A man goes into a library and asks for a book on cliffhangers.
The librarian says;
It is early morning here in K Cup country and I have had my breakfast.
Erect was on the floor below mine and I have yet to meet him after I sent him his breakfast.
But before meeting him, I would call my family here first.
I don't want to be lonely and I don't want them to be lonely as well.
I had told them that I would send them money regularly but money isn't as important as family. So I would call them here instead.
This way, I don't even have to send them money. I saved my money like that.
But how should I call them?
They live way far from me.
If I send them a letter then I am afraid they would rip it in desperation thinking I sent money.
I have to try some other way to contact them and I have just the right thing for that.
[ Spam Caller ]
With this, I can talk with anyone I know through my mind. I can talk with any number of people at the same time.
So I called all of my family members at once.
"I am Racis. And all of you can come to K Cup country and live with me inside my castle. That's all. Love you, grandma."
I cut the call after that. I don't want to hear their replies.
I knew they would come here pretty soon and I was also missing my grandma.
Anyway, after that call, I don't know what to do.
I can't think of anything as well.
I became overpowered from the start and to finish everything all I have to do is to invade the Aliens and kill their King. But if I do that, no one will be left here in this world who would laugh at my jokes.
The Heroes laughed only to impress me, the onlookers laughed because I was making fun of that woman. There was only one organism who genuinely laughed at my jokes—Aliens.
Therefore, I would take some time before getting to the Endgame.
This is a slice of life shit. Take it easy, folks.
Everything doesn't have to be blood and gore.
Whoever likes gore, their dad is a whore.
Alright, enough bullshit. Let's do a time skip.
Three days later.
Me, Erect and Sophia are standing at the entrance of my castle.
To welcome my family of course.
I have met Erect only today after I discussed his salary two days ago.
He hadn't mentioned his salary even once now so I think it's fine.
Sophia began living in the castle the same day as Erect and I was meeting her only today as well.
Things will be lively in the castle after this day.
After my grandma had died back on earth, the empty house had become unbearable.
I used to sleep under the bed just to talk with the monster residing there.
He was also lonely.
He told me that whenever I hid my legs under the blanket, he became sad. He just wanted to touch them a little. He meant no harm.
Anyway, I am diverting from the main thing here.
My family is coming today.
I have instructed the guards outside the country gate to not ask them 'how long?' My father and grandpa would surely show them the exact length. Heck, if goblin aunty Sofia used her brain, she might make my mother show her length too.
So I just ordered the guards to let my family in without any questions.
"When are they coming, my lord? We have been waiting for ten minutes now. They should have arrived by now." Erect said.
"Ten minutes is not long, Erect. Wait a little more."
"Ten minutes is not a long time?" Erect asked.
"No. Whoever told you that was being generous so as to not hurt your feelings."
Erect went silent.
It seemed he had some experience with a woman who told him ten minutes were fine.
"Then my uncle must have lied."
Wait what?
"Your uncle?" I asked. "He told you that ten minutes is a long time."
"Yes. When I was little, he would do some things to me and after ten minutes, he used to stop. Saying he was tired. Anyway, I am excited to meet your family."
The hell? I thought this was some slice of life setting. I can't even say a joke about this without offending someone. And don't just get excited for my family after sharing something like that!
"So your uncle, where is he now? And did Sophia ever meet him?" I asked, afraid of the answer.
"No. He chose me. He saw something special in me. The same reason Supreme Man chose me for being a Hero. Now my uncle is dead. The Aliens killed him along with my parents. But his belief still resides inside me."
I am not sure you only have his 'belief' inside you. And the 'special' thing that Supreme Man saw in you is entirely different from the 'special' your uncle saw in you.
But I don't want to indulge in this topic further.
My family should have arrived by now.
I mean, the moment they would arrive I am sure, my father would run around shouting, 'I am here, my son!'
"I am here, my son!"
Yeah. Just like that.
My words came true again as a man was running towards my castle with his arms spread.
He was my father.
He had a simple white shirt and black pants with brown hairs on his head.
I described him as best as I could as I know all your imagination prowess gets spent in envisioning your life with a girlfriend.
Behind my father, my other family members were running towards me with smiles and I waited for all of them to come in front of me.
Erect and Sophia also wore smiles on their faces. They must have remembered their parents by seeing my family.
Now I just hope my father doesn't do something that could make Erect remember his uncle too.
"My son." My father reached first, and hugged me.
After that, he stood in front of me with a smile.
"Look what I brought for you."
With the same smile, he began to take something out of his pocket.
It was a bottle which had some white stuff inside.
"It's milk!" My father said I heaved a sigh of relief.
It was just milk.
Wait.. This man brought milk for me.
I stared at my father and my father's smile widened.
"Yes. It's my milk!"
"Erect," I said, gesturing my hands at my father.
"This man is your uncle from now on."