Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: A Space Invader In Time

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: A Space Invader In Time

It had been six months since Rick had frozen time. And yet none of the siblings, or Rick, had aged. All the siblings were happy to use their literally free time to just do whatever they wanted. Lori was somewhat at a loss since she was unable to talk to Bobby so she decided to take this as an opportunity to hang out with her younger siblings. Leni used the time to work on some dresses. Luna practiced her guitar skills and worked on her lyric writing. Luan took the opportunity to set up pranks all over Royal Woods. While the rest of the siblings didn't approve, they gave her a pass as she'd probably never get an opportunity to do something like that again. Lynn practised with her various sports, usually with help from one of her siblings. Lincoln spent his time either reading comics or catching up with his video games. Lucy spent the time writing poems, some of which were time related. Since Lana couldn't play with the pets as they were all also frozen, she spent the time fixing whatever she could find around Royal Woods. Lola was also at a loss since there was no point in practicing for pageants so she simply spent the time playing with her siblings as well. Lisa had been working on her experiments, free to do them outside. Though it caused a bit of a mess in the streets and parks she did them in.

Currently, Lincoln was cleaning up his parents as he was using a vacuum on his dad. "Never thought I'd spend my morning doing this." Lincoln thought out loud.

Lori stepped outside. "Are you done yet, Lincoln? Rick is literally about to unfreeze time."

"Just about..." Lincoln stopped vacuuming. "Done!"

Lori squinted at her dad. "Is that mildew?"


Lori shrugged and waved her hand dismissively. "Eh, forget it. They probably won't even notice it."

Lori went back inside as Lincoln followed after her. He turned to the audience. "As fun as having all the free time in the world was, all good things have to end eventually. Plus, it'll be nice to finally talk to our parents and our friends again." Lincoln entered the living room with the rest of his siblings apart from Lynn and Lucy. The two then came in after Lincoln. Both of them scowled upon seeing the other one, sending each other glares before turning away and standing as far away from each other as possible. Lincoln sighed. "You'd think having all this freedom would be perfect but it doesn't stop us having fights with each other. There's been a lot of tension between Lynn and Lucy lately, which resulted in Lynn staying in my room last night. It went about as well as you think it did."


The previous night, (though it was technically still daytime, the Loud siblings had tried to keep their usual sleep schedule) Lynn came into Lincoln's room with her pillow as Lincoln shut the door behind her. "Okay, we'll have to establish a few ground rules. One, keep your hands off my-"

"Pew, pew!" Lynn had already broken that rule as she played with Lincoln's toy robot.

Lincoln took the toy and placed it on his desk. "Let's just set this down." Lynn started messing around with Lincoln's other stuff. "Careful! Please don't!" Lynn picked up Lincoln's toy bunny, Bun-Bun before tossing it behind her. "Bun-Bun!" Lincoln managed to catch it. "You okay? Did the mean girl hurt you?"

Lynn looked around the room. "You know, I'm noticing a complete lack of balls in this room."

Lincoln gave Lynn an offended look. "Uh, what?"

"You know, no soccer balls, no footballs, no baseballs, no-" She raised an eyebrow at Lincoln. "Wait, what did you think I meant?"

Lincoln looked awkward. "Uh, nothing."

There was a moment of silence before Lynn giggled. "Wow Lincoln." Lincoln rolled his eyes as Lynn picked up her pillow. "Good thing I brought my own!" She emptied out her pillow which was filled with all sorts of sports balls.

Lincoln gave Lynn an unamused look before faking a yawn. "Would you look at the time? Let's just turn in and get this night over with."

"What do you mean? It's still daytime, and you have a fun new roommate!" She pointed a thumb at herself.

"Look, just because time's frozen doesn't mean-"

Before he could say anything more, Lynn put a green wrestling mask over Lincoln's head. "Lucha Libre!"

Lincoln tried looking around. "I can't see anything!"

Lynn put her own red mask on and stood up on Lincoln's bed. "It's Lunatic Lynn off the third turnbuckle!"

Lincoln kept looking around in a panic. "What? What? I can't hear anything, either!"

Lynn leapt off the bed and onto Lincoln to start wrestling with him, eventually pinning him to the ground. "One, two, three! You're out." Lynn stood up and started doing a victory dance. "Yeah! Lunatic Lynn is El Campeón del Mundo!"

Groaning in pain, a fatigued Lincoln climbed off the floor and onto his bed. "Can we just go to sleep? There's less pain involved."

"Not when you're a sleep fighter like me!" Lynn busted out her fist, causing Lincoln to flinch.


"Two for flinching!" Lynn gave Lincoln two playful punches on his arm before laughing. Lincoln just sighed.

Later on, Lincoln and Lynn had settled into bed. Lincoln tried to sleep before hearing a banging noise. He turned to give an irritated look to Lynn, who was bouncing a tennis ball off the wall. "What are you doing?"

"What? It helps me fall asleep." Lynn said with a smile.

"Well, it doesn't help me. Can you knock it off?" Lincoln closed his eyes. There was a short pause before Lincoln felt the ball being thrown at his head. He gave an angry look to Lynn, though it appeared she was now asleep. Once again, Lincoln closed his eyes.

Before he could sleep this time, Lynn let out a big, foul smelling fart. Lynn laughed while Lincoln waved his hand in front of his face to wave off the smell as he casted a disgusted look at Lynn. "Ugh! Lynn!"

"DUTCH OVEN!" Lynn pulled the covers over Lincoln, causing him to cry in distress as he struggled to get away from the disgusting smelling gas. Lynn kept laughing as she let him out, allowing him to gasp for air. Lynn then snuggled in. "Goodnight, Lincoln."

"Goodnight..." An agonised Lincoln squeaked.


"And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, Lynn then kept me up with her snoring. I had no choice but to sleep in the bathtub!" Lincoln finished explaining to the audience.

"Who cares about the thing you're talking about Lincoln? The whole point of freezing time is to stop giving a fuck." Rick said as he came into the room. "Let's get this dumb universe rolling. Let's do this thing." Rick stood in the centre of the room and got out the device he used to stop time. "Alright, listen, everyone, we froze time for a pretty long time, so when I unfreeze it, the world's time is gonna be fine, but our time's gonna need a little time to, you know, stabilize."

Everyone gave Rick a worried look. "Uh, what does that mean?" Lori asked.

"It means relax, Lori. It also means don't touch your parents or we could shatter into countless theoretical shards."

"What?!" Everyone shouted.

"And away we go!" Rick grinned as he pressed a button on the device, unfreezing time.


As Lynn Sr. and Rita made their way to their house, they suddenly felt a disturbance. As if thousands of people in Royal Woods were either pied, punched, splashed or pranked in some way or another. They turned around upon hearing people yelping and car alarms going off. They turned back around and blinked in surprise as the messy house they were approaching was suddenly completely clean. "Wait, what?" A baffled Lynn Sr. exclaimed.

The two entered the house to see Rick and the Loud siblings all standing there to greet them. Luan seemed to be giggling to herself about something. "Hey, Rick." Rita looked around the house before smiling at Rick. "Wow, I didn't expect you to keep the house so clean Rick."

Rick grinned. "See, I told you, I'm totally a responsible caregiver."

Lynn Sr. smiled. "Nice work, Dad. And here I was, thinking you'd at least throw a party or something."

Rick's smile dropped. "Huh?"

"And here we were, preparing to clean up after you guys. You really went beyond our expectations, Rick." Rita then turned her attention to the kids. "Hey, everyone!" She approached Lynn and Lucy to give them a hug before both of them recoiled from her. "Lynn, Lucy, are you two okay?"

"Uhh, yeah." Lynn said before grinning. "Lucy just doesn't want any hugs right now. She's way too edgy for those."

Lucy gave Lynn a brief, angry look before turning back to her mom. "You wouldn't want to hug Lynn anyway. She hasn't washed her clothes in a while. They really stink." Lynn glared at Lucy.

Rita then got distracted as she realised something was wrong. "Wait, where's Lily?"

Rick's eyes widened. "Uh, she's asleep. I wouldn't really bother her, I only just put her to bed."

Rita gave Rick an odd look as it seemed strange that Lily would want to nap this early in the morning. "Ok?"

"Now listen, why do—why do—why—why don't you guys go get a free sunday ice cream," Rick got out a wad of cash. "Go out there and get some ice creams. Here's five hundred dollars cash in unmarked moneys. I'm just gonna put it on the floor and uh, kick it on over to ya. You guys go nuts."

After Rick did as he said, Lynn Sr. picked up the money and shrugged. "Mm, sure. I could go for ice cream." Rita shrugged along with him as the two left.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Shit, I forgot about Lily. Lori, do you still have that ticket?" Rick asked.

"It's in my drawers." Lori replied. "What are we gonna do?"

"We're just gonna have to wait until our time stabilises before we pick her up." Rick stated before he and everyone sat back down, apart from Lucy, who was about to make her way upstairs.

Seeing her leave, Lincoln ran after her to grab her arm. There was no way he was going to spend another night with Lynn. He needed to solve this problem as fast as possible. "Lucy, can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Sigh." Lucy said as Lincoln pulled her back downstairs where the other sisters were conversing with each other.

"So was making this much of an effort to keep the house clean literally pointless?" Lori asked Luna.

Luna shrugged. "Eh, I doubt they would've appreciated the giant hole in the wall."

"Good point." Lori conceded.

Lincoln sat Lucy onto the couch next to Lynn. Upon seeing each other, they turned away and folded their arms. "Ok, you two seriously need to just talk things out."

Lynn stood up. "There's nothing to talk about! I'm sick of staying in the same room as Miss Gloom and Doom! Like, would it kill you to smile once in a while?!"

"It would." Lucy got up and turned to Lincoln. "This is because of Lynn staying in your room isn't it? I apologise for my sister's thoughtless and inconsiderate behaviour."

Lynn scowled. "Hey! Lincoln loves having me as a roommate. Right, Lincoln?"

Lincoln looked away awkwardly. "Umm..."

Lynn looked slightly hurt at Lincoln's answer before glaring at Lucy. "Besides, who are you to talk? You're always sneaking up behind people and scaring them. That's pretty inconsiderate."

"I don't do that on purpose you know!" Lucy snapped back.

Lynn got up in Lucy's face. "Well maybe you wouldn't scare people if you didn't act like such a freak!"

Everyone in the room gasped upon hearing Lynn's insult. Lucy clenched her fists and gritted her teeth before giving Lynn a rough shove/taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

Everyone gaped in shock as a silhouetted version of Lynn came out of Lynn. "Hey, don't you shove me!" The other Lynn shouted.

"I didn't?" Lucy replied.

"Didn't what?" Lynn asked.

The other Lynn shoved Lucy, though it caused another version of Lucy to appear. "You stupid, idiot jock!" The other Lucy snapped.

"Hey, who're you calling an idiot?" Lynn snapped back.

"Shut up!" The other Lucy replied while Lucy gave her a confused look.

"You shut up!"

Suddenly, the room started to shake as everything started to become blurry, worrying Rick. "Whoa whoa wh-what the hell hell hell hell hell?"


And just like that, it seemed like the world made a copy of itself. Rick looked around in a panic before frowning at Lynn and Lucy. "Oh God, oh no, what did you guys just do?"

"What do you mean?/I-I don't know." Lucy said before realising she said two different things at once. "Wait, what am I saying?"

"Were either of you guys uncertain about anything just now?" Rick asked.

"When have I ever been uncertain about anything?" Lynn asked back. "I always know what I'm doing/I'm certain Lucy's a jerk!" Lynn looked around in confusion. "Who said that?"

"This is literally so confusing." Lori remarked.

"Alright, all of you, just don't move, don't speak, don't think. I have to check something." Rick said before making his way to the garage.

Lincoln thought carefully for a moment. "Maybe we should help him?" After a moment of thought, everyone nodded and followed Lincoln to the garage. Upon entering it, everyone crowded around Rick. Both worlds seemed identical apart from the fact that Lucy and Lynn had swapped places in the second world. "Grandpa Rick, what's going on?" Lincoln asked.

"What's happening this time, Rick?" Lori deadpanned.

"Shut up!" Rick barked. He got out some kind of monitor and turned it on. The screen displayed two green dots. "Oh crap, are you kidding me? Two dots? This never needs to be more than one dot. Lynn and Lucy made us uncertain!" All the siblings started asking questions though Rick could barely hear them over each other and their other versions. "Ok, shut up again. Our time is fractured. Lynn and Lucy somehow created a feedback loop of uncertainty that's split our reality into two equally possible impossiblities. W-We're exactly like a man capable of sustaining a platonic friendship with an attractive female co-worker. We're entirely hypothetical."

Leni grabbed her head, feeling a headache coming on. "This is way too confusing."

Rick turned to Leni. "Don't worry about it Leni. Listen, do me a favour, go stand in the corner, close your eyes and count to a million. In your head. Don't stop until you reach a million, no matter what."

Leni smiled. "Ok."

As she went off to do that, Lori gave Rick a confused look. "Why did you ask her to do that?"

"Do you really trust her to be certain about anything?" Rick replied.

Lincoln was also trying to figure this out. "But I thought there were infinite timelines. Or was it universes? Dimensions? I kinda lost track of the difference."

"We're not on any timeline, dummy. Look." Rick opened the garage door. Outside was a black void with cats floating around.

"What the!" A stupefied Lincoln exclaimed.

"Are those cats?" Lana asked.

"I assume they're Schrodinger's cats and no you can't pet them, Lana." Lana slumped in disappointment. "A-Actually, I assume they both are and aren't, just like us."

"Is the world gone? Where are Mom and Dad?" Asked Lucy/Lynn in a panic.

"Your parents get to exist." Rick reassured. "It's all of us that are lost in a timeless oblivion." Rick started to work on the device that Rick used to freeze time. "This is why you don't freeze time, you guys. It's incredibly irresponsible."

"And yet, you did it so you could clean the house after a party." Lori snarked.

"Look, there's no time to hold me accountable, Lori. Like, literally no time. Look around. Uncertainty is inherently unsustainable. Eventually everything either is or isn't. And we've got about four hours to be 'is'." Rick picked up his device as he had apparently finished working on it.

"Or?" Lincoln prompted.

"We 'isn't'." Rick pushed his monitor to the side. "Alright, since this time crystal exists in both possibilities and since it's impossible that I didn't nail this, I'm probably about to press this button in both possibilities at exactly the same time."

Lynn/Lucy couldn't help but feel doubtful. "How do you know you're gonna-"

Rick interrupted them. "Whatever you're asking, the answer is: I'm amazing. And away we go!" Rick pressed the button, causing both timelines to slowly merge. "Huh, what do you know, it's working." Suddenly, Lynn and Lucy started convulsing. It almost looked like Lynn and Lucy were fusing with each other's alternate selves. Rick and the other Loud siblings looked at them in confused horror. "Oh shit." Both timelines split apart again as Rick frowned at both of his daughters. "What the hell is wrong with you two!? I—I m—I m—I mean you four!?"

"That hurt!" Lynn/Lucy shouted.

"That was painful..." Lucy/Lynn groaned.

"You two are all over the damn place." Rick chastised. "We've been split for twenty minutes and your lives are already scattered to the quantum fucking wind? What is up with you two today? Can you two just get whatever it is you're arguing about over with so we can move on with our lives?"

Lynn scowled. "Why should I? She the one that's been acting like a passive aggressive weirdo lately!"

"Oh? A weirdo am I? I suppose you'd prefer if I acted regular and normal?" Lucy raised her voice. "Just like what everyone else here wants me to be!"

There was a moment of silence as everyone took in what Lucy had just said. "Whoa, where'd that come from?" Rick asked.

Lucy folded her arms and turned away from everyone, trembling slightly. Lincoln approached her. "This is about what happened on valentines day isn't it?" Lucy was unresponsive. Lincoln sighed and turned to everyone else. "Guys, Lucy's still upset because she thinks that since you guys were so eager to give her a makeover, you'd want Lucy to change all together."

The Loud sisters all had guilty looks on their faces, apart from Leni, who was still counting. "I had no idea." Lori stated. "Lucy, we didn't mean to make you feel like we wanted you to change."

"Yeah dude, we love you the way you are." Luna added.

Lucy didn't move. "Then why were you all waiting to give me a makeover?"

Lola scratched the back of her head. "We thought you' it?/I just wanted to do makeup with you for once."

"We thought we were trying to help you." Lori explained. "You said you wanted to look regular and normal at the time. But you're not those things. You're Lucy Loud. You're perfect just the way you are. And we love you."

Lucy let out a deep sigh, letting her ams slump before turning around. "Sigh. I'm sorry. I should've just talked to you guys about it." Lucy looked at Lynn. "Since we live in the same room, I've been taking out my frustrations on you. I'm really sorry. You didn't deserve that."

Lynn gave an apologetic smile. "It's okay. Sorry for calling you a freak earlier."

"Alright, we're good? Great!" Rick interjected. "Now let's fix this, Lynn stand here. Lucy, stand here." One of the Ricks had Lynn and Lucy swap places. "Lincoln, go stand where you were a minute ago." Lincoln did just that. "Alright stand still, arms down, I'm gonna do this again, this time, be like Grandpa."

"You mean drunk?" The second Luan snarked.

"And away we go!/What's that? You got something to say?" The first Rick tapped the button, only for nothing to happen.

"No." The second Luan sighed.

The second Rick let it go. "And away we go!" Both Ricks were now tapping the button, trying to get it to work. "Huh, that's weird./Huh, that's weird."

Rick's eyes widened in realisation. "Oh my god."

"What?" Lori asked.


Rick's eyes widened in realisation. "Oh my god."

"What?" Lori asked.


"That son of a bitch is gonna kill me!" Rick ran over to the table to start disassembling his device.

"What!" Everyone cried.


"That son of a bitch is gonna kill me!" Rick ran over to the table to start disassembling his device.

"What!" Everyone cried.


"Follicle, unfeeling sociopath." Both of the Ricks kept going in and out of sync. "Don't you get it?/Don't you get it? /He thinks he can save his own skin by using the crystal to kill me./ He probably figures it's easier to eliminate one of the possibilities rather than merge them." Rick used his screwdriver to take out the time crystal. Both Ricks went back in sync, laughing. "I have to admit, it's always in the back of my mind too. The difference is I would never do it! Until now..."

"Grandpa Rick! What are you doing?!" Lincoln cried.

Rick took the crystal and started to fix it onto a gun. "Saving our lives. After he takes me out, he's gonna be coming for you!"

"Who?" Lynn asked.

"Me!" The first Rick aimed the gun at his head and fired, the bullet crossing into the other timeline. The second Rick wasn't quite finished and managed to duck under it. "You see that? Get down." The second Loud siblings started to panic as Rick ducked and fired upwards to where he imagined the other Rick would be standing. He had only managed to shoot just in front of him as he backed off and the first Loud siblings panicked.

The two Ricks engaged in a shoot off, trying to guess where each other was while both Loud siblings backed off against the wall so as to not be caught in the crossfire. "I told you he's a psycho!" The first Rick shouted.

"He's lost it. The time fracture must have made him crazy!" The second Rick yelled.

"I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do!" The first Rick panicked as the timelines split once again. Rick looked at the monitor, seeing four dots on the screen. "Oh God, now there's three of them, we're outnumbered! Get in the cupboards!" Rick ordered as the siblings made their way there until Rick stopped them. "Wait, don't don't do that, they'll know...wait wait, think about getting in the cupboards but don't really." There was a short pause before Rick started firing at the cupboards. "AAAAH IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT YOU SICK FUCKS? YOU WANNA SEE CHILDREN DIE?" Rick calmed down before aiming his gun around the room, looking for some kind of sign of the other Rick. "Shh shh...I know where you are, you creepy old monster...I know how you think! Oh, is this where you think I'm going? You think I'm standing here? Well maybe you're right!" Rick aimed the gun at his head before he was suddenly knocked out by Lori with a fire extinguisher.

"Dude! What do we do now?" A worried Luna asked.

"Well if all of the Loris knocked out all the Ricks, that would mean that we're all synchronized." Lisa stated.

"Ok." Lori picked up Rick's gun and took out the time crystal. "So from now on, whatever we do, we have to literally be certain."

"Right." Lincoln affirmed.

"I'm pretty certain we're screwed." Lucy remarked.


Rick woke up feeling a splitting headache. "Oh God, my head." He rubbed his head and looked around. He appeared to be trapped in a small cage. "What did you guys do?"

Lincoln folded his arms/put his hands on his hips/pointed at Rick/got up from sitting on the floor. "We put you in a dog cage because you went crazy, and caused another time fracture."

Lori glared at Rick. "You tried to kill yourself!"

"Only in self defense, myself tried to kill me first!" Rick explained. "Guys, I don't expect you to understand this, but time breaking twice means our problem is two times bigger and we've got half as much time to solve it. Well actually, I do expect you to understand that, it's basic math. C-Could someone just let me out of here? If I die in a cage, I lose a bet."

"It would be a hazardous risk to our lives if we let you out without some kind of proof you won't terminate yourself or others here." Lisa explained.

Rick gave Lisa an annoyed look. "Ah, for God's sake, alright here, give me the time crystal."

Lori handed Rick the crystal. "What are you going to do?"

Rick plugged the crystal into his phone. "Call myself. Here, listen, it'll probably go to voice mail since, you know, I'm calling myself."

Rick typed his own number in. Sure enough, it went to voice mail as Rick's voice came from the phone. "Hello, Rick here."

"Don't fall for it, it's a bit."

"Just kidding, haha! You just got Ricked. You've reached Rick's voicemail, you know what to do."

The phone beeped as Rick brought the phone to his face. "Hey Rick, it's Rick. Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. No hard feelings. I know you know I mean it too. Take it easy." Rick ended the voice mail. His eyes then widened. "Damn, look at this, I'm blowing up. Three new voicemails."

Rick played one of the voicemails. "Hey Rick, it's Rick. Listen, I'm sorry about earlier."

"Yeah yeah, I heard this one." Rick played the other two voicemails.

"Hey Rick, it's Rick."

"Hey Rick, it's-"

"You get the idea we're cool now."

Lori still wasn't sure. "Ok, but we're still not gonna let you out of this cage."

"Fine I'll just do it myself." Rick simply kicked the cage and lifted up the roof of it as the cage easily came apart.

Lori gave Lincoln an annoyed look. "You seriously need to buy better cages."

"If you could get out that whole time, why didn't you?" Lincoln asked.

"Because I waited until I was certain it was what I wanted to do, Lincoln." Rick explained.

Before the conversation could continue, a bubble suddenly floated in, alarming everyone. The bubble faded, revealing a red, vascular monster that looked like was made of internal flesh. His only facial feature was a giant mouth full of crooked and disordered yellowish teeth. He had no legs as his body simply floated off the ground. He wore a long tan robe that was very ripped and torn at the trim and ends of the sleeves. He also had a brown satchel. Nearly everyone had a panicked reaction upon seeing the monster. "Oh my God!/Ewww what the?/What is that?" Screamed Lori.

"It's a monster!/Is that a monster?/Rick what's happening?" Lincoln asked.

"Dude!/Sick dude!/Oh, that's nasty!" Luna shouted.

"Whoa/Cool!/Awesome!/Neat!" Lana exclaimed.

"Ey, ye ey, quit yellin' quit yellin'." The monster shouted. Once everyone quieted down, the monster spoke again. "My name is Shleemypants." He looked around the garage. "What the fuck?! Your time is all ripped up to hell! You broke your time, twice!"

Rick rolled his eyes and sighed. Lori felt really uncomfortable with Shleemypants due to what his head reminded her of. "Why do all the aliens we come across have to be so gross."

"Cool, right?" Lana asked enthusiastically.

"How did this happen?" Shleemypants asked.

All the siblings from each timeline started to give their own explanation. Shleemypants could barely make out anything they were saying. "Shut the fuck up! Oh, damn, I'm from the 4th dimension. I can hear all o' y'all. Now let's just see what we got here for a second." Shleemypants took Rick's phone, causing him to groan. He took out the crystal from it. "Ay, damn it, were you tryin' to use this to-" He floated towards Rick's desk and picked up Rick's device. "Oh, see, you broke time, and you thought you could just stick it back together with this? How you think you gonna move time while you're standin' in it you dumb ass, three-dimensional, monkey ass dummies?"

Rick folded his arms and narrowed his eyes as some of the siblings glared at Rick. "Way to go, Rick." Lori chastised.

"Yeah, good going Grandpa." Luan added.

Rick turned to face them. "Oh, what, you're just gonna listen to this guy now? He's got a giant testicle for a head! He came here in a bubble. For all we know he could be the David Berkowitz of Nutsack Land."

"Shut up." Shleemypants took out eleven collars from his satchel and dropped them all on the floor. "Here, put these on. They'll sync your possibilities up so I can bring you back to certain time." All of them picked up the collars and put them on except for the family in one of the timelines. Three of the Loris went over to put the collar on Leni, who was still counting. "Y'all just-just negligent, now ay, ay, ay, all of you, put your collars on!"

"What are you talking about?" Asked three of the Loris.

"We already have them on." Said three of the Lynns.

"Uh, we did..." Three of the Ricks said.

"We're not wearing collars." The fourth Rick stated, folding his arms.

"Exactly, because you're being obstinate." Shleemypants snarked.

"What?" Asked the other three Ricks.

"Put the damn collars on if you want to live." Shleemypants snapped.

"But we already have them on!" Three confused Lincolns argued.

"I'm guessing we're refusing in one of the timelines." Three of the Lisas deduced.

"Alright, fine." The fourth Rick conceded. "Kids, put 'em on." The fourth family put their collars on. After Lori put Leni's on, the timelines finally merged as Rick and the Loud siblings cheered.

"You did it! Everything's back to normal!" Lincoln exclaimed as everyone looked outside the garage at their normal street.

"Yeah, now keep those collars on so you don't break your weak ass time again." Shleemypants ordered.

"How long exactly do we have to wear these things? They're really embarassing." Rick asked.

"Well, since you're goin' to time prison, I'd say you can keep em on forever." Shleemypants got out some kind of gun that looked more like a slug and pointed it at the Louds.

Everyone raised their hands defensively. "Time prison?" Lori asked.

Everyone backed off as Shleemypants approached them. "Yeah, well I don't know where you expect me to think you got that crystal over there, but the only way you dumb ass, assin' ass asses could ever have one, is if it was stolen."

"Uh, for the record, I didn't steal it." Rick refuted. "I salvaged it from an invention the Rick from this universe made before he died. Technically, I didn't steal anything."

"You know what? I don't really give a damn what version of y'all stole it." Shleemypants admitted. "You think I wanna be an omniscient, immortal being transcending time and space my whole life? I got ambitions man, bringin' you guys in is my ticket up."

"What if I told you there's a huge ticket up right behind you?" Rick pointed behind Shleemypants.

"You really think I'm that stupid?" Shleemypants deadpanned.

Rick picked up a wrench behind his back. "Alright, hear me out on this. You're immortal, right, which means your life is infinite. Well in that case there's 100% chance that you'll eventually do everything, including turning around to look behind you."

"I cannot argue that." Shleemypants turned around, only for Rick to throw a wrench at his head. "AAH!"

Rick snatched the gun from Shleemypants and pointed it at him. It then started wriggling in Rick's hand. "Ah, God, gross and weird!"

Rick dropped the gun which started crawling into the street. "Chris!" Shleemypants called out before the gun was run over by a car. The distressed monster turned back to Rick. "You killed my gun!"

Rick turned to his grandkids. "Kids, take off your collars!" Everyone broke their collars off, apart from Leni.

"What? What the hell are you doing?" Shleemypants asked, starting to get worried.

"Good question. I suppose the answer is:" Rick broke his collar off. "I'm...not...certain!"

The timeline split into two again. Leni seemed to have disappeared. "Oh, no, what are you doin'?" A panicking Shleemypants asked.

"I have no idea!/I'm not sure." Rick answered before the timeline split into four.

One of the Ricks punched him. Seeing this, the other Ricks joined in as Shleemypants was affected by every one of their punches. "Stop that!"

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." The Ricks said, slightly off sync from each other as the timelines doubled again. "I'm really uncertain about everything, even kicking your ass!"

Shleemypants kept getting knocked back and forth by all the Ricks. "Lis- ay, to, AH. But these arms are vestigial." The timeline split again. "Now you poked me where an eye would have been about six million years ago!"

"Guys! Let's help him!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Ok, but I'm not exactly certain how." Luan said. The timeline was now split into 32. "He he."

The Loud siblings cheered for Rick as he kept beating the monster. One of the Ricks stepped back and watched as he was knocked back and forth by all the other Ricks. "Die, motherfucker!"

That Rick delivered one final punch, causing Shleemypants' head to explode into a mushy mess. Though this didn't seem to kill him as he simply slumped onto the floor. "Ow, I'm defeated..."

The garage started to rumble. "What's happening?" Lincoln asked.

"Time is falling apart, we've got to get back to certainty, quick! Give me your collars!" Everyone handed Rick their collars. "I need to fix these quickly. Someone, hand me that Phillips/Flathead screwdriver. Actually, make it a Flathead/Phillips." The timeline split again. "Oh shit."

Rick quickly fixed all the collars and handed them off to all the siblings. "Okay, we're out of time. It's ironic, huh?"

Everyone put their collars on. They all disappeared apart from Rick, Lynn and Lucy, confusing them. "Huh?" Lynn said.


In one of the timelines, Rick and Lynn had paused before putting their collars on as Lucy was struggling to put hers on. "Lucy?" Lynn asked.

"Somethings wrong. It won't close around my neck."


The other Lynns and Lucys started panic. "What's going on? Why aren't we going back?" Lynn cried.

"Obviously because someone doesn't know how to put her collar on and one of me is stuck trying to help her. Lynn." Rick snarked.

"Hey I know how to put a stupid collar on." Lynn snapped back.


Meanwhile, Lynn took Lucy's collar. "Here, let me help." Lynn helped Lucy close the collar around her neck. All the Lucys then disappeared. Before Lynn could put hers on though, the floor gave way under her as Lynn tried to hang on to it. "Ah! Rick help!" The part of the floor Lynn hung on to then crumbled. Lynn screamed as she fell into the black abyss.

"Lynn!" Rick shouted after her.


The other Ricks and Lynns stared at the spot where Lucy disappeared. "Di-did Lucy just abandon us?!" A shocked Lynn asked.

Rick gave Lynn a frustrated look. "Great, what have you done this time? We're gonna die because of you!"

"I-I don't know!" Lynn's eyes started to water.


Rick looked into the hole. "Goddamnit." He then dived in. He tried to swim through the void as quick as possible until he eventually caught up to Lynn.

"Grandpa Rick!" Lynn cried as he caught her.

"Lynn, where's your collar?" Rick asked.

"I'm sorry. I dropped it." Rick looked between Lynn and his own collar. A distraught look flashed on Rick's face before he put his collar around Lynns neck.


The other Ricks' eyes widened as the other Lynns disappeared. "What the hell? What have you done to me, Lynn?"


As Rick floated down into the void, he started to relax. Instead of panicking, Rick felt it would be better for him to just accept his fate. "I'm okay with this. Be good, kids. Lisa. Be better than me." He then caught site of something in the distance. His eyes widened. "Holy shit, the other collar! I'm not okay with this! I am not okay with this!" He swam as fast as he could to reach the collar. "Oh, sweet Jesus please let me live. Oh, my God!" Rick caught the collar and quickly put it on. "Yes! Fuck you, God! Not today, bitch." Rick disappeared.


The other Ricks were on their knees, putting their hands together in prayer. "Please, God, if there's a Hell, please be merciful to me." Rick disappeared and reappeared back into the garage where all his grandchildren were waiting. "Yes I did it! In your face." Rick looked at the monitor. "One dot, motherfuckers!"

Rick and the Loud siblings started to cheer and celebrate until Lori spoke. "Hey, wait a second, how come you three took longer to get here?"

Lynn grabbed her head. "I'm not sure? It's weird, I've got like 64 different memories of what happened in there."

Rick rolled his eyes. "Who cares? We're here. Come on Lori, let's go pick up Lily."

Rick left with Lori. The rest of the siblings started to leave as well. Lynn approached Lucy. "So, I can move back in?"

Lucy gave a slight smile. "Nothing would make me happier."

Lynn brought up her fist. "Two for flinching!" Lucy made no reaction. "Dang! It never works on you." Lynn gave Lucy a one armed hug as they left the garage.

Before Lincoln left, he noticed Leni was still in the corner. "Uh, Leni? It's over. You can stop counting now." Leni seemed to have ignored him. "Leni?" Lincoln shrugged. He supposed she'll be finished eventually.