Hey there! I am using WhatsAp- Oh. Sorry. Wrong place.
So as I was saying, my sixth sense was telling me something big was going to happen. Something serious.
But from 'serious', I remembered something…
A man went to the hospital to visit his mother-in-law, who was in serious condition.
On the way back the wife, very worried, asked, "So, honey? How's my mom doing?"
He replied, "She looks great! She is in good health. She will still live for many years. Next week she will be released from the hospital and will come and live with us, forever!"
"Wow, that's amazing!" said the wife, "But this is very strange, dear… Yesterday she seemed to be on her deathbed, the doctors said she only had a few days to live."
"Well, I don't know how she was yesterday," the husband replied, "But today when I arrived at the hospital, the doctor told me that we should prepare for the worst."
Me and Erect were still walking down the road and I believe it's time we reach the castle.
I mean, I know I said that I will take a look around my people as their King but everything was fine.
People were greeting me as they walked by. I had all the respect I needed.
The kids were also playing and I looked out for grown men hovering around the kids. There are many people like Erect's uncle.
Fortunately, I found no one like that and carried on my walk towards the castle.
Erect said nothing on the way and I am glad he doesn't remember about his salary.
Anyway, I again don't know what to say so let's reach the castle.
I placed my hand on Erect's shoulder and used [ Premature Ejaculation ] Skill.
We were now in front of my castle.
The large circular wall around my castle helped me to stay separated from the country and I think that's good. If there was no wall around, then when the common people would get angry at me sometime, they would attack me right away.
Not that I would get hurt from their attack anyway.
"Let's go."
I entered the castle and Erect did the same.
"I am going to my room. Call me if you need something." I said.
Erect bowed his head. "I certainly can't trouble you with my needs, my lord."
"I won't help you either. I just told you to call me if you need something."
I patted Erect's shoulder and then teleported to the top floor of the castle.
You should know that there are maids, chefs, and house help staff in the castle.
They keep the castle clean and they all are good people.
If I ever run out of interesting things to tell, I will introduce them soon enough. For now just consider this as foreskin.. er, I mean foreshadowing.
Well, I am thinking of firing the Chefs as I make my own food.
But now that many people live in this castle, I don't think I should fire them.
I can't make food for all of them. Well I can, but I am the MC, not the female lead, I can't spend all my time in the kitchen.
So today, I will make dinner with the chefs and tell them to repeat what I am doing.
But for now, I turned Off my Stats, unequipped my armor and lied on the bed.
I brought out the map from my spatial inventory and unfolded it.
I knew about this World but I still wanted to see the map to know where was which continent.
I looked at it.
Gangbang and Cuckwell continent was at the north of the world.
There are rivers too.
The bigger river is called Night Fall.
And the smallest river is called Winter Peepee.
Who is coming up with these names? Probably someone degenerate who can only think of things related to porn. Go touch some grass, dude.
Anyway, I don't have to remember all this.
I had a skill for that and I used it.
[ Power And Volume Button At The Same Time ]
Ignore the length of the name and what it does is, it takes a screenshot of live things and stores it inside my brain and I remember it forever.
I used it on the map and now I will never forget the map of this world.
I then threw the map out of the window just like you throw your mind out before coming here to listen to my daily life. I appreciate it though.
Anyway, I will take a little nap before dinner.
I closed my eyes and went to sleep.
I have to wake up before dinner so I set an alarm for it.
This world doesn't have an alarm clock of course. But I have one.
It's a skill.
[ FBI! Open Up! ]
This skill will wake me up when I want.
I set the time for five hours and went to sleep.
"My lord!"
"My lord!"
"My lord!"
Someone is shouting.
"My lord!"
It's Erect?
And what's that loud noise? Who is banging gongs and drums in the country?
Is it my alarm? No. It doesn't work like that. My alarm hasn't rung yet. It means five hours aren't up. So what is it?
"My lord!"
I guess. I have to get up.
I opened my eyes.
"What is it?" I asked.
Erect was standing just beside my bed.
I saw his face and as soon as I saw it, I sat upright on the bed. All my sleepiness went away.
"What happened? Why are you so tense?" I asked.
"It's an emergency. We have been under attack!"
"Aliens again? I thought they were done this month."
"No. It's not that. Five continents have been attacked at the same time. The continents that are under the Aliens as well!"
"You mean to say the continents which the Aliens have taken control of are also attacked?"
"Why? Who did that?"
"I don't know anything, my lord! The people are in distress. You have to go and see it for yourself."
"Alright. Send the Heroes to our continents that have been attacked. I'll see the main culprit of the attack. Let's go."
I left the bed.
I turned On my stats, equipped my armor and with Erect, flew out of my castle's window.
And as soon as I got out, my eyes went to the sky.
Not because it was beautiful, but because thousands of spaceships were descending down on this world.
This was some Thanos level shit and I could only ask one person about this.
'What the fuck is going on, Supreme Man?'
[ I have no idea! ]
'What do you mean you have no idea? You are a God.'
[ I really don't know anything right now. Just do something! Don't let my planet get destroyed. I gave you power. Use it! ]
This old man is useless. He pinned his hopes on me. I am just a comedian for fucks sake. I only act MC like because I have skills. Otherwise I am a wimp!
"Let's follow the biggest ship, Erect. The culprit must be there."
Erect started flying and I stayed behind him. He should face the thing first.
Fuck the chivalry. I don't want to venture into the unknown which even a God knows nothing about.
However, at the back of my mind, I think I knew what was up.
Like I said before about my sixth sense sensing something drastic.
I think, right now…
It's coming true.