All of the sisters were gathered in Lori and Leni's room after Lori had called for a sister meeting. Most of the sisters were looking irritable while Lori and Lisa were stood in front of a white board. "So I noticed that whenever two of us have a fight, they tend to end up becoming a little...disastrous." Lori started. "That's why me and Lisa have devised a plan to make sure that any fights that come up go a little smoother." She then nodded at Lisa to continue.
Lisa got out a hand pointer and pointed it towards the title written on the whiteboard. "Introducing the Sister Fight Protocol." She then pointed to some crude drawings that appeared to be the sisters keeping two of themselves away from each other. "The idea of this protocol is that whenever two of us fight, the rest of us work to ensure that they stay away from each other until the sisters in question resolve their differences. Any questions?"
Luna raised her hand. "Shouldn't Lincoln be here to hear about this?"
Lisa shook her head. "Negative. Lincoln rarely gets into any fights with us and even when he does, he has his own room that he can use to stay away from us. Do not worry, dear siblings, this protocol should be completely foolproof."
Three days later
"How would you like to eat hat?!" Lisa yelled at Lana as she and the rest of her siblings, including Lincoln and excluding Lily, were embroiled in a massive argument with each other. The Sister Fight Protocol had turned out to be a huge disaster. After Lori and Leni ended up fighting over them buying the same dress, the protocol was enacted though Lincoln soon got involved which caused it to slowly fall apart until everyone ended up fighting with each other.
Everyone then yelped in pain and covered their ears as an extremely loud alarm rang out. They turned to glare at an irritated Rick. "You kids have been bitching at each other all day! What the fuck is your problem?" All of the siblings then started shouting over each other, trying to explain their side of the story, causing Rick to growl in anger. "Alright, shut the fuck up! You know what? Maybe we should all just go on an adventure. That'll probably resolve whatever it is you're all bitching about."
Lori gave Rick a confused and annoyed look. "How's an adventure supposed to help?"
Rick shrugged. "Hey, they seem to help every other time you kids have some kind of issue. Look, there's a plasma shard in the Abadango Cluster. A princess has it. If I get it, I'll be awesome. Don't worry, we'll be in and out. Twenty minute adventure."
Six days later
"THEY'RE GAINING ON US!" The adventure turned out to be a huge disaster as an unkempt and fatigued Lincoln screamed as he flew the cruiser through a battlefield in space while the rest of the sisters were all squeezed in the back, all looking just as bad as Lincoln.
Rick was next to Lincoln, working on some kind of cube shaped device. He looked just as bad as the others as his eyes were completely red and he had a 5'o clock shadow. "Steady, Lincoln. Five cetons!" He shouted back.
"WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Lola wailed as the cruiser barely dodged the lasers coming from an enemy ship.
Lincoln then flew the cruiser inside of the enemy's mothership. "Steady, God damn it, two cetons." Rick snapped as he pulled a wire from the cruiser which caused it to slow down, just as they reached the mothership's core. As the siblings started to panic due to the incoming ships, Rick then put an isotope into the cube before sealing it with sticky tape and placing it on the dashboard, connecting it to the cruiser with some plugs. "Fire!" Lincoln then pulled a lever that caused a giant laser to fire out of the cruiser at the core, causing it to blow up. "Pull up, Lincoln! Pull up, pull up!" Rick panicked. Lincoln pulled up as the cruiser quickly gained speed. As the family made their escape, the explosion caused a chain of explosions that eventually destroyed the whole structure while the family screamed as they barely made it out before the entire mothership exploded.
Rick and the siblings stood on stage before a large crowd of aliens that they had just saved as Rick was awarded the plasma shard from the aliens' princess. While Rick put on a smile for the crowd, the siblings all looked both completely mentally and physically exhausted.
After the award ceremony concluded, Rick and the siblings slowly made their way to the cruiser before getting in with Lori sat in the front with Rick. They didn't immediately take off, however. The was the first time in six days that they had been able to relax as all of them let out gasps of breath. Then Leni, Lana and Lola started sobbing. "Fuck." Rick groaned as he covered his eyes.
"I don't want to go on another adventure ever again!" Lana cried.
"I never thought I'd say this. But I don't ever want to get that close to death again." A visibly shaking Lucy admitted.
Rick then let out a loud scream of frustration. "Fuck! Fuck! Ahh!"
"I...I...I..." Lisa stammered, trying to not appear as rattled as the others though still failing.
"I can't do this any more!" Lincoln groaned.
"That was seriously fucked up. We almost died!" Rick stated.
"Y-Y-You actually agree?" Luan asked as her eye kept twitching.
"Fuck yes!" Rick shouted. "That w-t-this was insane! That was pure luck. I was not in control of that situation at all." Luna and Lisa then started sobbing, unable to hold themselves back any more. Rick then noticed his hand shaking and showed it to the siblings. "Look at this, kids. Look at my fucking hand. Look at this shit."
Lori, who had been staring off into space the whole time, suddenly grabbed Rick's coat and started shaking him back and forth. "WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO US?!" She screamed into his face. "YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO BE BETTER!"
"I know! And I don't know why!" Rick admitted. "Maybe I hate myself, maybe I think I deserve to die. I-I-I-I don't-I don't know!" Lori then let Rick go as she started crying as well. Rick then stared into space for a moment before saying. "We need a vacation."
The next day, Rick and the siblings had spent most of their day relaxing at an alien spa. Once everyone had gathered back together, all now wearing white bathrobes, Rick led then to a hallway lined up with metal doors. "Have to admit Rick, this was literally the best spa I have ever been to. I have never felt more relaxed." Lori admitted. The others siblings were all smiling in agreement.
"Well, now it's time for what we really came here for. The detoxification machine." Rick stated.
"What's that?" Lincoln asked.
"It's basically a machine that removes all the toxic aspects of a person. It's pretty much the answer to all our problems." Rick explained.
While the idea seemed appealing to most of the siblings, Lincoln couldn't help but feel apprehensive about the idea of removing parts of his personality. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
Lori sighed. "Look, Lincoln. After everything that's happened the past few days, this just seems like our best solution."
The family then approached one of the workers, a green alien with a long neck. "Complimentary psychological detox? Removes all your cognitive toxins, purifies your system." The worker said in a garbled voice.
Rick gave the worker an annoyed look. "Oof, this guy on commission or something?"
Leni smiled in excitement. "Ooh, is he, like, a secret agent or something? What mission is he on?"
Lori facepalmed. "COmission, Leni."
"We're not on commission." The worker explained, gurgling in between some words. "We get paid by the hour. There's no incentive really-"
"Oh my God." An annoyed Rick interrupted. "Hey, do you think you could try swallowing the giant ball of snot that's dangling around in the back of your throat? It's disgusting. Nobody wants to hear that." Rick then cleared his throat. "That's what you do."
Lori then grabbed Rick's arm and pulled him into the detoxification room with the other siblings following behind. "Ok, Rick, that's enough."
Everyone looked around at the spherical, metal room as they all took a seat. "Wow, did you hear me bite that guy's head off? Geez, I really need to chill." Rick admitted.
"Maybe you should go through twice." Luan snarked.
Rick gave Luan an annoyed look. "All right, misses comedy woman, you don't have to bust my balls. You're not helping things."
Everyone then heard a noise that sounded like the machine was charging up. "So, how long does this usually take?" Lori asked.
"Well from what I heard, it usually doesn't take that long, though it might take a little longer since there's ten of us in here." Rick explained.
"May I ask how this machine works?" Lisa asked. "I'm curious about what it is that this machine considers as 'toxic'."
"Good question, Lisa." Rick complimented. "What this thing considers toxic is what the individuals using it consider as toxic. It basically removes everything you hate about yourselves." Thoughtful expressions appeared on the siblings' faces as they all started wondering what it was about themselves they didn't like.
Lincoln folded his arms. "You know, if you guys had just listened to me and let me help, we probably wouldn't have ended up here."
Lori let out an annoyed sigh. "Lincoln, how was telling us about the things we've secretly said about each other supposed to help? All that did was made things worse!"
Lincoln scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "But...didn't Dr. Lopez say we should be more honest with each other?"
"Dude, I don't think she meant be honest about literally everything." Luna remarked.
"Honestly Lincoln, we would have been better off if you had just stayed out of it. It's nice that you wanted to help but sometimes, us sisters need to resolve things ourselves." Lori explained.
Lincoln then scowled at Lori. "How was I supposed to stay out of it when you guys kept getting in the way? I couldn't even get into the kitchen or the bathroom."
"He's got you there, Lori." Rick quipped.
"Also, what, are you saying this is my fault?" Lincoln asked.
Lori groaned. "No, Lincoln, that's not at all what I'm saying."
"I mean, it does kind of sound like that's what you're saying." Rick quipped again, earning a glare from Lori.
"If anything, this debacle was my fault. In hindsight, the protocol was poorly planned. There were way too many variables I didn't consider." Lisa then admitted. "Perhaps I let my inane human emotions get the better of me again." She muttered to herself.
"Look, can we just drop it?" Lori asked. "We can go on and on about how and why it happened and how terrible it was but it's not going to change that it still happened. But once we're done in here, we can just forget it happened and move on."
Luan then noticed Luna staring off into space, lost in thought. "You okay, Luna?"
Luna then shook her head, snapping out of her train of thought. "Sorry dude. I was just thinking. America's Next Hitmaker is coming up and if I can come up with an original song and submit to them then I could end up performing it on Live TV. And if I win the competition, I could get a record deal. Problem is, it needs to be a song that everyone would love."
"Why not just do what you usually do?" Luan asked.
"Is rock and roll really something that everyone would love?" Luna asked. "I don't know if enough people would dig that. Bubblegum pop could work. A couple days ago, you guys were all jamming to that song 'Best Thing Ever'. Even Lucy was jamming to it."
Lucy looked embarrassed. "I should've hated it...but I didn't.
"A pop song would probably work." Rick then said. "I mean, generic pop is pretty much the only thing that shows like America's Next Hitmaker are interested in so anything you make will probably be a shoo-in."
Luna frowned. "See, when you put it like that, you make it sound like I'm selling out. I like pop and all but I don't want to be forced to only do pop songs." She then sighed. "I just don't know what to do."
Suddenly, the room started shaking as the lights went dim. Everyone looked around nervously. "Um, Rick?" Lincoln started. "Is this thing supposed to doing-" The room was then engulfed in a flashing white light.
Upon regaining consciousness, Lincoln groaned in pain before looking around at his surroundings. He was laying down in a green, mucky surface as the world around him seemed to be completely made of some kind of green gunk. Lincoln then noticed that he was completely covered in the stuff. He also felt wrong. He wasn't sure what but he felt wrong. It was like he felt sick but instead of a pain in his stomach, all of his body felt that kind of pain. Despite this, he didn't seem to care about his own health. He was more concerned with how his sisters and grandfather was doing as he soon noticed Lori groaning and slowly getting up. She also appeared to be completely covered in the green gunk. He got up and ran over to her to help her up. "Lori! Let me help you."
To his surprise, Lori then shoved him away. "Do you mind giving me some space?!" She snapped.
Lincoln backed off. "I-I-I'm sorry."
Lincoln then noticed Luna and Luan nearby as they slowly got up. Luna looked around nervously. "W-Where are we?"
Luan, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes at her surroundings. "What the hell..."
Lincoln then noticed Lucy nearby as she got up, looking grossed out at everything. "Oh, ew." For some reason, she somewhat resembled the look she had on Valentines day.
He then soon noticed Lana and Lola getting up. Upon looking around for a moment, Lana started chucking. "Oh, wow, this place looks awesome!"
Lola, on the other hand, looked absolutely furious. "This place is disgusting! WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!"
"Lisa?" Lincoln called out as she didn't appear to nearby. He started panicking. "LISA!" He started running around trying to find her before eventually coming across her, slowly getting up. "Lisa! Oh, thank goodness you're okay."
"Lincoln?" Lisa groaned. She then gasped in fear as she looked around at her surroundings. "W-W-Where are we?"
Lincoln sighed in relief. "I don't know least you guys are alright." Lisa then suddenly wrapped her arms tight around Lincoln, catching him off guard. "Are you okay, Lisa?"
"I-I'm scared, Linky." A trembling Lisa admitted.
Lincoln patted her back to comfort her. "Don't worry, Lisa. We just need to find Grandpa Rick. He'll get us out of here."
"KIDS!" All of the siblings heard Rick shout.
After all the siblings made their way over to where Rick was, Lincoln asked. "Grandpa Rick, what happened?"
"We blew up, idiot! Are you really that stupid?" Rick snapped. "Obviously the guy I yelled at overloaded the machine. It takes more than that to kill us, motherfucker!" He yelled out.
"Oh that guy is so DEAD!" Lola growled in anger.
The siblings and Rick then noticed a group of angry, groaning and mucky creatures crawling towards them. "Not if we're dead first. Run kids!" Rick ordered.
As they ran through the muck, Luna asked. "Why does everything hurt?"
"It's because you're worthless!" Rick snapped. Eventually, the group managed to hide from the creatures in some kind of cave. Rick peeked out of it. "Jesus, how big was that explosion? I'm a genius. I don't have time for this shit."
Lincoln then gasped as he realised something. "We forgot about Leni! Didn't any of you see her out there?" A couple of the sisters shook their heads at Lincoln. "We have to go find her!"
Rick turned to glare at Lincoln. "Lincoln, you idiot, you don't tell me what to do. I control you. I control the universe! Why am I bragging about that? I have nothing to prove. I'm surrounded by inferior pieces of shit and –"
"Uh, excuse me." Lori interrupted. "Who said you were in charge. I'm the one in charge here because I'm the oldest of my siblings and I have way more sense than any of them and you combined!"
"I'm older than you, you self-centred bimbo!" Luan then started chuckling, earning a glare from Rick. "What the fuck do you think is so funny?"
"Uh, you?" Luan said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I mean, what's funnier than a crazy, rambling old man who thinks he controls the universe?" She then continued chuckling.
Rick scowled in fury at Luan. "Listen, you annoying bitch, I-" Rick then noticed something unusual as it appeared that a piece of Luan's cheek had just melted off. Rick then attempted to wipe some of the gunk off of him, only to find that there wasn't anything underneath it. "Oh my God. We're in the detoxifier. The machine didn't blow up. It worked normally. It removed our toxins."
Lincoln gave Rick a confused look. "So that means..."
"It means, you stupid little garbage person, that we're the toxins! We're what got removed!" All of the toxic siblings gasped in horror at this revelation.
Rick stepped out of the detoxifier alongside Lori. Both had relaxed expressions on their faces and more colour in their skin as Rick's was no longer grey. "I hope you and your family found that detox sufficiently relaxing." The worker then said.
Rick turned to the worker with a guilty expression. "Hey man, listen. Those comments I made about your throat?"
The worker cleared his throat before putting a hand up. "It's all good."
"It's nice of you to let me off the hook. It's still unacceptable behavior, and I do regret it."
"Believe me, man, I've been working here a long time. I get it."
Luna and Luan then stepped out of the room, both of them also looking more relaxed. "Man, I don't know about you guys but I'm feeling pretty confident all of a sudden." Luna stated.
Luan smiled. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good too."
Leni then stepped out of the room. Unlike the others, she didn't look much different and had a confused look on her face. "I, like, don't feel any different at all."
Rick raised an eyebrow at her. "You sure about that? You don't feel any different?"
Leni shook her head. "I thought that thing would, like, make me smarter or something."
Rick then gave Leni a sympathetic look. "Ooh, sorry Leni. The detoxifier removes parts of your personality you don't like. It can't make you any smarter."
Leni sighed in disappointment. "Dang it."
Lori then approached Leni with an apologetic look. "Hey Leni, I just want to say that I'm sorry about the whole dress thing. I was being dumb and petty and to be honest, I was just jealous because you look way better in that dress than I do."
This caught Leni completely off guard. "Wait, really?"
Lori looked downwards. "Yeah, you kinda look better than me in a lot of dresses actually."
Lana and Lola then exited the room. Lola had a peaceful expression on her face as she stretched her arms. "Ah. I don't think I've ever felt more relaxed."
"How about you, Lana?" Rick asked. "You feeling any better?"
Lana scratched the back of head, unsure about how she was feeling right now. "I guess I'm okay."
Lincoln then stepped out of the room. Unlike the others, he still had an irritated look on his face. "Uh, you doing okay there, Lincoln?" Rick asked.
"I'm fine." Lincoln replied curtly.
"Ok..." Rick and Lori shared an unsure glance at this.
Lucy then stepped out of the room. Unlike the others, she somehow appeared even more pale. "Whoa, Lucy, are you okay?" Rick asked.
An unsettling grin appeared on Lucy's face. "I'm simply divine, grandfather." Everyone couldn't help but feel somewhat unnerved by this.
Lisa was the last to step out. She had absolutely no expression on her face. "Are you feeling alright, Lisa?" Lori asked.
"I am in stable condition." Lisa said robotically without a hint of emotion.
Lori couldn't help but be somewhat concerned with how some of her siblings turned out. Particularly with Lincoln, Lucy and Lisa. "Should we be worried?" She asked Rick.
Rick waved his hand dismissively. "Eh, they're probably fine."
"Will our captivating captain find her first mate, or will it be man overboard? Find out tonight as we set sail for love on...The Dream Boat." The show's narrator said.
Rick was currently sat next to Lori as they both watched The Dream Boat together. "You know, I always thought this show was just fake, reality TV trash but, I gotta admit, giving it a chance, it's actually kind of entertaining."
Lori chuckled. "Well, it's fun to just pretend that it really is real." She sighed. "You know, it's nice that we could finally have a moment like this. It feels like all we ever do is argue."
Rick gave Lori an apologetic look. "Yeah, sorry about all of that. I tended to take out a lot of my issues on the people around me. It wasn't right of me to do that."
Lori shook her head. "No, it's okay. Like I said before, I kind of had the same problem." She then sighed as she started to look downcast. "Looking back, I really can't help but feel ashamed of myself."
Rick gave her a reassuring smile. "Hey, you don't need to put yourself down that much. You know why? Because I'm real proud to be your grandpa, Lori."
Lori gave Rick a heartfelt smile. "Thanks, Grandpa Rick. I love you."
The heartfelt moment was then interrupted as Lincoln suddenly snatched the remote away from Lori, changed the channel and took a seat. "Hey!" Lori yelled.
"Lincoln, what are you doing?" Rick asked, surprised by Lincoln's behaviour.
"ARGHH is on soon and there's no way I'm missing it." Lincoln said plainly. "If you guys don't like that, too bad. Go find something else to do."
Lori huffed. "Lincoln, this isn't right!"
"So? You gonna make me leave or something?" Lincoln asked, giving her a challenging look.
In normal circumstances, Lori would be absolutely furious with Lincoln acting like this. However, now, she seemed to have completely lost her nerve. "I...guess not."
"Then go find someone else to annoy."
Lori pouted before leaving and making her way upstairs. Rick couldn't help but shake his head at Lincoln. "Geez, Lincoln, what's the matter with you?"
Lincoln narrowed his eyes at Rick. "What's wrong is that I'm always doing favours for you and my sisters and I never get any appreciation for it. Well no more. From now on, I'll be focusing more on myself."
Rick raised an eyebrow. "Seems a little selfish, don't you think?"
"As if I really care what you think, Rick." Lincoln snarked. At that moment, Lana then came up and took a seat next to Lincoln to watch TV with him. "What do you want?" Lincoln asked irritably.
Lana shrugged. "I dunno."
Rick looked at the time. "Aren't you usually playing around in the mud around this time?"
Lana had a mixed expression on her face. "Doesn't that seem a little unhygienic?"
With her newfound confidence, Luna soon knew exactly what she needed to do to win the competition. Bubblegum pop was absolutely what she needed to do to win. She had recently just finished writing all the lyrics. Only thing she needed to do now was record it as she was sat at her keyboard next to a microphone and speaker, just about to start recording. Before she could start though, Luan then came up to her. "Hey Luna, have you ever..." She paused as a frown appeared on her face. "Nah, that one might be too mean."
"What's up, Sis?"
Luan sighed. "Lately I've been having trouble coming up with jokes. I don't want to end up offending or upsetting anyone. I wonder if Lucy could help?"
Luna raised an eyebrow. "Lucy? I didn't think she was into jokes."
Luan chuckled. "You'd be surprised. She's got a dark sense of humour. We've actually been helping each other with our writing recently so maybe she could help out with this."
Luna shrugged. "Well, good luck with that then." Once Luan left, Luna took a deep breath and exhaled as she started recording her song. "Alright, take two."
Clock is ticking
Time is running out, every second counts
I can't turn it off, so I'll tune it out
All we know is la, la, la, la, la
So might as well just la, la, la, la, la
We just want to la, la, la, la, la
All day long
Everybody loves this, everybody does this
I'm just gonna do it too
We don't need a new song, we already got one
I'm just gonna give you
What everybody wa-a-a-a-ants
What everybody wa-a-a-a-ants
What everybody wa-a-a-a-ants
What everybody wants
Guess I want it too
Upon finishing the song, Luna smiled in satisfaction as she stopped recording and took out the flash drive from the recording device before climbing onto her bunk. "Now that's a song the whole world will love." She plugged the flash drive into her laptop before going onto the America's Next Hitmaker website. "Upload and submit." With her work done, she decided to take a lie down and relax. With this song, there was no way she was going to lose this. She was going to become a star and now, nothing would hold her back.
Luan knocked on the door to Lucy's room before coming in. "Hey" Upon entering her room, Luan could barely see anything as the room was completely dark. "Uh, are you in here?"
There was a moment of silence before Lucy finally spoke. "What do you want?" Her voice was dripping with venom.
Luan felt a little weirded about by Lucy's strange and anti-social attitude. "Uh...I was wondering if you'd wanna help me with coming with some jokes?"
"A denizen of the dark such as I has no time to waste to waste on your pathetic jokes!" Lucy sneered.
Luan was taken aback by this. "But, I thought you liked jokes?"
"BEGONE!" Lucy bellowed.
"Geez, alright already!" Luan huffed in annoyance as she left the room.
"Yeah, motherfucker! Yeah! Get it! Get some! Right up your fucking bitch ass, you fuck!" Toxic Rick shouted as he mixed some chemicals together and wrote some equations on the wall. He then turned to the toxic siblings. "Guess who just discovered a new element?! You think any of you little shits could do that? You think anyone but me could do that ever in a billion years? Do you think if God existed he could do it? The answer is no. If God exists, it's fucking me!"
"Ugh, who cares?" Toxic Lola whined. "I'm sick of this dump! I want to go home now so GET. FUCKING. ON WITH IT!" Toxic Lola then noticed Toxic Luan chucking at her. "What's so funny?" She asked as she grinded her teeth together.
Toxic Luan then imitated Toxic Lola's voice. "Get fucking on with it!" She chuckled. "Do you realise how stupid you sound when you try swearing?" Toxic Lola started growing in anger, causing Toxic Luan to laugh some more. "Aw, is the spoilt little princess upset?" Toxic Lola then screeched in anger as she tried to attack Toxic Luan, only for Toxic Luan to hold her back. "You wanna go then, you little bitch?!" A sadistic smile appeared on her face as she started pulling Toxic Lola's hair.
Toxic Lori then stomped towards them before giving both of them a hard slap. "For once, could both of you just shut the fuck up? Literally no one here cares what either of you have to say."
"You can't tell me what to do!" Toxic Luan spat, rubbing her cheek.
Toxic Lori glowered at Toxic Luan as she suddenly got up into her face. "Oh, you better do as I fucking tell you. Because if you don't, I'll make your life a living hell!"
Toxic Lincoln then got in between them, trying to break things up. "Guys, come on. We shouldn't be fighting like this."
Toxic Lori groaned in annoyance. "Lincoln, can you go be a whiny nerd somewhere else, please?"
Toxic Lincoln nervously flinched. "I-I just wanted to help."
"Well, you can help by go jumping into a ditch somewhere." Toxic Lori spat as she shoved Toxic Lincoln aside and walked off.
Meanwhile, a downcast Toxic Luna was sat on the floor, curled up to herself. "Dudes, what's the point? Our real selves don't want us. We probably deserve to rot here." She sighed. "Or at least I do."
Toxic Rick rolled his eyes as he held two rods that appeared to have electricity coming from them. "Jesus, get over yourself already. While all of you were flapping your parasitic turd holsters, I discovered the toxic equivalent of electricity. What do you pieces of shit think about that?"
"Uh, I literally don't care." Toxic Lori snarked.
"Oh what a shock, the phone obsessed bitch doesn't care about anything unrelated to her phone."
"Oh, fuck off."
All of the Loud siblings, apart from Luna, were in the living room, doing their own activities when they heard Luna squealing in excitement from upstairs before she ran down and showed everyone her phone. "I'M IN, I'M IN, I'M IN!"
"In what, in what, in what?" Leni asked.
Luna jumped down the stairs. "America's Next Hitmaker! I just got an email saying my song made it to the top five!"
Apart from Lincoln, who rolled his eyes, Lucy, who's face scrunched up in disgust, and Lisa, who showed no reaction, everyone rushed over and cheered for her. "We knew you could do it!" Leni stated.
Rick then entered the room with an unsure expression on his face. "Hey, uh, kids? Sorry if I'm interrupting something but could I have a moment of your time?"
"What's wrong, Grandpa Rick?" Lori asked.
"I hate to bug you guys with this, but after our morning hike I started receiving very faint, highly unusual transmissions on my sub ether phone. Listen." Rick got out his phone and played the transmission which sounded like a lot of strange groaning and screaming sounds. After listening for a moment, Rick paused it.
"Please tell me those were the screams of agony of those suffering in the underworld." Lucy said, disturbing everyone but Lisa.
Rick gave Lucy a baffled look. "What? No! Jesus! I traced the source of the call back to the spa we went to. I thought I could hear a voice in there, so I enhanced it, a-and listen.
Rick then played an enhanced transmission. The siblings were able to make out what sounded like Rick's voice coming from it. "Hey, asshole! Remember us? You fucked us, you pieces of garbage! That's right, you're fucking garbage, not us. I'm a fucking genius and a God. You really think this thing can hold me?"
They then heard what sounded like Lola's voice. "When we get out of here, you're all dead!"
Then they heard Lincoln's voice. "Guys, I don't think this is gonna help."
"Shut up Lincoln!" Everyone heard Rick's voice say before Rick turned off the recording.
He then went over to sit next to Lincoln on the couch. "Kids, what if the toxic parts of us have their own identities, their own will to live? W-What if mine shares my intelligence and devised a way to reach out to us?"
"Do you think getting rid of a part of ourselves was a bad idea?" Lana asked.
"I don't know but I don't think I can just blow this off, kids. If I had known it worked this way, I wouldn't have detoxed. Well, I would have because I was toxic. Now I'm detoxed and I'm accountable for my toxins, right? I-It's a dilemma."
"Hey, I have an idea." Lincoln said before grabbing the phone and smashing it onto the floor.
Rick stared at Lincoln in shock. "Lincoln!"
"We don't need to worry about whatever's happening to them." Lincoln argued. "We're better off without them and there's no way that I'm going back to the way I was."
"Maybe Lincoln's right." Lori then said. "I have a feeling that the part of myself that I removed is not something that I should put back."
"Yeah dudes!" Luna added. "I haven't felt this confident in a while. I don't wanna end up losing what I got going on right now."
"I sounded so mean." Lola remarked. "I don't wanna end up like that again."
"Wasting time on detrimental personality defects would be illogical." Lisa stated robotically.
Lana rubbed her arm. "I don't know. Maybe Grandpa Rick has a point. Ever since I got detoxified, I've felt like I've been missing something."
Luan hummed. "Yeah, I kinda feel the same."
Luna rolled her eyes. "Well, you guys can do want you want but I'm out."
"Where are you going?" Lori asked.
"To the theatre. I've got a meeting with the producers of America's Next Hitmaker." Luna said as she left the house.
As all of this was happening, Rick gave all of his grandchildren some unsure looks.
Later on, Luna eventually returned from the theatre and entered the living room where the rest of the siblings were. "Hey, Lola." Leni greeted.
Luna gave Leni an annoyed look. "Dude, it's me, Luna." The other siblings gasped. Luna looked a lot different now than when she left. She wore a pink wig done up in a ponytail, light purple eye shadow, pinkish red lipstick, white heart shaped earrings, a sparkly pink dress, gold bracelets and white go-go boots with pink hearts.
"What happened to you?" Lana asked.
"Nothing. The producers just made a few tweaks." Luna explained.
"A few tweaks? You are literally unrecognizable." Lori exclaimed.
"You disgust me." Lucy sneered.
Luna scoffed. "Give me a break, dude. This is just what you have to do if you want to make it. Sometimes in the music industry, you gotta play the game to get the fame."
"Looks like making it means a lot of make up, huh?" Luan spoke through her puppet, Mr. Coconuts.
Luna blinked in surprise. "Mr. Coconuts? Dang, haven't seen him for a while."
Luan gave Luna a deadpan look. "Yeah, I'm kinda running out of ideas."
"Kids? Can you come into the garage for a sec?" Rick shouted from the garage. Everyone glanced at each other before making their way into the garage.
Once they came in, Rick gave Luna an odd look. "Uh, who's this?"
Luna frowned. "It's me! Luna!"
Rick blinked as he tried to recognise her. "Wow, they're making you wear that then, huh?"
"They're not making me wear anything!"
Rick shook his head. "Right, well forget it then. I've got some great news, kids. I went back to the spa and they let me purchase the containment unit from their detoxifier." Behind Rick was the containment unit which was connected to a booth and also had a monitor connected to it.
Lincoln stared at the booth and containment unit in shock. "Why would you do that?"
Toxic Rick then appeared on the monitor screen. "Because we're coming home, bitch!"
Lori stared at the screen in surprise. "Wait, Rick?"
"This is the part of your pussy grandpa that keep it real. Oh oh, and I think you all dropped something, too!" Toxic Rick then stepped aside to show all the toxic versions of the siblings.
Toxic Lana groaned. "Aww, do we have to leave so soon?"
"We better!" Toxic Lola snapped as she glared at Toxic Rick. "If I have to wait any longer you're gonna regret it!"
Toxic Lucy then walked up to the screen before clasping her hands in joy. "Wow, Luna, that outfit looks so cute!"
"Huh?" The regular siblings exclaimed in confusion.
"Don't listen to her!" Lucy growled out.
Toxic Lincoln then came up to the screen, clasping his hands. "Please help us out!" He begged. "I can't help anyone like this! Helping my family is the only thing I'm good at! If I can't do that, then I'm worthless!"
Lori's mouth gaped open at this revelation. "What?! Wait..." She looked at Lincoln. "Is this why you always agree to go on Rick's adventures?"
Lincoln scowled at Rick. "Rick, please tell me you're not trying to put that stuff back inside of us."
"Lincoln, I'm sorry. That stuff is alive and it belongs with us. We yanked them from their homes and locked them in a can." Rick gave the can a knock which caused Toxic Rick and the others to fall over.
"Motherfucker!" Toxic Rick cursed.
"See? They're living in pain."
"It's okay dudes. I understand." Toxic Luna then said. "All I ever did was mess things up. I understand if you don't want me back."
"Shut up, Luna!" Toxic Rick barked. "Don't you dare ruin this for us."
Luna slowly shook her head. "We can't do this! These are all the bad parts of us! And besides, can we really trust them? Since they're our bad sides, they could be trying to pull a trick on us."
Toxic Rick glowered at Luna. "Oh, so now because I'm made entirely of toxins I'm also a liar? Who the fuck even are you?"
Luna slumped. "Oh, come on!"
Toxic Rick then looked at Rick. "Healthy Rick, are we doing this or what?"
"Yep." Rick went over to open the booth. "Sorry, kids. I need you to step into the booth."
"Don't negotiate with these little turds, dummy. You're the Rick. You need to show dominance. Kids, booth, now." Toxic Rick ordered. The toxic siblings made their way to the toxic booth though that ones that didn't ended up getting shoved in by Toxic Rick.
"There's no way I'm doing that!" Lincoln exclaimed.
"I would rather die." Lucy stated.
"This course of action would be illogical." Lisa droned.
Rick then went behind all the siblings, gently pushing Leni out of the group before trying to push the rest into the booth as it started charging up. "You're good, Leni, but the rest of you need to go in."
The siblings resisted Rick's efforts to push them in. "Rick, this isn't a good idea." Lori argued.
"Come on kids, do the healthy thing and voluntarily retoxify yourselves."
"Whoa!" Rick's efforts to push the siblings towards the booth caused Luan to accidentally drop Mr. Coconuts into it. The booth then activated as a giant cloud of gas whirled around Mr. Coconuts before being replaced by the toxic versions of Rick and the siblings.
"It worked! Haha! Yes!" Toxic Rick cheered. "That idiot believed every word. Now let's see how he enjoys living in that shit tank...he's right behind me, isn't he?"
"He's in front of you." Toxic Lincoln stated.
"Oh." Toxic Rick rubbed his eyes. "My eyes are still adjusting."
Everyone then noticed on the monitor that Mr. Coconuts was now in the toxic booth. Luan dropped to her knees. "Mr. Coconuts! Nooooo!"
"Oh, thank heavens!" Toxic Lisa exclaimed. "I never thought I'd ever be so happy to be back home!"
Lisa stared at her toxic self blankly. "Emotions are illogical. You are illogical." Toxic Lisa pouted at this.
Lori stared at her toxic self in surprise. "So you're...really my toxic side."
"Yeah. Good job, by the way." Toxic Lori clapped sarcastically. "You removed the part of yourself that actually gets stuff done." She narrowed her eyes at Lori. "Now all that's left is a loser who hates herself."
"Th-That's not true!" Lori tried to argue.
Toxic Luna stared at the outfit her healthy version was wearing. "Dude...this isn't me."
Luna scowled at her toxic self. "What do you know? I'm a better me than you ever were!"
Toxic Luna sighed sadly. "Yeah. That's about what I deserve." This didn't make Luna any happier.
Toxic Rick glared at his healthy self. "After seventy years of being bottled up inside a sentimental jackass, I finally get to live my own life."
Rick was honestly surprised that his toxic self tried to double cross him. "You said we were merging."
Toxic Rick smirked. "I lied, dumbass! I lie about everything! Why would I ever re-merge with a pussy like you?"
"So you were just gonna trap us in that tank? T-That was your plan?"
"Not was, motherfucker, still is." Toxic Rick said before punching Rick in the face, knocking him to the ground and causing his nose to bleed."
"Kill him, Rick!" Lincoln shouted.
"Wait! Please! We shouldn't be fighting like this!" Toxic Lincoln pleaded.
Before Toxic Rick could continue attacking, he was suddenly punched in the face by Toxic Lori. "Argh! What the hell are you doing, Lori?"
"Oh, you have no idea how much I've been wanting to do that." Toxic Lori stated.
"GAH!" Toxic Rick screamed as Toxic Luan came up to kick him in the groin.
"And you have no idea how much I've wanted to do that!" Toxic Luan chuckled.
"You little...bitches." Toxic Rick groaned as dropped to the ground.
Lori and Luan helped Rick off of the ground before he went over to Toxic Rick. "Look, Toxic Rick, we can resolve our issues. We don't need to resort to over the top violence."
Toxic Rick growled in anger. "Listen you prick, if I can't trap you in a toxic world, I'll just have to resort to plan B."
Rick raised an eyebrow. "Plan B?"
"I got the tank, Grandpa Rick!" Everyone looked over to see that Toxic Lincoln had taken the tank and was now in Rick's cruiser. "I did exactly what you told me!"
Taking advantage of the distraction, Toxic Rick got up and pushed past everyone to get into the cruiser. "Plan B is that if I can't trap you, then I'll just have to make the whole world toxic!" He flipped Rick off before flying off in the cruiser.
"Like, what did the green you mean by 'make the whole toxic'?" A nervous Leni asked.
"Believe me, sweetie, that man's motivations are a mystery." Rick answered.
"Should we, like, do something about him?"
"Probably. Once I've figured out how to stop him. In the meantime though..." Rick looked over at both sets of siblings. "This might need taking care of."
Rick and Leni stared at the chaos in the living room, not even knowing where to start. Rick was currently holding onto a device with looked like an injector connected by a tube to another injector.
Toxic Lana was rolling around on the floor, making a mess everywhere. "I don't know what I'm made of but this is awesome!"
Lana sighed as she watched her toxic self roll around. "That sure looks like fun."
Meanwhile, Lola was backing away from Toxic Lola, who was absolutely furious. "How DARE you even think of trying to get rid of me! Do you even know where you'd be today if it weren't for me?!"
"Um...I'd still have my pageant career because I wouldn't have turned into a demon?" Lola answered nervously. Toxic Lola didn't like this answer as she growled angrily. "Yeesh, did I really used to be that scary?" She asked Toxic Lucy, who was stood next to her.
"Sigh. I miss your old pageant dresses. You used to look so adorable in them."
Lola blinked in surprise. "Really?"
An upset Lucy then stomped over to her toxic self. "Will you please silence yourself! I don't like anything that's cute!"
"Crawling in my skiiiin!" Toxic Luan then sung mockingly, earning a glare from Lucy.
"Shut up!"
"Try not to cut yourself on all that edge there, 'Healthy' Lucy." Toxic Luan chuckled.
"Hey come on, that's not very nice." Luan said, trying to defend her sister.
Toxic Luan rolled her eyes. "Oh, boo hoo, try not to cry too hard about it."
"Please let me go back in!" Toxic Lisa begged to her other self. "We wouldn't be complete without each other!"
"Negative." Lisa replied emotionlessly. "Emotions are a weakness. I function better without them."
Despite all of this chaos, Lincoln had chosen to simply go back and watch TV while a depressed Toxic Luna was curled up next to him.
"Well, I'm out." Luna said as she made her way out of the house.
"What? Where are you going?" Rick asked.
"I'm going to the theatre. I've got another meeting with the producers of America's Next Hitmaker."
"Well, what about her?" Rick asked, pointing to Toxic Luna.
Luna scoffed. "Forget her! All she's ever done is hold me back. I'm better off without her." Luna then slammed the door behind her as she left.
Meanwhile, Lori was trying to control the situation and bring some order though with very little results. "Guys? Can you please just...are any of you listening to me?"
Lori then heard her toxic self chuckling as leaned against the wall. "Face it. You can't control your siblings without me. Without me, you're nothing. It's no wonder you don't like yourself, huh?"
Lori frowned. "The only reason I didn't like myself was because of you. I let you go way out of control! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have turned into someone I hated!"
"I didn't hate you." Leni then said.
"Like, I know you weren't perfect but no one is. You were still our big sister that always stood up for us and helped us out when we needed it. Sure you could be a little mean sometimes but you've gotten a lot nicer lately. But, like, now I'm wondering if you're even that person any more if you can't help any of us out."
Lori stared at Leni for a moment before sighing. She knew what she needed to do in order to take control of the situation. "You're right, Leni. I can't be your big sister while I'm like this. Rick, I'll do it. You can put her back in."
Toxic Lori smirked. "I told you you needed me."
Lori glared at her toxic self. "But let me just make one thing clear. You don't control me. I control you." Toxic Lori said nothing as Rick put one of the injectors into her neck and the other into Lori's neck. Rick then pushed the button in between which sucked Toxic Lori into the tube before putting her back into Lori's body. "That wasn't so ba-AAHHHH!" Lori screamed in pain for a moment before taking some deep breaths.
Leni gave her a concerned look. "Lori! Are you okay?"
Lori sighed. "I'm fine, Leni." She then put on a stern face as she looked at all of the chaos happening in the living room. "Everyone listen up!" She shouted, making everyone go silent. "Everyone go back to your own rooms with your toxic versions. We'll be dealing with each of you one at a time. Got it?" All of them glanced at each other before making their way upstairs and into their rooms.
The only one that was still downstairs was Lincoln. Lori marched over to him and took the remote from him, turning the TV off. "Hey!"
"Lincoln, I know you're not in the right state of mind but you need to go to your room. Now." Lori ordered.
Lincoln folded his arms, petulantly. "Well what if I don't want to?"
"Lincoln!" Lori stared Lincoln down, who tried staring her down back.
Eventually, Lincoln caved in. "Alright, fine already!" He moaned as he got up and made his way upstairs.
Once he was in his room, Lori let out a sigh of relief, as did Leni and Rick. "Ok. So who should we go to first?"
Rick held his chin in thought. "I might have an idea of who might be the easiest."
Rick, Lori and Leni entered Lisa's room. Lisa had decided to work on some experiments while Toxic Lisa was sitting quietly, looking a bit upset. "All right, Lisa, time to put your emotions back. I already told you they weren't a bad thing."
Lisa turned to face Rick. "Incorrect. Emotions have been nothing but a detriment to me. They have clouded my judgement when making plans."
"Ok, well I've got a couple questions for you then. What's the point of any of this work if it doesn't make you happy?"
"My work would be to mankind's benefit."
"So? Would mankind's benefit make you feel happy or good about yourself at all?"
Lisa was silent for a moment before answering. "Negative."
"Alright then here's my other question. If you can't feel any emotions any more then that means you have absolutely no drive to stop me from putting your toxic self back into you, do you?"
Lisa was silent again before answering. "Correct."
"Yeah, that's what I thought." Rick then repeated the process he did with Lori and her toxic self.
Once it was done, Lisa's eyes widened. "GYAHHH!" She then spent a moment writhing in pain. Once it was over, she gave Rick an apologetic look. "Apologies, Grandpa Rick. In hindsight, getting rid of all my emotions was a rather rash decision."
Rick smiled. "Hey, everyone makes mistakes. You just gotta learn from them."
Rick, Lori, Leni and Lisa entered Lana and Lola's room. Lana, Lola and Toxic Lana were at Lana's side of the room, staring nervously at Toxic Lola, who was at Lola's side of the room, grumbling angrily to herself. "So, any of you ready to go back to normal?" Rick asked.
Lana raised her hand. "Yeah, I kinda wanna go back to normal."
Rick nodded. "Alright! You good with that, Toxic Lana?"
Surprisingly, Toxic Lana seemed apprehensive about the idea. "But...why would you want me back?"
Lana was caught off guard by this. "Uh, why wouldn't I?"
"Aren't I bad for you?" Toxic Lana asked. "I thought all I did was make you look weird and gross?"
Lisa sighed. "If this is about my brazen comments from a while back, you shouldn't have paid them much mind. I was in an irrational mood that day. There's nothing particularly wrong with playing out in the mud. Well, so long as you cleanse yourself afterwards."
Toxic Lana scratched the back of her head. "But I thought you'd be better off without me since then, you'd be more like Lola."
This was a shock to Lola. "Wait. You wanted to be more like me?"
Lana frowned. "No way!"
Toxic Lana sighed. "Kinda. You've always been so prim and perfect. I kinda felt like dirt compared to you."
Lola's mouth gaped open at Lana. "Are you kidding me? If anyone should be jealous, it's me! You're way nicer and talented then I am! And besides, look at your toxic version compared to mine."
"You better not be saying stuff about me over there!" Toxic Lola shouted from the other side of the room.
"I don't know about being more talented than you but..." Lana's face scrunched in thought for a moment. "Yeah, maybe I was being kinda dumb."
Toxic Lana nodded. "I think I'm ready to go back in now."
Once again, Rick repeated the same process he did with Lori and Lisa. "OW! Why does that sting so much!" Lana asked as she rubbed her neck.
Lori rolled her eyes. "Believe me, you got off easy."
"Alright, Lola, how about you?" Rick then asked.
"You really want me to put THAT back inside me?" Lola asked, pointing towards her toxic self.
Lori knelt down. "Lola, I know you've had issues in the past but getting rid of all your anger isn't going to help."
"But all that part of me did was mess things up!" Lola argued.
"Lola, I don't know if you realise this but you kind of need anger." Rick explained. "Without anger, how are you supposed to stand up for yourself? People will just walk over you and you won't have any drive to stop them."
"Anger isn't a bad thing by itself." Lori added. "You just have to learn to control it."
Lola frowned in thought for a moment before sighing. "Well, if you guys say so."
Toxic Lola frowned as Lola and Rick came over to her. "And what makes you think I want to go back inside her anyway?"
"Toxic Lola, anger is literally the only thing you're able to feel." Rick explained. "You really want to live like that for the rest of your life?"
Toxic Lola scowled before growling in frustration. "Grr, fine then!"
Rick then did the same process again. "YAAAAA!" Lola screeched as she then writhed in agony for a moment.
Rick and the retoxified siblings entered Lucy's room, which was still pitch black. "Uh, Lucy, could you put a light on or something?"
They heard Lucy grumbling before she opened a curtain. Everyone could also now see Toxic Lucy, sat on Lynn's bed. "If you're here to ask if I want that...thing back in me, the answer's no."
"Lucy, you know there's really nothing wrong with liking things that are cute and girly." Lori explained.
"Of course there is!" Lucy snapped before pointing at her toxic self. "That is NOT who I am!"
"Sigh. Aren't you being just a little over the top?" Toxic Lucy asked. "Maybe you should just calm down a moment."
"SILENCE!" Lucy bellowed, stomping over to her. "You're nothing but an embarrassment! I don't need you. I never needed you, you pathetic, worthless wretch!"
Toxic Lucy gaped at her healthy self for a moment before she started sniffing. "Y-You're right! I am an embarrassment! I'd just be better off dead so no one would ever have to see me!"
Upon seeing how much she had hurt her toxic self, Lucy then came to a sudden realisation about herself. "What am I doing?" She stared down at her hands in horror. "I...I got so scared of people judging me that I've become just like them. I'm no better than those that would judge either of us." Noticing that Toxic Lucy was still crying, Lucy went and wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "I'm sorry, other me. You don't deserve anything I just said to you." After a moment, the other Lucy stopped crying and returned the hug.
Eventually, Lucy let her go, though she still held her hand. She turned to Rick. "I'm ready to go back to normal now." Rick repeated the process again. "GrrrrARGH!" Lucy groaned as she clenched her neck in pain.
Lola went over to her. "Are you okay, Lucy?"
"Groan. I'm fine."
Lola smiled. "So, you really like pink after all?"
"Pink is my least favourite colour." Lucy then blushed slightly. "But it's still one of my favourites."
Everyone entered Luna and Luan's room. Toxic Luna was curled up on her bed. Luan had a grumpy look on her face and looked wet for some reason while Toxic Luan was trying to look innocent. "Uh, what happened in here?" Rick asked.
"What happened is that the other me is a jerk!" Luan snapped.
Toxic Luan chuckled. "Oh wow! Who would have thought that someone made of toxins would be so toxic, huh?"
"You know it's not really funny if you're the only one that thinks it's funny, right?"
Toxic Luan pretended to be surprised. "Oh gee, I never knew." She then grinned. "Guess you should have told yourself that sooner!"
Luan let out a groan of frustration. "She's so annoying! You guys don't think I should actually put her back, do you?"
"Well...didn't you say earlier that you felt like you were missing something?" Rick asked.
Luan sighed. "Well I guess it has become a lot harder to come up with jokes ever since I was detoxified."
"That's because you're way too scared of upsetting people." Toxic Luan then said. "Me personally? I couldn't give a shit!"
An uncomfortable look appeared on Luan's face. "Putting her back can't really be a good idea, can it?"
Rick shrugged. "I mean, she kinda has a point. You know, there's really nothing wrong with a bit of edgy humour. It's just gotta be the right time and place, you know? You just gotta know what your audience wants."
"But...what if I go too far?" Luan asked.
"Then just learn from your mistakes." Lori then said. "And you just need to control yourself."
Luan glanced back and forth between her family and her toxic self before slumping her arms. "Alright, fine, you can put her back in."
Toxic Luan frowned. "Hey, who said I wanted to be filtered?"
Lori then approached her. "Come on, Toxic Luan, don't make this too difficult for us."
"Screw you! You can't make me go back!" Toxic Luan then got out a smoke bomb from one of her pockets and threw it to the floor. Except it didn't make any smoke since it was made out of toxins, just like everything else on her. She laughed nervously. "He he. Well I guess that blew up in my face, huh?" Lori then tackled her to the floor. "Get off me!"
Rick quickly rushed over with Luan and repeated the process again. Once it was over, Luan slowly nodded. "Yep. This hurts. DAAAARRGGH!" She then writhed in pain for a moment before recovering.
"So that just leaves Lincoln and Luna, right?" Lori asked. "Who should we deal with first?"
Rick glanced at Toxic Luna for a moment before answering. "Well considering he's with Toxic Rick, who we should probably deal with soon, we should go with Lincoln first."
Everyone entered Lincoln's room to see him sat on his bed, still in a foul mood. "What do you guys want?" He spat.
Lori sighed. "Look, if this is about the Sister Fight Protocol thing, we're sorry about that. It wasn't your fault what happened. We just planned things out really poorly."
Lincoln scowled. "Oh, so now you want me to helpful again. Is that right?"
"I...guess?" An unsure Lola answered.
"Well I'm sick of being that person!" Lincoln snapped. "You guys just want me to go back so I could be your 'sweet little or big brother or grandson' again so I'd go back to doing you guys favours again! Why can't I just focus on myself for once? I don't want to go back to feeling I'm only worth something if I'm helping my family out!"
"Lincoln, you're not worthless." Lori stated.
"You're, like, super talented!" Leni added.
"You're a great artist!" Lola said.
"And we're sorry if we ever made you feel like you were lesser than us or that you were only ever worth anything if you were helping us." Lori continued. "If it helps, we'll try and make things up to you for any favours that you've done for us."
A mixed expression appeared on Lincoln's face. "If that's how you guys feel, then why do you want me to go back to the way I was then? What's wrong with me staying like this?"
"If you want to remain this way, we'll respect your decision." Lucy then said. "But are you really happy like this?"
Lincoln frowned in thought about this. Sure, he didn't feel worthless anymore but looking back at how he had been acting since being detoxified, he didn't exactly feel good about himself either. Not to mention he couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing a part of himself. "I...guess not. But even if I wanted to go back, that other me is with the other Rick. How would any of us be able to stop him?"
Rick held his chin in thought. "Well he is pretty much everything I hate about myself so he's got to have some kind of weakness." An idea then came to Rick as he then, to everyone's shock, slapped Lincoln's face.
"Ow! What was that for?" Lincoln complained, rubbing his cheek.
"I'll explain on the way." Rick said as he grabbed Lincoln's arm and dragged him out the room.
Toxic Rick and Toxic Lincoln were at the top of a tower where Rick had built a machine on it that was connected to the containment unit. "This 'Moon Tower', Lincoln, is the perfect height and metallic composition for the amplification and beaming of toxic energies." Toxic Rick explained. "What do you think about that, Lincoln? Are you excited about that, Lincoln?"
Toxic Lincoln smiled nervously. "I'm just happy to help!"
"Once I flip this switch, the entire world is gonna be just as toxic as us, baby." Toxic Rick stated before flipping the switch, activating the machine with caused it to light up with electricity before firing a green beam into the sky which sent rays of toxic energy all across the globe.
Clyde was on his walkie talkie, trying to get in contact with Lincoln. "Lincoln, you there bro? I haven't heard from you in ages!" A toxic wave spread across Clyde's house, causing him and everything around him to become toxic. "Is Lori there? Can I talk to her? PLEASE LINCOLN, I LOVE HER!"
Ronnie Anne and Sid were at the park, practicing their skateboarding tricks as Ronnie Anne was currently showing off a trick where she skateboarded over a fire hydrant. "How was that?" Ronnie Anne asked Sid.
"Pretty sweet!" Sid complimented. A wave of toxicity then spread over the park. "OH MY GOSH! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHY'S EVERYTHING GREEN?! ARE WE MADE OF SLUDGE NOW?!"
As Sid rambled on, a young boy passed by Ronnie Anne and blew a raspberry at her. Ronnie Anne responded by picking the boy up and throwing him into a nearby trash can.
At the Mercado, an annoyed Bobby was currently trying to serve Scoots. "Scoots, I keep telling you, this coupon is expired." Bobby explained, pointing at the coupon he was holding.
Scoots scoffed. "Sounds like a scam to me."
A wave of toxicity spread over the bodega. Bobby started to panic. "Mom? Lori? Anyone? Someone please? I'm scared of being independent!"
"Everyday is just another step closer to death." A miserly Scoots remarked.
As the entire world became toxic, Toxic Rick couldn't help but laugh at his handiwork. "Hahahahahaha! We fucking did it, Lincoln. Put your fucking hands in the air." Toxic Rick grabbed Toxic Lincoln's arm and raised it up. "Yeah, you little piece of shit."
Rick and Lincoln then landed behind after flying up to the tower by jetpack. "Remember me?" Rick asked.
Toxic Rick turned to face him. "You're too late, Healthy Rick, don't you understand that you can't beat me?"
"Yeah, I did. But then I realised something else." Rick pulled out a gun out of his lab coat. "This."
Rick then shot Toxic Lincoln in the knee, causing him to cry out in pain. "Ahh!"
"That bullet is laced with an encrypted nanobotic virus that will disintegrate your Lincoln in about, ah, twenty minutes." Rick explained.
Toxic Rick frowned. "You think I give a shit?"
"I know you give a shit, dummy. Because I know I don't. Here's another thing I know. The decryption key that neutralizes the virus." Rick then pulled out his retoxifying device. "You want it? Come and get it. Merge with me and you'll know how to save him."
Toxic Rick scoffed. "Pfft. Come on, man. I've been trapped in your pussy brain for seventy years of delusions, but this is the all-time weakest bluff that I've ever-" Rick then shot Toxic Lincoln in his other knee, causing him to scream in pain again. Toxic Rick stared at Rick in shock. "Jesus Christ! What are you doing?!"
"He's cutting your time in half. Ten minutes." Lincoln explained.
"Ohh! It hurts!" Toxic Lincoln groaned.
"What is your problem?!" Toxic Rick snapped.
Rick smiled. "Oh, I had all my problems removed. My entitlement, my narcissism, my crippling loneliness, my irrational attachments." At this last one, Toxic Rick glanced at Toxic Lincoln as his eye started twitching. "They must be somewhere. They ain't over here, bro."
"I'm not going back in there!" Toxic Rick barked.
"Honestly, I don't care either way. I hate having you in me. And when I say 'honestly' you can believe it, because we both know I'm too healthy to lie. Watch." Rick then shot Toxic Lincoln in the shoulder, causing him to cry out again.
"All right! Knock it off!" Toxic Rick pleaded. "You're not impressing anyone." He then knelt down to hold Toxic Lincoln. "Lincoln, not that I give a shit, but are you okay?"
"It really hurts?" Toxic Lincoln groaned.
"Relax, quit your bitching. Y-You're gonna be fine." Toxic Rick's expression softened. "Grandpa's here." Rick chuckled, causing Toxic Rick to glare at him. "You think that's funny?"
"Y-You got to have a sense of humor about these things." Rick said. "Oh, wait, you can't. You're literally incapable of seeing the bigger picture. I guess it's just funny because you've never done anything but complain about me being in charge, but if I ever gave you the wheel we'd be dead in five minutes."
"Ah...Rick." Toxic Lincoln groaned as he started to become weaker.
"You poor, dumb, sick animal".
Toxic Rick then screamed in frustration before getting up and going over to Rick. "Just do it! Just do it, you piece of-"
Rick then jammed one of the injectors into Toxic Rick's head before quickly going through with the usual process. "Ugh!" Once it was over, Rick cheered. "I'm back, baby! Regular Rick! Master of both worlds! Check it it out!" He let out a fart. "Excuse me." He then went over to the lever. "Now we'll just reverse this hacky toxicity beam. Man, I really over think shit when I'm angry." Rick lifted the lever which caused the machine to suck all of the toxicity back up. Once everything went back to normal, he then looked over at Toxic Lincoln, who was still groaning in pain before looking at Lincoln. "Alright Lincoln, it's now or never. You wanna go back to being less selfish or what?"
Lincoln stared at his other self for a moment before sighing. "Alright. I'll do it." Once again, Rick quickly repeated the process. Which also caused Lincoln to scream out in pain. "ARGHHH!"
Once he recovered, Rick asked. "So, how are you feeling now?"
Lincoln sighed. "Kind of like a jerk. How come you barely felt any pain from that."
Rick shrugged. "Guess I was just numb to it."
Lincoln sighed again. "Well, at least everything's back to normal."
Seeing that Lincoln didn't look all that happy, Rick started to look awkward. "Hey um...this isn't easy for me to say but...I'm sorry about any adventures that may have caused you any stress. Y-You know can always say no if I ask you, right?"
A small smile appeared on Lincoln's face at this. "Thanks Grandpa Rick."
Rick smiled back. While a part of him wanted to chew himself out for showing this kind of weakness and vulnerability, he decided to just ignore that part of him. At least for now.
Rick and Lincoln exhaled upon returning home. "Glad that's over with." Rick remarked.
"Aren't you forgetting someone?" Lori asked. Rick and Lincoln looked to see Lori standing there with Toxic Luna.
"Guess it's just me left then, huh?" Toxic Luna asked. She started to look downcast. "Figured it would end up like this."
Everyone then heard someone knocking on the door. Rick answered it to see Sam standing there. "Oh hey, Rick was it? Is Luna home?" Sam then noticed Toxic Luna. "Oh my gosh! What happened to Luna?!"
"Oh, that's not quite Luna." Rick explained. "See, we went to an alien spa where we got detoxified, meaning we pretty removed the stuff about ourselves we didn't like. Unfortunately, the toxic parts of us had a mind of their own so that there is pretty much everything Luna hates about herself."
Toxic Luna took a step back. "Oh no, Sam. I shouldn't be anywhere near her. I don't deserve to be near her after the horrible things I did."
Sam stared at Toxic Luna for a moment before sighing. "You know, I kinda had a feeling Luna felt like this deep down."
"You did?" Rick asked.
Sam nodded. "When we first got together, it felt like she kept trying to distance herself from me. I kinda ended up wondering if she even wanted to be in a relationship. Also she started writing songs about guilt and regret. She started getting better a couple months ago but then she started writing songs about how nothing in life matters."
Rick furrowed his brows in thought for a moment. "I think I might have an idea on how to get Luna back to normal."
Luna, or Lulu as she was now known as, which could be seen titled on her new pink guitar which had no strings on it, was backstage at the theatre, getting ready to give a 'performance' when she noticed a portal appear. Rick and Lincoln stepped out of it, along with Sam, causing her to smile. "Sam, babe! What are you" Luna then noticed Toxic Luna had come with them. "What is she doing here?!"
Sam looked at Luna in shock. "Oh wow. You look...different."
Luna grinned. "You like the new threads?"
Sam scratched the back of his head. "It's...cute but I didn't think this'd be your kind of look."
"It really isn't." Toxic Luna remarked.
Luna scowled. "Can you just get lost?"
Sam raised an eyebrow at Luna's guitar. "Lulu? How come there's no strings on this guitar?"
"Er, well I won't actually be performing. I'll just be lip-syncing." Luna explained.
Sam huffed. "Luna, this isn't like you. It kinda seems like you're selling out here."
"Sam, you know how hard it is to get into this industry. This is just what I have to do."
Toxic Luna shook her head. "I wouldn't do this. I wouldn't become a star if it meant I couldn't be myself any more."
Sam sighed. "Luna, maybe you should just put that other you back inside you. This just isn't you."
Luna shook her head. "No, Sam, you don't understand. I'm way better off like this!"
Toxic Luna sighed. "Dude, we can't do this any more. We should just tell her the truth."
"Tell me what?" Sam asked.
"NOTHING!" Luna yelled before getting up into her toxic self's face. "Will you just shut up!"
Toxic Luna shook her head. "This isn't right dude. She deserves to know."
"She doesn't need to know!"
"How can we have any kind of healthy relationship with her if we're keeping secrets?"
Luna looked over at Rick. "Can you please just do something about her?!"
Rick got out his device. "I can put her back in you, if you want?"
Luna screamed in frustration. "Fine! Just do it! Anything to shut her up!" Rick went over and put one of the injectors in Luna and the other in Toxic Luna. For the final time, Rick pressed the button which caused Toxic Luna to go back into Luna, which then caused her to scream out in pain. "WAAAAHH!"
Sam ran over with a look of concern on her face. "Luna! Are you okay!"
Luna took a few deep breaths before looking at Sam, guilt written all over face. "Sam, I...there's something I need to tell you."
Sam nodded. "It's okay, Luna. You can be honest with me. Whatever you've done, I won't judge you for it."
Luna gulped. "Ok, goes..."
Once Luna had finished telling Sam about everything that had happened on Valentines day, all she could do was stare at Luna in horror. She had expected Luna to have done something bad, maybe even illegal but she did not expect her to have done something of this magnitude. ""
Luna started to get nervous. "I-I know that was really bad. But believe me, if I could take it all back, I would!"
Sam took a step back as she started shaking her head. " could you..."
Tears started to well up in Luna's eyes. "Sam, please, I didn't-"
Before Luna could finish, Sam suddenly bolted out of the room. Luna stared at the door that Sam left from with her mouth gaped slightly open before falling to her knees as she let out a sob. Rick and Lincoln gave each other guilty glances as they realised that this plan was a terrible mistake before going over to Luna, doing their best to comfort her.