Rick, Lincoln and Lori were in the garage, preparing themselves for another adventure to find Lynn. "So, you really think Lynn would have stuck around in this other dimension?" Lori asked.
"It's a dimension where everyone is completely obsessed with sports and competition." Rick explained. "If there's any dimension she would have stuck around in, it's there." A portal then appeared in the garage as a Rick and a Lincoln stepped out of it. "Oh, for fuck's sake."
The Rick was holding a clipboard and the Lincoln was holding some pamphlets which he then left on the side. "Hello." The Rick greeted. "I'm Rick K-23. This is my Lincoln." The Lincoln gave a friendly wave. "We're going from reality to reality, asking Ricks to contribute to the Citadel of Ricks redevelopment fund."
"What are you, stupid?" Rick asked sarcastically, putting his hands on his hips. "We're done with the Citadel of Ricks. I was never on board with it in the first place, that's why I murdered everyone in charge and left it to rot."
Rick K-23 then examined his clipboard as an annoyed expression appeared on his face. "Ohhh. That was you." He then passed the clipboard over to his Lincoln, who had a concerned look on his face as he read through it.
"They literally tried to murder him first." Lori argued.
"Yeesh." Lincoln K-23 said before putting a smile on his face. "Well, you'll be happy to know that the Council's gone now."
"We know. Our Rick murdered them." Lori snarked.
"You wanna rein in your Lori?" Rick K-23 asked.
Rick shrugged. "What for? Speaking facts?"
Lincoln K-23 appeared to be reading from a script. "The Citadel of Ricks redevelopment fund donates-"
"Lincoln, he's not gonna donate." Rick K-23 interrupted. "You're pitching the policeman's ball to a black teenager here." He pulled out a portal gun and fired a portal. "Let's go."
"You don't have to be a dick." Rick added.
"I think you know that's not true." Rick K-23 retorted as he and his Lincoln walked through the portal before it disappeared.
"So the citadel is still around?" Lincoln asked. "I thought you destroyed the place?"
"Yeah, well, in hindsight I probably should have seen this coming. Infinite universes means there's an infinite number of Ricks that are stupid enough to still want something like that and try to rebuild it." Rick explained.
A thought then occurred to Lori. "Wait, couldn't they have helped us with trying to track down Lynn?"
Rick rolled his eyes. "Lori, you of all people should know why that would be a bad idea." Rick then picked up his portal gun and fired a portal. "Just forget about them. Anyone continuing to explore the Citadel is either stupid, or one of the unfortunate millions held hostage by their terrible ideas."
Lincoln shrugged as the three of them walked over to the portal. "Glad we don't live there then."
The new citadel was located within an orange nebulae, which was apparent due to the orange sky. The scientifically advanced city was filled with towering gold and silver buildings as Rick, Lincolns, Loris and the other versions of the siblings went about their day to day lives. Due to the incident with the Federation, some of the buildings were still wrecked though they were in the process of being rebuilt by the construction worker Ricks and Loris.
Meanwhile, at the Rick bar, four Ricks were sat around a table, having a casual conversation. "So, how'd you guys end up moving here?" The first Rick asked.
"A one eyed, triangle demon turned the Earth into a chaotic hellscape." The second Rick answered.
"Some kind of...cluster of gem corpses destroyed my Earth from the inside." The third Rick explained.
"A monster woman from another dimension came to Earth and started sucking out everyone's souls." The fourth Rick finished. "How about you?"
The first Rick sighed in disappointment, somewhat hesitant to answer. "Global warming."
The fourth Rick gave him a sympathetic look. "Oof."
Meanwhile, a tired and slightly drunk Construction Worker Lori was sat at the bar counter, watching the TV. The Citadel morning news had just started as a Rick was narrating the intro. "Citadel Morning News: News about the Citadel in the morning. Pretty self explanatory."
It then cut to the news room as the two news anchors were sat at the desk. Both looked identical apart from one of them had a scar down his face. "Good morning. I'm Rick D715-B." The scarred Rick greeted.
"And I'm Rick D715." The other Rick greeted.
"Must be nice." Rick D715-B snarked.
"Coming up! Gravity outages in East Sanchez Heights!"
"And, is your uranium-powered cellular matrix making you sick? The answer may not surprise you. It's 'yes, it's uranium'."
"Those stories and more after this break."
It then cut to a commercial as a young Rick could be seen working on something in his garage. A narrator then started speaking. "Sixteen iterations off the central finite curve, there's a Rick that works more with wood than polarity plating." The Rick appeared to be making a present for his son, Lynn, as he started wrapping it up. "His name is Simple Rick, but he's no dummy." The commercial then cut to footage from a handheld video camera as a young Lynn Sr. was blowing out the candles on his birthday cake. "He realized long ago that the greatest thing he'd ever create was his son."
"I love you Dad!" The young Lynn Sr. exclaimed happily, causing the young Rick to let out tears of joy.
However it turns out this footage was playing on a small screen on a helmet that was over that currently unconscious Rick's head. "We captured that moment and run it on a loop through Simple Rick's mind." The helmet was attached to a machine that appeared to be collecting happy secretions from his brain. "And the chemical that makes his brain secrete goes into every Simple Rick's Simple Wafer Cookie." It then cut to a clip showing how the parts of the wafer came together. "Come home to the impossible flavour of your own completion. Come home to Simple Rick's."
The news broadcast then resumed as Rick D715 began speaking. "Just one day remains before our newly democratic Citadel elects its first president. It's anyone's race among the Rick candidates." A graph then appeared on screen, showing the top five candidates in the Presidential race. Retired General Rick was in the lead, followed by Private Sector Rick, Juggling Rick, Reverse Rick Outrage and Rick Guilt Rick.
Construction Worker Lori groaned in disgust. "Ugh! I'm literally sick of all these Ricks. What's the point in voting when they're all the same jerk anyway?"
"I heard that there was a Luan candidate in the runnings." The Bartender Lori remarked.
Construction Worker Lori raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because I would literally take anything other than a Rick at this point."
On the TV, Rick D715-B was now talking. "But a certain other candidate should be getting at least one vote for most hilarious!"
It then cut to footage of the Candidate Luan giving a speech to a small crowd. She appeared to be wearing a boot on her head. "If you vote for me, I promise everyone will get a free pony! Teeth brushing will be mandatory by law and we will finally have a plan for the eventual zombie apocalypse!" It cut back to the news room where the two Rick were laughing out loud.
Construction Worker Lori sighed in disappointment. "Figures."
Rick D715-B eventually managed to stop laughing and continue. "Heh, and not only that but we may also have a candidate that should be getting at least one vote for most adorable."
It then cut to footage of Candidate Lincoln, who was talking to a jittery Lincoln at the hospital before giving a thumbs up for the photo ops. Candidate Lincoln looked to be at least a year older than most other Lincolns and was currently wearing a suit. Rick D715 then gave a voiceover. "That's right, the Lincoln Party candidate's still in the race, and you just gotta love him for that." It then cut to Candidate Lincoln standing outside a van, waving to the press. "Here you see him in his little Lincoln suit, waving. Isn't that adorable? Little jackass." It then cut to footage of him giving a speech though there was no audio with the footage. "Uh, yeah, I think we actually have the audio for his speech here. 'Aw dang it, I'm gonna lose the election and stuff'." Both of the Ricks then started laughing.
At the Lincoln campaign headquarters, the Lincoln campaign were also watching the news before Campaign Manager Lincoln turned the TV off. He sighed. "We had a good run, sir, but I think it's time to pull out of the race."
Candidate Lincoln smirked as he folded his arms. "No chance. I actually feel pretty confident about tonight's debate."
Campaign Manager Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "You shouldn't, sir. You should be terrified."
"Maybe you should have a little faith, young man. I am the man with the plan after all." Candidate Lincoln said before walking off and leaving Campaign Manager Lincoln with a confused expression.
As a parade of Lincolns marching for Lincoln pride came down the street, Rookie Rick took a sip of his coffee while he was keeping an eye on them in case any of them tried to do something unlawful. Upon moving to the citadel, Rookie Rick had wanted to make a positive impact on the place so he had decided to become a cop. He had just finished police academy (which surprisingly didn't take too long to finish) and was now waiting for the partner he had been assigned to to show up. Eventually a police cruiser pulled up next to him, almost hitting two Lincolns in the process. The passenger window rolled down. To Rookie Rick's surprise, it was a Lori behind the wheel. "Oh! S-Sorry, I was expecting-"
"A Rick partner?" Officer Lori asked. She was slightly more overweight than the other Loris and had a tired and weary look on her face. Despite that, Rookie Rick could tell she was still seventeen. "Lesson one, rookie: expect the unexpected. Now get in."
Upon Officer Lori starting the car back up after Rookie Rick got in, the radio then came on as a Luna's voice came from it. "Yo, what up Citadel? It's ya gurl, Radio Host Luna! Up next is Hip Hop Luna's newest hit single, 'Loud and proud' so stay tuned!"
As the police cruiser started moving, a Lincoln then started slapping the front hood of the cruiser. "Lincolns are human!" He yelled.
"Get the fuck off the car, you fuckin' twerp!" Officer Lori shouted before pulling a lever which then sent a taser shock to the Lincoln, causing him to fall to the side. "The election's got these Lincolns more riled up than an Ace Savvy convention." Officer Lori remarked as the cruiser moved forward.
Rookie Rick couldn't help but be concerned with Officer Lori's attitude. "That's pretty harsh, ma'am."
Officer Lori shot Rookie Rick an angry glare. "So report me. Literally nobody gives a fuck."
"Look, I'm just saying. Makes me a little sad to hear a Lori cop calling Lincolns 'twerps'. I mean, I thought the whole 'Loris call Lincolns twerps' thing was kind of a negative stereotype."
"Well, it makes me sad to see another Rick cop buying into his sensitivity training."
Rookie Rick raised an eyebrow at Officer Lori. "Come on, don't you have your own Lincoln? Or any other siblings?"
Officer Lori was silent for a moment. "No. I don't." She replied bitterly.
Rookie Rick sighed. "Well, I'm glad to know there's more like me at least."
"Oh, there was one. Why do you think that seat was empty?"
A holographic Rick then appeared on the dashboard. "Robbery at Fifth and Dang It Avenue."
"Fifth and Dang It?" Rookie Rick repeated. "That's Lincolntown."
"Unit 7 responding." Officer Lori dispatched back before turning a corner. "Oh, for fuck's sake." Lori then stopped the car as a Lincoln and a Lucy were having a sword fight in the middle of the road.
The Lucy was wearing a blue medieval garb with a cape and also had a strange mask over her eyes. "Not bad, Linkoln. You're rather skilled with a sword."
Linkoln had elf-like ears and was wearing a blue tunic. "HYA! YARGH! HEEYA!" He shouted.
"Please stop that."
"Sorry, Lucyna."
"Get the fuck outta the way!" Officer Lori screamed while using the car horn. Linkoln and Lucyna finally noticed the cruiser and quickly got off of the road.
As the cruiser flew off, both of them glared at the leaving vehicle. "Dastards." Lucyna spat.
80's Lincoln was a fairly average Lincoln, apart from the fact that his timeline was a couple decades behind the other Lincolns, as evidenced by his 80's style mullet and jacket. After the death of his Rick and the subsequent take over of Earth by the Galactic Federation, he and his family were moved into the citadel. While he and his siblings apparently had the choice to immediately get jobs there, he refused since he didn't want to stay in the citadel forever. Living somewhere where everyone was an alternate version of one of your family members sounded pretty weird to him. So instead, he was enrolled at Rick school to catch up on his education and to prepare for when he and his siblings were adopted by another Rick. It didn't seem like sending his family to another dimension without the Federation was much of an option according to the Ricks.
As 80's Lincoln first stepped onto the school grounds, he already felt weirded out by how everyone there was just a different version of his siblings. He noticed a younger version of Lori with a unibrow, an Inuit version of Lynn who appeared to somehow be bending water, showing off for a crowd, and a Lucy with spikier hair than usual who appeared to be playing a handheld video game about vampire pigs. Upon noticing him stare at her, the Lucy sent 80's Lincoln a frightening, almost psychotic glare that caused him to immediately walk off.
As he walked around the school grounds, he passed by a trio of Lincolns and managed to overhear a conversation they were having. "Wait. Let me get this straight." The first Lincoln started. "You threw a massive party and invited almost everyone you knew over but somehow managed to keep all of your sisters out of it and somehow, they didn't kill you afterwards?"
The second Lincoln nodded, seeming proud of that. "Yep."
"Don't you think that might have been a bit much?"
The second Lincoln shook his head. "Not really. My sisters can be pretty self-centred. It's hard to actually get them to listen to you and considering my plan worked and got them to learn their lesson, I'd say it was exactly what they deserved. And from the looks of the citadel, I'd say the other versions of my sisters aren't much different. After all, didn't your Lynn trick you into taking some kind of drug that caused you to not feel fear any more?"
The first Lincoln had a look of shame on his face upon being reminded of that event. "Well yeah but...we managed to work through that eventually."
"My sisters declared war on me after I accidentally messed up an anniversary gift for our parents." The third Lincoln added.
The other two Lincoln gave the third one concerned expressions. "Dang. How did that one turn out?" The second Lincoln asked.
"In the end, it turned out my sister, Lola, was actually the devil."
The other two Lincolns stared at the third one blankly for a moment. "Sorry, what?" The first Lincoln asked.
"Good idea, Rick." Teacher Rick said.
"Good idea, Rick." The class repeated.
"This is a great adventure."
"This is a great adventure."
80's Lincoln's first class was apparently called 'Rick obedience' class, as strange it was. Upon first entering the classroom, he first noticed that the classes weren't separated by age as there were a variety of different siblings in his class. He wondered if they were separated by intelligence as there wasn't a single Lisa in class. Or in the whole school now that he thought about it. Next, there were a couple of students in the class that stuck out in his opinion. One was a girl. Whichever alternate version of his sisters she was meant to be, he couldn't really tell. She was a chubby girl who looked around eight years old, had brown hair pulled into pigtails and wore a purple dress with a smiling sun on it.
Another student that caught his attention was a Lana. Or a Lola. He couldn't quite tell by her appearance alone. She didn't wear any hat or tiara though her hair was done up in pigtails though they were longer than the usual Lana pigtails. She wore Lola's usual dressed though towards the top, it was shaped like Lana's overalls over a purple shirt. Towards the bottom, it split apart where underneath was Lana's pants though each leg had a diagonal pink stripe going across them. She also wore a white necklace, pink gloves though they were shorter than the usual Lola gloves, only covering her hands, and pink shoes with heels on them. She almost looked like a strange mix between a Lana and a Lola. It didn't help that earlier, he had noticed her idly picking her nose, only for her to start twitching for a moment before looking at her finger in disgust and cleaning it with a pink napkin.
"I love being your-" Teacher Rick started before getting interrupted.
"Yo, not gonna lie, this is pretty cringe bro." One of the Lynns said, causing the other students to giggle. This was another student that caught 80's Lincoln's attention, if not for her strange, futuristic lingo and sense of fashion. She was apparently known as Lit Lynn. She had her hair down and wore a black and red cap, an oversized white shirt with a logo on it, a pair of denim shorts and red trainers.
Teacher Rick glared at Lit Lynn. One thing that kept getting drilled into him was 'always keep an eye on the Lynns'. Which was understandable in his opinion. Out of the eleven types of grandkids at the citadel, the Lynns were most likely to start some kind of trouble. Whether that be acting up, causing a lot of drama or even having some kind of massive meltdown. Not even Lincolns came close to the amount of trouble Lynns cause. Though strangely enough, a lot of Lynn incidents seemed to be connected to their Lincoln in some way or another. Granted in Lit Lynn's case, he found that she was no worse than a class clown. Still, that didn't mean he was going to tolerate any sass from her. "Very amusing, Ms. Loud. It's interesting that you're finding the class 'cringe' considering that's how most Ricks seem to feel about the idea of adopting you." The smug look on Lit Lynn's face suddenly became downcast. "Tell me, how many times have you been rejected by a Rick again?"
"Five..." Lit Lynn said timidly.
"I see. So you are top of the class in something." Teacher Rick snarked. While some of the other students laughed at her expense, 80's Lincoln gave her a look of sympathy.
During recess, 80's Lincoln was stood in the playground, unsure what to do with himself when he felt someone put an arm around him. "Yo, what up? You're the newb here right?"
80's Lincoln turned to see that it was Lit Lynn that put an arm around him as he gave her a confused look. "Huh?"
Lit Lynn gave him a reassuring smile. "Hey don't worry 'bout it. It's all good fam."
Lit Lynn frowned. "Oh right. You're from the eighties, aren't you? Look, I saw you were alone so I thought you might wanna hang or something."
"Oh." 80's Lincoln smiled. "Thanks. That sounds totally tubular, dude!"
Lit Lynn gave 80's Lincoln an odd look. "Huh?"
"Leave us alone!" 80's Lincoln and Lit Lynn looked over to see the strange girl and the Lana (or Lola) that 80's Lincoln noticed earlier being confronted by a couple Lynns. One of them was a large, muscular, alien version of Lynn with green skin and three eyes, wearing a red tank top and shorts. The other Lynn was a werewolf.
Alien Lynn chuckled. "Man, look at these freaks! Who would ever wanna hang out with then?" Werewolf Lynn barked in response as Alien Lynn kept laughing.
"Who are you calling a freak?!" The Lana (Lola?) yelled angrily at them. Her voice sounded like a strange mix between Lana's and Lola's voices. She then suddenly became nervous. "Just leave us alone already!"
Lit Lynn frowned before storming over and getting in between the bullies and the two girls. "Yo what up? What's your problem? Y'all better get out of here or imma put you on blast!"
Alien Lynn scoffed. "Fine. I've got better things to do then hang out with a bunch of freaks anyway." Alien Lynn then walked off with Werewolf Lynn following behind.
80's Lincoln then approached the other two girls. "Are you guys okay?"
The brown haired girl smiled. "We're fine." She lifted her hand for 80's Lincoln to shake. "Hi, I'm Leni."
80's Lincoln blinked in surprise. "Leni?"
The Leni frowned. "Oh wait, the Ricks usually just call me Proto Leni 1."
80's Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "Why do they call you that?"
Proto Leni 1 shrugged. "I dunno."
"Well, the Ricks usually call me 80's Lincoln." He then shook her hand before wincing at how tight her grip was. "That's a pretty gnarly grip you got there."
"Thanks!" Proto Leni 1 said obliviously. She then gestured to the other girl. "This is my friend, Lona."
80's Lincoln raised a confused eyebrow at Lona. "Lona? Wait, so are you a Lana or a Lola?"
A hesitant look appeared on Lona's face. "We're...both."
Lona growled in frustration. "We're both, ok? Our Rick fused us together and then died before he could unfuse us!"
80's Lincoln gaped at Lona in shock. "Seriously?" Lona nodded. "Doesn't it...hurt being like that?"
Lona waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, we're fine." She then started twitching as an electrical current went through her. "GaH iT hUrTs!" After stopping, she then cleared her throat. "We're fine."
"Can't any of the other Ricks separate you?" 80's Lincoln asked.
Lona sighed. "We don't have enough money."
80's Lincoln's jaw dropped. "You have to pay to get something like that done?"
"Ugh!" Lit Lynn exclaimed in disgust. "This citadel sucks!" An idea then came to her. "Say, y'all ever heard of the Wishing portal?"
Proto Leni 1 scratched her head. "I thought that place was a myth?"
Lona scoffed. "Yeah right. Next you'll tell us that Rock God Luna is real."
"Ok, she is real! I saw her! She was in a cloud and had a viking helmet and everything!" Lit Lynn insisted before shaking her head. "Trust me, I know where to find it if y'all wanna join me after school."
Proto Leni 1 nodded. "Ok then."
Lona sighed. "It's not as if we have anything better to do. Grk!" She then twitched for a moment as a confident grin appeared on her face. "Alright, let's do it!"
80's Lincoln looked unsure. "I don't know about this."
"Come on, 80's Lincoln. Trust me, this is going to be fire!" Lit Lynn said.
80's Lincoln folded his arms. "Alright, but this better not be a load of bogus."
"I don't know what that means."
It was an average day at Simple Rick's Wafer Cookie Factory. The factory drones, which mostly consisted of Lenis, were going through the usual motions of their mundane jobs when an alarm suddenly blared. Everyone looked up at a Rick in a white shirt with a black tie on the catwalk as he whistled to get their attention. "Listen up, bimbos! I've been your supervisor for a long ass time but all shitty things must come to an end, and I have been promoted to regional manager." A couple of the Lenis gave some unenthusiastic cheers. "Yeah, I feel the same way. May we never meet again. Of course that makes the position of Supervisor available." A couple of the Lenis had hopeful looks on their faces. "So as of next week, the ass you'll be kissing will be that of…Lisa ADASN, also known as Robot Lisa."
A silver robot that resembled Lisa then rolled up as she had no legs and ran on a track. She had yellow eyes and had what looked like a red helmet on her head with an antenna sticking out of it. "Greetings, everyone." She said robotically with an odd emphasis on certain words. "While I understand that some of you may be upset due to my short time working here, I can assure you all that since I am both a Lisa and a robot, I am 200% more qualified than all of you combined."
"Alright, dummies, any questions?" Regional Manager Rick asked. One of the Lenis raised her hand which he ignored. "Alright then, back to work."
While a lot of the Lenis were disappointed, the one that had raised her hand was fuming. This Leni was known as Genius Leni. A Leni who was almost equal in intelligence to her Rick. Her Rick had treated her as an equal as they worked together on missions to take down the Galactic Federation. Unfortunately, her Rick died in action and as the Federation invaded Earth, Genius Leni had no choice but to flee to the Citadel. While it was interesting at first, seeing the potential sisters she could have had, considering she was an only child in her universe, it was disheartening to find out that most Lenis were no where near her level of intelligence. The Ricks didn't seem to have much respect for Lenis in general as Genius Leni found herself getting rejected by most jobs before finally being hired as a factory worker. Even if it was way beneath her. "Ugh, I'm, like, not the only one sick of Lisas getting everything handed to them, right Proto Leni 2?" Genius Leni asked the Leni next to her.
Proto Leni 2 looked almost like most Lenis apart from her shorter height, rounder face, bigger eyes and hair styled almost like a Lori's. She also usually wore a blue dress and brown boots when not in her factory uniform. She nodded. "Totally. Lisas are like, so annoying!"
Genius Leni humphed. "Maybe if we, like, used the technical terms for every word like they do, the Ricks would think we're geniuses too."
Proto Leni 2 chuckled. "Oh my gosh, they are such show offs!"
Genius Leni chuckled along with her before she gave the other Leni next to her a nudge. "What do you think, Sea Star Leni?"
Sea Star Leni had been sleeping until Genius Leni's nudge jolted her awake. "HUH?! I'll have one Krabby Patty with cheese." She then looked around in confusion. "Where am I?" Genius Leni couldn't help but facepalm.
Upon arriving at Lincolntown, Rookie Rick could immediately tell that it was a shady place. Going down the street, he could see a gang of Lincolns glaring at them, a psychotic looking Luan who was giggling to herself and a strange, white haired version of Lucy smoking a cigarette. Or at least he thought it was a Lucy. Officer Lori then started speaking. "This is what happens when you let Lincolns instead of Ricks or Loris run the place. They like to act like they know better but they couldn't last five minutes without completely ruining everything. That's just how they are."
They eventually stopped in front of a Lincoln Mart as they were currently interviewing the Lincoln Mart Shopkeeper while Rookie Rick took notes. "There were four of them. All of them were Lynns." The Shopkeeper Lincoln explained.
"Any mutations?" Rookie Rick asked. "Augmentations? Three eyes, a tail, maybe a buzzcut?"
"No, they just seemed like normal Lynns."
"Normal?" The Lucy employee, who was mopping the floor in the shop exclaimed.
"Put it in your blog!" Shopkeeper Lincoln snapped.
Officer Lori then noticed a couple Lynns in dirty clothes, spray painting an alleyway wall across the street. "Lemme turn over a few rocks." Officer Lori went over to them, putting a pleasant smile on her face. "Hey there, what's going on?"
One of the Lynns narrowed her eyes at Officer Lori. "Not much. What do you want?"
"Well there's been a robbery at that store across the street and I was wondering if you may have seen anything."
The Lynn looked over at the store, noticing Rookie Rick. She raised an eyebrow at Officer Lori. "That Rick making you do this?"
Officer Lori's smile dropped as she glowered at the Lynn. "He's my partner. He's not making me do anything."
The Lynn chuckled. "I thought Loris hated getting bossed around by Ricks. You must be kind of a pushover, huh?"
Infuriated, Officer Lori grabbed the Lynn and pinned her against the wall, shoving a gun into her mouth. "DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING PUSHOVER TO YOU?!"
The other Lynn started to panic. "Ah! Wait! Don't hurt her! She was just kidding!" Rookie Rick watched this happen with an unsure expression.
"WANNA SEE HOW I PAINT A WALL?!" Officer Lori threatened.
"It was the Lincolntown Locos, man! The Lincolntown Locos!" The other Lynn confessed. Officer Lori let the other Lynn go before both Lynns fled in terror.
Rookie Rick stared in disbelief as Officer Lori walked back to the cruiser. "Do you realize how many codes you just violated?"
"Well what do I fucking know? I'm just a Lori. Now get in the fucking car." She said before getting into the cruiser.
"More lasers." Retired General Rick answered. He and the other candidates were in the middle of the Presidential debate as each candidate stood at a podium.
"You can take more time to answer the question if you'd like." Moderator Rick reminded him. There was an awkward silence for a moment before Moderator Rick decided to move on. "...Ok, Juggling Rick. How would you solve the Citadel's financial crisis?"
"First off, can I just say that I think this Citadel is the greatest in the entire multiverse. Now, I believe the answer to your question has three parts." Juggling Rick got out three balls as he started juggling them. "First, education spending must get muuuch higher!" Behind the scenes, Campaign Manager Lincoln was watching the debate on a screen. "But it has to be balanced with defense! Whoa!"
"Can we fact-check this, please?" Campaign Manager Lincoln asked. He folded his arms. "Never mind, who am I kidding? This race is over."
Juggling Rick was now juggling a chainsaw along with the balls as he then caught them all gracefully. "And that's how you run a Citadel." He bowed as the crowd (though mostly the Ricks) cheered for him.
Moderator Rick then looked at Candidate Lincoln. "Candidate Lincoln. Due to recent conflicts, the divide between Ricks, Lincolns, Lisas, Loris and each other sibling has never been wider." He smirked. "Solve that one real quick."
Despite the audience laughing, Candidate Lincoln seemed calm and collected. "I don't see a divide between Ricks or any kind of sibling."
"Oh, shocker." Retired General Rick snarked before farting.
"I'd like to offer a rebuttal." Reverse Rick Outrage said before letting out a fart.
"Gentlemen, gentlemen! I think we can all agree on one thing." Rick Guilt Rick then let out two farts. "Well, came out as two things, but you get the idea."
Everyone laughed apart from Candidate Lincoln who waited until everyone finished. "You guys finished? The only division I see is between those that like the city divided and the rest of us. I see it everywhere I go. I see it in our schools, where they teach siblings that we're all the same because they're threatened by what makes us unique. I see it in our streets, where they give guns to Lincolns and Lynns so we're too busy fighting each other to fight real injustice. I see it in our workplaces, where employment is based on the sibling and the stereotypes around them instead of their unique skill sets."
Ever since what happened earlier, Leni couldn't stop thinking about how unfair the hand she had been dealt was. The more she thought about it, the angrier she started to get. As she started to grit her teeth, she stopped working and in a fit of rage, tore off a piece of the machine she was working with.
"The Citadel's problem isn't homeless Lynns or outraged Loris." Regional Manager Rick had been watching the debate when Genius Leni bursted into his office, screaming in rage before shooting him multiple times, killing him. "The Citadel's problem is with those that feed on the Citadel's debt."
Genius Leni looked out the window to see that numerous Leni workers had witnessed what she had just done. She stared at Regional Manager Rick's corpse as what she had just done started to sink in. "Oh my God."
An alarm then went off. Genius Leni ran out of the office as Rick security guards started chasing after her. "She's headed for the flavour core!"
Upon entering the flavour core, where Simple Rick was, Genius Leni put the chamber on lockdown and activated a red force field-like barrier inside of it. She then slumped onto the floor as she tried to figure out if there was anyway out of this situation.
"But I've got a message for them, from those of us keeping it alive. A message from those of us that believe in this Citadel to those of you that don't: you are outnumbered!" While some of the Ricks and even a couple Lisas seemed mixed about Candidate Lincoln's speech, most of the audience bursted into applause with many now considering to vote for the man with the plan.
"Holy shit." Campaign Manager Lincoln exclaimed. He then noticed Candidate Lincoln walk in backstage. "I don't believe it! I-I can't believe it!"
"I know." Candidate Lincoln put a hand on Campaign Manager Lincoln's shoulder. "That's why you're fired."
As Candidate Lincoln walked off, Campaign Manager Lincoln stared at him in shock before he was approached by Juggling Rick. "Sounds like you're looking for work. I can offer you a very enticing compensation package." He put down his bag, unzipped it and pulled out three juggling clubs. "First, let's talk benefits."
"I love you son… That's my boy..." Simple Rick muttered to himself as Genius Leni paced back and forth. A Rick SWAT team was standing outside the chamber.
"This is so messed up." Genius Leni rambled to herself before turning to the SWAT team. "This whole system is messed up! It's been, like, rigged against me from the start! You Ricks put us down because you can't handle the idea of a Leni doing your jobs better than you!"
A Negotiator Rick spoke through a megaphone. "We're just simple working stiffs like you, but our assembly line is justice. What are your demands?"
"I want a portal gun." Genius Leni stated. "Unregistered, untraceable, with enough fluid to take me off this goddamn prison!"
One of the SWAT team members approached Negotiator Rick. "The media's outside."
Negotiator Rick frowned. "Well, keep 'em there!"
Outside of the factory, the incident was being reported on by a Rick who looked identical to the two Rick anchors apart from that half of his face was burnt. "Anyway, so yeah, the suspect says the Citadel is a lie, built on lies, and some other shit about keeping people down. I say, appreciate the life you have, because it can always be worse. Back to you, Ricks."
It cut back to the news room. "Thank you, Rick D715-C." Rick D715 said before mumbling to Rick D715-B. "That fuckin' guy."
"Tell me about it." Rick D715-B mumbled back.
Rick D715 cleared his throat. "Meanwhile, in election news, an unexpected turn of events as Lincoln from the Lincoln Party soars to the top of the polls."
Footage of a recent press conference was then shown as Candidate Lincoln walked over to behind a podium as the reporters kept calling out to him. He pointed to a Lisa reporter. "Yes?"
"If I may ask." Reporter Lisa began. "What's your original reality and where's your Rick? Also, do you have any other siblings?"
Candidate Lincoln chuckled. "I was always an only child. As for my original reality, well, we moved around so much it's hard to remember. I see every Rick as my Rick."
Campaign Manager Lincoln was watching the press conference from the Rick bar with a tired look on his face. "So I hope they see me as their Lincoln." Candidate Lincoln continued.
"Another, please, with less water." Campaign Manager Lincoln called out to the bartender.
Bartender Lori came over and started to fix Campaign Manager Lincoln another drink. "Hey, cheer up, pal! A Lincoln's literally gonna be president. We finally have someone that's for us siblings for once."
"I guess I shoulda had more faith." Campaign Manager Lincoln remarked as Bartender Lori walked away.
"It's not faith you need. It's fear." Campaign Manager Lincoln turned to see a Lori in a trench coat had taken had taken a seat next to him. She took out a dossier from inside her trench coat and slid it over to him.
Campaign Manager Lincoln took it, uncertainly. "What's this?"
The Lori took a swig of the drink she had. "Just read it. I literally can't say anything else. Too many ears." She then got up and left.
"Taking on the system like this, are you afraid at all for your safety?" A Lori reporter said on the TV as Campaign Manager Lincoln pulled out the documents from the dossier and read them through.
"I'd rather live in hope than fear." Candidate Lincoln replied. As he read through the documents, Campaign Manager Lincoln's face turned into one of shock before he looked up at the TV. "If I had to fear anything, I'd fear other people being afraid. Because fear makes people act very irrationally. But no, I'm not afraid."
At the Lincolntown Locos hideout, three Lynns that all had tattoos on their faces were watching the press conference on TV while a Rick with messy hair, missing teeth and wearing a stained undershirt was working with some kind of chemicals. One of the Lynns scoffed. "Can you imagine a Lincoln being President? Don't people know they're bad luck?"
Another Lynn then called out to the Rick. "Yo, Rick, if Stinkcoln becomes President, they'll probably make it mandatory for Ricks to dress up like Ace Savvy."
Bootleg Rick gave them a toothless grin. "Shit, Lynn, you keep me peelin' squap-squams and slippin' nib-nibs I'll wear whatever you want."
The Lynns shared a chuckle at this before the front door was suddenly kicked down as Officer Lori and Rookie Rick entered with their guns drawn. "Hands in the air!" Rookie Rick shouted.
"What the hell, man? What the hell in hell?" One of the Lynns exclaimed as they all stood up and put their hands in the air.
The two cops entered the building and looked around with their guns still drawn. "You guys doin' a little chemistry homework with Grandpa?" Officer Lori asked.
Rookie Rick then noticed what Bootleg Rick was working on. "Is this what I think it is?"
"Bootleg portal fluid." Officer Lori confirmed.
Bootleg Rick then threw his equipment towards the cops before he got out a portal gun and fired a portal. However, upon making contact with the faulty portal, he screamed as it disintegrated him instead.
"Guess his math was off. Search the place." Officer Lori ordered to Rookie Rick.
While Officer Lori subdued the Lynns, Rookie Rick went further into the building. Upon hearing a faint noise in one of the rooms, Rick quickly entered it with his gun drawn, only to find a crying Lynn. "A-Are you… m-my new… Rick?"
Rookie Rick withdrew his gun as he slowly approached the Lynn. "It's okay, Lynn."
However, as he got close, the Lynn then pulled out a knife and attempted to stab him in his side. "Argh!" Luckily, she only managed to cut his arm as she ran passed him, attempting to escape before she was suddenly gunned down.
Holding his bleeding arm, Rick left the room to see that it was Officer Lori that had shot the Lynn down. "Jesus, what the hell did you do that for?"
"She had a knife and she had just attempted to murder an officer of the law. What did you expect me to do?" Officer Lori asked, not the least bit bothered that she had just murdered someone.
"Yeah, but you shouldn't have killed her! There were other ways you could have subdued her. At the very least you could have shot her in the leg."
Officer Lori rolled her eyes. "Well, not all of us have as good of an aim as you do." She then made her way back to the front room. Rookie Rick followed behind as he started to wonder if everything he learned at the academy was true or not.
Upon entering the front room, Rookie Rick saw that the other Lynns had their hands cuffed and their legs shackled. "Boy, I got us knee-deep in paperwork, huh?"
"Go to the car and grab a MediPack. Lemme worry about this." Officer Lori ordered.
After going outside to treat his stab wound, Rookie Rick then heard a strange noise as he turned around to see Officer Lori walk out of the building as it disintegrated in a greenish blast. "What happened?" Rookie Rick asked.
"Same old story." Officer Lori said as she got into the cruiser. "Lynns killing Lynns." Rick stood outside the cruiser pensively for a moment as he realised that there's no way the other Lynns could have done anything.
As promised, 80's Lincoln, Lit Lynn, Proto Leni 1 and Lona had all met up after school to start their journey to find the Wishing Portal. However, the journey there took longer than they thought it would as nightfall soon came. They decided to stop for the night as they all sat around a campfire in the middle of the woods. "So, who do you guys think would win if Killer Frost Luna and Poison Ivy Leni had a fight?" Proto Leni 1 asked.
"Killer Frost Luna! Grk! No, Poison Ivy Leni!" Lona answered.
Lit Lynn scoffed in amusement. "Y'all know Volcana Lori would light 'em both up. 'Cus she is lit AF."
"So, where do you guys think the Wishing Portal leads to?" 80's Lincoln then asked, changing the subject.
"Ooh, I hope it leads to a magical kingdom...which would suck! I hope it leads to a swamp or something." Lona answered.
"I bet it leads to another dimension!" Proto Leni 1 deduced, earning a weird look from Lona.
Lit Lynn shrugged. "Who knows. Wherever it is, it's probably better than here."
80's Lincoln scratched the back of his head. "Is this place really that heinous?"
Lit Lynn nodded. "I've been here a long time. Trust me, fam. This place sucks."
Candidate Lincoln was standing outside of the Hard Rick Cafe with two Lincoln bodyguards at his sides as he greeted the crowd that had come to see him. "Hey there. How you doing? Great to meet you."
"Mr. Lincoln!" A Lisa in a red gas station attendant's outfit jumped to get Candidate Lincoln's attention. "I'm a gas station attendant, sir! I'm a Lisa and for some incomprehensible reason, I'm a gas station attendant!"
"That doesn't sound like Lisa work. You didn't come to the Citadel to be a gas station attendant, did you?" Candidate Lincoln asked.
Gas Station Attendant Lisa chuckled. "I sure didn't, sir!"
"Mr. Lincoln! Mr. Lincoln!" A Rick in a blue shirt then came up, carrying a baby Rick. "I cloned myself so you can kiss me as a baby!" He handed the baby to Candidate Lincoln.
"This is just like a Lincoln baby." The crowd cheered for Candidate Lincoln as he gave the baby a kiss. After passing the baby back, he then noticed Campaign Manager Lincoln in the crowd, scowling at him. "Hey!" He went over to shake his hand. "Did you end up getting a new job?"
"Yeah, I did." Campaign Manager Lincoln replied. "Assassinating you!" He then pulled out a laser gun and shot Candidate Lincoln in the chest.
As the crowd gasped in horror, one of the Lincoln bodyguards pulled out a taser gun and shot at Campaign Manager Lincoln, causing him to scream in pain. The other Bodyguard Lincoln tended to Candidate Lincoln as he started bleeding profusely on the floor. "I'm okay... I'm okay... I'm...ugh" Candidate Lincoln started to go unconscious.
Officer Lori and Rookie Rick entered a rather shady looking club. Upon entering, Rookie Rick immediately felt uncomfortable as he noticed a crowd of Lincolns cheering for a Leni dressed as a cowgirl, dancing on stage. "What is the place?" Rookie Rick asked.
"The Creepy Lincoln." Officer Lori replied. "What is it your kind's always saying? 'Don't think about it'. Come on. There's someone important I want you to meet."
Rookie Rick shuddered. He knew that due to the fact that there was infinite universes that there were versions of his family that did rather...questionable things. It's not like he could pretend they didn't exist but he had hoped that he could've at least avoided being near those types of his family.
The two went over to a private table, guarded by two muscular bouncer Loris as they were greeted by a savvy-looking Lori. Rookie Rick could quickly tell that this Lori was bad news. "Ah, Bubblah! How'd it go with the Lincolntown Locos?"
"They had a little accident." Officer Lori replied. "They won't be causing any trouble anymore."
Big Lori shook her head. "Those were bad Lynns. Very bad Lynns." She snapped her fingers as one of the Bouncer Loris handed an envelope to Officer Lori.
"You remember when I told you about how bad Lincolns are at running things?" Officer Lori asked Rookie Rick. "Luckily for Lincolntown, Big Lori here likes to contribute to keeping the peace." She then took out a wad of dollar bills from the envelope and placed them onto the table. "Think of her as a drug lord, and us her cops on her payroll."
Rookie Rick stared at the money in disbelief. "Lori..."
"Which Lori?" All the Loris asked.
"M-M-My partner." Rookie Rick replied. "Look, Lori, I get it. Lincolntown is bad, but that doesn't mean that we have to be."
This surprised Officer Lori as Big Lori gave her a suspicious look. "Hey, what's goin' on here, Lori?"
"Which Lori?" The Bouncer Loris asked.
"The cop, morons."
Officer Lori started to get nervous. "Don't worry about Rick, Big Lori. He's new." She glared at Rookie Rick. "He doesn't understand how it works."
"That's what you said about your last partner."
Rookie Rick narrowed his eyes while Officer Lori's eyes darted back and forth between him and Big Lori. "Wh-why would you say something like that, Big Lori? You're literally fucking things up for both of us here!"
"Wrong." Big Lori retorted. "He's fucking things up for both of you. Unless he takes the money." All the Loris then stared expectantly at Rookie Rick.
After a moment, Rookie Rick simply said. "Big Lori, you're under arrest."
"Smartest man in the universe." Officer Lori said as the two Bouncer Loris started to take out their laser guns. She then uppercutted both of the Bouncer Loris before making a run for it with Rookie Rick as they took cover behind a flipped over table and engaged in a shoot off with the other three Loris.
Everyone else in the club screamed and ran out of the club in fear apart from Cowgirl Leni, who attempted to shoot back with the prop guns. "How come these guns don't work?" She asked herself.
Officer Lori and Rookie Rick managed to take out both of the bouncers before Officer Lori ran up and kicked Big Lori to the floor. She then pinned her to the ground and held a gun to her head. "Not so big now, are ya?"
"Y-You can't kill me!" Big Lori said nervously. "I'm the only one that's keeping Lincolntown from ending up in a pile of rubble and you know it!"
"That's enough!" Rookie Rick ordered, pointing his gun towards Officer Lori.
"If we don't kill her, she'll talk." Officer Lori stated.
"If you do, I'll talk." Rookie Rick shot back. There was a moment of tense silence before he spoke again. "Look, I don't know what made you like this but you don't have to do this. Us cops are supposed to keep the peace and make life better for everyone else. If that's what you want then please, do the right thing."
Officer Lori's hands started shaking. "I...I..." She started crying. "I don't know what's wrong with me. My life just got so fucked up. I don't want to live in the citadel any more. I want a normal life again!"
Rookie Rick then lowered his gun. Officer Lori then suddenly shot Big Lori and attempted to shoot Rookie Rick only for him to shoot her in the head first.
Rookie Rick left The Creepy Lincoln as two police cruisers arrived at the scene. A Cop Rick got out of one of them as Rookie Rick fell to his knees and put his hands in the air. "The hell happened in there?" The Cop Rick asked.
"Same old story." Rookie Rick replied. "Ricks killing Loris."
Genius Leni was still in the chamber as Negotiator Rick approached it with a portal gun. "Ok, Leni, ok! We got your portal gun."
Seeing this, Genius Leni deactivated the red force field inside of the chamber. A miniature portal then appeared as Negotiator Rick stuck his hand through to drop the portal gun next to Genius Leni. She picked it up and observed it for a moment before shutting down the machine that Simple Rick was connected to. "The hell's she doing?" Negotiator Rick asked.
Genius Leni removed the pink tube connected to the helmet before taking off the helmet itself. Simple Rick woke up immediately, blinking in confusion. "Wh-where am I?"
Genius Leni put her hands on his shoulders reassuringly. "A bad place, but you're totes going to a better one soon."
One of the SWAT team Ricks started banging on the other side of the window as Simple Rick got up and Genius Leni fired a portal. "Hey! Hey!"
Negotiator Rick's eyes widened as he realised what Genius Leni was going to do. "No, no, no, no-" Genius Leni simply pushed Simple Rick into the portal. Immediately after, a geyser of blood then spurted out of it. "Goddammit!"
Genius Leni stared at the SWAT team in disbelief. "A portal to the blender dimension? Do you really think I'm that stupid?! That's the oldest trick in the book! I may be a Leni but I'm more of a Rick than any of you could hope to be!"
Negotiator Rick scowled. "Then you should know you just killed your only leverage!"
"Then come and get me you pricks!" Genius Leni shouted defiantly.
As the SWAT team cocked their weapons, one of them used a huge blowtorch to cut a door-like hole through the wall. He kicked it down but before any of them could go in, another Rick suddenly intervened. "Stop!" Everyone turned to this Rick, who wore a purple suit with a green under shirt and a green tie, a purple top hat, and was carrying a gold cane. "I'm Rick D. Sanchez III, owner of this here wafer establishment, and I say that the Leni in there is right! She's more Rick than any of you."
"She's a terrorist!" One of the SWAT team members argued.
"What Rick isn't?" Rick D. Sanchez III then walked into the chamber to greet Genius Leni. "It's quite clear to me that this young woman is on the same level as us." She tapped Genius Leni's head with his cane. "What's your name, young woman?"
"Leni. And I'm-" Genius Leni said before getting interrupted by Rick D. Sanchez III.
"Sixteen, like nearly every other Leni, I know. Before you worked here, how many of your job applications were rejected?"
Rick D. Sanchez III shook his head in disappointment. "What the hell have we become?" He then put an arm around Genius Leni. "Come with me, friend."
"Where are we going?"
"To your new life, which starts with walking the fuck out of here."
Genius Leni walked with Rick D. Sanchez III out of the chamber and through the main assembly line. One of the Leni workers stood up. "Yay! You go girl!" The other Leni workers all started to cheer for her. Genius Leni waved at them with tears in her eyes.
"There's a Leni who held a factory hostage after murdering her boss and several co-workers. The factory made cookies, flavored her with lies." The commercial narrator said.
Outside of the factory, Rick D. Sanchez III presented Genius Leni with his fancy purple hover-convertible before handing the keys over to her.
"She made us all take a look at what we were doing, and in the bargain, she got a taste of real freedom."
Before she could reach the convertible though, Rick D. Sanchez III got out a gun and shot her in the back of the head.
The commercial was showing Genius Leni, now hooked into the Simple Rick machine as the memory of Genius Leni walking down the assembly lane was playing on the screen on the helmet on her head.
"We captured that taste, and we keep giving it to her so she can give it right back to you, in every bite of new Simple Rick's Freedom Wafer Selects. Come home to the unique flavor of shattering the grand illusion. Come home to Simple Rick's."
80's Lincoln, Lit Lynn, Proto Leni 1 and Lona had finally made it to a large, rusty looking building encased by a tall circling wall. "We can't believe it's actually real. Grk!" Lona remarked before twitching for a moment. "Heh, we knew it."
Proto Leni 1 then opened the front gate, unaware that she broke the lock on it in the process. "Um, that gate was locked." 80's Lincoln pointed out.
"It was?" Proto Leni 1 asked obliviously.
80's Lincoln shook his head. "Never mind."
The four walked into a huge chamber with a giant green downwards tunnel which had a couple large industrial pipes above it. "So this is it?" 80's Lincoln asked. "So now what?"
"I heard that for your wish to come true, you have to give up something really special to you." Proto Leni 1 said before getting a doll out her bag. "I wish I could work in fashion someday." She then threw the doll into the portal.
Lona then got out a hammer and one of Lola's old pageant trophies. She sighed. "We just want to be separate again." She then threw them both in.
80's Lincoln then got out an album from Pink Floyd. "I just wish my family won't have to stay in the citadel forever." He then threw in the album. He then turned to Lit Lynn, who had been looking downcast ever since arriving.
She sighed. "What's the point? It's not like any of our wishes are gonna come true anyway."
80's Lincoln was taken aback by this. "What? But then why did you bring us here then?"
"Because I just wish something about my life would change. That something about this citadel would change. After all, it's not as if I'm ever gonna get adopted."
"Why not?" Proto Leni 1 asked.
"Because I'm a Lynn!" Lit Lynn snapped. "I don't know if you've noticed but Ricks don't care about Lynns. They never get adopted by themselves. It's always as part of a pack. And I never even had any siblings."
There was a moment of silence before 80's Lincoln said. "Well...maybe your wish could come true if you threw something really important down there."
"Maybe. Doubt it though."
To the other's shock, Lit Lynn then threw herself into the portal. "LYNN, NOOOO!" 80's Lincoln cried out as Lit Lynn disappeared into the portal.
There was a moment of silence as the three stared at the portal in shock before Proto Leni 1 said. "M-Maybe she went somewhere nice."
"Garbage dump. Stand back." A Rick announced over the PA as several amounts of garbage were dumped into the portal from the large pipes.
Lona then stretched out her left hand. "We wanna go in!" Her right hand then slapped the other. "No!"
A badly beaten Campaign Manager Lincoln was being dragged along by two Bodyguard Lincolns before they both threw him into an airlock chamber. Despite the pain he was in, Campaign Manager Lincoln slowly sat up. "He had to be stopped... He-he cou-couldn't be allowed to win."
A portal then appeared behind the two Bodyguard Lincolns. To Campaign Manager Lincoln's shock, Candidate Lincoln stepped out of it, now wearing a black, long sleeve shirt with an orange tie. He had a crooked smirk on his face and a sinister look in his eyes. "Candidate Lincoln? You're alive?!"
"That's President Lincoln to you now!" One of the Bodyguard Lincolns corrected.
President Lincoln slowly stepped into the airlock before bending over to look directly into Campaign Manager Lincoln's eyes. "You're bad luck, Lincoln."
Campaign Manager Lincoln stared at President Lincoln in confusion. "W-What?"
"You're bad luck." President Lincoln repeated. "And your luck could spread all across the citadel. Who knows what might happen then. Sorry about this but we're gonna need you to stay outside."
As President Lincoln stepped back out of the airlock, Campaign Manager Lincoln's eyes widened once he realised what he meant by 'outside'. "No! WAIT! PLEASE!"
His pleading fell on deaf ears as after closing the airlock door, President Lincoln pushed a button on the airlock panel, causing Campaign Manager Lincoln to instantly get sucked out into space. A satisfied smile appeared on his face as he got out his portal gun and fired another portal.
Rookie Rick was in the interrogation room, wearing a pair of handcuffs as two Officer Ricks came in. "Why am I still here?" Rookie Rick asked. "I already confessed to everything."
"Your case has been reviewed." One of the Officer Ricks said before pressing a button on a remote that unlocked Rookie Rick's handcuffs. "You're free to go."
This caught Rookie Rick off guard. "But... I violated at least a dozen departmental codes!"
"New department. New codes." The first Officer Rick said as he left the room.
"New Citadel." The second Officer Rick added, following behind.
80's Lincoln, Proto Leni 1 and Lona arrived back at school to see that Teacher Rick was locking the school up. "What's going on?" 80's Lincoln asked.
"School's closing down for a while." Teacher Rick explained. "The curriculum is changing."
"To what?"
"I don't know and I don't have to know, I've been fired." Teacher Rick took out a flask as he walked off. "Good luck, turds."
The three exchanged surprised glances with one another. "Did...Lit Lynn's wish come true?" Proto Leni 1 asked.
"Sorry I'm late, Mr. President." Rick D. Sanchez III apologised as he entered the hall of the Shadow Council of Ricks and took his seat at the table amongst the other Ricks. "Had a little crisis at work."
"Worth it!" A Rick resembling Steve Jobs exclaimed as he took a bite of a Simple Rick's wafer.
"It's no problem." President Lincoln said. He was at the other end of the table and currently had his back to everyone else as he was currently receiving a small haircut from a Barber Leni. "Uh, a little more off the top." He told her before addressing the Ricks again. "You were saying, Garment District Rick."
Garment District Rick grinned. "We were saying, 'President Lincoln', that we don't care who sits in that seat. A Rick, a Lincoln, a goddamn Bobby, doesn't matter. We've been running the Citadel since before the Council, and you'll find that we're still running it now."
President Lincoln turned his seat around, now holding a golden mirror. "Does he really speak for everyone here?" Most of the Ricks voiced their agreement. President Lincoln turned back around, looking at the Ricks through his mirror. "Well, I think it's important to be clear. Raise your hand if he speaks for you." He saw all but two Ricks raise their hands. He then snapped his fingers before the Guards Lincolns in the room shot all the Ricks that raised their hands.
"Is that... enough off the top?" Barber Leni asked nervously as a couple other Guard Lincolns entered the room.
"I don't know." President Lincoln turned to the remaining two Ricks. "Is it?"
The two Ricks had their hands in the air. "Yes, yes, yes! Goddamn yes!" One Rick begged.
"Yes, it's great!" The other Rick begged.
"Good." President Lincoln smirked as he got up to pour himself a glass of brandy while the Guard Lincolns removed the corpses from the room. He let out a happy sigh. "It's funny. So many people voted for me because they were that desperate to escape oppression." He went over to look out the window. "I wonder how many of them realise that they too are oppressors?" He shrugged. "Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. Discussing these things never really went anywhere anyway." He looked down at his reflection in his drink before narrowing his eyes. "Now is the time for action."
The corpses of the Shadow Council Ricks were ejected from the Citadel by the airlock. Not too far away was Campaign Manager Lincoln's corpse. He had been holding onto to some documents before he was ejected which were now floating in space. A couple of the documents had pictures of a Lincoln with an eyepatch on them.
Rick, Lincoln and Lori all looked tired and annoyed after arriving back home. "Well that was a massive waste of time." Lincoln complained.
"Ugh!" Lori groaned. "I literally never want to hear about another sport ever again."
"You said it." Rick agreed as he and Lincoln made their way back into the house.
Lori lingered behind for a moment as she noticed the pamphlets that the other Lincoln left behind in Rick's garage. She decided to pick them up and go through them. As she read through them, she raised an eyebrow at one of the advertisements. "Lori college?"