It was late evening on the day before April Fools. Rick was working on something in the garage when Lynn Sr. and Rita came in. "Uh, h-hey Dad." Lynn Sr. greeted.
Rick turned to face them. Both of them had nervous smiles on their faces. "Alright, what do you want?" Rick asked.
"Well, as you know, tomorrow is April Fools day..." Rita explained.
Lynn Sr. continued to explain. "Well, every year, Luan gets a little...over the top with her pranks. So, to escape the prank apocalypse this year, Lisa's built a bunker big enough for the whole family stay in and enough food so that we don't go hungry. Only problem is, we've not got any kind of entertainment so we were wondering if you'd help us with that." Both of them then gave Rick a pleading grin.
Rick gave both of them a pointed look. "Lemme get this straight, you're going to stay in a bunker to avoid your daughter's April fools day pranks?"
Both of them stopped grinning, instead putting on grimaces. "You don't understand!" Lynn Sr. explained, getting more and more hysterical as he went on. "You haven't lived here before to see it! She's a pranking monster! Over the past few years, she's tacked all the furniture to the ceiling, filled the house with chickens, wrapped the whole house with wrapping paper, trapped everyone in gelatine; she even shaved all the pets! And those are just a couple examples!"
Rick looked slightly disturbed at the last example before giving the two a deadpan look. "Oooookay. Have you tried, I don't know, asserting your authority as her parents and telling her to stop?"
"She doesn't listen!" Rita explained. "Any time someone tells her to stop, she takes it as a challenge and pranks them harder!"
Rick groaned in annoyance. "Boy, you sure are parents of the year huh? Alright, where's this bunker?"
The Loud parents led Rick to the bunker behind the house and let him inside. "So, is there anything you can do so that everyone won't be bored to death?" Lynn Sr. asked.
Rick looked around for a moment. "Alright, give me a minute." Rick then left and went back into the house. He soon came back with the TV and the cable box. After setting up the TV, he took apart the cable box and started doing some work on it, plugging in something connected to a pink crystal.
"Um, what is that?" Rita asked.
"Crystallised zanthonite. I-It's a bit too complicated to explain." Rick answered as he finished working on the cable box. He then reconnected the box to the TV before turning it on. "The important thing is that I just upgraded our cable package with programming from every conceivable reality."
Both Rita and Lynn Sr. looked shocked and confused at this. "Wait, so we can watch anything now?" Rita asked.
"Literally anything in the multiverse Rita. Like how about a show from a world where man evolved from corn?"
Rick used the remote to flip to a channel airing an action show where two corn men were facing off. The corn wearing a suit had a gun pointed to the other corn. "We're not so different. We're both corn of action."
The other corn man had a gun taped to his back. "Yeah... But one of us is dead corn!" He then pulled the gun off his back and shot the other corn dead.
Both Rita and Lynn Sr. looked at the TV in confusion. " that it?" Lynn Sr. asked.
"Lynn, you don't get it. This is infinite TV, from infinite universes. Look." Rick then flipped the channel again to a guy eating something from a bowl.
"This shit is delicious." The man said.
"A movie about a guy eating shit." Rick changed the channel again to program with old people fighting each other. "A violent Antiques Show."
"Is there anything that's a bit more family friendly?" Rita asked.
Rick gave Rita an annoyed look. "Of course there is! What part of infinite didn't you understand? It's just your responsibility to find that stuff. 'Course I know you like to shirk responsibility and let your daughter run the house for the day but-"
Rita gave Rick an irritated look as she interrupted him. "Ok, Rick, we get it."
Rick then made his way out of the bunker before Lynn Sr. called to him. "Uh, just so you know, there's enough space and food in here for you as well."
Rick turned, glaring at him. "Look, I've seen unimaginably horrifying stuff around the universe. I couldn't even begin to describe to you what I've seen. I-I-I-I'm not gonna be scared of a fourteen year old girl with a couple of pranks."
"Well. Can't say we didn't warn you." Lynn Sr. shrugged as Rick left the bunker.
Meanwhile, the Loud siblings besides Luan had all met up in the basement. Lincoln started to speak. "Ok, we're all here? Good! So, about Luan-"
"Shh! She's got ears everywhere!" Lola interrupted him before turning the washing machine on. "I saw this in a mob movie once. She won't hear us over the noise."
Lincoln continued. "As we all know, April fools day is tomorrow. Though, to be honest, I have no clue what Luan is planning this year."
"Maybe she doesn't have anything planned this year." Lori suggested. "I mean, considering she's literally stopped telling jokes altogether, maybe she won't bother with pranks either."
"Or she's planning something worse." Lucy added. "Every other year, she's done it for a joke. Imagine what she'd do out of spite."
The rest of the siblings shuddered at that. After noticing Luna looking downcast, Lincoln continued. "Well, if she is planning something, then maybe we can stop her. If we combine forces, we can prevent Luan from setting up any pranks in the first place."
"Uhhh, how exactly are we gonna do that?" Lynn asked, tilting her head.
Lincoln smiled. "Let me tell you my plan."
"Better make it snappy. We're almost done with the spin cycle." Lisa gestured to the washing machine.
After explaining the plan, the Loud siblings made their way to Luan's room. Upon entering, the siblings noticed the lights were off, giving the room an ominous feel. A jester styled swivel chair was in the centre of the room. The chair then spun around revealing Luan, sat on the chair as if it was her throne. She glared at her siblings. "What?"
There was a moment of silence as the siblings stared at her, unnerved. It seemed that Luan had changed her appearance a bit. Her hair had been let down, leaving it messy, and she was now wearing a yellow jacket which had multiple pockets on it. Finally, Lincoln broke the silence and gave Luan a nervous smile. "Uh, hey Luan. We were just wondering if maybe you could...skip out on pranksgiving this year?"
Luan stared at Lincoln for a moment before breaking out into laughter. "Oh Lincoln. You know the April Fools Rules. And you know I don't break tradition. Besides, I feel like outdoing myself this year. Tomorrow's gonna be the biggest prankageddon I ever pulled. And there's no way I want any of you to miss it."
Luan gave her siblings a sinister grin. There was another moment of uncomfortable silence before Lola spoke. "Well, at least we know where we stand. GET HER!"
The next thing Luan knew, she was locked up in a small cage wrapped in chains while all her fingers were stuck in Chinese finger traps. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" An enraged Luan screamed.
"Sorry Luan," Lincoln apologised. "But we're sick of you unleashing a prank apocalypse every year. We aren't letting you out until April 2nd!"
Luan started to chuckle. Lori raised an eyebrow at her. "What's so funny?"
"I just hope you're all ready for the worst pranking ever!" Luan said before erupting in insane laughter. The siblings then started to leave the room, feeling unnerved. Luna especially felt nervous as she noticed that Luan was staring directly at her.
After exiting the room and shutting the door, Lynn asked. "Ok, she's obviously gonna try to escape. What do we do if she does?"
"Don't worry, I have a backup plan." Lincoln said before turning to Lana. "Lana, I'm gonna need some lumber. I'm going to board up my room so Luan can't get in no matter what. That way, if Luan does escape, we'll have an escape route."
"Nice thinking, Lincoln. Well, looks like all we can do now is go to bed and see how this plays out." Lori said before everyone went to their rooms to go to sleep. Leni went back to her old room as she didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the same room as Luan.
The next morning, the siblings entered Luan's room only to start panicking. Their fear of Luan escaping had come true as there was now a massive hole in the cage. Lola clasped her hands. "We're doomed! Luan escaped, and now she's gonna be mad!"
"How could this have happened?!" Lincoln asked.
"She's a black magic woman, dude!" Luna answered.
Lincoln picked up a loose chain. "I gotta get my money back for these." Unfortunately, pulling the chain caused a bucket full of honey to spill on him, followed by a blast of feathers. "Ok, time to escape."
The siblings then all ran to Lincoln's room. Lincoln pulled the emergency cord behind his poster, inflating the slide outside his window. The Loud siblings then climbed out the window to slide down it. "Hey, how come nobody told me about this?" Luna asked as she slid down.
Meanwhile, in the garage, Rick awoke from sleeping at his desk. Which was weird when Rick thought about it as he usually doesn't bother going to sleep. Rick's eyes widened as he looked around the garage. "What the hell?" The garage was completely empty. Everything had been taken out of it apart from his cruiser. Rick then noticed his safe was revealed. Rick went over to type into the keypad. Upon opening the safe, a boxing glove shot out, punching him in the groin. "GAH, SON OF A!" Upon holding on to his parts, Rick then realised this probably had something to do with Luan. He thought about getting into his cruiser before realising Luan had probably booby trapped that too. With not much choice, he decided to make his way to the bunker.
Rick knocked on the bunker door. "Who is it?" Lynn Sr. asked.
"It's me, Lynn." An irritated Rick answered. The bunker door opened and Rick climbed down into it, closing the door behind him. Rick saw that the rest of the family were already in there, with Lincoln trying to clean honey and feathers off of him. "W-What the hell's going on here? Luan's stolen everything from the garage. Even the stuff she shouldn't even know about are gone?"
"Didn't you know?" Lori asked. "Luan has cameras all over the house."
"Yeah, not much stays secret from her." Lincoln added. "Luan is an evil pranking genius. It's not that surprising that she'd probably plan around you as well."
Rick facepalmed. "Of course she is. I-I really should have seen this coming. I mean, she's related to me after all."
"We did try to warn you Rick." Rita remarked.
"Can't you do anything to stop her Grandpa Rick?" Lincoln asked.
Rick shrugged. "Hey, if your own parents are too cowardly to discipline their own daughter, why should I bother?"
"Hey!" Both the Loud parents shouted.
"What? I'm not exactly wrong, am I?"
"By the way Grandpa Rick, what is this?" Lynn asked pointing to the TV.
The TV was showing a man in a trench coat. "And now, another Quick Mystery."
It then cut to a police officer standing over a dead body. "I just want to know who could've done something like this. It's a travesty!"
A man holding a knife and a paper walked up to him. "I did. See this knife and all the blood on it? Here's my fingerprints."
It then cut to the man in court. "Guilty! I sentence you to life in prison." Said the Judge.
It cut to the man being thrown in prison before cutting back to the man in the trench coat. "Here's another Quick Mystery."
It then cut to a man standing beside a bed with a dead body on it. "My mother's dead!"
Another man with an eye patch walked in holding a bowling pin and a pair of handcuffs. "And I killed her. Here's the weapon. And cuff me, thank you very much."
It cut to the courtroom again. "Guilty! Sentenced to murder." The Judge ordered.
It cut to the man being killed by the electric chair before cutting back to the man in the trench coat. "Here's anothe-"
"I'm the killer!" A man next to him interrupted before shooting himself.
"Wow, that one was really quick, wasn't it?"
"Geez, this stuff isn't as fun when there's no tension." Lola remarked.
"Alright, this is interdimensional cable." Rick finally answered. "It gives you every kind of programming from every conceivable reality."
The siblings' eyes widened in wonderment at Rick's answer. Apart from Leni who just looked confused. "Fascinating..." Lisa said.
"Ooh, let me try!" Lori then grabbed the remote to change the channel.
The TV now showed a commercial with a man with literal ants in his eyes walking around an electronics store. "I'm Ants-In-My-Eyes Johnson, Here at Ants-in-My-Eyes Johnson's Electronics. I mean, there's so many ants in my eyes! And there's so many TVs, microwaves, radios I think, I can't-I'm not 100% sure what we have here in stock, because I can't see anything. Our prices, I hope, aren't too low! Check out this refrigerator! Only 200! What about this microwave? Only 100! That's fair!"
The man didn't seem to notice people stealing things from the store. "I'm Ants-in-My-Eyes Johnson! Everything's black, I can't see a thing!"
Ants-in-My-Eyes Johnson then accidentally set himself on fire. "And also I can't feel anything either-did I mention that? But that's not as catchy as having ants in your eyes. So that always goes, you know, off by the wayside. I can't feel. It's a very rare disease. All my-All my nerves, they don't allow for the sensation of touch. So I never know what's going on. Am I standing? Sitting? I don't know."
"Cool!" Lana said, grinning. "You can survive being set on fire by having ants in your eyes?"
"No, you cannot." Rita said before grabbing the remote to change the channel again.
The TV was now showing a car commercial with a narrator speaking over it. "It's a 45 horsepower with anti-lock brakes, and it's the official car of Mr. Sneezy 3D. It's the brand-new Sneezy XL." Strangely enough, the car was now driving over a rocky terrain. "The horn when you honk it makes a sneeze noise." The man in the car honked the horn which seemed to actually make the car sneeze. "It's polite, it's right." The car then drove off a cliff into the ocean. "And it's Sneezy Deezy Mc Deluxe."
It then showed the car spinning out of control before the short man inside of it got out. "Oh, I'm Mr. Sneezy!" Mr. Sneezy then sneezed.
"What a polite car. I want one of those!" Leni remarked, pointing at the screen.
"What's so polite about it? All it did was sneeze!" Lola argued.
Lisa gave the TV a critical look. "I fail to see how the sound of involuntary expulsion of air due to nostril irritation would benefit this vehicle."
"Don't question it Lisa." Rick advised. "Infinite realities. What doesn't make sense here could make total sense in that universe."
Everyone then jumped as they heard some loud banging from the bunker door. "Hey, what are you all doing in there? You're missing out on April Fools." Luan could be heard laughing.
"Get lost, Luan! None of us are falling for your pranks this year!" Lori shouted.
"Aww, that's a shame." Luan said in fake disappointment. "Well now there's no one in the house to prank. Guess I'll just have to invite someone else over. Nice phone by the way, Luna."
Luna's eyes widened before she searched through her pockets. "My phone's gone!"
Luan laughed again. "I wonder if Sam'll enjoy my pranks? Guess I'll find out soon enough!" Luan kept laughing though it got quieter and quieter, indicating that Luan had left.
Luna panicked. "I got to text her not to come. Anyone else got their phone?"
Everyone checked their pockets. Unfortunately, Luan seemed to have stolen all of their phones as well. "My phone's gone too." Lincoln stated.
"Wait, how did Luan steal your phone? Your room was boarded up." Lola asked.
"I have no idea." Lincoln admitted before starting to think. "Could she have found a way in anyway? If she did, then why wouldn't she set up any pranks in my room?"
Luna sighed. "I know why. It's me she's after. Not you guys." Luna got up and started to walk to the exit. "Looks like I've no choice. I gotta set off all those pranks myself before Sam gets here."
Lincoln stood up. "Wait, Luna you don't have to do this!"
"I have to dude." Luna argued before giving a sad smile. "Besides, if I do this, maybe Luan won't hold a grudge any more."
The Loud family watched Luna leave with looks of concern on their faces. "I can't just let her face all those pranks by herself." Lincoln stated. "I have to help her."
Lucy then stood up. "Wait. I'll help too."
Lincoln turned to her. "Lucy, you don't have to-"
"Yes, I do." Lucy interrupted as she walked up to Lincoln. "Sigh. I feel bad about what happened too. If it never happened, me and Rocky probably wouldn't be speaking to each other right now. I benefited while she lost out."
Lincoln sighed before smiling. "I understand. That's exactly how I feel with me and Ronnie Anne."
Lori sniffled before standing up herself. "In that case, seeing as that we're all in the same boat, I should go too." Lori walked over to the two before turning to Rick. "Also, Rick should come too."
Rick frowned. "W-Why the hell should this be my responsibility?"
Lori pointed an accusatory finger towards Rick. "You know exactly why. It's your fault Luan is acting like this as well, you know."
Rita squinted her eyes at the group. "What are you talking about? What did Rick do to Luan?"
Everyone froze for a moment, not sure what to answer. Luckily, Lynn came in with the save. "He gave her bad advice! Grandpa Rick gave Luan some bad advice that caused Benny to reject her."
Rita raised her eyebrow at Rick. "Is this true Rick?"
"Uhh yep. Y-Yeah, my bad." Rick pretended to look apologetic.
"Hmm, well in that case, I agree with the kids. You should go with them to help out Luna."
Rick grumbled to himself before following his three grandchildren out of the bunker. Lincoln saw Luna about to open the front door so he called out to stop her. "Luna, wait!"
Luna paused and turned to see Lincoln, Lori, Lucy and Rick running towards her. "Luna, I know you want to make things up to Luan but letting yourself get pranked to death isn't the way to do it." Lori said.
"You need to just talk to each other." Lucy added. "But not until Luan is stopped."
"And that's why we need to work together to put an end to this. Are you with us, Luna?" Lincoln asked.
Luna frowned in thought for a moment before smiling at her siblings, grateful that they still had her back despite what she'd done. "Thanks dudes."
"Ok, so what's the plan?" Lori asked.
Lincoln thought for a moment before answering. "Ok, first of all, Luna, you should wait here outside the house. When Sam comes, try and take her somewhere else."
Luna nodded. "Got it."
"Ok, second of all and I know this'll sound bad but someone needs to go in and clear out some of the pranks downstairs."
Lori sighed. "Well that sucks but I guess some sacrifices have to be made...I vote Rick."
"I vote Rick." Said Lucy.
"I vote Rick." Said Luna.
"Not it...oh. I mean I vote Rick." Said Lincoln.
Rick's jaw dropped. "W-W-What the hell? You dragged me into this just to throw me under the bus?"
Lori shrugged and gave Rick a smug look. "Sorry Rick. But you're outvoted on this one."
"Yeah, well how about you-"
"And if you don't help, I'll tell Mom and Dad. Besides, you're the 'smartest man in the universe' you could think of a way of getting past the traps and getting your stuff back right?" Rick folded his arms and muttered something under his breath as the siblings continued planning.
"Ok, so once Grandpa Rick's gotten rid of enough pranks, two of us will come in and try and restrain her. But just in case she's prepared for that, one of us will try and get in a different way. Problem is, which way in is safe to go through?" Lincoln pondered.
"I could try the vents." Lucy suggested. "I doubt Luan managed to get in there to set up any pranks."
Lincoln nodded. "Alright. We got our plan."
Back in the bunker, the TV was now playing a movie trailer featuring two tough, serious looking men wearing sunglasses. A voiceover was narrating everything that was happening on the screen. "It's in theaters now! Coming this summer: Two brothers. In a van. And then a meteor hit. And they ran as fast as they could, from giant cat monsters. And then a giant tornado came and that's when things got knocked into 12th gear. A Mexican armada shows up. With weapons made from Two-tomatoes. And you better bet your bottom dollar that these two brothers know how to handle business. In:"
The following words then flashed on the screen as the narrator read them out. "Alien Invasion Tomato Monster Mexican Armada Brothers, Who Are Just Regular Brothers, Running In a van from an Asteroid and All Sorts of Things THE MOVIE!"
The narrator continued as the brothers kept fighting back against everything that came up. "Hold on, there's more! Old women are coming, and they're also in the movie, and they're gonna come, and cross attack these two brothers. But let's get back to the brothers, because they're-they have a strong bond. You don't want to know about it here, but I'll tell you one thing: The moon, it comes crashing into Earth. And what do you do then? It's two brothers and-and th-they're-It's called Two brothers. Two brothers!" The narrator couldn't stop himself from laughing while the two brothers looked at the moon crash, exasperated at this point. "It's just called Two Brothers!"
Lynn gaped at the trailer in amazement. "Holy crud, that movie looks amazing, I gotta see it!"
Rita and Lynn Sr. looked at each other, concerned. "Isn't there anything on here that's child friendly?" Rita asked.
Lynn Sr. nodded. "I know right. Everything on here feels like it came from an improv sketch for an adult comedy show or something."
Rick slowly opened the door. After looking around for a bit, he entered and closed the door behind him. "All right, Luan, you've had your fun, now give me my stuff back." Rick called out.
"Oh Rick, nice of you to pay a visit." Rick heard Luan's voice call out from somewhere. "By the way, you didn't think I forgot about your part in what happened right? I know it wasn't just Luna's fault after all."
"You better not be using my inventions for your dumb pranks Luan. You know they're dangerous."
Luan scoffed. "Like I need your stuff for my pranks. Don't worry, I'm fully aware of how much your inventions ruin things...weellll actually, I might have used one or two somewhere in the house."
Luan giggled as Rick grew more and more irritated. "Wow, you really are growing up fast, Luan. You're growing into a real big thorn straight up into my ass!"
"Aww, thanks Rick, that's probably the nicest thing you've said to me. Hey I've been trying out impressions lately? Wanna hear yours?"
Luan then started doing an impression of him anyway, starting with a burp. "God's not real, L-L-L-Lincoln!" She burped again before laughing.
Rick glared forward. "Very funny, Luan."
"Hey, if you wanna come find me, why not come see me in the living room?"
Rick rolled his eyes. He could tell by now that Luan's voice was coming from the kitchen. He walked over and looked into it to see that the floor was covered in grease. Rick shook his head. "Subtle Luan. Subtle." He then knelt down. "Alright, where's the tripwire? Gah!"
Suddenly, a boot contraption activated and kicked Rick into the room, causing him to slide across the floor and crash into the fridge. "Ach!" A box then fell on his head. Rick tried to use the fridge to pull himself up but the grease made him slip up and open the fridge, causing an extendable boxing glove to come out to punch him across the room and crash into the stove. "Argh!" Rick sat up growling with the broken stove door stuck on him. However, before he could do anything, he was then attacked by a bunch of rabid raccoons hidden in the stove.
Luan then came by as Rick shouted a number of profanities. "Aww, you made some new friends, they really suit you Rick."
Rick then managed to throw the raccoons off him, get up and turned towards Luan with a look of pure rage on his face. "LUAN!"
"Uh oh." Luan said before running off as Rick then chased after her. Luan ran off into the living room. Without thinking, Rick ran in after her, activating a trap that was linked with his own portal gun, creating a portal right under Rick's feet.
"Dang it." Was all Rick said before he fell through the portal into a different dimension.
Luan laughed as the portal closed up. "Wow, for a genius, it really didn't take much to bait him." Suddenly, Luan was then tackled to the floor by Lincoln and Lori.
"Saturday Night Live!" Back in the bunker, the TV was now airing a variety show. The announcer was announcing the cast as images of them popped up on screen. "Starring a piece of toast! Two guys with handle-bar mustaches! A man painted silver who makes robot noises! Garmanarnar! Three s-uh uh, uh, uh, I'll get back to that one." Not even the announcer could tell what the three creatures currently on screen were. "A hole in the wall, where the men can see it all and returning, for his 25th consecutive year: Bobby Moynihan!"
"Is there anything on here that isn't completely nonsensical?" Lisa asked before taking the remote to change the channel.
"Aww, I wanted to see what the piece of toast says." Leni bemoaned.
Then TV then changed to a man stood next to a door. "Hey, are you tired of real doors, cluttering up your house, where you open 'em, and they actually go somewhere? And you go in another room?" It then cut to the man standing outside. He gestured towards a building named 'Real Fake Doors'. "Get on down to 'Real Fake Doors'! That's us."
"Real...fake...doors..." Lisa then threw her arms up. "I give up."
The man onscreen was now standing in a room full of fake doors. "Fill a whole room up with 'em. See? Watch, check this out!" The man then attempted to open a couple of the doors. "Won't open. Won't open. Not this one, not this one. None of 'em open! Fakedoors .com is our website, so check it out for a lot of really great deals on fake doooooooors!" Weirdly enough, the commercial didn't end there as the Fake Doors salesman then walked offstage, got into his car and drove out the studio.
"Uh, what's going on?" Lola asked, confused by what was happening.
Lana shrugged. "Guess the commercial's not over yet?"
The Fake Doors Salesman was now stuck in traffic, honking his horn. "Step on it, we all got places to be! Son of a bitch!"
"Oh, for crying out loud." Rita huffed.
The salesman pulled his car up to a house and parked in the driveway. "Is that where he lives?" Leni asked.
It then cut to the salesman in the kitchen. "And now he's making himself a sandwich." Lola remarked.
Suddenly, the salesman addressed the audience again. "Hey everybody! So this is my house, I just made a sandwich, peanut butter and jelly, still here, still selling fake doors!" The salesman then walked over to another room filled with fake doors.
Everyone gaped. "What the?" Lynn Sr. exclaimed.
"Wow, guess this is all part of the commercial." Lynn guessed. Meanwhile, Lisa had gone over to bang her head against the wall.
The Fake Doors salesman continued. "We have fake doors like you wouldn't believe! What are you worried about? Come get fake doors. Call us up, and order some fake doors today. Don't even hesitate, don't even worry and don't even give it a second thought. That's our slogan. See it on the bottom of the screen, below our name." Text of what he just said then flashed onscreen. "Here's another slogan, right below that one." Text of what he was about to say flashed onscreen. "What are you worried about? Come get fake doors! Get in here quick, get out quicker, with an arm of fake doors in you arms. Don't even worry about it!"
"Lisa, stop that." Rita chastised.
"GET OFF ME!" Luan angrily screeched. Both Lincoln and Lori had her pinned down on the floor.
"No! Not until you cut it out with the pranks and give everyone their stuff back." Lori stated.
Luan laughed in response. "In your dreams!" Luan managed to free her arm and then reached into one of the pockets, pulling out a handful of pepper. She threw it into Lincoln and Lori's faces, causing them both to go into a sneezing fit. Luan managed to push them both off of her and run out the room, activating a trap for them. Lincoln and Lori got up and noticed a projector had been activated, showing footage of Lincoln and Clyde. Lincoln was holding a balloon with a face drawn on it.
"I think this is how you kiss a girl." The Lincoln from the projection said before kissing the balloon.
"Don't hold back, Lincoln. Girls like a guy with passion!" Clyde said before Lincoln started to kiss the balloon harder, causing it to pop. The video then looped.
Lori had a weirded out look on her face. "What the?"
Lincoln flushed in embarrassment. "Uhh, don't look!" Lincoln then tried to take down the projection by standing on the couch. However, the couch had a spring set under it, causing Lincoln to bounce up into the ceiling and get stuck to sticky flypapers.
Lori grabbed Lincoln and pulled him down from the ceiling. "Come on!" The two then followed after Luan.
Luan had ran upstairs. She took a moment to catch her breath. "Gah!" Suddenly, Lucy then dropped down from the vents and held onto her head, covering her eyes.
"Enough of this!" Lucy commanded.
"Whoa, whoa!" Luan was put off balance by her sister grabbing her head. Unable to see what was happening, she stumbled towards the bathroom, accidentally opening the door. This activated another prank as a bag of flour tied to a string then flew into Luan's back. "Oof!" However, the force of it also knocked Lucy off of her. Luan then managed to grab Lucy and push her into the bathroom before closing the door as a beeping noise could be heard from it. "Heh heh. Ahh!" Lori then shoved her, causing her to stumble into the bathroom. The timer on the flour then finished as the flour exploded, covering the entire room as well as Luan and Lucy in flour. Both of them then went into a coughing fit.
Lucy then attempted to turn the sink on. "Gah!" Only for the water to fire out in different directions, soaking both the sisters.
Lori then came in. "Luan, just stop! You really think this'll solve anything between you and Luna?" Not listening, Luan scrambled over to where the towel would usually be. Remembering she had replaced the towel with a raccoon, she grabbed it and hurled it towards Lori's face. "Ahh!" Lori stumbled backwards as the raccoon attacked her face.
Lincoln then came up from behind her, only to be shoved into the wall as Luan ran past him and into her own room. This activated another trap as the vacuum had been taped to the ceiling. Its bag opened up, dropping dust all over Lincoln. "I really hate April Fools." Lincoln remarked.
After the three siblings recovered, an angry Lori came up to the door and started banging on it. "Luan, you get out here right now!"
Suddenly the door slammed open. The three siblings gasped at what they saw. Luan was standing in front of a pile of Lily's diapers. Luan herself was holding a slingshot, aiming one of the diapers towards her siblings. She had a demented grin on her face. "Alright, I think it's time we ended this!"
The rest of the Loud family were now watching a commercial with a leprechaun in a forest holding a bowl of cereal. "Oh, I love me Strawberry Smiggles! Ooh, I hope nobody ever gets my hands on me, and tries to steal my Strawberry Smiggles. I'm going to eat every last one of them, because and then they'll be in my stomach, and nobody will ever be able to eat them. Except for me, because they're going to be all inside my stomach. I'm-my name is Mr... Tophat Jones, and God forbid anyone ever take my sniggy, little pig-dul smiggles. I'm keeping 'em all for me." Mr. Tophat Jones started eating all the cereal. "Last bite. Oh, now they are all resting comfortably in my stomach. Ooh, am I feeling good."
However, a boy holding a roll of tape and a girl holding a knife ran up to him. Mr. Tophat Jones panicked. "No! Get away from me! Get away from me and my Strawberry Smiggles! No!" The girl managed to knock him over. After the boy strapped him down with the tape, the girl gutted his stomach open as both kids then started eating the cereal out of him. "Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! It hurts!"
Leni, Lana and Lola started screaming in horror at the sight. Lynn Sr. then fumbled to get the remote to turn the TV off. After managing to do it, everyone took a couple deep breaths before Lynn Sr. stood up and turned to his wife. "What are we doing Rita? We're hiding away down here in a bunker, letting our kids watch this garbage while Lori, Lincoln and Lucy are in the house, doing our job for us. Dad was right. We are cowards."
Rita sighed and looked downwards. "I know."
Lynn Sr.'s brows furrowed. "Well, no more. This house does not belong to Luan. We need to put our foot down and stop this nonsense."
Rita stood up with a determined look on her face. "You're absolutely right Lynn. We really should have done this sooner." The two then started to march their way out of the bunker. The rest of the Loud sisters followed behind them, cheering.
Lincoln, Lori and Lucy were backing off from Luan to the point that they were on the stairs. Luan looked down at them. "Well it's been fun but if this keeps going, I won't have enough pranks left for Luna."
Lori glared at her. "Forget it. There's no way you're pranking Luna. We've made sure of it."
Looking down the stairs, Luan noticed Luna was standing outside the front door. Luan smirked as she figured out what was going on. "Aww, can't Luna handle a few harmless pranks."
"I'd hardly call them harmless." Lori sneered. "Most of your April Fools day pranks either cause injury or wreck our stuff. And literally only you seem to find it funny."
"Seriously, shaving a bird? You could've killed Walt last year!" Lincoln added.
Luan rolled her eyes. "Oh Lori, you never could take a joke-"
Before Luan could continue, Lucy stuck her fingers in her mouth and blew a whistle. Suddenly, Luan got attacked by Lucy's pet bat Fangs, causing her to drop her slingshot. "Wah!" Taking advantage of Luan's distraction, the three siblings ran up to her and pushed her back into her room. "No, no, no, AH!" Luan flailed her arms to try and keep her balance but still ended up falling into the pile of diapers. The three shut the door and put their backs to it to keep her in.
"So I guess talking her down is off the table now?" Lincoln asked.
"We just need to keep her in here until Luna takes Sam far away from here." Lori stated. Suddenly, smoke started coming up from beneath the door, causing the three to start coughing. Luan then took the opportunity to burst through the door, push past her siblings and run downstairs.
"She's going after Luna!" Lincoln called out. Lucy then sprung into action and ran after her. Once Luan got to the bottom step, Lucy managed to catch up to her and grab onto her leg, causing her to trip up.
Luan managed to pick herself back up and tried to shake Lucy off of her. "Get off me!" Luan demanded. Lucy shook her head and maintained her grip, ignoring the foul smell coming from Luan.
Luan gave up trying to shake her off and decided to drag her with her. She was stopped once again as Lincoln grabbed her arm. He gave her a pleading look. "Luan, please!"
Luan glared in response. "You won't stop me."
She now tried to drag both Lincoln and Lucy with her. She was stopped once again once when Lori put one arm around her and grabbed her other arm. "Enough!"
"Grrrr." Luan struggled to keep going but now, she was barely moving at all as her siblings held her back.
Meanwhile outside, Luna tapped her feet impatiently with a look of concern on her face. She had been tempted more than once to go in and intervene on her siblings' behalf after hearing all the noise before deciding to just stick with the plan. Luna breathed a sigh of relief as she finally saw Sam walk over to the house. Luna ran up to her. "Hey, Sam!"
"Hi Luna." The two hugged each other before Sam asked. "So, what did you invite me for?"
Luna pretended to act casual. "Oh, you know, just thinking me and you could take a walk over to the record store."
Sam shrugged. "Sounds cool with me."
Luan's eyes widened she watched Luna and Sam walk off. "NOOOO!" She bellowed in anger.
The three siblings' loosened their grip upon seeing Luna leave, which allowed Luan to push them off of her. She opened the door with the intent of going after them, only to come face to face with her parents with the rest of her sisters behind them. Her eyes widened in fear at the sight of her parents' angry faces.
The parents' then gasped as they saw the state their children were in. Lucy was soaking wet with patches of flour still on her, Lori had claw marks all over her face and Lincoln was covered in dust and dirt along with some sticky flypapers on his back. Luan herself was pretty wet and for some reason, smelt like a sewer. "Luan, this is completely unacceptable!" Rita scolded.
"Luan Loud, this is the last straw. We will not be putting up with any more of these insanely dangerous pranks any more. April fools or otherwise!" Lynn Sr. stated angrily. "And for what you've done today, you're grounded for one month and anything that needs fixing or replacing will be coming out of your money." Luan gaped in shock from what her father just told her.
"On top of that." Rita added. "You need to clean the house up and get rid of any remaining pranks that are about. Then you need to give everyone back the stuff you stole." Rita then plugged her nose. "After that, you need to take a shower. Now apologise to your siblings."
Luan turned to Lincoln, Lori and Lucy with a depressed look on her face. "I'm sorry."
The parents nodded and then left to go collect the stuff still in the bunker. There was an awkward silence before Lori spoke. "Luan?"
Luan gave a choked sob before falling to her knees. "It's not fair!" Luan cried as she brought her hands to her face. "First I lose Benny, now I can't do April Fools pranks any more? Why are you guys siding with her? She ruined our lives!"
Lori sighed. "First of all, we're not taking sides."
"Second." Lincoln added. "Luna didn't ruin our lives. She made a dumb mistake that Grandpa Rick managed to fix. We didn't lose anything."
"Yes, we did!" Luan yelled, giving Lincoln a despairing look as tears streamed down her face. "I'd still be with Benny if none of that happened."
"Oh for crying out loud." Lynn suddenly exclaimed. "You know, you're not the only one who got rejected right?"
"Francisco rejected me too. Both times in fact."
Luan was silent for a moment before speaking. "But in our world he-"
Lynn interrupted her. "Luan, did you even know Benny well enough that you're sure he would've been perfect for you? For all you know, you could've broken up within a week." This made Luan pause for a moment as she thought about it. She knew she and Benny had a lot of common ground but beyond that, she didn't know that much about him. They weren't that close beforehand. Now she started to wonder if any of this was worth it.
Lucy then approached her. "Sigh. Luna knows what she did was wrong. There's really no point in holding a grudge against her. It's not like there's anything anyone can do about it now. Besides, no one exists just for us. None of us belong anywhere. Everyone dies eventually so why not just watch TV with us?"
There was a moment of silence as Luan started to calm down. She got up as she thought about what her siblings' told her.
Later on, the siblings were sat in the living room watching more interdimensional cable. They were watching a news show, however the anchorman was a hamster currently riding on top of a human's butt. "Ha-ha, Hamster-in-Butt-World Weather is done, and now it's sports time, coming up."
Luan then came down after finishing her parents' orders to sit with them. She still had her hair down while wearing the yellow jacket. "Hey guys. I'm really sorry for how I've been acting lately. To be honest, after thinking about it, it wasn't just about Benny. I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened that night. It's hard to forget considering I almost died that night." Luan confessed, looking somewhat shameful.
The rest of the siblings gave Luan a sympathetic look, apart from Lily, who didn't really understand what her siblings were talking about. Lincoln put a hand on her shoulder. "We understand. I don't think any of us are going to forget what happened any time soon either."
"Luan, just remember, you can come to any of us if you ever want to talk about it. We'll be here for you." Lori stated, giving Luan a comforting smile.
Luan smiled in gratitude. "Thanks guys."
The front door then opened as Luna had come home. She peered into the living room, noticing everyone there. "Uhh, is everything cool?"
Luan then stood up to face her sister. "Luna, I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately. I shouldn't have tried to get at you like that. I should've just tried to talk it out."
Luna sighed. "S'okay. I understand why you were mad. I've felt terrible about it ever since. I wanted to try and talk it out too but..." Luna looked away. "Everytime I tried, I kept thinking back to what you called me that night."
Luan's eyes widened before instinctively putting her hands over her mouth. "Oh gosh, I'm really sorry about that too. I-It just kinda slipped out."
Luna shook her head. "It's fine, dude. All I wanna know is if you could forgive me for ruining your thing with Benny."
Luan sighed before smiling. "Meh, there's other guys out there. Honestly, it wasn't worth falling out over a guy. It's not like you meant to anyway so yeah, I forgive you." Luan then offered Luna a hug. Luna smiled before reciprocating the hug. The rest of the siblings smiled at the sight of their sisters finally making up.
Suddenly a portal opened up as Rick stepped out. He looked like he had been through absolute hell. Luan gave him a nervous smile. "Uhh, h-hey Grandpa Rick. Um, sorry about that portal prank."