continents.
Before I was here, the strongest hero of each continent was handling the money affairs but now that I am here, I am its leader.
The common people give tax to this department and then the money is distributed to the Heroes and soldiers.
The Hero King receives the highest salary because well, he is the Hero King. Duh. I can get my salary whenever I want.
Anyway, I would focus on that stuff later as for now, I let things happen as they were going before me.
I will only deal with this continent's financial department for a while.
Now you may wonder how do I know all this? I never asked Erect about this stuff so how do I know these details?
Well, the short answer is… actually, I can't think of any logical answer right now.
Just kidding.
I know all this because the Supreme Man sent all this information inside my head. He only sent me such information though. He didn't share anything else. Like the por- ban stuff and the food that is eaten here.
Anyway, after a long day, I drifted to sleep instantly.
I woke up the next day with shouts coming from outside the house.
It sounded like a quarrel was going on outside Erect's house.
Then, I got involved in it somehow.
"I am going to the Hero King for justice. I want justice!" One man shouted.
He must be going towards the castle, not knowing that I was at Erect's house.
Well, I left the bed.
I would do the man whatever justice he was looking for.
Because I always wanted to say this :
I am the Hero no one needs and deserves.
Wait.. that came out wrong.
One more try.
I am the undeserving Hero you don't need.
Fck this. I forgot the quote so I would just do a short form..
I am Batman.