Lincoln yawned as he woke up. After getting out of bed and stretching his arms and legs, he sighed upon opening the door, seeing the rest of his siblings standing in line for the bathroom. It wasn't exactly fun having to wait for the bathroom, though he supposed it couldn't be helped when you have ten other siblings. He went to stand behind the last person that woke up before him, Lucy. "Morning, Lucy."
"Morning." A still tired Lucy mumbled.
There was a moment of silence for a moment before Lincoln decided to start up a conversation to alleviate the bordom. "Got any plans for today?"
"Meh." Lucy mumbled.
A thought then hit Lincoln. It had been a while since Lucy had talked about ghosts or spirits. In fact, he hadn't heard her talk about them ever since the valentines day incident. He supposed after that, she probably wouldn't have wanted to think about ghosts for a while. "Seen any ghosts lately or anything?"
Lucy suddenly jolted awake. "N-No! I haven't seen anything."
Lincoln gave Lucy an odd look before shrugging. He supposed she still didn't want to talk about that kind of subject. "Ok." After that, the two were silent until it was their turn to use the bathroom.
After using the bathroom, Lucy retreated to her room, slamming the door shut and leaning against it. "Sigh. I don't know if I should keep you guys a secret any longer. Maybe I should tell them." There was a moment of silence, as if Lucy was listening to someone. "Are you guys really okay with that?" Another moment of silence. "Sigh. Ok. I really hope this won't be a mistake."
Lucy entered the garage, seeing Rick doing what he usually does. Working on some kind of device. "Hey, Grandpa Rick?"
"How would you react if I told you that ghosts were real?"
Rick put down the device and turned around. "Well, I'd say that's another thing you and your great grandma have in common. She used to say the same thing."
Lucy slumped. "So, I'm guessing you don't believe in them then?"
"I never said that. I used to think they were bullshit until I found that for some alien races, their ghosts are visible after they die." Rick then shuddered, as if remembering something unpleasant.
"Huh. So, have you ever made anything that lets people see them?"
"Honestly Lucy, the afterlife isn't something I've ever been interested in. Lemme guess though, you want me to make some kind of device that lets all of your siblings see and hear ghosts. Am I right?"
Lucy nodded. "I'd really appreciate that."
"Not like I have a goddamn choice..." Rick grumbled to himself before he got to work.
"So, what exactly was it you wanted to show us, Lucy?" Lori asked as she, the rest of her siblings (apart from Lily) and Rick all stood outside Lucy's room. Apart from Lucy, they were all wearing goggles that Rick had made for them. Rick had not yet explained what the goggles did.
"I...can't explain it." Lucy admitted. "Just brace yourselves. This might come across as a bit of a shock."
With that, Lucy took a deep breath and opened the door to their room. Like Lucy had predicted, all of her siblings gasped in shock as they found themselves staring face to face with none other than themselves. Specifically, the ghosts of themselves. "Ok, gotta admit, I wasn't expecting this." Rick admitted.
"This is pretty messed up dudes." Luna remarked.
Lori stared at the ghostly versions of her siblings until she finally found her voice. "Okay, I literally have so many questions." She turned to Lucy. "First off, you've actually been able to see ghosts this whole time?"
"Why would I make that up?" Lucy asked.
"!" Lori and everyone else then looked at Rick, as if expecting an answer from him.
"Hey, how should I know?" Rick asked." I mean, m-maybe it's like Beetlejuice or something. Maybe goths can just see ghosts for whatever reason."
Lori sighed in annoyance. "Okay. Second." She gestured to the ghosts. "! How are we literally being haunted by ourselves?!"
"We literally have no idea." Ghost Lori replied.
"The last thing we saw was Grandpa Rick work on his ionic defibulizer. Then all of a sudden, we all woke up in Lucy's room." Lincon explained.
"I'm not certain, but I think this happened because we never game them a proper funeral and just buried them in our back yard." Lucy guessed.
The alive siblings began to frown as they began to think about the implications of this situation. "It's okay. We're not mad at you guys for replacing us or anything." Ghost Lori reassured them. "We totally understand."
"Well, I'm a little mad." Ghost Lucy added. "Did you really have to bury me like this?" She gestured to what she was wearing. She, along with Lincoln and Lori, were wearing the same outfits that they wore on valentines day.
Ghost Lana then slumped with an upset look on her face. "It kinda sucks that no one knows we're gone." She then perked up. "But it's not like it's you guys' fault we're dead."
Lori sighed, trying ignore the feeling of guilt that was starting to rear its head. "Okay, third question, where's your Rick?"
"We have no idea." Ghost Lincoln responded. "We haven't seen him since we died."
Luan nudged Luna before whispering. "Do you think he's..." She pointed downwards.
Luna gave her an appalled look. "Dude! Come on."
"Ok, just one more question." Lori said. "Have you guys literally just been staying in this room this whole time?"
"Like, I didn't get it when I was alive, but this room is actually totes comfy." Ghost Leni explained.
"I wasn't sure if it was a good idea for them to leave the room." Lucy explained. "Besides, I've been telling them everything that's happened to us anyway."
Ghost Lola then scowled at her living counterpart. "Yeah, speaking of that, how could you ruin MY pageant career?! You know how many years I put into that?!"
Lola started to look nervous. "I...I.."
"Give it a rest Lola." Ghost Lana chastised. "It's not as if you can do pageants any more anyway."
Ghost Lola huffed and crossed her arms. "Point taken."
"Don't you guys want to...move on though?" Lori asked.
Ghost Luna shrugged. "Eh. This isn't so bad."
"Sorry for keeping this a secret from you guys." Lucy then said. "I didn't think you guys would've reacted well if I told you earlier."
"It's okay, Lucy." Lori then put her hands on her hips as she then addressed the ghosts. "But it's not right, you guys just staying in here. From now on, feel free to go wherever you want."
"Are you guys sure about this?" Lucy asked. "None of you have ever dealt with ghosts before."
Lincoln looked downwards. "Well it is their house after all..." He looked back up. "Besides, it's just another version of us. What could go wrong?"
After that meeting, everyone went back to their own rooms, attempting to go about their day as normal along with their ghostly counterparts. While Lori still felt guilty about what happened to them as well as replacing them, she still felt really uncomfortable around them. Not just because they were basically the ghosts of themselves but also because they were a dark reminder that they didn't really belong in this world. Despite this, she put on a friendly face around them. "So...what is it you guys do now, exactly?"
Ghost Lori shrugged. "Not much. I mean, we literally have no responsibilities any more." She then sighed. "Still, it'd be nice to talk to Bobby again."
" mean my Bobby?"
Ghost Lori chucked. "I mean, he was my Bobby first." She gave an apologetic look to Lori upon seeing a deep frown appear on her face. "Oh, sorry."
"I-It's fine!" Lori said, trying to hide her discomfort. She then got out her phone. "I guess there's no harm in letting you say something to him."
To Lori's surprise, Ghost Lori was able to grab the phone from her. Ghost Lori then squealed. "Ooh, you have no idea how much I've missed this!" She quickly texted a message to Bobby before taking a selfie and sending it to him.
Lori then snatched the phone back from her. "What are you doing?! You can't just send Bobby a selfie!"
Ghost Lori gave Lori another apologetic look. "Oh. Right. Sorry."
Meanwhile at the Santiago's house, Bobby jumped and screamed in horror after receiving a photo of a corpse-like Lori with hollow eyes.
Later on, Leni was in her room, using her sewing machine. As she was sewing, Ghost Leni stared at her wistfully. "Aww. I wish I could start making dresses again."
Leni smiled. "Well, you could help me out. Could you bring over that fabric over there?" She said, pointing towards the fabric.
Ghost Leni smiled. "Sure!" As she floated over to get the fabric, Leni went back to concentrating on sewing. "Got it!"
Leni looked up before screaming at sight of a floating sheet. "Aah! A ghost!" She then started to run around the room in a panic.
"A ghost?! Where?!" Ghost Leni shrieked before joining Leni in panicking, which unfortunately made Leni think she was chasing after her.
Luna was trying to practice with her guitar though she was finding Ghost Luna's presence too distracting. She sighed, putting down her guitar and deciding to just start up a conversation. "So, what's it like being a ghost?"
Ghost Luna shrugged. "It's not so bad. Don't really feel anything but I never get hungry or tired or anything like that."
"Sure you don't wish you could move on or something?"
"It's fine." Ghost Luna started to look downcast. "Besides, after what I did, I'm probably lucky to just be a ghost."
Luna's eyes widened for a second before she laughed nervously. "Eh he he, say don't you wanna have a go at your old axe?" She quickly picked up her guitar.
Ghost Luna then perked up as Luna handed her the guitar. "Really? Man, it's been so long. Hope I'm not rusty."
Ghost Luna then started a very long riff. A riff that mesmerised Luna. After a while, Luna's eyes widened as she started to become aware of her surroundings. Her room had started to look like Hell itself while Ghost Luna's appearance started to become more and more demonic. As Luna started to sweat from the heat, it was suddenly over as all of a sudden, everything was back to normal. "So, how was that?" Ghost Luna asked.
"P-Pretty good!" Luna nervously said. While Luna would admit that it was one of the most awesome riffs she ever heard, it still left her terrified.
Later on, Luan was in her room, practicing a comedy routine. "So I said: You wouldn't give him any change? What are ya? Hobophobic?" Luan then groaned in frustration. "Ugh! That sucked. Come on Luan. You can do better than just puns."
"Watcha doing?" Ghost Luan asked.
"Gah!" Luan jumped. "Oh hey. Just trying to think of some jokes that don't completely suck." Luan couldn't help but envy Ghost Luan a bit. Not having to really appease anyone any more. "Don't suppose you gotta any ideas?"
"Sorry. But I guess you don't have a ghost of a chance!" Ghost Luan giggled. "Get it?"
"Uhh, hehe..." Luan laughed half-heartedly, not really finding it all that funny.
"Actually, I have been working on my clown act." Ghost Luan spun around before assuming the appearance of a clown. However, Luan found her appearance less funny and more horrifying. She was wearing a silver suit, similar to Italian opera clowns and had wild orange hair. Her face had two red lines starting above her eyes, streaming down the cheeks, and ending at the corners of her mouth. Her nose looked like it was painted red. What really disturbed Luan though was the demonic, orange eyes, the sharp yellow teeth and the weirdly large forehead. "So, does this float your boat?"
Luan couldn't even bring herself to do a fake laugh at that one.
Like her other siblings, Lynn soon discovered that while the ghosts were unable to touch most things, they were still somehow able to interact with things that they had a strong connection to when they were alive. In Lynn's case, it was her sports equipment, which gave her the idea to try playing game of soccer against herself. Lynn currently had the ball and was running towards the goal before Ghost Lynn suddenly rose up from the ground in front of her, causing Lynn to jump backwards. "Wah!"
Ghost Lynn took advantage of this and stole the ball from Lynn. She dribbled it back towards her goal before taking a shot and scoring a goal. GOAL! Woo hoo!" Ghost Lynn cheered before starting a victory dance. "Lynn-er, Lynn-er, chicken dinner!"
An annoyed Lynn then approached her. "Hey, that's not fair! You cheated! You didn't win at all!"
"I said I WON!" Ghost Lynn suddenly bellowed in a thunderous, demonic voice, her face a look of absolute fury.
This made Lynn shrink back in fear. "O-Ok." She said meekly.
Lincoln was currently in the living room, playing a game of Muscle Fish with Ronnie Anne. "You're going down, Ronnie Anne!" Lincoln taunted.
"Fat chance Lame-O!" Ronnie Anne shot back as the two fought against each other.
As they kept playing, neither of them were aware of Ghost Lincoln watching them play as Lincoln wasn't wearing his goggles. He sighed as he recalled the last thing he had said to Ronnie Anne. As he watched the TV, he wondered if there was someway he could communicate with them.
"Come on!" Lincoln grunted as he had managed to get Ronnie Anne's character down to her last slither of health. All of a sudden, the game was interrupted as screen was now filled with red static. "What the?"
"Uh, what just happened?" Ronnie Anne asked.
As a low humming noise came from the TV, both Lincoln and Ronnie Anne could barely make out an image appearing on it. To both their horror, it appeared to be an image of Lincoln; grinning with hollow eyes. Lincoln immediately got up and turned the TV off. "Ha ha, gotcha!"
Ronnie Anne gave Lincoln a confused look. "Huh?"
"I-It was a prank. Man, you should have seen the look on your face!" Lincoln bluffed, inwardly praying that Ronnie Anne would buy it.
Ronnie Anne stared at Lincoln for a moment before she started snickering. "Wow. That actually got me. Not bad, Lincoln." She gave Lincoln a light punch on the arm as he laughed nervously.
"Woo hoo!" Lana cheered as she dived into a mud puddle at the park. She giggled as she rolled around and played in the mud.
"Woo hoo!" Lana heard Ghost Lana cheer as she too dived into the mud. Somehow, Ghost Lana seemed to have dived deeper than Lana as she wasn't resurfacing.
Lana stared at the spot that Ghost Lana dived into. "Uh, hello? Ghost me?"
Suddenly, a large creature made entirely of mud rose from the puddle. Lana stared at the creature in fear before it finally spoke. "Hi, Lana!"
Lana then heard a nearby woman shriek. "Swamp monster!" She looked around as everyone at the park started panicking.
Lola was sat in class during a show and tell. After the last classmate returned to his seat after showing off his trading cards, Lola was then called up. While Lola was once considered the most popular girl in class, her reputation had taken a massive hit after the pageant incident. Now, most of her classmates either feared her or hated her. Which was why for once, she was somewhat nervous to go up for show and tell. She faced the class, swallowing her nerves and clearing her throat. "So, instead of one of my pageant trophies, I wanted to show you this dance that I recorded." It was something that Lola had put a lot of work into. She was hoping that her new passion might help her classmates forget about the unfortunate incident that ended her pageant career.
She got out a DVD and inserted it into the DVD player. The TV then showed Lola in the living room, dressed in a ballerina outfit as she started a dance. The video was normal for a while as Lola started off with some simple moves before it suddenly cut to footage of a dark rainy alleyway. Lola could be seen in the background in her old outfit, looking downwards with her hair hanging in front of her face. It then cut back to the dancing. A moment later, it cut back to the alleyway. Everything looked the same apart from Lola had somehow gotten closer to the camera. It cut back to the dancing again. The next time it cut back to the alleyway, Lola's corpse-like face was now right up to the camera, staring intently at it. As all of Lola's classmates screamed, Lola stared at the TV, mortified.
"Ah, finally finished." Lisa said to herself as she admired her work. She had just finished constructing a robot that was made using some unorthodox parts including a printer, a calculator and a fire extinguisher. There wasn't much reason for her to make this robot other than to test her abilities. Just in case she was ever in a situation where she needed to make something but she didn't quite have the right tools. She had the idea after finding out about Rick's skills with recycling things into his inventions. She pushed the robot into her closet, deciding to test it later as she still had some other experiments she wanted to work on.
After going back to her desk, she suddenly heard an odd moaning sound coming from her closet. Lisa's eyes widened as she looked towards the closet. "Is...that you, alternate me?" Lisa then slowly crept towards the closet before opening it up.
Lisa then jumped back as the robot turned itself on. "Greetings, my still functioning counterpart. I have just discovered that I have the ability to possess this automaton you have created."
Lisa scratched her chin. "Fascinating. Please, tell me, what's it like controlling it?"
"It's-" The robot suddenly slumped over as it emitted a horrible, groaning sound for a few seconds, causing Lisa to stand back in fear. The robot then went back to normal. "Apologies. I must admit, I don't feel completely comfortable in this body. Something about it doesn't quite feel right."
Lisa adjusted her glasses. "I-I see. Hmm. This does give me an idea though."
"Yo, Rick! Where you at?" Rick called out as he searched the house. Ever since the meeting, he'd been curious to see if his ghost was actually around. He supposed it would have been interesting to talk to a dead Rick. Eventually, he went into the garage and as luck would have it, his ghost was there, just huddled in a corner with his back to Rick. Rick slowly approached his counterpart. It turned out he was looking at a photo of all the siblings. "Uh, hello?"
"I'll never give up on you, kids." Ghost Rick suddenly said. "I know you're out there...somewhere."
Rick waved his hand in front of the ghost's face. "Hello? Your grandkids are upstairs. Are you even listening?"
Ghost Rick took no notice of Rick and simply kept talking to himself. "I was a fool, kids. I treated you guys like crap. I swear, if I ever see you kids again, I'll make it up to you. I'll be better. I promise."
Rick stared at the ghost, suddenly feeling extremely uncomfortable with what he was hearing. He then heard someone clearing their throat from behind him. "Grandpa Rick?"
"WHOA! Hey, Lisa! What's going on?" Rick turned around, trying to act casual.
Lisa raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn't think much of Rick's behaviour. "I believe I may have found a solution to this ghost problem we're having, though I require your help."
"Oh, hey, that's great!" Rick said as he started to push Lisa out of the garage. "W-Why don't we talk about it in your room?"
Lily was in the living room, playing with some toy blocks, completely unaware of her ghostly siblings that were around her, watching her. Ghost Lori sighed. "Oh, Lily. I'm sorry we had to leave you like this."
"Least she still thinks we're around." Ghost Luna argued.
Meanwhile, the live siblings, apart from Lisa, were all having a meeting in Lori and Leni's room. "It's not fair!" Lola cried. "Everyone was just starting to forget about what happened! Now they're all scared of me again!"
"You mean they weren't always scared of you?" Lynn snarked. Lola glared at her and gave an angry growl in response, causing Lynn to raise her hands defensively. "Ok, ok! Sorry."
Lori pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay. I'll admit, we probably should have thought this through. Letting them hang around the house was a bad idea. We need to get rid of them."
"That seems a little callous." Lucy argued.
"Easy for you to say! You're the only one who hasn't had any problems with them." Lynn countered.
Lucy shrugged. "I'm used to dealing with ghosts."
"Getting rid of them isn't necessarily a bad thing for them." Lori assured them. "All we need to do is just help them move on. Right?"
"Are you sure that's what they want?" Lucy asked.
"Why wouldn't they? If we died, we'd rather just move on. Right?" There was a moment of silence as none of the siblings were sure how to answer that. "Lucy, haven't you ever talked to any of these ghosts about the afterlife?"
Lucy shook her head. "None of them knew what the afterlife was like. Or if there even was one."
"So, if we just dig up their bodies, take them to the graveyard and give them a proper funeral, does that mean they'll move on?" Lincoln asked.
Lori sighed. "There's no way we could do something like that without getting caught."
"To be fair, I didn't say that was definitely the reason they were haunting us." Lucy added. "It's possible that they're around due to some unfinished business."
There was a moment of silence as everyone thought on what could be. "Do you think it could be something to do with valentines day?" Lincoln asked.
Lori clicked her fingers. "That's it. Maybe if we showed them how them how well things went with our dates, it'll help them move on."
Luan frowned. "Well, what am I supposed to do then?"
Lori gave her a sympathetic look. "Ooh, sorry. Um...maybe you and Lynn could show them how fine you both are without them."
Lynn shrugged. "That probably won't be much of a problem."
"You got rejected both times didn't you?" Lincoln asked.
"Huh?" Lynn raised an eyebrow in confusion before her eyes widened. "Oh right! Yeah. That happened." Truthfully, Lynn had realised on the day that she didn't really have any feelings on Francisco. She just thought she had due to feeling way too dehydrated when looking at him. She made up the story about getting rejected to placate Luan.
Lucy frowned. "Rocky hasn't exactly been talking to me lately."
"Well, try making up with him then!" Lori ordered. "Let's just try this. Tomorrow, I'm taking the other me to show her how things are going with Bobby. Luna, Lincoln, Lucy, you guys do the same."
The next day at school, Lucy verbally sighed as she approached the room where the mortician's club were having their meeting while her ghost followed behind her. It was lucky for her that there just happened to be a meeting today. As soon as she opened the door, all eyes were suddenly on her, making her lose her nerve for a second. She approached Haiku. "Haiku, I-"
Haiku raised her hand. "Stop. I need to apologise for avoiding you. Like you said, you couldn't control yourself. I shouldn't have held a grudge over that."
"We too would like to apologise." Bertrand added. "I'll admit, we were a little shaken by that incident but what kind of morticians club would we be to let it get to us that much?"
Lucy stared at the rest of her club in surprise, not expecting to make up with then so easily. "You're...really okay with me around?"
"Well to be honest, we were a little unsure what to do until Rocky argued on your behalf." Lucy looked at Rocky, who gave her a light smile. "If Rocky wasn't bothered any more, I don't see why the rest of us should be." Lucy smiled back at Rocky in gratitude.
After the meeting had concluded, Lucy lingered in the club room so she could to Ghost Lucy. "So, what do you think?" Lucy asked.
"About what?"
"About me and Rocky. Despite what happened, it turned out all I needed to was just be myself to get Rocky to like me."
"Sigh. I guess it's nice that Rocky's okay at least." Ghost Lucy said though there was a twinge of jealousy in her voice.
There was an awkward moment of silence as Lucy was then expecting something to happen. " you feel anything."
"I don't feel anything any more." Ghost Lucy replied. "Why do you ask."
"Sigh. Never mind."
Upon coming home, Lucy found out that her siblings hadn't had much better luck. They were all gathered in the living room as Lori told her story of what happened. Lincoln had already told his and like her ghost, Ghost Lincoln didn't have a massive reaction to Ronnie Anne or even Clyde. Likewise, Ghost Lori seemed more jealous of Lori than anything else. "So that didn't really help at all." Lori finished. "What about you Luna? Did you get anywhere with her?"
Luna shook her head, frowning. "She didn't want to come."
"What? Why not?"
Luna started to look downcast. "She, uh...she said that she didn't deserve to see Sam after what she did."
There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment before Lori spoke. "Oh, well, that's just great! Now what are we supposed to do to get rid of them?"
"Is having them around really that bad?" Lucy asked.
"Uh, yeah? Of course it is!" Lori snapped. Do you like having a constant reminder that we don't really belong in this universe? All they're doing is causing us problems! We'd be better off without them."
Lucy suddenly looked nervous. "Um, Lori? You might want to put on your goggles and turn around."
Lori did just that. "Gah!" She then jumped as all the ghost Loud siblings were behind her, arms folded and giving her an annoyed look.
"So, you'd be better off without us huh?" Ghost Lori asked.
"I-I-It's not like that!" Lori stuttered in fear.
"Oh, it's fine. If you want us to leave so much then we'll just go."
"...huh?" Lori's mouth hung open, not expecting that response.
"If you had that much of a problem with us, we could have literally just talked about it and worked something out but we know when we're not wanted. So we'll just leave."
"Uh, is this a bad time?" Rick asked as he came into the room.
"What do you want, Rick?!" Lori snapped.
Rick raised his hands defensively. "Whoa. Chill out Lori. I literally just came in here. I came to tell you that I've come up with a solution for the ghosts."
Lisa then came, pushing in a long trolley which had robot versions of each of the dead siblings standing on it. "After finding out about the apparitions' ability to make contact with certain items that they had a connection to in life, me and Grandpa Rick have been working on these robotic bodies for them to possess." Lisa explained.
"It's kinda like that game about animatronics. You know, the one with the insane lore that makes no sense whatsoever? Anyway, I'm then gonna find a universe where everyone is a robot and is also one where all them happened to just die so they can take their place." Rick finished.
"You mean...we'll be able to continue our lives?" Ghost Lincoln asked.
Ghost Leni squealed. "You're the best, Grandpa Rick!"
"Wait, I thought they could only contact things they had a connection with? How are they gonna possess those robots?" Lincoln asked.
"Simple. Each of them was made with one of your stuff." Rick replied.
"WHAT?!" All the siblings shouted.
"Don't worry about it, I'll pay you back for them later." Rick explained. He then addressed the ghosts. "You guys follow Lisa into the garage. I'll be with you in a sec."
Lori glanced back and forth between the ghosts and Rick as the ghosts followed Lisa out of the room. "So...that's it then?"
"Yes, that's it." Rick replied. "These guys can live their lives, you guys don't have to deal with ghosts. It's a happy ending for everyone. What more do you want?"
Apart from Lori, the siblings all glanced between each other before shrugging and going back to their usual activities, simply glad that the ordeal was over with. Rick then left to do his work.
Lori however, found herself staring into nothing. She couldn't help but extremely uneasy about the whole situation. Not just because of how sour things got at the end, but because of how the situation happened in the first place. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Rick, Lori thought bitterly to herself. It's always because of Rick.
After sending the other siblings to another universe, Rick then put the goggles back on, curious to see if anything had changed with Ghost Rick. To his surprise, Ghost Rick was no longer in the corner. "What are you looking for?" Lisa asked.
Rick took the goggles off. "Oh! Uh, nothing." A thought then hit Rick. Lisa had been in the garage a couple times with the goggles. Didn't she notice Ghost Rick? "Hey, uh, have you seen anything weird in here lately?"
Lisa gave Rick a confused look. "I can't say that I have. Why do you ask?"
"Eh, no reason." Rick started to wonder if he just imagined the ghost. No, that's stupid, he must have been real. Right?