Chereads / Rick and The Loud House / Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Lynner Takes The Stone

Chapter 27 - Chapter 27: Lynner Takes The Stone

Lincoln found himself lying on the ground, staring up at a sea of red clouds, floating by at an unnaturally fast pace. He got up and looked around. He appeared to be in a giant football stadium, big enough for all of Royal Woods to sit in attendance. In fact, he could even spot some familiar faces in the audience. On the other side of the field, he saw his sister, Lynn. She was glaring at him with a look of pure hatred in her eyes. In a blink of an eye, she was suddenly right next to him, swinging a spiked, metal bat towards his head.


"AH!" Lincoln woke up with a jolt before taking some deep breaths to calm himself down. That was certainly one of the most unsettling dreams he's ever had. Though he could probably guess why he would have a dream like that. Lately, Lynn had been continuously asking him about coming to her upcoming softball game, going on about how important it was and how he was the only family member (besides Rick) who hasn't come out to support her. That alone wouldn't be such a problem but every time she asked him, she was carrying her bat around with her. Almost as if threatening him with it. He didn't exactly want to go since lately, he'd found himself exhausted with both doing favours for his sisters and going on Rick's adventures and at some point, he'd just like to have some time to himself. He wasn't really into sports anyway so it's not as if he'd offer much. Maybe he should just put his foot down and tell her he wasn't going. Or he could just go. What's the worst that could happen?

And yet for some unexplainable reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that he'd already done this a million times before with each of them ending up or resulting in some kind of disaster. He shook his head. Maybe hearing so much about alternate universes was starting to get to him. Why even worry about it now? Her game was still a ways away. He decided to push all of this out of his head for now as he got out of bed and made his way to the door.

Only for the door to slam open into his face as an eager Lynn ran in. "You ready, Stinkoln? It's go time! WOO!" She hollered before running back out. Lincoln rubbed his sore nose as he pushed the door out of his face. He forgot that tonight was game night. Which would be a fun event were it not for Lynn. "Yo, twins! Hope you read the menu, 'cause you're about to get served!" Lincoln heard Lynn yell into the twins' room. It's not that he hated games or even really minded Lynn winning all the time. It's just that she wasn't exactly a 'good winner'.


After the last game night they had, Lynn was standing on the table, doing a victory dance while the rest of her siblings were giving her annoyed looks. "Oh yeah, baby! I win! Lynn-er, Lynn-er, chicken dinner!"

"I thought we were having salmon?" A confused Leni asked.


After another game, Lynn cheered upon winning again. "YES! I WIN! HA!" She then flipped over the board, creating a mess. "Losers clean up!" She said before leaving as all of her siblings glared at her.


Lincoln could even recall one time where she waited until everyone fell asleep before writing 'loser' on everyone's foreheads. Needless to say, Lynn was obsessed with shoving her victories in everyone's faces, going on about how much better she was than them. Another reason he didn't exactly enjoy playing with her. Not any more at least.


Apart from Lynn, all of the siblings were sat in the dining room, waiting for Lynn to join them. Already, all of them were dreading how Lynn was going to act this time. Soon, Lynn joined them, taking a seat next to Lincoln. "Hey, I was just wondering. Do you guys know any good therapists?"

"Well, Clyde recommends-"

"To help you deal with your loss tonight?" Lynn taunted, interrupting Lincoln. "BURN!"

Everyone else sighed in exasperation. Lori then got up and walked over to the shelf where all the board games and cards were. "Ok guys, what'll it be tonight?"

"Go-go fishy!" Lily babbled.

Lori smiled as she picked up the cards. "Good choice, Lily. Go Fish it is."


"Lynn, do you possess any sevens?" Lisa asked.

"Hope you've got gas in your boat."

"Pardon? I have no aquatic vehicles."

"'Cause you're going fishing!" Lynn taunted. Lisa narrowed her eyes at Lynn before picking up another card. "Lori, you seemed pretty interested in deuces last round. Got any?" Lori sighed before giving Lynn her two. Lynn then slammed her cards onto the table. "Boom! Welcome to Losertown! Population: you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you!" She said as she pointed to each of her siblings.

"Well, now that that's over with." An irritated Lincoln said before he and the rest of his sisters proceeded to get up.

"Wait-wait-wait, hold on." Lynn said, waving her hands to stop them. "Tonight's special. It's my..." She got out a button and pressed it, causing a banner to come down from the ceiling with the words '300th Win!' on it along with a drawing of Lynn's grinning face underneath the words 'In your face!'. "300th win in a row!"

Lincoln stared at Lynn in disbelief. "You've been counting all of these?"

"I am unbeaten by you chumps!" Lynn bragged as she got out a bazooka and fired confetti at them before running off. "WOO!"

Luna coughed due to a bit of confetti going down her throat before realising something about the confetti. "Dudes, this confetti's made from our homework! Bogus!"

Lola sighed. "I can't take this anymore. She is so obnoxious."

"If only we could beat her just once, maybe she'd stop gloating." Lincoln pondered.

"How are we gonna do that when she's better at every game on the shelf?" Lori asked.

Lincoln stroked his chin before smirking. "Better than us maybe. But could she beat Grandpa Rick?"


Rick had his hands on his hips as he faced all of the siblings apart from Lynn and Lisa in his garage. "Let me get this straight. You want me to try and beat Lynn at a board game?"

Lincoln clasped his hands together. "Please Grandpa Rick! Every time she wins, she always has to rub it in our faces. If she lost for once, maybe she'd stop."

Rick stroked his chin. "So, you want me to give her a piece of humble pie, huh?" Rick had to admit, even hearing Lynn shouting about winning from the garage was irritating enough. "Alright, I'm in."

Lincoln pumped his fists. "Yes!"

Lisa then came into the garage, carrying a board game with her. "Just to guarantee Grandpa Rick's victory, I suggest we play this." She showed everyone the cover which had art of some anthropomorphic cats working on a farm. "Behold! The Settlers of Cat-Land! The objective is to build as many cat structures as possible." She smirked. "But here's the kicker: one cannot do so without forming alliances. Ergo, if we freeze out Lynn, she is bound to go down in proverbial flames."


Upon being invited to another game, Lynn blinked in surprise upon noticing Rick at the table. "Wait, Grandpa Rick's playing?"

Rick smirked. "Yeah. Heard you talking a big game. Sounded like someone needed to be humbled."

Lynn scoffed. "Uh, you know I've never lost a game, right? What makes you think you can beat me?"

"Uh, because I'm me." Rick bragged. "Hope you're ready because you're about to get fucking destroyed."


As the game went on, the siblings plan turned out to be a success as Lynn found herself in dead last. "What-de-eh...Seriously?!" She stammered. "No one has a yarn ball to trade me for some catnip?"

The siblings all mumbled out excuses for not giving her any while Rick just said. "Nope."

Lynn groaned loudly in frustration. "I can't build squat!" She slumped onto the table. "This game bites it! HARD!"

The cat timer then started to meow and ring, signalling the end of the game. A satisfied Lisa turned it off. "Well, I see our time is up." She checked the score on her notepad. "The winner is Grandpa Rick with a ten-way tie for second, and Lynn in a distant third."

"Oh ho!" Rick cheered. "In yo face, Lynn!"

Lynn then got up and got into Lisa's face, screaming. "COUNT IT AGAIN!" She was now shaking with rage.

Lisa gave her a smug look. "Lynn, I do not make errors."

The siblings all cheered as they and Rick all got up and left the room, leaving behind a flabbergasted Lynn. "Well, that ought to stop Lynn's competitive behaviour." Lisa remarked.

"And all of her gloating." Lincoln added.


The next day, Lincoln opened the fridge, got out a carton of milk and started to drink from it. He turned around to see Lynn standing behind him, with her own carton of milk. "I can chug faster than you!" She chugged down the milk before belching into Lincoln's face and smashing the carton on her forehead, splattering milk everywhere. "I win! In ya face, Milk-coln! WOO!" She said rapidly before running off.


Leni was making her way up the stairs before she heard Lynn shout. "Race you to the top!"

Lynn then charged up the stairs, shoving Leni against the wall on the way. "Ow!"

"WOO-HOO!" Lynn cheered upon making it to the top. "I win! Ho ho, you went down hard!"

Leni still tried to walk despite now facing the wall. "I thought I was going up."


As Lily was playing with some blocks, making a little tower, she then noticed Lynn had built her own tower with them. "Yes! I win. I stacked more blocks than you." Lynn then started doing a victory dance. She twerked onto Lily's blocks, causing them to fall on her as Lynn danced her way out of Lily's room. "Uh-huh! Uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh!" Lily stuck her head out of the pile of blocks and blew a raspberry at her.


Lisa was mixing some chemicals together, not noticing that Lynn was also mixing some chemicals next to her until they blew up in her face. "BOOM! I win! Made an explosion first." Lynn bragged before running out the room.

"I wasn't trying to make an explosion!" Lisa shouted after her before her own chemicals exploded. "Dang it."


"I can wash faster than you." Lynn bragged to Lucy before she started washing the dishes rapidly.


Lola was brushing her teeth before Lynn came up to her, holding four toothbrushes. "I can brush faster than you!" She then brushed her teeth insanely quick before spitting and showing off her pearly whites. Lola then fainted upon seeing Lynn's gums start to bleed profusely.


"I CAN GO TO SLEEP THE FASTEST!" Lynn shouted as everyone was trying to go to sleep, causing all of the siblings to groan. "I CAN ALSO SNORE THE LOUDEST!" She then started to snore obnoxiously loud, causing the siblings to groan again.

"LYNN, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rick shouted from downstairs.


The next morning, everyone was greeted to the sound of Lynn shouting. "Woo! I was up first!"


"Ha, ha! Lori, I totally ate more bacon than you. Loser!" Lynn bragged from the dining room. A frustrated Lori then stepped into the living room with everyone else. "I can't take much more of this!"

"You and me both." Rick said as he stepped into the living room. "Come on Lincoln, lets go. This looks like as good a time as any to go on an adventure."

"Wait!" Lori yelled. "Please just take Lynn with you! Literally none of us can stand being around her right now."

Rick raised an eyebrow at her. "What, so you wanna make her my problem now?"

Lori clasped her hands. "Please! I'll literally do any favour you want if you could just get her out of our hair."

Rick rolled his eyes. "Fine, but I'll hold you to that."


A portal opened up in a desert before Lynn jumped out of it. "WOO-HOO! I win! I went through the portal first!"

Lincoln sighed as he and Rick followed behind her. "So, Lincoln and Lynn huh? That's uh...that's a combo we haven't seen too often." Rick remarked.

Lincoln realised Rick was right about that. He rarely went on adventures with Lynn alone and the very few times they did, nothing major really happened. Of course, Lynn wasn't exactly interested in going on adventures anyway though if he was honest, he also tended to avoid going on adventures with Lynn.

He soon found himself thinking about his relationship with Lynn. Over the past year, despite how dangerous Rick's adventures were, he found himself growing closer with each of his sisters because of them. All of them except for Lynn. Lynn was the only one he'd grown more distant from over the years. They used to be a lot closer though. Especially back when they were living in the same room. He smiled as he remembered the good times they had, often playing together. However, once Lincoln got his own room and Lucy moved into hers, that's when they slowly started to drift apart. Lincoln just chalked it up to differing interests. He was interested in comic books and video games while she was more interested in sports. They were still on friendly terms but then, middle school happened and something inside of Lynn changed. While she was always interested in sports, she started to become more competitive. More aggressive. More egotistical and completely obsessed with winning. That's when everything changed. The time Lynn stayed in Lincoln's room due to her spat with Lucy was a big reminder of how much things had changed between them. Lincoln could also probably guess why she had changed as he remembered the time he and Clyde had middle school orientation and had Lynn assigned as a buddy a while back.


"So remember." Lynn recounted as she guided Lincoln and Clyde around Royal Woods Middle School. "Rule number one: Don't act like a total noob. Rule number two: Don't get stuck with a crummy desk and rule number three: Never own up to making a mistake. You guys need to look tough. Middle school is a jungle. If you walk in here looking like a couple of weak chumps, you'll get eaten alive."

Lincoln shared an unsure glance with Clyde. Throughout the morning, Lynn had been telling them tales about a sixth grader who got sent on a wild goose chase after asking for directions, got literally stuck in the worst desk in class and got made fun of after owning up to farting in class. While it definitely made Lincoln nervous, he couldn't help but feel like some of these rules would make Lincoln come off as a jerk. "Are you sure this is how we should be acting?"

Lynn gave Lincoln a serious look. "Positive. Like I said, you don't wanna end up like m-" She cleared her throat. "You don't want to end up like that sixth grader, do you?" Lincoln and Clyde shook their heads. Lynn gave a satisfied nod. "Just remember. Never. Show. Weakness."

As that day continued on, Lincoln had only one thought in his head. Was that sixth grader that got bullied Lynn?


It turned out that Rick had brought Lincoln and Lynn to a post-apocalyptic version of Earth as Lincoln suddenly found himself in a situation that looked just like a scene from Mad Max: Fury Road. Rick was driving a rusted, turquoise buggy through the desert, getting chased by a gang of post-apocalyptic scavengers known as the Death Stalkers, all driving their own post-apocalyptic war chariots. The leader of the Death Stalkers was a monstrous looking man who heavily resembled the villain from Mad Max: Fury Road. Lynn was sat in the back of the buggy while Lincoln was stood up, trying to fire at them with a shotgun. "Lincoln, shoot the mohawk guy!" Rick shouted.

"They all have mohawks!" Lincoln shouted back.

"High fade, chartreuse with cyan highlights, layered on top. Shoot him!"

Lynn then stood up and snatched the shotgun away from Lincoln. "I can shoot better than you!" She first aimed at the mohawk guy closest to them. She fired and managed to land a headshot on him, causing his car to veer off to the side before crashing.

Lynn then noticed the leader of the Death Stalkers getting closer as he stood up and pointed towards her. "Your blood will be my lotion." Lynn ignored that remark as she aimed the gun at the front wheel of his three-wheeled car and fired. This caused it to flip over and crash before exploding, killing the Death Stalkers' leader. This distracted the rest of the Death Stalkers enough for Rick to gain some distance from them.

"YES! WOO-HOO!" Lynn cheered before doing a victory dance. "Lynn-er, Lynn-er, chicken dinner!"

"Holy shit, Lynn for the win!" Rick praised. A radar that Rick had with him then went off. "Here we go." Rick then stopped the buggy next to crater as the three of them got out. "Isotope 322." Rick started as he got out a pair of tweezers and picked up a glowing, green shard from the crater before putting it in a container. "This stuff's so powerful, kids, it makes Isotope 465 look like Isotope 317."

Lincoln's eyes widened after he glanced behind him. "Uh, Grandpa Rick, I don't think we got enough distance from them."

The rest of the Death Stalkers drove up to the three before getting out of their cars and approaching them. At the front of the group was a large, powerful, muscular man, wearing a rusty bucket-shaped helmet over his head, with a thin, arching crevice for vision. White paint, depicting what looked similar to a skull, covered the front of his helmet. He also wore a steel glove over his right arm though he wasn't wearing much else. Rick got out his laser gun. "Hands and little shoulder-mounted dudes where I can see them!"

"I am Hemorrhage." The man greeted. "You have removed weak blood from us and made us stronger. We can combine our strength and feast on the weak together."

Rick stared at Hemorrhage in confusion. "Wh-Wh-What in the hell are you saying?"

"I think they want us to join them." Lynn guessed. She then gave a cocky smirk. "I mean, can't exactly blame them."

Rick then noticed a glowing, green rock, connecting to a small hill that was on top of one of the cars. "Oh, whoa. Uh, uh, what's, uh-what's that little bauble you got back there?" He asked, pointing towards it. "Th-Th-That's interesting."

"That is our glowing rock." Hemorrhage explained, gesturing towards it. "We carry it with us for desecration, to remind us there are no Gods."

Rick bit his lip as he pointed his radar at the rock, which then started to beep heavily. He then turned to Lincoln and Lynn. "Kids, weird pitch: let's have this be our new life. Let's be post-apocalyptic scavengers!"

"What?!" Lincoln exclaimed.


Rick, Lincoln and Lynn returned with the Death Stalkers back to their campsite filled with poorly made tents, barrels of toxic waste and skulls on pikes with various things being painted over with spray paint. The scavengers there were simply doing whatever they pleased, whether that be sleeping around, fighting or even spraying paint into their own faces. Lincoln could also swear he could hear heavy metal music playing from somewhere as the three of them stood in line for lunch. "Uh, why are we still here?" Lincoln asked.

"I'll explain in a minute, Lincoln, just wanna try out what they got here." Rick explained.

Lincoln noticed Lynn jogging in place, looking like she was waiting for something to happen or something to do. "You know, this doesn't seem like the safest place to stay."

"Relax, Lincoln. This world may be rough around the edges, but it's got its charms." Rick said before it was his turn in line.

"Bicep or quadricep?" The lunch server asked.

"Uh..." Rick cleared his throat. "Bicep." The lunch server then placed a piece of bicep onto Rick's plate. Rick then took a small piece off of it, observed it, then put it in his mouth, chewing on it slowly.

Lynn then pushed Rick aside, causing him to spit out the piece. "I can eat this faster than you!" She bragged before taking a big bite out of the bicep.

"Lynn, you know that's human meat, right?" Rick asked. Lynn's face went green for a moment before she barfed onto the ground. She then took some shallow breaths. "Wow, Lynn. Really showing everyone who the alpha is around here, aren't you?" Rick snarked, causing Lynn to growl in anger.

After Lynn had recovered, Rick brought her and Lincoln over to the glowing, green rock, which had some Death Stalkers happily gathered around it. "You see that green rock, kids? It's about twenty pounds of the stuff I was getting all hard for a flake of. If I can steal that, we'd never have to go out for another Mega seed ever again. We'd have unlimited energy."

"So all we need to do is steal it then?" Lincoln asked. He then started to look guilty. "Is that right though? If they knew what it did, these guys here would probably need it more than us."

Rick rolled his eyes. "It's a post-apocalyptic version of Earth, Lincoln, I'm pretty sure it's already too late for these guys. Anyway, we can't steal it now. There's too much heat on the bogey. We're gonna need a distraction." Rick looked around before noticing some kind of arena underneath a wooden dome. "Hey, you guys ever use that Thunderdome, or do you just put it up for decoration?" He shouted towards the Death Stalkers, getting their attention.

"Uh, you mean the Blood Dome?" One of the Death Stalkers asked.

"Save it for the Semantics Dome, E.B. White." Rick snarked. "The important question is, who wants to take a poke at this guy?!" He asked, pointing towards himself. The Death Stalkers cheered in response, ready for a fight. "I guess I'll see your asses in that dome!"

Lincoln and Lynn both gave Rick confused looks. "Grandpa Rick, what are you doing?" Lincoln asked.

"Slight change of plan." Rick said as he grabbed Lincoln and Lynn's wrists and took them behind a truck with the word 'Meat' painted on it. Inside the truck was a bunch of disembodied, human arms, hanging from hooks. "Ok, instead of either of you being distractions, I'm gonna be the distraction. While I'm fighting in that arena, you two will go steal that rock." Rick then got out a device. "This device extracts and redistributes muscle memory." He stuck the syringe part of the device into a dangling, muscular arm and pulled out some red liquid from it as the arm shrunk. "I'm gonna give my body a ten-year course in wasteland combat one limb at a time. You know, honestly, I'd have preferred to just let you guys go in there but, uh, recent events have made me consider trying to keep life-threatening situations to a minimum and to be honest, I don't really trust either of you to go in there without getting yourselves hurt."

Lynn gave Rick an annoyed look. "Are you saying you could do better in there than me?"

Rick raised an eyebrow at Lynn. "Uh, yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. You do realise this isn't just another sports team from another school right? These guys will literally attempt to kill you."

Lincoln gave Lynn a worried look. "Lynn, I think it would probably be a good idea if we just let Grandpa Rick do this."

Lynn scoffed. "As if a geeky old man could do a better job than me."

Rick was started to get irritated. "Are-Are you serious? You're actually challenging me? Me?"

"Yeah." Lynn said confidently. "In fact, I know I could do better in there than you."

"Yeah, well, tough titties-hey!" Lynn then quickly snatched the device from Rick before injecting it into her own left arm. "What the fuck, Lynn!"

Lynn's arm then started to swell up, ripping off her sleeve. "Whoa." She flexed her fingers before suddenly punching Rick in the face, sending him flying back onto the floor.

"Lynn!" Lincoln shouted.

"I-I-I didn't do that!" Lynn yelled, a look of panic on her face.

Rick sat up, wiping away some blood from his nose. "Okay, this is exciting. We're making some discoveries about muscle memory."

Lynn's arm, now with a mind of its own, started to drag Lynn away. "Ah! Stop!"

"Lynn!" Lincoln shouted, following after her.

Lynn's arm dragged her all the way to the Blood Dome, forcing Lynn to jump in as her arm crushed one of the Death Stalkers' head. "And so it begins, my pretties!" The announcer shouted through his microphone.

"H-Hey, wait!" Lynn stammered before her arm grabbed the other Death Stalker's throat, choking him out. The arm then threw the mutant-looking man towards the ground before continuously punching his face in. As Lynn watched the man get beaten to death, her facial expression slowly changed as a manic grin started spread over her face. By the time the man's head was a bloody pulp, she realised she had regained some control over her arm. "WOO-HOO! I WIN!" Lynn cheered before doing a victory dance. "Lynn-er, Lynn-er, chicken dinner!" The crowd around the Blood Dome cheered for her, apart from Lincoln, who could only watch in horror.


"Woo! What a rush!" Lynn exclaimed as she stretched arms, now taking a break. She had never felt this kind of excitement from playing any of her sports.

Lincoln had no idea what to say to her. He just watched his sister beat a man to death and enjoy it. Sure, he and his sisters had been forced to kill before though it was only either because they were completely evil like Poncho or Fart or out of self-defence. This...this was just extremely messed up.

Both of them then noticed Rick approach them. "Oh, hey Rick, did you get that green rock you were blabbing on about?" Lynn asked casually.

Rick scowled at her. "No, I was busy trying to recover after you punched me in the fucking face!"

Lynn shrugged, unconcerned with her grandpa. "What, you can't take one punch? Geez, don't know how you would have survived in there if that's all it takes to put you down. Wimp."

Rick's scowl deepened. "Lynn...I swear to God..."

"So what now?" Lincoln asked, trying to diffuse the ensuing argument.

"Well, Lincoln, since I still don't have that rock, we're just gonna have to try this again. Lynn, you'll go back in there while I steal the rock."

"No problem." Lynn said confidently.

Lincoln gave Rick a concerned look. "Rick, is this really a good idea? This seems really messed up."

Rick shrugged. "Hey, I tried to play things safe and I got punched in the face for it. If Lynn wants to go out there and act like she's God's gift to the world then let her. D-Don't worry about feeling guilty, Lincoln. These people live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. If they wanna throw their lives away on death matches then why feel guilty about giving them what they want? Can't be much worse than actually trying to live here."

Lynn put her normal arm around Lincoln. "Don't sweat it, Stinkoln. You know I never lose." Despite what Rick and Lynn said, Lincoln couldn't help but feel like this was going to end in disaster.


After doing some good luck rituals, (which for some reason, involved her doing a cossack dance) Lynn stepped back into the Blood Dome, showing off and doing some taunts for the cheering crowd. Her opponent was a disfigured man who had a rusted sword for a hand. The two then engaged in what seemed like one-sided battle as Lynn's fist quickly went to work on him. As Lincoln begrudgingly watched the battle, he then blinked in surprise as he realised Rick had come up next to him. "Grandpa Rick? What are you doing here?"

"You may have been right, Lincoln." Rick admitted. "This might've been a bad idea. I-I just wanted to make sure Lynn knew what she was doing because if anything happens to her, I know Lori's going to attempt to kill me."


"I mean, let's be honest, Lincoln. There's no way she'd ever be able to actually do it."

As Lynn fought on, she suddenly noticed Rick in the corner of her eye and glanced towards him. "What was he doing here?" She thought to herself.

"LYNN! LOOK OUT!" Lincoln shouted.

Lynn turned back around to see the Death Stalker swinging his sword arm towards her. Thinking quick, Lynn jumped backwards in an attempt to dodge it.

Unfortunately for Lynn, she wasn't quite fast enough as the tip of his sword had managed to just reach her right eye.

For Lincoln, it was as if time had frozen for a moment before Lynn's bloodcurdling scream ran out throughout the whole Death Stalker campsite. It was certainly a sound he wouldn't be forgetting any time soon as he simply stared at Lynn in horror.

"Oh God! Oh fuck! SHIT! FUCK!" Rick panicked as he grasped at his hair, equally as horrified as Lincoln was.

Seemingly realising the state Lynn was in, her arm took full control again, grabbing and twisting the man's sword arm off before using it to slice off his head. After that, Lynn finally went unconscious from the pain.


When Lynn finally regained consciousness, she found herself unable to open her right eye. She could only feel a numb pain from where it once was. She opened her left eye to see that she was in some kind of tent. She then soon realised that she had an eye gauze patch over her right eye and was lying on a piece of fabric. After letting out a groan, she then saw a concerned Lincoln, looking down at her. "Lynn! Are you okay?!"

She then saw Rick enter her vision with a nervous smile on his face. "Lynn! Oh thank God! Ok, I know things are looking kinda bad-uh, no pun intended, but y-you don't have to worry about a thing! I can give you a new eye, Lynn! It'll-It'll be even better than the one you had. We'll go home after we figure out what the deal is with your arm, I'll get you that eye and w-w-we can forget this all ever happened."

Lynn then jolted upwards. There was a look of fear in her eye as she scrambled away from Rick, trying to create as much distance from him as possible. "Stay back! Don't come any closer!"

Upon seeing seeing Lynn's reaction, Rick couldn't help himself from looking distraught. "God, I know, I know. I fucked up! I'm a fucking piece of shit that fucked up. But I swear everything'll be-"

Lynn pointed an accusatory finger towards Rick. "You're bad luck!"

Rick's look of distraught turned into one of confusion. "Uh...what?"

"You heard me!" Lynn snapped, starting to get frantic. "I never lost game night until you got involved and I was doing fine in that fight until you showed up! I'D STILL HAVE MY EYE IF IT WASN'T FOR YOUR BAD LUCK!"

Rick stared at her with a mix of bewilderment and disbelief. He then pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Lynn, there's no such thing as luck. The only reason people believe in it is because they want to justify unfortunate things happening in their lives when really, it's just happenstance." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Or they do it because they don't want to acknowledge their own shortcomings because it's easier to just blame bad luck."

Lynn gave Rick an intense stare, one that actually made him flinch. "Are you calling me a loser?"

"I mean...haven't you ever heard the phrase 'luck is for losers'?

"SHUT UP!" Lynn barked before getting up and running out of the tent.

"Lynn!" Lincoln called out after her.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Rick shouted.

After running outside, she paused upon seeing an armoured man with two horns coming out of his helmet. Her arm then pointed towards him. "What?" The man asked before narrowing his eyes at Lynn's arm. "Wait a minute..." His eyes then widened in fear. "It can't be. It can't be!" He then started to run away as Lynn's arm forced her to chase after him. "I was just following orders! I was just following orders!" The man pleaded as he kept running. "I'll tell you where my boss lives! He's in the castle! He's in the castle!" Lynn managed to catch up to him and punched him down before grabbing a torch and throwing it onto him. As Lynn watched him burn to death, she suddenly found herself going dizzy before passing out again.


In Lynn's dream, she saw Armothy's (which was apparently his actual name) memories from his perspective as he was chopping some wood in his quaint, peaceful village. He then stopped upon hearing a woman scream before looking up to find houses burning and men riding in on horses, firing arrows at the villagers.

She then saw Armothy's final moments as he laid on the ground, with the entire village engulfed in flames. The man that she had just killed then approached him with a sadistic smile on his face. "What's the matter, you piece of crap? Haven't you ever watched your family burn to death before?" The man got out a whip. "Now I'm gonna whip you. Ha!"


When Lynn next awoke, it was the middle of the night as she spotted Lincoln and Rick nearby, sleeping on some rags. She glared at Rick before getting up and going outside. She then looked at her arm. "If I help you get revenge against the people that burned down your village, does that mean you're gonna go away?" Her hand made what looked like a nodding motion. She sighed, wishing that Lucy was here since she'd know more about this stuff than her. Lynn decided this was for the best. After what just happened to her, she wasn't exactly eager to have another death match any time soon. Or ever again. Even if a part of her felt like things would've been fine were it not for Rick, she couldn't take a risk like that again.


After asking for some directions, the castle wasn't too far away from the campsite as Lynn soon found herself scaling it. After making it to the top, she was noticed by two soldiers wielding swords who charged towards her. Lynn knocked the sword out of one of the soldiers hands and flip-kicked his head, causing him to fall over. She then grabbed the other soldier's sword and used it to stab the first soldier before throwing the second soldier off the castle.

The slaveowner that ordered the death of Armothy's village was currently sitting in a bathtub, being washed by two blonde boys. The scrawny, blonde man sneered at them. "Graze my genitals again, taint washer, and you'll be shipped to the wasteland. And as for you, genital washer-"

He was then interrupted by Lynn bursting through the window. The two boys ran away as two soldiers charged at Lynn before she grabbed one of their swords and quickly sliced both of their heads off. Lynn then approached the slaveowner as Armothy cracked his knuckles. The slaveowner cowered in fear. "Oh, God. Look, whoever you are, you should know that killing me won't change a thing." Lynn said nothing, simply glaring at the man. "Please. Slavery was a family business. I didn't ask to be born into it. If anything, I'm the victim here!"

Armothy had had enough listening to the man as he grabbed his throat and dunked his head underwater, both choking him and drowning him. Lynn couldn't help but feel extremely uncomfortable as she watched him slowly die. Eventually, the slaveowner stopped squirming as he closed his eyes, appearing to be dead. Lynn then go of the man as her arm then reverted back to its normal state.

Suddenly, a portal appeared in the room as Rick stepped out of it. "Jesus, Lynn, there you are."

Lynn gave Rick a surprised look. "Rick? How did you know where I was?"

"Uh, there aren't exactly many castles around on this version of Earth, you know."

Lynn frowned. "Yeah, well, stay away from me! Your bad luck has caused enough problems."

Rick groaned in annoyance. "You're still harping on about luck? I already told you Lynn, it's not real. It's just your imagination." And your massive ego Rick thought but didn't say out loud.

After he said that, the slaveowner then started gasping for air, not quite dead yet. Rick glanced between him and Lynn before getting out his laser gun and firing at the slaveowner's head. "That was just a coincidence." He got out his portal gun and fired another portal. Now come on, let's wrap this up." Lynn begrudgingly followed after him.


The next morning, Rick held the glowing green rock and placed a lightbulb on top of it, causing it to light up. He was currently showing this off to Hemorrhage and the rest of the Death Stalkers. "You see this? This is a really special thing. I mean, you could use it to power all your vehicles. You wouldn't be reliant on gasoline. You'll be the most advanced tribe of radioactive cannibals in the whole-this version of the world." He handed the rock back to Hemorrhage before turning to Lincoln. "Happy now, Lincoln? At least we achieved something while we were here." Lincoln gave a satisfied nod before going over to Lynn.

"Wait. Can you stay to show us more?" Hemorrhage asked.

"Uh, my granddaughter's currently missing an eye. You're gonna have to figure that out by yourselves." Rick answered curtly.

Lincoln walked over to Lynn, who appeared to be deep in thought. "Are you okay, Lynn?"

Lynn was thinking about everything that happened over the past couple days. A part of her couldn't help but be ashamed and disgusted at herself. Both for how she acted after losing that board game and what she did in the Blood Dome.

And yet another part of her told her that none of this was her fault. That it was Rick's fault. She wouldn't have lost that board game if it weren't for Rick. She wouldn't have gone on this adventure if it weren't for Rick. She wouldn't have lost her eye if it weren't for Rick. The Galactic Federation wouldn't have taken over the Earth if it weren't for Rick. Birdperson's wedding wouldn't have ended in disaster if it weren't for Rick. She and her family wouldn't have had to move to a different universe it it weren't for Rick. Everything bad that happened to her and her family over the past year wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Rick. Everywhere Rick went, bad luck followed.

Lynn realised that she needed to get away from Rick. No matter what.

Rick approached the two before firing a portal. "Alright, kids, let's-hey!" Lynn then suddenly snatched Rick's portal gun before shoving him and Lincoln through the portal.

Both of them fell out of the portal and onto the floor of Rick's garage. Rick turned around to see the portal closing behind them. "Lynn! No!" He got up and quickly tried to go back. He was, unfortunately, too late as the portal closed before he could go through it. "Shit! Shit!" He then scrambled to find one of his spare portal guns. After finding one, he quickly put in the coordinates before firing a portal as he and Lincoln ran through it, arriving back at the Death Stalkers' campsite. Lynn was no where in sight. "Did anyone see where Lynn went!" Rick shouted out to all the Death Stalkers.

"I saw her go through one of those green swirly things." One of the Death Stalkers answered.

Both Rick and Lincoln slumped upon hearing that. Seeing that Lynn wasn't here any more, Rick fired another portal before he and Lincoln stepped back into the garage. "Rick, what are we gonna do?" Lincoln asked, trying not to panic.

Rick was silent for a moment before he spoke. "Ok. Let's look at this rationally for a moment. Lynn has my portal gun. She can go anywhere in the universe. If she finds herself in danger, she can just teleport herself out of there. She also knows all the places in the universe where she can charge it so as long as she's smart, she won't ever get stuck. She also knows how to get home and she can come home any time."

"So you're saying we should just leave her out there until she decides to come home?" Lincoln asked.

"Course not Lincoln! I'm gonna try and find her. You just need to realise that she could literally be anywhere in the universe. It's not exactly gonna be a walk in the park finding her. And unfortunately, Lisa's tracking chips don't go much farther than a planet. Let alone other dimensions. But don't worry. I also have a few other back up plans." One of them being find an alternate version of Lynn and brainwash her into thinking she's a part of this family. He didn't tell Lincoln this though. And hopefully, it wouldn't come to that. "Your sister's clearly going through something so maybe all she needs is some time to think about things before coming back."

"Should we tell everyone else about this?"

"Hell no! You can't seriously expect all of them to act rationally about this, do you? Don't worry, I have a plan."


Rita stared at Rick in disbelief after she and all the other siblings listened to Rick's story. "An intergalactic softball tournament?"

Rick nodded. "Yep. Real prestigious. They really saw something in Lynn. I-I would of asked you guys about it but, uh, it doesn't exactly work like on Earth. It was kind of a now or never kinda deal and Lynn was real insistent on going. She-She wouldn't take no for an answer."

Rita rubbed her temples as she tried to process all of this. "So how long will Lynn be gone then?"

Rick shrugged. "Dunno. Could be days. Weeks. Months. It kinda just depends on how things go."

"Don't we at least get to visit her or call her?"

"Oh, no, no, these guys, they're real strict about this kinda stuff, they don't want any kind of interference. Like I said, things work differently out there. You're not gonna be able to see her until it's over."

Rita sighed. "I really don't approve of this. Is there really nothing that can be done about this?"

Rick shook his head. "Sorry but there's nothing we can do now. There's no getting out once you're in. But hey, look at the bright side! Your daughter could become an intergalactic sports star! She'd be set for life!"

Rita and the siblings all had mixed expressions on their faces, unsure how to feel about something like this happening. Lori in particular was casting Rick a suspicious glare. None of them knew what else to ask so the subject was then dropped. As everyone went back to what they were doing before, all Lincoln could think about was wondering what was going on in Lynn's head right now.