Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Rick And The Casagrandes

Chapter 26 - Chapter 26: Rick And The Casagrandes

"Lincoln! Hurry up! We don't want to be late." Lori shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" Lincoln called out as he hurriedly ran down the stairs. It had been two weeks since the Federation had collapsed and all of the aliens had left Earth, bringing things back to semi-normal. Since Ronnie Anne and her family had lost their house, they had since moved into an apartment in a busier part of Royal Woods along with the Casagrandes. The Casagrandes had managed to rebuild their lives in Royal Woods with Hector even managing to start up a new bodega underneath the apartment. He had even hired Bobby to help him run it. Now that they've settled in, they had invited Lincoln and Lori to come around for dinner.

Lori and Lincoln had left the house, only for Lori to groan upon seeing the van nowhere in sight. "Seriously, Leni? I swear, I literally told her we'd be using it today. Great. Now we're definitely going to be late."

"We could ask Grandpa Rick to give us a ride." Lincoln offered. Lori gave Lincoln a look that basically asked 'Do you really think it's a good idea to have Rick meet the Casagrandes'. "Look, I know what you're thinking. As long we tell him to just behave, what could go wrong?"

Lori groaned, seeing not many other choices if she wanted to get there on time. "Fine."


Lori was sat next to Rick in his cruiser (which Rick had somehow managed to take back from the Federation) while Lincoln was sat behind them. Lori sighed after finishing a conversation with Rosa over the phone. "Ok, I just finished talking to Bobby's grandma. She said she's perfectly fine with making dinner for Rick."

"Hoo boy. Can't wait to meet this cast of characters." Rick said sarcastically.

Lori narrowed her eyes at him. "Rick, I swear, we're just here to have a normal dinner. Can you please make sure this doesn't end up with us going on another insane adventure?"

"W-What do I look like? Some kind of adventure junkie who can't go five minutes without an adventure? Trust me, there's nothing to worry about."

Lori sighed, hoping she could just take Rick's word for it.


It wasn't long before Rick landed his cruiser near the apartment building and the three made their way up to the floor the Casagrandes were living at. Upon ringing the doorbell to their apartment, the door was soon answered by Ronnie Anne. "Hey, Lincoln."

"Hey, Ronnie Anne."

"Bobby and Abuelo are still at the bodega. They're probably closing up about now so they should be here soon." Ronnie Anne explained before opening up the door for them. "Come in."

Upon entering the apartment, the first thing the three saw was Carl, who was currently doing some one-armed push ups. Though he had actually only just started upon realising that Lori was here. "Five thousand-" He then pretended to have only just noticed Lori as he got up. "Oh. How embarrassing. I didn't see you guys walk in." He then went down on one knee, trying to give Lori a charming smile. "Greetings, my lovely gazelle!"

"Oh, hey, Carl." Lori greeted, giving a slightly uncomfortable smile.

Rick rolled his eyes. "Oh boy. Another little kid, creeping on Lori. As if Clyde wasn't enough."

"H-Hey! I'm not a creep!" An offended Carl spluttered.

"K, then maybe don't hit on your cousin's girlfriend then, huh?"

Carl growled in anger and embarrassment before storming off. "Rick." Lori said in a warning tone.

Rick shrugged. "What? I was just defending you."

"Rick, he's literally seven."

"Ah, you're all here." Rosa said as she approached the group. "You must be that Rick Sanchez I've heard so much about. My name is Rosa. It is so good to meet you."

Rick raised an eyebrow. "Uhh...likewise?"

"Squack! Nice hair, spiky." Sergio squacked as he flew up to Rick.

Rick narrowed his eyes at Sergio. "Your parrot seems oddly sapient."

Rosa chuckled. "Oh, he's so smart, isn't he. Talking to him is almost like having a real conversation with someone."

"Whatever. Just keep the rat with wings away from me please."

Sergio hissed at Rick in response before flying away. Rosa looked slightly worried. "I'm, uh...gonna go back to the kitchen. I've still got a lot of cooking to do."

As Rosa left, the group then saw Carlota approach Ronnie Anne. "There you are. I've been looking for you all day! I was gonna show you some outfits you could have worn to impress Lincoln before he got here."

Ronnie Anne started blushing. "Carlota!" She then cleared her throat and turned to the group to introduce her cousin. "Uh, this is Carlota. She's a bit of a fashion expert."

"Oh, so basically a less interesting Leni then. Got it." Rick said plainly.

Carlota gave Rick a confused look. "Huh?"

"Rick!" Lori warned in a slightly angrier tone.

Everyone then heard a gasp and looked to see Carlos staring at Rick in amazement. "Rick Sanchez! I never thought we'd ever meet face to face!"

Ronnie Anne raised an eyebrow at her uncle. "You know him?"

"I know a lot of him." Carlos explained. "He's rather infamous in the science community." He turned back to Rick. "It's just a shame that you never shared any of your inventions with the rest of the world. I'm sure they'd help out a lot of people."

"Trust me. Most of the world would have no idea what to do with my inventions." Rick stated.

Carlos sighed. "Well, if you insist." He then noticed his wife approaching the group while carrying Carlitos. "Oh, this is my wife, Frida and our son, Carlitos.

"Nice to meet you, Rick." Frida greeted.

Rick looked at Carlitos, who was giving him the exact same unimpressed look that Rick was giving him. "Another baby. How original." Rick then looked at Frida. "So, what's your gimmick then or whatever?"

"Huh? Well, I'm a photographer."

"Wow, that sounds really interesting." Rick lied, earning an elbow to his side from Lori.

Frida laughed awkwardly. "Yes, well, I'm also an artist." She then sighed. "It's so nice that we can all have a nice, normal meal like this after...everything that's happened." She started to get teary-eyed.

Rick raised an eyebrow at her. "Uh, you doing okay?"

Frida nodded. "Mhm. I just need a moment." She then walked off with Carlos and Carlota following after her.

"Lincoln and Lori are here! Hooray!" The group then heard CJ cheer as he ran over to them.

"Hi, CJ!" Lori greeted.

"Hey buddy, long time, no see!" Lincoln greeted as CJ gave him a hug.

CJ let go of Lincoln and turned to Rick. "You must be Lincoln's grandpa. Are you a super genius scientist?"

Rick gave CJ a friendly smile. "I sure am, buddy!"

"Ooh! What stuff have you invented?"

"Oh, you know, spaceships, shrinking machines," He got out his portal gun from his coat pocket. "This portal gun that can take me literally anywhere in the multiverse."

"Wow!" CJ gazed at Rick in amazement before turning to Lincoln. "Your grandpa's really cool, Lincoln!"

Lincoln scratched the back of his head, slightly confused by what just happened. "Um...thanks?"

As CJ then went back into the living room, Lori also gave Rick a confused look. "That was...oddly nice of you."

Rick shrugged. "What? The kid was nice. I was nice. W-W-What's the big deal?" Lori supposed she couldn't complain. Especially considering she would have wrung Rick's neck if he had made a jibe at CJ. "So what, any more wacky family members I need to be introduced to or what?"

Ronnie Anne smirked. "You still haven't met Lalo."

"Lalo? Whoa!" Rick was then caught off guard as the dog suddenly tackled him to the floor to start licking him. "Jesus Christ, get this fucking thing off me!"

Lincoln, Lori and Ronnie Anne snickered at Rick's expense before Ronnie Anne turned to Lincoln. "Hey, while we're waiting for dinner, there's something I want to show you."


Ronnie Anne had led Lincoln outside her room window and onto the exterior staircase. Due to how high up Ronnie Anne's apartment was, Lincoln could see most of Royal Woods underneath the summer evening sky. "Whoa."

"Nice view, huh?" Ronnie Anne remarked.

"So, I'm guessing you're okay with your extended family now?"

Ronnie Anne gave a light smile. "Yeah. It's actually kinda nice, living with a big family. They're really sweet. Plus, it got way better once we moved out of the sewer. And hey, if you can put up with living with a big family, why wouldn't I?"

Lincoln chuckled. "To be fair, you still don't have to live with a crazy, genius grandpa."

"Fair enough. Still, it's gonna be quite an adventure, but I'm up for it."

Both of them then heard a window open before a light-skinned, half-Chinese girl, with long brunette hair and freckles came down the stairs. She wore a blue long-sleeved shirt revealing her shoulders, black shorts, a pink headband, white earrings, red socks, and black tennis boots. "Hey, Ronnie Anne!" She greeted enthusiastically.

"Oh, hey Sid." Ronnie Anne greeted back. "Sid, this is Lincoln. Lincoln, Sid. We met the other day at the park just as her family were about to move in."

"You mean considering moving in." Sid corrected. "Yeah, crazy story, me and Ronnie Anne tried trashing the apartment my parents were considering moving into just so no one else would try to move in. It didn't work out that well."

Lincoln gave Ronnie Anne a confused look. "It's a long story." She explained.

Sid then started acting nonchalant, idly kicking her leg back and forth. "So, Lincoln..." She suddenly got excited. "Is it true your grandpa's a genius scientist who can invent anything?!"

Lincoln raised an eyebrow at Ronnie Anne, who shrugged in response. "What? Everyone else in Royal Woods knows about him at this point."

"Sorry, I'm just super into robotics and stuff." Sid explained. "Do you think your grandpa could show me some stuff he's made?"

"I'm not sure you'd really want to meet my grandpa." Lincoln admitted. "He can be a little...rude."

Sid scoffed. "Pfft. Can't be any worse than my sister. She's, like, a professional little sass bucket. Oh, but you have like, ten sisters, right?"

"Yep." It was almost funny to Lincoln how the fact that he had ten sisters wasn't the most interesting aspect of his family any more. "So, did you only just move to Royal Woods?"

"Yeah. We were originally gonna move to Great Lakes befooooore..." Sid cringed at herself. "Yeah..." There was a moment of awkward silence before Sid cleared her throat. "So, you guys are going to Royal Woods Middle School too, right?"

"Huh?" Lincoln blinked in surprise. "Oh, yeah." After everything that happened this month, he had almost forgotten that he'd soon be going to middle school. He supposed Ronnie Anne wasn't the only one whose life was changing. His dad had been able to keep the restaurant that the Federation had given him, now being able to run it his own way. Luan would be starting her first year of high school while Lori would be on her last before she left for college. Lynn would be on her last year of middle school while Lisa would be starting 1st grade. He supposed none of these changes really bothered him or the rest of his sisters though. Nothing would be as big of a change in their lives than the day Rick came to live with them. He doubted anything would be able to top that.


Rick stared down at the rather large portion of food that Rosa had just served him. Everyone was sat around a long table apart from Ronnie Anne and Carl. "What, you couldn't add more food?" Rick sarcastically quipped.

"Oh! You needed some more?" Rosa asked as she came around to add even more food to Rick's plate. "Eh, eat! Eat!"

Rick stared down at the large pile of various food in bewilderment. "Wow. Um. Ok then."

Next to Rick, Hector leaned towards him in order to speak to him. "So, Rick. You've lived in Royal Woods for a while, right? Got any good gossip on anyone?"

"No because gossiping is what people do when they have literally nothing interesting going on in their lives and nothing better to do." Rick plainly stated.

Hector frowned. "Well, you don't have to be so rude about it."

Upon noticing Ronnie Anne take a seat next to him, Rick turned towards her. "You know, Ronnie Anne, after meeting your family like this, I gotta admit, seems kinda similar to our family. You know? With how big it is? I don't know, it's like you got your own spin-off show or something."

Ronnie Anne gave Rick a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

"Ah, forget it." Rick then spoke up to get everyone's attention. "Hey, you guys remember when Family Guy had that spin-off show? You know, The Cleveland Show? Boy, what a misstep that was. I mean, first of all, who the hell wanted to see a show about Cleveland? I mean, some side characters are just better off staying side characters, you know? There-There was really just no point in making him move away. Second, the show was basically just the same as Family Guy. Same kind of jokes. Same writing style. You even got the same kinda set up. Same amount of family members, a group of friends. Except they're all way less interesting or funny. They pretty much turned Cleveland into Peter Griffin as well. The whole show was pretty much just a worse version of Family Guy. There was literally no point to it existing. Well, apart from it being a poor attempt to appeal to a minority group which didn't even really work. It's no wonder the show got cancelled."

There was a moment of silence as no one at the table had any idea how to react to anything Rick had just said. Even Sergio was speechless. "I, uhh...never actually watched Family Guy." Carlos admitted.

Rick waved his hand dismissively. "Eh, you're not missing much. Show's trash nowadays." Lori's head then dropped to the table in mortification.

Rosa frowned. "Hey, where's Carl?"


"What is this thing?" Carl asked himself as he stared at Rick's portal gun from his room. He had managed to sneak up and steal the gun from his coat portal while he wasn't looking as payback for calling him a creep. "Wonder how much this could sell for?" He asked as he started fiddling with the gun.

"WHOA!" He then fell back as he accidentally fired a portal. He gazed at the portal in both mesmerisation and curiousity as he dropped the portal gun before wandering into the portal.


"Mija, be a dear and go get Carl, would you?" Rosa asked.

"Sure thing, Abuela." Ronnie Anne replied before getting up and making her way to Carl's room. A few moments later, she ran back in with an urgent look on her face. "Um, can I borrow Lincoln's grandpa for a moment?" Rick raised an eyebrow before getting up and following Ronnie Anne to Carl's room.

Before he made it though, he was suddenly confronted by Sid. "HI!"

Rick stared at her, wide-eyed. "Um...hi?"

"So you're an inventor, right?"


Sid started bouncing in excitement. "Could you show me one of your inventions? Do you have anything on you right now?"

Rick groaned before digging around in his coat pocket. "Ugh, fine. Here, uhh...have this." He handed Sid the robot that he made to pass butter before going into Carl's room."

"Ooh! So what do you do?"

"I...pass...the butter." The robot replied in what almost sounded like a depressed tone.

Sid raised an eyebrow. "Oh. Um...neat? I guess?"

"My existence is as meaningless as life itself." Sid started to feel uncomfortable.


Rick entered Carl's room to see Ronnie Anne holding his portal gun. "What is this?" She asked.

Rick's eyes widened before he patted the pocket he kept his portal gun in. "That little shit."

"Mr. Sanchez, what's going on here?"

Rick groaned. "Look, just call me Rick. What happened is that your creepy little cousin stole my portal gun and teleported himself to who knows where in the universe."

Ronnie Anne gaped at Rick in shock "WHAT?!"

"It's okay." Rick said as he took his portal gun back. "All we have to do is just follow after him and bring him back."

"Should we tell Lincoln or Lori about this?"

"Hell no! They already asked me not to have this turn into an adventure and I do not need to give Lori any more ammo against me. So don't worry about them. We'll go get your cousin."

Ronnie Anne blinked in surprise. "We?"

"Yeah, us! You and me! Rick and Ronnie Anne! It'll be like our own spin-off or something!"

"Ok, I don't know why you keep bringing up spin-offs but..." A look of determination appeared on Ronnie Anne's face. "OK. Let's do this!" She had to admit, she was always curious about how these adventures with Rick went. Rick then fired a portal before they both stepped into it.


Rick and Ronnie Anne exited the portal and found themselves in what looked like some deserted wasteland underneath an orange sky. "What is this place?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"HELP!" They then heard Carl scream as they turned to see Carl cowering away from a large, red alien towering over him. The alien had sharp teeth, four eyes and four arms as well as an extra set of arms where his ears would be.

"Carl!" As the alien was about to attack Carl, Ronnie Anne, without really thinking, ran in front of the alien and attempted to try and block his attack. She closed her eyes, bracing herself for the worst.

"YAARGH!" The alien howled in pain as he recoiled his fist. Ronnie Anne blinked in confusion. That barely felt like anything.

"Punch him, Ronnie Anne!" Rick shouted.


"Just do it!"

Deciding that it'd probably be wise to just listen to Rick, she then punched the alien in the gut, causing him to hunch over in pain. Realising that Ronnie Anne was much stronger than him, the alien decided to retreat, whimpering as he ran away.

Ronnie Anne then turned to Carl. "Are you okay, Carl?"

Carl stared at Ronnie Anne. " saved me."

Ronnie Anne smiled. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

Carl then wrapped his arms around her. "You're my hero, Ronnie Anne!"

Ronnie Anne blushed, not used to getting this kind of praise. Especially from Carl. "Um. Thanks." She then noticed Rick approach them. "What was that guy?"

"That was a gazorpian." Rick explained. "Yeah, they're not as strong as they look. You could totally handle them, Ronnie Anne."

Carl let go of Ronnie Anne. "Wait, does that mean I could've taken him on?"

Rick shook his head. "No, he would've totally squashed you. Like, you'd be dead if it wasn't for Ronnie Anne. I-I couldn't fight them either. Ronnie Anne's really tough though, so, you know."

"Whoa." Carl stared at Ronnie Anne in admiration. "You're amazing, Ronnie Anne!"

"Okay, time to go home." Rick's eyes widened as he looked at his portal gun. "Oh, you've gotta be shitting me. I'm out of charge!"

"What does that mean?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"What do you think it means?!" Rick snapped before grabbing Ronnie Anne's shoulders. "There's no charge left, Ronnie Anne. It's out of battery! Th-This thing's as good as useless now!"

Ronnie Anne started to get nervous. "B-But how are we gonna get home?!"

Rick let go of Ronnie Anne. "Don't worry. Luckily for us, this isn't another dimension. It's also lucky that I happen to know about this planet. We just need to find where the females are and...hope that they'll lend us a ship."

"But what if more of those gazorpians attack us?" Carl asked.

"Don't worry about that. We'll just use Ronnie Anne as our meat shield."

"Sorry, what?" Ronnie Anne gave Rick a pointed look.

"Don't worry about it. You've got this, Ronnie Anne."


"What in the world is taking them so long?" A frustrated Rosa asked.

"I'll go see what's wrong." Lincoln said before getting up to go find Rick, Ronnie Anne and Carl. A few moments later, he came back, looking slightly nervous. "Um...Ronnie Anne just texted me. She said she and Carl went out to...explore Royal Woods. Also Grandpa Rick went out to get some fresh air."

"What?" Rosa yelled. "But they haven't even finished their meals!" Everyone stared at Lincoln in confusion, apart from Lori who scowled, immediately realising what was happening.

"Um...they said they were gonna go out to eat." Lincoln bluffed.

Rosa huffed in irritation. "As if anything out there could be better than my cooking. I'll be sure to have a few words with them when they get back!"

"Should we go out and look for them?" Frida asked.

"Don't worry, Frida." Maria reassured her. "Royal Woods isn't like the big city. They'll be fine."

"If you guys want, I could give you a tour of Royal Woods once we've finished eating." Lincoln offered.

"Ooh, great idea!" Hector said. "It'd be good to know the area a bit better."

"While you guys do that, I could try looking for Ronnie Anne." Bobby offered.

"Actually, Bobby, I was hoping you me the bodega you work at?" Lori asked.

"Oh. Sure thing Babe."


Ronnie Anne had just knocked out another gazorpian using only a couple of punches. It surprised her how well she was doing considering that she hadn't been in a real fight for months. Meanwhile, Carl was cheering her on. "So cool! You're unstoppable, Ronnie Anne!"

"So what's the deal with these gazorpians anyway?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Yeah! What's the deal with them?" Carl added. Ronnie Anne sighed in annoyance. Ever since they arrived here, Carl had been trying to emulate her, copying her every move. It got annoying really fast.

Rick sighed. "Oh boy, how do I explain this to a couple kids, uhh...ok, at some point, the gazorpians became so evolved that they discarded their females after finding an alternate way to...ahem, reproduce."

"Repro-what?" Carl asked, tilting his head.

"Have children." Rick replied. "This ended up causing them to focus entirely on war, so they bombed themselves back to the stone age and now they just fight with each other with sticks and rocks all day long. Meanwhile, the females pretty much just started their own society. If we can find them, we might be able to get a lift home."

"That sounds really disturbing." Ronnie Anne remarked.

"Yeah! Real disturbing!" Carl agreed, causing Ronnie Anne to roll her eyes.

Rick scoffed. "You think that's disturbing? You're just lucky I left out some of the more graphic details of that story."

Upon the three walking up a hill, they paused as they saw a large crowd of gazorpians. There was then a small earthquake before they heard a voice. "Dropping loads. Dropping loads." They then saw a giant, floating head float above the crowd before dropping a load of...interesting looking robots out of its mouth.

Rick frowned in slight disgust. "Uh, you kids might want to turn around for a minute or two."

"Uh, why?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Just do it!" Rick snapped. Ronnie Anne then turned away from the crowd which prompted Carl to do the same. A couple moments later, Rick said. "Ok, you're good." Ronnie Anne and Carl turned to see a load of floating, metal orbs float towards the mouth of the giant head. "Kids, grab-grab hold."

Ronnie Anne and Carl grabbed onto Rick as he got out a grappling hook and fired at one of the orbs. This caused the three to get carried along with the orb until they found themselves inside the mouth, with all of the orbs now stored inside glass, lightbulb-shaped containers. "Okay. Now what?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Obviously, we try to find the female gazorpians that are controlling this...head thing. Whatever it's called."

"Why exactly are we in a floating head anyway?"

"Good question, Ronnie Anne. Too bad I can't answer that. I have no idea why they're using a floating head to do this stuff." Rick then noticed two hooded figures approach them. "Oh, there-there we go. Listen, I'm Rick Sanchez from Earth. Don't mean you any harm. Coming in peace. It's all cool in the, uh...'Good in the neighborhood' is what I was trying to come-is what I meant. Look, we kinda ended up on this planet by mistake. Was kinda hoping you could give us a ride back?"

The two glanced at each other before taking off their robes. Unlike the male gazorpians, they looked more humanoid, being fully clothed and only having two eyes. Their skin colour wasn't as red as the Male gazorpians either, with both of them having very light, different shades of red skin. They were also rather beautiful, at least to Carl, who tried to give them both a charming smile. "Va-va-voom! Chicas guapas! So you babes are in charge, eh? I have to warn you, strong, independent women enflame the passion of my heart."

"Silence!" One of them shouted. She then lifted her hand using telekinetic powers to choke Carl and lift him up into the air.

"Hey! Put him down!" Ronnie Anne shouted.

"Your slave is ill-mannered." The other gazorpian explained.

"My slave?"

"We assume you are from a more primitive world, where men are still permitted to be servants. If he is a rogue male, tell us now and we will kill him."

"He's my slave!" Ronnie Anne said quickly. "He's definitely my slave."

The gazorpian let go of Carl, causing him to fall to the floor, coughing.


"Here's something else I did to help improve the bodega!" Bobby said as he was showing Lori around the currently closed bodega. He went around the counter and opened up the cash register. "I organized the money so all the presidents face the same way."

Lori gave a light smile. "You're such a businessman."

Bobby frowned. He could tell something was wrong with his girlfriend. Ever since they came to the bodega, she seemed somewhat distracted. "Is everything okay, babe?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"Is...this about Tammy?"

Lori blinked in surprise. It wasn't exactly what was on her mind right now but she didn't mind taking about it. "Yeah. I guess I'm still finding it hard to believe everything that happened with her."

Bobby gave her a sympathetic look. "I know what you mean. I still can't believe she was some kind of secret agent either. But...I guess these things happen, you know?"

Lori raised an eyebrow. "That people turn out to be secret agents working for aliens?"

Bobby shook his head. "No, no. I mean that some people turn out not to be the kind of people you think they are."

"Bobby, I've known Tammy for years."

Bobby started to sweat. "I-I know that but..."

Lori sighed. "No, you're right. I'm sorry. What happened, happened. I just need to accept it and move on."

Bobby scratched his chin. "I wonder if she's still out there though. Do you think she's even alive after everything that happened?"

Lori frowned. She was surprised by how the idea of Tammy possibly being dead still troubled her.


After taking the Casagrandes to a couple landmarks in Royal Woods, Lincoln then decided to show them around the park. Frida took a photo of it. "Royal Woods is so much quieter than the big city."

"Squack! More like boring!" Sergio snarked.

"At least we won't have to worry too much about the kids going out now." Carlos remarked.

While Lincoln was putting on a smile for the Casagrandes, inside he was extremely worried. What was Rick thinking, bringing Ronnie Anne and her cousin Carl on an adventure? If only there was someway he could find out where Ronnie Anne was.

"Come one, come all! Come see the one and only Anatomy Park! Ever wondered what it would be like to go inside the human body? Anatomy Park is the place for you!" Dr. Bloom's voice could be heard speaking into a megaphone.

Lincoln's eyes widened as he looked over at the small tent with a portal machine inside of it. Of course! Anatomy Park had just opened recently. Maybe something in there could help Lincoln find out where Ronnie Anne was. Lincoln then frowned. That meant he had to take the Casagrandes into Anatomy Park. This was really messed up but he didn't exactly have many other options.


The floating head floated across the desert before eventually stopping. A hole leading to the female gazorpian society then opened up beneath it with the head lowering itself into it. Ronnie Anne followed the two female gazorpians into their underground society, which looked much more civilised than the male society. Despite its alien appearance, it almost resembled a shopping mall. Meanwhile, Rick and Carl were being dragged along by the gazorpians with chains connected to their handcuffs. "You know, for the record, nobody likes a Casanova." Rick remarked to Carl, who was looking down in shame.

"Why do you keep hitting on women way out of your league anyway?" Ronnie Anne then decided to ask.

Carl started to look embarrassed. "I dunno...I thought that if they liked me, it'd make me look cool. You know, like you."

Ronnie Anne sighed. "Look, Carl, I'm not that cool."

Carl gave Ronnie Anne a surprised look. "What? Sure you are!"

"No. I'm not!" Ronnie Anne snapped. "Look, I know you've been trying to copy me because you think I'm cool but it's seriously bugging me so could you please just cut it out?" Carl looked downwards and pouted in response, causing Ronnie Anne to feel sorry for him.

The gazorpians eventually led the three to a room with a woman lying down on a chaise longue throne with long black hair under her golden tiara. She wore a white long sleeved dress that stopped at her knees. "I am Mar-sha, ruler of Gazorpazorp." She stood up and placed a hand on Ronnie Anne's shoulder. "I am here if you need to talk."

Ronnie Anne raised an eyebrow. "Okay...uh, what is this place?"

"Paradise." Mar-sha made her way out of her room and gestured for the group to follow her, which they did along with her guard. "We built it during the great passive-aggression, when the females separated from the males due to their increasingly destructive behavior."

Ronnie Anne then noticed a room with one of the metal orbs inside some kind of machine. The orb then dropped a baby into it. A screen on it displayed that the baby was female. "What is that?"

"A machine to help separate the males from the females." Mar-sha explained. "I won't go into the details of how we maintain our population. The females are placed into educational programs where they can discover a service to our paradise that fulfills them most" The baby then came out of the machine and was given to a nurse. Another orb then dropped another baby into it. This time, it was male. "Males...they get to play outside." This baby was sent down a conveyer belt before landing into a large catapult which launched the baby out into the surface.

Ronnie Anne stared in shock. "That was a baby..."

"And within a day, he'll be an adult male gazorpian." Mar-sha explained. "One of the most aggressively violent creatures in the universe."

"Still seems pretty messed up to me." Carl remarked.

Mar-sha then gave Ronnie Anne an expectant look. "What?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"Your slave spoke out of line. Aren't you going to punish him?" Mar-sha asked.

"Why would I do that?"

Mar-sha narrowed her eyes. "You really are from a more primitive world, aren't you? We'll only tolerate a male slave so much. You want us to give you passage back home, don't you? Either you punish him or we'll have to punish him for you."

Ronnie Anne stepped in front of Carl. "I am not hurting my cousin just to get a ride home!"

Mar-sha glared at Ronnie Anne. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice." She raised her hand, choking Rick and Carl and causing them to float upwards. Her eyes then widened as she looked at Ronnie Anne. "What?!" Ronnie Anne could feel a slight tightness around her throat and some kind of force trying to pull her up but otherwise, Mar-sha's telekinesis had little affect on her. "H-How is this possible?"


Frida snapped a photo of one of Anatomy Park's attractions. "I never imagined there'd be a place like this in Royal Woods!"

"It's so cool!" CJ exclaimed.

"It's so authentic!" Carlos remarked. "It's as if we're actually in a real human body!"

Lincoln laughed nervously. Anatomy Park had changed a lot compared to the last time he was here. Lots of people were roaming the place as if it was just like any other amusement park. There was also a few drones flying around the park. "I'm...gonna go find the bathroom." Lincoln excused himself before he went off to try and find the staff members.

After searching for a minute, he eventually came across Alexander. He was still wearing his mascot outfit and was doing a dance for a little kid. "Hey kid! Do you wanna learn more about the human body?" The kid blew a raspberry at him before walking off, causing him to slump. He then perked back up upon noticing Lincoln. "Oh! It's you! Uhh, Lincoln right?"

Lincoln gave a slight wave. "Uh, hey um..."

"Alexander. You know, I never had chance to thank you for helping us out back then. Even if it means I have to dance around in this damn suit all day."

"If you don't ming me asking, why are you working in a place like this?" Lincoln asked.

Alexander shrugged. "Why not? Sure, this job ain't perfect but look where we are! My name will go down in history as Alexander: The man who played the mascot for anatomy park! Better than being just some nobody, right?"

Lincoln slowly nodded. Personally, he didn't think he could stand the idea of wearing a mascot suit all day. "I, do you know if there's if anywhere we could see outside of Ronnie Anne?"

"Oh, Roger will know more about that. Hang on, let me call him."


Soon after getting called, Roger soon arrived to take Lincoln to an area called 'the secret theatre'. As they walked through the park, Lincoln asked. "So, what's the deal with all these drones?"

"Oh those? Oh, they do a bit of everything." Roger explained. "Keep the park clean, make sure everyone behaves and most importantly, make sure no diseases get in."


"Yeah, Rick really beefed up the security since last time. He even added some muscle and bone enhancing drones in case anything tried to harm Ronnie Anne from the outside. She's pretty much superhuman now. I doubt anything short of a nuclear explosion could harm her at this point."

Lincoln had to admit, it was nice that Rick made the effort to make sure that Ronnie Anne would stay safe. As well as make sure everyone in the park was safe as well. Not that it changed the fact that this park really shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Eventually the two arrived at some kind of elevator. Roger pressed a button with a picture of eyes on it, which Lincoln presumed was where they were headed as the elevator went upwards. After a moment of silence, Roger spoke. "Hey, uh, thanks for helping us out during that incident by the way. I don't know what my family would have done if I ended up kicking the bucket."

"Um, your welcome."

Roger chuckled. "Heh. It's funny. I took this job in the first place to try and get over getting divorced. Then that incident happened and I wondered to myself: What if that was it? What if I had died? Was this really how I wanted things to end? So, I went back to my ex-wife and somehow, we made things work between us again. Guess none of that would've happened if it weren't for you, huh?"

"Yeah, that's great." Lincoln wanted to be happier for the guy but he was too distracted by worrying over where Ronnie Anne was as well as this whole park. Eventually, the elevator came to a stop and the two entered a room that resembled a cinema with a giant screen. "What is this place."

"Originally, we were gonna use this place as a kind of attraction where people could watch what Ronnie Anne could see...until we realised that might be a breach of privacy." Lincoln scoffed. This whole place was a breach of privacy as far as he was concerned. "We still have it set up though in case of an emergency and we need to see what's happening."

Roger pressed a button on the wall as the screen then came on. Immediately, Lincoln could see an alien woman looking nervously at Ronnie Anne. Of course, Rick had taken Ronnie Anne on adventure to another planet. At least it didn't look like they were in danger now. Lincoln decided to watch until he knew for sure that Ronnie Anne and Carl were safe and coming home before he would call Lori.


Upon realising that Mar-sha's powers had little effect on her, Ronnie Anne decided to go on the offensive. "Put them down!" She shoved Mar-sha with much more force than she intended, causing her tumble over and let go of Rick and Carl. She backed away from Ronnie Anne in fear while her guard ran over to her, equally afraid of Ronnie Anne. "Y-You! You're even more of a brute than the males here!"

Carl ran over to Ronnie Anne. "She's not a brute! She's a hero!"

Mar-sha gave Carl a curious look. "Your slave seems to have a high amount of respect for you."

Ronnie Anne rolled her eyes. "He's not my slave. He's my family. My planet doesn't work like yours. Where we're from, both genders are equal."

"Eh, kinda." Rick added.

Ronnie Anne sighed. "I know guys seem to be really bad on this planet but it's not like that on Earth. I guess what I'm saying is you shouldn't judge every man in the universe just because the men you know suck."

Mar-sha stood up. "I suppose there is some truth in your words. After all, I've never met a woman on this planet that's anything like you. I suppose it's just hard to imagine any sort of decency coming from a male when every male on this planet is a savage."

"Well, maybe if you tried raising them here instead of throwing them out, you might actually get something out of them."

Mar-sha tapped her chin. "It's...something to consider. Very well." She turned to her guard. "Give the Earth people a spacecraft so they may head back to their weird planet." The guard nodded and walked off along with Mar-sha.

Ronnie Anne then turned to Carl. "Thanks for sticking up for me. I don't know why you think I'm some kinda hero though."

"Why wouldn't you be one?" Carl asked.

Ronnie Anne sighed. "I used to be kind of a bully."

Carl frowned, somewhat disappointed to hear that. "You did?"

Ronnie Anne nodded. "A couple years ago, there was this other girl that was bullying me. One day, I tried fighting back against her and I won, though I got into some serious trouble. Nobody messed with me after that, though I kinda let it get to my head." She then recalled the day Lincoln told her off. "Then I ended up getting a crush on someone. I didn't know how to handle it so I just bullied him. One day, he gave me a pretty big reality check. I've been trying to be better since but I definitely wouldn't call myself any kind of hero."

Carl frowned in thought for a moment before shrugging. "Well, so what? That's not how you are now, right? Nobody's perfect. After everything you've done today, I don't know how you could call yourself anything but a hero!"

Ronnie Anne chuckled. "Alright, I guess you've got a point." She supposed she couldn't fault Carl for acting like this. Now that she thought about it, she had acted the exact same way with Bobby when she was younger. She eventually grew out of it, just as she predicted Carl would as well. She supposed this was just part of being a big sister now.


Rick landed the aircraft outside the apartment building. He exhaled as he, Ronnie Anne and Carl got out. "Hey, you think your grandma would mind cooking another meal. I kinda get the feeling she wouldn't." Rick opened the door to the apartment building, only to see Lincoln and Lori glaring at him with their arms folded. "Ah crap."

"Rick! I told you not to turn this visit into an adventure!" Lori shouted.

"To be fair, you specifically said to make sure this didn't turn into an adventure for you two." Rick argued.

"That doesn't mean taking Ronnie Anne and Carl with you is any better!"

"It's my fault!" Carl confessed. "This wouldn't have happened if I didn't steal Rick's portal gun. I'm sorry."

Both Lincoln and Lori looked at Carl in surprise before Lori groaned. "You could've at least kept more of an eye on your portal gun, Rick."

"What's the big deal? The important thing is that they're safe right? A-Are you two okay?" He asked Ronnie Anne and Carl.

"Yeah. It was actually kinda fun." Ronnie Anne admitted.

"Yeah. That's what I said after my first real adventure." Lincoln said slowly.

Lori sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Well...I guess them being safe is the most important thing. Just...please keep more of an eye on your stuff."

Lincoln had to admit, it was amazing how he and his sisters had come out unharmed on every adventure that they had been through. He wondered if Rick would always be able to prevent them getting hurt though.


It was the first day of middle school as Lincoln entered his first period math class. As luck would have it, Clyde, Ronnie Anne and Sid were also in the class as he went to sit near them. Eventually, the teacher arrived. He was an an African-American man with a mustache and black, balding hair. He was wearing a yellow v-neck sweater and an orange undershirt with a grey tie. He put on a pleasant smile. "Good morning class. I'm your new math and homeroom teacher, Mr. Goldenfold. Now I know some of y'all are nervous. You're all in a new school and meeting new people."

"WELL, YOU AIN'T THE ONLY ONES!" He suddenly snapped, getting angry. "Because of the Goddamn Federation blowing up mah city, I've had to move here and teach you brats!"

He suddenly calmed down, putting on a pleasant face again. "Now, can anyone tell me what this equation means?" He asked as he wrote an equation on the board.

"Hoo boy." Lincoln thought to himself. "This year is gonna be weird, isn't it?"