Lincoln had to admit, he sometimes felt inferior compared to his sisters. They all had so many talents and all he did was read comics and play videogames. However, thanks to Lola of all people, had been inspired to turn his hobby into his talent as he was currently sat on his bed, applying the final touches to the comic that he had been drawing. "And done!" Lincoln turned to the audience. "It took a lot of work, but I finally completed my own comic. And just in time to submit it for the Ace Savvy contest. If I win this, not only will this get made into a real Ace Savvy comic, I'll get to meet the creator himself, Bill Buck! All that's left to do is see what my sisters think of it...and I guess Grandpa Rick too. He might not be much of a superhero fan but if I can somehow impress him, I'll be sure to win the contest."
Rick was applying some kind of device to his portal gun when Lana came bursting into the garage. "Hey, Grandpa Rick!" Lana then noticed what Rick was busy with. "What are you doing?"
"Oh, hey Lana, I'm just attaching this scanner to my portal device." Rick explained. "If this works, it'll be able to scan any photo and create a portal leading straight to it. Should make getting around way easier."
"Oh, cool." Lana then remembered what she came in for. "Oh yeah, Lincoln's finished that comic book he's been working on. He wants to show it to us."
Rick frowned. "The Ace Savvy comic?" Rick groaned. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
It was the middle of the night. In an abandoned warehouse, Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack looked down in fear at the shark tank that they were hanging over as the shark was staring at them hungrily. Ace Savvy wore a typical superhero costume: a red sleeveless shirt and shorts, a yellow belt, and a blue cape. On his chest he had a black spade with an 'A' symbol. He looked exactly like Lincoln. One-eyed Jack wore an eyepatch, a blue sweater, with a white shirt, black boots, and a yellow belt. He looked exactly like Clyde. The two had been chained up by the dastardly villain, Wild Card Willy. The elderly villain wore a black cowboy hat and jacket along with a red handkerchief over his mouth. He laughed evilly. "Game over, Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack!"
Ace Savvy glared at Wild Card Willy defiantly. "Think again, Wild Card Willy! I've got a few more cards up my sleeve!" Ace Savvy got out a pack of cards and dropped them onto the ground in front of Willy. Willy looked at the cards, noticing images of the Full House Gang on them.
He then heard a horn blaring as a van suddenly came bursting into the warehouse. Driving the van was Lori, wearing dark blue goggles with a light blue rim, white earrings, a white jumpsuit, and sky blue boots with white platforms. She also wore a long, off-white scarf and blue fingerless driving gloves. "Alright, girls, let's deal with these losers!"
The van opened up as the rest of the Full House Gang leapt into action. Wild Card Willy cowered behind one of his henchmen. "Eep! Get them!"
Lily and Lola confronted two of the henchmen. "You take the baby, I'll take the princess." One of the henchmen told the other one.
"Excuse you. I am the queen." Lola stated. She flicked her hair as her diamond decorated tiara sparkled. She was wearing a light pink dress along with a hot pink cape also decorated with diamonds. She also wore long pink gloves, pink boots, and a diamond belt.
The Queen tossed her tiara like a boomerang at one of the henchmen, knocking him out. The other henchmen glared at her as he started to charge at them. Lily, now wearing a red mask with a two card, a yellow bib with a black two card and red boots and gloves, held up two stinky diapers.
The Deuce tossed her diapers at the henchmen. The diapers acted as stink bombs as the foul stench quickly knocked him out.
Luna, who had white face paint with black clubs around her eyes, wore black fingerless gloves, a purple leotard, black leggings, and long purple boots. She had a black x-shaped harness with a skeleton on the front, which held up a jet pack. She also has a black studded collar. She plugged in her card shaped guitar into an amp. "Get ready to do the Bad Guy Shuffle!"
The Night Club blared her guitar which knocked the henchmen towards a hole that Lucy had dug up with her shovel. She was wearing a dark blue hooded cape, with the front of the hood shaped like a spade, a sleeveless black dress with an 8 on the bottom and long black gloves. "No aces in this hole."
Lynn adjusted her red headband decorated with diamonds, spades, hearts, and clubs. She was wearing red and white shoes, red knee pads, and red and white wristbands along with a red and white striped leotard with torn sleeves. She started to charge towards a couple henchmen before knocking them out with a headbutt. "52 Pickup!"
"Or more precisely, six." Lisa corrected. She was wearing a green shirt, gloves, a red scarf, green shoes, and red shorts. Another henchmen tried to sneak up on her before she smashed his face with a calculator, knocking him out. "Make that seven."
As Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack were slowly lowered into the tank, Ace Savvy looked up, noticing Leni standing on the catwalk. She wore a seafoam green headband, with red heart sunglasses on top, hot pink earrings, which matched the color of the bow on her back, with long ribbons that have red hearts on them, a red and black heart shaped bow tie and a white seafoam dress, with an 11 on the bottom, along with black seafoam boots. "Hey, guys, check out my new outfit. It's perfect for fall weather and springing into action!" She used the sash on her outfit as a utility rope as she swung down and saved Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack before landing back on the catwalk. "Ugh, these belts are so 90's!" She pulled the chains off of them, freeing them.
As the three jumped down, Ace Savvy noticed Wild Card Willy was trying to retreat. "Wild Card's getting away!"
Lana, wearing a red mask and cape along with a light and dark blue jumpsuit with a yellow belt and red boots, loosened a bolt on the shark tanks' pipe. "Hey, Willy, go fish!"
The tank came loose. Wild Card Willy yelped as the water, along with the shark, spilt towards him though he managed to evade it. Before he could reach the exit though, he was knocked back by a jack-in-the-box style trap that Luan then came out of as she had set it up. She had her hair up in two pigtails, one held up with a pink scrunchy and the other with a yellow scrunchy. She wore a yellow butterfly shaped mask with pink and black diamonds around it and a black and yellow dress that resembled a jester outfit, with her pink squirting flower on the front, and mismatched boots. "I see your bet and raise you!" Luan laughed.
Wild Card Willy landed near Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack who proceeded in beating him down and tying him up. "Willy, why do you always have to play dirty cards?" Ace Savvy asked.
"'Cause that's the only way to clean up." Wild Card Willy answered. "So, I guess it's off to jail for me."
After Lincoln showed his sisters and Rick, who were all crowded around him in his room, the last panel of his comic with Wild Card Willy in a jail cell, he couldn't help but feel slightly nervous about how they'd react as none of them were into comics except for maybe Lucy. "So what did you guys think?" To his pleasant surprise, most of them seemed genuinely impressed.
"I LOVE it!" Lola exclaimed.
"This is really good, Lincoln!" Lori praised.
"I must admit, I had no idea you had this much skills in artistry." Lisa admitted.
Only two of them weren't as positive as everyone else. One of them was Lynn who looked unimpressed. "Meh. It's okay I guess."
The other one was Rick, who just looked bored. "I guess it's okay for a superhero comic."
Lori turned to him, slightly miffed by his reaction. "Really? That's the nicest thing you can say about it?"
"Look, it's well drawn and all, it's just that, you know, not really into capeshit." Rick admitted. "I mean, it's all kind of the same shit really. DC, Marvel, whatever the hell Ace Savvy's from because I don't give a shit. It's not exactly what I'd call high art. Also did I ever mention that puns are the lowest form of comedy?"
Lori noticed Lincoln was looking slightly sheepish due to Rick's comments. Luan then gave Rick a wry grin. "You sure you're not just upset because you're not in it?"
"That's ridiculous. That's like saying the only reason you like it is because you're in it. Also 'The Joker'? Don't you think that name's kind of taken already?"
"But it works so well with Luan and the theme of the group!" Lincoln argued.
"I always did think we lived in a society." Luan joked.
Lori rolled her eyes before putting a reassuring hand on Lincoln's shoulder. "Just ignore him. If you submit that comic, I guarantee you'll literally win that contest."
Lincoln smiled. "Thanks, Lori."
The next day at school, during lunchtime, Lincoln was showing his comic off to his friends. "Awesome." Said Liam.
"Cool!" Said Zach.
"Not bad, Lame-O!" Ronnie Anne praised.
"That was sick. Where'd you get the idea for all those butt-kicking super ladies?" Rusty asked.
"From my sisters. They've always got my back." Lincoln answered.
"You're totally gonna win the contest." Clyde stated.
"Darn tootin." Liam agreed.
"Word." Rusty added.
Suddenly, Lincoln's comic was snatched off of him. He turned around to see the angry face of Principal Huggins. "Loud, school time is meant for learning, not for doodling degenerate fantasies! This trash belongs to me now!"
Lincoln stared at his principal in shock. "But Principal Huggins, you can't take my comic!"
"Oh, and now you're giving me sass? That's detention! Today! Till 5:00!"
Lincoln started to panic. "But I need to get to the post office by 4:00. That's the contest deadline."
"Oh, I didn't realize. I'll just give it back to you." Principal Huggins said sarcastically. "NOT!"
After school ended, Principal Huggins went straight to Lincoln's class to personally escort him to the detention room. Lincoln seemed to be the only one in detention. In fact no one at all was in it. "I've got just the thing to keep those doodling hands of yours busy: cleaning erasers." Principal Huggins dropped the dirty erasers in Lincoln's hands before leaving.
As soon as he left, Lincoln dropped the erasers and went straight to the door to try to get out. "Dang it. He locked me in from the outside. Ok, need to think of a plan. Maybe if I sharpen a bunch of pencils, I could just dig my way out."
At that moment, Lincoln heard a noise coming from the door handle before Lola opened the door, twirling her tiara. "Or I could just pick the lock." She put the tiara back on. "Not that your idea wasn't great."
"Lola? Why are you busting me out?" Lincoln asked.
Lana then came into the room. "Clyde told us about Huggins confiscating your comic book." Clyde then came in.
"The one starring me as Queen of Diamonds!" Lola added.
"And me as the Royal Flush! Also we called everyone else about it too." Lincoln looked out the room to see the rest of his sisters standing there, apart from Lily.
Lola folded her arms. "You think we're gonna let some power-tripping principal take away our chance to get famous?"
Lincoln smiled gratefully. "Thanks, guys. But how are we gonna get my comic back?"
Lisa cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "Let's go about this sensibly. Our parental figures should have the authority to take back items that the school has confiscated."
"But our parents are still at work." Lori argued.
"Rick isn't." Luna pointed out.
There was a silent pause for a moment before Lori sighed, getting out her phone. "Fine, I'll give him a call."
Principal Huggins was working in his office when suddenly, Rick came bursting in along with the Loud siblings and Clyde. "Hey, what are you-"
"I'm here to pick up my grandson's dumb comic book." Rick interrupted him. The look on Rick's face showed that he really didn't want to deal with this. "I'm his grandfather, so I guess that means I have the authority to take it back or whatever."
"Uh, um..." Principal Huggins glared at Rick. "I-I'm afraid anything that gets confiscated is property of the school. You can't have it back."
Rick gave the principal an unimpressed look. "Hey uh, we've met before right? Back at the frog incident. Hey did you know that literally every other school has their frogs shipped in already dead? Yours is the only school I know that shipped them in alive. I mean, what were you gonna do? Were you gonna kill them all yourself or were you gonna make the students do it when they dissected them?" Principal Huggins started to sweat. "I'm just wondering what the school board would say if they heard about this."
"Ok! You win! You can have the comic!" Principal Huggins got up and walked over to his bag to get out Lincoln's comic.
"Thank you!" Rick tried to take the comic from Principal Huggins though he didn't seem to loosen his grip on it. "Uh, let go?" Rick pulled harder but Principal Huggins still didn't let go of it.
Principal Huggins then noticed a strange device in Rick's coat pocket. Using his other hand, he quickly snatched it from him. "What is this supposed to be?"
"That's my portal gun, give it back!"
"You brought a gun to school grounds?!"
"It fires portals, dipshit, now give it back!" The two then fought over both the comic and the portal gun. In the midst of their struggle, Principal Huggins accidentally activated the scanner on Rick's portal gun which scanned Lincoln's comic book. The portal gun fritzed out for a moment before firing a portal. Unlike the other portals, this glitched out one started to suck in everyone in the room. Everyone screamed as they were sucked in and everything went black.
Lincoln groaned and rubbed his head as he began to regain consciousness. "Ugh, what happened."
His eyes then widened as he looked down at what he was wearing, which appeared to be Ace Savvy's outfit. "No way!" He got up and looked around at his surroundings. "Is this Ace Savvy's secret headquarters?!" Lincoln then heard groaning as he saw his sisters and Clyde lying around, also starting to wake up. They were also wearing the same outfits from Lincoln's comic.
"Ugh...what happened?" Lana asked.
"What am I wearing?" Lori asked.
Clyde gasped. "This is Ace Savvy's secret headquarters!"
"What is going on here?!" Lola shouted.
Nearby, an automatic door opened up as Rick stepped inside, now dressed as a butler. "Ok, why am I dressed like this? I didn't realise butlers were such a massive superhero cliche. I thought that was just a Batman thing."
The Loud siblings and Clyde all started to crowd around Rick. "Grandpa Rick, what's happening?" Lincoln asked.
"Isn't it obvious Lincoln? We're inside your comic book!"
All of them stared at Rick in shock. Especially Clyde. "Wha?"
"My portal scanner scanned Lincoln's comic. It glitched out. It must have created some...crazy alternate reality made up from Lincoln's comic and sucked us all into it. None of this is even real!"
Clyde turned to Lincoln. "Does this kind of stuff happen to you guys regularly?"
Lincoln shrugged. "Kinda."
"Dude, you've gotta take me on these adventures more often."
"Ehhh..." Lincoln wasn't too sure about that.
Lisa still seemed baffled. "How is this even scientifically possible?!"
"It's a bunch of sciencey, mumbo jumbo bullshit, it'd take forever to explain. Look, I know what all of you are thinking. This is the stupidest shit you've ever been through. And I agree with you. But don't worry, if I can find my portal gun, I can fix all of this."
"Well, where is it?" Luna asked.
"No idea." Rick answered. "Maybe Principal frog killer has it wherever he is."
"Well, what are we supposed to do now then?" Lori asked.
Everyone started to hear beeping. They looked towards the giant screen in the room as a news report came on. "Breaking news! Witnesses have reported sightings of a giant gas monster somewhere around the city." As the newsman said this, a blurred photo of the monster came up on screen. "We don't know where it came from or what it wants, all we know is that it's leaving a really foul stench."
Lincoln grinned. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking? While we're here, why don't we try actually being superheroes?"
While Clyde beamed at the idea, his sisters were a bit more apprehensive. "I don't know..." Lori said.
Lynn especially seemed against the idea. "Seriously?"
"Come on guys, haven't any of you wondered what it'd be like to actually be superheroes?" Lincoln asked.
"...I guess it can't hurt to try." Lucy conceded.
"Oh, it totally could." Luan added. "But eh, what the heck. I'm game."
"Yeah, you kids have fun, I'll be busy doing the actual work, trying to find Principal Dipshit." Rick snarked.
Lori rode the van through the large city that seemed to be stuck in perpetual night time until they eventually came across the foul stench. Everyone got out the van and followed Lincoln and Clyde as they tried to follow the scent. "Ugh, it's like sauerkraut and hot garbage!" Clyde remarked as his face scrunched up. "The gas is everywhere! There's no way to tell which direction it's-" he then heard a squelching sound as he realised he just stepped in something. "Ugh." He picked whatever he stepped in off his shoe. "I seem to have stepped in some sort of lumpy, viscous ooze!" He then noticed a trail of the ooze and pointed to it. "Look!"
"Follow that ooze!" Lincoln ordered as everyone followed after him and Clyde. As they followed the trail, Lincoln noticed the gas was starting to get thicker. "We must be getting close. Keep a sharp eye out, Jack!"
"I'm way ahead of you."
Lori cringed. "This is literally going to be really disgusting isn't it.
They followed the trail into an alleyway when suddenly, the gas monster revealed himself, roaring at the gang and giving them an evil grin. "Pee-yew, that stinks. Did you make this guy, Lori?" Luan joked, earning a glare from Lori.
Lincoln held out a couple of cards. "Ok guys, it's time to deal out some justice!"
"'Bout time we got some action!" Lynn said before charging towards the monster.
Lincoln held his hand out to stop her. "Lynn, wait!" He was too late as Lynn charged at the monster, only to go through him and hit the wall behind it.
Clyde gasped. "She pierced right through him!"
The monster then grabbed and picked up Lynn. She struggled to get out of his fist as the monster laughed at her. "Yet he's somehow able to grab us!" Lincoln stated.
Lori then came to a realisation. "Wait, what's my superpower again? All I did was drive everyone around!"
Lisa looked at some of the gadgets she had brought with her. She didn't make any of it so she wasn't really familiar with it. "I'm going to need a moment."
Lucy looked down at her shovel then back at the monster. "What am I supposed to do with this?"
Luan then decided to try something as she threw a bomb towards the monster. "Hey, stinky! How about a little laughing gas?" The bomb let out some gas which only got absorbed into the monster, having very little effect on him. Luan looked disappointed. "Well, good thing I'm used to bombing. Heh heh..."
Clyde was starting to panic. "Lincoln, what do we do?"
Lincoln tried to stay confident. "Don't worry, I think I have a plan. Luna! Blast your guitar at him!" Luna nodded and got up close to the monster before unleashing a loud note on it. The monster dropped Lynn as he roared in agony from his ears being pierced. "Lola! Use your cape to blind it!" Lola flashed her cape. The light shining from the diamonds blinded the monster. He tried to shield his eyes as he floated back towards a fire hydrant. "Lana, open up that fire hydrant!" Lana ran towards the fire hydrant and opened it up with her wrench, causing water to spray at the monster. "Quick Leni! While it's distracted, snare it with your sash!"
"But like, won't it go through him or something?" Leni asked.
"Don't worry, your sash is magic!"
Leni shrugged before using her sash to snare the monster. "Wah!" The monster then thrashed around, trying to free itself from the sash which caused Leni to get dragged around.
"Hang on, Leni!" Lincoln flew up and grabbed the other side of the sash. Lincoln and Leni's combined strength managed to keep the monster still. "Lisa! You-"
"Already on it!" Lisa threw a small box underneath the monster and then pressed a button on a remote. The box then sucked the monster into it, sealing it in.
Everyone then took a moment to catch their breaths before Lincoln cheered. "That was awesome! We did it guys! Now, let's head back to base."
As the sisters followed Lincoln and Clyde back to the van, they all couldn't help but feel disappointed. Some of them barely did anything that impressive during the battle while some of them didn't really do anything at all. Lynn especially felt irritated. She felt utterly disgusted at how useless she looked during the whole battle. Especially compared to Lincoln, who was hardly the strongest person in her family. "There's no way it would have happened like that in the real world." She muttered to herself.
The Full House Gang returned to their secret headquarters to see Rick sat on swivel chair, watching the giant screen and eating some popcorn. He spun around to face them with a smug looking grin. "Oh hey, did you guys have fun fighting a literal fart?"
"What are you doing?" Lori asked.
"I thought I'd look around for a bit and found a spy camera." Rick explained. "You know, the ones that fly around and follow you? Anyway, I thought I'd watch the whole thing. And I have to say: wow. Just wow."
Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know, you don't like superheroes. It was still pretty fun though, right guys?" All of them looked sheepish, not wanting to really answer that question. "Guys?"
"Not really." Lynn admitted.
"W-Why not?"
"Uh, cus it stunk! You do know that'd never happen in real life, right? I looked like a chump!"
"To be fair, you did kinda charge in without thinking."
"Whatever! It's not like any of this is real anyway. This is all just some dorky fantasy of yours."
Lincoln frowned. "I'm uh...I'm gonna look around the hideout a bit. To see if there's a bathroom." Lincoln then walked off.
"Uh, me too." Clyde said before following Lincoln.
As soon as they both left, Lynn decided to say what had been on her mind for a while. "This whole superhero thing stinks!"
Rick grinned. "Finally, someone gets it."
"It's so dumb! You don't get strong just by magically getting 'superpowers'. You get strong by working for it!"
"Don't forget how inconsistent it is. I mean, people can't touch a gas monster but water can? How does that make sense?"
Lori frowned. "Look guys, I'll admit, I'm not really a fan of the whole superhero thing either but you really don't need to shove it in Lincoln's face."
"Why are you even defending him Lori? You do realise he's basically made you a glorified uber driver, right?" Rick asked.
"Yeah what gives? Didn't we all used to make fun of Lincoln's dorky comic obsession?" Lynn asked.
"Look, I don't think Lincoln intentionally made us look weak. Maybe there's just something about it we're missing." Lori argued. "And Lynn, look, I've been talking to Lincoln a lot lately." She had been doing so ever since the dream incident though she didn't mention that. "He's always kind of felt like he wasn't that talented compared to the rest of us. Now that he's finally found his own talent, I just don't think it'd be right to keep making fun of him over it." This was mostly Lori's own reasoning as the other sisters also had their own reasons. Luan knew what it felt like to have your talent get thrown back in your face and didn't want to put Lincoln through that. Likewise, Lola knew what it was like to lose something you were passionate about and after encouraging Lincoln do this in the first place, she didn't think it'd be right to make fun of him for it. Lucy felt like she was the last person that should be making fun of someone for their interests though like the rest of her sisters, she only really did it because the others were doing it.
Rick rolled his eyes. "So? I wouldn't exactly call making superhero comics a talent. If he wants to find a talent that's actually usefiul, he should try focusing on science."
"Or he could try getting into sports." Lynn argued. "He probably wouldn't feel so bad about himself if he beefed up a bit."
Lori started to get frustrated. "Ugh, whatever. All I'm saying is if you two keep going on at Lincoln like this, eventually, he's just not going to want to go near either of you."
Both Rick and Lynn's eyes widened at that comment.
Lincoln and Clyde were in the midst of a conversation as they made their way back to everyone else. "So, you seem to be handling yourself around Lori a lot better." Lincoln remarked.
"Huh. Oh, yeah. I'm trying to get over Lori. I realised it was time to start looking at that kinda stuff a bit more realistically. There's no way we'd ever work out." Lincoln didn't say it but he was extremely glad to hear that. "So you're not upset by what Lynn and your grandpa were saying?"
"Clyde, when you live with ten sisters and a crazy grandpa, you've gotta have a thick skin. So no, I'm not really upset about it."
Clyde shrugged. "If you say so."
The two then entered the main room. Lincoln noticed that Rick was uncharacteristically quiet while Lynn was giving him an apologetic look. "Hey Lincoln, I-"
Whatever Lynn was about to say was interrupted by a beeping noise coming from the screen. "Is someone calling us?" Lincoln went over to the screen and pushed a button to answer the call.
Clyde looked at the screen in surprise at who was calling them. "Wild Card Willy?"
Lincoln's eyes widened in realisation. "No that's...Principal Huggins!"
"Louds." Principal Huggins greeted. It may have been the Wild Card Willy outfit he was wearing or the look he was giving them but there seemed to be something sinister about him now. "I've heard rumours of your super scientist grandpa but I never imagined I would one day find myself in a superhero comic!"
"Hey asshole, where's my portal gun?!" Rick shouted.
"Oh you mean this?" Principal Huggins picked up the portal gun from off screen. "Is this what you want? Well too bad! It's mine now! If you want it so bad though, why don't you come and find me?" He laughed before ending the call.
Rick glared at the screen. "That son of a bitch!"
"How are we supposed to find him?" Luna asked.
Lincoln then realised something. "Guys, that place that he was recording from! It's the warehouse from the end of the comic. I know where to find him!"
"Then there's no time to waste." Lori stated. The Full House Gang then made their way to the van, leaving Rick behind.
As Lori drove the van, she decided to ask Lincoln. "So, do we have any other superpowers that we don't know about yet?"
Lincoln scratched the back of his head, slightly embarrassed that his excitement had caused him to neglect explaining to his sisters about their powers. "Yeah, I probably should have told you this earlier. I based the Full House Gang off what you guys could already do. So whatever you guys did, the Full House Gang could do better."
Everyone thought about what that would mean for their powers. As Lynn was thinking, her stomach suddenly grumbled. "Ugh."
"Maybe you should have gone before we left, Lynn." Lincoln said.
Lynn waved her hand dismissively. "No way, I never go to the John before a game. That's bad luck."
Lincoln didn't know why but he suddenly felt a chill down his spine upon hearing that. As if what Lynn said was the sign of some incoming cosmic horror. Lincoln shook his head. He was probably just imagining things.
Eventually, the van reached the warehouse. Everyone got out and went inside to see Principal Huggins sat on a chair in the centre of the warehouse, twirling the portal gun around his finger. "So, you figured out where to find me."
"Principal Huggins, why are you doing this?" Lincoln asked.
Principal Huggins chuckled. "You know, at first, I only took your comic to make sure you wouldn't enter the contest. After all, less competition meant that I had a better chance of winning."
Lincoln gave him a surprised look. "You like Ace Savvy?"
"Yes." Principal Huggins admitted. He then started to look downcast. "When I heard how great your comic was, I knew mine wouldn't stand a chance. You see, when I was your age, I didn't have a lot of friends. But I had Ace. Those comics meant the world to me. I wanted to win the contest so I could meet Bill Buck and thank him for getting me through a lonely childhood." Lincoln then saw a crazed look enter his eyes as he stood up and gestured to everything around him. "But this is SO much better! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd ever actually be in a comic book. If I stayed here, I could be a real life superhero!" He the glared at the Full House Gang. "All I have to do is take all of you out." The Full House Gang went on guard, preparing for whatever Principal Huggins had in store for them. He then looked at the portal gun. "You know, this is truly an amazing device. I had no idea that alternate universes were actually real! And visiting them has certainly given me a good idea of how to defeat you." Suddenly, an army of Wild Card Willys emerged from hiding. "Meet the league of alternate Wild Cards!"
Lana stared at the army in fear. "Lincoln, what are we gonna do?"
Lincoln narrowed his eyes. "It's time to deal out some justice." Lincoln and Clyde then lept into action, fighting back against the AU Wild Cards. Leni and Luna then followed after them. Leni used her sash to tie up and knock them all the down while Luna used her guitar to blast them all back.
Lori then noticed two of the Wild Cards approaching her. After thinking about what Lincoln said, she realised what other powers she had. "STOP!" Both of the Wild Cards froze in fear. "Nice!" She then easily knocked them out with two punches.
Lynn noticed a row of Wild Cards. She then got into a charging position. "Ten hut!" She then charged forward at lightning speed. She then stopped and turned around to see a row of Wild Cards lying on the floor, moaning in pain. "Heh heh."
After noticing a Wild Card approach her, Luan gave him a demented grin. "Hey, wanna hear a joke? What do you get when you cross a power hungry, comic stealing principal with a crazed clown? YOU GET WHAT YOU FRIGGING DESERVE!" She then pulled out an actual gun and fired at the Wild Card.
However, instead of a bullet, all that came out of the gun was a little flag with the word 'BANG!' on it. Luan laughed at the terrified look on the Wild Card's face before getting out an extendible boxing glove to knock his lights out with.
As a Wild Card approached her, Lucy clasped her hands together. "Oh spirits, heed me, I need your help. Help me take down this pathetic whelp!" A ghost then emerged from the ground in front of the Wild Card and screeched in his face, causing him to faint from shock.
As Lana found herself surrounded by a group of Wild Cards, she stuck her fingers in her mouth and blew a whistle. An army of rats then emerged and started climbing onto and biting the Wild Cards, causing them to panic.
Confronting a Wild Card, Lola started to do a ballerina spin before leaping into the air and delivering a round house kick, instantly knocking him out. Meanwhile, Lisa was effortlessly knocking out Wild Cards left and right, using nothing more than a taser. Despite the gang taking out so many of the Wild Cards, there appeared to a never ending supply of them as the group were starting to feel overwhelmed. "There's too many of them!" Clyde called out. "What do we do?"
Everyone then heard a large explosion. They then turned towards a hole in the wall where Rick stepped in, holding a large laser gun. Instead of the butler outfit, he was now wearing his regular outfit. "Hey, I'm Rick Sanchez."
"My superpower is that I can do anything but only when I want to."
The Wilds Cards stared at him apprehensively. One of them then spoke up. "What are you all waiting for? Get him!" The Wild Card charged towards Rick, only to get instantly vaporised by his laser gun. The Wild Cards stared in shock for a moment before erupting in a panic, screaming and flailing their arms around, trying to leave the warehouse. Eventually, the only one that was left was the original Huggins who stood frozen in fear at Rick. Rick walked up to Principal Huggins and snatched the portal gun off of him before tearing off the scanner and throwing it to the ground. He then fiddled with the portal gun for a moment before firing a portal which once again sucked everyone into it, making everything go black.
Once again, everyone slowly woke up. This time, back in Principal Huggins' office and back in their own clothes. Principal Huggins groaned and rubbed his head before looking up to see the furious face of Rick. Principal Huggins looked at him in fear as he got to his knees and clasped his hands. "P-Please don't hurt me!"
"Hmm." Rick held his chin in thought. "Ok."
Principal Huggins breathed a sigh of relief. "AH!" Rick then fired a portal underneath Principal Huggins, sending him to who knows where.
Lincoln stared at Rick in shock. "What did you do that for?!"
"Because he fucked with me Lincoln! Nobody fucks with me!" Rick snapped. "I wasted a whole afternoon in a comic book thanks to that jackass. Besides, who cares, the guy brought in live frogs for kids to dissect, he clearly had issues."
Lincoln frowned. He couldn't help but feel like the whole incident with Principal Huggins could have gone a lot better. Still, maybe he's alright wherever he is now. Maybe.
"Guys, look!" Luna pointed towards a clock on the wall. "While we were in the comic, time hasn't passed at all!"
"Really?" Lincoln was then struck by inspiration. "Then maybe there's time to make a few adjustments."
"Willy, why do you always have to play dirty cards?" Ace Savvy asked as he ripped off Wild Card Willy's handkerchief.
Wild Card Willy gave him a downtrodden look. "I'm not an evil guy. I was just dealt a bad hand. As a lonely kid, the only game I knew was Solitaire."
One-eyed Jack glared at him. "So you think that justifies all the crimes you committed? All those people you hurt?"
Ace Savvy folded his arms. "Sorry, Willy. You may have been dealt a bad hand, but that doesn't give you an excuse to play dirty. I'm afraid you're going away for a long time."
The elderly comic book artist, Bill Buck, grinned upon finishing Lincoln's comic. "Heh, I loved the ending! Everything's all about redemption arcs these days. It's refreshing to see something a bit more realistic."
Lincoln, along with his sisters, Clyde and Rick, were standing in Bill Buck's studio. "Let's just say recent events helped inspire that ending."
"You should keep at this Lincoln. I think you've got a real future in the comic industry. I just know it!" Lincoln beamed at Bill Buck's praise.
"Hey, what did you think of the Queen of Diamonds? Wasn't she your favorite part?" Lola asked before she got out a sheet of paper from her bag. "Here! Let me show you some of my ideas for an action figure and a bed sheet set."
The rest of the siblings and Clyde all crowded around Bill, wanting to talk about any possible merchandise while Rick just rolled his eyes. "Whoa! This is kind of a...full house!" Bill Buck joked.
Rick returned home with the Loud siblings while Clyde returned to his home. They all went into the living room. "Dudes, I gotta admit, blasting dudes with my guitar was pretty fun." Luna admitted.
"Yeah, I guess after I figured out my powers, the whole superhero thing wasn't so bad." Lori also admitted.
Lincoln grinned. "In that case, I have an idea." He turned to Rick. "Grandpa Rick, do you think you could make real versions of the superhero outfits we had?"
Rick groaned. "Seriously?" Lincoln nodded while the sisters all looked at him expectantly. "You guys know I have literally no reason to do that, right?" Rick's phone then started to ring. He picked it up. "Hello?" Rick then walked off into another room to talk to whoever was on the phone. A few minutes later, he came back in grumbling to himself. "Goddamn Vindicators..." He turned to the kids. "Well, turns out I actually do have a reason to make those outfits now. Whoop de doo." The Loud kids started to cheer while Rick took a sip from his flask. "Ugh. Okay everyone follow me into the garage."
As everyone followed him, Lynn lingered behind for a moment. She stared at Lincoln wistfully as he went off with the rest of his sisters.